Unit tests

One of the most important things you can do to guarantee that certain parts of your software produce correct results is by writing unit tests. A unit test is simply a piece of code that calls a method (the method to be tested) with a predefined input and checks whether the result is what you expect it to be. If the result is correct, it reports success, otherwise it reports failure. The unit test, as the name implies, tests small and isolated units of code.

Let's say you write a function int Add(int a, int b) in C# (I'm pretty sure every programmer can follow though):

public static class MyMath
   public static int Add(int a, int b)
      return a + b;

The first thing you want to test is whether Add indeed returns a + b and not a + a, or b + b, or even something random. That may sound easier than it is. If you test whether Add(1, 1) returns 2 and the test succeeds, someone might still have implemented it as a + a or b + b. So at the very least, you should test it using two unequal integers, such as Add(1, 2). Now what happens when you call Add(2147483647, 1)? Does it overflow or throw an exception and is that indeed the outcome you suspected? Likewise, you should test for an underflow (while adding!?). -2147483647 + -1 will not return what you'd expect. That's three unit tests for such a simple function! Arguably, you could test for +/-, -/+, and -/- (-3 + -3 equals -6 and not 0), but you'd have to try really hard to break that kind of functionality, so those tests would probably not give you an extra useful test. Your final unit tests may look something like the following:

public class MathTests
   public void TestAPlusB()
      int expected = 3;
      int actual = MyMath.Add(1, 2);
      Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual, "Somehow, 1 + 2 did not equal 3.");

   public void TestOverflowException()
      // MyMath.Add currently overflows, so this test will fail.
      MyMath.Add(int.MaxValue, 1);

   public void TestOverflowException()
      // MyMath.Add currently underflows, so this test will fail.
      MyMath.Add(int.MinValue, -1);

Of course, if you write a single unit test and it succeeds, it is no guarantee that your software actually works. In fact, a single function usually has more than one unit test alone. Likewise, if you have written a thousand unit tests, but all they do is check that true indeed equals true, it's also not any indication of the quality of your software. Later in this book, we will write some unit tests for our software. For now, it suffices to say your tests should cover a large portion of your code and, at least, the most likely scenarios. I would say quality over quantity, but in the case of unit testing, quantity is also pretty important. You should actually keep track of your code coverage. There are tools that do this for you, although they cannot check whether your tests actually make any sense.

It is important to note that unit tests should not depend upon other systems, such as a database, the filesystem, or (third-party) services. The input and output of our tests need to be predefined and predictable. Also, we should always be able to run our unit tests, even when the network is down and we can't reach the database or third-party service. It also helps in keeping tests fast, which is a must, as you're going to have hundreds or even thousands of tests that you want to run as fast as possible. Instant feedback is important. Luckily, we can mock (or fake) such external components, as we will see later in this book.

Just writing some unit tests is not going to cut it. Whenever a build passes, you should have reasonable confidence that your software is correct. Also, you do not want unit tests to fail every time you make even the slightest change. Furthermore, specifications change and so do unit tests. As such, unit tests should be understandable and maintainable, just like the rest of your code. And writing unit tests should be a part of your day to day job. Write some code, then write some unit tests (or turn that around if you want to do Test-Driven Development). This means testing is not something only testers do, but the developers as well.

In order to write unit tests, your code should be testable as well. Each if statement makes your code harder to test. Each function that does more than one thing makes your code harder to test. A thousand-line function with multiple nested if and while loops (and I've seen plenty) is pretty much untestable. So when writing unit tests for your code, you are probably already refactoring and making your code prettier and easier to read. Another added benefit of writing unit tests is that you have to think carefully about possible inputs and desirable outputs early, which helps in finding edge cases in your software and preventing bugs that may come from them.

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