
All collaboratively produced works exceed the expertise of any single scholar, and I suspect this is especially true of this volume. I have relied heavily on the generosity of friends and colleagues in crafting it. Some of those friends include Rosemary Avance, Biella Coleman, Christopher Kelty, Tarleton Gillespie, John Peters, Ted Striphas, Jonathan Sterne, and Fred Turner, among other contributors, who offered extensive critical comments and support at many crucial moments in the project. My colleagues at the University of Tulsa, especially Mark Brewin, Joli Jensen, and John Coward, have afforded a welcoming intellectual environment in which to do this work; and I also thank my students who have helped me test run some chapters in this volume—and have drafted a few of their own. The work has also benefited from the responses of anonymous readers at the Press and readers of early drafts at the scholarly blog Culture Digitally at My editor Fred Appel has encouraged and guided the hybrid digital-print publication process throughout. Many organizational supports have made this volume possible as well: without the general wizardry of Hope Forsyth, Barbara Walters, and Jan Reynolds, and without the generous support of the Digital Working Group, the Center for Global Education, the Social Science Interest Group, and the Oklahoma Center for the Humanities at the University of Tulsa, this volume would not have been possible. My thanks also go to the Departments of Communication, English, and Languages at the University of Tulsa for their support. Of course the greatest debt goes to Raymond Williams, whose work remains as indispensable as it is inspirational. His pen leaves me continuously humbled at the fertility and the force revealed in the ever-unfolding relationship between language and the world.

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