Solutions to Selected Exercises

Problem 2-2


Problem 4-1

Connect Movie to Video-copy as a 1-to-N relationship (Video-copy at the N side); or, use a generalization from Movie to Video-copy, with Movie being the supertype and Video-copy as the subtype.

Problem 6-1

Given the table R1(A, B, C) with FDs A -> B and B -> C:

1. Is A a superkey for this table?     Yes
2. Is B a superkey for this table?     No
3. Is this table in 3NF, BCNF, or neither?   Neither 3NF nor BCNF

Problem 6-3

Table FDs Level of Normalization
customer cid -> cname, caddress BCNF
order orderno -> cid BCNF
department NONE BCNF
salesperson sid -> deptno BCNF
item itemno -> deptno, itemname, size BCNF
order-dept-sales orderno, sid -> deptno BCNF
orderno, deptno -> sid BCNF
order-item-sales orderno, itemno -> sid BCNF

Problem 6-5

Given these FDs, begin Step 1 (LHS reduction):

1. J -> KLMNP
2. JKL -> MNP First, eliminate K and L since J -> KL in (1); merge with (1)
3. K -> MQ
4. KL -> MNP Third, eliminate L since K -> MNP from merged (3), (4) is redundant
5. KM -> NP Second, eliminate M since K -> M in (3); merge with (3)
6. N -> KP

End of Step 1, begin Step 2 (RHS reduction for transitivities):

1. J -> KLMNP First, reduce by eliminating MNP since K -> MNP
2. K -> MQNP Second, reduce by eliminating P since N -> P
3. N -> KP

End of Step 2 and consolidation in Step 3:

1. J -> KL
2. K -> MNQ (or K -> MNPQ) First, merge (2) and (3) for superkey rules 1 and 2
3. N -> KP (or N -> K)

Steps 4 and 5:

1. J -> KL Candidate key is J (BCNF)
2. K -> MNPQ and N -> K Candidate keys are K and N (BCNF)

Problem 6-7

Given these FDs:

1. ABC -> H Step 1: B is extraneous due to AC -> B in (3)
2. ACDF -> BG Step 1: EF are extraneous due to AC -> DF in (3)
3. AC -> BDEFG Step 2: eliminate F from RHS due to B -> F from (5)
4. AW -> BG Step 2: eliminate G from RHS due to B -> AC -> G from (3) and (5)
5. B -> ACF
6. H -> AXY
7. M -> NZ
8. MN -> HPT Step 1: N is extraneous due to M -> N in (7)
9. XY -> MNP Step 2: eliminate NP from the RHS due to M -> NP from (7, 8)

After Step 3, using the union axiom:

1. AC -> BDEGH     Combining (1), (2), and (3)
2. AW->B
3. B -> ACF
4. H -> AXY
5. M -> HNPTZ     Combining (7) and (8)
6. XY -> M

Step 4, merging:

1. AC -> BDEFGH, B -> AC, H -> A using Rule 1 for AC being a superkey, Rule 2 for B being a superkey, the definition of 3NF, and A being a prime attribute. 3NF only.
2. AW->BG using Rule 1 for AW to be a superkey. BCNF.
3. H -> XY, XY -> M, and M -> HNPTZ using Rule 1 for H being a superkey (after taking H to its closure H -> XYMNPTZ), using Rule 2 for M being a superkey from M -> H, and Rule 2 for XY being a superkey from XY -> M. BCNF. Note: H->AXY is also possible here.

Step 5, minimum set of normalized tables:

Table 1: ABCDEFGH with superkeys AC, B (3NF only)

Table 2: ABGW with superkey AW (3NF and BCNF)

Table 3: HMNPTXYZ with superkeys H, XY, M (3NF and BCNF)

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