Activities in Barcelona


For more information see Barcelona's Parks & Beaches


For more information see Walks & Bike Rides in and around Barcelona

  1. Sunbathing & Swimming

    Head to the city beaches to cool down and escape the stifling heat. Barcelona boasts a wide range of fabulous beaches, from Barceloneta, lined with bars and restaurants, to the reclaimed beaches of Vila Olímpica, Bogatell and Mar Bella.

    Sunbathers, Platja de la Barceloneta
  2. Watersports

    A wide variety of activities is on offer in the jet-set surroundings of Port Olímpic and neighbouring beaches, including dinghy sailing and windsurfing. For the experienced, boats are available for hire from the Escola Municipal de Vela; for the beginner, there are classes. Night-time kayaking tours of the city’s beaches are available from Desconnecta.

    Escola Municipal de vela

    • Moll de Gregal

    • 93 225 79 40

    • Open 9:30am–8pm daily


  3. Swimming

    Set in the green environs of Montjuïc, the outstanding outdoor pool of Bernat Picornell is surprisingly uncrowded, especially in summer. Renovated for the Olympics, it has sun loungers, an ice-cream stall and a huge electronic timer for swimmers to time their sprints. During the summer, there’s a film programme known as “watch and swim”.

    Av del Estadi

    • Open 7am–midnight Mon–Fri, 7am–9pm Sat, 7am–8:30pm (4pm winter) Sun

    • Adm

    • DA

    Bernat Picornell outdoor pool
  4. Pitch-&-Putt Golf

    The Costa Brava is emerging as one of Spain’s top golf destinations but if you’re looking to tee off in town, your best bets are the nearby pitch-and-putt courses in Badalona and Castelldefells.

    • Castell de Godmar, Badalona, 5km NE Barcelona

    • 93 395 27 79

    • Open 8:30am–dusk daily

    Canal Olímpic

    • Castelldefels, 20 km S Barcelona

    • 93 636 28 96

    • Open 9am–9pm Tue–Sat (to 8pm Sun)

  5. Beach Volleyball

    On weekend mornings year-round you can pick up a volleyball game at Platja de la Nova Icària. It is best to go with enough people to form a team, but you are usually welcome to join in an ongoing game.

    Volleyball, Platja de Nova Icària
  6. Weight Lifting

    The sports centre in the Parc de l’Espanya Industrial has excellent weight-lifting facilities, a sauna, Turkish bath, Jacuzzi, badminton courts and a swimming pool. One-day membership is available.

    • C/Muntadas

    • 93 426 10 70

    • Open 6am–11pm Mon–Fri, 8am–9pm Sat, 8am–2:30pm Sun

    • Adm

  7. Biking

    Hire a city bike from Barcelona Biking and breeze around Barcelona. Mountain bikes are also available for rent here.

    Barcelona Biking

    • Baixada de Sant Miquel, 6

    • 65 635 63 00

  8. Pool & Billiards

    Shoot some pool at Gràcia’s lovely Cafè Salambó, where there are pool and billiard tables for rent upstairs, not to mention good drinks, tasty food, a friendly ambience and a lively, arty crowd.

  9. Sardanes

    These traditional Catalan dances (see Sardanes) take place regularly all over the city and at most local festas. Far from being exclusive, they often involve up to 200 people and there’s no reason why you can’t be one of them. The tourist office (see Tourist Information) can provide information on these events.

  10. Frontó

    Egalitarian tennis or poor man’s squash, all you need is a tennis racket and ball to beat against the wall to enjoy this popular pastime. The city’s parks are full of free frontó courts; one of the best is next to the Casa del Mig in the Parc de l’Espanya Industrial.

Top 10 Spectator Sports & Events

  1. FC Barcelona Football

    Tickets to see this side are rare; book online or by phone.

  2. RCD Espanyol

    It’s easier to get tickets for this first-division football side; they play at Estadi Olímpic.

    • Sep–Jun

    • 90 219 62 59

  3. FC Barcelona Basketball

    The team of the city’s second favourite sport play at the Palau Blaugrana.

    • Sep–May

    • 90 218 99 00

    • 93 496 30 00

  4. Barcelona Marató

    The marathon takes in the whole city before culminating at the Plaza d’España.

    • Early March

    • 90 243 17 63

  5. Barcelona Open

    This tennis tournament attracts some big names.

    • mid–late Apr

    • 93 203 78 52

  6. Cursa El Corte Inglés

    A 11-km (7-mile) run with thousands of participants.

    • May or Jun

    • 90 112 21 22

  7. La Volta Ciclista de Catalunya

    Cyclists warm up for the more serious European events with this testing route.

    • late May–Jun

    • 93 431 82 98

  8. Montmeló

    Motor racing, including Formula 1, regularly comes to this circuit.

  9. Cursa La Mercè

    A 10-km (6-mile) run through Barcelona’s centre.

    • Late Sep

    • 010

  10. Catalunya Rally

    Top-class rally-driving in spectacular surroundings.

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