
Academy of Management Journal, 68, 71

Accenture, 39

Admissions office, 75

Alphabet, 37

Amazon, 19, 4144, 45

American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI), 20

American job market, polarization of, 40

AOL, 17

Apple,19, 97, 98, 112

Assets, contra maxims for people as, 52

AT&T, 17

The Atlantic, 60

Auto Zone, 19

Automatic teller machines (ATMs), 27

Bain & Company,16, 87

Bank of America, 17

Barnes & Noble, 19

Barney, Jay, 86

Bean, John C., 110111

Bed Bath & Beyond, 19

Bezos, Jeff, 4142

The bigger the better, 4

Bloomberg Businessweek, 40, 45

Bloomberg Television program, 65

Blue Ocean Strategy, 93

Board of directors, 7073

Bock, Laszlo, 48

Boeing, 97, 98

Bohnet, Iris, 68

Boston Beer, 23

Boston Consulting Group’s Growth-Share Matrix, 91

Bourdieu, Pierre, 3

Brin, Sergey, 104

Brynjolfsson, Erik, 4445, 47

Bureau of Labor Statistics, 40

Burn Your Business Plan, 107

Business plan industry, as “corrupted process,” 107

Business planning

for entrepreneurial success, 103115

contra maxims for, 114115

entrepreneurial-academic-industrial complex, 105114

gladiatorial contests, 106

nothing of consequence goes according to, 113114

process of, 107

research literature in, 107113

success stories, 104

writing process, 105, 112

for new ventures, 113

Buyer, awareness for, 2630

Cabiedes, Luis Martin, 110

Chemi, Eric, 20

Chik–fil–A, 19

Christiansen, Clayton, 91

Collins, Jim, 42, 9293

Comcast, 16, 17

Competitive advantage, 8588

concept of, 85

contra maxims for, 99

definition of, 86

grocer’s tale, 9091

for Market Basket, 9091

as medieval moat, 9699

sampling of reasons for, 89

survey findings, 8890

sustainability aspect of, 9193

sustainable, 87

transient, 91

Competitive Strategy, 87

Conference Board, 39, 41, 7071

Cowen, Tyler, 41, 6263

Creative Destruction: How Globalization is Changing the World’s Cultures, 62, 92

Customer, concept of, 14

interaction, contra maxims for, 30

The customer is always right, 5

Customer is king, 5, 6

buyer beware, 2630

contra maxims for customer interaction, 30

customer satisfaction-performance paradox, 1922

no way to treat royal, 1415

overview, 1314

relationships, 2226

success despite contempt, 1519

Customer is prey, 5, 27

Customer relationship management (CRM), 2021, 23

Customer satisfaction-performance paradox, 1922

Customer Service Hall of Shame, 1516, 1718

Davidson, Martin, 66

The Delaware Journal of Corporate Law, 70

Delmar, Frederic, 110

Deloitte, 39, 51

Delusion of lasting success, 92

DeMoulas, Arthur T., 90

Devil Dog heaven, feedback, 25

The Difference: How the Power of Diversity Creates Better Groups, Firms, Schools, and Societies, 65

Dipboye, Robert, 67

Direct TV, 17

Dish Network, 17


contra maxims for, 78

diverse look at research, 6668

epicenters for discourse, 7376

improves performance, 5960

bamboo ceiling, 7678

corporate board of directors, 7073

globalization’s messy role, 6164

goodness of fit test, 6061

matter of perspective, 6466

and teamwork, 6870

across time, 63

in workplace, 70

Diversity Matters project, 6364

The Diversity Myth: Multicultural and Political Intolerance on Campus, 73, 74

Diversity Prediction Theorem, 64

Diversity Research Network, 66, 67

Diversity Trumps Ability Theorem, 64

Documentary film on venture capital, 105

Dollar General, 98

Dow Jones, Inc., 71

The Economist, 39, 43, 77

The End of Diversity as We Know It, 66

Engaging Ideas, 111

Entrepreneurial-academic-industrial complex, 105114

Entrepreneurial success

business planning for, 103115

contra maxims for, 114115

entrepreneurial-academic-industrial complex, 105114

gladiatorial contests, 106

for new ventures, 113

nothing of consequence goes according to, 113114

process of, 107

research literature in, 107113

writing process, 105, 112

Epicenters for diversity discourse, 7376

Exploration method in venture creation, 109

Facebook, 36

Failure is not an option, 6

Federal Express, 97, 98

Federal Trade Commission (FTC), 2930

Forbes, 51

Fortune, 48

Foster, Richard, 92

Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE), 74

Frey, Carl, 44

Gallup poll, 38

Global Human Capital Trends 2016 report, 52

Global production, efficiency of, 41

Globalization’s messy role, 6164

Good things come in small packages, 4

Good to Great, 42, 93

Goodness of fit test, 6061

Google, 3637, 4849, 60, 77, 92, 98

Great Depression, 47

Greenhouse, Steven, 40

Grove, Andy, 93

Gumpert, David, 107108

Haagen-Dazs ice cream, 2627

The Halo Effect, 21, 92

The Halo Effect and Eight Other Business Delusions that Deceive Managers, 7

Hamel, Gary, 3738, 48, 94

Handy, Charles, 35, 36, 40

Hanes, 23

Haran, Uriel, 28

Hard Facts, Dangerous Half-truths & Total Nonsense, 3

Harper’s Magazine, 43

Harris Interactive Poll, 3940

Harvard Business Review, 5152, 77, 94

HCLT, 48

Headcount, 37

Heinz Ketchup, 27

Heriot, Gail, 76

Hershey’s Reese’s minis and miniatures, 27

Hewlett-Packard (H-P), 92

Human Resource Development Review, 50

Human Resource Management, 67

Human resources (HR), academic-practitioner divide on, 4952

Humans versus computers, 45

Huxley, Aldous, 3, 75

IKEA, 27

In Search of Excellence, 92

Industrial revolution, 46

The Innovator’s Dilemma, 91

“Integration-and-learning” programs, 67

Internet, 15, 16, 20, 41, 108

Jayne, Michele, 67

Jenkins, Antony, 45

Journal of Business Research, 21

Journal of Business Venturing, 110

Journal of Management, 69

Journal of Marketing, 22

Journal of Product Innovation Management, 69

Journal of Small Business and Entrepreneurship, 109110

Kahneman, Daniel, 113

Kaplan, Sarah, 92

Kauffman Firm Survey, 89

Keichel, Walter, 92

Keiningham, Timothy, 1920

Kellogg’s cereals, 27

Kim, W. Chan, 93

Kraft Foods’ Saltines, 27

Kroger, 19

Lambert, Craig, 13, 27

Lange, Julian, 109

Locke, John, 38

Lodging choices, 86

Lord & Taylor, 30

Lords of Strategy, 92

Macy’s, 87, 98

Malcolm Baldridge National Quality Award, 22

Management maxims

customer is king, 5, 6

duelling, 4

lack of dichotomy in, 4

one-sided nature of, 4

reliance on, 7

Management Science, 4344

Market Basket, 9091

Marriott Hotels, 19, 27

Martin, Steve, 88

Masters, Blake, 88

Mauborgne, Renee, 93

Maxims, definition of, 2. See also Management maxims

McAfee, Andrew, 4445, 47

McGrath, Rita Gunther, 91

McKinsey & Company, 6364

McKinsey Quarterly article, 44

Meta-analysis, 69, 71

Mismatch: How Affirmative Action is Hurting the Students its Intended to Help and Why Universities Won’t Admit It, 76

MIT Sloan Management Review, 19

MIT Technology Review, 104

Mlodinow, Leonard, 7


Equity Analyst Report, 99

stock analysis rating system, 9798

using characteristics for competitive advantage, 9697

Mowles, Chris, 3

Multiculturalism, 59, 62, 74

National Basketball Association (NBA), 60

Nayar, Vineet, 48

Nestle, 25

Netflix, 98, 99

New Economics Foundation, 47

New Venture Creation: Entrepreneurship in the 21st Century, 110

New York Times, 28, 40, 41, 45, 65

Nucor, 42

Nursing, 60

Only the Paranoid Survive, 93

Osborne, Michael, 44

Packel, Amanda, 7071

Page, Scott, 6465

Panera, 98

Particularist agendas, 62

Patai, Daphne, 74

Perkins, Tom, 112

Pervasive optimistic bias, 113

Pew Research Center survey, 44

Pfeffer, Jeffrey, 3, 36

Planning. See also Business planning

business. See Business planning

byproduct of, 114

fallacy, 113

Porter, Michael, 86, 87, 91, 94

Porter’s Five Forces, 91

Prahalad, C.K., 94

Proctor & Gamble’s Bounty paper towels, 27

Proper Studies, 75

Pueschel, Lisanne, 93

Purchase agreement contracts, 28

Raskoff, Spencer, 7

Rebate, 29

Reebok, 30

Reeves, Martin, 93

Report of the Diversity Network, 67

Rethinking Management, 3

Rhode, Deborah, 7071

Ritz-Carlton management, 22

Rosenzweig, Phil, 7, 21, 92

Sacks, David, 7374

Safe spaces on campus, 73

Sander, Richard, 76

Saturday Night Live, 88

Self-service tsunami, 27

Shane, Scott A., 89, 110

Shark Tank, 114

Silicon Valley, 60

Silverglate, Harvey, 74

Similarity/Attraction Paradigm, 61

Skechers, 29

Small to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), 4950

Smith & Nephew, 9596

Society of Human Resource Management (SHRM), 39

Solberg, Anne Grethe, 72

Something Ventured, documentary film, 112113

Southwest, 95

Sowell, Thomas, 59, 62, 72, 75

Spinelli, Stephen, 110

Standard & Poor’s (S&P), 92

Starbucks, 97, 98

Stock analysis rating system, 9798

Strategic Management Journal, 68, 108

Strategic thinking, 87

Superadditivity, 64

Surge pricing, 27

Sustainable competitive advantage, 87

Sustained competitive advantage, 50

Sutton, Robert, 3, 36

SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) analysis, 91

Taylor, Stuart, 76

Taylorism, 42

dark side, 43

Teamwork, diversity and, 6870

Tesla, 98

Thiel, Peter, 7374, 88, 112

Timmons, Jeffrey, 110

T-Mobile, 17, 18

Total quality management (TQM) approach, 22

Transient competitive advantage, 91

Trigger warnings in classrooms, 73

Tropicana Orange Juice, 26

Tversky, Amos, 113

The Upright Thinkers: The Human Journey from Living in Trees to Understanding the Cosmos, 7

Value Chain Analysis, 87

Venture capital (VC)-backed firms, 7172

Verizon, 17

Victoria’s Secret Customer Service, 2425

Volkswagen, 14

Wage theft, 43

Wall Street Journal, 76

Walmart, 18, 40, 95, 97, 98

Weight Watchers, 23

Welch, Jack, 88

Wells Fargo, 14, 18

Wharton School’s online journal, 60

What is Strategy?, 94

What Works: Gender Equality by Design, 68

Whole Foods, 48

W.L. Gore, 48

Women at the Wheel, 71

Works Progress Administration (WPA), 47

Writing process, of business plan, 105, 112

Zero to One, 88, 112

Zweigenhaft, Richard, 77

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