
Page numbers followed by “f” denote figures


A Beautiful Mind, 33f

A Bout de Soufflé, 176

Abstract movement, 32

Accents of stress, 58


description of, 117119, 191

parallel.. See Parallel action

prolonging of, through slow motion, 204

through conflict, 214215

in two-handers, 231232

Action films, 133

Actively perceiving rhythm, 89


actions of, 117119

improvising by, 119

movement by, 115117

Affective flow, 35

Affective phrasing, 32

Allen, Dede, 210

Allen, Jaz, 27f

Allen, Richard James, 85f, 98, 106

Altman, Robert, 51f

American Beauty, 19f

Analysis, 2

Anderson, William, 191

Apocalypse Now, 169171

Aronofsky, Darren, 174

Aronson, Linda, 83

Assemblies, 138

Asymmetry, 35

“Attractions,”, 25, 162

Australian Screen Editors Guild, 8788


Bafaloukos, Ted, 63f

Baraka, 155

Bartenieff, Irmgard, 53, 59

Barthes, Roland, 15

Battleship Potemkin, 31f

Beats, 119121, 127, 225226

Bennett, Bill, 229

Bennett, Sara, 136

Berdan, Brian, 179

Beresford, Bruce, 171

Bergman, Ingrid, 158f, 228

Bergson, Henri, 67

Biomechanics, 116

Blade Runner, 18f

Bogart, Humphrey, 158f

Bonnie and Clyde, 210

Bordwell, David, x, xxxxi, xxiv, 47, 60, 137

Boyle, Peter, 121

Bozzuffi, Marcel, 239

Bracco, Lorraine, 149

Brando, Marlon, 143

Breaker Morant, 171174

Breath rhythm, 17, 19f, 20

Brief History of Time, A, 63f

Broadcast News, 7179

Brooks, Albert, 71

Brooks, James L, 71, 75

Burstyn, Ellen, 175, 175f


Cabaret, 56f

Cambern, Donn, 1

Cameron, James, 242

Canalese, Emma, 98

Casablanca, 158f, 158159

Case studies. See also specific movie

chases, 237245

collision, 167169, 174176

decoupage, 167169, 171174

emotional rhythm, 121129

event rhythm, 142151

fast motion, 208210

linkage, 169171

montage, 169171, 174176

parallel action, 185200

physical rhythm, 98107

slow motion, 202207

style, 166179

synchronization, 7179

tension and release, 7179

two-handers, 218231

Castle-Hughes, Keisha, 37f

Caught in the Draft, 65

Chariots of Fire, 202204


case studies of, 237245

conflict creation, 234237

construction of, 232

excitation, 233234, 240241

French Connection, The, 239242, 245

Girl and Her Trust, The, 237239, 242, 245

identification, 233

intensification in, 236238, 241

Terminator, 2, 242245

Chicago, 96f

Choreographic Cognitions, 2627


definition of, 23

editing associated with, 2342, 64, 96, 248

phrase in, 30

Cine-phrases, 248

Citizen Kane, 160

Claxton, Guy, 3, 6

Clemenson, Christian, 71

Clockwork Orange, A, 38f

Close-ups, 202, 233

Collette, Toni, 121, 142


case studies of, 167169, 174176, 229

decoupage and, 167169, 229

definition of, 162

Eisenstein's use of, 154, 160162

energy from, 162

of energy qualities, 166

excitation through, 235

juxtapositions as example of, 162163

linkage and, 165166, 177

montage and, 174176

physical rhythm through, 162163

Psycho, 167169, 168f

Requiem for a Dream, 174176

Colour Box, 92f

Comedy, 208

Conducting, 25


action through, 214215

in chases, 234237

defining of, 225

Eisenstein's notion of, 235

environmental, 216, 220

internal, 216

interpersonal, 216, 219220

levels of, 216

social, 216, 220

Connelly, Jennifer, 33f, 174, 175f

Content curve, 234235

Cooper, Dany, 7

Coppola, Francis Ford, 142, 169171

Corsitto, Salvatore, 143

Corwin, Hank, 179

Crash, 36f

Creativity, 56

Cross, Ben, 203, 203f

Crosscutting, 234

Crowe, Russell, 33f

Culture, 134

Cusak, Joan, 74, 74f, 76


jump, 176178

match, 57, 165

timing of, 196197


content curve and, 234

of emotional rhythms, 112113, 129

fast rate of, 48

match, 165

as movement, 31f, 32

performance as guide for, 111

rate of, 4748


Dailies, 10

Daldry, Stephen, 121

Dancing edits, 9697

Dancyger, Ken, 177, 213, 233234, 236

Danes, Claire, 209

Dangar, Henry, 229

Davis, Geena, 207f

Day, Matt, 229

Decision making, 5, 25


case studies of, 167169, 171174, 229

collision and, 167169, 229

definition of, 156157

examples of, 160

linkage and, 164, 171174

montage vs., 160, 179

Psycho, 167169, 168f

reasons for using, 156157

rhythm and, 157

temporal ellipsis and, 157160

Decugis, Cecile, 177

Deleuze, Gilles, 6869


definition of, 181

fast motion.. See Slow motion

mixed motions, 210

parallel action.. See Parallel action

purpose of, 181

slow motion.. See Slow motion

speed ramping, 210211

Digital nonlinear editing technology, 138

Dillon, Matt, 36f


editing style and, 153

synchronization with, 6970

Discontinuous continuity, 177

Dissolves, 170171

Documentaries, xxiv, 57, 61, 63f, 159

Documentary, 4, 54, 58f, 63f, 109, 111, 112f, 119, 139140, 202

Doesnt Fit in a Box, 27f

Donen, Stanley, 208

Dramatic plot, 135

Dramatic question, 135

Duration of shots, 45, 47, 166


Effort, 53

Eisenstein, Sergei, 2426, 31f, 55, 116, 154, 160161, 163, 235

Ellipsis, 135136, 157160


description of, 65, 84, 191

in two-handers, 231232

types of, 205

Emotional rhythm

actor's actions, 117119

beats, 119121, 127

case study of, 121129

cutting of, 112113, 129

description of, 87

Hours, The, 121129, 141142

shaping of, 250

tension created through, 151

Empathetic response, 62

Empathize, 233


definition of, 62

kinesthetic, 1011, 20, 34, 59, 64, 87, 204, 234

Emphasis, 25, 2832, 3839, 4546, 52, 5758, 64, 72, 93, 137, 140, 148, 171, 174, 191, 201, 212, 217, 224, 236


from collision, 162

description of, 53

throwing the, 114, 120, 136

Energy trajectories, 55, 57

English Patient, The, 56f

Environmental conflict, 216, 220

Erin Brockovich, 178


definition of, 85, 87

movement of, 85, 87

prolonging of, through slow motion, 204206

Event rhythm

case studies of, 142151

creation of, 137

definition of, 131

description of, 87, 151152

emotional rhythm and, 142

of films, 131133

in Godfather, The, 142146

in Goodfellas, 146151

physical rhythm and, 142

reintegrating rhythms, 141142

shaping of, 131133, 135137, 140, 250

structure creation with, 138140

Excitation, 233235, 240241

Expertise, 4

Explicit knowledge, 2, 251


Fade to black, 230

Fairservice, Don, 186

Fast motion

case studies of, 208210

comedy through, 208

confusion created by, 210

creation of, 207208

description of, 182

function of, 208, 211

Romeo and Juliet, 208209

slow motion and, 210

Two for the Road, 208210

Fast pacing, 50, 52f

Fiennes, Ralph, 56f

Finney, Albert, 209

Fleming, Victor, 218, 220

Fragments, 31

Fraleigh, Sandra Horton, 54

Frame, choosing a, 4445

Freeze-frames, 147148

Freidkin, William, 239

French Connection, The, 239242, 245

Furlong, Edward, 242


Gable, Clark, 219f

Gallipoli, 188191

“Gangsta” films, 211

Giannetti, Louis, 161

Gibson, Mel, 189, 190f

Gibson, Ross, 17, 20

Girl and Her Trust, The, 237239, 242, 245

Goals, 218

Goddard, Jean-Luc, 176

Godfather, The

event rhythm in, 142146

parallel action in, 192197, 195f

Gone with the Wind, 218222, 232

Goodfellas, 146151

Gosford Park, 51f

Grant, Cary, 51f

Great Train Robbery, The, 185187

Greenberg, Jerry, 239

Greenfield, Amy, 105

Grey, Jay, 56f

Griffith, D.W., 183, 237239, 241

Grodal, Torben Kragh, 65


Hackman, Gene, 239

Haneke, Tom, 97

Harrelson, Woody, 178, 179f

Harris, Jon, 198

Heim, Alan, 1

Hepburn, Audrey, 209

Herlings, Terri, 104f

Hirsch, Paul, 1

His Gal Friday, 51f

Hitchcock, Alfred

Notorious, 228

Psycho, 67f, 167169, 168f

Strangers on a Train, 187188

Hopkins, Anthony, 229, 230f

Hours, The, 121129, 141142

Howards End, 229231

Hudson, Hugh, 202

Humphrey, Doris, 3435, 39

Hunter, Holly, 7173, 72f–73f

Hurt, William, 71, 7475, 77f


Identification, 233

Implicit learning, 4

In the Bedroom, 86f

Inarritu, Alejandro Gonzalez, 178

Intensification, 236238, 241

Internal conflict, 216

Interpersonal conflict, 216, 219220

Intolerance, 241


definition of, 67, 21

development of, 12, 6

elements of, 36

explicit knowledge and, 2

instinct vs., 1

respect for, 251

rhythmic, 122

thinking associated with, 37

Island, Home, Country, 58f

Ivory, James, 229


Jackson, Peter, 93f

Jarmusch, Jim, 159

Jeopardy-enhancing elements, 241

Judgment, 5

Jump cuts, 176178

Juxtapositions, 162163


Kahn, Sheldon, 1

Kern, Hal C., 220

Kinesthetic antipathy, 139

Kinesthetic empathy, 1011, 20, 34, 59, 64, 80, 87, 204, 234

Kiss or Kill, 229

Knowledge, 15, 251

Koyaanisqatsi, 155

Kress, Carl, 1

Kubrick, Stanley, 38f


Laban, Rudolf, 53, 59

Learning, implicit, 4

Leigh, Janet, 167

Leigh, Vivien, 218, 219f

Leto, Jared, 174, 175f

Levin, Sidney, 1

Lewis, Juliette, 178, 179f


Apocalypse Now, 169171

approaches used for, 165

case studies of, 169171, 171174

collision and, 165166, 177

decoupage and, 164, 171174

of energy qualities, 166

montage and, 169171

Pudovkin's use of, 154, 163165

Liotta, Ray, 147

Live Free or Die Hard, 86f

Lord of the Kings, Return of the King, 93f

Lorenz, Konrad, 6

Lye, Len, 92f


MacLaine, Shirley, 224

Marks, Richard, 1, 72, 72f, 78f, 79

Marshall, Rob, 96f

Martino, Al, 145f

Match cut, 57, 165

Matewan, 62f

McKee, Robert, 204, 213216

Meditation, 70, 79

Mendes, Sam, 19f

Metz, Christian, 199

Meyerhold, Vsevolod, 115116

Mills, Jane, 178

Minghella, Anthony, 56f

Mirror, The, 30f

Mirror neurons, 1112, 1617, 20, 34, 59, 64, 80, 234

Mirroring rhythm, 1013

Mise-en-scène, 221

Modell, Arnold, 11


Apocalypse Now, 169171

case studies of, 169171, 174176

collision and, 174176

decoupage vs., 160, 179

definition of, 155, 157

Eisenstein's view of, 162

examples of, 155, 160

linkage and, 169171

in realist narrative films, 156

Requiem for a Dream, 174176

temporal ellipsis and, 157160

Moore, Julianne, 121, 128f, 141

Morris, Errol, 63f, 112f

Motion effects. See Fast motion; Slow motion


abstract, 32

by actors, 115117

choreographing of, 249

cutting as, 31f, 32

definition of, 8, 10

Effort and, 53

as emotional content, 33

of emotions, 8485

of events, 85, 87

excitation created through, 233234

physical, 84, 249

physical response to, 11

pulses in, 29, 64

rate of, 50, 51f

rechoreographing, 9394

shaping of, 26

slow motion effects on, 201

trajectory of, 55

types of, 8488

watching of, 12

Movement phrases, 2934

Murch, Walter, 16, 20, 111, 118

Murderer in the Dark, 65


composing of, 24

conducting of, 25

editing and, 2428, 97

overlapping of, 196197

perceiving rhythms and, 89


Natural Born Killers, 178, 179f

Navigator, The, 204206

Newsfront, 69f

Newton, Thandie, 36f

Nichols, Mike, 223

Night at the Opera, A, 49f

No Surrender, 85f

Notorious, 228

Noyce, Phillip, 69f


O'Connor, Francis, 229

Oldham, Gabriella, 1

Orchestration, 2425

O'Steen, Sam, 223, 226

Overlapping of sound and music, 196197



cutting rate, 4748

definition of, 47

excitation created through, 234

fast, 50, 52f

rapid, 50, 51f

rate of change or movement within a shot, 4849

rate of overall change, 4950, 51f

slowing of pace, 49

Pacino, Al, 192

Pankow, Bill, 1

Parallel action

case studies, 185200

description of, 182184, 199

function of, 212

Gallipoli, 188191

Godfather, The, 192197, 195f

Great Train Robbery, The, 185187

Snatch, 197200

Strangers on a Train, 187188

two-handers and, 231

Participation, 6263

Patrick, Robert, 242

Penn, Arthur, 210

Perceiving rhythm

actively, 89

in dailies, 10

description of, 78

music and, 89

in rushes, 10

Perkins, Anthony, 167

Pesci, Joe, 149


in choreography, 30

of dance movements, 39

definition of, 38

movement, 2934

Physical movement, 84, 249

Physical rhythm

case study of, 98107

collision as element of, 162163

dancing edits, 9697

definition of, 91

description of, 84

emotional rhythm and, 142

event rhythm and, 142

kinesthetic empathy created through, 87

movement patterns in, 9192

physical storytelling, 94, 95f, 97, 100, 106

rechoreographing, 9394, 97

singing the rhythm, 9798

tension created through, 151

Thursdays Fictions, 98107, 109, 141, 252

Physical storytelling, 94, 95f, 97, 100, 106

Pickup, 221222

Pileggi, Nicholas, 146

Plot, 46, 133134

Point-of-view shots, 233

Porter, Edwin, 185187

Postcards from the Edge, 223228, 232

Problem-driven research, 247

Psycho, 67f, 167169, 168f

Pudovkin, Vsevolod, 137, 154, 163165

Pulp Fiction, 14f

Pulse, 2829, 64


Raging Bull, 95f

Ramachandran, V.S., 12

Rapid pacing, 50, 51f

Rawlings, Terry, 203

Rechoreographing, 9394, 97

Reggio, Godfrey, 155

Reintegrating rhythms, 141142

Requiem for a Dream, 174176

Resonance of bodily actions, 67

Restak, Richard, 2, 11

Reynolds, William, 145, 193


attributes of, 43

awareness of, 9, 247, 251

being, 15

breath, 17, 19f, 20

composing of, 24

crafting of, 34

creation of, 13, 15, 20, 59

culture and, 134

definition of, 5758, 80

emotional. See Emotional rhythm

event. See Event rhythm

feeling of, 65, 247248

function of, 61, 79

mirroring, 1013

perceiving. See Perceiving rhythm

physical. See Physical rhythm

physical effect on spectators, 65, 67

pulse, 2829

reintegrating of, 141142

shaping of, 140, 247, 249

singing the, 9798

sources of, 7

storytelling through, 67

tension and release shaped by, 6162

tuning into, 16

Rhythmic montage, 26

Rhythmic thinking, 1520, 247248

Ridgway, Linda, 104f

Ritchie, Guy, 197198

Romeo and Juliet, 208209

Rough cut, 138

Rumination, 6

Rushes, 10

Russell, Rosalind, 51f


Salt, Barry, 137

Sarandon, Susan, 207f

Sayles, John, 61, 62f


definition of, 213214

at least one value in, 216217

turns in. See Turning the scene

Schon, Donald, 2

Schoonmaker, Thelma, 95f, 146

Schwarzenegger, Arnold, 242244

Scorsese, Martin, 24, 95f, 146

Scott, John, 205

Scott, Ridley, 18f, 206

Sensitivity, 5

Setups, 168

Sheen, Martin, 169, 170f

Shire, Talia, 145f


duration of, 45, 47, 166

intensification creation, 236238

lengths of, 29, 64

pattern of, 222223

pickup, 221222

placement of, 4547

pulse of, 29, 64

rate of change or movement within, 4849

Simon, Paul, 199

Singing the rhythm, 9798

Slow motion

case studies of, 202207

Chariots of Fire, 202204

creation of, 200201

description of, 182

emphasis through stress achieved through, 201

fast motion and, 210

function of, 211

movement affected by, 201

Navigator, The, 204206

prolonging of event through, 204206

purpose of, 201

Thelma and Louise, 206207

Snatch, 197200

Soderbergh, Steven, 178

Spacek, Sissy, 86f

Speed ramping, 210211

Stage space, 3839

Stanislavski, 117, 119

Step printing, 200

Stone, Olive, 178179

Story values, 215216


physical, 94, 95f, 97, 100, 106

shaping event rhythm and, 132

through rhythm, 67

Stranger Than Paradise, 159

Strangers on a Train, 187188

Streep, Meryl, 224

Stress accent, 5759, 201


case studies of, 166179

collision. See Collision

contemporary, 176179

decoupage. See Decoupage

defining of, 153

director's role in creating, 153

jump cuts, 176178

linkage. See Linkage

montage. See Montage

range of choices for, 153155

temporal ellipsis, 157160

Symmetry, 35


case study of, 7179

ceremony of, 6869

description of, 6871

with director, 6970


Tarantino, Quentin, 14f

Tarkovsky, Andrey, 8, 10, 2526, 28, 3031

Temporal ellipsis, 157160

Tension and release

case study of, 7179

creation of, 6167, 111, 125, 249

through emotional rhythm, 151

through physical rhythm, 151

Terminator, 2, 242245

Thelma and Louise, 206207

Thin Blue Line, 112f


intuitive, 37

rhythmically, 1520, 247248

Thomas, Kristen Scott, 56f

Thompson, Emma, 229, 230f

Thompson, Jack, 172f, 173

Thornley, Jeni, 58f

Throwing the emotion, 118

Throwing the energy, 114, 120, 136

Throwing the Energy game, 113115

Thursdays Fictions, 98107, 109, 141, 252

Time, 188191


case study of, 173

choosing of duration, 45

choosing of frame, 4445

choosing the placement of a shot, 4547

definition of, 4445

description of, 248

movement sequence created through, 30

Tiomkin, Dimitri, 187

Trajectory phrasing, 4344, 52, 248249

Truman Show, The, 159160

Turning the scene

case studies of, 222223, 226227

description of, 215, 217

21 Grams, 178

Two for the Road, 208210


action through conflict, 214215

case studies, 218231

description of, 213214

Gone with the Wind, 218222, 232

Howards End, 229231

Kiss or Kill, 229

Notorious, 228

parallel action and, 231

Postcards from the Edge, 223228, 232

scene, 213214

summary of, 231232

turns, 215

value-charged condition, 215217


Value charge, 215217

Van Leeuwen, Theo, 25, 29, 67

Venora, Diane, 209

Vertov, Dziga, 91, 202


Walong, Bernadette, 85f

Walsh, Martin, 3

Ward, Vincent, 204205

Weir, Peter, 159, 188

West Wing, The, 132f

Whale Rider, 37f

Wilkinson, Tom, 86f

Willis, Bruce, 86f

Woodward, Edward, 172f

Working memory, 23

Worth, Merle, 1, 250


Yezerski, Michael, 106


Zeigler, William H., 187

Zinner, Peter, 145, 193

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