DLL injection

DLL injection is another privilege escalation method that attackers are using. It also involves the compromising of legitimate processes and services of the Windows operating system. DLL injection is used to run malicious code using the context of a legitimate process. By using the context of a process recognized to be legitimate, an attacker gains several advantages, especially the ability to access the processes memory and permissions. The attacker's actions are also masked by the legitimate processes. There has recently been a discovery of a rather sophisticated DLL injection technique called reflective DLL injection (13). It is more effective since it loads the malicious code without having to make the usual Windows API calls and therefore bypassing DLL load monitoring (13). It uses a clever process of loading a malicious library from the memory onto a running process. Instead of following the normal DLL injection process of loading a malicious DLL code from a path, a process that not only creates an external dependency and degrades the stealth of an attack, reflective DLL injection sources its malicious code in the form of raw data. It is more difficult to detect, even on machines that are adequately protected by security software. DLL injection attacks have been used by attackers to modify the Windows Registry, create threads and to do DLL loading. These are all actions that require admin privileges, but attackers sneak their way into doing them without such privileges.

The following diagram is a short illustration of how DLL injections work:

It is important to keep in mind that DLL injection is not only used for privilege escalation. Here are some examples of malware that use the DLL injection technique to either compromise a system or propagate to others:

  • Backdoor.Oldrea: injects itself in the explore.exe process
  • BlackEnergy: injects as a DLL into the svchost.exe process
  • Duqu: injects itself in many processes to avoid detection
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