Setting up a Docker Swarm cluster

Since all the functionality to set up a Docker Swarm cluster is already included in the Docker installation, this is actually a really easy thing to do. Let's see what commands we have available to us:

$ docker swarm
init Initialize a swarm
join Join a swarm as a node and/or manager
join-token Manage join tokens
leave Leave the swarm
unlock Unlock swarm
unlock-key Manage the unlock key
update Update the swarm

A few things to note here--some more apparent than others:

  • You create a swarm with docker swarm init
  • You join a cluster with docker swarm join and the machine can be a worker node, a manager node, or both
  • Authentication is managed using tokens (unique strings that need to match)
  • If something happens to a manager node, such as a restart or power cycle, and you have set up auto-locking of the swarm, you will need an unlock key to unlock the TLS keys

So far, so good, so let's see whether we can set up a swarm with our machine serving both as a manager and a worker to see how this works.

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