15 DO-332 and Object-Oriented Technology and Related Techniques


AVSI Aerospace Vehicle Systems Institute
CAST Certification Authorities Software Team
CRI certification review item
DC/CC data coupling and control coupling
EASA European Aviation Safety Agency
FAA Federal Aviation Administration
FAQ frequently asked question
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
LSP Liskov substitution principle
NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration
OOT object-oriented technology
OOTiA object-oriented technology in aviation
OOT&RT object-oriented technology and related techniques

15.1 Introduction to Object-Oriented Technology

Object-oriented technology (OOT) has been around since the late 1960s with the introduction of the Simula programming language [1]. OOT is a software development paradigm for analysis, design, modeling, and programming that centers around objects. The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) refers to OOT as “a software development technique in which a system or component is expressed in terms of objects and connections between those objects” [2]. An object is like a black box at the software level; each object is capable of receiving messages, processing data, and sending messages to other objects. An object contains both code (methods) and data (structures). The user does not require insight into the internal details of the object in order to use the object—hence, the comparison to a black box. An object can model real-world entities, such as a sensor or hardware controller, as separate software components with defined behaviors. A major concept in OOT is that of a class. A class defines attributes, methods, relationships, and semantics that share a common structure and behavior representative of a real-world entity.

DO-332 section OO. provides the following description of objects and classes [3]:

The feature that distinguishes OOT is the use of classes to define objects along with the ability to create new classes via subclassing. In procedural programming, a program’s behavior is defined by functions, and the state of a running program is defined by the contents of the data variables. In object-oriented programming, functions and data that are closely related are tightly coupled to form a coherent abstraction known as a class…

A class is a blueprint from which multiple concrete realizations can be created. These concrete realizations are known as objects…

The subprograms defined for a class are referred to as its methods, or member functions. Methods that operate on or use the data contained within an object instance are referred to as instance methods. This is in contrast to class methods that are associated only with a class, and do not require an associated instance to be invoked.

Throughout DO-332, the term subprogram is used to refer generically to all forms of methods (instance methods and class methods), functions, or procedures. DO-332 also explains:

Data variables associated with a class are referred to as attributes, fields, or data members. An attribute may be classified as an instance attribute, in which case a separate copy of the attribute exists for each object, or it may be a class attribute, in which case a single, shared copy of the attribute exists for all objects of the class [3].

15.2 Use of OOT in Aviation

OOT is used widely in non-safety-critical software development (e.g., in web-based and desktop applications) and is taught almost exclusively in universities. OOT has also been used in safety-critical medical and automotive systems. OOT is appealing to the aviation industry for several reasons, including strong tool support, availability of programmers, perceived cost savings, and potential for reusability.

However, OOT has not been widely used in aviation to date. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and the aviation industry have been researching and investigating the use of OOT in safety-critical systems and developing guidelines for its safe implementation for over 10 years. There are several technical challenges related to OOT (mostly related to the programming languages) that have delayed its widespread use in real-time systems and in aviation. FAA issue papers and European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) certification review items (CRIs) have been issued for projects using OOT to ensure the issues were addressed.

15.3 OOT in Aviation Handbook

In 1999, the FAA and the industry began actively exploring the use of OOT in aviation. Several projects were considering using the approach, but little research existed to evaluate its suitability for safety-critical and real-time applications. An Aerospace Vehicle Systems Institute (AVSI)* team supported by Boeing, Honeywell, Goodrich, and Rockwell Collins collaborated on a project titled “Certification Issues for Embedded Object-Oriented Software,” the goal of which was to mitigate the risk that individual projects face when certifying airborne systems with object-oriented software. The AVSI project proposed a number of guidelines for producing objectoriented software that complies with DO-178B [4]. The AVSI work became input into an FAA and National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) effort called object-oriented technology in aviation (OOTiA). NASA’s Langley Research Center and the FAA hosted two workshops to gather input from the industry and to collaborate on the development of a four-volume document entitled Handbook for Object-Oriented Technology in Aviation, which was completed in October 2004 [5].

The issues identified in the OOTiA Handbook became the foundation for evaluating OOT in aviation projects. Applicants and software developers were requested to ensure that their OOT approach addressed the issues identified in volume 2 of the OOTiA Handbook. Volume 3 of the OOTiA Handbook suggested some ways to address the issues raised in the following 10 areas: (1) single inheritance and dynamic dispatch, (2) multiple inheritance, (3) templates, (4) inlining, (5) type conversion, (6) overloading and method resolution, (7) dead and deactivated code and reuse, (8) object-oriented tools, (9) traceability, and (10) structural coverage.

15.4 FAA-Sponsored Research on OOT and Structural Coverage

In the 2002–2007 timeframe, the FAA sponsored a three-phase research effort, which considered structural coverage issues that may occur when using OOT.* The first phase surveyed the issues and resulted in a report entitled Issues concerning the structural coverage of object-oriented software [6].

The second phase investigated issues and proposed acceptance criteria for the confirmation of data coupling and control coupling (DC/CC) within OOT in commercial aviation. As noted in Chapter 9, the intent of the confirmation of DC/CC is to provide an objective assessment (measurement) of the completeness of the requirements-based tests for the integrated components. The second phase resulted in a report entitled Object-oriented technology verification phase 2 report—Data coupling and control coupling [7]. This report provided recommendations for the coverage of intercomponent dependencies as a measurable adequacy criterion to satisfy DO-178B (and now DO-178C) Table A-7 objective 8. In addition to the report, the phase 2 effort produced a handbook entitled Object-Oriented Technology Verification Phase 2 Handbook—Data Coupling and Control Coupling [8]. The handbook provides guidelines into issues and acceptance criteria for the confirmation of DC/CC within OOT in commercial aviation.

The third phase of the effort investigated issues and acceptance criteria for the use of structural coverage analysis at the source code versus object code or executable object code levels within OOT in order to satisfy DO-178B (and now DO-178C) Table A-7 objectives 5–8. Like the second phase, the third phase resulted in a report and a handbook:

  • Object-Oriented Technology Verification Phase 3 ReportStructural Coverage at the Source-Code and Object-Code Levels [9]

  • Object-Oriented Technology Verification Phase 3 Handbook—Structural Coverage at the Source-Code and Object-Code Levels [10]

15.5 DO-332 Overview

DO-332 is entitled Object-Oriented Technology and Related Techniques Supplement to DO-178C and DO-278A. It provides guidance on the use of OOT and techniques that are closely related to OOT. DO-332 is also referred to as the OOT&RT Supplement. The OOTiA Handbook, FAA research reports, FAA issue papers, EASA CRIs, and Certification Authorities Software Team (CAST) position papers were all inputs to DO-332. The supplement modifies and adds to DO-178C objectives, activities, explanatory text, and software life cycle data when OOT and the related techniques are used in the software life cycle. Since OOT terminology and the overall understanding of OOT vary among the aviation industry, the supplement provides an overview of OOT and the related techniques. The related techniques include parametric polymorphism, overloading, type conversion, exception management, dynamic memory management, and virtualization. Most, but not all, object-oriented languages employ these techniques. Additionally, some of these techniques are applicable even beyond OOT. The primary differences between DO-332 and DO-178C are summarized here.

15.5.1 Planning

DO-332 adds three activities to the DO-178C planning process. First, if virtualization is used, it should be explained in the plans. Second, if components are reused (which is one of the goals of OOT), the reuse should be described in the plans, including the “maintenance of type consistency, requirements mapping, and exception management strategy between the components and the using system” [3]. Third, the plans and standards should explain how the DO-332 Annex OO.D vulnerabilities will be addressed (these are discussed in Section 15.5.4).

15.5.2 Development

DO-332 adds some additional OOT-specific development guidance beyond what is included in DO-178C. In particular DO-332 section OO.5 adds guidance on the following topics: class hierarchy, type consistency, memory management, exception management, and deactivated functionality when applying reuse [3].

DO-332 section OO.5.5 also adds clarification on traceability for OOT. Since object-oriented design is implemented using methods,

traceability is from requirements to the methods and attributes that implement the requirements. Classes are an artifact of the architecture for organizing the requirements. Due to subclassing, a requirement, which traces to a method implemented in a class, should also trace to the method in its subclasses when the method is overridden in a subclass. This is in addition to tracing requirements that are specific to the subclass [3].

15.5.3 Verification

DO-332 adds or modifies four activities to verify (1) consistency of class hierarchy with the requirements, (2) local type consistency, (3) consistency of memory management with the architecture and requirements, and (4) consistency of exception management with the architecture and requirements.

DO-332 also adds an activity to normal-range testing to “ensure that class constructors properly initialize the state of their objects and that the initial state is consistent with the requirements for the class” [3].

Two object-oriented technology and related techniques (OOT&RT)-specific verification objectives were added to DO-332:

  • DO-332 Table OO.A-7 objective OO10: “Verify local type consistency” [3]. Activities for this objective are included in DO-332, section OO.6.7.

  • DO-332 Table OO.A-7 objective OO11: “Verify the use of dynamic memory management is robust” [3]. Activities for this objective are included in DO-332 section OO.6.8.

15.5.4 Vulnerabilities

A unique aspect of DO-332 is the vulnerabilities concept. DO-332 Annex OO.D includes a list of vulnerabilities that may be present in an OOT system or a system using the related techniques. The vulnerabilities are classified under two categories: (1) key features and (2) general issues. Annex OO.D is an important part of the DO-332 document and provides valuable guidance for addressing some of the more challenging issues related to OOT&RT.

The vulnerabilities for the key features are identified in DO-332 section OO.D.1, along with a summary of supporting guidance and activities. Each of the following key features is discussed: inheritance, parametric polymorphism, overloading, type conversion, exception management, dynamic memory management, and virtualization.

The vulnerabilities for general issues of OOT&RT are discussed in DO-332 section OO.D.2. These issues are not limited to OOT (which is why the supplement includes the term related techniques in the title) and may be present in a non-OOT system. DO-332 section OO.D.2 describes how traceability, structural coverage, component usage, and resource analysis may be more complicated for OOT&RT and includes additional guidance to consider when using OOT&RT.

The vulnerabilities in DO-332 Annex OO.D point back to the guidance in sections OO.4–OO.12 of the supplement that provide the objectives and activities to ensure that the vulnerabilities are addressed.

15.5.5 Type Safety

One unique aspect of DO-332 is identification of type safety as a means to mitigate several vulnerabilities in OOT systems and to control the level and depth of testing needed to fully verify the OOT system. Type safety is concerned with behavior between classes and subclasses. DO-332 states: “For a type to be a proper subtype of some other type, it should exhibit the same behavior as each of its supertypes. In other words, any subtype of a given type should be usable wherever the given type is required” [3]. DO-332 relies on the Liskov Substitution Principle (LSP) to specify and ensure type safety. LSP defines what constitutes a proper subclass (type safe), which limits how a subclass may behave. DO-332 explains:

The principle is, “Let q(x) be a property provable about objects x of type T. Then q(y) should be true for objects y of type S where S is a subtype of T.” … Each subprogram redefined in the subclass should meet the following requirements of the same subprogram in any of its superclasses:

  • Preconditions may not be strengthened,

  • Postconditions may not be weakened, and

  • Invariants may not be weakened [3].

In terms of the requirements-based verification objectives defined by DO-178C, compliance to LSP means that any subtype (or subclass) of a given type (parent class) should fulfill all the requirements of the given type (parent class). The application of formal methods or testing can be used to demonstrate LSP [3].

15.5.6 Related Techniques

As mentioned earlier, DO-332 provides specific guidance on dynamic memory management and virtualization. These topics are related to OOT but are not specific to OOT. The guidance for dynamic memory management provides a means to specify, design, and evaluate a memory management system for predictable use. The guidance on virtualization is important for interpreters and hypervisor technology.

15.5.7 Frequently Asked Questions

DO-332 includes 39 frequently asked questions (FAQs) about OOT&RT and the guidance provided in the supplement. The FAQs help to clarify the intent of the supplement and some of the more challenging technical topics related to OOT. The FAQs are divided into five categories: (1) general questions, (2) requirements considerations, (3) design considerations, (4) programming language considerations, and (5) verification considerations.

15.6 OOT Recommendations

When considering the use of OOT in safety-critical applications, the following recommendations are offered:

Recommendation 1: Review DO-332 to ensure that the technical challenges related to OOT are understood. It is advisable to do this before making the definite decision to use OOT.

Recommendation 2: If new to OOT, start with a small, less critical project (e.g., level C or D software or a tool) and work up to larger, more complex, and/ or more critical software. This provides the opportunity to work out some of the process issues, as well as technical challenges.

Recommendation 3: Follow the guidance of DO-332. The certification authorities and aviation industry have spent over 10 years investigating OOT, identifying the issues, and exploring sound approaches to addressing the issues. DO-332 is the culmination of the efforts.

Recommendation 4: Provide a mapping to the DO-332 guidance to ensure that the guidance and the identified vulnerabilities are fully addressed. As noted earlier, the vulnerabilities are a critical part of the OOT&RT supplement.

Recommendation 5: Expect some challenges. Implementing a new technology for the first time can be a minefield of unexpected challenges. Instead of leading edge, it is sometimes called bleeding edge. Hopefully, the effort invested by the certification authorities and industry over the last several years has identified the bulk of the issues, but there will undoubtedly be some project-specific surprises.

Recommendation 6: Coordinate closely with the certification authorities. Because OOT is still relatively new in the aviation industry, the certification authorities tend to oversee it closely. Hopefully, as positive experience is gained, there will be less need for such intense oversight. Until that time, the certification authorities will want to know the details of an OOT project.

Recommendation 7: Consider if the guidance applies to any non-OOT projects. As noted earlier, some of the guidance of DO-332 may apply to non-OOT projects. In particular, new technologies that use dynamic memory management or virtualization will likely need to apply the guidance of DO-332.

15.7 Conclusion

With the technical progress over the last several years, as well as the development of clear guidance for OOT in DO-332, the door for OOT in aviation has now been opened. It is likely that OOT will become more commonplace in aviation software.


1. Federal Aviation Administration, Handbook for Object-Oriented Technology in Aviation (OOTiA), Vol. 1 (October 2004).

2. ANSI/IEEE Standard, Glossary of Software Engineering Terminology (1983).

3. RTCA DO-332, Object-Oriented Technology and Related Techniques Supplement to DO-178C and DO-278A (Washington, DC: RTCA, Inc., December 2011).

4. Aerospace Vehicle Systems Institute, Guide to the Certification of Systems with Embedded Object-Oriented Software (2001).

5. Federal Aviation Administration, Handbook for Object-Oriented Technology in Aviation (OOTiA), Vols. 1–4 (October 2004).

6. J. J. Chilenski, T. C. Timberlake, and J. M. Masalskis, Issues Concerning the Structural Coverage of Object-Oriented Software, DOT/FAA/AR-02/113 (Washington, DC: Office of Aviation Research, November 2002).

7. J. J. Chilenski and J. L. Kurtz, Object-Oriented Technology Verification Phase 2 Report—Data Coupling and Control Coupling, DOT/FAA/AR-07/52 (Washington, DC: Office of Aviation Research, August 2007).

8. J. J. Chilenski and J.L. Kurtz, Object-Oriented Technology Verification Phase 2 Handbook—Data Coupling and Control Coupling, DOT/FAA/AR-07/19(Washington, DC: Office of Aviation Research, August 2007).

9. J. J. Chilenski and J. L. Kurtz, Object-Oriented Technology Verification Phase 3 Report—Structural Coverage at the Source-Code and Object-Code Levels, DOT/ FAA/AR-07/20 (Washington, DC: Office of Aviation Research, August 2007).

10. J. J. Chilenski and J. L. Kurtz, Object-Oriented Technology Verification Phase 3 Handbook—Structural Coverage at the Source-Code and Object-Code Levels, DOT/ FAA/AR-07/17 (Washington, DC: Office of Aviation Research, June 2007).

Recommended Readings*

1. M. Weisfeld, The Object-Oriented Thought Process (Indianapolis, IN: SAMS Publishing, 2000): This book provides a simple introduction to OOT fundamentals. It is a good resource for those transitioning from the functional approach to OOT.

2. G. Booch, Object-Oriented Analysis and Design, 2nd edn. (Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, 1994): This book provides a practical introduction to OOT concepts, methods, and applications.

3. B. Webster, Pitfalls of Object-Oriented Development (New York: M&T Books, 1995): Although somewhat dated, this book provides a sound overview of the potential problems in OOT development.

E. Gamma, R. Helm, R. Johnson, and J. Vlissides, Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software (Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, 1995): Patterns are widely used by the OOT community to address analysis and design problems. This book provides a guide for effective development and use of patterns.

5. B. Meyer, Object-Oriented Software Construction, 2nd edn. (Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1997): This large book provides good fundamental information for OOT developers.

6. R. V. Binder, Testing Object-Oriented Systems: Models, Patterns, and Tools (Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, 2000): This book addresses OOT testing, which is one of the more difficult aspects of OOT.

*AVSI is an aerospace research consortium whose goals are to reduce the costs and maintain the safety of complex subsystems in aircraft.

*The investigation was led by John Joseph Chilenski of the Boeing Company. Other investigators from Boeing included John L. Kurtz, Thomas C. Timberlake, and John M. Masalskis. The reports and handbooks are available on the FAA website (www.faa.gov).

*These references are also identified in the OOTiA Handbook, volume 1. Even though several years have passed since the handbook’s publication, these are still the references I turn to when I need to investigate an OOT issue.

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