Chapter 7. Windows Forms Controls

Topics in This Chapter

  • Introduction: A class hierarchy diagram offers a natural way to group Windows Forms controls by their functionality.

  • Button Controls: The Button, CheckBox, and RadioButton controls are designed to permit users to make one or more selections on a form.

  • PictureBox and TextBoxt Controls: The PictureBox control is used to display and scale images; the TextBox control can be used to easily display and edit single or multiple lines of text.

  • List Controls: The ListBox, ComboBox, and CheckListBox offer different interfaces for displaying and manipulating data in a list format.

  • ListView and TreeView Controls: The ListView offers multiple views for displaying data items and their associated icons. The TreeView presents hierarchical information in an easy-to-navigate tree structure.

  • Timer and Progress Bar Controls: A timer can be used to control when an event is invoked, a ProgressBar to visually monitor the progress of an operation.

  • Building a User Control: When no control meets an application's needs, a custom one can be crafted by combining multiple controls or adding features to an existing one.

  • Moving Data Between Controls: Drag and drop provides an easy way for users to copy or move an item from one control to another. .NET offers a variety of classes and events required to implement this feature.

  • Using Resources: Resources required by a program, such as title, descriptive labels, and images, can be embedded within an application's assembly or stored in a satellite assembly. This is particularly useful for developing international applications.

The previous chapter introduced the Control class and the methods, properties, and events it defines for all controls. This chapter moves beyond that to examine the specific features of individual controls. It begins with a survey of the more important .NET controls, before taking an in-depth look at how to implement controls such as the TextBox, ListBox, TreeView, and ListView. Also included is a discussion of the .NET drag-and-drop features that are used to move or copy data from one control to another.

Windows Forms (WinForms) are not restricted to using the standard built-in controls. Custom GUI controls can be created by extending an existing control, building a totally new control, or fashioning a user control from a set of related widgets. Examples illustrate how to extend a control and construct a user control. The chapter concludes with a look at resource files and how they are used to create GUI applications that support users from multiple countries and cultures.

A Survey of .NET Windows Forms Controls

The System.Windows.Forms namespace contains a large family of controls that add both form and function to a Windows-based user interface. Each control inherits a common set of members from the Control class. To these, it adds the methods, properties, and events that give the control its own distinctive behavior and appearance.

Figure 7-1 shows the inheritance hierarchy of the Windows Forms controls. The controls marked by an asterisk (*) exist primarily to provide backward compatibility between .NET 2.0 and .NET 1.x. Specifically, the DataGrid has been superseded by the DataGridView, the StatusBar by the StatusStrip, and the ToolBar by the ToolStrip. Table 7-1 provides a summary of the more frequently used controls in this hierarchy.

Windows Forms control hierarchy

Figure 7-1. Windows Forms control hierarchy

Table 7-1. Selected Windows Forms Controls





Fires an event when a mouse click occurs or the Enter or Esc key is pressed.

Represents a button on a form. Its text property determines the caption displayed on the button's surface.


Permits a user to select one or more options.

Consists of a check box with text or an image beside it. The check box can also be represented as a button by setting:

checkBox1.Appearance =


Displays list of items.

ListBox with checkbox preceding each item in list.


Provides TextBox and ListBox functionality.

Hybrid control that consists of a textbox and a drop-down list. It combines properties from both the TextBox and the ListBox.


Manipulates data in a grid format.

The DataGridView is the foremost control to represent relational data. It supports binding to a database. The DataGridView was introduced in .NET 2.0 and supersedes the DataGrid.


Groups controls.

Use primarily to group radio buttons; it places a border around the controls it contains.


Manages a collection of images.

Container control that holds a collection of images used by other controls such as the ToolStrip, ListView, and TreeView.


Adds descriptive information to a form.

Text that describes the contents of a control or instructions for using a control or form.


Displays a list of items—one or more of which may be selected.

May contain simple text or objects. Its methods, properties, and events allow items to be selected, modified, added, and sorted.


Displays items and subitems.

May take a grid format where each row represents a different item and subitems. It also permits items to be displayed as icons.


Adds a menu to a form.

Provides a menu and submenu system for a form. It supersedes the MainMenu control.


Groups controls.

A visible or invisible container that groups controls. Can be made scrollable.

FlowPanelLayout automatically aligns controls vertically or horizontally.

TablePanelLayout aligns controls in a grid.


Contains a graphic.

Used to hold images in a variety of standard formats. Properties enable images to be positioned and sized within control's borders.


Depicts an application's progress.

Displays the familiar progress bar that gives a user feedback regarding the progress of some event such as file copying.


Permits user to make one choice among a group of options.

Represents a Windows radio button.


Provides a set of panels that indicate program status.

Provides a status bar that is used to provide contextual status information about current form activities.


Accepts user input.

Can be designed to accept single- or multi-line input. Properties allow it to mask input for passwords, scroll, set letter casing automatically, and limit contents to read-only.


Displays data as nodes in a tree.

Features include the ability to collapse or expand, add, remove, and copy nodes in a tree.

This chapter lacks the space to provide a detailed look at each control. Instead, it takes a selective approach that attempts to provide a flavor of the controls and features that most benefit the GUI developer. Notable omissions are the DataGridView control, which is included in the discussion of data binding in Chapter 12, “Data Binding with Windows Forms Controls,” and the menu controls that were discussed in Chapter 6, “Building Windows Forms Applications.”

Button Classes, Group Box, Panel, and Label

The Button Class

A button is the most popular way to enable a user to initiate some program action. Typically, the button responds to a mouse click or keystroke by firing a Click event that is handled by an event handler method that implements the desired response.

constructor: public Button()

The constructor creates a button instance with no label. The button's Text property sets its caption and can be used to define an access key (see Handling Button Events section); its Image property is used to place an image on the button's background.

Setting a Button's Appearance

Button styles in .NET are limited to placing text and an image on a button, making it flat or three-dimensional, and setting the background/foreground color to any available color. The following properties are used to define the appearance of buttons, check boxes, and radio buttons:


This can take four values: FlatStyle.Flat, FlatStyle.Popup, FlatStyle.Standard, and FlatStyle.System. Standard is the usual three-dimensional button. Flat creates a flat button. Popup creates a flat button that becomes three-dimensional on a mouseover. System results in a button drawn to suit the style of the operating system.


Specifies the image to be placed on the button. The Image.FromFile method is used to create the image object from a specified file:

button1.Image = Image.FromFile("c:\book.gif");


Specifies the position of the image on the button. It is set to a value of the ContentAlignment enum:

button1.ImageAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleRight;


Specifies the position of text on the image using the ContentAlignment value.

Handling Button Events

A button's Click event can be triggered in several ways: by a mouse click of the button, by pressing the Enter key or space bar, or by pressing the Alt key in combination with an access key. An access key is created by placing an & in front of one of the characters in the control's Text property value.

The following code segment declares a button, sets its access key to C, and registers an event handler to be called when the Click event is triggered:

Button btnClose = new Button();
btnClose.Text= "&Close";  // Pushing ALT + C triggers event
btnClose.Click += new EventHandler(btnClose_Clicked);
// Handle Mouse Click, ENTER key, or Space Bar 
private void btnClose_Clicked(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
{ this.Close();  }

Note that a button's Click event can also occur in cases when the button does not have focus. The AcceptButton and CancelButton form properties can specify a button whose Click event is triggered by pushing the Enter or Esc keys, respectively.

Core Suggestion

Core Suggestion

Set a form's CancelButton property to a button whose Click event handler closes the form. This provides a convenient way for users to close a window by pushing the Esc key.

The CheckBox Class

The CheckBox control allows a user to select a combination of options on a form—in contrast to the RadioButton, which allows only one selection from a group.

constructor: public CheckBox()

The constructor creates an unchecked check box with no label. The Text and Image properties allow the placement of an optional text description or image beside the box.

Setting a CheckBox's Appearance

Check boxes can be displayed in two styles: as a traditional check box followed by text (or an image) or as a toggle button that is raised when unchecked and flat when checked. The appearance is selected by setting the Appearance property to Appearance.Normal or Appearance.Button. The following code creates the two check boxes shown in Figure 7-2.

// Create traditional check box
this.checkBox1 = new CheckBox();
this.checkBox1.Location = 
        new System.Drawing.Point(10,120);
this.checkBox1.Text = "La Traviata";
this.checkBox1.Checked = true;
// Create Button style check box
this.checkBox2 = new CheckBox();
this.checkBox2.Location = 
        new System.Drawing.Point(10,150);
this.checkBox2.Text = "Parsifal";
this.checkBox2.Appearance = Appearance.Button;
this.checkBox2.Checked = true;
this.checkBox2.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter;
CheckBox styles

Figure 7-2. CheckBox styles

The RadioButton Class

The RadioButton is a selection control that functions the same as a check box except that only one radio button within a group can be selected. A group consists of multiple controls located within the same immediate container.

constructor: public RadioButton()

The constructor creates an unchecked RadioButton with no associated text. The Text and Image properties allow the placement of an optional text description or image beside the box. A radio button's appearance is defined by the same properties used with the check box and button: Appearance and FlatStyle.

Placing Radio Buttons in a Group

Radio buttons are placed in groups that allow only one item in the group to be selected. For example, a 10-question multiple choice form would require 10 groups of radio buttons. Aside from the functional need, groups also provide an opportunity to create an aesthetically appealing layout.

The frequently used GroupBox and Panel container controls support background images and styles that can enhance a form's appearance. Figure 7-3 shows the striking effect (even more so in color) that can be achieved by placing radio buttons on top of a GroupBox that has a background image.

Radio buttons in a GroupBox that has a background image

Figure 7-3. Radio buttons in a GroupBox that has a background image

Listing 7-1 presents a sample of the code that is used to place the radio buttons on the GroupBox control and make them transparent so as to reveal the background image.

Example 7-1. Placing Radio Buttons in a GroupBox

using System.Drawing;   
using System.Windows.Forms;
public class OperaForm : Form
   private RadioButton radioButton1;
   private RadioButton radioButton2;
   private RadioButton radioButton3;
   private GroupBox groupBox1;
   public OperaForm()
      this.groupBox1 = new GroupBox();
      this.radioButton3 = new RadioButton();
      this.radioButton2 = new RadioButton();
      this.radioButton1 = new RadioButton();
      // All three radio buttons are created like this
      // For brevity only code for one button is included
      this.radioButton3.BackColor = Color.Transparent;
      this.radioButton3.Font = new Font("Microsoft Sans Serif",
                                        8.25F, FontStyle.Bold);
      this.radioButton3.ForeColor = 
      this.radioButton3.Location = new Point(16, 80);
      this.radioButton3.Name = "radioButton3";
      this.radioButton3.Text = "Parsifal";
      // Group Box
      this.groupBox1 = new GroupBox();
      this.groupBox1.BackgroundImage = 
      this.groupBox1.Size = new Size(120, 112);
      // Add radio buttons to groupbox
      groupBox1.Add( new Control[]{radioButton1,radiobutton2,

Note that the BackColor property of the radio button is set to Color.Transparent. This allows the background image of groupBox1 to be displayed. By default, BackColor is an ambient property, which means that it takes the color of its parent control. If no color is assigned to the radio button, it takes the BackColor of groupBox1 and hides the image.

The GroupBox Class

A GroupBox is a container control that places a border around its collection of controls. As demonstrated in the preceding example, it is often used to group radio buttons; but it is also a convenient way to organize and manage any related controls on a form. For example, setting the Enabled property of a group box to false disables all controls in the group box.

constructor:  public GroupBox()

The constructor creates an untitled GroupBox having a default width of 200 pixels and a default height of 100 pixels.

The Panel Class

The Panel control is a container used to group a collection of controls. It's closely related to the GroupBox control, but as a descendent of the ScrollableControl class, it adds a scrolling capability.

constructor:  public Panel()

Its single constructor creates a borderless container area that has scrolling disabled. By default, a Panel takes the background color of its container, which makes it invisible on a form.

Because the GroupBox and Panel serve the same purpose, the programmer is often faced with the choice of which to use. Here are the factors to consider in selecting one:

  • A GroupBox may have a visible caption, whereas the Panel does not.

  • A GroupBox always displays a border; a Panel's border is determined by its BorderStyle property. It may be set to BorderStyle.None, BorderStyle.Single, or BorderStyle.Fixed3D.

  • A GroupBox does not support scrolling; a Panel enables automatic scrolling when its AutoScroll property is set to true.

A Panel offers no features to assist in positioning or aligning the controls it contains. For this reason, it is best used when the control layout is known at design time. But this is not always possible. Many applications populate a form with controls based on criteria known only at runtime. To support the dynamic creation of controls, .NET offers two layout containers that inherit from Panel and automatically position controls within the container: the FlowLayoutPanel and the TableLayoutPanel.

The FlowLayoutPanel Control

Figure 7-4 shows the layout of controls using a FlowLayoutPanel.


Figure 7-4. FlowLayoutPanel

This “no-frills” control has a single parameterless constructor and two properties worth noting: a FlowDirection property that specifies the direction in which controls are to be added to the container, and a WrapControls property that indicates whether child controls are rendered on another row or truncated.

The following code creates a FlowLayoutPanel and adds controls to its collection:

FlowLayoutPanel flp = new FlowLayoutPanel();
flp.FlowDirection = FlowDirection.LefttoRight;
// Controls are automatically positioned left to right
this.Controls.Add(flp);     // Add container to form

The FlowDirection enumerator members are BottomUp, LeftToRight, RighttoLeft, and TopDown. LefttoRight is the default.

TableLayoutPanel Control

Figure 7-5 shows the grid layout that results from using a TableLayoutPanel container.

TableLayoutPanel organizes controls in a grid

Figure 7-5. TableLayoutPanel organizes controls in a grid

This code segment creates a TableLayoutPanel and adds the same four controls used in the previous example. Container properties are set to define a layout grid that has two rows, two columns, and uses an Inset border style around each cell. Controls are always added to the container moving left-to-right, top-to-bottom.

TableLayoutPanel tlp = new TableLayoutPanel();
// Causes the inset around each cell
tlp.CellBorderStyle = TableLayoutPanelCellBorderStyle.Inset;
tlp.ColumnCount = 2;      // Grid has two columns
tlp.RowCount    = 2;      // Grid has two rows
// If grid is full add extra cells by adding column
tlp.GrowStyle = TableLayoutPanelGrowStyle.AddColumns;
// Padding (pixels)within each cell (left, top, right, bottom)
tlp.Padding = new Padding(1,1,4,5);  
// Other controls added here

The GrowStyle property is worth noting. It specifies how controls are added to the container when all of its rows and columns are filled. In this example, AddColumns specifies that a column be added to accommodate new controls. The other options are AddRows and None; the latter causes an exception to be thrown if an attempt is made to add a control when the panel is filled.

The Label Class

The Label class is used to add descriptive information to a form.

constructor: public Label()

The constructor creates an instance of a label having no caption. Use the Text property to assign a value to the label. The Image, BorderStyle, and TextAlign properties can be used to define and embellish the label's appearance.

The following code creates the label shown in Figure 7-6:

Label imgLabel = new Label();
imgLabel.BackColor= Color.White; 
Image img = Image.FromFile("c:\rembrandt.jpg");
imgLabel.Image= img;
imgLabel.ImageAlign= ContentAlignment.TopCenter;
imgLabel.TextAlign= ContentAlignment.BottomCenter;
imgLabel.BorderStyle= BorderStyle.Fixed3D;
imgLabel.Size = new Size(img.Width+10, img.Height+25);
Label containing an image and text

Figure 7-6. Label containing an image and text

One of its less familiar properties is UseMnemonic. By setting it to true and placing a mnemonic (& followed by a character) in the label's text, you can create an access key. For example, if a label has a value of &Sum, pressing Alt-S shifts the focus to the control (based on tab order) following the label.

PictureBox and TextBox Controls

The PictureBox Class

The PictureBox control is used to display images having a bitmap, icon, metafile, JPEG, GIF, or PNG format. It is a dynamic control that allows images to be selected at design time or runtime, and permits them to be resized and repositioned within the control.

constructor: public PictureBox()

The constructor creates an empty (Image = null) picture box that has its SizeMode property set so that any images are displayed in the upper-left corner of the box.

The two properties to be familiar with are Image and SizeMode. Image, of course, specifies the graphic to be displayed in the PictureBox. SizeMode specifies how the image is rendered within the PictureBox. It can be assigned one of four values from the PictureBoxSizeMode enumeration:

  1. AutoSizePictureBox is sized to equal the image.

  2. CenterImageImage is centered in box and clipped if necessary.

  3. NormalImage is place in upper-left corner and clipped if necessary.

  4. StretchImageImage is stretched or reduced to fit in box.

Figure 7-7 illustrates some of the features of the PictureBox control. It consists of a form with three small picture boxes to hold thumbnail images and a larger picture box to display a full-sized image. The large image is displayed when the user double-clicks on a thumbnail image.

Thumbnail images in small picture boxes are displayed at full size in a larger viewing window

Figure 7-7. Thumbnail images in small picture boxes are displayed at full size in a larger viewing window

The code, given in Listing 7-2, is straightforward. The event handler ShowPic responds to each DoubleClick event by setting the Image property of the large PictureBox ( bigPicture ) to the image contained in the thumbnail. Note that the original images are the size of bigPicture and are automatically reduced (by setting SizeMode) to fit within the thumbnail picture boxes.

Example 7-2. Working with Picture Boxes

using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Windows.Forms;
public class ArtForm : Form
   private PictureBox bigPicture;
   private PictureBox tn1;
   private PictureBox tn2;
   private PictureBox tn3;
   private Button btnClear;
   public ArtForm()
      bigPicture = new PictureBox();
      tn1 = new PictureBox();
      tn2 = new PictureBox();
      tn3 = new PictureBox();
      btnClear = new Button();
      bigPicture.Location = new Point(90, 30);
      bigPicture.Name = "bigPicture";
      bigPicture.Size = new Size(160, 160);
      // Define picturebox to hold first thumbnail image
      tn1.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle;
      tn1.Cursor = Cursors.Hand;
      tn1.Image = Image.FromFile("C:\schiele1.jpg");
      tn1.Location = new Point(8, 16);
      tn1.Name = "tn1";
      tn1.Size = new Size(56, 56);
      tn1.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.StretchImage;
      // Code for other thumbnails would go here
      // Button to clear picture box
      btnClear.Location = new Point(136, 192);
      btnClear.Name = "btnClear";
      btnClear.Size = new Size(88, 24);
      btnClear.Text = "Clear Image";
      btnClear.Click += new EventHandler(this.btnClear_Click);
      // Set up event handlers for double click events
      tn1.DoubleClick += new EventHandler(ShowPic);
      tn2.DoubleClick += new EventHandler(ShowPic);
      tn3.DoubleClick += new EventHandler(ShowPic);
   static void Main() 
      Application.Run(new ArtForm());
   private void btnClear_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
      bigPicture.Image = null;   // Clear image
   private void ShowPic (object sender, EventArgs e)
      // Sender is thumbnail image that is double clicked
      bigPicture.Image = ((PictureBox) sender).Image;

The TextBox Class

The familiar TextBox is an easy-to-use control that has several properties that affect its appearance, but few that control its content. This leaves the developer with the task of setting up event handlers and data verification routines to control what is entered in the box.

constructor: public TextBox()

The constructor creates a TextBox that accepts one line of text and uses the color and font assigned to its container. From such humble origins, the control is easily transformed into a multi-line text handling box that accepts a specific number of characters and formats them to the left, right, or center. Figure 7-8 illustrates some of the properties used to do this.

TextBox properties

Figure 7-8. TextBox properties

The text is placed in the box using the Text property and AppendText method:

txtPoetry.Text = 
   "In Xanadu did Kubla Khan
a stately pleasure dome decree,";
Where Alph the sacred river ran");

A couple of other TextBox properties to note are ReadOnly, which prevents text from being modified, and PasswordChar, which is set to a character used to mask characters entered—usually a password.

TextBoxes and Carriage Returns

When storing data from a TextBox into a database, you want to make sure there are no special characters embedded in the text, such as a carriage return. If you look at the TextBox properties, you'll find AcceptsReturn, which looks like a simple solution. Setting it to false should cause a TextBox to ignore the user pressing an Enter key. However, the name of this property is somewhat misleading. It only works when the form's AcceptButton property is set to a button on the form. Recall that this property causes the associated button's Click handler to be executed when the Enter key is pressed. If AcceptButton is not set (and the MultiLine property of the text box is set to true), the TextBox receives a newline ( ) when the Enter key is pushed.

This leaves the developer with the task of handling unwanted carriage returns. Two approaches are available: capture the keystrokes as they are entered or extract the characters before storing the text. The first approach uses a keyboard event handler, which you should be familiar with from the previous chapter.

// Set up event handler in constructor for TextBox txtPoetry
txtPoetry.KeyPress += new KeyPressEventHandler(onKeyPress);

private void onKeyPress( object sender, KeyPressEventArgs e)
   if(e.KeyChar == (char)13) e.Handled = true;

Setting Handled to true prevents the carriage return/linefeed from being added to the text box. This works fine for keyboard entry but has no effect on a cut-and-paste operation. To cover this occurrence, you can use the keyboard handling events described in Chapter 6 to prevent pasting, or you can perform a final verification step that replaces any returns with a blank or any character of your choice.

txtPoetry.Text = txtPoetry.Text.Replace(Environment.NewLine," ");

Core Note

Core Note

Two common approaches for entering a carriage return/linefeed programmatically into a TextBox are

txtPoetry.Text = "Line 1
Line 2";
txtPoetry.Text = "Line 1"+Environment.NewLine+"Line 2";

ListBox, CheckedListBox, and ComboBox Classes

The ListBox Class

The ListBox control is used to provide a list of items from which the user may select one or more items. This list is typically text but can also include images and objects. Other features of the ListBox include methods to perform text-based searches, sorting, multi-column display, horizontal and vertical scroll bars, and an easy way to override the default appearance and create owner-drawn ListBox items.

constructor: public ListBox()

The constructor creates an empty ListBox. The code to populate a ListBox is typically placed in the containing form's constructor or Form.Load event handler. If the ListBox.Sorted property is set to true, ListBox items are sorted alphabetically in ascending order. Also, vertical scroll bars are added automatically if the control is not long enough to display all items.

Adding Items to a ListBox

A ListBox has an Items collection that contains all elements of the list. Elements can be added by binding the ListBox to a data source (described in Chapter 11, “ADO.NET”) or manually by using the Add method. If the Sorted property is false, the items are listed in the order they are entered. There is also an Insert method that places an item at a specified location.

lstArtists.Items.Insert(0, "Botticelli"); //Place at top 

Core Note

Core Note

To prevent a ListBox from repainting itself each time an item is added, execute the ListBox.BeginUpdate method prior to adding and ListBox.EndUpdate after the last item is added.

List boxes may also contain objects. Because an object may have many members, this raises the question of what is displayed in the TextBox list. Because by default a ListBox displays the results of an item's ToString method, it is necessary to override this System.Object method to return the string you want displayed. The following class is used to create ListBox items:

// Instances of this class will be placed in a ListBox
public class Artist
   public string BDate, DDate, Country;
   private string firstname;
   private string lastname;
   public Artist(string birth, string death, string fname,
                 string lname, string ctry)
      BDate = birth;
      DDate = death;
      Country = ctry;
      firstname = fname;
      lastname = lname;
   public override string ToString() {
      return (lastname+" , "+firstname);
   public string GetLName    {
      get{ return lastname;} 
   public string GetFName    {
      get{ return firstname;} 

ToString has been overridden to return the artist's last and first names, which are displayed in the ListBox. The ListBox (Figure 7-9) is populated using these statements:

   (new Artist("1832", "1883", "Edouard", "Manet","Fr" ));
   (new Artist("1840", "1926", "Claude", "Monet","Fr"));
   (new Artist("1606", "1669", "Von Rijn", "Rembrandt","Ne"));
   (new Artist("1445", "1510", "Sandre", "Botticelli","It"));
ListBox items: (A) Default and (B) Custom drawn

Figure 7-9. ListBox items: (A) Default and (B) Custom drawn

Selecting and Searching for Items in a ListBox

The SelectionMode property determines the number of items a ListBox allows to be selected at one time. It takes four values from the SelectionMode enumeration: None, Single, MultiSingle, and MultiExtended. MultiSingle allows selection by clicking an item or pressing the space bar; MultiExtended permits the use of the Shift and Ctrl keys.

The SelectedIndexChanged event provides an easy way to detect when an item in a ListBox is selected. It is fired when the user clicks on an item or uses the arrow keys to traverse a list. A common use is to display further information about the selection in other controls on the form. Here is code that displays an artist's dates of birth and death when the artist's name is selected from the ListBox in Figure 7-9:

// Set up event handler in constructor
lstArtists.SelectedIndexChanged += new EventHandler(ShowArtist);
private void ShowArtist(object sender, EventArgs e)
   // Cast to artist object in order to access properties
   Artist myArtist = lstArtists.SelectedItem as Artist;
   if (myArtist != null) {
      txtBirth.Text = myArtist.Dob; // Place dates in text boxes
      txtDeath.Text = myArtist.Dod;

The SelectedItem property returns the item selected in the ListBox. This object is assigned to myArtist using the as operator, which ensures the object is an Artist type. The SelectedIndex property can also be used to reference the selected item:

myArtist = lstArtists.Items[lstArtists.SelectedIndex] as Artist;

Working with a multi-selection ListBox requires a different approach. You typically do not want to respond to a selection event until all items have been selected. One approach is to have the user click a button to signal that all choices have been made and the next action is required. All selections are exposed as part of the SelectedItems collection, so it is an easy matter to enumerate the items:

foreach (Artist a in lstArtists.SelectedItems)

The SetSelected method provides a way to programatically select an item or items in a ListBox. It highlights the item(s) and fires the SelectedIndexChanged event. In this example, SetSelected is used to highlight all artists who were born in France:

lstArtists.ClearSelected();   // Clear selected items
for (int ndx =0; ndx < lstArtists.Items.Count-1; ndx ++)
   Artist a = lstArtists.Items[ndx] as Artist;
   if ( == "Fr") lstArtists.SetSelected(ndx,true);

Customizing the Appearance of a ListBox

The ListBox, along with the ComboBox, MenuItem, and TabControl controls, is an owner-drawn control. This means that by setting a control property, you can have it fire an event when the control's contents need to be drawn. A custom event handler takes care of the actual drawing.

To enable owner drawing of the ListBox, the DrawMode property must be set to one of two DrawMode enumeration values: OwnerDrawFixed or OwnerDrawVariable. The former draws each item a fixed size; the latter permits variable-sized items. Both of these cause the DrawItem event to be fired and rely on its event handler to perform the drawing.

Using the ListBox from the previous example, we can use the constructor to set DrawMode and register an event handler for the DrawItem event:

lstArtists.DrawMode = DrawMode.OwnerDrawFixed;
lstArtists.ItemHeight = 16;  // Height (pixels) of item
lstArtists.DrawItem += new DrawItemEventHandler(DrawList);

The DrawItemEventHandler delegate has two parameters: the familiar sender object and the DrawItemEventArgs object. The latter is of more interest. It contains properties related to the control's appearance and state as well as a couple of useful drawing methods. Table 7-2 summarizes these.

Table 7-2. DrawItemEventArgs Properties




Background color assigned to the control.


Defines the coordinates of the item to be drawn as a Rectangle object.


Returns the font assigned to the item being drawn.


Foreground color of the control. This is the color of the text displayed.


Represents the surface (as a Graphics object) on which the drawing occurs.


The index in the control where the item is being drawn.


The state of the item being drawn. This value is a DrawItemState enumeration. For a ListBox, its value is Selected (1) or None(0).


Draws the default background.


Draws the focus rectangle around the item if it has focus.

Index is used to locate the item. Font, BackColor, and ForeColor return the current preferences for each. Bounds defines the rectangular area circumscribing the item and is used to indicate where drawing should occur. State is useful for making drawing decisions based on whether the item is selected. This is particularly useful when the ListBox supports multiple selections. We looked at the Graphics object briefly in the last chapter when demonstrating how to draw on a form. Here, it is used to draw in the Bounds area. Finally, the two methods, DrawBackground and DrawFocusRectangle, are used as their name implies.

The event handler to draw items in the ListBox is shown in Listing 7-3. Its behavior is determined by the operation being performed: If an item has been selected, a black border is drawn in the background to highlight the selection; if an item is added, the background is filled with a color corresponding to the artist's country, and the first and last names of the artist are displayed.

The routine does require knowledge of some GDI+ concepts (see Chapter 8, “.NET Graphics Using GDI+”). However, the purpose of the methods should be clear from their name and context: FillRectangle fills a rectangular area defined by the Rectangle object, and DrawString draws text to the Graphics object using a font color defined by the Brush object. Figure 7-9(B) shows the output.

Example 7-3. Event Handler to Draw Items in a ListBox

private void DrawList(object sender, DrawItemEventArgs e)
   // Draw ListBox Items
   string ctry;
   Rectangle rect = e.Bounds;
   Artist a = lstArtists.Items[e.Index] as Artist;
   string artistName = a.ToString();
   if ( (e.State & DrawItemState.Selected) == 
                   DrawItemState.Selected )
      // Draw Black border around the selected item
   } else {
      ctry = a.Country;
      Brush b;   // Object used to define backcolor
      // Each country will have a different backcolor
      b = Brushes.LightYellow;      // Netherlands
      if (ctry == "Fr")  b = Brushes.LightGreen;
      if (ctry == "It")  b = Brushes.Yellow;

Other List Controls: the ComboBox and the CheckedListBox

The ComboBox control is a hybrid control combining a ListBox with a TextBox (see Figure 7-10). Like the ListBox, it derives from the ListControl and thus possesses most of the same properties.

ComboBox and CheckedListBox controls are variations on ListBox

Figure 7-10. ComboBox and CheckedListBox controls are variations on ListBox

Visually, the ComboBox control consists of a text box whose contents are available through its Text property and a drop-down list from which a selected item is available through the SelectedItem property. When an item is selected, its textual representation is displayed in the text box window. A ComboBox can be useful in constructing questionnaires where the user selects an item from the drop-down list or, optionally, types in his own answer. Its construction is similar to the ListBox:

ComboBox cbArtists = new ComboBox();
cbArtists.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(120, 21);
cbArtists.MaxDropDownItems= 4;  // Max number of items to display
cbArtists.DropDownWidth = 140;  // Width of drop-down portion
cbArtists.Items.Add(new Artist("1832", "1883",
                               "Edouard", "Manet","Fr" ));
// Add other items here...

The CheckedListBox is a variation on the ListBox control that adds a check box to each item in the list. The default behavior of the control is to select an item on the first click, and check or uncheck it on the second click. To toggle the check on and off with a single click, set the CheckOnClick property to true.

Although it does not support multiple selections, the CheckedListBox does allow multiple items to be checked and includes them in a CheckedItems collection. The code here loops through a collection of Artist objects that have been checked on the control:

// List all items with checked box.
foreach (Artist a in clBox.CheckedItems)
   MessageBox.Show(a.ToString()); //   –> Monet, Claude

You can also iterate through the collection and explicitly determine the checked state:

For (int i=0; I< clBox.Items.Count; i++)
   if(clBox.GetItemCheckState(i) == CheckState.Checked) 
   { Do something }  else {do something if not checked }

The ListView and TreeView Classes

The ListView Class

ListView is another control that displays lists of information. It represents data relationally as items and subitems. The data can be represented in a variety of formats that include a multi-column grid and large or small icons to represent item data. Also, images and check boxes can adorn the control.

Figure 7-11 illustrates the basic properties and methods used to lay out a Details view of the control—a format obviously tailored to displaying database tables. The first column contains text for an item—as well as a picture—the remaining columns contain subitems for the parent item.

ListView control

Figure 7-11. ListView control

Let's look at how this style of the ListView is constructed.

Creating a ListView Object

The ListView is created with a parameterless constructor:

ListView listView1 = new ListView();

Define Appearance of ListView Object

// Set the view to show details
listView1.View = View.Details;

The View property specifies one of five layouts for the control:

  • DetailsAn icon and item's text are displayed in column one. Subitems are displayed in the remaining columns.

  • LargeIconA large icon is shown for each item with a label below the icon.

  • ListEach item is displayed as a small icon with a label to its right. The icons are arranged in columns across the control.

  • SmallIconEach item appears in a single column as a small icon with a label to its right.

  • *TileEach item appears as a full-size icon with the label and subitem details to the right of it. Only available for Windows XP and 2003.

Core Note

Core Note

The ListView.View property can be changed at runtime to switch among the possible views. In fact, you may recognize that the view options correspond exactly to the View menu options available in Windows Explorer.

After the Details view is selected, other properties that define the control's appearance and behavior are set:

// Allow the user to rearrange columns
listView1.AllowColumnReorder = true;
// Select the entire row when selection is made
listView1.FullRowSelect = true;
// Display grid lines
listView1.GridLines = true;
// Sort the items in the list in ascending order
listView1.Sorting = SortOrder.Ascending;

These properties automatically sort the items, permit the user to drag columns around to rearrange their order, and cause a whole row to be highlighted when the user selects an item.

Set Column Headers

In a Details view, data is not displayed until at least one column is added to the control. Add columns using the Columns.Add method. Its simplest form is

ListView.Columns.Add(caption, width, textAlign)

Caption is the text to be displayed. Width specifies the column's width in pixels. It is set to –1 to size automatically to the largest item in the column, or –2 to size to the width of the header.

// Create column headers for the items and subitems
   listView1.Columns.Add("Artist", -2, HorizontalAlignment.Left);
   listView1.Columns.Add("Born", -2, HorizontalAlignment.Left);
   listView1.Columns.Add("Died", -2, HorizontalAlignment.Left);
   listView1.Columns.Add("Country", -2, HorizontalAlignment.Left);

The Add method creates and adds a ColumnHeader type to the ListView's Columns collection. The method also has an overload that adds a ColumnHeader object directly:

ColumnHeader cHeader:
cHeader.Text = "Artist";
cHeader.Width = -2;
cHeader.TextAlign = HorizontalAlignment.Left;
ListView.Columns.Add(ColumnHeader cHeader);

Create ListView Items

Several overloaded forms of the ListView constructor are available. They can be used to create a single item or a single item and its subitems. There are also options to specify the icon associated with the item and set the foreground and background colors.


public ListViewItem(string text);
public ListViewItem(string[] items );
public ListViewItem(string text,int imageIndex );
public ListViewItem(string[] items,int imageIndex );
public ListViewItem(string[] items,int imageIndex,
         Color foreColor,Color backColor,Font font);

The following code demonstrates how different overloads can be used to create the items and subitems shown earlier in Figure 7-8:

// Create item and three subitems
ListViewItem item1 = new ListViewItem("Manet",2);
// Create item and subitems using a constructor only
ListViewItem item2 = new ListViewItem
       (new string[] {"Monet","1840","1926","France"}, 3);
// Create item and subitems with blue background color
ListViewItem item3 = new ListViewItem
       (new string[] {"Cezanne","1839","1906","France"}, 1, 
       Color.Empty, Color.LightBlue, null);

To display the items, add them to the Items collection of the ListView control:

// Add the items to the ListView
      new ListViewItem[]{item1,item2,item3,item4,item5});

Specifying Icons

Two collections of images can be associated with a ListView control as ImageList properties: LargeImageList, which contains images used in the LargeIcon view; and SmallImageList, which contains images used in all other views. Think of these as zero-based arrays of images that are associated with a ListViewItem by the imageIndex parameter in the ListViewItem constructor. Even though they are referred to as icons, the images may be of any standard graphics format.

The following code creates two ImageList objects, adds images to them, and assigns them to the LargeImageList and SmallImageList properties:

// Create two ImageList objects
   ImageList imageListSmall = new ImageList();
   ImageList imageListLarge = new ImageList();
   imageListLarge.ImageSize = new Size(50,50); // Set image size
   // Initialize the ImageList objects 
   // Can use same images in both collections since they're resized
   // Add other images here
   // Assign the ImageList objects to the ListView.
   listView1.LargeImageList = imageListLarge;
   listView1.SmallImageList = imageListSmall;
   ListViewItem lvItem1 = new ListViewItem("Cezanne",1);

An index of 1 selects the cezanne.gif images as the large and small icons. Specifying an index not in the ImageList results in the icon at index 0 being displayed. If neither ImageList is defined, no icon is displayed. Figure 7-12 shows the ListView from Figure 7-11 with its view set to View.LargeIcon:

listView1.View = View.LargeIcon;
LargeIcon view

Figure 7-12. LargeIcon view

Working with the ListView Control

Common tasks associated with the ListView control include iterating over the contents of the control, iterating over selected items only, detecting the item that has focus, and—when in Details view—sorting the items by any column. Following are some code segments to perform these tasks.

Iterating over All Items or Selected Items

You can use foreach to create nested loops that select an item and then iterate through the collection of subitems for the item in the outside loop:

foreach (ListViewItem lvi in listView1.Items)
   string row = "";
   foreach(ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem sub in lvi.SubItems)
      row += " " + sub.Text;
   MessageBox.Show(row); // List concatenated subitems

There are a couple of things to be aware of when working with these collections. First, the first subitem (index 0) element actually contains the text for the item—not a subitem. Second, the ordering of subitems is not affected by rearranging columns in the ListView control. This changes the appearance but does not affect the underlying ordering of subitems.

The same logic is used to list only selected items (MultiSelect = true permits multiple items to be selected). The only difference is that the iteration occurs over the ListView.SelectedItems collection:

foreach (ListViewItem lvisel in listView1.SelectedItems)

Detecting the Currently Selected Item

In addition to the basic control events such as Click and DoubleClick, the ListView control adds a SelectedIndexChanged event to indicate when focus is shifted from one item to another. The following code implements an event handler that uses the FocusedItem property to identify the current item:

// Set this in the constructor
listView1.SelectedIndexChanged +=
      new EventHandler(lv_IndexChanged);
// Handle SelectedIndexChanged Event
private void lv_IndexChanged(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
   string ItemText = listView1.FocusedItem.Text;

Note that this code can also be used with the Click events because they also use the EventHandler delegate. The MouseDown and MouseUp events can also be used to detect the current item. Here is a sample MouseDown event handler:

private void listView1_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
   ListViewItem selection = listView1.GetItemAt(e.X, e.Y);
   if (selection != null)
      MessageBox.Show("Item Selected: "+selection.Text);

The ListView.GetItemAt method returns an item at the coordinates where the mouse button is pressed. If the mouse is not over an item, null is returned.

Sorting Items on a ListView Control

Sorting items in a ListView control by column values is a surprisingly simple feature to implement. The secret to its simplicity is the ListViewItemSorter property that specifies the object to sort the items anytime the ListView.Sort method is called. Implementation requires three steps:

  1. Set up a delegate to connect a ColumnClick event with an event handler.

  2. Create an event handler method that sets the ListViewItemSorter property to an instance of the class that performs the sorting comparison.

  3. Create a class to compare column values. It must inherit the IComparer interface and implement the IComparer.Compare method.

The following code implements the logic: When a column is clicked, the event handler creates an instance of the ListViewItemComparer class by passing it the column that was clicked. This object is assigned to the ListViewItemSorter property, which causes sorting to occur. Sorting with the IComparer interface is discussed in Chapter 4, “Working with Objects in C#”).

// Connect the ColumnClick event to its event handler
listView1.ColumnClick +=new ColumnClickEventHandler(ColumnClick);
// ColumnClick event handler
private void ColumnClick(object o, ColumnClickEventArgs e)
   // Setting this property immediately sorts the 
   // ListView using the ListViewItemComparer object
   this.listView1.ListViewItemSorter = 
       new ListViewItemComparer(e.Column);
// Class to implement the sorting of items by columns
class ListViewItemComparer : IComparer
   private int col;
   public ListViewItemComparer()
      col = 0;   // Use as default column
   public ListViewItemComparer(int column)
      col = column;
   // Implement IComparer.Compare method
   public int Compare(object x, object y)
      string xText = ((ListViewItem)x).SubItems[col].Text;
      string yText = ((ListViewItem)y).SubItems[col].Text;
      return String.Compare(xText, yText);

The TreeView Class

As the name implies, the TreeView control provides a tree-like view of hierarchical data as its user interface. Underneath, its programming model is based on the familiar tree structure consisting of parent nodes and child nodes. Each node is implemented as a TreeNode object that can in turn have its own Nodes collection. Figure 7-13 shows a TreeView control that is used in conjunction with a ListView to display enum members of a selected assembly. (We'll look at the application that creates it shortly.)

Using TreeView control (left) and ListView (right) to list enum values

Figure 7-13. Using TreeView control (left) and ListView (right) to list enum values

The TreeNode Class

Each item in a tree is represented by an instance of the TreeNode class. Data is associated with each node using the TreeNode's Text, Tag, or ImageIndex properties. The Text property holds the node's label that is displayed in the TreeView control. Tag is an object type, which means that any type of data can be associated with the node by assigning a custom class object to it. ImageIndex is an index to an ImageList associated with the containing TreeView control. It specifies the image to be displayed next to the node.

In addition to these basic properties, the TreeNode class provides numerous other members that are used to add and remove nodes, modify a node's appearance, and navigate the collection of nodes in a node tree (see Table 7-3).

Table 7-3. Selected Members of the TreeNode Class






Sets the background color and text color of the node.


Expands the node to display child nodes or collapses the tree so no child nodes are shown.



Returns the first or last node in the collection.

Returns the next or previous node (sibling) relative to the current node.


The index of the current node in the collection.


Returns the current node's parent.




Adds or removes a node to a Nodes collection. Insert adds a node at an indexed location, and Clear removes all tree nodes from the collection.


Copies a tree node and entire subtree.

Let's look at how TreeView and TreeNode members are used to perform fundamental TreeView operations.

Adding and Removing Nodes

The following code creates the tree in Figure 7-14 using a combination of Add, Insert, and Clone methods. The methods are performed on a preexisting treeView1 control.

TreeNode tNode;
// Add parent node to treeView1 control
tNode = treeView1.Nodes.Add("A");
// Add child node: two overloads available
tNode.Nodes.Add(new TreeNode("C"));
// Insert node after C
tNode.Nodes.Insert(1,new TreeNode("E"));
// Add parent node to treeView1 control 
tNode = treeView1.Nodes.Add("B");
TreeView node representation

Figure 7-14. TreeView node representation

At this point, we still need to add a copy of node A and its subtree to the parent node B. This is done by cloning the A subtree and adding it to node B. Node A is referenced as treeView1.Nodes[0] because it is the first node in the control's collection. Note that the Add method appends nodes to a collection, and they can be referenced by their zero-based position within the collection:

// Clone first parent node and add to node B
TreeNode clNode = (TreeNode) treeView1.Nodes[0].Clone();
// Add and remove node for demonstration purposes

Iterating Through the Nodes in a TreeView

As with any collection, the foreach statement provides the easiest way to loop through the collection's members. The following statements display all the top-level nodes in a control:

foreach (TreeNode tn in treeView1.Nodes)
   // If (tn.IsVisible) true if node is visible
   // If (tn.IsSelected) true if node is currently selected

An alternate approach is to move through the collection using the TreeNode.NextNode property:

tNode = treeView1.Nodes[0];
while (tNode != null) {
   tNode = tNode.NextNode;

Detecting a Selected Node

When a node is selected, the TreeView control fires an AfterSelect event that passes a TreeViewEventArgs parameter to the event handling code. This parameter identifies the action causing the selection and the node selected. The TreeView example that follows illustrates how to handle this event.

You can also handle the MouseDown event and detect the node using the GetNodeAt method that returns the node—if any—at the current mouse coordinates.

private void treeView1_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
   TreeNode tn = treeView1.GetNodeAt(e.X, e.Y);
   // You might want to remove the node:  tn.Remove()

A TreeView Example That Uses Reflection

This example demonstrates how to create a simple object browser (refer to Figure 7-13) that uses a TreeView to display enumeration types for a specified assembly. When a node on the tree is clicked, the members for the selected enumeration are displayed in a ListView control.

Information about an assembly is stored in its metadata, and .NET provides classes in the System.Reflection namespace for exposing this metadata. The code in Listing 7-4 iterates across the types in an assembly to build the TreeView. The parent nodes consist of unique namespace names, and the child nodes are the types contained in the namespaces. To include only enum types, a check is made to ensure that the type inherits from System.Enum.

Example 7-4. Using a TreeView and Reflection to List Enums in an Assembly

using System.Reflection;
private void GetEnums()
   TreeNode tNode=null;
   Assembly refAssembly ;
   Hashtable ht= new Hashtable();  // Keep track of namespaces
   string assem = AssemName.Text;  // Textbox with assembly name
   tvEnum.Nodes.Clear();           // Remove all nodes from tree
   // Load assembly to be probed
   refAssembly = Assembly.Load(assem);
   foreach (Type t in refAssembly.GetTypes())
      // Get only types that inherit from System.Enum
      if(t.BaseType!=null && t.BaseType.FullName=="System.Enum")
         string myEnum  = t.FullName;
         string  nSpace = 
         myEnum= myEnum.Substring(myEnum.LastIndexOf(".")+1) ;
         // Determine if namespace in hashtable
         if( ht.Contains(nSpace))
            // Find parent node representing this namespace
            foreach (TreeNode tp in tvEnum.Nodes)
              if(tp.Text == myEnum) { tNode=tp; break;}
            // Add parent node to display namespace
            tNode = tvEnum.Nodes.Add(nSpace);
         // Add Child - name of enumeration
         TreeNode cNode = new TreeNode();
         cNode.Text= myEnum;
         cNode.Tag = t;     // Contains specific enumeration

Notice how reflection is used. The static Assembly.Load method is used to create an Assembly type. The Assembly.GetTypes is then used to return a Type array containing all types in the designated assembly.

refAssembly = Assembly.Load(assem);
foreach (Type t in refAssembly.GetTypes())

The Type.FullName property returns the name of the type, which includes the namespace. This is used to extract the enum name and the namespace name. The Type is stored in the Tag field of the child nodes and is used later to retrieve the members of the enum.

After the TreeView is built, the final task is to display the field members of an enumeration when its node is clicked. This requires registering an event handler to be notified when an AfterSelect event occurs:

tvEnum.AfterSelect += new 

The event handler identifies the selected node from the TreeViewEventArgs.Node property. It casts the node's Tag field to a Type class (an enumerator in this case) and uses the GetMembers method to retrieve the type's members as MemberInfo types. The name of each field member—exposed by the MemberInfo.Name property—is displayed in the ListView:

// ListView lView;
// lView.View = View.List; 
private void tvEnum_AfterSelect(Object sender, 
                                TreeViewEventArgs e)
   TreeNode tn = e.Node;   // Node selected
   ListViewItem lvItem;    
   if(tn.Parent !=null)    // Exclude parent nodes
      lView.Items.Clear(); // Clear ListView before adding items
      Type cNode = (Type) tn.Tag;
      // Use Reflection to iterate members in a Type
      foreach (MemberInfo mi in cNode.GetMembers())
         if(mi.MemberType==MemberTypes.Field &&
                           mi.Name != "value__" )  // skip this

The ProgressBar, Timer, and StatusStrip Classes

The ProgressBar and Timer are lightweight controls that have complementary roles in an application: The Timer initiates action and the ProgressBar reflects the status of an operation or action. In fact, the Timer is not a control, but a component that inherits from the ComponentModel.Component class. It is used most often in processes to regulate some background activity. This may be a periodic update to a log file or a scheduled backup of data. A ProgressBar, on the other hand, provides visual feedback regarding the progress of an operation—such as file copying or steps in an installation.

The third class discussed in this section is the StatusStrip, which is often used in conjunction with a timer and ProgressBar. It's rendered on a form as a strip divided into one or more sections or panes that provide status information. Each section is implemented as a control that is added to the StatusStrip container. For a control to be included in the StatusStrip, it must inherit from the ToolStripItem class.

Building a StatusStrip

Let's now build a form that includes a multi-pane StatusStrip. As shown in Figure 7-15, the strip consists of a label, progress bar, and panel controls. The label (ToolStripLabel) provides textual information describing the overall status of the application. The progress bar is implemented as a ToolStripProgressBar object. It is functionally equivalent to a ProgressBar, but inherits from ToolStripItem. A StatusStripPanel shows the elapsed time since the form was launched. An event handler that is triggered by a timer updates both the progress bar and clock panel every five seconds.

StatusStrip with Label, ProgressBar, and Panel

Figure 7-15. StatusStrip with Label, ProgressBar, and Panel

Listing 7-5 contains the code to create the StatusStrip. The left and right ends of the progress bar are set to represent the values 0 and 120, respectively. The bar is set to increase in a step size of 10 units each time the PerformStep method is executed. It recycles every minute.

The Timer controls when the bar is incremented and when the elapsed time is updated. Its Interval property is set to a value that controls how frequently its Tick event is fired. In this example, the event is fired every 5 seconds, which results in the progress bar being incremented by 10 units and the elapsed time by 5 seconds.

Example 7-5. StatusStrip That Uses a ProgressBar and Timer

// These variables have class scope
Timer currTimer;
StatusStrip statusStrip1;
StatusStripPanel panel1;
ToolStripProgressBar pb;
DateTime startDate = DateTime.Now;

private void BuildStrip()
   currTimer = new Timer();
   currTimer.Enabled = true;
   currTimer.Interval = 5000; // Fire tick event every 5 seconds
   currTimer.Tick += new EventHandler(timer_Tick);
   // Panel to contain elapsed time
   panel1 = new StatusStripPanel();
   panel1.BorderStyle = Border3DStyle.Sunken;
   panel1.Text = "00:00:00";
   panel1.Padding = new Padding(2);
   panel1.Name = "clock";
   panel1.Alignment = ToolStripItemAlignment.Tail; //Right align
   // Label to display application status
   ToolStripLabel ts = new ToolStripLabel();
   ts.Text = "Running...";        
   // ProgressBar to show time elapsing
   pb = new ToolStripProgressBar();
   pb.Step    = 10;      // Size of each step or increment
   pb.Minimum = 0;
   pb.Maximum = 120;     // Allow 12 steps
   // Status strip to contain components
   statusStrip1 = new StatusStrip(); 
   statusStrip1.Height = 20;
   statusStrip1.AutoSize = true;
   // Add components to strip
   statusStrip1.Items.AddRange(new ToolStripItem[] {
      ts, pb, panel1 } );
private void timer_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
   // Get difference between current datetime 
   // and form startup time
   TimeSpan ts = DateTime.Now.Subtract(startDate);
   string elapsed = ts.Hours.ToString("00") + ":" + 
         ts.Minutes.ToString("00") + 
         ":" + ts.Seconds.ToString("00");
         "clock"]).Text= elapsed;
   // Advance progress bar
   if (pb.Value == pb.Maximum) pb.Value = 0;
   pb.PerformStep();   // Increment progress bar

The StatusStripPanel that displays the elapsed time has several properties that control its appearance and location. In addition to those shown here, it has an Image property that allows it to display an image. The StatusStripPanel class inherits from the ToolStripLabel class that is used in the first pane. Both can be used to display text, but the panel includes a BorderStyle property that ToolStripLabel lacks.

Building Custom Controls

At some point, you will face a programming task for which a standard WinForms control does not provide the functionality you need. For example, you may want to extend a TextBox control so that its background color changes according to its content, group a frequently used set of radio buttons into a single control, or create a new control that shows a digital clock face with the date underneath. These needs correspond to the three principal types of custom controls:

  1. A control that derives from an existing control and extends its functionality.

  2. A control that can serve as container to allow multiple controls to interact. This type of control is referred to as a user control. It derives directly from System.Windows.Forms.UserControl rather than Control, as do standard controls.

  3. A control that derives directly from the Control class. This type of control is built “from scratch,” and it is the developer's responsibility to draw its GUI interface and implement the methods and properties that allow it to be manipulated by code.

Let's now look at how to extend an existing control and create a user control.

Extending a Control

The easiest way to create a custom control is to extend an existing one. To demonstrate this, let's derive a TextBox that accepts only digits. The code is quite simple. Create a new class NumericTextBox with TextBox as its base class. The only code required is an event handler to process the KeyPress event and accept only a digit.

class NumericTextBox: TextBox
   public NumericTextBox()
      this.KeyPress += new KeyPressEventHandler(TextBoxKeyPress);
   protected void TextBoxKeyPress(object sender, 
                                  KeyPressEventArgs e)
      if (! char.IsDigit(e.KeyChar)) e.Handled = true;

After the extended control is compiled into a DLL file, it can be added to any form.

Building a Custom UserControl

Think of a user control as a subform. Like a form, it provides a container surface on which related widgets are placed. When compiled, the entire set of controls is treated as a single user control. Of course, users still can interact directly with any of the member controls. Programmatic and design-time access to control members is available through methods and properties defined on the user control.

The easiest way to design a control is with an IDE such as Visual Studio.NET (VS.NET), which makes it easy to position and size controls. The usual way to create a user control in VS.NET is to open a project as a Windows Control Library type. This immediately brings up a control designer window. The design window can also be accessed in a Windows Application by selecting Project – Add User Control from the top menu bar or right-clicking on the Solution Explorer and selecting Add – Add User Control. Although VS.NET can speed up the process of creating a control, it does not generate any proprietary code that cannot be duplicated using a text editor.

A UserControl Example

As an example, let's create a control that can be used to create a questionnaire. The control consists of a label whose value represents the question, and three radio buttons contained on a panel control that represent the user's choice of answers. The control exposes three properties: one that assigns the question to the label, one to set the background color of the panel control, and another that identifies the radio button associated with the user's answer.

Figure 7-16 shows the layout of the user control and the names assigned to each contained control.

Layout of a custom user control

Figure 7-16. Layout of a custom user control

Here is how the members are represented as fields within the UserControl1 class:

public class UserControl1 : System.Windows.Forms.UserControl
   private Panel panel1;
   private RadioButton radAgree;
   private RadioButton radDisagree;
   private RadioButton radUn;
   private Label qLabel;

Listing 7-6 contains the code for three properties: SetQ that sets the label's text property to the question, PanelColor that sets the color of the panel, and Choice, which returns the answer selected by the user as a Choices enum type.

Example 7-6. Implementing Properties for a Custom User Control

public enum Choices
   Agree      = 1,
   DisAgree   = 2,
   Undecided     = 3,
public string SetQ
   set {qLabel.Text = value;}
   get {return(qLabel.Text);}
public Color PanelColor
   set {panel1.BackColor= value;}
   get {return(panel1.BackColor);}
public Choices Choice
      Choices usel;
      usel = Choices.Undecided;
      if (radDisagree.Checked) usel= Choices.DisAgree;
      if (radAgree.Checked) usel = Choices.Agree;

Using the Custom User Control

If the user control is developed as part of a VS.NET Windows Application project, it is automatically added to the tool box under the Windows Forms tab. Simply select it and drop it onto the form. Otherwise, you have to right-click on a tool box tab, select Customize ToolBox, browse for the control, and add it to the tool box.

Figure 7-17 provides an example of using this new control. In this example, we place two control instances on the form and name them Q1 and Q2:

private usercontrol.UserControl1 Q1;
private usercontrol.UserControl1 Q2;
Custom user controls on a form

Figure 7-17. Custom user controls on a form

The properties can be set in the constructor or at runtime in the Form.Load event handler. If using VS.NET, the properties can be set at design time using the Property Browser.

Q1.SetQ = "The economy is performing well"; 
Q2.SetQ = "I'm not worried about the budget deficit.";
Q1.PanelColor = Color.Beige;

The final step in the application is to do something with the results after the questionnaire has been completed. The following code iterates through the controls on the form when the button is clicked. When a UserControl1 type is encountered, its Choice property is used to return the user's selection.

private void button1_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
   foreach (Control ct in this.Controls)
      if (ct is usercontrol.UserControl1)  
         UserControl1 uc = (UserControl1)ct;
         // Display control name and user's answer
         MessageBox.Show(ct.Name+" "+ 

Working with the User Control at Design Time

If you are developing an application with VS.NET that uses this custom control, you will find that the Property Browser lists all of the read/write properties. By default, they are placed in a Misc category and have no description associated with them. To add a professional touch to your control, you should create a category for the control's events and properties and add a textual description for each category member.

The categories and descriptions available in the Property Browser come from metadata based on attributes attached to a type's members. Here is an example of attributes added to the PanelColor property:

Description("Color of panel behind question block")]
public Color PanelColor
   set {panel1.BackColor = value;}
   get {return (panel1.BackColor);}

The Browsable attribute indicates whether the property is to be displayed in the browser. The default is true. The other two attributes specify the category under which the property is displayed and the text that appears below the Property Browser when the property is selected.

Always keep in mind that the motive for creating custom user controls is reusability. There is no point in spending time creating elaborate controls that are used only once. As this example illustrates, they are most effective when they solve a problem that occurs repeatedly.

Using Drag and Drop with Controls

The ability to drag data from one control and drop it onto another has long been a familiar feature of GUI programming. .NET supports this feature with several classes and enumerations that enable a control to be the target and/or source of the drag-and-drop operation.

Overview of Drag and Drop

The operation requires a source control that contains the data to be moved or copied, and a target control that receives the dragged data. The source initiates the action in response to an event—usually a MouseDown event. The source control's event handler begins the actual operation by invoking its DoDragDrop method. This method has two parameters: the data being dragged and a DragDropEffects enum type parameter that specifies the effects or actions the source control supports (see Table 7-4).

Table 7-4. DragDropEffects Enumeration




The data is moved to the target control, and scrolling occurs in the target control to display the newly positioned data.


Data is copied from target to source.


Data from the source is linked to the target.


The data is moved from the source to the target control.


The target control refuses to accept data.


Scrolling occurs or will occur on the target control.

As the mouse moves across the form, the DoDragDrop method determines the control under the current cursor location. If this control has its AllowDrop property set to true, it is a valid drop target and its DragEnter event is raised. The DragEnter event handler has two tasks: to verify that the data being dragged is an acceptable type and to ensure the requested action (Effect) is acceptable. When the actual drop occurs, the destination control raises a DragDrop event. This event handler is responsible for placing the data in the target control (see Figure 7-18).

Sequence of events in drag-and-drop operation

Figure 7-18. Sequence of events in drag-and-drop operation

After the DragDrop event handler finishes, the source control performs any cleanup operations. For example, if the operation involves moving data—as opposed to copying—the data must be removed from the source control.

To demonstrate these ideas, let's create an application that assigns players to a team from a roster of available players (see Figure 7-19). Team A is created by dragging names from the Available Players to the Team A list. Both lists are implemented with list boxes, and the Available Players list is set for single selection.

Drag-and-drop example

Figure 7-19. Drag-and-drop example

A name is selected by pressing the right mouse button and dragging the name to the target list. To add some interest, holding the Ctrl key copies a name rather than moving it.

After the form and controls are created, the first step is to set up the source control (lstPlayers) to respond to the MouseDown event and the target control (lstTeamA) to handle the DragEnter and DragDrop events:

lstPlayers.MouseDown += 
      new MouseEventHandler(Players_MouseDown);
lstTeamA.DragEnter   += new DragEventHandler(TeamA_DragEnter);
lstTeamA.DragDrop    += new DragEventHandler(TeamA_Drop);

The next step is to code the event handlers on the source and target control(s) that implement the drag-and-drop operation.

Source Control Responsibilities

The MouseDown event handler for the source ListBox first checks to ensure that an item has been selected. It then calls DoDragDrop, passing it the value of the selected item as well as the acceptable effects: Move and Copy. The DragDropEffects enumeration has a FlagsAttribute attribute, which means that any bitwise combination of its values can be passed. The value returned from this method is the effect that is actually used by the target. The event handler uses this information to perform any operations required to implement the effect. In this example, a move operation means that the dragged value must be removed from the source control.

Example 7-7. Initiating a Drag-and-Drop Operation from the Source Control

private void Players_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
   if ( lstPlayers.SelectedIndex >=0)
      string players;
      int ndx = lstPlayers.SelectedIndex;
      DragDropEffects effect;
      players = lstPlayers.Items[ndx].ToString();
      if(players != "")
         // Permit target to move or copy data
         effect = lstPlayers.DoDragDrop(players, 
               DragDropEffects.Move | DragDropEffects.Copy);
         // Remove item from ListBox since move occurred
         if (effect == DragDropEffects.Move) 

Target Control Responsibilities

The destination control must implement the event handlers for the DragEnter and DragDrop events. Both of these events receive a DragEventArgs type parameter (see Table 7-5) that contains the information required to process the drag-and-drop event.

Table 7-5. DragEventArgs Properties




The effects that are supported by the source control.

Example to determine if Move is supported:

if ((e.AllowedEffect & DragDropEffects.Move) ==


Returns the IDataObject that contains data associated with this operation. This object implements methods that return information about the data. These include GetData, which fetches the data, and GetDataPresent, which checks the data type.


Gets or sets the target drop effect.


Returns the state of the Alt key, Ctrl key, Shift key, and mouse buttons as an integer:

1—Left mouse button

8—Ctrl key

2—Right mouse button

16—Middle mouse button

4—Shift key

32—Alt key

X, Y

x and y coordinates of the mouse pointer.

The Data, Effect, and KeyState members are used as follows:

  • Data.GetDataPresent is used by the DragEnter event handler to ensure that the data is a type the target control can process.

  • The DragDrop event handler uses Data.GetData to access the data being dragged to it. The parameter to this method is usually a static field of the DataFormats class that specifies the format of the returned data.

  • The DragEnter event handler uses KeyState to determine the status of the mouse and keys in order to determine the effect it will use to process the data. Recall that in this example, pressing the Ctrl key signals that data is to copied rather than moved.

  • Effect is set by the DragEnter event handler to notify the source as to how—or if—it processed the data. A setting of DragDropEffects.None prevents the DragDrop event from firing.

Listing 7-8 shows the code for the two event handlers.

Example 7-8. Handling the DragEnter and DragDrop Events

enum KeyPushed
   // Corresponds to DragEventArgs.KeyState values
   LeftMouse   = 1,
   RightMouse  = 2,
   ShiftKey    = 4,
   CtrlKey     = 8,
   MiddleMouse = 16,
   AltKey      = 32,
private void TeamA_DragEnter(object sender, DragEventArgs e)
   KeyPushed kp = (KeyPushed) e.KeyState;
   // Make sure data type is string
   if (e.Data.GetDataPresent(typeof(string)))
      // Only accept drag with left mouse key
      if ( (kp & KeyPushed.LeftMouse) == KeyPushed.LeftMouse) 
         if ((kp & KeyPushed.CtrlKey) == KeyPushed.CtrlKey)
            e.Effect = DragDropEffects.Copy;    // Copy
            e.Effect = DragDropEffects.Move;  // Move 
      else  // Is not left mouse key
         e.Effect = DragDropEffects.None;
   } else    // Is not a string
      e.Effect = DragDropEffects.None;
// Handle DragDrop event
private void TeamA_Drop(object sender, DragEventArgs e)
   // Add dropped data to TextBox
      (string) e.Data.GetData(DataFormats.Text));

An enum is created with the FlagsAttributes attribute to make checking the KeyState value easier and more readable. The logical “anding” of KeyState with the value of the CtrlKey (8) returns a value equal to the value of the CtrlKey if the Ctrl key is pressed.

A control can serve as source and target in the same application. You could make this example more flexible by having the list boxes assume both roles. This would allow you to return a player from lstTeamA back to the lstPlayers ListBox. All that is required is to add the appropriate event handlers.

Core Note

Core Note

Drag and drop is not just for text. The DataFormats class predefines the formats that can be accepted as static fields. These include Bitmap, PenData, WaveAudio, and numerous others.

Using Resources

Figure 7-7, shown earlier in the chapter, illustrates the use of PictureBox controls to enlarge and display a selected thumbnail image. Each thumbnail image is loaded into the application from a local file:

tn1 = new PictureBox();
tn1.Image = Image.FromFile("c:\schiele1.jpg");

This code works fine as long as the file schiele1.jpg exists in the root directory of the user's computer. However, relying on the directory path to locate this file has two obvious disadvantages: The file could be deleted or renamed by the user, and it's an external resource that has to be handled separately from the code during installation. Both problems can be solved by embedding the image in the assembly rather than treating it as an external resource.

Consider a GUI application that is to be used in multiple countries with different languages. The challenge is to adapt the screens to each country. At a minimum, this requires including text in the native language, and may also require changing images and the location of controls on the form. The ideal solution separates the logic of the program from the user interface. Such a solution treats the GUI for each country as an interchangeable resource that is loaded based on the culture settings (the country and language) of the computer.

The common denominator in these two examples is the need to bind an external resource to an application. .NET provides special resource files that can be used to hold just about any nonexecutable data such as strings, images, and persisted data. These resource files can be included in an assembly—obviating the need for external files—or compiled into satellite assemblies that can be accessed on demand by an application's main assembly.

Let's now look at the basics of working with resource files and how to embed them in assemblies; then, we will look at the role of satellite assemblies in localized applications.

Working with Resource Files

Resource files come in three formats: *.txt files in name/value format, *.resx files in an XML format, and *.resources files in a binary format. Why three? The text format provides an easy way to add string resources, the XML version supports both strings and other objects such as images, and the binary version is the binary equivalent of the XML file. It is the only format that can be embedded in an assembly—the other formats must be converted into a .resources file before they can be linked to an assembly. Figure 7-20 illustrates the approaches that can be used to create a .resources file.

A .resources file can be created from a text file, resources, or a .resx file

Figure 7-20. A .resources file can be created from a text file, resources, or a .resx file

The System.Resources namespace contains the types required to manipulate resource files. It includes classes to read from and write to both resource file formats, as well as load resources from an assembly into a program.

Creating Resource Strings from a Text File

Resource files containing string values are useful when it is necessary for a single application to present an interface that must be customized for the environment in which it runs. A resource file eliminates the need to code multiple versions of an application; instead, a developer creates a single application and multiple resource files that contain the interface captions, text, messages, and titles. For example, an English version of an application would have the English resource file embedded in its assembly; a German version would embed the German resource file. Creating resource strings and accessing them in an application requires four steps:

  1. Create a text file with the name/value strings to be used in the application. The file takes this format:

    ;German version   (this is a comment)
    Select=Wählen Sie aus
  2. Convert the text file to a .resources file using the Resource File Generator utility resgen.exe:

    > resgen german.txt  german.resources

    Note that the text editor used to create the text file should save it using UTF-8 encoding, which resgen expects by default.

  3. Use the System.Resources.ResourceManager class to read the strings from the resource file. As shown here, the ResourceManager class accepts two arguments: the name of the resource file and the assembly containing it. The Assembly class is part of the System.Reflection namespace and is used in this case to return the current assembly. After the resource manager is created, its GetString method is used by the application to retrieve strings from the resource file by their string name:

    // new ResourceManager(resource file, assembly)
    ResourceManager rm = new ResourceManager( 
    nxtButton.Text= rm.GetString("Next");
  4. For this preceding code to work, of course, the resource file must be part of the application's assembly. It's bound to the assembly during compilation:

    csc /t:exe /resource:german.resources myApp.cs

Using the ResourceWriter Class to Create a .resources File

The preceding solution works well for adding strings to a resource file. However, a resource file can also contain other objects such as images and cursor shapes. To place these in a .resources file, .NET offers the System.Resources.ResourceWriter class. The following code, which would be placed in a utility or helper file, shows how to create a ResourceWriter object and use its AddResource method to store a string and image in a resource file:

IResourceWriter writer = new ResourceWriter( 
        "myResources.resources");  // .Resources output file
Image img = Image.FromFile(@"c:schiele1.jpg");
rw.AddResource("Page","Seite");    // Add string
rw.AddResource("artistwife",img);  // Add image 
rw.Close();                        // Flush resources to the file

Using the ResourceManager Class to Access Resources

As we did with string resources, we use the ResourceManager class to access object resources from within the application. To illustrate, let's return to the code presented at the beginning of this section:

tn1.Image = Image.FromFile("C:\schiele1.jpg");

The ResourceManager allows us to replace the reference to an external file, with a reference to this same image that is now part of the assembly. The GetString method from the earlier example is replaced by the GetObject method:

ResourceManager rm = new 
// Extract image from resources in assembly
tn1.Image = (Bitmap) rm.GetObject("artistwife");

Using the ResXResourceWriter Class to Create a .resx File

The ResXResourceWriter class is similar to the ResourceWriter class except that it is used to add resources to a .resx file, which represents resources in an intermediate XML format. This format is useful when creating utility programs to read, manage, and edit resources—a difficult task to perform with the binary .resources file.

ResXResourceWriter rwx = new 
Image img = Image.FromFile(@"c:schiele1.jpg");
rwx.AddResource("artistwife",img);  // Add image 
rwx.Generate();   // Flush all added resources to the file

The resultant file contains XML header information followed by name/value tags for each resource entry. The actual data—an image in this case—is stored between the value tags. Here is a section of the file myresources.resx when viewed in a text editor:

<data name="face" type="System.Drawing.Bitmap, System.Drawing, 
   PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a" mimetype="application/x-">
<value>       ----   Actual Image bytes go here ----

Note that although this example stores only one image in the file, a .resx file can contain multiple resource types.

Using the ResXResourceReader Class to Read a .resx file

The ResXResourceReader class provides an IDictionaryEnumerator (see Chapter 4) that is used to iterate through the tag(s) in a .resx file. This code segment lists the contents of a resource file:

ResXResourceReader rrx = new    
// Enumerate the collection of tags
foreach (DictionaryEntry de in rrx)
   MessageBox.Show("Name: "+de.Key.ToString()+"
Value: " + 
   // Output --> Name:  artistwife
   //        --> Value: System.Drawing.Bitmap

Converting a .resx File to a .resources File

The .resx file is converted to a .resources file using resgen.exe:

resgen myresources.resx  myresources.resources

If the second parameter is not included, the output file will have the same base name as the source file. Also, note that this utility can be used to create a .resources file from a .resx file. The syntax is the same as in the preceding example—just reverse the parameters.

VS.NET and Resources

Visual Studio.NET automatically creates a .resx file for each form in a project and updates them as more resources are added to the project. You can see the resource file(s) by selecting the Show All Files icon in the Solution Explorer.

When a build occurs, .resources files are created from the .resx files. In the code itself, a ResourceManager object is created to provide runtime access to the resources:

ResourceManager resources = new ResourceManager(typeof(Form1));

Using Resource Files to Create Localized Forms

In .NET vernacular, a localized application is one that provides multi-language support. This typically means providing user interfaces that display text and images customized for individual countries or cultures. The .NET resource files are designed to support such applications.

In a nutshell, resource files can be set up for each culture being supported. For example, one file may have all the control labels and text on its interface in German; another may have the same controls with French text. When the application runs, it looks at the culture settings of the computer it is running on and pulls in the appropriate resources. This little bit of magic is accomplished by associating resource files with the CultureInfo class that designates a language, or language and culture. The resource files are packaged as satellite assemblies, which are resource files stored as DLLs.

Resource Localization Using Visual Studio.NET

To make a form localized, you must set its Localizable property to true. This has the effect of turning each control on a form into a resource that has its properties stored in the form's .resx file. This sets the stage for creating separate .resx files for each culture a form supports.

Recall from Chapter 5, “C# Text Manipulation and File I/O,” that a culture is specified by a two-character language code followed by an optional two-character country code. For example, the code for English in the United States is en-US. The terms neutral culture and specific culture are terms to describe a culture. A specific culture has both the language and country specified; a neutral culture has only the language. Consult the MSDN documentation on the CultureInfo class for a complete list of culture names.

To associate other cultures with a form, set the form's Language property to another locale from the drop-down list in the Properties window. This causes a .resx file to be created for the new culture. You can now customize the form for this culture by changing text, resizing controls, or moving controls around. This new property information is stored in the .resx file for this culture only—leaving the .resx files for other cultures unaffected.

The resource files are stored in folders, as shown in Figure 7-21. When the project is built, a satellite assembly is created to contain the resources for each culture, as shown in Figure 7-22. This DLL file has the same name in each folder.

VS.NET resource files for multiple cultures

Figure 7-21. VS.NET resource files for multiple cultures

Satellite assembly

Figure 7-22. Satellite assembly

Determining Localization Resources at Runtime

By default, an application's thread has its CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture property set to the culture setting of the machine it is running on. Instances of the ResourceManager, in turn, use this value to determine which resources to load. They do this by searching for the satellite assembly in the folder associated with the culture—a reason why the naming and location of resource folders and files is important. If no culture-specific resources are found, the resources in the main assembly are used.

Core Note

Core Note

The easiest way to test an application with other culture settings is to set the CurrentUICulture to the desired culture. The following statement, for example, is placed before InitializeComponent() in VS.NET to set the specific culture to German:

System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture =
   new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("de-DE");

Creating a Satellite Assembly Without VS.NET

One of the advantages of using satellite assemblies is that they can be added to an application, or modified, without recompiling the application. The only requirements are that a folder be set up along the proper path, and that the folder and satellite assembly have the proper name.

Suppose you have a .resx file that has been converted by your translator to French Canadian. You can manually create and add a satellite assembly to the application in three steps:

  1. Convert the.resx file to a .resources file: 
  2. Convert the .resources file to a satellite assembly using the Assembly Linker (Al.exe):

  3. Create the fr-CA folder beneath Release folder and copy the new assembly file into it.

Placing the satellite assembly in the proper folder makes it immediately available to the executable and does not require compiling the application.


There are more than 50 GUI controls available in the .NET Framework Class Library. This chapter has taken a selective look at some of the more important ones. They all derive from the System.Windows.Forms.Control class that provides the inherited properties and methods that all the controls have in common.

Although each control is functionally unique, it is possible to create a taxonomy of controls based on similar characteristics and behavior. The button types, which are used to intitiate an action or make a selection, include the simple Button, CheckBox, and RadioButton. These are often grouped using a GroupBox or Panel control. The TextBox can be used to hold a single line of text or an entire document. Numerous methods are available to search the box and identify selected text within it. The PictureBox is available to hold images and has a SizeMode property that is used to position and size an image within the box.

Several controls are available for presenting lists of data. The ListBox and ComboBox display data in a simple text format. However, the underlying data may be a class object with multiple properties. The TreeView and ListView are useful for displaying data with a hierarchical relationship. The ListView can display data in multiple views that include a grid layout and icon representation of data. The TreeView presents a tree metaphor to the developer, with data represented as parent and child nodes.

Most of the controls support the drag-and-drop operation that makes it easy to move or copy data from one control to another. The source control initiates the action by calling a DoDragDrop method that passes the data and permissible effects to the target control.

For applications that require nonstandard controls, .NET lets you create custom controls. They may be created from scratch, derived from an existing control, or created as a combination of controls in a user control container.

Test Your Understanding


Why is a container control such as a GroupBox used with radio buttons?


What is the SizeMode property set to in order to automatically resize and fill an image in a PictureBox?


Suppose you place objects in a ListBox that have these properties:

string Vendor, string ProductID, int Quantity

How do you have the ListBox display the ProductID and Quantity?


What event is fired when an item in a ListBox is selected? What ListBox properties are used to identify the selected item?


What property and value are set on a ListView to display its full contents in a grid layout?


Which TreeNode property can be used to store object data in a TreeView node?


Which two events must the destination control in a drag-and-drop operation support?


The Property Browser in VS.NET uses metadata to categorize a control's properties and events and assign default values. How do you generate this information for the properties in a custom control?


What class is used to read text from a text resource file embedded in an assembly? What method is used to read values from the file?

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