
We implement ID3 algorithm that constructs a decision tree for the data given in a csv file. All sources are in the chapter directory. The most import parts of the source code are given here:

# source_code/3/
# Constructs a decision tree from data specified in a CSV file. # Format of a CSV file: # Each data item is written on one line, with its variables separated # by a comma. The last variable is used as a decision variable to # branch a node and construct the decision tree. import math # anytree module is used to visualize the decision tree constructed by
# this ID3 algorithm. from anytree import Node, RenderTree import sys sys.path.append('../common') import common import decision_tree # Program start csv_file_name = sys.argv[1] verbose = int(sys.argv[2]) # verbosity level, 0 - only decision tree
# Define the equired column to be the last one.
# I.e. a column defining the decision variable. (heading, complete_data, incomplete_data, enquired_column) = common.csv_file_to_ordered_data(csv_file_name) tree = decision_tree.constuct_decision_tree( verbose, heading, complete_data, enquired_column) decision_tree.display_tree(tree)
# source_code/common/
# ***Decision Tree library *** # Used to construct a decision tree and a random forest. import math import random import common from anytree import Node, RenderTree from common import printfv # Node for the construction of a decision tree. class TreeNode: def __init__(self, var=None, val=None): self.children = [] self.var = var self.val = val def add_child(self, child): self.children.append(child) def get_children(self): return self.children def get_var(self): return self.var def get_val(self): return self.val def is_root(self): return self.var is None and self.val is None def is_leaf(self): return len(self.children) == 0 def name(self): if self.is_root(): return "[root]" return "[" + self.var + "=" + self.val + "]" # Constructs a decision tree where heading is the heading of the table # with the data, i.e. the names of the attributes. # complete_data are data samples with a known value for every attribute. # enquired_column is the index of the column (starting from zero) which # holds the classifying attribute. def constuct_decision_tree(verbose, heading, complete_data, enquired_column): return construct_general_tree(verbose, heading, complete_data, enquired_column, len(heading)) # m is the number of the classifying variables that should be at most # considered at each node. m needed only for a random forest. def construct_general_tree(verbose, heading, complete_data, enquired_column, m): available_columns = [] for col in range(0, len(heading)): if col != enquired_column: available_columns.append(col) tree = TreeNode() printfv(2, verbose, "We start the construction with the root node" + " to create the first node of the tree. ") add_children_to_node(verbose, tree, heading, complete_data, available_columns, enquired_column, m) return tree # Splits the data samples into the groups with each having a different # value for the attribute at the column col. def split_data_by_col(data, col): data_groups = {} for data_item in data: if data_groups.get(data_item[col]) is None: data_groups[data_item[col]] = [] data_groups[data_item[col]].append(data_item) return data_groups # Adds a leaf node to node. def add_leaf(verbose, node, heading, complete_data, enquired_column): leaf_node = TreeNode(heading[enquired_column], complete_data[0][enquired_column]) printfv(2, verbose, "We add the leaf node " + + ". ") node.add_child(leaf_node) # Adds all the descendants to the node. def add_children_to_node(verbose, node, heading, complete_data, available_columns, enquired_column, m): if len(available_columns) == 0: printfv(2, verbose, "We do not have any available variables " + "on which we could split the node further, therefore " + "we add a leaf node to the current branch of the tree. ") add_leaf(verbose, node, heading, complete_data, enquired_column) return -1 printfv(2, verbose, "We would like to add children to the node " + + ". ") selected_col = select_col( verbose, heading, complete_data, available_columns, enquired_column, m) for i in range(0, len(available_columns)): if available_columns[i] == selected_col: available_columns.pop(i) break data_groups = split_data_by_col(complete_data, selected_col) if (len(data_groups.items()) == 1): printfv(2, verbose, "For the chosen variable " + heading[selected_col] + " all the remaining features have the same value " + complete_data[0][selected_col] + ". " + "Thus we close the branch with a leaf node. ") add_leaf(verbose, node, heading, complete_data, enquired_column) return -1 if verbose >= 2: printfv(2, verbose, "Using the variable " + heading[selected_col] + " we partition the data in the current node, where" + " each partition of the data will be for one of the " + "new branches from the current node " + + ". " + "We have the following partitions: ") for child_group, child_data in data_groups.items(): printfv(2, verbose, "Partition for " + str(heading[selected_col]) + "=" + str(child_data[0][selected_col]) + ": " + str(child_data) + " ") printfv( 2, verbose, "Now, given the partitions, let us form the " + "branches and the child nodes. ") for child_group, child_data in data_groups.items(): child = TreeNode(heading[selected_col], child_group) printfv(2, verbose, " We add a child node " + + " to the node " + + ". " + "This branch classifies %d feature(s): " + str(child_data) + " ", len(child_data)) add_children_to_node(verbose, child, heading, child_data, list( available_columns), enquired_column, m) node.add_child(child) printfv(2, verbose, " Now, we have added all the children nodes for the " + "node " + + ". ") # Selects an available column/attribute with the highest
# information gain. def select_col(verbose, heading, complete_data, available_columns, enquired_column, m): # Consider only a subset of the available columns of size m. printfv(2, verbose, "The available variables that we have still left are " + str(numbers_to_strings(available_columns, heading)) + ". ") if len(available_columns) < m: printfv( 2, verbose, "As there are fewer of them than the " + "parameter m=%d, we consider all of them. ", m) sample_columns = available_columns else: sample_columns = random.sample(available_columns, m) printfv(2, verbose, "We choose a subset of them of size m to be " + str(numbers_to_strings(available_columns, heading)) + ".") selected_col = -1 selected_col_information_gain = -1 for col in sample_columns: current_information_gain = col_information_gain( complete_data, col, enquired_column) # print len(complete_data),col,current_information_gain if current_information_gain > selected_col_information_gain: selected_col = col selected_col_information_gain = current_information_gain printfv(2, verbose, "Out of these variables, the variable with " + "the highest information gain is the variable " + heading[selected_col] + ". Thus we will branch the node further on this " + "variable. " + "We also remove this variable from the list of the " + "available variables for the children of the current node. ") return selected_col # Calculates the information gain when partitioning complete_data # according to the attribute at the column col and classifying by the # attribute at enquired_column. def col_information_gain(complete_data, col, enquired_column): data_groups = split_data_by_col(complete_data, col) information_gain = entropy(complete_data, enquired_column) for _, data_group in data_groups.items(): information_gain -= (float(len(data_group)) / len(complete_data) ) * entropy(data_group, enquired_column) return information_gain # Calculates the entropy of the data classified by the attribute # at the enquired_column. def entropy(data, enquired_column): value_counts = {} for data_item in data: if value_counts.get(data_item[enquired_column]) is None: value_counts[data_item[enquired_column]] = 0 value_counts[data_item[enquired_column]] += 1 entropy = 0 for _, count in value_counts.items(): probability = float(count) / len(data) entropy -= probability * math.log(probability, 2) return entropy

Program input:

We input the data from the swim preference example into the program to construct a decision tree:

# source_code/3/swim.csv

Program output:

We construct a decision tree from the data file swim.csv with the verbosity set to 0. The reader is encouraged to set the verbosity to 2 to see a detailed explanation how exactly the decision tree is constructed:

$ python swim.csv 0
├── [swimming_suit=Small]
│ ├── [water_temperature=Cold]
│ │ └── [swim=No]
│ └── [water_temperature=Warm]
│ └── [swim=No]
├── [swimming_suit=None]
│ ├── [water_temperature=Cold]
│ │ └── [swim=No]
│ └── [water_temperature=Warm]
│ └── [swim=No]
└── [swimming_suit=Good]
├── [water_temperature=Cold]
│ └── [swim=No]
└── [water_temperature=Warm]
└── [swim=Yes]
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