Case Study

In this book, we have discussed a litany of principles, walked through almost every aspect of the JavaScript language, and have discussed, at length, what constitutes clean code. This has all been working toward a final destination where we are fully equipped to write beautiful and clean JavaScript code that tackles real and challenging problem domains. The pursuit of clean code, however, is never complete; new challenges will always arise that make us think in new and paradigm-shifting ways about the code we write.

In this chapter, we'll be walking through the process of creating a new piece of functionality in JavaScript. This will involve both client-side and server-side parts, and will force us to apply many of the principles and knowledge we've gathered throughout the book. The specific problem we'll be tackling has been adapted from a real-life project that I was responsible for, and while we won't be going into every nook and cranny of its implementation, we will be covering the most important parts. The completed project is available for you to view on GitHub at the following link:

In this chapter, we're going to cover the following topics:

  • The problem: We'll define and explore the problem
  • The design: We'll design a UX and architecture that solves the problem
  • The implementation: We'll implement our design
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