
  • A
  • Aaronson, Scott, 108, 195
  • ABCDE approach, 236
  • accountability
    • importance of, 42
    • with robots, 246
  • adiabatic quantum computing (AQC), 230
  • AES-256, 75
  • Age of the Consciousness Soul, 207
  • agriculture, 96, 231
  • agroecology, 96
  • AI for Good, 244
  • AI poisoning, 40
  • Airbus, 104
  • Alexa, 239
  • Algorithmic Impact Assessment, 42
  • Algorithmic Justice League, 244
  • algorithms, 183–91
  • Alibaba, 94
  • Allen, Colin, 157
  • AlphaGo, xxiv
  • Altman, Sam, xxix
  • altruism, 109
  • Alvarez-Rodriguez, Unai, 233
  • Amazon, 157
  • American Bar Association, 216
  • American Psychological Association (APA), 208
  • American Psychologist (journal), 208
  • Ames Research Center, 229
  • analogizers, 242
  • Antediluvian (McCarthy), 237
  • antiviral mechanisms, 154
  • Apple, 211, 219
  • applications, quantum AI/ML (QAI), 234
  • application–specific integrated circuits (ASICs), 54
  • artificial creative thought, 197
  • artificial electronic being (AEB), 177, 180
  • artificial general intelligence (AGI), 237, 242
  • artificial intelligence (AI)
    • about, 143, 239–46
    • attitudes toward, 130
    • based on logic, algorithm development, and knowledge manipulation systems, xxii–xxiv
    • building protections into, 155
    • conception of, 53
    • convergence with quantum computing, xi, 233
    • debates about, xix
    • developing subsystems from physics, 198
    • empathy and, 105, 183–91
    • enabled by future computing paradigms, 197
    • energy, 148
    • Federal Reserve as an early adopter of, 66
    • implications of, 3
    • incorporating subsystems into society, 200
    • information, 146
    • optimization of processes of, 169
    • origins of, 240
    • principles of, 38
    • problems with information, 148
    • quantum AI and viral entropy, 151
    • quantum computing for, 217
    • solutions, 153
    • statistical mechanics of life, 144
    • viruses, 148
  • Artificial Intelligence Act (2021), 244
  • “Artificial Life in Quantum Technologies” (Alvarez-Rodriguez), 233
  • artificial neural networks (ANNs), 17, 243
  • artificial organisms, 108
  • Ashby, Madeline, 29
  • Asilomar Conference on Recombinant DNA, 190
  • Asimov, Isaac, 26, 28, 210, 240, 244
  • Associated Press, 70
  • automated machine learning (AutoML), 102
  • automated workers, 179
  • automation, 245
  • Ayanzadeh, Ramin, 53
  • B
  • Bacon, Roger, 240
  • Banks, Iain M., 32–36
  • barren plateau problem, 196
  • BASF, 97
  • Battle Angel Alita: Last Order (series), 237
  • Bayesians, 242
  • BEAMbot, 101
  • Beaudoin, Philippe, 105, 183
  • behavioral economics, 202
  • Bell Labs, 53, 84
  • Benioff, Paul, 224
  • Berners-Lee, Tim, 183, 191
  • bias, in algorithmic decision-making, 40
  • Bicentennial Man (Asimov), 210
  • Big Data, 68, 95
  • bio-chips, 180
  • biodiversity, 96
  • biology, 18, 59, 94, 199, 231
  • biopharmaceutical industry, 59
  • bits, 221
  • black box, xxiv–xxv, 46, 244
  • Blade Runner (film), 240
  • Blue Brain, 176
  • Bohm, David, 211
  • Boston Consulting Group, 80
  • Boston Dynamics, 239
  • Boston Dynamics ATLAS, 99
  • Bostrom, Nicholas, xxi, 108, 246
  • bright green economy, 94
  • bright green environmentalism, 103
  • Brin, David, xix, 181
  • Bucher, Taina, 106
  • business value, 215
  • Butler, Alexander W., 63, 105, 183
  • Butler, Samuel, 175, 240
  • C
  • Canada, 102
  • Čapek, Karol, 23, 26
  • carbon dioxide, 101, 149
  • carbon footprint, 102
  • carbon-based quantum computers, 210
  • Cardena, Etzel, 208
  • caregiver robots, 245
  • CARRIS public bus fleet, 235
  • cascaded nonlinear feedback networks, xxiii
  • Centre de Physique Théorique, 224
  • Centre for Data Ethics and Innovation (CDEI), 41
  • Cerf, Vint, 85
  • chaos theory, 172
  • Cheetah (MIT), 99
  • chemistry, 50, 94, 103, 130, 134, 137, 141, 145, 169, 231
  • CheXNet, 236
  • Childhood's End (Clarke), 180
  • China, 55, 69, 73, 89, 102, 131, 199, 230
  • Chinese RM, 73
  • Chivers, Tom, 109
  • Chomsky, Noam, 241
  • Cislunar space, 84
  • Clarke, Arthur C., 173, 178, 180
  • climate catastrophe, 108
  • climate change, xv, 60, 140, 181, 215, 235
  • cloud computing, 157
  • CO2 emissions, 102
  • cognitive processes, 28
  • cognitive psychology, 241
  • Cognitive Revolution, 241
  • cognitive science, 158, 239, 243
  • coherence, 49, 157, 228
  • complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS), 54
  • complex systems, 12, 17, 145, 148, 153, 184, 200, 215
  • Complexity theory, 12, 15
  • Computable and Uncomputable (Manin), 224
  • computational sustainability, 94
  • computational theory of mind, 241
  • Conference on the Physics of Computation (MIT), 224
  • Congo (Crichton), 178
  • connected vehicles, 98
  • connectionists, 242
  • consciousness, 18, 28, 92, 105, 158, 169, 175, 205–12, 237, 243
  • Consciousness Soul, 207, 209
  • constructive interference, 70
  • consumer privacy, 43
  • Cornell University, 87, 94
  • COTSbot, 100
  • counterproductivity, 95
  • Coursera, 13
  • COVID-19, 67, 215
  • Crawford, Benjamin, 111
  • Creative Destruction Lab (CDL), 229
  • Crichton, Michael, 178
  • cryptocurrency, 66, 149
  • cryptography, xii, 81, 226, 232
  • Culture novels (Banks), 32–36
  • Culture, The, 32–36
  • cybernetics, 240
  • cybersecurity, 9, 38, 80, 218
  • Cyc project, 241
  • D
  • Daimler, 103
  • DARPA, xxv
  • Darwin, Charles, 139
  • data encryption, 88
  • data minimization principle, 39
  • data privacy, security, and ethical governance
    • about, 37
    • cybersecurity, 38
    • structure of, 40
  • data-driven decision-making, 13
  • Dawkins, Richard, 150
  • de Chardin, Pierre Teilhard, 180
  • decentralized edge decision-making, 16
  • decision-making
    • data-driven, 13
    • evolutions in, 15
  • decoherence, 5, 130, 137, 223, 231
  • Deep learning, 243
  • deepL, 131
  • DeepMind (Google), xxiv
  • defense, 9, 80, 95, 126, 180
  • delay/disruption tolerant networking (DTN), 84
  • DENDRAL, 241
  • Deutsch, David, 107, 224
  • Deutsch-Jozsa algorithm, 225
  • Devs (miniseries), 237
  • Diamond vacancies, 8
  • Dick, Philip K., 240
  • Dictionary of Algorithms and Data Structures, 225
  • digital delegation, 11
  • Dirac, P. A. M., 134
  • DiVincenzo, David, 228
  • DNA repair mechanisms, 153
  • Domingos, Pedro, 242
  • Dow, 97
  • Dunbar, Robin, 14
  • D-Wave, 65, 77, 104, 229, 235
  • D-Wave Systems, 228
  • E
  • Eagle, 230
  • ecobots, 99
  • ecology, 94
  • economies of scale, 19
  • economy
    • impact of quantum technology, 121
    • post-carbon, 101
    • U.S., 63–82
  • Edison, Thomas, 220
  • Einstein, Albert, 139, 212, 220, 222
  • Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECSDA), 75
  • Ellworth, Annie, xi
  • Emergent interaction, xxv–xxvi
  • Emerj AI Research, 108
  • empathy, artificial intelligence (AI) and, 183–91
  • encoding, 89, 104, 170, 231
  • encryption, 9, 18, 68, 75, 89, 226, 233, 246
  • energy, 145, 146, 148
  • energy consumption, 99, 149
  • ENIAC machine, 5, 217
  • Enigma Machine, 89
  • entanglement, 5, 46, 56, 130, 152, 222
  • entropy, 139, 144, 146, 151, 156
  • environmental challenges
    • about, 93
    • agriculture, 96
    • bright green environmentalism, 103
    • computational sustainability, 94
    • ecobots, 99
    • empathetic AI, 105
    • intelligent transportation, 98
    • singularity and, 108
  • epidemiology, 215
  • equality, 34, 64
  • equitable access, 60, 67, 113, 117
  • Erewhon (Butler), 240
  • error ranges, 167
  • error rates, 5, 41, 47, 196
  • Estonia, 149
  • ethical governance, 37, see also data privacy, security, and ethical governance
  • ethical implications, 160, 174, 189
  • ethical issues, 158
  • ethical management, 168, 174
  • ethical use, 159, 164
  • ethics
    • of human behavior, 173
    • public transit systems and, 116
    • risk assessment and, 174
  • “Ethics Guidelines for Trustworthy AI”, 244
  • European Robotics Research Network (EURON), 246
  • evolutionaries, 242
  • Evolutionist approach, xxiii–xxiv
  • The Experimental Evidence for Parapsychological Phenomena: A Review” (APA), 208
  • Explainable AI (XAI), 46, 49, 107, 137, 139, 244
  • extinction, human, 155
  • F
  • The Fabric of Reality (Deutsch), 107
  • Facebook, 244
  • facial recognition, 131
  • factoring, 225
  • Factoring Humanity (Sawyer), 237
  • Faggella, Daniel, 108
  • fairness, 40
  • fake news, 151
  • Farmer, Philip José, 106
  • “A Fast Quantum Mechanical Algorithm for Database Search” (Grover), 227
  • fault-tolerant quantum computers, 47, 57, 217
  • Federal Autonomous Vehicle Policy guidelines, 98
  • Federal Reserve, 64, 66, 74, 79
  • Fedwire, 72, 79
  • feedback loop, 69
  • Feigenbaum, Edward, 241
  • Feynman, Richard, 55, 159, 209, 224
  • fiction, as a vehicle, 25
  • Financial Oversight Committee, 65
  • financial system, cyber threat to U.S., 80
  • Financial Times, 65
  • firewall, 153
  • food security, 96, 218
  • forward error correction (FEC), 86
  • Foundation and Earth (Asimov), 28
  • Foundation for Responsible Robotics, 246
  • Fourth Industrial Revolution of GRIN technologies, 234
  • Frana, Philip L., 93, 221, 239
  • Frankenstein (Shelley), 24
  • free energy, 145–51
  • Frenkel, Edward, 211
  • Fujikawa, Stephen J., 83
  • Fukushima nuclear plant, 100
  • Fukuyama, Francis, xxi
  • future
    • about, 119
    • commercial near-term inpact, 121
    • disruptive innovation, 124
    • finding new revenue sources, 123
    • of quantum AI, 126
    • of quantum computing, 195
    • of quantum technology, 120
    • world building, 140
  • Future of Life Institute, 178
  • Future Shock (Toffler), 179
  • fuzzy estimates, 197
  • G
  • Gable, Jim, 3
  • Game Theory, xiv–xv
  • garbage in, garbage out (GIGO), 170
  • Gates, Bill, 179
  • Gauthier, Chris, 11
  • Gelernter, David, 213
  • General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), 244
  • geopolymer concrete (GPC), 104
  • Germany, 126, 233
  • Ghostwritten (Mitchell), 237
  • Gibson, William, 240
  • Gilder, George, 209
  • Global Biodiversity Information Facility, 94
  • Global Partnership for AI, 244
  • global warming, 114, 149, 152
  • Goertzel, Ben, xxiii, 205
  • good old-fashioned AI (GOFAI), xxii, 241
  • Google, xxii, 5, 54, 97, 152, 157, 229
  • Google AI, 232
  • Google Cloud Advanced Solutions Lab, 101
  • Google Quantum AI, 226
  • Google Research, 229
  • Google Translate, 131
  • Google's DeepMind, xxiv
  • Gordon, Robert, 195
  • governance frameworks, 44
  • governance strategy, 42
  • governance structures, 40
  • government bureaucracy, 19
  • graphical processing units (GPUs), 54
  • Gray, Theodore, 141
  • green automobiling, 98
  • green economy, 93
  • Green Horizons initiative (IBM), 102
  • Green Power, 103
  • Grover, Lov, 227
  • Grover's algorithm, 169, 225
  • Guardian LF1, 100
  • Guo, Shangjie, 203
  • H
  • HAL 9000 Heuristically Programmed ALgorithmic Computer, 23, 28, 173
  • Halem, Milton, 53
  • Harrow, Aram, 4
  • Hassabis, Demis, 243
  • Hassidim, Hasidim, 4
  • Hawking, Stephen, xxi, 155, 178
  • Hesiod, 240
  • HHL, 4, 8
  • highly automated vehicles (HAVs), 98
  • high-frequency trading (HFT) programs, xxvi
  • high-performance computing (HPC), 53
  • Hilbert space, 46, 107
  • Hinton, Geoffrey, 243
  • Hoffmann, Roald, 129, 136
  • Honeywell, 200
  • HQS Quantum Simulations, 97
  • human abuse, 131
  • human behavior, ethics of, 173
  • human brain
    • social relationships and, 14
  • human imagination
    • about, 167
    • ethics of human behavior, 173
    • human management, 170
    • quantum AI and, 167
    • reliability of quantum computing, 171
  • human management, 170
  • human value, 215
  • human-in-the-loop (HuIL) governance, 107
  • human-in-the-loop weapons, 245
  • Hutter, Marcus, xxii
  • hybrid architectures, xiv
  • hyperloop, 113
  • I
  • IAI Harpy “suicide” drone, 245
  • IBM, 102, 157, 229, 232
  • IBM Quantum, 230, 232
  • IBM Security, 80
  • IHMC HexRunner, 99
  • Illich, Ivan, 95
  • India, 102
  • inflection, 3
  • information
    • entropy, energy and, 146
    • problems with, 148
    • processing, 146
  • informed consent, 174
  • innovation, need for, 124
  • Intel, 229
  • Intellectual Soul, 207
  • intelligent transportation, 98
  • intercity hyperloop, 113
  • interconnectedness, of quantum computing, 218
  • interference property, 56, 223
  • International Space Station, 84
  • Internet of Things, 19
  • INTERNIST-I, 241
  • inventions, accidental, 213
  • inversion about the mean, 224
  • ion trap, 5, 200, 228
  • J
  • Jackson, Patrick Thaddeus, 23
  • Japan, 234, 237, 246
  • Jeans, James, 208
  • Jeffery, Kate, 143
  • Jij, 235
  • Jiuzhang 2.0, 230
  • Jobs, Steve, 211
  • Johnson, Philip, 45
  • Jordan, Stephen, 232
  • Jozsa, Richard, 225
  • JPMorgan, 65, 78
  • Jupiter, 86
  • K
  • Kahn, Herman, 63
  • Karlan, Brett, 157
  • Kiddy Grade (series), 237
  • killer robot, 32
  • King, Martin Luther, Jr., 220
  • knowledge, importance of, 159
  • known unknown, 220
  • König, André M., 119
  • Kosinski, Michal, 131
  • Krishnamurti, Jiddu, 211
  • Kuang, Cliff, 131
  • Kubrick, Stanley, 173
  • Kurzweil, Ray, xxi, 176, 177, 181, 246
  • L
  • Laboratory of Ornithology (Cornell University), 94
  • Lam, Tin Lun, 100
  • language, power of, 147
  • law of accelerating returns (LOAR), 176, 177
  • Le Guin, Ursula, 25, 140
  • Lee, Kai-Fu, xxiii
  • Lehman, Joel, 108
  • lethal autonomous weapons systems (LAWS), 245
  • level 2 circuit breakers, 245
  • Levi, Primo, 141
  • Levy, Paul, 206
  • Li, Fei-Feu, 243
  • Liang, Yan, 141
  • limits-testing, 161
  • The Line (Saudi Arabia), 115
  • LinkedIn Learning, 13
  • living manifesto, 186
  • Lloyd, Seth, 4
  • Lockheed Martin Corporation, 229
  • Loihi chip (Intel), 55
  • Los Alamos National Laboratory, 228, 229
  • loss of jobs, 179
  • Love and Math: The Hidden Heart of Reality (Frenkel), 211
  • Lu, Chai-Yang, 199
  • Lucy, 176
  • LunaNet, 84
  • Lunar Laser Communications Demonstration (LCRD), 86
  • Lund University, 208
  • M
  • Ma, Jack, 94
  • machine actorhood
    • culture, 32–36
    • foundation, 26
    • machine dynasty, 29
  • Machine Dynasty (Ashby), 29
  • machine intelligence, 28, 33, 53, 94, 109, 180, 211
  • Machine Intelligence Research Institute (MIRI), 109
  • machine learning (ML)
    • about, xi, xxiv, 7, 221, 242
    • accidents and, 213
    • classical algorithms, 47, 54
    • commercial near-term, 121
    • component of, 4
    • developing AI subsystems from physics, 198
    • empathetic AI, 107, 183
    • meaningfulness and, 193
    • partnerships and, 227
    • post-carbon economy, 101
    • quantum advantage and, 58
    • quantum AI/ML, 232, 234
    • quantum of wisdom, 157
    • Shor's algorithm, 67, 73
    • space communications and, 91
    • types of, 242
    • understanding of machines, 133, 135
    • wave of, 132
  • Macy Conferences, 240
  • Malrieu, Jean-Paul, 129
  • Manchester, Zac, 87
  • manifesto-based personalization algorithm, 187
  • Manin, Yuri, 224
  • Markham, Henry, 176
  • Mars, 85
  • The Martian (Weir), 85
  • Mass Effect (video game), 237
  • matrix-based computatio, 54
  • McCarthy, John, 241
  • McCarthy, Will, 237
  • McCulloch, Warren, 241
  • meaningful, letting machines decide what is, 193–203
  • mechanics of life, statistical, 144
  • medical imaging technologies, 236
  • Medical Nemesis (Illich), 95
  • MegaCrunch (Brin), 181
  • meme, 150
  • memristors-based systems, 55
  • Micius satellite, 89
  • microelectronics industry, 54
  • Microsoft, 102, 157, 232, 235
  • Miikkulainen, Risto, 108
  • military, xii, 95, 126, 237, 246
  • military defense/warfare, 180
  • Mind Soul, 207
  • Minsky, Marvin, 241
  • Mitchell, David, 237
  • MK 15 Phalanx CIWS, 245
  • Monroe, Christopher, 228
  • moonshot factory X, 232
  • Moore's law, 54, 55, 158
  • moral responsibility, 132, 198
  • moral system, 156
  • Morse, Samuel, xi
  • Morse code, xi
  • Muir, John, 218
  • Musk, Elon, xxi, 99, 155, 178, 180
  • MYCIN, 241
  • N
  • nanoelectronics industry, 54
  • narrative fiction, as a vehicle, 25
  • narratives, creating, 137
  • NASA, 84, 229, 241
  • National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (U.S.), 98
  • National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), 77, 80, 225, 228, 231
  • National Quantum Initiative Act (2018), 231
  • National Renewable Energy Laboratory, 98
  • natural language processing (NLP), 243
  • natural language understanding (NLU), 186
  • natural selection, 145
  • nature observation applications, 95
  • Navier-Stokes equations, 104
  • negligently positive outcomes, 214
  • Neom, 115
  • neural networks, 48, 55, 93, 101, 131–36, 159, 198, 236, 241
  • neural processing units (NPUs), 55
  • neuromorphic chips, 55
  • Neurosynaptic System (IBM), 55
  • Newell, Allen, 241
  • Nexon, Daniel H., 23
  • NISQ-AI, 48–51
  • NISQ-type machines, 121
  • No-cloning theorem, 7
  • noisy intermediate-scale quantum (NISQ) computers
    • about, 47
    • era of, 57
    • post-era of, 58
  • non–von Neumann architecture, 55
  • Noosphere, 180
  • Norvig, Peter, xxii, xxiii
  • nucleic acids, viruses and, 150
  • numbers, seeking, 137
  • NYSE, 70
  • O
  • Occidental Petroleum, 102
  • Omega Point, 180
  • Omega Stage, 181
  • 1QB Information Technologies (1QBit), 97, 230
  • “opaque” technology, 40
  • Open Catalyst Project OC20, 103
  • OpenAI, xxi
  • OpenAI GPT-3, 188
  • OpenCog, xxiv
  • OpenQASM, 232
  • Organisation for Economic Co-operation an Development's (OECD), 38
  • original equipment manufacturers (OEMs), 121
  • Otterbach, Johannes, 234
  • P
  • pandemics, xvii, 60, 67, 140, 150, 181, 215, 235
  • parallelism, 55
  • partnerships, 227–32, 244
  • Pearce, Sarah, 37
  • Peck, Mason, 83
  • peer-reviewed research, 18
  • Pelton, Joseph N., 175
  • Penrose-Hameroff theory, 237
  • perceptronium, 105
  • Person of Interest, 216
  • personalization algorithms, 183–91
  • perturbation theory, 134
  • Phenomenon of Man (de Chardin), 180
  • physical hardware, for quantum computing, 157
  • Physical Review Letters, 227, 228
  • physics, developing AI subsystems from, 198
  • Pitts, Walter, 241
  • Plank, Max, 206
  • PNC Bank, 72
  • Pokémon Go, 95
  • policymaking, 227–32
  • Pope, Alexander, 196
  • portfolio optimization, xii, 216, 219
  • post-carbon economy, 101
  • Post-Quantum Cryptography (PQC), 77, 81
  • Post-Quantum Cybersecurity (PQC), 9
  • practical wisdom, 159
  • Preskill, John, 47, 195
  • PricewaterhouseCoopers, 102
  • prime factorization, 226
  • Proceedings of the Royal Society, 225
  • Proxima Centauri, 90
  • psi, 208
  • psychological factors, 136
  • public key cryptography, 226
  • public transit systems
    • about, 111
    • cities with developing, 112–16
    • ethical concerns, 116
  • Q
  • qbsolv, 77
  • QIS Data Portal, 121
  • Qiskit, 232
  • quadratic speedups, 227
  • quadratic unconstrained binary optimization (QUBO) models, 77
  • quality-control issues, 42
  • quantum advantage, 6, 58, 65
  • quantum AI
    • for public transit systems, 112–16
    • future of, 126
    • potential pathways forward for, 202
    • uses of, 168
    • viral entropy and, 151
  • quantum AI law, 235
  • quantum AI/M (QAI), 232, 234
  • Quantum Algorithm Zoo, 231
  • quantum annealer, 64, 77, 229
  • quantum approximate optimization algorithm (QAOA), 57
  • quantum artificial intelligence (QAI), 58
  • Quantum Artificial Intelligence Lab (QuAIL), 229
  • quantum bits. see qubits
  • quantum computers
    • design factors of, 5
    • fault-tolerant, 47, 57, 217
    • noisy intermediate-scale (NISQ), 47
    • potential of, 4
    • power of, 46
  • quantum computing
    • about, 221
    • accidents of, 213–20
    • attitudes toward, 130
    • competitive advantages of, xv
    • convergence with AI, xi, 233
    • current state of, 5
    • environmental challenges of, 93–109
    • examples of quantum speedup, 225
    • for AI, 217
    • future of, 195
    • Grover's algorithm, 225
    • how it works, 222
    • implications of, 3
    • interconnectedness of, 218
    • known unknown of, 220
    • origins of, 224
    • partnerships, 227–32
    • policymaking, 227–32
    • quantum AI/ML (QAI), 232
    • quantum AI/ML applications, 234
    • quantum ultra-intelligence, 237
    • reliability of, 171
    • scalable, 228
    • Shor's algorithm, 225
    • understanding and, 136
  • quantum consciousness, 18, 237
  • quantum Darwinism, 233
  • quantum data encoding (QRAM), 104
  • quantum delegation
    • about, 11
    • data-driven decisions, 13
    • era of, 18
    • evolutions in decision-making, 15
    • quantum solutions for, 16
    • societal impacts of, 20
  • Quantum Economic Development Consortium™ (QED-C™), 231
  • quantum equality, 64
  • quantum error correction, 231
  • Quantum Experience, 232
  • quantum fiction, 237
  • Quantum Information Science and Technology Roadmap, 228
  • quantum intelligence, ascent of, 205–12
  • quantum interference, 56
  • quantum jurisprudence, 235
  • Quantum Key Distribution (QKD), 9, 81, 233
  • quantum logic gate, 228
  • quantum machine learning (QML), 58
  • quantum matter simulation, 103
  • quantum memory, 6
  • quantum necroman, 194
  • quantum network, 7
  • Quantum Night (Sawyer), 237
  • quantum noise, 45–51
  • quantum radiomics, 236
  • quantum repeater, 6
  • The Quantum Revelation (Levy), 206
  • quantum simulation, 97, 232, 235
  • quantum solutions, for digital delegation, 16
  • quantum space communications, 83–92
  • Quantum Stream, 229
  • quantum supremacy, 6, 48, 81, 122, 152, 218
  • quantum technology, future of, 120
  • quantum Turing machine (QTM), 225
  • quantum ultra-intelligence, 237
  • quantum wisdom, 157–65
  • qubits, xii, 5, 46, 56, 76, 97, 130, 157, 194, 220, 222, 227–32
  • Queensland University of Technology, 100
  • R
  • R.U.R. (play), 23
  • Radin, Dean, 209
  • recombinant DNA, 190
  • reinforcement learning, xxiv, 234, 243
  • repeater, 6
  • revenue
    • economic impact of potential, 121
    • finding new sources of, 123
    • from quantum information science vendors in 2020, 121
  • Rhodes, Frank H. T., 129
  • Rigetti, 229, 234
  • rights of individuals, 38
  • risk assessment, ethics and, 174
  • Riverworld, 106
  • Robinson, Kim Stanley, 237
  • roboethicists, 246
  • robotic empathy crisis, xx
  • robots, 26–29, 245
  • Robots and Empire (Asimov), 27
  • Robots in Service of the Environment (RSE), 100
  • Röntgen, Wilhelm, 213
  • Room temperature operation, 6, 8
  • Rossum's Universal Robots, 23
  • RSA-2048, 68, 75
  • Ruffner, Denise, 119
  • rule-based and symbolic representations of problems, 241
  • “Runaround” (Asimov), 244
  • S
  • Sacks, Oliver, 141
  • Sagan, Carl, 141
  • Samuel, Arthur, 242
  • sandbox, 160, 201
  • Saudi Arabia, 115
  • Savoie, Christopher, 213
  • Sawyer, Robert J., 237
  • scalable quantum computing, 228
  • Schrödinger, Erwin, 194
  • Schrödinger's cat, 222
  • second law of thermodynamics, 144
  • secure communication keys, 89
  • security. see data privacy, security, and ethical governance
  • seismology, 236
  • semiconductor chip ion trap, 228
  • Shanahan, Murray, 246
  • Shannon, Claude, 241
  • Shelley, Mary, 24
  • Shor, Peter, 225
  • Shor's algorithm, 4, 9, 67, 73, 225
  • “Should We Let the Machine Decide What Is Meaningful?” (Taylor), 117
  • SIGINT initiatives, 233
  • Simon, Herbert, 241
  • “Simulating Physics with Computers” lecture (Feynmann), 224
  • singularity, 155
  • The Singularity (Kurzweil), 177
  • Siri, 239
  • Skynet, 23
  • Smart Humanity, 234
  • Snowcrash (Stephenson), 201
  • Snowden, Edward, 233
  • social relationships, human brain and, 14
  • social systems, xv
  • society
    • impacts of quantum delegation, 20
    • incorporating AI subsystems into, 200
  • Society 5.0, 234
  • Society of Automotive Engineers International (SAE), 244
  • solution selling, 123
  • space communications, 83–92
  • SpiNNaker System (University of Manchester), 55
  • Sprite spacecraft, 87
  • SRI International, 231
  • Stanford University, 87
  • state fidelity, 130
  • Steiner, Rudolf, 207
  • Stephenson, Neal, 201
  • Sterling, Bruce, 104
  • storytelling in science, 139
  • structure, of ethics and governance, 40
  • Sunfish, 100
  • super-automation, 178
  • Superintelligence (Bostrom), xxi
  • superposition, 8, 18, 56, 88, 130, 194, 220, 222, 227
  • supervised machine learning, 242
  • sustainability, computational, 94
  • Svore, Krysta, 195
  • Sweeney, Mandy, 11
  • symbolists, 242
  • synthetic experience, 25
  • T
  • Taylor, J. M., 117, 193
  • technological singularity, 155, 237
  • technological unemployment, 178
  • technology
    • emerging new, 55
    • speed of improvement in, 176
  • Tegmark, Max, 105, 238
  • Teleological Society, 240
  • tensor processing unit (TPU), 54
  • TensorFlow Quantum (TFQ), 232
  • tensors, 54
  • The Terminator (film), 240
  • Tesla, Nikola, 208
  • theories, forming, 137
  • Theory of Evolution (Darwin), 139
  • thermodynamics, 144
  • Thinking About the Unthinkable, 63
  • Thom, René, 133
  • Three Laws of Robotics (Asimov), 26, 244
  • Tilden, Mark, 101
  • Toffler, Alvin, 179
  • Toshiba, 100
  • Total S.A., 101
  • Toyota Tsusho Corp, 235
  • Transcendence (film), 237
  • Transformers (film), 237
  • Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP), 85
  • transparency, in algorithmic decision-making, 41
  • transportation, 94, 98, 232, 242
  • trapped ions (the controlled-NOT), 228
  • traveling salesman, 99
  • Treebot, 100
  • Trump, Donald, 231
  • Turing test, 24, 91
  • Turing, Alan, 53, 90, 241
  • Twitter, 70
  • 2001: A Space Odyssey, 23, 28, 173, 240
  • 2010: Odyssey Two, 173
  • 2312 (Robinson), 237
  • U
  • U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, 137
  • U.S. Department of Defense (DoD), 228
  • U.S. Department of Energy, 229
  • U.S. Department of Transportation, 98
  • U.S. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 98
  • U.S. National Security Agency (NSA), 233
  • Uighurs, 131
  • Ulm University, 233
  • UMass Amherst, 102
  • understanding, attributes of, 133
  • United Kingdom, 102
  • United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, 244
  • Universities Space Research Association, 229
  • University of Manchester, 55
  • University of Maryland, 98
  • University of Michigan, 228
  • University of Science and Technology of China, 230
  • University of Southern California, 229
  • University of the Basque Country, 233
  • University of Toronto, 229
  • University of Waterloo, 232
  • unsupervised machine learning, 242
  • Use of Weapons (Banks), 34
  • user profile, in algorithms, 184
  • V
  • vaccine development, 219
  • vaccines, 150
  • value, of humans and businesses, 215
  • variational quantum eigensolver (VQE), 57
  • vector-based computation, 54
  • vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) communications technolo, 98
  • vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communications technology, 98
  • Verne, Jules, 140
  • Viirre, Erik, 167
  • viral entropy, quantum AI and, 151
  • Viridian Design, 104
  • viruses, 78, 148
  • Visa, 78
  • vNs, 29
  • Volkswagen, 103, 232, 235
  • von Neumann machine, 29, 177
  • von Neumann, John, 241
  • W
  • Waite, Stephen R., 205
  • Wall Street, 64, 71
  • Wall Street Journal, 65
  • Wang, Andrew, 179
  • warfare, 178
  • Watson (IBM), xxii
  • weaponization, xv, 152, 178, 181, 245
  • weapons systems, 132, 245
  • weather prediction, quantum machine learning in, 59
  • Weir, Andy, 85
  • Westworld (TV series), 237
  • Will A.I. Kill Us (YouTube video), 205
  • Wineland, David, 228
  • wisdom, quantum, 157–65
  • Wittek, Peter, 229
  • Wittgenstein, Ludwig, 25
  • Wolfram, Stephen, xxii
  • world building, 140
  • World Wide Web, 183, 191
  • X
  • Xanadu, 230
  • X-rays, 214
  • Xu, Yangsheng, 100
  • Y
  • Y2Q, 6, 8
  • Yogananda, Paramahansa, 211
  • Yudkowsky, Eliezer, 109
  • Z
  • Zapata Computing, 230
  • Zuchongzhi processor, 230
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