Chapter 6
Maintaining System Startup and Services

  • Objective 2.4: Given a scenario, manage services

images After your Linux system has traversed the boot process, it enters final system initialization, where it needs to start various services. A service, or daemon, is a program that performs a particular duty. Several services were covered in Chapter 2.

The initialization daemon (init) determines which services are started and in what order. This daemon also allows you to stop and manage the various system services.

The SysV init (SysV), was based on the Unix System V initialization daemon. While it’s not used by many major Linux distributions anymore, you still may find it lurking around that older Linux server at your company.

The systemd initialization method is the new kid on the block. Started around 2010, it is now the most popular system service initialization and management mechanism. This daemon reduces initialization time by starting services in a parallel manner.

Beyond initialization, these daemons are also responsible for managing these services well past boot time. We’ll explore these concepts in this chapter.

Looking at init

Before we start examining the various service management methods, it’s a good idea to take a look at the init program itself. Classically, service startups are handled by the init program. This program can be located in the /etc/, the /bin/, or the /sbin/ directory. Also, it typically has a process ID (PID) of 1.

The init program or systemd is the parent process for every service on a Linux system. If your system has the pstree program installed, you can see a diagram depicting this relationship by typing in pstree -p 1 at the command line.

This information will assist you in determining which system initialization method your current Linux distribution is using, systemd or SysV init. First find the init program’s location, using the which command. An example is shown in Listing 6.1.

Listing 6.1: Finding the init program file location

# which init

Now that you know the init program’s location, using super user privileges, you can utilize the readlink -f command to see if the program is linked to another program, as shown in Listing 6.2.

Listing 6.2: Checking the init program for links

# readlink -f /sbin/init

You can see in Listing 6.2 that this system is actually using systemd. You can verify this, by taking a look at PID 1, as shown in Listing 6.3.

Listing 6.3: Checking PID 1

# ps -p 1
  PID TTY          TIME CMD
    1 ?        00:00:06 systemd

In Listing 6.3, the ps utility is used. This utility allows you to view processes. A process is a running program. The ps command shows you what program is running for a particular process in the CMD column. In this case, the systemd program is running. Thus, this Linux system is using systemd.

Keep in mind that these discovery methods are not foolproof. Also, there are other system initialization methods, such as the now-defunct Upstart. The following brief list shows a few Linux distribution versions that used Upstart:

  • Fedora v9 – v14
  • openSUSE v11.3 – v12.2
  • RHEL v6
  • Ubuntu v6.10 – v15.04

If you are using the distribution versions recommended in Chapter 1, you can know that those distributions are all systemd systems.

Managing systemd Systems

The systemd approach introduced a major paradigm shift in how Linux systems manage services. Services can now be started when the system boots, when a particular hardware component is attached to the system, when certain other services are started, and so on. Some services can be started based upon a timer.

In the following sections, we’ll focus on starting, stopping, and controlling systemd managed services. We’ll walk you through the systemd technique’s structures, commands, and configuration files.

Exploring Unit Files

The easiest way to start exploring systemd is through the systemd units. A unit defines a service, a group of services, or an action. Each unit consists of a name, a type, and a configuration file. There are currently 12 different systemd unit types, as follows:

  • automount
  • device
  • mount
  • path
  • scope
  • service
  • slice
  • snapshot
  • socket
  • swap
  • target
  • timer

The systemctl utility is the main gateway to managing systemd and system services. Its basic syntax is as follows:

systemctl [OPTIONS...] COMMAND [NAME...]

You can use the systemctl utility to provide a list of the various units currently loaded in your Linux system. A snipped example is shown in Listing 6.4.

Listing 6.4: Looking at systemd units

$ systemctl list-units
UNIT                       LOAD   ACTIVE SUB       DESCRIPTION
smartd.service             loaded active running   Self Monitor[...]
sshd.service               loaded active running   OpenSSH serv[...]
sysstat.service            loaded active exited    Resets Syste[...]
[...]            loaded active active    Graphical I[...]

In Listing 6.4 you can see various units as well as additional information. Units are identified by their name and type using the format name.type. System services (daemons) have unit files with the .service extension. Thus, the secure shell (ssh) daemon, sshd, has a unit file name of sshd.service.

images Many displays from the systemctl utility use the less pager by default. Thus, to exit the display, you must press the Q key. If you want to turn off the systemctl utility’s use of the less pager, tack on the ––no-pager option to the command.

Groups of services are started via target unit files. At system startup, the unit is responsible for ensuring that all required and desired services are launched at system initialization. It is set up as a symbolic link to another target unit file, as shown in Listing 6.5 on a CentOS distribution.

Listing 6.5: Looking at the link

$ find / -name 2>/dev/null
$ readlink -f /etc/systemd/system/
$ systemctl get-default

First, in Listing 6.5, the unit’s full file name is located via the find utility. The readlink command is then employed to find the actual target file, which determines what services to start at system boot. In this case, the target unit file is

Also notice in Listing 6.5 that the systemctl command is much easier to use than the other two commands. It is simply systemctl get-default, and it displays the actual target file. Due to the file being located in different directories on the different distros, it is always best to use the systemctl utility. Table 6.1 shows the more commonly used system boot target unit files.

Table 6.1 Commonly used system boot target unit files

Name Description Provides multiple users access to the system via local terminals and/or through the network. Graphical user interface (GUI) access is offered. Provides multiple users access to the system via local terminals and/or through the network. No GUI access is offered. Provides backward compatibility to SysV init systems, where n is set to 1–5 for the desired SysV runlevel equivalence.

In Table 6.1, you’ll notice that systemd provides backward compatibility to the classic SysV init systems. The SysV runlevels will be covered later in this chapter.

images The master systemd configuration file is the /etc/systemd/system.conf file. In this file you will find all the default configuration settings commented out via a hash mark (#). Viewing this file is a quick way to see the current systemd configuration. If you need to modify the configuration, just edit the file. However, it would be wise to peruse the file’s man page first via typing in man systemd-system.conf at the command line.

Focusing on Service Unit Files

Service unit files contain information, such as which environment file to use, when a service must be started, what targets want this service started, and so on. These configuration files are located in different directories.

Keep in mind that a unit configuration file’s directory location is critical, because if a file is found in two different directory locations, one will have precedence over the other. The following list shows the directory locations in ascending priority order:

  1. /etc/systemd/system/
  2. /run/systemd/system/
  3. /usr/lib/systemd/system/

To see the various service unit files available, you can again employ the systemctl utility. However, a slightly different command is needed than when viewing units, as shown in Listing 6.6.

Listing 6.6: Looking at systemd unit files

$ systemctl list-unit-files
UNIT FILE                                     STATE
dev-hugepages.mount                           static
dev-mqueue.mount                              static
proc-fs-nfsd.mount                            static
nfs.service                                   disabled
nfslock.service                               static
ntpd.service                                  disabled
ntpdate.service                               disabled
[...]                           disabled                                static                              static

Besides the unit file’s base name, you can also see a unit file’s state in Listing 6.6. Their states are called enablement states and refer to when the service is started. There are at least 12 different enablement states, but you’ll commonly see these three:

  • enabled: Service starts at system boot.
  • disabled: Service does not start at system boot.
  • static: Service starts if another unit depends on it. Can also be manually started.

To see what directory or directories store a particular systemd unit file(s), use the systemctl utility. An example on a CentOS distribution is shown in Listing 6.7.

Listing 6.7: Finding and displaying a systemd unit file

$ systemctl cat ntpd.service
# /usr/lib/systemd/system/ntpd.service
Description=Network Time Service ntpdate.service sntp.service
ExecStart=/usr/sbin/ntpd -u ntp:ntp $OPTIONS

Notice in Listing 6.7 that the first displayed line shows the ntpd.service unit file’s base name and directory location. The next several lines are the unit configuration file’s contents.

For service unit files, there are three primary configuration sections. They are as follows:

  • [Unit]
  • [Service]
  • [Install]

Within the service unit configuration file’s [Unit] section, there are basic directives. A directive is a setting that modifies a configuration, such as the After setting shown in Listing 6.7. The more commonly used [Unit] section directives are described in Table 6.2

Table 6.2 Commonly used service unit file [Unit] section directives

Directive Description
After Sets this unit to start after the designated units.
Before Sets this unit to start before the designated units.
Description Describes the unit.
Documentation Sets a list of Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs) that point to documentation sources. The URIs can be web locations, particular system files, info pages, and man pages.
Conflicts Sets this unit to not start with the designated units. If any of the designated units start, this unit is not started. (Opposite of Requires.)
Requires Sets this unit to start together with the designated units. If any of the designated units do not start, this unit is not started. (Opposite of Conflicts.)
Wants Sets this unit to start together with the designated units. If any of the designated units do not start, this unit is still started.

images There is a great deal of useful information in the man pages for systemd and unit configuration files. Just type in man -k systemd to find several items you can explore. For example, explore the service type unit file directives and more via the man systemd.service command. You can find information on all the various directives by typing in man systemd.directives at the command line.

The [Service] directives within a unit file set configuration items, which are specific to that service. The more commonly used [Service] section directives are described in Table 6.3.

Table 6.3 Commonly used service unit file [Service] section directives

Directive Description
ExecReload Indicates scripts or commands (and options) to run when unit is reloaded.
ExecStart Indicates scripts or commands (and options) to run when unit is started.
ExecStop Indicates scripts or commands (and options) to run when unit is stopped.
Environment Sets environment variable substitutes, separated by a space.
Environment File Indicates a file that contains environment variable substitutes.
RemainAfterExit Set to either no (default) or yes. If set to yes, the service is left active even when the process started by ExecStart terminates. If set to no, then ExecStop is called when the process started by ExecStart terminates.
Restart Service is restarted when the process started by ExecStart terminates. Ignored if a systemctl restart or systemctl stop command is issued. Set to no (default), on-success, on-failure, on-abnormal, on-watchdog, on-abort, or always.
Type Sets the startup type.

The [Service] Type directive needs a little more explanation than what is given in Table 6.3. This directive can be set to at least six different specifications, of which the most typical are listed here:

  • forking: ExecStart starts a parent process. The parent process creates the service’s main process as a child process and exits.
  • simple: (Default) ExecStart starts the service’s main process.
  • oneshot: ExecStart starts the service’s main process, which is typically a configuration setting or a quick command, and the process exits.
  • idle: ExecStart starts the service’s main process, but it waits until all other start jobs are finished.

images You will only find a unit file [Service] section in a service unit file. This middle section is different for each unit type. For example, in auto mount unit files, you would find an [Automount] section as the middle unit file section.

Another [Service] configuration setting that needs additional explanation is the Environment directive. Linux systems use a feature called environment variables to store information about the shell session and working environment (thus the name environment variable). If you want to ensure that a particular environment variable is set properly for your service, you will want to employ the Environment directive. A snipped example on a CentOS distribution is shown in Listing 6.8.

Listing 6.8: Viewing a service unit file’s Environment directive

$ echo $PATH
$ systemctl ––no-pager cat anaconda.service
# /usr/lib/systemd/system/anaconda.service
Environment=HOME=/root MALLOC_CHECK_=2 MALLOC_PERTURB_=204 PATH=/usr/bin: /bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/mnt/sysimage/bin: [...]
LANG=en_US.UTF-8 [...]

In Listing 6.8, you can see that the PATH environment variable’s contents are displayed. This environment variable is a colon-separated list of directories where the process looks for commands. The anaconda.service unit file uses the Environment directive to set particular environment variables to its own desired environment parameters. These parameters are separated by a space. You can see in Listing 6.8 that one of those parameters set by the Environment directive is PATH.

images Some service type unit files use the EnvironmentFile directive, instead of the Environment directive. This directive points to a file containing environment parameters. If you have the OpenSSH daemon on your Linux system, you can type systemctl cat sshd.service to see an example of using an EnvironmentFile directive in a unit file.

The [Install] directives within a unit file determine what happens to a particular service if it is enabled or disabled. An enabled service is one that starts at system boot. A disabled service is one that does not start at system boot. The more commonly used [Install] section directives are described in Table 6.4.

Table 6.4 Commonly used service unit file [Install] section directives

Directive Description
Alias Sets additional names that can be used to denote the service in systemctl commands.
Also Sets additional units that must be enabled or disabled for this service. Often the additional units are socket type units.
RequiredBy Designates other units that require this service.
WantedBy Designates which target unit manages this service.

Focusing on Target Unit Files

For systemd, you need to understand the service unit files as well as the target unit files. The primary purpose of target unit files is to group together various services to start at system boot time. The default target unit file,, is symbolically linked to the target unit file used at system boot. In Listing 6.9, the default target unit file is located and displayed using the systemctl command.

Listing 6.9: Finding and displaying the systemd target unit file

$ systemctl get-default
$ systemctl cat
# /usr/lib/systemd/system/
Description=Graphical Interface
Conflicts=rescue.service rescue.service display-manager.service

Notice in the Listing 6.9 that the unit file has many of the same directives as a service unit file. These directives were described back in Table 6.2. Of course, these directives apply to a target type unit file instead of a service type unit file. For example, the After directive in the unit file sets this target unit to start after the designated units, such as Target units, similar to service units, have various target dependency chains as well as conflicts.

In Listing 6.9, there is one directive we have not covered yet. The AllowIsolate directive, if set to yes, permits this target file to be used with the systemctl isolate command. This command is covered later in this chapter.


Modifying Systems Configuration Files

Occasionally you may need to change a particular unit configuration file for your Linux system’s requirements or add additional components. However, be careful when doing this task. You should not modify any unit files in the /lib/systemd/system/ or /usr/lib/systemd/system/ directory.

To modify a unit configuration file, copy the file to the /etc/systemd/system/ directory and modify it there. This modified file will take precedence over the original unit file left in the original directory. Also, it will protect the modified unit file from software updates.

If you just have a few additional components, you can extend the configuration. Using super user privileges, create a new subdirectory in the /etc/systemd/system/ directory named service.service-name.d, where service-name is the service’s name. For example, for the OpenSSH daemon, you would create the /etc/systemd/system/service.sshd.d directory. This newly created directory is called a drop-in file directory, because you can drop-in additional configuration files. Create any configuration files with names like description.conf, where description describes the configuration file’s purpose, such as local or script. Add your modified directives to this configuration file.

After making these modifications, there are a few more needed steps. Find and compare any unit file that overrides another unit file by issuing the systemd-delta command. It will display any unit files that are duplicated, extended, redirected, and so on. Review this list. It will help you avoid any unintended consequences from modifying or extending a service unit file.

To have your changes take effect, issue the systemctl daemon-reload command for the service whose unit file you modified or extended. After you accomplish that task, issue the systemctl restart command to start or restart the service. These commands are explained in the next section.

Looking at systemctl

You may have noticed that while there are various commands to manage systemd and system services, it is easier and faster to employ the systemctl utility.

There are several basic systemctl commands available for you to manage system services. One that is often used is the status command. It provides a wealth of information. A couple of snipped examples on a CentOS distro are shown in Listing 6.10.

Listing 6.10: Viewing a service unit’s status via systemctl

$ systemctl status ntpd
• ntpd.service - Network Time Service
   Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/ntpd.service;
 disabled; vendor preset: disabled)
   Active: inactive (dead)
$ systemctl status sshd
• sshd.service - OpenSSH server daemon
   Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/sshd.service;
 enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
   Active: active (running) since Sat 2019-09-07 15:5[...]
     Docs: man:sshd(8)
 Main PID: 1130 (sshd)
    Tasks: 1
   CGroup: /system.slice/sshd.service
           └─1130 /usr/sbin/sshd -D

In Listing 6.10, the first systemctl command shows the status of the ntpd service. Notice the third line in the utility’s output. It states that the service is disabled. The fourth line states that the service is inactive. In essence, this means that the ntpd service is not running (inactive) and is not configured to start at system boot time (disabled). Another item to look at within the ntpd service’s status is the Loaded line. Notice that the unit file’s complete file name and directory location is shown.

The status of the sshd service is also displayed, showing that sshd is running (active) and configured to start at system boot time (enabled).

There are several simple commands you can use with the systemctl utility to manage systemd services and view information regarding them. The more common commands are listed in Table 6.5. These systemctl commands generally use the following syntax:

systemctl COMMAND UNIT-NAME...

Table 6.5 Commonly used systemctl service management commands

Command Description
daemon-reload Load the unit configuration file of the running designated unit(s) to make unit file configuration changes without stopping the service. Note that this is different from the reload command.
disable Mark the designated unit(s) to not be started automatically at system boot time.
enable Mark the designated unit(s) to be started automatically at system boot time.
mask Prevent the designated unit(s) from starting. The service cannot be started using the start command or at system boot. Use the ––now option to immediately stop any running instances as well. Use the ––running option to mask the service only until the next reboot or unmask is used.
restart Stop and immediately restart the designated unit(s). If a designated unit is not already started, this will simply start it.
start Start the designated unit(s).
status Display the designated unit’s current status.
stop Stop the designated unit(s).
reload Load the service configuration file of the running designated unit(s) to make service configuration changes without stopping the service. Note that this is different from the daemon-reload command.
unmask Undo the effects of the mask command on the designated unit(s).

Notice the difference in Table 6.5 between the daemon-reload and reload command. This is an important difference. Use the daemon-reload command if you need to load systemd unit file configuration changes for a running service. Use the reload command to load a service’s modified configuration file. For example, if you modified the ntpd service’s configuration file, /etc/ntp.conf, and wanted the new configuration to take immediate effect, you would issue the command systemctl reload ntpd at the command line.

images Use caution when employing the systemctl mask command on a service. This links the service to the /dev/null (black hole) to prevent any kind of service startup. This has been described as the “third level of off.” You will not be able to start the service manually. Also, the service will not start at boot time if you did not employ the ––running option when you used mask on it. You can re-enable the ability to start the service by using the systemctl unmask command on it.

Besides the commands in Table 6.5, there are some other handy systemctl commands you can use for managing system services. An example on a CentOS distro is shown in Listing 6.11.

Listing 6.11: Determining if a service is running via systemctl

# systemctl stop sshd
# systemctl is-active sshd
# systemctl start sshd
# systemctl is-active sshd

In Listing 6.11, the OpenSSH daemon (sshd) is stopped using systemctl and its stop command. Instead of the status command, the is-active command is used to quickly display that the service is stopped (inactive). The OpenSSH service is started back up and again the is-active command is employed showing that the service is now running (active). Table 6.6 shows these useful service status checking commands.

Table 6.6 Convenient systemctl service status commands

Command Description
is-active Displays active for running services and failed for any service that has reached a failed state.
is-enabled Displays enabled for any service that is configured to start at system boot and disabled for any service that is not configured to start at system boot.
is-failed Displays failed for any service that has reached a failed state and active for running services.

Services can fail for many reasons: for hardware issues, a missing dependency set in the unit configuration file, an incorrect permission setting, and so on. You can employ the systemctl utility’s is-failed command to see if a particular service has failed. An example is shown in Listing 6.12.

Listing 6.12: Determining if a service has failed via systemctl

$ systemctl is-failed NetworkManager-wait-online.service
$ systemctl is-active NetworkManager-wait-online.service

In Listing 6.12, you can see that this particular service has failed. Actually, it was a failure forced by disconnecting the network cable prior to boot, so you could see a service’s failed status. If the service was not in failed state, the is-failed command would show an active status.

Examining Special systemd Commands

The systemctl utility has several commands that go beyond service management. Also, systemd has some special commands. You can manage what targets (groups of services) are started at system boot time, jump between various system states, and even analyze your system’s boot time performance. We’ll look at these various commands in this section.

One special command to explore is the systemctl is-system-running command. An example of this command is shown in Listing 6.13.

Listing 6.13: Determining a system’s operational status

$ systemctl is-system-running

You may think the status returned here is obvious, but it means all is well with your Linux system currently. Table 6.7 shows other useful statuses.

Table 6.7 Operational statuses provided by systemctl is-system-running

Status Description
running System is fully in working order.
degraded System has one or more failed units.
maintenance System is in emergency or recovery mode.
initializing System is starting to boot.
starting System is still booting.
stopping System is starting to shut down.

The maintenance operational status will be covered shortly in this chapter. If you receive degraded status, however, you should review your units to see which ones have failed and take appropriate action. Use the systemctl ––failed command to find the failed unit(s), as shown snipped in Listing 6.14.

Listing 6.14: Finding failed units

$ systemctl is-system-running
$ systemctl ––failed
• rngd.service loaded failed failed Hardware RNG Entropy Gatherer Daemon

Other useful systemctl utility commands deal with obtaining, setting, and jumping the system’s target. They are as follows:

  • get-default
  • set-default
  • isolate

You’ve already seen the systemctl get-default command in action within Listing 6.5. This command displays the system’s default target. As you may have guessed, you can set the system’s default target with super user privileges via the systemctl set-target command.

The isolate command is handy for jumping between system targets. When this command is used along with a target name for an argument, all services and processes not enabled in the listed target are stopped. Any services and processes enabled and not running in the listed target are started. A snipped example is shown in Listing 6.15.

Listing 6.15: Jumping to a different target unit

# systemctl get-default
# systemctl isolate
# systemctl status
   Active: inactive (dead) since Thu 2018-09-13 16:57:00 EDT; 4min 24s ago
     Docs: man:systemd.special(7)

Sep 13 16:54:41 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Reached target Graphical In...
Sep 13 16:54:41 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Starting Graphical Interface.
Sep 13 16:57:00 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Stopped target Graphical In[...]
Sep 13 16:57:00 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Stopping Graphical Interface.

In Listing 6.15, using super user privileges, the systemctl isolate command caused the system to jump from the default system target to the multi-user target. Unfortunately, there is no simple command to show your system’s current target in this case. However, the systemctl status command is useful. If you employ the command and give it the previous target’s name ( in this case), you should see that it is no longer active and thus not the current system target. Notice that a short history of the graphical target’s starts and stops is also shown in the status display.

images The systemctl isolate command can only be used with certain targets. The target’s unit file must have the AllowIsolate=yes directive set.

Two extra special targets are rescue and emergency. These targets, sometimes called modes, are described here:

Rescue Target When you jump your system to the rescue target, the system mounts all the local filesystems, only the root user is allowed to log into the system, networking services are turned off, and only a few other services are started. The systemctl is-system-running command will return the maintenance status. Running disk utilities to fix corrupted disks is a useful task in this particular target.

Emergency Target When your system goes into emergency mode, the system only mounts the root filesystem, and it mounts it as read-only. Similar to rescue mode, it only allows the root user to log into the system, networking services are turned off, and only a few other services are started. The systemctl is-system-running command will return the maintenance status. If your system goes into emergency mode by itself, there are serious problems. This target is used for situations where even rescue mode cannot be reached.

Be aware that if you jump into either rescue or emergency mode, you’ll only be able to log into the root account. Therefore, you need to have the root account password. Also, your screen may go blank for a minute, so don’t panic. An example of jumping into emergency mode is shown in Listing 6.16.

Listing 6.16: Jumping to the emergency target unit

# systemctl isolate emergency
Welcome to emergency mode! After logging in, type "journalctl -xb" to view
system logs, "systemctl reboot" to reboot, "systemctl default" or ^D to
try again to boot into default mode.
Give root password for maintenance
(or type Control-D to continue):
# systemctl is-system-running
# systemctl list-units ––type=target
UNIT              LOAD     ACTIVE  SUB     DESCRIPTION  loaded   active  active  Emergency Mode
# systemctl default

In Listing 6.16, the systemctl command is employed to jump into emergency mode. Notice that you do not have to add the .target extension on the emergency target unit’s file name. This is true with all systemd targets. Once you reach emergency mode, you must enter the root password at the prompt. Once you reach the command line, you can enter commands listed in the welcome display or try some additional systemctl commands.

images Other targets you can jump to include reboot, poweroff, and halt. For example, just type in systemctl isolate reboot to reboot your system.

Notice in Listing 6.16 that when the systemctl is-system-running command is issued, the response is maintenance instead of running. Also, when the list-units command is employed, it shows that the is active. The systemctl default command will cause the system to attempt to jump into the default target.

images If you are using GRUB2 as your bootloader, you can reach a different target via the bootloader menu. Just move your cursor to the menu option that typically boots your system and press the E key to edit it. Scroll down and find the line that starts with the linux16 command. Press the End key to reach the line’s end. Press the spacebar and type in, where target-name is the name of the target you want your system to activate. This is useful for emergency situations.

A handy systemd component is the systemd-analyze utility. With this utility, you can investigate your system’s boot performance and check for potential system initialization problems. Table 6.8 contains the more common commands you can use with the systemd-analyze utility.

Table 6.8 Common systemd-analyze commands

Command Description
blame Displays the amount of time each running unit took to initialize. Units and their times are listed starting from the slowest to the fastest.
time Displays the amount of time system initialization spent for the kernel, and the initial RAM filesystem, as well as the time it took for normal system user space to initialize. (Default)
critical-chain Displays time-critical units in a tree format. Can pass it a unit file argument to focus the information on that particular unit.
dump Displays information concerning all the units. The display format is subject to change without notice, so it should be used only for human viewing.
verify Scans unit files and displays warning messages if any errors are found. Will accept a unit file name as an argument, but follows directory location precedence.

Be aware that some of the longer systemd-analyze displays are piped into the less pager utility. You can turn that feature off by using the ––no-pager option. In Listing 6.17, using super user privileges, a few of these systemd-analyze commands are shown in action.

Listing 6.17: Employing the systemd-analyze utility

# systemd-analyze verify
# systemd-analyze verify sshd.service
# systemd-analyze time
Startup finished in 665ms (kernel) +
3.285s (initrd) + 58.319s (userspace) = 1min 2.269s
# systemd-analyze ––no-pager blame
         30.419s NetworkManager-wait-online.service
          4.848s kdump.service
          4.707s firewalld.service
          4.565s tuned.service
          4.390s libvirtd.service
          4.221s lvm2-monitor.service
           632ms NetworkManager.service
           607ms network.service
             9ms sys-kernel-config.mount

The first command used in Listing 6.17 allows you to check all your system’s unit files for problems. The second one only checks the sshd.service unit file. If you just receive a prompt back from those two commands, it indicates there were no errors found.

The third command in Listing 6.17 provides time information concerning your system’s initialization. Note that you could leave off the time keyword, and the systemd-analyze utility would still display the system initialization time because that is the default utility action.

The last command in Listing 6.17 employs the blame command. This display starts with those units that took the longest to initialize. At the bottom of the list are the units that initialized the fastest. It is a handy guide for troubleshooting initialization problems. Now if only you could use systemd-analyze blame to analyze your friends who are always late.

The systemd initialization approach is flexible and reliable for operating Linux systems and their services. The preceding sections provided an overview of the methods and commands for managing systemd initialized systems.

Managing SysV init Systems

Many server administrators have gone through the process of moving from a SysV init system to a systemd system. Recall that systemd is backward compatible with SysV init, so understanding SysV init is important.

First, if you want to experiment with the original SysV init commands without interference from systemd or the now defunct Upstart, find a Linux distribution that uses the SysV init initialization method. One way to find one is to visit the DistroWatch website and use their search tool at Scroll down to the Search by Distribution Criteria section, and for Init software, select SysV. Any Linux distributions still using SysV init will display in the search results.

To get clean SysV init listings for this book, we used a blast from the Linux distribution past, Fedora 7. To grab an ISO copy of this old distribution, visit

images Using any older and no-longer-supported Linux distribution can open up your system to a whole host of problems. If you do choose to take this risk, minimize your exposure by putting the Linux distribution in a virtualized environment; do not install any network interface cards (NICs) for the virtual machine, and turn off access to the host machine’s filesystem.

The next section should provide you with enough of a SysV init understanding to help in the Linux server migration process to systemd.

Understanding Runlevels

At system boot time, instead of targets to determine what groups of services to start, SysV init uses runlevels. These runlevels are defined in Table 6.9 and Table 6.10. Notice that different distributions use different runlevel definitions.

Table 6.9 Red Hat–based distribution SysV init runlevels

Runlevel Description
0 Shut down the system.
1, s, or S Single user mode used for system maintenance.
2 Multi-user mode without networking services enabled.
3 Multi-user mode with networking services enabled.
4 Custom.
5 Multi-user mode with GUI available.
6 Reboot the system.

Note that runlevels 0 and 6 are not run levels by definition. Instead, they denote a transition from the current system state to the desired state. For example, a running system currently operating at runlevel 5 is transitioned to a powered-off state via runlevel 0.

Table 6.10 Debian-based distribution SysV init runlevels

Runlevel Description
0 Shut down the system.
1 Single user mode used for system maintenance.
2 Multi-user mode with GUI available.
6 Reboot the system.

To determine your system’s current and former runlevel, you employ the runlevel command. The first number or letter displayed indicates the previous runlevel (N indicates that the system is newly booted), and the second number indicates the current runlevel. An example is shown in Listing 6.18 of a newly booted Red Hat–based SysV init system, which is running at runlevel 5.

Listing 6.18: Employing the runlevel command

# runlevel
N 5

Instead of using a default target like systemd, SysV init systems employ a configuration file, /etc/inittab. This file used to start many different services, but in later years it only started terminal services and defined the default runlevel for a system. The file line defining the default runlevel is shown in Listing 6.19.

Listing 6.19: The /etc/inittab file line that sets the default runlevel

# grep :initdefault: /etc/inittab

Within Listing 6.19, notice the number 5 between the id: and the :initdefault: in the /etc/inittab file record. This indicates that the system’s default runlevel is 5. The initdefault is what specifies the runlevel to enter after the system boots.

images Look back at Table 6.1 in this chapter. You’ll see that systemd provides backward compatibility to SysV init via runlevel targets, which can be used as the default target and/or in switching targets via the systemctl isolate command.

Setting the default runlevel is the first step in configuring certain services to start at system initialization. Next, each service must have an initialization script located typically in the /etc/init.d/ directory. Listing 6.20 shows a snipped example of the various scripts in this directory. Note that the -1F options are used on the ls command to display the scripts in a single column and tack on a file indicator code. The * file indicator code denotes that these files are executable programs (Bash shell scripts in this case).

Listing 6.20: Listing script files in the /etc/init.d/ directory

# ls -1F  /etc/init.d/

These initialization scripts are responsible for starting, stopping, restarting, reloading, and displaying the status of various system services. The program that calls these initialization scripts is the rc script, and it can reside in either the /etc/init.d/ or /etc/rc.d/ directory. The rc script runs the scripts in a particular directory. The directory picked depends upon the desired runlevel. Each runlevel has its own subdirectory in the /etc/rc.d/ directory, as shown in Listing 6.21.

Listing 6.21: Runlevel subdirectories in the /etc/rc.d/ directory

# ls /etc/rc.d/
init.d  rc0.d  rc2.d  rc4.d  rc6.d     rc.sysinit
rc      rc1.d  rc3.d  rc5.d  rc.local

Notice in Listing 6.21 that there are seven subdirectories named rcn.d, where n is a number from 0 to 6. The rc script runs the scripts in the rcn.d subdirectory for the desired runlevel. For example, if the desired runlevel is 3, all the scripts in the /etc/rc.d/rc3.d/ directory are run. Listing 6.22 shows a snippet of the scripts in this directory.

Listing 6.22: Files in the /etc/rc.d/rc3.d directory

# ls -1F /etc/rc.d/rc3.d/

Notice in Listing 6.22 that the script names start with either a K or an S, are followed by a number, and then have their service name. The K stands for kill (stop), and the S stands for start. The number indicates the order in which this service should be stopped or started for that runlevel. This is somewhat similar to the After and Before directives in the systemd service type unit files.

The files in the /etc/rc.d/rcn.d/ directories are all symbolic links to the scripts in the /etc/init.d/ directory. Listing 6.23 shows an example of this.

Listing 6.23: Displaying the /etc/rc.d/rc3.d/S55cups link

# readlink -f /etc/rc.d/rc3.d/S55cups

The rc script goes through and runs all the K scripts first, passing a stop argument to each script. It then runs all the S scripts, passing a start argument to each script. This not only ensures that the proper services are started for a particular runlevel, it also allows jumping between runlevels after system initialization and thus stopping and starting certain services for that new runlevel.

images If you need to enact certain commands or run any scripts as soon as system initialization is completed, there is a file for that purpose. The /etc/rc.local script allows you to add additional scripts and or commands. Just keep in mind that this script is not run until all the other SysV init scripts have been executed.

Scripts are central to the SysV init process. To understand SysVinit scripts, be sure to read through Chapter 25 first. That chapter will help you understand Bash shell script basics, which in turn will help you to understand the SysV init script contents.

Investigating SysV init Commands

The various SysV init commands help in starting and stopping services, managing what services are deployed at various runlevels, and jumping between runlevels on an already running Linux system. We cover the various SysV init commands in this section.

Jumping between runlevels is a little different than jumping between systemd targets. It uses the init or telinit utilities to do so. These two utilities are essentially twins and can be interchanged for each other. To jump between runlevels on a SysV init system, the basic syntax is as follows:

init Destination-Runlevel
telinit Destination-Runlevel

Listing 6.24 shows an example of jumping on a SysV init system from the current runlevel 5 to the destination runlevel 3. Note that the runlevel command is employed to show the previous and current runlevels.

Listing 6.24: Jumping from runlevel 5 to runlevel 3

# runlevel
N 5
# init 3
# runlevel
5 3

images Keep in mind you can shut down a SysV init system by entering init 0 or telinit 0 at the command line as long as you have the proper privileges. You can also reboot a SysV init system by typing in init 6 or telinit 6 at the command line.

To view a SysV init managed service’s status and control whether or not it is currently running, use the service utility. This utility has the following basic syntax:


The SCRIPT in the service utility refers to a particular service script within the /etc/init.d/ directory. The service utility executes the script, passing it the designated COMMAND. Service scripts typically have the same name as the service. Also, you only have to provide a script’s base name and not the directory location. As an example, for the NTP service script, /etc/init.d/ntpd, you only need to use the ntpd base name.

Table 6.11 describes the various commonly used items you can employ for the COMMAND portion of the service utility. Keep in mind that if the COMMAND is not handled by the script or handled differently than it’s commonly handled, you’ll get an unexpected result.

Table 6.11 Commonly used service utility commands

Command Description
restart Stop and immediately restart the designated service. Note that if a designated service is not already started, a FAILED status will be generated on the stop attempt, and then the service will be started.
start Start the designated service.
status Display the designated service’s current status.
stop Stop the designated service. Note if a designated service is already stopped, a FAILED status will be generated on the stop attempt.
reload Load the service configuration file of the running designated service. This allows you to make service configuration changes without stopping the service. Note that if you attempt the reload command on a stopped service, a FAILED status will be generated.

It helps to see examples of the service utility in action. Listing 6.25 provides a few for your review.

Listing 6.25: Employing the service utility

# service httpd status
httpd is stopped
# service httpd start
Starting httpd:                        [  OK  ]
# service httpd status
httpd (pid 14124 14123 [...]) is running...
# service httpd stop
Stopping httpd:                        [  OK  ]
# service httpd status
httpd is stopped
# service ––status-all
anacron is stopped
atd (pid 2024) is running...
ypbind is stopped
yum-updatesd (pid 2057) is running...

The last service utility example in Listing 6.25 is worth pointing out. This command allows you to view all the services on your system along with their current status. Keep in mind that this list will scroll by quickly, so it’s a good idea to redirect its STDOUT to the less pager utility so you can view the display more comfortably.

images While some SysV init commands have been modified to work with systemd utilities, others, such as service ––status-all, might produce unpredictable or confusing results. As tempting as it is to hang on to past commands, those habits may cause you problems in the future. It is best to learn native systemd commands and employ them instead.

To configure various services to start at different runlevels, there are two different commands you can use. The one you employ depends upon which distribution you are using. For Red Hat–based distros using SysV init, you’ll want to use the chkconfig utility. For Debian-based Linux distributions using SysV init, the update-rc.d program is the one to use.

The chkconfig utility has several different formats. They allow you to check what runlevels a service will start or not start on. Also, you can enable (start at system boot) or disable (not start at system boot) a particular service for a particular runlevel. Table 6.12 shows and describes these various commonly used chkconfig utility formats.

Table 6.12 Commonly used service utility formats

Command Description
chkconfig service Check if the service is enabled at the current runlevel. If yes, the command returns a true (0). If no, the command returns a false (1).
chkconfig service on Enable the service at the current runlevel.
chkconfig service off Disable the service at the current runlevel.
chkconfig ––add service Enable this service at runlevels 0–6.
chkconfig ––del service Disable this service at runlevels 0–6.
chkconfig ––levels [levels] service on/off Enable (on) or disable (off) this service at runlevels levels, where levels can be any number from 0 through 6.
chkconfig ––list service Display the runlevels and whether or not the service is enabled (on) or disabled (off) for each one.

The first command in Table 6.12 can be a little confusing. Be aware that when the utility checks if the service is enabled at the current runlevel, a true or false is returned in the ? variable. Listing 6.26 shows an example of using this command and displaying the variable results.

Listing 6.26: Using the chkconfig utility to check service status

# runlevel
3 5
# chkconfig ––list sshd
sshd            0:off   1:off   2:on    3:on    4:on    5:on    6:off
# chkconfig sshd
# echo $?
# chkconfig ––list ntpd
ntpd            0:off   1:off   2:off   3:off   4:off   5:off   6:off
# chkconfig ntpd
# echo $?

Notice in Listing 6.26 that the system’s current runlevel is 5. The sshd service is checked using the chkconfig ––list command, and you can see from the display that this service does start on runlevel 5, indicated by the 5:on shown. Therefore, the chkconfig sshd command should return a true. As soon as the command is entered and the prompt is returned, an echo $? command is entered. This displays a 0, which indicates a true was returned. Yes, 0 means true. That is confusing!

For the ntpd service in Listing 6.26, the service is not started at runlevel 5. Therefore, the chkconfig ntpd command returns a false, which is a 1.

To enable services at multiple runlevels, you’ll need to employ the ––level option. For this option, the runlevel numbers are listed one after the other with no delimiter in between. An example is shown in Listing 6.27.

Listing 6.27: Using the chkconfig utility to enable/disable services

# chkconfig ––list ntpd
ntpd            0:off   1:off   2:off   3:off   4:off   5:off   6:off
# chkconfig ––level 35 ntpd on
# chkconfig ––list ntpd
ntpd            0:off   1:off   2:off   3:on    4:off   5:on    6:off
# chkconfig ––level 35 ntpd off
# chkconfig ––list ntpd
ntpd            0:off   1:off   2:off   3:off   4:off   5:off   6:off

If you are using a Debian-based Linux SysV init distribution, instead of the chkconfig utility, you’ll need to employ the update-rc.d utility. It has its own set of options and arguments.

To start a program at the default runlevel, just use the following format:

update-rc.d service defaults

To remove the program from starting at the default runlevel, use the following format:

update-rc.d service remove

If you want to specify what runlevels the program starts and stops in, you’ll need to use the following format:

update-rc.d –f service start 40 2 3 4 5 . stop 80 0 1 6 .

The 40 and 80 specify the relative order within the runlevel when the program should start or stop (from 0 to 99). This allows you to customize exactly when specific programs are started or stopped during the boot sequence.

As you can see, managing the SysV init scripts and their associated runlevels can be tricky. However, if you have to take care of one of these systems, you now understand the tools that can help you.

Digging Deeper into systemd

Though handling storage and various issues such as mounting filesystems are thoroughly covered in Chapter 11, we want to look at systemd’s mount and automount units while systemd is still fresh in your mind. We feel this will help you better retain this important certification information.

Looking at systemd Mount Units

Distributions using systemd have additional options for persistently attaching filesystems. Filesystems can be specified either within the /etc/fstab file or within a mount unit file. A mount unit file provides configuration information for systemd to mount and control designated filesystems.

images On Linux servers using systemd, if you only use the /etc/fstab file, systemd still manages these filesystems. The mount points listed in /etc/fstab are converted into native units when either the server is rebooted or systemd is reloaded. In fact, using /etc/fstab for persistent filesystems is the preferred method over manually creating a mount unit file. For more information on this process, type man systemd-fstab-generator at the command line.

A single mount unit file is created for each mount point, and the file name contains the mount point’s absolute directory reference. However, the absolute directory reference has its preceding forward slash (/) removed, subsequent forward slashes are converted to dashes (-), and any trailing forward slash is removed. Mount unit file names also have a .mount extension. For example, the mount point, /home/temp/, would have a mount unit file named home-temp.mount.

A mount unit file’s contents mimic other systemd unit files, with a few special sections and options. In Listing 6.28, using the /home/temp/ mount point, an example mount unit file is shown.

Listing 6.28: Displaying an example systemd mount unit file

# cat /etc/systemd/system/home-temp.mount
Description=Test Mount Units



Notice that the file has the typical three sections for a unit file, with the middle section, [Mount], containing directives specific to mount type unit files. The What directive can use the device file name or a universally unique identifier (UUID), such as /dev/disk/by-uuid/UUID.

The SloppyOptions directive is helpful in that if set to on, it ignores any mount options not supported by a particular filesystem type. By default, it is set to off. Another helpful directive is the TimeOutSec. If the mount command does not complete by the number of designated seconds, the mount is considered a failed operation.

Be sure to include the [Install] section and set either the WantedBy or the RequiredBy directive to the desired target. If you do not do this, the filesystem will not be mounted upon a server boot.

You can manually mount and unmount the unit using the standard sytemctl utility commands. Listing 6.29 contains an example of deploying the home-temp.mount unit file.

Listing 6.29: Deploying a systemd mount unit file

# systemctl daemon-reload home-temp.mount
# systemctl start home-temp.mount
# ls /home/temp

In Listing 6.29, the first command loads the newly configured mount unit file. The second command has systemd mount the filesystem using the home-temp.mount unit file. The second command is similar to how a service is started in that it uses the start command. While you don’t have to have the home-temp.mount argument and the command will work without it, a) the argument does add clarity/education to the situation being discussed and b) the argument prevents other services from being reloaded, which if other services were restarted could prove problematic.

To ensure that the filesystem is properly mounted, like a service unit, you use the systemctl utility to obtain a mounted filesystem’s status. An example is shown in Listing 6.30.

Listing 6.30: Checking a systemd mount unit’s status

# systemctl status home-temp.mount
• home-temp.mount - Test Mount Units
   Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/home-temp.mount; [...]
   Active: active (mounted) since Sat 2019-09-14 16:34:2[...]
    Where: /home/temp
     What: /dev/sdo1
  Process: 3990 ExecMount=/bin/mount /dev/sdo1 /home/temp[...]

There is one additional step required. To ensure that systemd will mount the filesystem persistently, the mount unit file must be enabled to start at boot, as other systemd units are enabled. An example is shown in Listing 6.31.

Listing 6.31: Enabling a systemd mount unit

# systemctl enable home-temp.mount
Created symlink from
/etc/systemd/system/ to

This should all look very familiar! Keep in mind that you should only use mount unit files if you need to tweak the persistent filesystem configuration. If you do not, it’s best to use a /etc/fstab record to persistently mount the filesystem.

Exploring Automount Units

With systemd, you can also configure on-demand mounting as well as mounting in parallel using automount units. In addition, you can set filesystems to automatically unmount upon lack of activity.

An automount unit file operates similarly to a mount unit file. The naming convention is the same, except that the filename extension is .automount.

Within an automount unit file, for the [Automount] section, only the following three directives are available:

  • Where
  • DirectoryMode
  • TimeOutIdleSec

The Where directive is required. It is configured the exact same way as it is in mount unit files. With this directive, you set the mount point.

The DirectoryMode directive is not a required option. This setting determines the permissions placed on any automatically created mount point and parent directories. By default it is set to the 0755 octal code.

images You can also configure an automount point in the /etc/fstab file. However, keep in mind that if an automount point is configured in the /etc/fstab file and it has a unit file, the unit file configuration will take precedence.

The TimeOutIdleSec directive is also not required. This particular directive allows you to set the maximum amount of time (in seconds) a mounted filesystem can be idle. Once the time limit is reached, the filesystem is unmounted. By default this directive is disabled.


Managing your server’s final system initialization phase is the job of the initialization daemon. This daemon must determine what services to start from the information you provide within the appropriate configuration files. In addition, the daemon can manage services while the system is running.

The classic system initialization daemon, SysV init, is still around, though typically only on older distributions. The popular and modern systemd is heavily used among current Linux distributions. It not only allows faster server boot times, it offers additional services as well, such as automounting filesystems. Often system administrators find themselves migrating from SysV init systems to systemd servers, and thus it is important to understand both system initialization methods.

Exam Essentials

Describe the init program. Either the init program or systemd is the parent process for every service on a Linux system. It typically has a PID of 1. The program is located in the /etc/, the /bin/, or the /sbin/ directory. On systemd servers, this program is a symbolic link to /usr/lib/systemd/systemd.

Summarize systemd unit concepts. A systemd unit defines a service, a group of services, or an action, and there are currently 12 different systemd unit types. To view load units, use the systemctl list-units command. The four systemd units to focus on are service, target, mount, and automount.

Explain systemd service units and their files. Service units control how services are started, stopped, and managed. Their unit files contain configuration information via directives in one of the three primary unit file sections: [Unit], [Service], and [Install]. Directives, such as After and Before, configure when a service will be started. While the [Unit] and [Install] file sections are common to all unit files, the [Service] section and its directives are unique to services. Unit files may exist in one of three directory locations, and their location is important because if multiple files exist for a particular unit, one takes precedence over the other depending on its whereabouts.

Explain systemd target units and their files. Target units are responsible for starting groups of services. At system initialization, the unit ensures that all required and desired services are launched. It is set up as a symbolic link to another target unit file. The primary target units used for system initialization are,, and, where n =1–5 for the desired SysV init runlevel experience. There are additional target units, which handle system power off, halt, and reboot as well as emergency and rescue modes. The target type unit files are similar to service unit files, but typically contain fewer directives.

Demonstrate how to manage systemd systems via commands. The systemctl utility contains many commands that allow you to manage and control systemd units. You can jump between targets using the systemctl isolate command. You can set particular services to start at system boot time via the systemctl enable command and vice versa via the systemctl disable command. Additional commands allow you to start, stop, restart, and reload units as well as reload their unit files via the systemctl daemon-reload command. Helpful commands such as systemctl is-system-running and systemctl get-default aid you in assessing your current systemd system. You can employ the systemd-analyze series of commands to evaluate your server’s initialization process and find ways to improve it.

Summarize SysV init concepts. The classic SysV init method consists of the /etc/inittab file, which sets the default runlevel via the initdefault record. Runlevels determine what services are started, and the default runlevel determines what services are started at system initialization. The rc script starts and stops services depending upon what runlevel is chosen. It executes the scripts in the appropriate runlevel directory and passes the appropriate stop or start parameter. The scripts located in the various runlevel directories are symbolic links to the files within the /etc/init.d/ directory.

Demonstrate how to manage SysV init systems via commands. You can determine a SysV init system’s previous and current runlevel via the runlevel command. Runlevels can be jumped into via the init or telinit commands. Services can have their status checked; have their configuration files be reloaded; or be stopped, started, or restarted via the status command. You can view all currently loaded services on a SysV init system via the service ––status-all command. Services are enabled or disabled via either the chkconfig or the update-rc.d command, depending upon your distribution.

Describe systemd mount and automount unit files. If your server employs systemd, besides managing system initialization, it can also persistently attach filesystems. These filesystems can be mounted or automounted via their associated unit files. Mount and automount unit file names are based upon the filesystem mount point but use the .mount or .automount filename extension, respectively. Their unit file contents have three sections, similar to service unit files, except the mount unit file’s middle section is [Mount], whereas the automount unit file’s middle section is [Automount]. Each unit file has its own special directives that designate what partition is supposed to be mounted at the mount point and other items such as, for automount units, how long a filesystem must be idle before it can be unmounted.

Review Questions

  1. The init program may be located in which of the following directories? (Choose all that apply.)

    1. /etc/rc.d/
    2. /etc/
    3. /sbin/
    4. /usr/lib/systemd/
    5. /bin/
  2. Which of the following is true concerning systemd service units? (Choose all that apply.)

    1. Services can be started at system boot time.
    2. Services can be started in parallel.
    3. A service can be started based upon a timer.
    4. A service can be started after all other services are started.
    5. A service can be prevented from starting at system boot time.
  3. Which of the following is not a systemd target unit?

  4. You need to modify a systemd service unit configuration. Where should the modified file be located?

    1. /etc/system/systemd/
    2. /usr/lib/system/systemd/
    3. /etc/systemd/system/
    4. /usr/lib/systemd/system/
    5. /run/system/systemd/
  5. On your server, you need Service-B to start immediately before Service-A. Within the systemd Service-A unit configuration file, what directive should you check and potentially modify?

    1. Conflicts
    2. Wants
    3. Requires
    4. Before
    5. After
  6. For setting environment parameters within a unit configuration file, which directives should you potentially employ? Choose all that apply.

    1. Type
    2. Environment
    3. EnvironmentParam
    4. EnvironmentFile
    5. PATH
  7. You attempt to jump to a systemd target using the systemctl isolate command, but it will not work. You decide to look at the target unit file. What might you see there that is causing this problem?

    1. static
    2. AllowIsolate=yes
    3. Type=oneshot
    4. AllowIsolate=no
    5. disabled
  8. You have modified an OpenSSH service’s configuration file, /etc/ssh/ssh_config. The service is already running. What is the best command to use with systemctl to make this modified file take immediate effect?

    1. reload
    2. daemon-reload
    3. restart
    4. mask
    5. unmask
  9. Your system uses systemd and has a service currently set to not start at system boot. You want to change this behavior and have it start. What systemctl command should you employ for this service?

    1. restart
    2. start
    3. isolate
    4. disable
    5. enable
  10. You need to change the system’s default target. What systemctl command should you use to accomplish this task?

    1. get-default
    2. set-default
    3. isolate
    4. is-enabled
    5. is-active
  11. Your systemd system is taking a long time to boot and you need to reduce the boot time. Which systemd-analyze command is the best to start narrowing down which units need to be investigated first?

    1. time
    2. dump
    3. failure
    4. blame
    5. verify
  12. Your older Debian-based Linux distribution system uses SysV init. It soon is going to be upgraded to a Debian-based distro that uses systemd. To start some analysis, you enter the runlevel command. Which of the following are results you may see? (Choose all that apply.)

    1. N 5
    2. 3 5
    3. N 2
    4. 2 3
    5. 1 2
  13. You’ve recently become the system administrator for an older Linux server, which still uses SysV init. You determine that its default runlevel is 3. What file did you find that information in?

    1. /etc/inittab
    2. /etc/rc.d
    3. /etc/init.d/rc
    4. /etc/rc.d/rc
    5. /etc/rc.local
  14. Which directory on an old SysV init system stores the service startup scripts?

    1. /usr/lib/systemd/system/
    2. /etc/rc.d/rcn.d/
    3. /etc/init.d/
    4. /etc/systemd/system/
    5. /run/systemd/system/
  15. You are managing a SysV init system and need to perform some emergency maintenance at runlevel 1. To do this, you need to jump runlevels. What command could you employ? (Choose all that apply.)

    1. telinit S
    2. telinit 1
    3. init one
    4. init s
    5. init 1
  16. A customer has complained that a service on your SysV init system is not working. Which of the following commands is the best command to use to check the service?

    1. service start
    2. service status
    3. service ––status-all
    4. service stop
    5. service reload
  17. You need to enable the DHCP service on your Red Hat–based SysV init system for runlevels 3 and 5. Which of the following commands should you use?

    1. service enable dhcp 3,5
    2. chkconfig ––levels 3,5 dhcp on
    3. chkconfig ––levels 35 on dhcp
    4. chkconfig ––levels 35 dhcp on
    5. service enable dhcp 35
  18. You need to enable the DHCP service on your Debian-based SysV init system for the default runlevels. Which of the following commands should you use?

    1. update-rc.d dhcp default
    2. chkconfig ––default dhcp on
    3. update-rc.d default dhcp
    4. update-rc.d defaults dhcp
    5. update-rc.d dhcp defaults
  19. Which of the following would be the appropriate base name for a mount unit file that mounts a filesystem at the /var/log/ mount point?

    1. /var/log.mount
    2. /var/log.unit
    3. var-log.mount
    4. var-log.unit
    5. var/log.mount
  20. You are managing a systemd system and need to create an automount unit file. Which of the following directives should you review to possibly include in this file’s [Automount] section? (Choose all that apply.)

    1. Where
    2. Options
    3. DirectoryMode
    4. TimeOutIdleSec
    5. What
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