

abbr element, 38, 172–174

abbt element, 208

absolute positioning

defined, 115, 116, 224

using, 226–227, 231

absolute URLs, 43

accessibility, 157–176. See also ARIA

alt text and, 170

business case for, 158–159

color contrast, 170–171

commitment to, 157–158

forms and, 174–176

goals of, 4

issues for headings, 170

legal framework for, 159

links and titles, 169–170

resetting focus state, 260

SVG and, 371

tables and, 171–174

technologies for, 11

video and audio, 292

W3C’s guidelines for, 159–169

web development with, 12–13

addEventListener method, 141, 142, 146–147

adjacent sibling selectors, 117

Ajax, 154

alt attribute, 49, 170

anchor (a) elements, 41–42, 43

animating SVG images, 372

applet element, 51

applications, 14, 268, 270

ARIA (Accessible Rich Internet Applications Suite), 163–169

browser support for, 167–168

keyboard access standards, 164

overview, 159

roles in, 164–165, 210–211

states and properties, 166

validating markup, 168–169

article element, 274

aside element, 278, 285

attribute selectors, 117–118

attributes. See also specific attributes

about, 23, 24

illustrated, 26

audio in HTML5, 291–292


background-attach property, 102

background-color:transparent property, 327

background-color property, 96

background-position property, 99–102

background properties, 95–103. See also specific properties

about, 95–96

illustrated, 95

new in CSS3, 102

shorthand for, 103

background-repeat property, 98–99


gradient, 336–337

gradual color transitions of, 333–334

multiple images for, 335

semitransparent images in, 327–329

best practices

code readability, 204–206

markup, 203–217

microformats, 212–217

POSH, 206–211

search engine optimization, 211–212

standards-based DOM scripting, 142–149

bitmap images

browser support for, 365, 366

formats for, 47–48

scaling up, 371

vector vs., 366

block elements

about, 37–38

block quotations, 207

displaying, 105–106

Blueprint, 261, 262

body elements

breaking lines, 33

as containers, 31

div elements within, 34–35

headings in, 32

lists, 36–37

paragraphs in, 32

preformatted text, 33–34

Boolean expressions in JavaScript, 146–147

border images, 334–335


around navigation list, 236–237

illustrated, 106, 186

properties specifying, 110–111, 324–327

setting margins for specific, 112

shorthand for properties, 112

box model. See also specific components

borders, 110–112

bugs in, 185–189

components of, 106–107

content in, 106, 186, 187

illustrated, 106, 186

Internet Explorer, 187

margins, 108–110

padding, 106, 112

width and height for, 112–113

box-shadow property, 322–324

br (line break element), 33

browser hacks, 180

browsers. See also specific browsers

applying default style sheet, 255–256

ARIA support in, 167–168

audio and video support in, 291–292

box-shadow compatibility with, 324

canvas element support in, 378, 387, 388

common bugs for, 185–189

compatibility mode switching in IE, 183–185

connecting to resources via URLs, 46–47

CSS support in, 69–71, 94, 125–126, 129

CSS vendor-specific extensions for, 301–303

CSS3 compatibility, 300–301

defining DOCTYPE for, 26–28

design goals for, 4, 12–13

displaying document elements, 106–107

distinguishing with addEventListener method, 146–147

DOM event flow models and, 142

DOM tree of objects with, 133–135

Doubled Float-Margin Bug, 187–188

embedding fonts, 357, 358–359

evolving standards for, 10–11

fallbacks for canvas support in, 379–380

forgiving invalid markup, 64

graphic support in, 365–366

handling multimedia content for, 49–51

hasLayout property problems, 190–193

hiding styles from Netscape, 4, 197–198

HTML5 support in, 292–294

incompatibilities with DOM, 145–147

inline SVG challenges, 374–375

linking fonts with @font-face, 357, 359–362

media queries with, 341–342, 347, 350

missing feature support in, 200–202

modern, 94

modes, 181–185

progressive enhancement for, 13–14, 200–201

Quirks mode, 27, 181–182, 187

relative URLs in, 43–46

rendering multiple shadows for text, 320–322

resets with, 256–260

RGBa color compatibility and, 329

serving or hiding style sheets for, 196–200

shortcomings of, 180–181, 202

SVG support by, 375–377

text-shadow property with, 322

tools for inspecting DOM, 152–154

XHTML error handling, 67–68

Yahoo’s graded, 259, 342


common box-model, 185–189

feature support and, 181

hacks for, 193–196


button element for, 55

labels and accessibility, 175

radio, 53–54

styled with border images, 335


canvas element, 378–389

about, 269, 366

adding, 379–380

drawing with, 381–385

getting drawing context from, 380–381

origins of, 378

shadow added to, 386

SVG vs., 389

using, 378, 387–388

caption element, 171–172, 279

Cartesian coordinate system, 369–370

case sensitivity

camel case, 136

HTML, 22, 272


cells, 60–62

centering in CSS, 220–223

chaining selectors, 90–91

character entities, 63–64

checkboxes, 53–54

child selectors, 90, 93

circles in SVG, 369

class attribute, 39–40, 208–211

class selectors, 83

clear property, 114–115

clipping paths, 386

code quality

broken links, 66

common validation errors, 65

forgiving browsers and, 64

hacks for bugs and, 193–196

HTML Tidy to improve, 66

improving, 18

reusing code, 260, 262, 264

WCAG quality assurance tools, 162–163

codec, 287, 288

collapsing margins

about, 109–110

Non-Collapsing Margins Bug, 188–189, 192


accessibility and, 160–161, 170–171

adding background, 96

applying zebra-striped, 310–315

assigning to three-column layout, 244–250

RGBa, 329

color property, 76–77


adding color to three-column layout, 244–250

CSS markup for, 251–252

elastic layouts with, 242–243

faux, 245–246, 247, 249

floated multi-column layouts, 237–243

specifying in pixels, 239–241

text with multi-columns, 330–331


adding for HTML markup, 35

conditional comments for IE, 198–200

readability and, 205–206

compatibility mode switching (IE), 183–185

conditional comments (IE), 198–200


body elements as, 31

containment hierarchy, 28

positioning elements in, 224–233


accessibility of audio and video, 160

containing in video element, 290–291

displayed in box model, 106, 186

embedding, 47–51

example of HTML5, 283, 284

floating text around images, 113–115

grouping with HTML5, 273

HTML5 embedded, 286–287

importance of CSS to, 71–72

multimedia, 49–51

overflowing, 108

preformatted, 33–34

separating site into markup, behavior, and, 14

style separated from, 69–71

styling generated, 121


disabling, 58

grouping, 59

labeling, 58–59

coordinate systems

canvas coordinate space, 381–382

Cartesian and SVG, 369–370

createElement method, 148

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets). See also CSS frameworks; CSS resets; CSS3; page layouts

adding images in, 49, 278–279

adjacent sibling selectors, 117

ARIA-based styling elements, 166–167

associating documents with, 72–73

attribute selectors, 117–118

background properties, 95–103

basic syntax for, 74–82

break throughs in page layout, 219–220

browser support for, 69–71, 94, 125–126, 129

chaining selectors, 90–91

child selectors, 90

class selectors, 83

color accessibility guidelines, 160–161

CSS Frameworks, 260–264

CSS resets, 256–260

declaration blocks, 74

defined, 72

descendant selectors, 89–90, 93

display types, 119–120

dynamic selectors, 103–105

embedded, 72–73

embedding fonts in, 357–358

evolving to CSS3, 297–298, 300

float-based layouts, 233–250

forms, 126–127

grid layouts, 250–253

grouping selectors, 75–76

hidden property, 119

horizontal centering, 220–222

id selectors, 83–84

image replacement in, 127–128, 318, 354, 356

importance of, 11, 71–72

importing style sheets, 124–125

inheritance of, 82–83

inline, 72

length values in, 79

linking to external, 73

list items, 119–120

page layout, 105–116

positioning, 224–233

printing, 120

properties, 76–82, 102, 103

readability of, 129

relative and absolute values in, 79–80

selectors, 74–76, 117–119, 121

separating style from content, 69–71

serving/hiding style sheets, 196–200

shadow effects (CCS3), 318–324

site performance and, 129–130

specificity in, 84–85

style and link elements with, 31

style sheets in, 74

styling generated content, 121

table layout model in, 251–253

text layout properties, 85–88

user interface properties, 121

using for media types, 121–123

validating, 125

CSS frameworks, 260–264

about, 263–264

additional, 263

Blueprint, 261, 262

pros and cons of, 260–261

purpose of CSS, 260

resets in, 263

YAML, 262

YUI Library CSS tools for, 263

CSS resets, 256–260

advantages of, 256

developing personal, 260

disadvantages of, 257–258

Reset Reloaded, 259

sample markup for, 258–259

Yahoo Reset CSS, 259–260

CSS Zen Garden, 210


adding rounded corners on box, 324–327

background properties in, 102

border images, 334–335

box-shadow property in, 322–324

compatibility and, 300–301

evolution of, 297–298, 300

@font-face statements, 357–358

first-of-type selector, 307–308

gradients, 336–337

implementing navigation bar in, 300, 337

media queries, 341–351

multi-column text, 330–331

multiple shadows in, 320–322

new selectors in, 304–316

opacity property, 328

RGBa color values in, 329

shadow effects, 318–324

styling HTML5 with first-child selector, 305–307

text-shadow property in, 318–319

transforms, 335–336

transition effects in, 332–334

transparency in, 327–328

vendor-specific extensions in, 301–303


data attribute, 50, 51

declaration blocks, 74

default style sheet, 255

definition lists (<dl>), 36–37

descendant selectors, 89–90, 93

Designing with Web Standards (Zeldman), 4, 14, 267

destination files, 44, 45

device-independence guidelines, 161

devices. See also media queries

adjusting text widths with media queries, 347–350

diversity in, 339–340

hacks for targeting, 340, 341

location-aware services for, 270

media queries, 341–351

SVG advantages for higher-resolution, 371

user-agent sniffing, 340–341, 351


linking to, 46–47

navigating with relative URLs, 43–46

disabling controls, 58

display property, 119–120


choosing standards mode rendering, 182–183

declaring in HTML5, 272

entering, 26–28

IE 8 switching model, 183–185

Quirks Mode and switching, 181–182

document object, 137

Document Object Model. See DOM

documents. See also body elements; DOCTYPE

anchor elements linking, 41–42

associating CSS with, 72–73

defining DOCTYPE, 26–28

elements of, 23–26

embedding JavaScript in, 30–31

escaping characters in, 64

HTML, 23

lists in, 36–37

root element of, 29

DOM (Document Object Model), 131–155. See also libraries

browser incompatibilities with, 145–147

canvas element and, 378

changing style of element, 138–139

core objects and methods in, 136–140

document object, 137

element objects, 137–140

events in, 140–142

getting elements by tag name, 139

illustrated, 134

importance of, 11

innerHTML property debate, 147–148

inspecting, 152–154

intermediate, 132

JavaScript for forms and links, 144–145

Levels 0 to, 3, 132–133

libraries, 149–152

methods in, 135

mitigating data input risks in, 149

overview, 131, 133

scripting content separate from object, 143–144

security with JavaScript and, 148–149

SVG and, 378

tree of objects in, 133–135

unobtrusive scripting techniques, 142–144, 201

window object, 136–137

Doubled Float-Margin Bug, 187–188, 193

drawing context

drawing with canvas element, 381–386

getting from canvas element, 380–381

lines, 384

paths, 383

rectangles, 382–383

text, 384–385

transformations, 385

transparency and, 385

using images on canvas, 385

drop shadows, 318

dynamic pseudo-class selectors, 315

dynamic selectors, 103–105, 332


Ecma International, 10, 11

ECML (Electronic Commerce Markup Language), 211

elastic page layouts, 242–243, 262

element objects, 137–140

getting by tag name, 139

locating by id value, 139–140

style properties of, 138–139

elements. See also specific elements

abbreviation, 38

anchor, 41–42

best practices for class and id, 209–212

block, 37–38

border images for, 334–335

defined, 23

empty, 25–26

headings in body, 32

illustrated, 26

inline, 38

new to HTML5., 272–280

non-empty, 24–25

positioning, 115–116

providing emphasis, 38

root html, 29

selecting CSS, 89–92

structuring tables with, 60–62

tags and attributes in, 24–25

using for HTML quotations, 207

ways of getting layout, 190–191

ellipses, 369

em-driven layouts, 242–243

em element, 38, 80

em units, 79–80, 325

embed element, 51, 287

Embedded OpenType (EOT) fonts, 355–356, 357, 358–359


audio, 291

content, 47–51, 286–287

CSS, 72–73

fonts, 355–356, 358–359

images, 49

JavaScript in documents, 30–31

media types, 123

SVG images, 373–374, 375

video with HTML5, 287–291

empty elements, 25–26

entities, 64

equals sign (=), 24


common validation, 65

font property, 78

handling in HTML5, 269

handling XHTML, 67–68

escaping characters, 64

event bubbling, 142

event listeners, 140–141

events, 140–142

adding event listeners, 140–141

capturing, 142

flow models in DOM, 141–142

overview of DOM, 140

ExplorerCanvas, 388

external CSS files, 73


@font-face statements, 357, 359–362

faux column technique, 245–246, 247, 249

fieldset element, 59, 175–176

figure element, 278–279


destination, 44, 45

external CSS, 73

HTML, 23

PNG, JPEG, and GIF, 47–48, 366

size of SVG, 371

using relative URLs to link to, 43–46

Firefox. See also browsers

audio and video support in, 291–292

border-radius property support in, 327

box-shadow property in, 324

CSS support in, 94, 298, 299

inspecting DOM in, 153

support for ARIA, 167, 168

SVG support by, 375–376

text-shadow property compatibility with, 322

first-child selector, 305–307

first-of-type selector, 307–308

fixed positioning, 115, 116, 224, 232–233

fixed-width layouts, 239–241

Flash, 287, 354, 365

float-based layouts, 233–250

fixed-width layouts, 239–241

floated multi-column layouts, 237–243

horizontal navigation lists, 233–235

positioning vs., 224, 233

z-index property and, 233

float property

Doubled Float-Margin Bug, 187–188, 193

floating images with, 113–114

positioning using, 224–225

floated column layout, 237–243, 245

fluid page layouts, 241–242, 262

font-family property, 77–78

font-size property, 79–80

font-style property, 81

font-weight property, 81

fonts, 353–363

adding to headings, 77–78

availability of, 353–354

embedding, 355–356, 358–359

@font-face statements, 357, 359–362

“fonts as a service” businesses, 362, 363

legal aspects of linking, 356–357

linking and embedding, 355–356

resetting, 260

size of, 79–80

“fonts as a service” businesses, 362, 363


fixing with clear property, 243

found in section element, 273

HTML5 features of, 280

form controls

block elements for containing, 59

checkboxes and radio buttons, 53–54

handling with input element, 52

types of, 52


CSS for readability, 129

HTML code, 204–205

using microformats, 212–217

forms, 51–59. See also form controls

accessibility and, 174–176

allowing multiple lines in, 57–58

button element, 55

checkboxes and radio buttons for, 53–54

containing in form element, 52

controls for, 52

disabling controls, 58

input element for, 52–53

labeling controls, 58–59

menus for, 56–57

placing labels and controls in block elements, 59

push button markup for, 54–55

styling, 126–127

text and password input elements, 52–53

frames, 62–63


getContext method, 381

getElementById method, 139–140

getElementsByTagName method, 139

GIF files, 47–48, 327, 366

Google, 14, 213, 388

graphics. See also bitmap images; vector images

bitmap formats, 47–48, 365, 366

bitmap vs. vector, 366

graphs and data visualization, 372–373, 387

SVG format and vector, 365–366

greater than sign (>), 90

grid layouts, 250–253

grouping controls, 59



about browser hacks, 180

code quality and, 193–194

selector-parsing, 195

statement-parsing, 195–196

hasLayout property (IE), 190–193

hCard microformat, 213, 214–216

head elements, 29–31

header element, 272–273, 281


about, 32

accessibility issues for, 170

adding font to, 77–78

HTML4/HTML5 features for, 274–277

nesting anchors in, 43


challenges setting element, 244

specifying for page layout, 112–113

height property, 108, 244–245

hidden property, 119

horizontal centering, 220–222

HTML (Hypertext Markup Language). See also HTML documents; HTML5

about, 17

adding images with CSS or, 49

ARIA extensions for accessibility, 163–169

body elements, 31–37

case insensitivity of, 22, 272

characters and entities in, 63–64

checking links, 66

class attribute, 39–40, 208–211

cleaning up legacy, 66

commenting in documents, 35

containers in, 28

converting to XHTML, 66

current use of HTML5, 295

defining DOCTYPE, 26–28

definition lists, 36–37, 207–208

developing CSS for, 69–71

documents in, 23

DOM objects in documents, 134

embedded content, 47–51

empty elements, 25–26

formatting, 204–205

forms, 51–59

frames and iframes in, 62–63

headings, 32

history of, 20–22

importance of, 11

link element, 31

links in, 41–47

meta elements, 30

multiple media support in, 341

new HTML5 elements, 272–280

non-empty elements, 24–25

origins of, 18–19

paragraphs in, 32

plain old semantic, 206–207

providing emphasis in, 38

quotations in, 207

root html element, 29

scaling and rotating elements with CSS transforms, 335–336

script elements, 30–31

span attribute in, 41

start and end tags, 24–25

syntax and semantics in, 19

table layout in CSS and, 251

tables, 59–62

text files containing, 22–23

validating markup, 64–65

versions of, 20–21, 22, 68, 271

XHTML vs., 66–68

HTML documents

about, 23

browsers modeling with DOM, 133–135

DOM objects in, 134

elements within, 305

example in HTML5, 280–286

styling with first-child selector, 305–307

html element, 29

HTML Tidy, 66

HTML5, 267–295. See also canvas element; and specific elements

about, 22

article element, 274

asides element in, 278

audio element support in, 291

audio in, 291–292

current use of, 295

development of, 267–269

differences from HTML4., 271–280

DOCTYPE declarations in, 272

embedded content in, 286–287

error handling in, 269

example document in, 280–286

figure element, 278–279

footer element, 280

header element, 272–273, 281

local storage by browsers, 270

location-aware services with, 270

multimedia support in, 270

nav element, 277–278, 280, 281, 282

new elements in, 272–280

section elements, 273, 283, 285

standards for, 268–269

styling with first-child selector, 305–307

SVG capability with, 271

threaded JavaScript with web workers, 270

user-editable web pages in, 270

validating and serving, 294

video embedding with, 287–291


@import statements, 124–125, 197–198

id attribute, 40–41, 208–211

id selectors, 83–84

iframes element, 62–63

images. See also SVG

adding with HTML or CSS, 49, 278–279

background images, 96–97

benefits of SVG, 370–372

bitmap and vector formats for, 365–366

border, 334–335

embedding, 49

floating, 113–114

format standards for, 11, 47–48

inappropriate in SVG, 370

multiple background, 335

positioning, 99–102

repeating background of, 98–99

replacing with CSS, 127–128, 318, 354

using as font, 356

using directly on canvas, 385

img element

alt attributes with, 49

embedding SVG images with, 373–374, 376

as empty element, 25–26

including images with, 47

immediate mode rendering, 379

importing style sheets, 124–125

inheritance, 82–83

inline elements

about, 72

defined, 38

displaying, 105–106

inline quotations, 207

nesting anchors in heading elements, 43

inline event handlers, 140–141

inline frames, 42–43

inline SVG, 374–375

innerHTML property, 147–148

input elements

about, 52

push button, 54–55

text and password, 52–53

type attribute for, 52

Internet Explorer. See also browsers

@import statements for older, 198

about, 180, 181

ARIA support in, 167, 168

audio and video support in, 292

box model for, 185–189

box-shadow property and, 324

conditional comments for, 198–200

CSS support in, 94, 298, 299

embedding fonts with, 358–359

errors specifying width and height in older, 113

font linking in, 361–362

hasLayout property problems, 190–193

HTML5 support in versions of, 293–294

inline SVG with, 374–375

inspecting DOM in, 152–153

libraries supporting canvas in, 387, 388

margins in Quirks mode, 221

min-width and max-width properties support in, 241

missing feature support in browsers, 200–202

support of addEventListener method, 141, 142, 146–147

SVG support by, 375–377

text-shadow property compatibility with, 322

version 8 DOCTYPE switching model, 183–185

ISO organization, 10


JavaScript. See also libraries

assessing need for, 143

book’s coverage of, 7

Boolean expressions in, 146–147

defining front-end interactivity with, 14

DOM and, 131–133

Ecma International standards for, 11

enabling HTML5 support in browsers, 294

form and link elements for DOM, 144–145

implementing, 10

libraries in, 149–152, 201–202

needed for canvas use, 381

syntax for SVG in, 377

transitions implemented in, 332

unobtrusive scripting with, 142–143, 201

ways to embed, 30–31

web workers and, 270

JPEG files, 47–48, 366

JQuery library, 150, 151


keyboard accessibility, 164

keyword values, 81


position property, 115–116

specifying font size with, 80

using with background-position property, 99–100

values for overflow, 108


label element, 58–59

language selectors, 121

last-child selector, 309

legend element, 59

length values, 79, 100

letter-spacing property, 87

libraries, 149–152. See also Yahoo User Interface Library

choosing, 151

enabling HTML5 support in browsers, 294

IE support, 201–202

JQuery, 150, 151

microformats with, 213

Prototype, 150, 152, 152, 332

supporting canvas in IE, 387, 388

SVG support, 377

using CSS3 selectors with, 304

line break element (br), 33

line-height property, 85–87

lines in canvas context, 384

link element, 31, 73, 208

links, 41–47

absolute and relative URLs, 43–46

accessibility issues for, 169

anchor elements in, 41–42

broken code, 66

external CSS, 73

linked fonts, 355–357, 359–361

rel attributes for, 43

resource, 46–47

title attribute in, 42–43

liquid layouts, 241–242

list items, 119–120

list-style-image property, 120

list-style-type property, 120


chaining nested, 90–92

definition, 36–37, 207–208

horizontal, floated navigation, 233–235

nesting, 37

ordered, 36

unordered, 36

local storage feature, 270

location-aware services, 270


@media statements, 123, 343–346

maintenance goals, 4

maps, 372

margin property

collapsing, 109–110

reset’s use of, 257, 258, 259

specifying, 108–109

margins. See also margin property

borders and, 110, 112

Doubled Float-Margin Bug, 187–188, 193

illustrated, 106, 186

Non-Collapsing Margins Bug, 188–189, 192

markup. See also HTML; XHTML; XML

accessibility guidelines for, 161

advantages of HTML5 figure element, 278–279

best practices, 203–217

cleaning up, 18, 66

commenting for, 35

consistency in, 206

ECML, 211

history of HTML, 20–22

HTML vs. XHTML, 66–68

key to good HTML5, 286

origins of HTML and XHTML, 18–19

PGML, 365

sample of CSS reset, 258–259

search engine optimization and, 211–212

semantically meaningful, 14–15

separating presentation, behavior, and, 14

SGML and XML for, 20

specifying document types, 26–28

syntax and semantics in, 19

understanding concepts of, 17

validating, 65–66

vector graphic standards for, 365

web page concepts for, 22–23

MathML, 271

max-width properties, 241

media queries, 341–351

about, 342–343

compatibility of, 350

purpose of, 347–350

user-agent sniffing vs., 351

using, 343–347

media types. See also media queries

embedding, 123

linking to style sheet, 122

style sheets for different, 121–122

using @media statements, 123, 343–346

menus, 56–57

meta elements, 30

metadata, 29

methods. See also specific methods

about DOM, 135

arguments and results of DOM, 136–137

microformats, 212–217

MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) types, 50, 375, 377

mimetype attribute, 289

min-width properties, 241

mouse states, 103–104

multi-column layouts, 237–243

markup for floated, 237–239

one true layout technique, 245

using faux columns, 245–246, 247, 249

using fixed-width columns in, 239–241

multi-column text, 330–331


browser support of, 291–292

embedding video, 287–291

media queries, 341–351

supported in HTML5, 270

used in web sites, 49–51

multiple background images, 335


namespaces in XML, 368

naming conventions, 204

navigation. See also navigation bar; navigation lists

in HTML4, 277–278

in HTML5, 277–278, 280, 281, 282

navigation bar

gradient background for, 336–337

illustrated, 300, 337

navigation lists

border around, 236–237

filling parent list items, 236

floating list items for, 233–235

Navigator, TrueDoc fonts, 355


anchor in heading element, 43

lists, 37

Netscape, 4, 10, 197–198, 298

960 Grid System, 263

Non-Collapsing Margins Bug, 188–189, 192

non-empty elements, 24–25

nth-child selector, 307, 309–315


object element

about, 50–51

embedding SVG images with, 374, 376

HTML5 embedded features and, 287

using, 287

Ogg Theora codec, 287, 288, 291, 292

Ogg Vorbis codec, 291, 292

one true layout, 246–250

opacity property, 328

OpenType fonts, 357, 359, 360

Opera. See also browsers

audio and video support in, 292

CSS support in, 94, 299

font linking in, 361–362

inspecting DOM in, 153

support for ARIA, 167, 168

SVG support by, 375–376

text-shadow property with, 322

ordered lists (<ol>), 36

overflowing content, 108



of element, 106, 107, 186

Non-Collapsing Margins Bug, 188–189, 192

reset’s use of, 257, 258, 259

page layouts, 105–116, 219–254

about, 105

adding different color to columns in, 244–250

block vs. inline elements, 105–106

borders, 110–112

box model for elements, 106–107

break throughs in CSS, 219–220

CSS resets for, 256–260

effect of hasLayout property on, 190–193

elastic, 242–243, 262

fixed-width, 239–241

float-based, 233–250

float property in, 113–114

floated multi-column layouts, 237–243

floating images, 113–114

fluid, 241–242, 262

footers, 243

frameworks and, 260–264

grid layouts, 250–253

height property, 108

horizontal centering, 220–222

margin property, 108–110

overflowing content, 108

padding element, 112

positioning, 224–233

specifying width and height for, 112–113

vertical centering, 223

width property, 106, 107


about, 38

breaking lines in, 33

tag for, 32

text-align property with, 85

text-indent property with, 88

using line-height property, 85–87

password element, 52–53

paths with canvas element, 383

Peek-A-Boo Bug, 193


CSS and web site, 129–130

font linking and, 362

resets and server, 257

PGML (Precision Graphics Markup Language), 365

PNG (Portable Network Graphics) files, 47–48, 327, 366

POSH (plain old semantic HTML), 206–211

Position Is Everything, 192, 193


CSS schemes for, 224–233

elements, 115–116

fixed, 115, 116, 224, 232–233

float-based layouts as workaround for, 233

images, 99–102

position keywords, 115–116, 225

preformatted text (<pre>), 33–34


associating CSS and documents, 72–73

inheritance of style, 82–83

scripting DOM object content separate from, 143–144

separating markup from, 71–72

specificity in CSS, 84–85

previewing styles in browser, 125–126

printing, CSS properties for, 120

progressive enhancement, 13–14, 200–201

properties, 76–82. See also specific properties

ARIA, 166

background, 95–103

debate over DOM innerHTML, 147–148

keyword values, 81

printing, 120

shadow, 386

text-decoration, 81–82

transitions with CSS3, 332–334

user interface, 121

Prototype library, 150, 152

prototyping with frameworks, 260, 261, 264

pull quotes, 285


quality assurance. See code quality

Quirks mode, 27, 181–182, 187, 322

quotation marks (“”), 24


radio boxes, 53–54


commenting and, 205–206

consistency in markup, 206

CSS, 129

formatting code, 204–205

importance of code, 204

naming conventions, 204


drawing in canvas context, 382–383

SVG, 367, 368–369

rel attribute, 43, 208

relative positioning

defined, 115, 116, 224

page flow and, 231–232

using, 229–230

relative URLs, 43–46

repeating background images, 98–99

Reset Reloaded, 259

retained mode rendering, 379

rev attribute, 208

RFC 1866, 20

RGBa color values, 329

Rich Snippets, 213

roles in ARIA, 164–165, 210–211

rounded corners, 324–327

rows, 60–62, 310–315


Safari. See also browsers

audio and video support in, 292

border-radius property support in, 327

box-shadow property and, 324

CSS support in, 94, 298, 299

fallbacks for canvas support in, 379–380

font linking in, 357, 361–362

rendering SVG graphics, 369

support for ARIA, 168

SVG support by, 375–376

Safari Web Inspector, 153–154

scalability of SVG images, 371

scope element, 172–174

screen readers, 169–170

script elements, 30–31 library, 152, 332

scripting. See also JavaScript

standards-based DOM, 142–149

SVG images and, 372

search engines

benefits of standards for, 217

optimizing, 211–212

section elements, 273, 283, 285

security, DOM and JavaScript, 148–149

selector-parsing hacks, 195

selectors, 304–316

about structural pseudo element, 304–305

adjacent sibling, 117

attribute, 117–118

chaining, 90–91

child, 90, 93

class, 83

defined, 74

descendant, 89–90, 93

dynamic, 103–105, 332

first-child, 305–307

first-of-type, 307–308

grouping, 75–76

id, 83–84

last-child, 309

nth-child, 307, 309–315

specialized, 121

target, 315–316

type, 75

universal, 118–119, 257, 258


best practices for HTML, 206–211

block and inline elements, 37–38

class attribute in HTML, 39–40

defined, 19

HTML 4.01, 21

id attribute in HTML, 40–41, 208–211

microformats, 212–217

search engine optimization and, 211–212

span attribute in HTML, 41

semicolon (;), 74


navigating directories with relative URLs, 43–46

performance with resets, 257

scope of discussed in book, 7


different HTML5 syntaxes, 294

style sheets for browsers, 196–200

SVG, 377

setAttribute method, 148

SGML (Standard, Generalized Markup Language), 20

shadow effects in CCS3, 318–324

box-shadow property, 322–324

multiple shadows, 320–322

text-shadow property, 318–319

sidebars, 278

span attribute, 41


CSS, 84–85

used with child and descendant selectors, 93

src attribute, 31

statement-parsing hacks, 195–196


ARIA, 166

dynamic selector mouse, 103–104

static positioning, 115, 116, 224

strong element, 38

structural pseudo element selectors

about, 304–305

first-child, 305–307

first-of-type, 307–308

last-child, 309

nth-child, 310–315

style elements, 31

Style Master, 130

style sheets. See CSS; resets

summary element, 171–172

SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics), 366–378

accessibility and, 371

browser support for, 375–377

canvas element vs., 389

capacities of, 367

circles in, 369

concepts and syntax of, 367–369

coordinate system for, 369–370

DOM and, 378

ellipses in, 369

HTML5 capability for, 271

importance of, 11

including in web pages, 373–375

rectangles in, 367, 368–369

retained mode rendering, 379

serving, 377

uses for, 372–373

SVG Web, 377


DOCTYPE switching, 183–185

IE 8’s compatibility mode, 183–185

syntax. See also specific markup languages

declaration blocks, 74

defined, 19

DOCTYPE declarations, 27–28

first-child selector, 306–307

HTML 4.01, 21

HTML vs. XHTML, 66–67

rules for header elements, 272–273

selectors for CSS, 74–76

serving different HTML5 syntaxes, 294

SVG, 367–369


tables, 59–62. See also columns; multi-column layouts

about, 59

accessibility of, 161, 171–174

adding different color to three-column layout, 244–250

cells spanning columns of, 61–62

CSS column markup for, 251–252

grid layouts and, 250–253

structure of, 60–61

table-based layouts, 219–220

zebra striping with nth-child selector, 310–315


end, 24, 25

heading, 32

illustrated, 26

paragraph, 32

start, 24

target selector, 315–316

text. See also fonts

adjusting for various device displays, 347–350

aligning, 85

alt attribute and accessibility, 170

box-shadow property for, 322–324

color of, 76

CSS3 shadow effects for, 318–324

drawing, 384–385

horizontal centering of, 220–222

indenting, 88

layout properties in CSS, 85–88

letter-spacing property, 87

marking up characters entities, 63–64

multi-column, 330–331

multiple shadows for styled, 320–322

specifying multi-column layout width, 239–241

vertical centering of, 223

word-spacing property, 87

text-align property, 85

text-decoration property, 81–82

text element, 52–53

text-indent property, 88

text layout properties

letter and word spacing, 87

line-height, 85–87

text-align, 85

text-indent, 88

text-shadow property, 318–319

textarea elements, 57–58

3-Pixel Text Jog Bug, 193


accessibility issues for, 169–170

title attribute in links, 42–43

title element, 29


canvas element and, 385

CSS, 335–336

transition effects in CSS3, 332–334

transparency, 327–328, 385

TrueDoc fonts, 355

TrueType fonts, 359–360

type attribute, 50, 52, 54–55

type selectors, 75

TypeKit, 357, 362

typographical selectors, 121


universal selector (*), 118–119, 257, 258

unordered lists (<ul>), 36

URI (Uniform Resource Identifier), 23

URLs (Uniform Resource Locators)

absolute and relative, 43–46

defined, 23

included in DOCTYPE, 27

user agent, 13


CSS interface properties for, 121

developing web for, 12–13

validating input data of, 149



ARIA and HTML, 168–169

CSS, 125

DOM data, 149

HTML5, 294

markup, 64–65

vector images. See also SVG

bitmap vs., 366

browser support for, 365–366

evolving standards for, 365–366

SVG format for, 366–378

vendor-specific extensions in CSS3, 301–303

versions. See also CSS3; HTML5

HTML, 20–21, 22, 68, 271

Web Content Accessibility Guidelines, 159–163

XHTML, 21, 68

vertical-align property, 223

vertical centering, 223

video, 287–291, 292

visibility property, 119

VML (Vector Markup Language), 365, 376, 388


W3C (World Wide Web Consortium). See also ARIA

accessibility guidelines, 159–169

commitment to accessibility, 157–158

CSS specifications by, 70, 297, 298, 300

development of XHTML, 22

HTML standards by, 10, 20, 22, 268–269

WAI-ARIA, 159, 163–169

WCAG version 1 and 2, 159–163


WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines), 159–163

Web Accessibility Initiative, 159, 163–169

web applications, 14, 268, 270

web development standards. See also code quality; W3C

break throughs in page layout, 219–220

browser modes and, 181–185

browser shortcomings and, 179–181, 202

contributors to, 4–5

CSS resets, 256–260

design embracing flexible display, 12–13

development of DOM and JavaScript, 131–133

evolving browser standards, 10–11

focusing on users vs. browsers, 12–13

font availability and, 353–354

good HTML5 markup and, 286

history of HTML standards, 20–22, 267–269

interoperability and, 11–12

key technologies, 11

making markup meaningful, 14–15

media queries, 341–351

overview, 389–390

problems with browser modes, 181–185

progressive site enhancement, 13–14, 200–201

relative age of web, 9

separating content, presentation, and behavior, 14

standards and interoperability of code, 12

using multimedia content, 49–51

Web Embedding Font Tool (WEFT), 358

web pages

body element components in HTML, 31–37

files, documents, and, 22–23

linking to, 46–47

semitransparent elements on, 327–328

SVG in, 373–375

user-editable, 270

Web apps vs., 14

web workers, 270

Webkit-based browsers, 299, 302

websites. See also accessibility; W3C; WWW

accessing links and titles, 169–170

book’s, 8

CSS and performance of, 129–130

developing for users, 12–13

flexibility of, 13

goals for developing, 4

hacks and bug fixing for, 193–196

interoperability of, 11–12

long-term maintenance goals for, 4

meaningful markup for, 14–15

multimedia content in, 49–51

platform for web page applications, 14

profitability of accessibility, 158–159

progressive enhancement of, 13–14

WHATWG (Web Hypertext Application Technology Working Group), 268, 269


fixed-width layouts, 239–241

specifying for page layout, 112–113

width property, 106, 107, 186

window object, 136–137

word-spacing property, 87

WWW (World Wide Web). See also W3C; web pages; websites

devices accessing, 339–340, 351

evolution of browser standards, 10–11

relative age of, 9


X2V service, 213

X11 color chart, 76

XHTML (Extensible Hypertext Markup Language). See also HTML

about HTML and, 17

case sensitivity of, 22

converting HTML to, 66

defining DOCTYPE, 26–28

evolution of, 21, 267–268

HTML vs., 20, 66–68

inline SVG in, 374–375


heading-level models in HTML5 and, 275

HTML5 acceptance vs., 271

HTML5’s heading-level model and, 276

XML (Extensible Markup Language)

namespaces in, 368

parsing rules for, 67

SVG concepts and syntax, 367–369

syntax of SGML and, 20

xmlns attribute, 368


Yahoo User Interface (YUI) Library

about, 152

graded browser approach, 342

tools for CSS frameworks, 263

Yahoo Reset CSS, 259

YAML (Yet Another Multicolumn Layout), 262


z-index property, 231, 233

Zeldman, Jeffrey, 4, 14, 267

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