
A note on the digital index

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Abrams, Rachel, Operating environment and maintenance
accelerometers, Sensors
access control feature (home automation systems), Remote Control and Automation are Programming-Like Activities
access points, Automation
accessibility of embedded devices, Universal Design and Accessibility
actionable insights from data, Provide context
active sensors, Bridging Physical and Digital: Sensors and Actuators
activity feeds, Sending Commands to Other Devices
actors and stakeholders, Initial Questions and Concepts
actuators, Actuators
Adaptive Path consultancy, Customer journey maps
addressability of devices on Internet, Other Ways Networking Can Impact UX
AEIOU schema, Watching: Field Visits
aesthetic styling across platforms, Follow platform conventions
Aether Cone connected speaker, Physical Controls, Context-Sensitive Interaction
affordance (physical devices), The Demise of “Form Follows Function”, Affordance
aggregation of data, Collecting and distributing data
Air Quality Egg map of sensors, Functioning Together Versus True Interoperability
air quality sensors, Sensors, Flow of Data in Connected Products
alarm systems, Building a Service Offering
home monitoring kit, Creating Good Setup Experiences
smartplug, Time consuming and costly to develop
system for pairing devices, Pairing Devices
alerts, managing, Device Management
AllJoyn services, Interoperability at Different Levels of System Architecture, One edge device connects directly to another
Dash, Devices that are interacted with occasionally, but that are more conspicuous and abundant due to what they do, Voice as input
Fire Phone, Context-Sensitive Interaction
Fire TV remote, Working with Limited Input and Output Capabilities
Amber Alert GPS tags, Handling data with tact
ambient analytics systems, Types of Data-Driven Product
Ambient Devices, Glanceable and Ambient Interfaces
ambient interfaces, Mobile and Web UIs
Ambient Orb, Visual and Screen Interfaces
Ambient Umbrella, Light output
Amit, Gadi, Aesthetics and Appearance
Android Beam (NFC), RFID and NFC, RFID and NFC
Android devices sharing WiFi details over NFC, Set Up Gateway or Directly Internet-Connected Device
Android unlock pattern, Security
Angelcare baby monitor, Proprietary radio
anthropometrics, Three Faces of a Physical Product
APIs (application programming interfaces)
connecting Internet services with, Device-to-Device Connections
granularity design issues, How do web APIs work?
integrating Internet services with, One edge device connects to another via local gateway/hub
overview, The Role of the Internet Service
structure of, Granularity
third-party, Structure
web API basics, APIs
appearance models, Model making and prototyping
iBeacons, Multidevice services are conceptually more complex
TouchID fingerprint sensing, Security
TV, Working with Limited Input and Output Capabilities
VoiceOver, Accessibility
application layer (networking), How Internet Networking Works
application protocols, IoT Application Protocols
Arduino microcontrollers, Embedded Hardware
Arieff, Allison, Environment
Arup, Collages
Ashton, Kevin, Preface
defining with portraits, Portraits
goals and (product values), Why Does Your Product Matter?
AT&T Digital Life tablet app, The Product Solves a Real Problem (and Makes This Clear)
audio/voice interfaces, Audio and Voice Interfaces
August door lock, The Product Solves a Real Problem (and Makes This Clear)
authentication (security), Security, Make authentication easier
authorization (security), Security
automatic gearboxes, Multidevice services are conceptually more complex
and context-insight framework (data), Types of Data-Driven Product
Automation by XKCD, Is programming the right model?
designing for, Automation
programming, Code Can Run in Many More Places
pros and cons of, Data Ownership
autonomous systems
balancing user control with, Balancing user control with system autonomy
risks of, What intelligent systems can do
availability (security), Responsible IoT Design


baby monitors, Proprietary radio
computer vision and, Are QR codes good or bad?
two-dimensional (QR codes), RFID and NFC
batteries, conserving life of, The Challenge of Powering Devices
BBC iPlayer, What’s Different About User Experience Design for the Internet of Things?
beacons, A new type of product in an existing market
(see also iBeacons; Estimote beacons; Physical Web project)
airline trials with, Value Propositions for IoT
device pairing and, Bluetooth pairing options
overview, Beacons
Beart, Pilgrim, IP to the Edge, Creating Good Setup Experiences
behavior, patterns of (privacy), Patterns of behavior
behavioral changes
feedback loops, When Behavioral Change is a Goal
goal of, Data May Not Be Objective
persuasion and, Recurring Questions for Product Strategy
behavioral context (research), Behavioral context, Ecological
behavioral design (physical devices), Case Study 2: Little Kelham: Connected Home, Another Layer of Experience
WeMo app, Prioritizing Key Controls, It’s Complicated...
WeMo smart plug, Tools Versus Products
WeMo Switch, Smartphone as Gateway, Devices that are interacted with occasionally, but that are more conspicuous and abundant due to what they do, Data and Content Synchronization
Bellotti, Victoria, Principles of data management for privacy
Beo4 TV remote control, Multisensory: Weight, texture, temperature
Cloud Bridge,, Aesthetics and Appearance
Little Printer, Design Freeze as Opposed to Continuous Iteration, Aesthetics and Appearance, Personality and character
prototyping Connbox, Using Prototypes to Answer Questions
washing machine app, Latency and Responsiveness May Vary
BiC for Her pens, But first, how not to define people
big data, Flow of Data in Connected Products, Direct versus inferred
bill of materials (BOM), Sustainability and recycling
Bishop, Durrell, Intangible interactions
Blackwell, Alan, Remote Control and Automation are Programming-Like Activities
Blank, Steve, What’s Different About Consumers?
BleepBleeps products, Consistency and cohesion: Making connections
Blink(1) notification light, Collages
BlinkUp, Set Up Gateway or Directly Internet-Connected Device
blue collar coders, Building a Service Offering
Bluespray garden irrigation controller, Patterns of composition
devices enabled for, Beacons
numeric comparison pairing, Passkey entry
OOB pairing via NFC, Out of band pairing
overview, Types of Local Networking
pairing options, Bluetooth pairing options
Botanicalls wireless moisture sensor, Service Ecology Maps
Bowles, Cennydd, Context-Sensitive Interaction
brand image/promise (physical devices), Consistency and cohesion: Making connections
Brand, Stewart, The Product Comes at a Cost Proportional to the Perceived Value
Bransfield, Gene, The UX of Security
Braungart, Michael, Disposal, What Can Designers Do?
iterative router design, The Necessity of Working Iteratively
mobile WiFi router (case study), Case Study 5: BRCK: Rugged Portable WiFi Hotspot
router testing, Operational context
BrewPi fermentation temperature controller, Tools Versus Products
Brick stackable external hard drive, Devices that are hidden away and only rarely interacted with beyond initial setup
bridges, How System Architecture Affects UX
(see also gateways)
user interaction with, Interaction and Placement: Basic Design Drivers
Brignull, Harry, Instructions
British Gas
dual fuel in-home display, How Users Understand Devices and Services
Hive Active Heating controller, Patterns of composition, Use consistent terminology
Hive app, Context-Sensitive Interaction
Hive app homescreen, Activity Feeds
Hive system, Patterns of composition
Hive thermostat, Embedded Hardware
smart meter report, Provide context
Bubblino Internet-connected bubble machine, The Challenge of Powering Devices
Buchenau, Marion, What Does Using a Product Feel Like?
business models, Building a Service Offering
Business Origami, How Does a Product Support a Service (and Vice Versa)?
Buxton, Bill, Translating Research into Product Definitions, Fit the medium to the purpose


CAD (computer-aided design), 3D modeling and rendering
CAM (computer-aided manufacturing), 3D modeling and rendering
canned (archived) data (prototyping), How Do We Prototype with Data?
car communications/entertainment connectivity system, Case Study 3: Ford SYNC 3: Connected Car
car navigation systems, Flow of Data in Connected Products
caregiving (Proteus connected pill), Early Use Case 1: Caregiving
case studies
BRCK mobile WiFi device, Case Study 5: BRCK: Rugged Portable WiFi Hotspot
Ford SYNC3, Case Study 3: Ford SYNC 3: Connected Car
Little Kelham, Case Study 2: Little Kelham: Connected Home
LOOP pelvic floor exerciser, Case Study 4: LOOP: Connected Pelvic Floor Exerciser
Proteus connected pill, Case Study 1: Proteus Digital Health: The Connected Pill
Cassimally, Hakim, From “Internet of Things” to “Connected Products”
CE (Conformité Européene) markings, Product certification
cellular data connectivity, WiFi
character set displays, Custom segment displays
Charlier, Martin, Embedded Device Design, Interface and Interaction Design, Supporting Key Interactions
Chromecast (Google), Challenging These Characteristics
Chune speaker prototype, Collaboration Between UX and ID
Citrix Worx storyboard, Media from the future
Clearfield, Chris, Why IoT Security is a Big Challenge
Clearleft design studio, Product certification
closed system microcontrollers, Embedded Hardware
cloud servers vs. edge devices, Flow of Data in Connected Products
Clouds, Edges, Fog, and the Pendulum of Distributed Computing, Flow of Data in Connected Products
Cloudwash washing machine (BERG), Deciding on the Level of Interactivity of a Connected Device
CMF (color/material/finish) research, Mood boards and design themes
CNC (computer numerical controlled) machines, 3D modeling and rendering
co-design workshops, Making: Generative Methods
coarse-grained APIs, Granularity
coding (programming), Displacement in function/application
cognitive mapping (research), Maps
collages, prototyping with, Using Prototypes to Answer Questions
Comcast XFINITY Home, Make programming easier
common functional components (platforms), Platforms
companies, list of, Companies, Products, and Links
complex systems
basics, Designing Complex, Interconnected Products and Services
controlling (see controlling complex systems)
data models, How UX in the Platform Scales Up
machine-control of, Is programming the right model?
scaling platforms, Balancing user control with system autonomy
scaling the UX (see scaling the UX)
determining right, Patterns of composition
patterns of, Multidevice services are conceptually more complex
CompuServe of Things, Interoperability
computer vision, Context-Sensitive Interaction, Are QR codes good or bad?
computers, multipurpose, Types of Connected Device
conceptual models (IoT design)
domain metaphors and, Customer journey maps
overview, Conceptual Model
user/design models, What Is Interusability?
confidentiality, Responsible IoT Design
connected car systems, Case Study 3: Ford SYNC 3: Connected Car
connected devices
actuators, Actuators
connected sensors, Connected Sensors
conserving battery life, The Challenge of Powering Devices
disposal of, Usage
embedded devices, Embedded Devices
embedded hardware, Embedded Hardware
embedded software, Embedded Hardware
flow of data in, Flow of Data in Connected Products
levels of interactivity of, Deciding on the Level of Interactivity of a Connected Device
multipurpose computers, Types of Connected Device
overview, Things: The Technology of Connected Devices
passively trackable objects, Passively Trackable Objects
powering, The Challenge of Powering Devices
sending commands between, Sending Commands to Other Devices
sensors, Bridging Physical and Digital: Sensors and Actuators
types of, Things: The Technology of Connected Devices
connected lighting systems, Multidevice services are conceptually more complex
connected products research techniques
cognitive mapping, Maps
diaries/activity logs, Diaries and usage logs
field visits, Diaries and usage logs
generative methods, Watching: Field Visits
LEGO models, Making: Generative Methods
overview, Ecological
spatial mapping, Techniques: From Asking to Watching to Making
timelines, Maps
translating research into product definitions (see product definitions)
verbal explanations, Diaries and usage logs
connected sensors, Connected Sensors
connectivity issues in IoT systems, Code Can Run in Many More Places
consistency across multiple devices
aesthetic styling, Follow platform conventions
device combinations, Consider the most likely combinations of devices
following platform conventions, Use consistent terminology
interaction architecture and functionality, Interaction architecture and functionality
overview, How accurate does sensing need to be?
terminology, Consistency
construction geometry (product manufacturing), Manufacturing constraints
consumers, Initial Questions and Concepts
(see also users)
convincing, Innovators Are Not Consumers
innovators vs., Products Can Be Services
contactless ticketing and payments, RFID and NFC
capturing contextual information, Addressing User Needs
context of interaction (connected products), When needs conflict
context-aware computing, Tactile output: Vibration, force feedback, and shape shifting
context-insight/automation framework (data), Types of Data-Driven Product
context-sensitive interactions, Tactile output: Vibration, force feedback, and shape shifting
evaluating data relative to, Understand motivations and goals
contextual integrity, Handling data with tact
continuity in cross-platform design
cross-device interaction/task migration, Data and Content Synchronization
data/content synchronization, Consider the most likely combinations of devices
overview, Consider the most likely combinations of devices
spotting continuity errors, Consider the most likely combinations of devices
continuous iteration (product design), Mindset of Industrial Designers
Control4 MyHome, Make programming easier
controlling complex systems
by machines, Is programming the right model?
by user programming, Control, Displacement in function/application
displacement of actions from results, Why is using IoT like programming?
overview, Context
controls, designing
activity feeds, Sending Commands to Other Devices
grouping controls, Grouping Controls
overview, Discovery
prioritizing key controls, Prioritizing Key Controls
sending commands between devices, Sending Commands to Other Devices
Coraggio, Giulio, Principles of data management for privacy
Cradle to Cradle, Disposal
Crock-Pot Slow Cooker with Wemo, Tools Versus Products, Formulating a design language
Croll, Alistair, Flow of Data in Connected Products
cross-device interactions, Data and Content Synchronization
cross-media systems, Patterns of composition
cross-platform UX
determining right, Patterns of composition
patterns of, Multidevice services are conceptually more complex
conceptual models, What Is Interusability?
consistency across multiple devices (see consistency across multiple devices)
continuity (see continuity in cross-platform design)
interusability, Cross-Platform UX and Usability
overview, Cross-Device Interactions and Interusability
Crossing the Chasm, Products Can Be Services
CST-1 watch, Character set displays
curvature combs (3D modeling), 3D modeling and rendering
custom segment displays, Light output
customer journey maps, Immersion tools


D-Link camera app, Getting devices to coordinate
Daily Me news service, Social Engineering
Danalock connected door lock, Actuators
Dark Sky weather app, Actionable insights, explanations, and data
Dash, Anil, Building a Service Offering
dashboards, Prioritizing Key Controls
aggregation of, Collecting and distributing data
big data vs. small data, Big versus small, real-time versus historical
collecting/distributing, Handling data with tact
data layer (interoperability), The CompuServe of Things
data models (complex systems), How UX in the Platform Scales Up
data ownership (product definitions), Persuasion and Behavior Change
data points, missing, Connected Sensors
data science, Flow of Data in Connected Products
dynamic vs. static, Static versus dynamic
handling with tact, Information and Privacy
inferred vs. direct, Static versus dynamic
insights from, Provide context
interoperable, Interoperable Data
protection of, Patterns of behavior
prototyping with, How Does a Product Support a Service (and Vice Versa)?
user, Data about the wider context
data-driven design, Using Data in the Design Process
behavioral change, Data May Not Be Objective
data from multiple products, Quantified Self
data science, Flow of Data in Connected Products
experience over time, Actionable insights, explanations, and data
flow of data in connected products, Flow of Data in Connected Products
inferences and interpretation, Experience Over Time
making data meaningful/actionable, Data Above the Level of a Single Product
objectivity of data, Transparency and Trust
overview, Many Differing Technical Standards Make Interoperability Hard, Designing with Data
qualitative data and, Visualizing Data
respecting user attention span, Actionable insights, explanations, and data
third-party data, Time, frequency
transparency and trust, Transparency and Trust
types of data-driven products, Time, frequency
types of IoT data, Data Science
using data in design process, Visualizing Data
visualizing data, When Behavioral Change is a Goal
Davies, Russell, Set Up Gateway or Directly Internet-Connected Device
debugging (programming), What is programming?
dedicated gateways, Other Ways Networking Can Impact UX
demographic statistics, stereotyping based on, But first, how not to define people
Denis, Charles, Cross-Platform UX and Usability
design, Conceptual Model
(see also IoT design models)
and user models, What Is Interusability?
challenges of, Preface
design freeze, Mindset of Industrial Designers
facets of, A Design Model for IoT
for assembly (DFA), Hardware engineering, DFM, DFA
for manufacturability (DFM), Hardware engineering, DFM, DFA
industrial (see industrial design)
principles of, What Does the Product Do?
Devenish, Ryan, Design Principles
connected (see connected devices)
device abstraction, How Can We Improve Interoperability?
device-to-device connections, Smartphone as Gateway
disposal of, Usage
management of, Device Management
mobile (see mobile devices)
pairing, Pairing Devices
(see also pairing devices)
system-generated metadata about, Data Models
upgradeability of, Usage
Devolo dLAN 1200+ HomePlug powerline adapter, RFID and NFC
DFA (design for assembly), Hardware engineering, DFM, DFA
DFM (design for manufacturability), Hardware engineering, DFM, DFA
Diageo whisky gifting campaign, Beacons
diaries/activity logs (research), Diaries and usage logs
direct manipulation concept, Code Can Run in Many More Places, Control
direct vs. inferred data, Static versus dynamic
discovering presence of systems, Discovery
Disney Magic Band, RFID and NFC, Data in IoT, Personal Assistants
Disney theme parks, RFID and NFC
displacement of actions from results, Why is using IoT like programming?
displays, prototyping, New screen interaction paradigms
disposal of devices, Usage
domain metaphors (product definitions), Customer journey maps
domain models, system, Data about the system
Dropcam connected camera, Sensors, Bluetooth
Duhigg, Charles, Why Does Your Product Matter?
dynamic displays, Dynamic displays
dynamic vs. static data, Static versus dynamic


E-waste recycling, Disposal
early adopters, Innovators Are Not Consumers, Portraits
early majority users, Innovators Are Not Consumers
ecological context (research), Sociocultural
Economizer home electricity monitoring video, Video prototyping
maps, Service Ecology Maps, Service Ecology Maps
service, How Users Understand Devices and Services
edge devices, Embedded Devices
(see also embedded devices)
cloud servers vs., Flow of Data in Connected Products
connecting to Internet, Automation
connecting to one another, Smartphone as Gateway
connecting via cloud platforms, One edge device connects to another via local gateway/hub
connecting via local gateways/hubs, One edge device connects directly to another
coordinating, Knowing which devices will talk to each other
definition of, Things: The Technology of Connected Devices
determining compatibility of, Knowing which devices will talk to each other
directly connecting, Interoperability at Different Levels of System Architecture
IP communications to, IP to the Edge
keeping simple, How System Architecture Affects UX
organizing/accessing controls, Organizing devices and accessing controls
Edwards, Gawain, Device Management, Prioritizing Key Controls, It’s Complicated...
Efergy energy monitoring service, The Product Solves a Real Problem (and Makes This Clear)
Ehrnberger, Karin, Conveying brand image and brand promise
Electric Imp, Embedded Hardware, Computer Vision, Barcodes, and Devices “Seeing”, Set Up Gateway or Directly Internet-Connected Device
Electrolux Screenfridge, Understanding People and Context
electronic ink displays, Dynamic displays
Elements of User Experience diagrams, A Design Model for IoT
elevator pitch, Translating Research into Product Definitions
embedded devices, Embedded Devices
(see also edge devices; physical device design)
embedded hardware, Embedded Hardware
embedded software, Embedded Hardware
emotional design, cycle of, Demonstrating and Implementing an Iterative User-Centered Design Process
Empathy Belly, Immersion tools
Enabled by Design, Universal Design and Accessibility
encryption, public key, Security
measuring consumption of, Provide context
usage of connected products, Manufacturing
engineering/production (industrial design), Model making and prototyping
impact of IoT products, Environment
overview, Social Engineering
role of designers in protecting, What Can Designers Do?
ergonomics, Three Faces of a Physical Product
Ericsson User Experience Labs, Experience prototypes
escape holes (product manufacturing), Manufacturing constraints
Estimote beacons, Beacons, Consistency and cohesion: Making connections
Ethernet connectivity (networking), Ethernet
European privacy laws, In the USA
Evans, Benedict, Foreword
event logs, Sending Commands to Other Devices
Evernote, Cross-Platform UX and Usability
Evolve Collaborative, Mood boards and design themes
experience maps, Immersion tools
experience prototypes, What Does Using a Product Feel Like?
Experientia design consultancy, Making: Generative Methods


face recognition/detection, Context-Sensitive Interaction
facets of design, A Design Model for IoT
Fairphone smart phone, Summary
faking it (Wizard-of-Oz prototyping), How Do We Prototype with Data?
FCC Declaration of Conformity, Product certification
FedEx SenseAware service, The Product Solves a Real Problem (and Makes This Clear), Wizard-of-Oz demonstrations
feedback loop model (behavior), When Behavioral Change is a Goal, When Behavioral Change is a Goal
“feels like” prototypes, Fit the medium to the purpose
Ficklin, Jared, Are QR codes good or bad?
field visits (research), Diaries and usage logs
fine-grained APIs, How do web APIs work?
firmware, Embedded Hardware
Fitbit activity tracker, Dynamic displays
fog computing (Cisco), Flow of Data in Connected Products
force feedback mechanisms, Tactile output: Vibration, force feedback, and shape shifting
Ford SYNC3 (case study), Case Study 3: Ford SYNC 3: Connected Car
formulating design language, The importance of sketching
Fortrezz water shutoff valve, Actuators
frequency of data readings, Big versus small, real-time versus historical
future routers project, Challenging These Characteristics


Galaxy S5 heart rate sensor, Sensors
Gale, Peter, Instructions
Garrett, Jesse James, A Design Model for IoT
Gasser, Urs, The CompuServe of Things
advantages of, How System Architecture Affects UX
basics of, Other Ways Networking Can Impact UX
connecting edge devices via, One edge device connects directly to another
dedicated, Other Ways Networking Can Impact UX
disadvantages of, The system can function when the Internet is unavailable
setting up, Automation
smartphones as, Dedicated Gateway
user interaction with, Interaction and Placement: Basic Design Drivers
gearboxes, automatic, Multidevice services are conceptually more complex
generalizing among people groups (product definitions), Portraits
generative methods (research), Watching: Field Visits
gestural interactions, Voice as input
GET method (web APIs), How do web APIs work?
ghosting effect, Electronic ink displays
glanceable interfaces, Mobile and Web UIs
GlowCaps connected pill bottle, The Focus of the User Experience May Be in the Service, WiFi, Service Ecology Maps
goals and aspirations (product values), Why Does Your Product Matter?
goals and motivations of users, Understand motivations and goals
Goldilocks interface, Case Study 2: Little Kelham: Connected Home
Good Grips brand (OXO), Accessibility
Good Night Lamp, Mobile Devices
Goodman, Elizabeth, Understanding People and Context, Translating Research into Product Definitions, Iterative Design: Prototyping and Learning
Contacts (push notifications), Push, Pull, and Polling
Glass, Sociocultural, Information and Privacy
Maps, How Can We Improve Interoperability?
GPRS radio transmissions, WiFi
receivers/satellites, Sensors
tracking units, Social Engineering
granularity design issues (APIs), How do web APIs work?
Greenfield, Adam, From “Internet of Things” to “Connected Products”
grounded innovation (product definitions), Conceptual Models and Domain Metaphors
grouping controls, Grouping Controls
gyroscopes, Sensors


Hackaball programmable ball, Interaction Design, Service Design
hackathons (Enabled by Design), Universal Design and Accessibility
Hall, Erika, Summary
Hapifork, Data in IoT
cryptographic security module, Keep devices secure
embedded, Embedded Hardware
engineering, Model making and prototyping
Havaianas accessories, Design Principles
Hawthorn effect, Early Use Case 2: Informing Hypertension Treatment
HCI (human-computer interaction), What’s Different About User Experience Design for the Internet of Things?
headless Ethernet/WiFi devices, Set Up Gateway or Directly Internet-Connected Device
headless gateways, Automation
heart rate monitors, Visualizing Data
heart rate sensors (Galaxy S5), Sensors
heating controller with modal functions, Interaction architecture and functionality
heating controllers, Data and Content Synchronization
heating service (composition), Patterns of composition
Heinrich, Louisa, Data about the system
Hemmert, Fabian, Tactile output: Vibration, force feedback, and shape shifting
Heuristic Evaluation (Usability Inspection Methods), How accurate does sensing need to be?
Hill, Dan, Collages
historical vs. real-time data, Direct versus inferred
The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, What intelligent systems can do
home automation system
Home Automation profile, Pairing Devices
home platform, Complex Services Can Have Many Users, Multiple UIs, Many Devices, Many Rules and Applications
market, Innovators Are Not Consumers
SmartThings ecosystem, Cross-Platform UX and Usability
system architecture, Dedicated Gateway
home security systems, Ecological, Recurring Questions for Product Strategy, Data about the system
home systems setups, Displacement in function/application
(see also programming, user)
Little Kelham, Case Study 2: Little Kelham: Connected Home
progressing complexity of, It’s Complicated...
user needs and, Looking Beyond Devices
HomeOS, Make programming easier
HomePlug standard, RFID and NFC
Honan, Matt, Sociocultural
Honeywell evohome connected radiator valve, How Is UX for IoT Different?
Hong Kong Octopus travel cards, The Focus of the User Experience May Be in the Service
HTTP (HyperText Transport Protocol), How Internet Networking Works, IoT Application Protocols
Hubert, Elisabeth, What’s Different About User Experience Design for the Internet of Things?
hubs, How System Architecture Affects UX
(see also gateways)
user interaction with, Interaction and Placement: Basic Design Drivers
Hue (Philips)
Bridge, Devices that are hidden away and only rarely interacted with beyond initial setup
bulbs, Devices that are interacted with occasionally, but that are more conspicuous and abundant due to what they do
lighting app, Getting devices to coordinate
Tap remote control, Devices that are interacted with frequently and that are likely to be on display to be easily accessible or visible
Human Interface Device profile, Pairing Devices
human layer (interoperability), What Is Interoperability and Why Is It a Problem?
human-computer interaction (HCI), What’s Different About User Experience Design for the Internet of Things?, Aggregation
Hussain, Sofia, Service Ecology Maps, Service Ecology Maps
Huuskonen, Pertti, Device and Service Models
HyperCat standard, How Can We Improve Interoperability?
hypertension treatment (Proteus connected pill), Early Use Case 2: Informing Hypertension Treatment


iBeacons (Apple), A new type of product in an existing market, Multidevice services are conceptually more complex
IDA Institute (website), A Design Model for IoT
If This Then That functionality, Why is This in an IoT Book?, Tools Versus Products, Make programming easier
Igoe, Tom, Interface and Interaction Design
immersion tools (product values), Portraits
industrial design
CAD/CAM, 3D modeling and rendering
CMF (color/material/finish) research, Mood boards and design themes
collaboration with UX, Product certification
detailing/developing designs, Formulating a design language
engineering/production, Model making and prototyping
formulating design language, The importance of sketching
mindset of, Mindset of Industrial Designers
mood boards (design themes), Mood boards and design themes
of physical hardware, A Design Model for IoT
overview, Interaction Design
sketching, CMF research
inferences/interpretation of data, Experience Over Time
inferred vs. direct data, Static versus dynamic
information overload, Actionable insights, explanations, and data
informed consent (privacy), Principles of data management for privacy
ingestible sensor (Proteus), The Technology
innovation to mass market
convincing consumers, Innovators Are Not Consumers
innovators vs. consumers, Products Can Be Services
types of product markets, Value Propositions for IoT
value propositions for IoT, What’s Different About Consumers?
input-only devices, Devices that are interacted with occasionally, but that are more conspicuous and abundant due to what they do
insights from data, Provide context
inspiration, sources of (product definitions), Portraits
Instagram mobile app, Data and Content Synchronization
institutional layer (interoperability), What Is Interoperability and Why Is It a Problem?
instructions (system setups), Flexibility and Modularity
Insure the Box car insurance, Bringing Digital Business Models to Physical Products
intangible interactions, Gestural Interaction
integrity, definition of, Responsible IoT Design
intelligent systems
balancing user control with autonomous, Balancing user control with system autonomy
capabilities of, Make the system smarter
risks of autonomous, What intelligent systems can do
interaction design (IoT), Interaction Design
interactions with physical devices
accessibility issues, Universal Design and Accessibility
ambient interfaces, Mobile and Web UIs
audio/voice interfaces, Audio and Voice Interfaces
context-sensitive interactions, Tactile output: Vibration, force feedback, and shape shifting
gestural interactions, Voice as input
glanceable interfaces, Mobile and Web UIs
interface combinations, Are QR codes good or bad?
interfaces with limited input/output, Glanceable and Ambient Interfaces
levels of interactivity, Deciding on the Level of Interactivity of a Connected Device
mobile and web interfaces, Deciding on the Level of Interactivity of a Connected Device
multimodal interactions, Are QR codes good or bad?
physical controls, Types of Interaction
placement relationship to, Interaction and Placement: Basic Design Drivers
seeing devices, Context-Sensitive Interaction
tactile interactions, Tangible user interfaces
tangible interactions, Intangible interactions
types of, Interface and Interaction Design
universal design principles, Accessibility
visual/screen interfaces, Visual and Screen Interfaces
interactions, key (see key interactions)
addressability on, Other Ways Networking Can Impact UX
connecting devices to, Automation
direct connections to devices, Smartphone as Gateway
Internet networking basics, How Internet Networking Works
Internet Protocol (IP), How Internet Networking Works
networking connectivity options, How Internet Networking Works
service to service via, One edge device connects to another via local gateway/hub
unreliability of, The Focus of the User Experience May Be in the Service
Internet services
APIs (see APIs (application programming interfaces))
productization and, Why is This in an IoT Book?
role of, The Role of the Internet Service
basics, The CompuServe of Things
between products and services, Service to service over Internet
challenges of, Complex Services Can Have Many Users, Multiple UIs, Many Devices, Many Rules and Applications
CompuServe of Things, Interoperability
connecting edge devices via cloud platforms, One edge device connects to another via local gateway/hub
connecting edge devices via local gateways/hubs, One edge device connects directly to another
connecting gateways to each other, One edge device connects to another via local gateway/hub
determining device compatibility, Knowing which devices will talk to each other
directly connecting edge devices, Interoperability at Different Levels of System Architecture
enabling with gateways, The system can function when the Internet is unavailable
functioning together vs. true, Functioning Together Versus True Interoperability
generic vs. specific UIs, Getting devices to coordinate
getting devices to coordinate, Knowing which devices will talk to each other
improving, Functioning Together Versus True Interoperability
interoperable data, Interoperable Data
network interoperability, Other Ways Networking Can Impact UX, What Is Interoperability and Why Is It a Problem?
organizing devices/accessing controls, Organizing devices and accessing controls
service to service via Internet, One edge device connects to another via local gateway/hub
user control and, Interoperability puts users in control
interusability, Interaction Design, Handling Cross-Device Interactions and Task Migration
inventory tracking (RFIDs), Passively Trackable Objects
Ionescu, Arna, Case Study 1: Proteus Digital Health: The Connected Pill
IoT architecture
advantages of gateways, How System Architecture Affects UX
dedicated gateways, Other Ways Networking Can Impact UX
device-to-device connections, Smartphone as Gateway
direct Internet connections, Smartphone as Gateway
disadvantages of gateways, The system can function when the Internet is unavailable
effects on UX, How System Architecture Affects UX
overview, Other Ways Networking Can Impact UX
service-to-service connections, Device-to-Device Connections
smartphones as gateways, Dedicated Gateway
IoT design models
conceptual model, Conceptual Model
facets of design, A Design Model for IoT
industrial design (see industrial design)
interaction design, Interaction Design
interusability, Interaction Design
overview, IoT is All About Data
platform design, Conceptual Model
productization, Conceptual Model
service design, Service Design
UI/visual design, A Design Model for IoT, A Design Model for IoT
IoT devices
addressability on Internet, Other Ways Networking Can Impact UX
asynchronous nature of, We Don’t Expect Internet-Like Glitches from the Real World
basics of, What’s Different About User Experience Design for the Internet of Things?
business models for, What is a Business Model?
combining with services, The Product Comes at a Cost Proportional to the Perceived Value
designs showing state of, Networks Are Not 100% Reliable
device-to-device connections, Smartphone as Gateway
distribution in real world, Code Can Run in Many More Places
intermittent network connections for, Why is Networking Relevant to IoT UX?
programming, Code Can Run in Many More Places
user understanding of, IoT Products Combine Devices and Services
variety of, How Is UX for IoT Different?
networking relevance to, Networks: The Technology of Connectivity
overview, What’s Different About User Experience Design for the Internet of Things?
IoT UX vs. digital services UX
asynchronous nature of IoT, We Don’t Expect Internet-Like Glitches from the Real World
complexity of services, Remote Control and Automation are Programming-Like Activities
data-based design, Many Differing Technical Standards Make Interoperability Hard
device distribution in real world, Code Can Run in Many More Places
focus on cloud service, The Focus of the User Experience May Be in the Service
functionality across multiple devices, How Is UX for IoT Different?
Internet unreliability, The Focus of the User Experience May Be in the Service
interoperability challenges, Complex Services Can Have Many Users, Multiple UIs, Many Devices, Many Rules and Applications
programming-like activities, Code Can Run in Many More Places
vulnerability of code running in many places, IoT is Largely Asynchronous
IP communications to edge devices, IP to the Edge
Bluetooth pairing, “Just works”
passkey entry pairing, Passkey entry
bathtub comparison, Formulating a design language
iPod Shuffle, The Demise of “Form Follows Function”
IPSO Alliance, Data Models
iRobot Roomba 870 vacuum cleaner, Is programming the right model?
iterative design
necessity of, The Necessity of Working Iteratively
prototyping (see prototyping)
UX evaluation, Evaluation: Success Demands Failure
Ive, Jonathan, Hardware engineering, DFM, DFA


Kare, Susan, Remote Control and Automation are Programming-Like Activities
Karsenty, Laurent, Cross-Platform UX and Usability
Karten Design consultancy, Portraits
Kawano, Mark, Service Ecosystems
key interactions
connecting devices to Internet, Automation
designing controls (see controls, designing)
device management, Device Management
discovering presence of systems, Discovery
notifications/messages/alerts, Device Management
overview, Supporting Key Interactions
pairing devices (see pairing devices)
platforms, Activity Feeds
setting up mobile devices, Set Up Gateway or Directly Internet-Connected Device
setting up systems (see setting up systems)
system maintenance, User Management
user management, Notifications, Messages, and Alerts
kilowatt-hours (kWh), Provide context
Kindle Whispersync, Data and Content Synchronization
Kinect Sports 2 on Xbox, Control
Korea Telecom products, Formulating a design language
Koster, Michael, How UX in the Platform Scales Up
Krippendorff, Klaus, Diaries and usage logs
Kruzeniski, Mike, Sociocultural
Kuniavsky, Mike, From “Internet of Things” to “Connected Products”, The Focus of the User Experience May Be in the Service, IoT is All About Data, How Users Understand Devices and Services, Conceptual Models and Domain Metaphors


Lakoff, George, Conceptual Models and Domain Metaphors
Lanclos, Donna, Maps
languages, common design, A common design language for UI elements
Lapka organic matter sensor, Environment
late majority users, Innovators Are Not Consumers
and responsiveness, variations in (networking), Latency and Responsiveness May Vary
controlling over local networks, The system can function when the Internet is unavailable
Law of Conservation of Complexity, Multidevice services are conceptually more complex
LED light interfaces, Visual and Screen Interfaces
levers, value, Moral behavior
LG smart TVs, Transparency and Trust
LIFX lighting, Complex Services Can Have Many Users, Multiple UIs, Many Devices, Many Rules and Applications, Universal Design—We’re All Disabled Sometimes, Service to service over Internet, The UX of Interoperability, Knowing which devices will talk to each other
light output interfaces, Visual and Screen Interfaces
Light, Ann, Multidevice services are conceptually more complex, Responsible IoT Design
lighting systems, Multidevice services are conceptually more complex, A common design language for UI elements
LilyPad Protosnap wearables package, Inputs and outputs: beyond the screen, keyboard, and mouse
Lim, Youn-Kyung, Using Prototypes to Answer Questions
link layer protocols (networking), How Internet Networking Works
Little Kelham (case study), Case Study 2: Little Kelham: Connected Home
Liu, Hugo, Aggregation
Lively elderly care system, Patterns of composition
Lively safety watch, What connectivity and power issues do you need to consider?
local networking, Types of Local Networking
Lockitron connected door lock, What’s Different About User Experience Design for the Internet of Things?
Metropolitan Police maps, How Can We Improve Interoperability?
Oyster ecosystem, Service Ecosystems
Oyster travel card readers, The Focus of the User Experience May Be in the Service, RFID and NFC, ZigBee and ZWave, How Users Understand Devices and Services, Prioritizing Key Controls, Keeping Track of Multiple Devices
“looks like” design prototypes, Using Prototypes to Answer Questions, Fit the medium to the purpose
LOOP pelvic floor exerciser (case study), Case Study 4: LOOP: Connected Pelvic Floor Exerciser
Lowes Iris
home security motion sensor, Conserving Battery Life
home system, Make programming easier
Safe/Secure DIY home security kit, A niche entrant to an existing market
Service Status screen, Discovery
setup process, Flexibility and Modularity
UI (plug switching), Other Ways Networking Can Impact UX
water heater, Data and Content Synchronization
web UI device, Device Management


Mace, Ronald L., Universal Design—We’re All Disabled Sometimes
machine-control of complex systems, Is programming the right model?
macros and modes (programming), Make programming easier
maintenance (physical devices), Multisensory: Weight, texture, temperature, Usage
maker culture, Inputs and outputs: beyond the screen, keyboard, and mouse
effects on environment, Environment
physical devices, Multisensory: Weight, texture, temperature
mapping connected products, Affordance
Marble Answering Machine, Tangible user interfaces
Marks and Spencer department store, Passively Trackable Objects
Mars Science Laboratory Curiosity Rover, Connected Sensors
mass market, innovation to (see innovation to mass market)
materials (physical device design), Multisensory: Weight, texture, temperature
McDonough, William, Disposal, What Can Designers Do?
McEwen, Adrian, From “Internet of Things” to “Connected Products”, The CompuServe of Things, Set Up Gateway or Directly Internet-Connected Device
media from the future, Using Prototypes to Answer Questions, Storyboards
Mercedes-Benz dashboard app, Service to service over Internet
messages, managing, Device Management
Mesut, Jason, Collaboration Between UX and ID
metadata, device, Data Models
metaphors (product definitions), Customer journey maps
Metaphors We Live By, Conceptual Models and Domain Metaphors
Metcalfe’s Law, It’s Complicated...
microcontrollers, Embedded Hardware
Microsoft Kinect, Gestural Interaction
Miettinen, Markus, Pairing Devices
Mimo baby monitoring kit, Keeping Track of Multiple Devices
Misfit Shine syncing process, Data and Content Synchronization
missing data points, Connected Sensors
mobile devices
sensors in, Sensors
setting up, Set Up Gateway or Directly Internet-Connected Device
mobile interfaces for connected products, Deciding on the Level of Interactivity of a Connected Device
model making/prototyping, Model making and prototyping
modeling data (prototyping), How Do We Prototype with Data?
modes and macros (programming), Make programming easier
Monk, Professor Andrew, Aggregation
monochrome displays, Dynamic displays
mood boards (design themes), Mood boards and design themes
Moore, Geoffrey, Products Can Be Services
moral behavior (product values), Why Does Your Product Matter?
+More platform (QR codes), RFID and NFC
Mother smart sensor system, Service Ecology Maps
motion detectors/sensors, Sensors, Devices that are hidden away and only rarely interacted with beyond initial setup
motivations/goals of users, Understand motivations and goals
MQTT protocol, IoT Application Protocols
Muji Multi Clock alarm clock, Tangible user interfaces
multimodal interactions, Are QR codes good or bad?
multiple devices
keeping track of, It’s Complicated...
multidevice services, The user model and the design model
multiple users of systems, Design templates and patterns
multipurpose computers, Types of Connected Device
Murphy, Niall, Granularity


Nabaztag device, Embedded Devices
NAT: network address translation, Push, Pull, and Polling
NDEF (NFC Data Exchange Format), RFID and NFC
Negroponte, Nicholas, Is programming the right model?
Nespresso Zenius coffee machine, Bringing Digital Business Models to Physical Products
Learning Thermostat, The Focus of the User Experience May Be in the Service, A Design Model for IoT, Embedded Devices, ZigBee and ZWave, Product/Service Definition and Strategy, Follow platform conventions, Attention is a Scarce Resource
Protect smoke alarm, Tools Versus Products, Another Layer of Experience, Voice as output, Gestural Interaction, Set Up Gateway or Directly Internet-Connected Device
Netatmo Weather Station, Connected Sensors, Types of Data-Driven Product
Netflix, Multidevice services are conceptually more complex
network communication patterns
IoT application protocols, IoT Application Protocols
push/pull/polling, Network Communication Patterns
network interoperability, What Is Interoperability and Why Is It a Problem?
intermittent connections for IoT devices, Why is Networking Relevant to IoT UX?
Internet connectivity options, How Internet Networking Works
Internet networking, How Internet Networking Works
Internet services (see Internet services)
IoT architecture and (see IoT architecture)
IoT UX relevance to, Networks: The Technology of Connectivity
IP communications to edge devices, IP to the Edge
issues impacting UX, Other Ways Networking Can Impact UX
latency/reliability impact on UX, Networks Are Not 100% Reliable
NAT: network address translation., Push, Pull, and Polling
overview, Networks: The Technology of Connectivity
types of local, Types of Local Networking
unreliability of networks, Networks Are Not 100% Reliable
variations in latency/responsiveness, Latency and Responsiveness May Vary
Nexus Q (Google), Challenging These Characteristics
NFC (near field communication)
basics, RFID and NFC
NFC-enabled smartphones, The Focus of the User Experience May Be in the Service
overview, RFID and NFC
Nielsen, Jakob, Latency and Responsiveness May Vary, How accurate does sensing need to be?
Nike Fuelband, Service Ecology Maps
Nike+ Fuel Points, Interoperable Data
Ninja Sphere gateway, Set Up Gateway or Directly Internet-Connected Device
Ninja Sphere home lighting, Interoperability at Different Levels of System Architecture
NodeRED (IBM), Make programming easier
nodes, sensor, Connected Sensors
nonvolatile memory, Embedded Hardware
Norman, Don, Customer journey maps, Case Study 2: Little Kelham: Connected Home, The Demise of “Form Follows Function”, What Is Interusability?
notations, programming, Displacement in function/application
notifications, managing, Device Management
numeric comparison approach (device pairing), “Just works”
Nyberg, Marcus, Wizard-of-Oz demonstrations


pairing devices
basics, Pairing Devices
Bluetooth options for, Bluetooth pairing options
numeric comparison approach, “Just works”
out of band (OOB) method, Out of band pairing
passkey entry, Passkey entry
“just works” approach, Bluetooth pairing options
Palfrey, John, The CompuServe of Things
Palmer, Chris, The UX of Security, Keep devices secure, Make authentication easier
paper prototyping, New screen interaction paradigms
pareidolia phenomenon, Personality and character
Parker application (Streetline), Many Differing Technical Standards Make Interoperability Hard
Parra, Jordi, Intangible interactions
passive sensors, Bridging Physical and Digital: Sensors and Actuators
passively trackable objects, Passively Trackable Objects
passkey entry (device pairing), Passkey entry
pattern libraries, Mindset of Industrial Designers
patterns of behavior (privacy), Patterns of behavior
Pay As You Drive program, Data Ownership
Payne, John, Immersion tools
Smart Watch, Embedded Hardware, Dedicated Gateway, Handling Cross-Device Interactions and Task Migration, Instructions, Getting Real Benefit Out of the System, Set Up Gateway or Directly Internet-Connected Device
“just works” Bluetooth pairing, “Just works”
permissions (security), Make authentication easier
persona portraits (product values), Portraits
personal assistants systems, Personal Assistants
persuasion/behavior change (product definitions), Recurring Questions for Product Strategy
pet ID microchips, RFID and NFC, Pairing Devices
pet trackers, Sensors
Philips Hue
bridge, Dedicated Gateway
bulb, Push, Pull, and Polling
system, Code Can Run in Many More Places
Tap light switch, Conserving Battery Life
UI, A Design Model for IoT
photosensors, Bridging Physical and Digital: Sensors and Actuators
Physical Computing, Interface and Interaction Design
physical controls, Types of Interaction
physical device design
aesthetics/appearance, Aesthetics and Appearance
affordance, Affordance
anthropometrics/ergonomics, Three Faces of a Physical Product
BOM cost vs. future-proofing, Sustainability and recycling
brand image/promise, Consistency and cohesion: Making connections
consistency/cohesion of products, Aesthetics and Appearance
design freeze vs. continuous iteration, Mindset of Industrial Designers
form vs. function, Embedded Device Design
form/function/usability, Three Faces of a Physical Product
industrial design (see industrial design)
levels of design, Another Layer of Experience
materials/manufacturing/maintenance, Multisensory: Weight, texture, temperature
operating environments, Multisensory: Weight, texture, temperature
personality/character, Conveying brand image and brand promise
practicalities, Affordance
Product Designers, Product Design, Industrial Design, Design Engineering
sustainability/recycling, Manufacturing constraints
user interaction/placement, Interaction and Placement: Basic Design Drivers
weight/texture/temperature, Multisensory: Weight, texture, temperature
Physical Web project (Google), Beacons
Pivot Power Genius, Affordance
placement of physical devices, Interaction and Placement: Basic Design Drivers
basics, Activity Feeds
design of (IoT models), Conceptual Model
following conventions for, Use consistent terminology
scaling (complex systems), Balancing user control with system autonomy
plugs, controllable, Tools Versus Products
point-to-point networks, IoT Application Protocols
portraits (product values), Portraits
powering connected devices, The Challenge of Powering Devices
powerline networking, RFID and NFC
preconfiguring system setups, Creating Good Setup Experiences
principles of (product definitions), What Does the Product Do?
prioritizing product values, Portraits
privacy, Ecological
(see also security)
by design/by default, Principles of data management for privacy
controlling information, Information and Privacy
legalities/consent/data protection, Patterns of behavior
overview, Design security measures to suit user and domain needs
“right to be forgotten”, Data Ownership
product definitions
automation, Data Ownership
conceptual models, Customer journey maps
data ownership, Persuasion and Behavior Change
definitions of value, Generating the Elevator Pitch
design principles, What Does the Product Do?
domain metaphors, Customer journey maps
generating the elevator pitch, Translating Research into Product Definitions
grounded innovation, Conceptual Models and Domain Metaphors
persuasion and behavior change, Recurring Questions for Product Strategy
questioning product strategies, Recurring Questions for Product Strategy
service ecology maps, Design Principles
tools for discovering/communicating values, Moral behavior
productization, Conceptual Model, Product/Service Definition and Strategy
aesthetic aspect of, The Product Comes at a Cost Proportional to the Perceived Value
alphabetical list of, Companies, Products, and Links
combining devices with services, The Product Comes at a Cost Proportional to the Perceived Value
connected (see connected products research techniques)
cost proportional to perceived value, The Product Comes at a Cost Proportional to the Perceived Value
digital business models for physical, Device and Service Models
in new/existing markets, Value Propositions for IoT
interoperability with services, Service to service over Internet
maintenance/upgradeability of, Usage
product certification, Product certification
product designers, Product Design, Industrial Design, Design Engineering
service, Why is This in an IoT Book?
solving real problems with, What Makes a Good Product?
types of data-driven, Time, frequency
versus tools, A niche entrant to an existing market
profiles (product values), Portraits
IoT devices, Code Can Run in Many More Places
user, Displacement in function/application
proprietary radio networks, Proprietary radio
connected pill (case study), Case Study 1: Proteus Digital Health: The Connected Pill
smart pill sensor, Connected Sensors
deciding what to prototype, Evaluating placement, size, and scale
feel of products, Video prototyping
overview, Using Prototypes to Answer Questions
product/service visualizations, Collages
service design and, Wizard-of-Oz demonstrations
user interfaces, Faking it
visualizing products in use, Using Prototypes to Answer Questions
with collages, Using Prototypes to Answer Questions
with data, How Does a Product Support a Service (and Vice Versa)?
Proverbial Wallets project, Tactile output: Vibration, force feedback, and shape shifting
proximity/visibility behavioral context, Behavioral context
public key encryption, Security
publish-subscribe model, IoT Application Protocols
push-button configuration (WiFi), Set Up Gateway or Directly Internet-Connected Device
push/pull/polling communication patterns, Network Communication Patterns


radiation sensors, Conserving Battery Life
Rawsthorn, Alice, The Demise of “Form Follows Function”
Reactable musical instrument, Tangible user interfaces
read-only/read-write RFID tags, Passively Trackable Objects
real-time vs. historical data, Direct versus inferred
recycling (product manufacturing), Manufacturing constraints
reflective design (physical devices), Case Study 2: Little Kelham: Connected Home, Another Layer of Experience
remote control, programming, Code Can Run in Many More Places
Renault Laguna car dashboard, Passkey entry
requirements (programming), Displacement in function/application
researching connected product design
actors and stakeholders, Initial Questions and Concepts
behavioral context, Behavioral context, Ecological
context of interaction, When needs conflict
ecological context, Sociocultural, Ecological
expertise, Actors, roles, and expertise
operational context, When needs conflict, Ecological
overview, Understanding People and Context
questions and concepts, The Role of Research in Connected Product Design
sociocultural context, Behavioral context, Ecological
techniques for (see connected products research techniques)
ResearchKit (Apple), Data Above the Level of a Single Product
ResMed sleep tracker, Quantified Self
responding to data (prototyping), How Do We Prototype with Data?
RESTful API, Service to service over Internet
Restriction of Hazardous Substances Directive (RoHs), Manufacturing
Revolv dashboard, Prioritizing Key Controls
RFID (radio-frequency identification) tags
applications, ZigBee and ZWave
overview, Passively Trackable Objects
Rheingold, Howard, Reduced control
robot vacuum cleaners, Flow of Data in Connected Products
Rogers, Everett, Products Can Be Services
Room-E project, Are QR codes good or bad?
Rose, David, Context-Sensitive Interaction, Glanceable and Ambient Interfaces
Rosen, Deena, Design Principles
Rothensee, Matthias, The Product Solves a Real Problem (and Makes This Clear)
Rotich, Juliana, Evaluation: Success Demands Failure
routers, future, Challenging These Characteristics
Rowland, Claire, Foreword, What’s Different About User Experience Design for the Internet of Things?, Things: The Technology of Connected Devices, Networks: The Technology of Connectivity, Product/Service Definition and Strategy, Cross-Device Interactions and Interusability, Interoperability, Responsible IoT Design, Supporting Key Interactions, Designing Complex, Interconnected Products and Services
Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB), Universal Design and Accessibility
RTLinux operating system, Embedded Software
rules (trigger-action programming), Make programming easier


Saffer, Dan, Multidevice services are conceptually more complex
Sammy Screamer movement sensor, Bluetooth
Samsung S Beam, RFID and NFC, RFID and NFC
Samsung SCX-3405W laser printer, Set Up Gateway or Directly Internet-Connected Device
Samsung WW9000 connected washing machine, Service Ecosystems
San Francisco Exploratorium map, Customer journey maps
Sanders, Elizabeth, Techniques: From Asking to Watching to Making, Diaries and usage logs
scaling platforms (complex systems), Balancing user control with system autonomy
scaling the UX
addressing user needs, Looking Beyond Devices
beyond device-level controls, Keeping Track of Multiple Devices
capturing contextual information, Addressing User Needs
handling multiple devices, It’s Complicated...
overview, It’s Complicated...
Schrage, Michael, Using Prototypes to Answer Questions
Scout security system, The Product Comes at a Cost Proportional to the Perceived Value
Scratchable Devices project, Make programming easier
screen interfaces
design fundamentals, Visual and Screen Interfaces
prototyping, Connect toolkit components
Secure Simple Pairing (Bluetooth), Bluetooth pairing options
security, Ecological
(see also home security systems; privacy)
basics, Responsible IoT Design
challenges of, The UX of Security
design requirements for, Why IoT Security is a Big Challenge
impact on UX, Security
security alarm systems (services), IoT Products Combine Devices and Services
transparency/trust in UX design, Transparency and Trust
Seeedstudio, Inputs and outputs: beyond the screen, keyboard, and mouse
Segerståhl, Katarina, Cross-Platform UX and Usability
Sellen, Abigail, Principles of data management for privacy
semantic consistency, Aesthetic styling
Semantic Sensor Network Ontology (W3C), Data Models
sensing data (prototyping), How Do We Prototype with Data?
connected, Connected Sensors
fundamentals, Bridging Physical and Digital: Sensors and Actuators
sensor nodes, Connected Sensors
service design
overview, Service Design
prototyping and, Wizard-of-Oz demonstrations
Service Design: From Insight to Implementation, Service Ecology Maps
building offerings of, Building a Service Offering
business models for, What is a Business Model?
combining with devices, The Product Comes at a Cost Proportional to the Perceived Value
ecosystems of, How Users Understand Devices and Services
interoperability with products, Service to service over Internet
product/service visualizations, Collages
service ecology maps, Design Principles
service products, Why is This in an IoT Book?
service-led Internet setup, Set Up Gateway or Directly Internet-Connected Device
service-to-service connections, Device-to-Device Connections
user understanding of, IoT Products Combine Devices and Services
setting up systems
connecting devices, Context of Use
context of use, Instructions
creating good experiences, Setup
extra configurations, Context of Use
flexibility/modularity, Creating Good Setup Experiences
instructions, Flexibility and Modularity
multiple installers, Context of Use
overview, Supporting Key Interactions
preconfiguration vs. user effort, Creating Good Setup Experiences
testing setup, Getting Real Benefit Out of the System
Seymourpowell consultancy, CMF research
Shaping Things, From “Internet of Things” to “Connected Products”
sharing data (prototyping), How Do We Prototype with Data?
shearing layers model, The Product Comes at a Cost Proportional to the Perceived Value
Shilton, Katie, Moral behavior
Shneiderman, Ben, Code Can Run in Many More Places
Shodan search engine, Why IoT Security is a Big Challenge
Sifteo Cubes, Tangible user interfaces, The Necessity of Working Iteratively
SigFox, WiFi
Siri Eyes-Free feature (SYNC3), Demonstrating and Implementing an Iterative User-Centered Design Process
Sketch-a-Move toy video, Video prototyping
sketching (industrial design), CMF research
Sketching User Experiences, Fit the medium to the purpose
Skydrop smart irrigation controller, What is programming?
Smart Cities project, Video prototyping
smart drinks vending machines, Computer Vision, Barcodes, and Devices “Seeing”
smart meters, Types of Local Networking
smart parking applications, Many Differing Technical Standards Make Interoperability Hard
smart plugs, Devices that are hidden away and only rarely interacted with beyond initial setup, Displacement in time
smart sockets/outlets, Metadata about the device context
smart systems, Types of Data-Driven Product
as gateways, Dedicated Gateway
user interfaces, Grouping Controls
app, User Management
Goodbye macro, Make programming easier
hub, Dedicated Gateway
key fob, Device Management
product range, Conveying brand image and brand promise
Things list, Device Management
website, Network Interoperability
social engineering, “Privacy by Design and Privacy by Default”
sociocultural context (research), Behavioral context, Ecological
embedded, Embedded Hardware
engineering process, What is programming?
Soundbox project, Set Up Gateway or Directly Internet-Connected Device
spacial mapping (research), Techniques: From Asking to Watching to Making
Sparkfun, Inputs and outputs: beyond the screen, keyboard, and mouse
specification, programming, Displacement in function/application
speech recognition, Voice as output
Android app, Follow platform conventions
Box, Intangible interactions
iOS app, Follow platform conventions
Stajano, Frank, The UX of Security
stakeholders and actors, Initial Questions and Concepts
Staples Connect
app, Getting devices to coordinate
hub, One edge device connects to another via local gateway/hub
Starck, Philippe, Another Layer of Experience
states of being behavioral context, Behavioral context
static vs. dynamic data, Static versus dynamic
Stephens, Denise, Universal Design and Accessibility
Sterling, Bruce, From “Internet of Things” to “Connected Products”
Storehouse, Service Ecosystems
story collages, Collages
storyboards, Storyboards
SunSprite Tracklight, The user model and the design model
SureFlap pet flap, ZigBee and ZWave
surface continuity (industrial design), 3D modeling and rendering
surge pricing (Uber), Big versus small, real-time versus historical
Suri, Jane Fulton, What Does Using a Product Feel Like?
synchronization of data/content, Consider the most likely combinations of devices
synergistic specificity, Patterns of composition
systems, Balancing user control with system autonomy
(see also intelligent systems)
effects on UX, How System Architecture Affects UX
interoperability levels of, Interoperability at Different Levels of System Architecture
discovering presence of, Discovery
maintenance of, User Management
system domain models, Data about the system
system images, The user model and the design model
system-generated metadata about devices, Data Models


tactile interactions, Tangible user interfaces
tactile quality of buttons, Physical Controls
homescreen, Platforms
thermostat/heating controller, Embedded Devices, Deciding on the Level of Interactivity of a Connected Device, Patterns of composition
tangible benefits (product values), Why Does Your Product Matter?
tangible interactions, Intangible interactions
Target “pregnancy coupons”, Why Does Your Product Matter?
task migration, Data and Content Synchronization
TCP/IP model, How Internet Networking Works
technology layer (interoperability), What Is Interoperability and Why Is It a Problem?
templates, design, A common design language for UI elements
terminology, consistent, Consistency
Tesler, Larry, Multidevice services are conceptually more complex
Thalmic Labs, Case Study 4: LOOP: Connected Pelvic Floor Exerciser
themes, design, Mood boards and design themes
Thingful search engine, Metadata about the device context
third-party data, Time, frequency
Thread standard, IP to the Edge
Tiger, Lionel, The Product Comes at a Cost Proportional to the Perceived Value
Tile Bluetooth tag, Devices that are interacted with occasionally, but that are more conspicuous and abundant due to what they do
Time It Right technology, Building a Service Offering
time/place behavioral context, Behavioral context
timelines (research), Maps
timing/frequency of data readings, Big versus small, real-time versus historical
Tony Tempa ear thermometer (BleepBleeps), Personality and character
tools vs. products, A niche entrant to an existing market
Touch device (3D Systems), Tactile output: Vibration, force feedback, and shape shifting
Toymail connected toys, Computer Vision, Barcodes, and Devices “Seeing”
Toymail Mailmen, Multisensory: Weight, texture, temperature
Tractive pet trackers, Sensors
Transmission Control Protocol (TCP), How Internet Networking Works
transparency/trust in UX design, Transparency and Trust
Transport for London website, Keeping Track of Multiple Devices
(see also Oyster card)
transport layer (networking), How Internet Networking Works
trigger-action programming, Make programming easier


Uber car service, Stakeholders
Uber surge pricing, Big versus small, real-time versus historical
UIs (User Interfaces)
generic vs. specific, Getting devices to coordinate
UI/visual design, A Design Model for IoT, A Design Model for IoT
uncanny valley, Balancing user control with system autonomy
under-mattress sensor, Aggregation
Union Pacific Railroad connected sensors, Data in IoT
universal principles of design, Deciding on the Level of Interactivity of a Connected Device, Accessibility
universal recycling symbol, What Can Designers Do?
upgradeability of devices, Usage
USA privacy laws, Patterns of behavior
Usability Engineering, Latency and Responsiveness May Vary
users, Initial Questions and Concepts
(see also actors and stakeholders; consumers)
behavioral changes, Data May Not Be Objective
control of complex systems by, Control
control via interoperability, Interoperability puts users in control
controlling of permissions by, Make authentication easier
early/late majority, Innovators Are Not Consumers
home system user needs, Looking Beyond Devices
interaction with physical devices, Interaction and Placement: Basic Design Drivers
modeling for data, Data about the wider context
motivations/goals of, Understand motivations and goals
multiple, Design templates and patterns
programming by, Displacement in function/application
prototyping interfaces, Faking it
User Acceptance of the Intelligent Fridge, The Product Solves a Real Problem (and Makes This Clear)
user and design models, What Is Interusability?
user management, Notifications, Messages, and Alerts
user understanding of devices/services, IoT Products Combine Devices and Services
UX (User Experience)
business models affecting, What is a Business Model?
collaboration with industrial design, Product certification
creating good setups, Setup
design, definition of, What’s Different About User Experience Design for the Internet of Things?
Elements of User Experience diagrams, A Design Model for IoT
evaluation of products, Evaluation: Success Demands Failure
for IoT (see IoT UX)
impact of security on, Security
latency/reliability impact on, Networks Are Not 100% Reliable
powering devices and, Conserving Battery Life
productization and, What is Productization?
risks of autonomous systems, What intelligent systems can do
scaling (see scaling the UX)
scaling up in platforms, Balancing user control with system autonomy
system architecture effects on, How System Architecture Affects UX
UX/Industrial Design collaboration, Collaboration Between UX and ID


value propositions (products)
clearly communicated, What Makes a Good Product?
convincing users of, What’s Different About Consumers?
definition of, Product/Service Definition and Strategy
for IoT, What’s Different About Consumers?
UX driven by, Why is This in a UX Book?
values, product
defining, Generating the Elevator Pitch
definitions of, Generating the Elevator Pitch
prioritization of, Portraits
tools for discovering/communicating, Moral behavior
vending machines in Japan, Social Engineering
verbal explanations (research), Diaries and usage logs
vibrobelt GPS device, Tactile output: Vibration, force feedback, and shape shifting
Victor, Bret, Interface and Interaction Design
video prototyping, Video prototyping
visceral design (physical devices), Case Study 2: Little Kelham: Connected Home, Another Layer of Experience
visual/screen interfaces, Visual and Screen Interfaces
visualizing data, When Behavioral Change is a Goal
Vitality server, Service Ecology Maps
voice interfaces, Audio and Voice Interfaces
VxWorks operating system, Embedded Software


Walton, Philip, Operational context
WarKitteh cat collar, The UX of Security
Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Directive (WEEE), Disposal
Waze navigation app, Flow of Data in Connected Products
weather apps, Actionable insights, explanations, and data
weather forecasting device (Ambient Devices), Context-Sensitive Interaction
web APIs, APIs
web interfaces for connected products, Deciding on the Level of Interactivity of a Connected Device
websites for downloading
Designing with context, Context-Sensitive Interaction
RNIB checklist, Universal Design and Accessibility
websites, list of company, Companies, Products, and Links
WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment) symbol, Product certification
Weightless, WiFi
Weiser, Mark, Actionable insights, explanations, and data
WeMo (see Belkin)
Wendel, Stephen, Data May Not Be Objective
Whirlpool laundry appliances, Embedded Software
Whyline programming tool, Make programming easier
OOB pairing for, Set Up Gateway or Directly Internet-Connected Device
overview, Ethernet
setting up devices for, Set Up Gateway or Directly Internet-Connected Device
WPS (WiFi Protected Setup), Set Up Gateway or Directly Internet-Connected Device
WigWag connected home kit, Make programming easier
Wii Remote/WiiMotionPlus, Sensors
Williams, Luke, Formulating a design language
Wilson, Mark, Service Ecosystems, 3D modeling and rendering
Wilton, Denise, Product/Service Definition and Strategy
Windows Phone 8, Control
Wink gateway, Network Interoperability
Wink hub, Set Up Gateway or Directly Internet-Connected Device
ecosystem of devices, Many Differing Technical Standards Make Interoperability Hard, Multidevice services are conceptually more complex
iPhone app, Sensors
mobile app, Patterns of composition
Smart Body Analyzer bathroom scale, Embedded Devices, Glanceable and Ambient Interfaces
Wizard-of-Oz prototyping, Experience prototypes
“works like” prototypes, Fit the medium to the purpose
WPS (WiFi Protected Setup), Set Up Gateway or Directly Internet-Connected Device


YouGov profiling service, Aggregation
Yu, Suelyn, Design Principles
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