
Accumulation, 36–40

Activity-Based Costing (ABC) of business, 108

Adaptation as survival, 25

Adidas, 125–126

Aggregation, 36–38

Airbnb, 5, 57–58

Amazon, 32–33

Andreesen, Mark, 51

Asset density, 60

Asset-less business models, 6

advantages of, 63–64

challenges, 60

monetization opportunity matrix, 61–62

pricing, 63

scale and scope potential, 59–63

sharing business models, 64–65

short-term rental model, 61

Audible audiobook, 80

Ayres, Ian, 109


Belskie, Abram, 122

Benchmarking data products, 68

Bezos, Jeff, 36, 39

Big data patient profile, 109

Big granular data, 17

“The Black Swan” (Taleb), 52

Blockbuster, 27–29

Blockchain, 42–43

Bradenburger, Adam, 45

Buffet, Warren, 4

Business intelligence, 14

Business models, 22–23


Carr, Nicholas, 103

Change models

business models, 22–23

jobs, 20–22

market competition, 23–24

Check Point Cardio, 18–20

Christiaens, Stan, 131

Coase, Ronald, 40

Cognos, 45

Cohen, Gerald, 36

Cohen, Gerry, 36

Competitive dynamics matrix, 70–71

Complete aggregation, 36–38

Concentration, 36–40

Condition-based maintenance (CBM) models, 21, 93–94

Cooperation, 46

Cooperative competition, 45

Coopetition, 47

“Co-opetition: A Revolution Mindset that Combines Competition and Cooperation” (Bradenburger and Nalebuff), 45

Costless verification, 43


dApps, 43

Data as renewable resource, 15

Data assets monetization, 14–15

Data being an asset, 10–11

Data depth

analytics breadth vs., 112

dimensionality, 110–111

granularity, 111

Data disruption, 53–54

Data-driven business model, 4, 6, 43

Data-driven companies, 5

Data-driven decision style, 118

Data first approach, 15

Data innovation, 11–13

Data products

as business models, 67–70

competitive dynamics matrix, 70–71

monetization opportunity matrix, 73–74

product adoption and replacement dynamics, 70–73

scale and scope potential, 73–76

types of, 68

value to consumers, 76–77

Data R&D department, 14

Data scientists, 16

Decision-styles cultures and systems, 113–115

Dickinson, Robert Latou, 122

Digital data-driven company, 50

Digital economy

enterprise analytics stack, 115–119

market competition rules, 47

scale and scope, 31–33

Digital giants

companies as, 3

data-driven business model, 4

reasons for, 3

Digital growth, 33

Digital opportunities

Cambridge University research survey, 10–11

data assets monetization, 14–15

data being an asset, 10–11

data innovation, 11–13

Digital products, 79

Digital products business models, 6

Digital supplements

digital versions, 86–87

life cycle supplemental add-ons, 87–90

monetization opportunity matrix, 83–84

opportunity matrix for, 83–86

overview of, 79–83

plastic cards, 85–86

Digital versions, 81, 86–87

Dimensionality, 110–111

Disaggregate demand, 38–39


process of, 40

socioeconomic effects, 40–43

Double-entry accounting, 107,
108, 110

Dresner, Howard, 14


Earning potential, 60

Ecosystem pull, 60

“The End of Averages: How We Succeed in a World That Values Sameness” (Rose), 123

Enterprise analytics stack, 115–119


Facebook, 5, 67

Financial intermediaries, 41–42

First mover advantage, 47–51

Fisher, Ronald Aylmer, 109

Flaw of averages, 123–124

Ford Model-T business model, 35, 38, 40

Franklin, Benjamin, 31

“Frequency of Use” dimension, 73–74


Game theory, 46

Gates, Bill, 36

“The Glass Cage: Automation and Us” (Carr), 103

Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 108

Google, 5, 49, 67, 127

Google maps, 74–75

Gosset, William Sealy, 109

Gould, Jay, 121, 122

Granularity, 111


Habit replacement loop, 71

Habit Stability dimension, 70

Harari, Yuval, 19

Heart-related sudden death, 18–20

“How the Mind Works” (Pinker), 126

Humby, Clive, 111


Jobs, 20–22


Kim, Min, 99

Kindle books, 80–81


Laney, Doug, 10

Lifecycle adaptation, 88

Life cycle monetization matrix, 88

Life cycle supplemental add-ons, 87–90

Lyft, 5, 6


Malthus, Thomas, 91

Man-less business models, 6

condition-based maintenance system, 93, 94

lack of accountability, 96

marginal rate of technical substitution, 92

meaningless automation, 103–104

monetization opportunity matrix, 101

opportunity matrix for, 100–103

overview of, 91–96

Product-as-a-Service, 97–98

rate of substation, 95

rate of technological evolution, 95

Service-as-a-Product, 99–100

Marginal rate of technical substitution, 92

Market competition, 23–24

Market competition rules

first mover advantage, 47–51

“The Winner Takes It All” (song), 51–53

Meaningless automation, 103–104

Microtrend-based management, 129–130

high-frequency trading operation, 131

key performance indicators, 128

motifs for operational monitoring, 131

strategic opportunities matrix, 129–130

Mill, James, 91

Miniaturization, 71

Monetization opportunity matrix, 61–62

asset-less business models, 61–62

data products, 73–74

digital supplements, 83–84

lifecycle adaptation, 88

man-less business model, 101

Motif intelligence, 127–128


Nalebuff, Barry, 45

“Need to Use” dimension, 71

Netflix, 28–29

NJTransit app, 76

North, Douglass, 41

Opportunity matrix, man-less business models, 100–103

Opportunity monetization matrix, 110–113


PaaS. See Product-as-a-Service

Pacioli, Luca, 107

Path dependency, 28

Personal health apps, 75

Physical assets, 4

accumulation of, 63

Physical assets-driven economy, 50

Pinker, Steven, 126

Pinterest, 5

Predictive data products, 68

Pricing, 63

“The Principles of Political Economy and Taxation” (Ricardo), 92

Product-as-a-Service (PaaS), 97–98

Product-less business models, 6


Reporting, 113

Ricardo, David, 91

Rose, Tod, 123


SaaP. See Service-as-a-Product

Savage, Sam, 123

Scale and scope

asset-less business models, 59–63

data products, 73–76

in digital economy, 31–33

digital growth, 33

in traditional economy, 29–30

Schauberger, Viktor, 128

Service-as-a-Product (SaaP), 99–100

Service-less business models, 6

Shape intelligence, 126, 127

Sharing economy model, 58

Smith, Adam, 40, 91

“Specificity” dimension, 73

Strategic opportunities matrix,

Subscription-based business
model, 28

Sudden cardio-related death, 18–20

“The Winner Takes It All” (song), 51–53

Traditional assets-driven company, 50

Traditional economics, 35

Traditional economy, scale and scope, 29–30

Transaction cost

affecting job market, 40–43

economics, 40

Type of asset, 60

Uber, 5, 6, 7, 41, 57–58


Van Dam, Stephen, 68


Walmart, 14

Walton, Sam, 14

WebFOCUS, 45

Weiner, Eric, 83

World Wide Web, 5

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