
We would like to express our deep appreciation and gratitude to the many people whose work contributed to key pieces of the story behind this book, and to the business leaders and family shareholders of Mars, Incorporated, for allowing us to publish this book and to pursue what has become a vocational endeavor for us. We would like to especially thank our colleague, Dr. Francesco Cordaro, for his groundbreaking research, partnering with Professor Alain Desdoigts from the Sorbonne and Professor Marcel Fafchamps from Stanford, on social capital measurement; Professor Claudia Senik from the Paris School of Economics on human capital measurement; and Dr. Justus von Geibler and his team at the Wuppertal Institute in Germany on natural capital measurement. Similarly, we would like to recognize the tireless efforts of our dear colleague in Singapore, Clara Shen, who with a small, dedicated team brilliantly led the hybrid value chain piloting of experimental businesses based on the new model and metrics across complex environments like Nairobi, Manila, now Jakarta, and soon China and beyond.

We would also like to thank our inspiring friend, noted author Peter Block, for his sage advice and for recommending our manuscript to our new friend and now publisher, Steve Piersanti. Thanks to the incomparable Professor Avishay Braverman, who wisely advises and assists us in opening new doors, including to his wonderful Bedouin Israeli friends in the Negev outside the Beersheba of Genesis, where we hope to take the new model one day to help reconcile the sons of Ishmael and of Isaac. We have been immensely blessed by the wisdom, friendship, and support of Dr. Frank Akers, our “man from Gad” who co-chairs the Mars Science Advisory Council. He is a former director of Oak Ridge National Laboratory and chaired both external peer reviews of our work that endorsed it, paving the way for the beginning of the model’s adoption by parts of the business and its teaching at Oxford University and soon elsewhere. Thanks to Professor Peter Berger, our “resident sociologist,” who helped us crack the social capital measurement challenge with help from our partnering anthropologists, especially Dr. Paige West of Columbia University and Dr. Amy Stambach of Wisconsin University and Oxford University; to Dr. Steve Garber, a very dear friend and quiet advisor who has shared this journey with us from the outset, introducing us to many fascinating contributors along the way; and to Michael Ramsden, Tomas Sandell, Arleen Westerhof, Andrew Baker, George Annadorai, Patrick McDonald and his team, and all the other friends who encouraged us along the way.

There are many more deserving recognition—too many to list—but a special thanks goes to former Mars CEO and friend, Paul Michaels, who initially championed our model when it was merely a crazy-sounding idea, and to Olivier Goudet, CEO of what has become the largest coffee sourcing company in the world, JAB Holdings, for his encouragement and support dating back to his service as Mars’ chief financial officer. It was at Olivier’s urging, in fact, that we undertook writing this book. Thanks to Martin Radvan, president of Mars Wrigley Confectionary, a valued mentor over many years and someone who believed in and helped advance the work described herein in ways that made it possible. Thanks to Bryan Ayling, Ian Burton, and Cedric Bachellerie, and to former Oxford business school dean Professor Colin Mayer, our valued friend and partner in advancing and teaching the model to the next generation of business leaders, and to his team and to the current dean, Dr. Peter Tufano. And thanks to a treasured partner and confidant, the late Dr. Pamela Hartigan, director of the Skoll Centre for Social Entrepreneur-ship at Oxford, for her friendship, shared passion for the topic, and energetic drive to help us action the model in practical ways up until the very moment of her passing. She is greatly missed, but her memory lives on, in part via this work.

Last, but not least, we thank those who we have not specifically named herein who are nevertheless part of the journey to “complete capitalism,” such as our writing coach in the early drafting stages, our other thought partners, the rest of our Catalyst team including several former Catalysts who contribute (or have contributed) in many ways, and our families and many friends and well-wishers who pray for us daily. Thank you all for what you are doing to unleash the transformational power of business to heal. We are humbled and privileged to be walking alongside you.

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