
Acer, 101

Alcoa, 50, 70

Amazon, 4

Apple, 6, 19, 69, 101

Audi, 151

Aura Light’s Supply Chain, 3741

actions level, 39

progress so far, 4041

strategic guidelines level, 3839

success level, 3738

supplier sustainability assessment, prototype for, 40

sustainability goals for, 41

system level, 37

tools level, 3940

Axalta, 152

Baxter, 9, 70

Bayer, 9, 21, 50

Beiersdorf, 141

Benchmarking, 56

Beyond The Horizon (BTH), 153, 157, 162

BMW, 151, 152, 159

Body Shop, 69

BSR, 62

C2C, 12

Cadbury, 100

Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP), 12, 28, 71, 135

Cause and effect analysis, 56

Chief Supply Chain Office (CSCO), 163

Cisco, 101

CNN effect, 119120

Coca-Cola, 52, 65

Colgate-Palmolive, 52

Collaboration, 86, 9394

Community outreach, 147

Conservation International, 62

Consumer Goods Forum, 156

Control charts, 56

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) culture, 19

Cost of complexity, 160

Cradle to cradle (C2C), 4143, 53

Crossing the Chasm model, 121

Dell, 101, 135

Department of Supply Chain Management, 153

Design architecture, DfS, 7

Design for Sustainability (DfS), 325, 31, 139

crossing the chasm, 2122

design architecture, 7

design thinking, 1516

introduction, 59

leveraging metrics, 2223

product design and, 915

stage-gate model processes, 1115

sustainability into design processes, integration of, 1621

Technology Adoption Life Cycle model, 1621

Design thinking, 1516

DHL, 135, 141

Disney, 80

Dow, 21, 50, 70

Dow Chemical, 9

Dow Jones Sustainability Index, 71, 142

DuPont, 9, 21, 27, 50, 70

Eco-effectiveness, 4143

Economic input-output life cycle assessment (EIO-LCA) method, 46

Economic value added (EVA), 13

Electronic data interchange (EDI), 78

Electronic Product Environmental Assessment Tool (EPEAT), 5, 6

EMC, 70

Employee engagement, 102103

Enterprise-resource-planning (ERP), 24

Enterprise risk management systems (ERMS), 152

Environmental Management Systems (EMS), 23, 36

Environmental Product Declaration (EPDs), 12

Environmental Protection Agency’s (’EPA), 56

Environmental Social and Governance (ESG), 142

Extended producer responsibility (EPR), 5152

Facebook, 88

FedEx Ground, 70

Food Animal Initiatives, 62

Ford Motor Company, 19, 70, 113, 115117, 120

Foundations, of successful SSCM, 136141

designing products and processes, 139

life cycle assessment (LCA), 140

management toolkit, 139

performance metrics, 138

standards, 139

supply chain integration, 140141

transparency, 137138

Foxcom, 69

Framework for Strategic Sustainable Development (FSSD), 3136, 53

awareness, 35

baseline, 3536

create a vision, 36

down to action, 36

Frameworks and tools, for sustainability, 2756

Aura Light’s Supply Chain, 3741

available, 31

design better products, packaging, and supply chains, 5054

eco-effectiveness and cradle to cradle, 4143

Framework for Strategic Sustainable Development (FSSD), 3136

industrial ecology, 4344

life cycle assessment (LCA), 4450

objectives, 2829

other tools and procedures, 56

overview, 2930

sustainability and design, integrating, 4450

transportation providers, role of, 5456

General Electric (GE) Company, 18

General Mills, 52

General Motors, 158

Global Initiative for Sustainability Ratings (GISR), 142

Global reporting initiative (GRI), 71, 142

Global RepTrak, 61

GoodGuide, 119

Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, 6, 12, 23, 36, 50, 93, 106, 114, 115, 127, 136, 156

Heineken, 141

Herman Miller, 9, 21, 70

Hewlett-Packard, 101

Histograms, 56

H.J. Heinz, 70

HP, 156

IBM, 70, 90, 120

IKEA, 36, 141

Industrial ecology, 4344, 53

Information flow, 88

Integration, of sustainability

objectives, 8687

people and customers, enabling, 85108

supply chain management

benefits and risks, 6669

complete visibility and transparency, providing, 81

integrated supply chain, 66

objectives, 6465

pollution, managing, 7980

rise and current state of, 7074

supplier base management, 7478

and sustainability, 6182

synopsis, 6566

system interoperability, managing, 7879

sustainable supply chain management

benefits of, 99100

collaboration, 9394

employee engagement, 102103

integration, 9499

integration opportunity, 9193

key to, 8790

material through supply chain, managing returns of, 100102

sustainability into practice, putting, 102

total quality management (TQM), systematic approach to, 103107

Intel, 9, 65, 103

Interface, 9, 19

International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC), 142

International Panelon Climate Change (IPCC), 115

Internet of Things (IoT), 81, 88, 121

ISO certifications, 12

Ivory Coast, 68

Johnson & Johnson, 70

Just-in-time (JIT) lean, 8, 9, 10

Key performance indicators (KPIs), 70, 141

Kraft Foods, 52

Kroger, 52

La Poste, 141

Lenovo, 101

Life cycle assessment (LCA), 6, 12, 21, 23, 36, 4450, 117, 140

available materials and process information, 4748

overview of, 45

system boundaries, 4849

Life cycle impact assessment (LCIA) program, 4647

Life cycle inventory (LCI), 46

Life cycle management (LCM), 47

L’Oreal, 9, 21, 90, 135, 152

3M, 9, 21, 50, 70

Madison Wisconsin, 36

Marks & Spencer, 100

Material flow accounting (MFA), 43

McCormick & Company, 6364, 65

McDonalds, 62, 65, 68, 90, 101

McKinsey and Company, 4, 61

Microsoft, 156

MillerCoors, 34, 80, 88, 146149

Mitsubishi, 101

Mohawk, 101

Monsanto, 101

National Grid, 103

The Natural Step (TNS), 31

Nestlé, 65, 68, 69

Nestlé Waters, 52

Net present value (NPV), 13

New product development (NPD) process, 11, 52, 53

Newsweek’s Green Rankings, 71, 142

Nike, 19, 36, 100

Non-governmental organizations (NGOs), 157

Novozymes, 65

Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA), 20

Organizational culture, 123, 144

Original equipment manufacturers (OEMs), 55

P&G, 9, 70, 90, 152

Panasonic, 101

Pareto charts, 56

Partnership, 86

P-D-C-A, 56

PepsiCo, 19

Performance metrics, 138

Philips, 101

Plan-do-check-act (PDCA) cycle, 139

Planning and implementation, SSCM, 118, 122133

action items, 130

action learning, 123124

corporate level, self-assessment at, 127128

macro and corporate levels, assessment at, 124125

micro level, self-assessment at, 128130

strategic level, self-assessment at, 125127

top management support, 130131

vision and goals, 131133

PPG, 50, 152

Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME), 131

Procter & Gamble, 52, 65, 141

Product design, and DfS, 1516

Product labeling, 12

Puma, 9

Quality Health Safety and Environment (QHSE), 40

Rana Plaza factory, 62

Recovery capacity, 154

Regulation Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH), 20

Relationship, 8890

Resistance capacity, 154

Resource and environmental profile analysis (REPA), 46

Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA), 20

Return on investment (ROI), 23, 24

S&P Dow Jones Indices, 28

Safeway, 52

Sainsbury’s, 100

Samsung, 101

Santa Monica California, 36

Scouting, 77

Self-assessment process

at corporate level, 127128

at micro level, 128130

at strategic level, 125127

Sharp, 101

Shaw, 101

SmartWay program, 56

Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC), 46

Sony, 101

Stage-gate model processes, 10, 1115

advantages of, 13

business case, building, 12

development, 12

discovery stage, 11

importance of, 1415

launch, 12

limitations of, 1314

testing and validation, 12

Starbucks, 80, 81

Stonyfield Farms, 19

Strategic supply chain management, 153

Supervalu, 52

Supplier base management, 7478

desired outcomes, changes in, 7677

majors, managing, 7576

minor suppliers, developing, 76

old and new views, 75

scouting, 77

transition management, 7778

Supplier Sustainability Assessment tool, 39

Supply chain integration, 140141

Supply chain management

benefits and risks, 6669

complete visibility and transparency, providing, 81

integrated supply chain, 66

objectives, 6465

pollution, managing, 7980

rise and current state of, 7074

supplier base management, 7478

and sustainability, 6182

synopsis, 6566

system interoperability, managing, 7879

Supply Chain Operational Reference (SCOR) Model, 78

Supply chain resilience, 154


as cost minimization, 118

design for, 325

into design processes, integration of, 1621

frameworks and tools, for, 2756

framework’s definition of, 32

integration of, 6182

portfolio, 125126

into practice, putting, 102

principles of, 33

as public relations, 118

supply chain implications for, 74

supply chain management and, 6182

as value maximization, 118119

Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB), 142

Sustainable life cycle assessment (SLCA), 38

Sustainable supply chain management (SSCM), 25, 3641

benefits of, 99100

boundary for, 37

broadened, integrated, elevated, 151155

collaboration, 9394

culture of sustainability, developing, 143144

emerging supply chain leader, 157165

employee engagement, 102103

future of, 117122

integration, 9499

integration opportunity, 9193

key tool for, 3940

material through supply chain, managing returns of, 100102

measures of success, 141143

planning and implementation, 118, 122133

action items, 130

action learning, 123124

corporate level, self-assessment at, 127128

macro and corporate levels, assessment at, 124125

micro level, self-assessment at, 128130

strategic level, self-assessment at, 125127

top management support, 130131

vision and goals, 131133

practices, benefits of, 144145

strategic priorities, 38

success definition, 38

successful, foundations of, 136141

supply chain activities, 39

supply chains, key to, 8790

sustainability in action, 146149

sustainability into practice, putting, 102

total quality management (TQM), systematic approach to, 103107

trends to watch, 155157

Sustainable supply chain management integration

barriers of, 96

benefits of, 95

concerns over credibility/consistency, 98

consistency in corporate culture, 96

cultural resistance to change, 97

important attributes of, 95

incentive systems focused on short-term profits, 9697

strategic role within organization, 9899

successful integration, requirements for, 91

top management support, lack of, 97

Sustainable value added (SVA), 12, 94, 126, 138

Target, 52

Technology Adoption Life Cycle model, 1621

early adopters, 1920

early majority, 20

innovators, 1819

laggard, 2021

late majority, 20

overview, 1618

Timberland, 9, 21, 28

Time-based competition (TBC), 8, 9, 10

TNT, 141

Toshiba, 101

Total Quality Management (TQM), 8, 9, 10, 29, 103107

awareness, creation of, 104

benchmarking, 56

cause and effect analysis, 56

control at new level, 107

control charts, 56

cultural resistance, breakthrough in, 107

diagnosis, 106

histograms, 56

organization to guide each project, 106

pareto charts, 56

P-D-C-A, 56

project identification, 106

proof of need, 104106

Toyota, 19

Transition management, 7778

Transportation providers, role of, 5456

Trucost, 28

Unilever, 19, 21, 52, 65, 79, 90, 100, 119, 120, 129

United Nations Environment Program (UNEP), 46

Universal Breakthrough Sequence (UBS), 104, 105, 127

UPS, 141

Vauxhall, 151, 152, 159

Visibility, 8788

Vizio, 101

Volkswagen, 151, 152, 159

Walmart, 52, 65, 90, 9192, 120, 135

Waste Electronic and Electrical Equipment (WEEE), 20

Whistler British Columbia, 36

Whole Foods, 52

World Wildlife Fund, 62

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