Chapter 2
Inspirational Design Briefing

Søren Petersen


Jaewoo Joo

Kookmin University


A design brief is a short document, usually 2 to 20 pages in length, that relays issues of “who, what, when, how, and why” to the design team (Petersen & Phillips, 2011). As a written explanation of the aims and objectives of a project, the design brief represents the desired outcome by relaying requests from management to design teams. A well-written design brief enables designers to understand their clients and to communicate with other designers in a team fluently, eventually helping them to develop concepts. As concept development reflects only 5 percent of development costs, yet influences 70 percent of the final product's cost (Andreasen & Hein, 2000), using a design brief to translate management criteria into measurable and actionable design concepts is critical.

Although the design brief plays an important role in concept development, there are few resources about how to write one. In general, the design brief is viewed as a competitive advantage and traditionally is guarded as a business secret. Research on writing a design brief is scant, and prescriptions for how to organize documents are heavily based on individual consultants' experiences. As such, most design briefs are the writer's interpretation of a request for proposals (RFP) or merely a reformulation of an existing business plan (Petersen, 2011).

The responsibility for writing a design brief is usually relegated to one department, and there is little or no cross-departmental collaboration. At the Industrial Design Society of America event in 2012, for example, design students and professional designers alike voiced their concerns about the design briefs they had seen. The design briefs written by engineering departments contained too much information and were overly restrictive, whereas the design briefs written by marketing departments contained too little information and did not inspire designers. Therefore, many designers read a design brief when a project is started and rarely revisit it afterward.

2.1 Nine Criteria of an Inspirational Design Brief

To begin, we consider how industrial designers work. Designers are inspired by a wide variety of sources, including nature, fashion, movies, automobiles, aviation, weapons, architecture, and cutting-edge technology. Although some sources may not apply to a specific project, they may help designers formulate a new concept at a later point. Along these lines, we define an inspirational design brief as not only a guide to follow but also a mind-set to help designers leverage constraints in ideation. More specifically, we examined a wide variety of applications submitted to worldwide design awards and identified nine common criteria. We categorized them into three groups—strategy, context, and performance—and introduced them as nine design quality criteria (DQC).

  1. Strategy
    1. 1. Philosophy: History, values, belief, vision, mission, and strategy of a company
    2. 2. Structure: Domain, business model, and competitive advantage of a company
    3. 3. Innovation: Area and type of innovation of a company
  2. Context
    1. 4. Social/human: Needs and activities about individual and/or group of consumers
    2. 5. Environment: Requirements of and expectations for environmental concerns
    3. 6. Viability: Expectations about economic performance
  3. Performance
    1. 7. Process: Budget and schedule of a project
    2. 8. Function: Nature of deliverables including unique selling point
    3. 9. Expression: Sensory styling and aesthetics of products

More detailed explanations, questions to answers, and the conventional metrics of each criterion are provided in Figure 2.1 and Table 2.1.


Figure 2.1 The nine criteria of an inspirational design brief.

Table 2.1 The Nine Criteria of an Inspirational Design Brief

Group Criteria Explanation Questions to Answer Conventional Metrics
A. Strategy 1. Philosophy Design contributes by formulating, visualizing, and communicating the organization's philosophy
  • What is the history of the company as well as its values, beliefs, vision, mission, and strategic intent?
  • How is the brand communicated?
  • Achievement of strategic goal
2. Structure Design provides design-related knowledge to the Strength-Weakness-Opportunity-Threat (SWOT) portion of the Five-Forces analysis
  • In which business and category does the firm operate?
  • What is the firm's business model and how is it vertically and horizontally integrated?
  • What are its competitive advantages?
Not identified
3. Innovation Design co-creates innovative concepts, visualizes, and communicates innovation opportunities
  • What is the innovation area of the business (i.e., technology, finance, process, offering, or delivery)?
  • Is the innovation type breakthrough or incremental?
  • What is the organization's level of ambition?
  • Research and development budget
  • Number of patents, copyrights, and trademarks, cps
  • Percentage of revenues of new products
B. Context 4. Social/human Design participates in user studies, tests conceptual ideas, and communicates findings
  • What are the users and other stakeholder's cultural connection, identity, needs, behavior, and activities?
  • Satisfaction (with product)
  • Satisfaction (with ease of use)
  • Employee satisfaction
5. Environment Design contributes to environment by exploring eco-friendly opportunities
  • What are the requirements to meet the environmental concerns?
Not identified
6. Viability Design provides design-related knowledge for the development of business models, including positioning, value creation, and cost reduction
  • What are the expectations regarding market share, earnings per share, and return on investment as related to the time horizon?
  • Revenue/sales
  • Market share
  • Net income/profit
  • Percentage of sales (new customers)
  • Percentage of sales (repeat customers)
C. Performance 7. Process Design co-creates the design brief, synthesizes concepts, refines them, and provides support in their subsequent development
  • What are the project's budget, schedule, and deliverables?
  • How are these aligned and coordinated with other projects?
  • Time to market
  • Number of design modifications
  • Cycle time with phase
  • Number of products completed
8. Function Design participates in integrating the provider and user aspects into functions and features Not identified
9. Expression Design translates provider and user aspects into attributes, form, features, proportion, surface, and details; design creates a cohesive statement supported by a compelling story
  • What are the brand's attributes, design language, and design principles (i.e., proportion, surface, and details)?
Not identified

Example of an Inspirational Design Brief in Product Design

Writing a design brief for an innovative product design project is an art as well as a science. Successful design brief writers elaborate their projects in detail using the DQC while keeping their final documents to a manageable length. Here, we introduce an example of an inspirational design brief for developing an innovative storage system project submitted to LEGO:

  1. Philosophy: The name LEGO is an abbreviation of the two Danish words, leg godt, meaning “play well.” The ultimate purpose of LEGO is to inspire and develop children to think creatively, reason systematically, and release their potential to share their own future—experiencing the endless human possibility. The LEGO toys have become a staple in the homes of creative families. The imagination of a child is what LEGO emphasizes.
  2. Structure: The LEGO Group is owned by the founding family and its ownership is handled by KIRKBI, the investment company, and the LEGO Foundation. KIRKBI not only owns 75 percent of the LEGO Group but also owns 38 percent of the Merlin Entertainments Group who runs the LEGOLAND theme parks. The LEGO Foundations holds the remaining 25 percent of the Group. LEGO is one of the largest toy manufacturers in the world.
  3. Innovation: In 2004, LEGO (a) listened to consumers, (b) utilized new technologies, and (c) refocused its business to successfully save it from a steady decline in sales. After listening to consumers, LEGO recognized that consumers consistently bought the sets having a story with a good character and an evil one, suggesting that good-bad conflict appeals. LEGO also continuously adjusted to new technologies to cut the development process from two years to one year. It designed products according to feedback and recognized failure early in the production cycle, solidifying its integrity. Finally, it stripped down from a wide variety of businesses including clothing, theme parks, and video games to a core brick business.
  4. Social/human: Children assemble blocks randomly when they are young. As they grow, their projects become more complex, until they eventually incorporate stories as well as engineering and aesthetic components. People constantly push the boundaries of what is possible with LEGO with others, being adult LEGO fanatics. Therefore, kids and their parents are their main markets as LEGO bricks evolve with them.
  5. Environment: LEGO bricks and storages are sold in boxes. We should consider reducing the size of the box to reduce the consumption of cardboard coming from sustainable forests.
  6. Viability: In order to maximize the return on investment of the steadily growing LEGO, we should consider material choice, ease of disposal/recycling, safety standards (both American and European), and feasibility.
  7. Process: We should present artworks using a given PowerPoint template with a maximum of 12 slides and 5 MB. We can submit a video to go along with the presentation: maximum length of 3 minutes; maximum size of 50 MB; and allowed file types are mp4, avi, flv, mpg, swf, and wmv.
  8. Function: We should explore a different concept that can potentially replace the current Bricks & More storage boxes while keeping the following requirements. It needs to convince parents and gift givers of delivering great functionality and permanent storage in store and at home, suggesting that it survives a child's play life. It must also be feasible; the project must show how we produce and integrate it into LEGO's current product line.
  9. Expression: We should clearly communicate the ideas of LEGO such as imagination, creativity, fun, and learning. Specific expression languages of the concept must follow; its form is geometric and static, edges are rounded, and its primary colors are bright.

Example of an Inspirational Design Brief in a Research Project

Our suggested nine DQC are versatile and can be applied to a very different type of project, such as when business decision makers approach a conventional challenge in a more innovative fashion. Traditionally, they made decisions by considering the analyses and suggestions made by internal researchers and external economists. However, these inputs often stem from a worldview based on outdated assumptions and fail to nudge decision makers to see an issue in a fresh perspective.

Take an example of sustainability. According to “A New Era of Sustainability” (Lacy, Cooper, Hayward, & Neuberger, 2010), a report released by the United Nations Global Compact and Accenture, “… while the belief in the strategic importance of sustainability issues is widespread among CEOs, executives continue to struggle to approach them as part and parcel of [their] core business strategy.” As a result, sustainability considerations often end up coming from random, ad hoc, or unrewarded contributions from passionate individuals, and seldom from strategically informed corporate policies. Although bottom-up processes are imperative for corporate culture to shift toward a more sustainable path, top-down initiatives are more influential in achieving significant change. Here, we introduced an example of inspirational design brief for proposing a research project submitted to corporate leaders. It aims to help them to reflect on the progress to date, the challenges ahead, and the impact of the journey toward a sustainable economy.

  1. Philosophy: The underlying assumption of business is that growth is good. However, in the new market where the cost for food and energy increases, demographics change, and populations grow, the assumption that growth is good must be challenged. In order to explore new business models, new legal frameworks, and new economic systems that prosper in the contemporary market, the question we ask is, “How can we shift the current paradigm of corporate thought leadership into one that values innovative thinking for a sustainable future?”
  2. Structure: The proposed project will consist of an autonomous team that makes decisions with the support of an expert advisory group. The outputs of the project will include an open research and thought leadership process, a collaborative content piece that looks at sustainable business practices, and a diverse community of co-authors.
  3. Innovation: The proposed project will test open innovation techniques, such as crowdsourcing and crowd funding, in the context of corporate thought leadership research and development. The purpose of the project is to challenge and improve the current research paradigm of corporate thought leadership such that it invites more diverse thinking and problem-solving approaches.
  4. Social/human: The proposed project aims to use social networks such as LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter as open research platforms from which we draw questions, ideas, and insights about sustainable business. We will tap into ongoing conversations, forums, and discussion boards from diverse communities of interest. The communities include design, science, technology, agriculture, health, education, and transportation.
  5. Environment: Business leaders and scholars tackle the world's most pressing issues such as climate, poverty, inequality, and population using the existing forums such as United Nations Global Compact, World Economic Forum, and World Council for Sustainable Business. Sustainability needs to be more highlighted.
  6. Viability: The proposed project will be independently funded through corporate foundations, government organizations, and academic institutions.
  7. Process: We will establish best practices by conducting consulting projects with in-house and external teams, while soliciting ideas using open research platforms. We aim to not just provide solutions, but also to explore the development of dynamic capabilities and address challenges more deeply.
  8. Function: The proposed project will provide an open research framework that will help to identify underlying assumptions and offer a new research approach for corporate thought leadership. It will convene diverse communities of interest, thereby acting as a catalyst for connection, collaboration, and innovation.
  9. Expression: All project communications, internal as well as external, will reflect the values and intentions of the project. The values of integrity, community, and openness will be honored throughout the process, which will be reflected in the final deliverable.

2.2 Writing the Inspirational Design Brief

The optimal approach to writing an inspirational design brief is through co-creation. Studies show that the act of writing a design brief improves the quality of concepts by 20 percent on average and 25 percent for top-performing designers. Writing a design brief also changes research behavior; when novice designers invest time in writing a high-quality design brief, they conduct research for a longer period of time as well as identify more impactful opportunities for ideation. Moreover, writing a design brief collaboratively reduces team members' perception of ambiguity while increasing their willingness to take risks in the subsequent concept exploration phase (Petersen & Ryu, 2015). Therefore, joint development of a design brief and treating brief writing as an important phase has the potential to add value to a project, curb risk, and increase creativity. Co-creating an inspirational design brief consists of the following three steps, as illustrated in Figure 2.2.


Figure 2.2 The three steps of co-creating an inspirational design brief.

1. Creating a Template and Developing Content

Prior to creating an inspirational design brief, team members on the project (e.g., designers, marketers, and engineers) usually have little or no systematic documented information about the previous projects including their design briefs and their outcomes. To remedy this, they are provided with the DQC as a generic framework to organize previous information under the nine criteria as well as a general guideline for good balance of the DQC content. This assists brief writers to consider the whole aspects of the project, increase their emotional investment, and mentally prepare to address each issue in the later phase.

2. Writing Briefs Independently

Each member writes a 500- to 1,000-word brief independently using the structure of the inspirational design brief template, aided by the content from previous projects. Doing so helps each member empathize with other members by formulating other functions' contributions clearly. Following the sequential process of the DQC, moving from philosophy to expression, supports the creation of the logical top-down architecture for the design brief. This facilitates building cohesive and comprehensive design requirements while assisting the individual members in seeing the project broadly as well as understanding the interdependencies between the criteria.

3. Integrating Parallel Briefs into the Final Document

Team members collaboratively review multiple briefs by considering the final performance of each design brief. When the final performance data is unavailable, they may rely on the quality or quantity of insights obtained from each design brief. Then, they consolidate multiple design briefs into a well-balanced and more effective design brief. As the team gains experiences, performance evaluations can be updated accordingly.

2.3 Research Findings about Inspirational Design Briefs

Going over budget is a serious issue for product developers. They can avoid this issue by carefully examining the amount of the content allocated for the two design quality criteria, process (how to make a product) and expression (how a product looks and feels), in a design brief. Petersen, Steinert, and Beckman (2011) reviewed 81 briefs including 51 briefs from the projects performed at Stanford University and 30 briefs from the projects performed at several companies. Their collected briefs covered a wide variety of fields, including automotive, consumer products, health care, construction, and aviation. Projects ranged in complexity from shavers to earthmoving equipment, and in size from cell phones to aircraft interiors.

Interestingly, the authors discovered that the amount of the content for process is negatively correlated with the amount of the content for expression (see Figure 2.3). This suggests that the less information a brief contains regarding the outcome of the project (expression), the more information it requires to describe how the project runs (process). Indeed, one group of automotive product developers who distributed the amount of the content for the two criteria in a more balanced way ran into fewer problems. However, the other groups of product developers who wrote too little about expression in their briefs lost control of their projects, leading to budget overruns and project failure.


Figure 2.3 A suggested distribution of the DQC content in a design brief.

2.4 Three Pitfalls to Avoid

We suggest that brief writers avoid the following three pitfalls when writing briefs:

  1. Content distribution: First, brief writers often undervalue the importance of communicating strategy (philosophy, structure, and innovation) with their team members. It is an outdated belief that design is an afterthought and should not be integrated with the rest of the business. We suggest that the content regarding strategy should occupy at least 10 percent of the design brief. Second, some brief writers intentionally hide the complete information about the expected specifications (function) or the expected shape (expression) of the final product in order to encourage the blue-sky thinking of their team members. However, team members can only benefit from possessing the full information available. We suggest that the content about function occupies at least 5 percent and that the content about expression occupies at least 25 percent in the design brief.
  2. Balancing between process and expression: As illustrated earlier, balancing the amount of the content between the two criteria determines the success of project. When brief writers include too much content about process (>55 percent), they may neglect the other criteria, potentially hurting the quality of the project outcome. When they include too little content about expression (<25 percent), they may ask team members to explore extensively, which results in a high risk of going over budget.
  3. Length: Brief writers should benchmark the number of words used for their design briefs. The length indicates an aircraft interior, when in fact the product intended for development was a shower stall. Most effective briefs are usually 500 to 1,500 words in length.

2.5 Conclusion: Keys to Success

The main purpose of writing a design brief is to communicate organizational capabilities, the business strategy, and the business model to the members of the design team so that they are well equipped to synthesize novel, useful, and marketable concepts. Creative ideas come from well-informed individuals and teams. Leaving the design team in the dark is self-defeating; it only results in a negative effect on the budget, schedule, and outcome. Each design brief should be unique and requires a concerted effort to create. Recycling old briefs, with minor updates and modifications, does not lead to an innovative concept. Team members recognize “the same old briefs” on their desks and pay no attention to them.

In this chapter, we introduce the inspirational design brief as an answer for designers seeking to improve the current situation of misaligned business opportunities and design execution. We introduced its nine criteria called design quality criteria (DQC) and illustrated two examples, one for a product design project and the other for research project. Then, we illustrated the three steps of how to write design briefs in a co-creative fashion. We also provided research findings and clarified three pitfalls. We believe our proposed brief-writing method provides a unique opportunity for product developers in various industries to facilitate communication between their business managers and designers so that they can successfully leverage design in their new product development projects.


  1. Andreasen, M. M., & Lars Hein. (2000). Integrated product development. Technical University of Denmark.
  2. Lacy, P., Cooper, T., Hayward, R., & Neuberger, L. (2010). A new era of sustainability: UN global compact–Accenture CEO study 2010. (pp. 1–56). Accenture Institute for High Performance: Chicago, IL.
  3. Petersen, S. (2011). Profit from design. South Pasadena, CA: Ingomar & Ingomar.
  4. Petersen, S., & Ryu, B. H. (2015, April). Strategic comprehension driving risk-taking & design performance. 11th European Academy of Design Conference, Paris, France.
  5. Petersen, S., & Phillips, P. (2011). Inspiring design—informed by metrics. Design Management Review 22(2), 62–71.
  6. Petersen, S., Steinert, M., & Beckman, S. (2011, August). Design driven portfolio management. International Conference of Engineering Design, Copenhagen, Denmark.

About the Author

Dr. Søren Petersen is an international business consultant and design science researcher, author, and a regular contributor to The Huffington Post (The Creative Economy: Throughout his 20-year career, he has worked with many top-tier international organizations, including Rambøll Group, BMW Group, Stanford University, Copenhagen Business School, and Hanyang University. He received his PhD from Stanford University in ME Design Research, MS ME from the Technical University of Denmark, and his BS in Transportation Design from Art Center College of Design. Over the past six years, he has published 24 scientific papers and over 150 articles on the Creative Economy, as well as authoring Profit from Design, a definitive book on design quantification. His areas of research include developing methods and metrics for bridging business and design. These include: Design Driven Start-ups, Design & Business Model Experimentation, Design-Driven Portfolio Management, Gamification in Concept Design, and Crowdsourcing Design Research.

Jaewoo Joo is an Assistant Professor of Marketing at Kookmin University. He holds a PhD in Marketing from Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto. Jaewoo teaches and writes about design marketing and new product development through the lens of behavioral decision theory. He has served as a panelist for the Business Week's World's Best Design Schools.

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