Using the Crud UI add-on

Thanks to its open source nature, there are hundreds of third-party components and utilities published available at: One of them does almost all the work we have done in this chapter. The following class shows how to implement a CRUD user interface using the Crud UI add-on available at, which is maintained by the author of this book:

public class CrudAddOn extends Composite {

private GridCrud<User> crud = new GridCrud<>(User.class, new HorizontalSplitCrudLayout());

public CrudAddOn() {

private void initLayout() {
crud.getGrid().setColumns("firstName", "lastName", "email", "mainRole");
crud.getCrudFormFactory().setVisibleProperties("firstName", "lastName", "email", "password", "roles", "mainRole", "blocked");

crud.getCrudFormFactory().setFieldType("password", PasswordField.class);
crud.getCrudFormFactory().setFieldProvider("roles", new CheckBoxGroupProvider<>(RoleRepository.findAll()));
crud.getCrudFormFactory().setFieldProvider("mainRole", new ComboBoxProvider<>("Main Role", RoleRepository.findAll()));

VerticalLayout layout = new VerticalLayout(crud);

private void initBehavior() {
crud.setFindAllOperation(() -> UserRepository.findAll());
crud.setAddOperation(user ->;
crud.setUpdateOperation(user ->;
crud.setDeleteOperation(user -> UserRepository.delete(user));

The add-on offers several configuration options, such as the possibility to configure a layout, set field providers, and use JavaBean Validation. It also delegates the CRUD operations to your own code, allowing you to use any kind of Java backend technology. The following is a screenshot of the CRUD component created with the Crud UI add-on:

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