Chapter 4. Vary Real-World Events

Every system, from simple to complex, is subject to unpredictable events and conditions if it runs long enough. Examples include increase in load, hardware malfunction, deployment of faulty software, and the introduction of invalid data (sometimes known as poison data). We don’t have a way to exhaustively enumerate all of the events or conditions we might want to consider, but common ones fall under the following categories:

  • Hardware failures

  • Functional bugs

  • State transmission errors (e.g., inconsistency of states between sender and receiver nodes)

  • Network latency and partition

  • Large fluctuations in input (up or down) and retry storms

  • Resource exhaustion

  • Unusual or unpredictable combinations of interservice communication

  • Byzantine failures (e.g., a node believing it has the most current data when it actually does not)

  • Race conditions

  • Downstream dependencies malfunction

Perhaps most interesting are the combinations of events listed above that cause adverse systemic behaviors.

It is not possible to prevent threats to availability, but it is possible to mitigate them. In deciding which events to induce, estimate the frequency and impact of the events and weigh them against the costs and complexity. At Netflix, we turn off machines because instance termination happens frequently in the wild and the act of turning off a server is cheap and easy. We simulate regional failures even though to do so is costly and complex, because a regional outage has a huge impact on our customers unless we are resilient to it.

Cultural factors are a form of cost. In the datacenter, a culture of robustness, stability, and tightly controlled change is preferred to agility—experimentation with randomized disconnection of servers threatens that culture and its participants may take the suggestion as an affront. With the move to the cloud and externalization of responsibility for hardware, engineering organizations increasingly take hardware failure for granted. This reputation encourages the attitude that failure is something that should be anticipated, which can drive adoption and buy-in. Hardware malfunction is not a common cause of downtime, but it is a relatable one and a relatively easy way to introduce the benefits of Chaos Engineering into an organization.

As with hardware malfunction, some real-world events are amenable to direct injection of an event: increased load per machine, communication latency, network partitions, certificate invalidation, clock skew, data bloat, etc. Other events have technical or cultural barriers to direct inducement, so instead we need to find another way to see how they would impact the production environment. An example is deploying faulty code. Deployment canaries can prevent many simple and obvious software faults from being deployed, but faulty code still gets through. Intentionally deploying faulty code is too risky because it can cause undue customer harm (see: Chapter 7). Instead, a bad deploy can be simulated by injecting failure into calls into a service.

We know that we can simulate a bad deploy through failing calls into a service because the direct effects of bad-code deploys are isolated to the servers that run it. In general, fault isolation can be physical or logical. Isolation is a necessary but not sufficient condition for fault tolerance. An acceptable result can be achieved through some form of redundancy or graceful degradation. If a fault in a subcomponent of a complex system can render the entire system unavailable, then the fault is not isolated. The scope of impact and isolation for a fault is called the failure domain.

Product organizations set expectations for availability and own definitions of SLAs—what must not fail and the fallbacks for things that can. It is the responsibility of the engineering team to discover and verify failure domains to ensure that product requirements are met.

Failure domains also provide a convenient multiplying effect for Chaos Engineering. To return to the prior example, if the simulation of a service’s failure is successful, then it not only demonstrates resiliency to faulty code being deployed to that service but also the service being overwhelmed, misconfigured, accidentally disabled, etc. Additionally, you can inject failures into the system and watch the symptoms occur. If you see the same symptoms in real-life, those can be reverse-engineered to find the failure with certain probability. Experimenting at the level of failure domain is also nice because it prepares you to be resilient to unforeseen causes of failure.

However, we can’t turn our back on injecting root-cause events in favor of failure domains. Each resource forms a failure domain with all of the things that have a hard dependency on it (when the resource becomes unavailable, so will all of its dependents). Injecting root-cause events into the system exposes the failure domains that arise from resource sharing. It is common that teams are surprised by the resources that are shared.

We don’t need to enumerate all of the possible events that can change the system, we just need to inject the frequent and impactful ones as well as understand the resulting failure domains. Engineers in your organization may have architected the system with failure domains in mind. In microservices architecture, one of the most important failure domains is the “service” grouping. Teams that believe their services are not critical end up causing outages because their failure was improperly isolated. So, it is important to experimentally verify the alleged boundaries in your system.

Once again, only induce events that you expect to be able to handle! Induce real-world events, not just failures and latency. While the examples provided have focused on the software part of systems, humans play a vital role in resiliency and availability. Experimenting on the human-controlled pieces of incident response (and their tools!) will also increase availability.

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