Chapter 4. Managing, Testing, and Publishing a Site

In This Chapter

  • Testing your site in different Web browsers

  • Testing your site with the Dreamweaver Site Reporting feature

  • Fixing broken links

  • Managing your linked files

  • Publishing your site on the Web

  • Setting up FTP and other file transfer options

  • Using Dreamweaver's site management features

If you're anxious to get your site online, jump ahead to midway through this chapter, where you find instructions for using Dreamweaver's publishing features in the "Publishing Your Site to a Web Server" section. But before you go live with your site, I recommend you spend a little time using Dreamweaver's testing features to make sure your pages are ready for the all the world to see. I cover these features at the beginning of this chapter.

At the end of this chapter, you find instructions for using Dreamweaver's site management features, which are designed to help teams of designers work better together. These include the Check In/Out feature, which prevents two people from working on the same page on a site simultaneously — an important feature if you want to make sure that one designer doesn't overwrite the work of another. And believe me, you want to do everything you can to prevent this situation.

If you want to work more on the design of your site before you move onto testing and publishing, feel free to skip ahead to the CSS chapters and other more advanced chapters that follow. You can always come back to this chapter when you're ready to put your work online.


If you're looking for information about Web hosting services and domain registration sites, find recommendations and tips for choosing the best hosting and domain services on my Web site at

Testing Your Site in Different Browsers

One of the more confusing and frustrating aspects of Web design is that you can create a page that looks great in Dreamweaver and test it in a browser to confirm that it looks fine, only to discover later that it looks terrible in a different browser or on a different computer system. Web pages can look different from one system to another for many reasons, but the following issues are the most common culprits:

  • Browser differences: Today, dozens of browsers are in use on the Web, not counting the different versions of each browser. For example, at the time of this writing, Internet Explorer (IE) 7 is the newest release from Microsoft, but a significant percentage of Web users haven't upgraded yet and are still using IE 6 or even earlier versions. Similarly, browser companies, such as Firefox and Safari, have now created a number of versions that are still in use on the Web. And each browser, as well as each browser version may display HTML and CSS code quite differently. This is because browsers have evolved over the years to support new technologies on the Web, but older browsers still in use may have trouble displaying everything you create on your Web pages. The other problem is that the companies that make Web browser don't all agree or follow the same standards (although most are getting better with their latest versions).

  • Hardware differences: Another challenge comes from the differences between Macintosh and Windows computers. For example, the most fonts appear smaller on a Macintosh than on a PC (Times 12 on a PC looks like Times 10 on a Mac). Image colors can also vary from one computer to another.

  • Individual resolution settings: The same Web page may look very different on a 21-inch monitor than it does on a 15-inch monitor. Even on the same monitor, different resolution settings can alter the way a page looks. On the PC, a common resolution is 1024 by 768 whereas on the Mac, the resolution is generally set much higher, making the design look much smaller, even if the monitor sizes are the same.

As a result of all these differences, the same Web page can look very different to the many people who visit a Web site. For example, Figure 4-1 shows a Web page in Internet Explorer on a PC, and Figure 4-2 shows the same page in Safari on a Macintosh. Notice that the text displays in a larger font size on the PC, changing the way the text wraps around the photo in the left column. This difference may seem subtle in this page design, but font size and other variations can lead to dramatic changes in the display of the same Web page.

A Web page displayed in Internet Explorer on a PC.

Figure 4-1. A Web page displayed in Internet Explorer on a PC.

The same Web page displayed in Safari on a Mac.

Figure 4-2. The same Web page displayed in Safari on a Mac.

This challenging aspect of the Web is at the root of many of the limitations and complications of creating good Web designs. With patience, testing, and an understanding of the tags and styles that are most problematic, you can create great Web sites that look good to most, if not all, of the people who visit your Web site.

Designing for browser differences

Getting your pages to look exactly the same across every browser in use on the Web is nearly impossible, unless you're willing to use only the simplest and most basic HTML formatting options. But such consistency is rarely worth losing the design benefits of CSS. Entire books and Web sites are dedicated to the best ways to design sites that look good on different browsers, especially when it comes to creating page designs with CSS.


Although I can't possibly cover all these strategies here, the following tips and options give you a good start:

  • Use Dreamweaver preview and testing features. For instance, Dreamweaver enables you to preview pages in many different kinds of browsers, as I explain in Chapter 2. You can also test your pages with Dreamweaver's Browser Compatibility features, covered in the next section.

  • Use Dreamweaver's CSS layouts. I also recommend that you start your CSS design work with one of the predesigned CSS layouts included in Dreamweaver because these are already designed to display well on many different systems. You find instructions for customizing those layouts in Chapter 6.

  • Create different versions of the same site or different style sheets. This approach is extreme, but you can create different versions of the same site, each designed for the unique display settings of the different browsers and systems you expect your visitors will use. A script can then detect a user's system and deliver the best site version. This approach may be warranted for some special cases. For example, big sites, such as Google and Amazon, have created special versions of their sites for mobile devices. Even more common, now that CSS has become so popular, many designers create multiple external style sheets for the same page. For example, you can create one set of styles that are optimal for printing, another that are optimal for screen display, and yet another for mobile devices. You find instructions for creating and attaching external style sheets in Chapter 5.

  • Create a page that looks as good as possible on as many browsers as you consider important. This is the solution many designers settle for. The page may not look exactly the same on every system, but mostly the same is often okay. Which browsers you design for depends on your audience. If you have good log files or visitor statistics, you can view a list of the browsers (and even the browser versions) used by visitors to your site. For example, you may be able to determine that 70 percent of your audience uses Internet Explorer 7, 20 percent uses Firefox 2, 6 percent uses Internet Explorer 6, and only 4 percent uses Safari. With that in mind, you may decide that you want to optimize your pages to display best in Internet Explorer, make sure they look almost if not equally good in Firefox, and not worry as much about all the details when the page is viewed in Safari, as long as the content is at least readable and the page doesn't look terrible.

If you want to create complex page designs with CSS and want your pages to look as good as possible on as many browsers as possible, a number of hacks, or workarounds, have been developed that can help ensure page designs look the same on a variety of browsers. Some of these tricks are relatively simple; others are extraordinarily complex, and unfortunately, every time a new version of a browser, such as IE or Firefox is released, those hacks will probably have to be adjusted. You find more information on designing CSS for different Web browsers in Chapter 7.

If you know that your visitors will be using only one browser — for example, if you're designing a corporate intranet and can require that all employees use Firefox 3 — your design work is simpler. Some public Web site designers resort to putting a note on the front page of a site advising anyone who visits that the pages display best in a particular browser. Although that may be warranted in some cases, I don't recommend it because you risk losing many potential visitors.

Using Dreamweaver's Browser Compatibility feature

In addition to being able to preview a Web page in any Web browser on your hard drive, Dreamweaver also includes a Browser Compatibility feature that can help you test for known issues among different browsers automatically.

To use this feature, open a page in Dreamweaver and choose File

Using Dreamweaver's Browser Compatibility feature
Access testing features, such as Check Browser Compatibility.

Figure 4-3. Access testing features, such as Check Browser Compatibility.

You can specify which browsers and browser versions you want to target by doing either of the following:

  • Click the small menu icon at the top-left corner of the Browser Compatibility Check dialog box and choose Settings from the drop-down list to open the Target Browsers dialog box, as shown in Figure 4-4.

  • From the Check Page drop-down list, choose Settings to open the Target Browsers dialog box, as shown in Figure 4-4.

Specify the browsers and versions you want to target when you run a browser compatibility check.

Figure 4-4. Specify the browsers and versions you want to target when you run a browser compatibility check.

Testing Your Work with the Site Reporting Features

Before you put your site online for the world to see, check your work using the Dreamweaver Site Reporting feature. You can create a variety of reports and even customize them to identify problems with external links, redundant and empty tags, untitled documents, and missing Alt text. You can easily miss things — especially when you work on a tight deadline — and what you miss can cause real problems for your viewers.

Before Dreamweaver added this great new feature, finding these kinds of mistakes was a tedious, time-consuming task. Now you can run a report that identifies these errors for you and use Dreamweaver to correct mistakes across your entire site automatically.

Follow these steps to produce a Site Report of your entire Web site:

  1. In the drop-down list at the top of the Files panel, select the site name. In the list that appears, select the site you want to work on.

    Your site appears in the Files panel list only if you've completed the site setup process covered in Chapter 2.

  2. Make sure any open documents are saved by choosing File

    Testing Your Work with the Site Reporting Features
  3. Choose Site

    Testing Your Work with the Site Reporting Features

    The Reports dialog box appears (see Figure 4-5).

    You can select any and all options, and you can run reports on a single page or the entire site.

    Figure 4-5. You can select any and all options, and you can run reports on a single page or the entire site.

  4. In the Report On drop-down list, choose Entire Current Local Site.

    You can also choose to check only a single page by opening the page in Dreamweaver and then choosing Current Document in the Report On drop-down list. You can also run a report on selected files or on a particular folder. If you choose Selected Files in Site, you must have already selected the pages you want to check in the Files panel.

  5. In the Select Reports section, select the reports you want.

    Table 4-1 describes the kind of report you get with each option. You can select as many reports as you want.


    The Workflow options in the Select Reports section are functional only if you already enabled Check In/Out in the Remote Info section of the Site Definition dialog box and selected Maintain Design Notes in the Design Notes section of the Site Definition dialog box's Advanced tab. You can read more about the Site Definition dialog box in Chapter 2 and more about Design Notes and the Check In/Out in the "Making the Most of Dreamweaver's Site Management Features" section, later in this chapter.

  6. Click the Run button to create the report(s).

    If you haven't already done so, you may be prompted to save your file, define your site, or select a folder. (See Chapter 2 for more information on defining a site in Dreamweaver.)

    The Results panel appears, as shown in Figure 4-6, displaying a list of problems found on the site. You can sort the list by different categories (filename, line number, or description) by clicking the corresponding column headings.

    The Results panel displays a list of problems on your site.

    Figure 4-6. The Results panel displays a list of problems on your site.

  7. Double-click any item in the Results panel to open the corresponding file in the Document window.

    You can also right-click (Windows) or Control+click (Mac) on any line of the report and choose More Info to find additional details about the specific error or condition.

  8. Use the Property inspector or another Dreamweaver feature to correct the identified problem and then save the file.

Finding and Fixing Broken Links

If you're trying to rein in a chaotic Web site or if you just want to check a site for broken links, you'll be pleased to discover the Check Links feature. You can use Check Links to verify the links in a single file or an entire Web site, and you can use it to automatically fix all the referring links at once.

Here's an example of what Check Links can do. Assume that someone on your team (because you would never do such a thing yourself) changed the name of a file from new.htm to old.htm without using the Files panel or any of Dreamweaver's automatic link update features. Maybe this person changed the name using another program or simply renamed it in Explorer (Windows) or the Finder (Mac). Changing the filename was easy, but what this person may not have realized is that if he or she didn't change the links to the file when the file was renamed, the links are now broken.

If only one page links to the file that your clueless teammate changed, fixing the broken link isn't such a big deal. As long as you remember which file the page links from, you can simply open that page and use the Property inspector to reset the link the same way you created the link in the first place. (You can find out all the basics of link creation in Chapter 2.)

But many times, a single page in a Web site is linked to many other pages. When that's the case, fixing all the link references can be time-consuming, and forgetting some of them is all too easy. That's why the Check Links feature is so helpful. First, it serves as a diagnostic tool that identifies broken links throughout the site (so you don't have to second-guess where someone may have changed a filename or moved a file). Then it serves as a global fix-it tool. You can use the Check Links dialog box to identify the page a broken link should go to, and Dreamweaver automatically fixes all links referring to that page. The following section walks you through this cool process.


If you're working on a dynamic, database-driven site or if your site was altered with programming that was performed outside Dreamweaver, the Check Links feature may not work properly. This feature works best for sites with static HTML pages.

Checking for broken links

To check a site for broken links, follow these steps:

  1. In the drop-down list at the top of the Files panel, select the site name. In the list that appears, select the site you want to work on.

    Link checking works only for sites listed in the Dreamweaver Site dialog box. For more information about the Site dialog box and how to set up a new site or import an existing one, see Chapter 2.

  2. Choose Site

    Checking for broken links

    The Link Checker tab opens in the Results panel at the bottom of the page, just under the Property inspector, as shown in Figure 4-7. The tab displays a list of internal and external links. The tab also lists any pages, images, or other items not linked from any other page in the site — dubbed orphans. Unused images can waste space on your server, so this list is handy if you want to clean up old images or other elements you no longer use on the site.


Most service providers limit the amount of space on your server and charge extra if you exceed that limit. You can save valuable server space by deleting unused files, especially if they're image or multimedia files. But remember, just because you delete them from your hard drive doesn't mean they're deleted from the server. Make sure you remove them from the Remote Site window in the Files panel as well as the Local Site panel. (For more on using FTP and synchronization to update or delete files on your server, see the section, "Publishing Your Site to a Web Server," later in this chapter.)

The report can be organized by broken links, external links, and unused files.

Figure 4-7. The report can be organized by broken links, external links, and unused files.

Fixing broken links

Broken links are one of the worst problems you can have on a Web site. After you identify a broken link in a site, fix it as soon as possible. Nothing turns off visitors faster than clicking a link and getting a File Not Found error page. Fortunately, Dreamweaver makes fixing broken links simple by providing quick access to files with broken links and automating the process of fixing multiple links to the same file.

After using the Link Checker tab described in the preceding section to identify broken links, follow these steps to use the Results panel to fix them:

  1. With the Results panel open at the bottom of the page, double-click a filename that Dreamweaver identifies as a broken link.

    The page and its corresponding Property inspector open. The Results panel remains visible.

  2. Select the broken link or image on the open page.

    For example, you can fix a broken image by selecting the broken image icon in the page and then reinserting it using the Property inspector to find the correct image name.

  3. In the Property inspector, click the folder icon to the right of the Src text box to identify the correct image file.

    (Alternatively, you can type the correct filename and path in the text box instead of using the browse option to find the correct image.) The Select Image Source dialog box appears. You fix links to pages just as you fix links to images, except you type the name of the correct file into the Link text box or click the folder icon next to it to find the file in your site folder.

  4. Click to select the filename of the correct image or file and then click OK.

    The link automatically changes to reflect the new filename and location. If you replace an image, the image file reappears on the page.

If the link that you correct appears in multiple pages and you fix the link using the broken link's Results panel, Dreamweaver prompts you with a dialog box asking whether you want to fix the remaining broken link references to the file. Click the Yes button to automatically correct all other references. Click the No button to leave the other files unchanged.

Managing Linked Files

Dreamweaver includes a variety of tools that help you manage the files and folders within a site without breaking links. You can use the Files panel to rename and rearrange files and folders, as well as create new folders, all with drag-and-drop ease.


You need to define your site for Dreamweaver's Files panel features to work. If you haven't already defined your site, turn to the instructions at the beginning of Chapter 2.

Moving and renaming files

To rearrange or rename files, follow these steps:

  1. Select the site you want to work on (if it's not already active) in the drop-down list at the top of the Files panel.

    When you select a site by clicking the site name, the folders and files in that site appear in the Files panel.

  2. Click the plus (+) sign to open the main site root folder or any subfolder so that you can access the files.

    Click the minus (–) sign to close a folder.

  3. In the Files panel, select the file or folder you want to move or rename or both.

    To move a selected file or folder:

    1. Drag the selected file or group of files into a folder.

      Dreamweaver automatically changes all the related links. The Files panel works much like the Explorer window on a PC or the Finder on a Mac, except Dreamweaver tracks and fixes links when you move files through the Files panel. By contrast, if you move or rename site files or folders in the Finder or Explorer, you break any links set to or from those files.

      When you move a linked file into a new folder in Dreamweaver, the Update Files dialog box appears with a list of links that needs to be updated, as shown in Figure 4-8.

    2. To adjust the links, choose Update.

      If you choose Don't Update, any links to or from that file are left unchanged.

    To rename a selected file:

    1. Click twice on any filename or folder name.

    2. When a box appears around the name, edit it just as you would a name in the Finder or Explorer and then press Enter (Return on a Mac).

      Again you're prompted with the Update Files dialog box to update any links affected by the filename change.

    3. Choose Update to adjust the links.

      The Update Files dialog box lists all the files that will be changed during the update process.

      Figure 4-8. The Update Files dialog box lists all the files that will be changed during the update process.

Making global changes to links

If you want to globally change a link to point at a new URL or to some other page on your site, you can use the Change Link Sitewide option to enter the new URL and change every reference automatically. You can use this option to change any kind of link, including mailto, ftp, and script links. For example, if an e-mail address that you use throughout your site changes, you can use this feature to fix it automatically — a real timesaver. You can use this feature also when you want a string of text to link to a different file than it currently does. For example, you can change every instance of the words Enter This Month's Contest to link to /contest/january.htm instead of /contest/december.htm throughout your Web site.

To change a collection of links with the Change Link Sitewide feature, follow these steps:

  1. Make sure the site you want to work on is displayed in the Files panel.

    See the preceding exercise for instructions on selecting a site.

  2. Choose Site

    Making global changes to links

    The Change Link Sitewide dialog box appears.

  3. Enter the old address and then enter the new address, or click the Browse button to identify files where you want to change the links.

    You can use this feature to change any link, including e-mail links, links from one page to another within a site, or links to a different Web site.

  4. Click OK.

    Dreamweaver updates any documents that include the specified links.


Any changes you make to links using Dreamweaver's automated link features occur only on the local version of your site on your hard drive. Make sure you upload all affected files to your Web server to ensure that all changes are included on your published site. To automatically reconcile changes on your local and remote sites, use Dreamweaver's Synchronize Files feature, which I describe later in this chapter.

Publishing Your Site to a Web Server

After you create your Web site, test it, and are ready to publish it on the Web, it's time to put Dreamweaver's publishing tools to work. Which features you use depends on the kind of Web server you use. If you're using a commercial service provider, you'll most likely need Dreamweaver's FTP features, which I cover in detail in the following section.

To access Dreamweaver's publishing tools:

  1. Choose Site

    Publishing Your Site to a Web Server

    The Manage Sites dialog box opens.

  2. In the list of defined sites, select the site you want to publish and then click the Edit button.

    The Site Definition dialog box opens. If you haven't already defined your site, refer to the instructions for this important initial site setup process at the beginning of Chapter 2.

  3. Select the Advanced tab from the top of the Site Definition dialog box.

    The Advanced options appear instead of the Site Definition Wizard available on the Basic tab.

  4. In the Category list, select the Remote Info category, as shown in Figure 4-9 (in the next exercise).

  5. Click the Access drop-down arrow and select the publishing option that is best suited to your Web server and development environment. (In Figure 4-9, FTP is selected.)

    Dreamweaver provides six Access options:

    • None: Select this option if you're not uploading your site to a server or if you're not yet ready to fill in these settings.

    • FTP: Select this option to use Dreamweaver's built-in File Transfer Protocol features, which I cover in detail in the following section. These are the settings you're most likely to need if you're using a commercial Web hosting service.

    • Local/Network: Select this option if you're using a Web server on a local network, such as your company or university server. For specific settings and requirements, check with your system administrator.

    • WebDAV (Web-based Distributed Authoring and Versioning): Select this option if you're using a server with the WebDAV protocol, such as Microsoft IIS.

    • RDS (Rapid Development Services): Select this option if you're using ColdFusion on a remote server.

    • Microsoft Visual SourceSafe: Select this option if you're using Microsoft Visual SourceSafe. Note this option is available only in Windows.

Setting up Web server access for FTP

To make your life simpler, Dreamweaver incorporates FTP capability so that you can easily upload your pages to a remote Web server. The FTP options include features that can help you keep track of changes you make to files on your hard drive and ensure that they match the files on your Web server.

To upload your site using FTP, you need the following information from your Web hosting service:

  • FTP host name

  • Path for the Web directory (this is optional but useful)

  • FTP login

  • FTP password

To access the FTP features in Dreamweaver:

  1. Follow the steps in the preceding section, choosing FTP in Step 5.

    The dialog box in Figure 4-9 appears.

  2. In the FTP Host text box, type the hostname of your Web server.

    The hostname should look something like,, or, depending on your server. (In my example, I used

  3. In the Host Directory text box, type the directory on the remote site in which documents visible to the public are stored (also known as the site root ).

    The host directory looks something like public_html/ or www/htdocs/. Again, this depends on your server.

  4. In the Login and Password text boxes, type the login name and password, respectively, required to gain access to your Web server.

    If you check the Save box, Dreamweaver stores the information and automatically supplies it to the server when you connect to the remote site.

    This is your unique login and password information that provides you access to your server.

    If you're using a commercial Web hosting service, you need to specify the FTP settings to upload your site using Dream-weaver.

    Figure 4-9. If you're using a commercial Web hosting service, you need to specify the FTP settings to upload your site using Dream-weaver.


    Click the Test button to make sure you've entered everything correctly. If there are no problems, Dreamweaver responds with a box saying Dreamweaver connected to your Web server successfully. (Note: You must save the password to use the test feature, but you can deselect the Save Password box after you test if you prefer not to save the password in the program.)

  5. Select the Use Passive FTP or Use Firewall option only if your service provider or site administrator instructs you to do so.

    If you aren't on a network but you do use a commercial service provider, you don't need to select either option.

  6. Click OK to save your Remote Info settings and close the Site Definition dialog box. Then click Done to close the Manage Sites dialog box.


If you prefer to use a dedicated FTP program instead of Dreamweaver's built-in features, you can download FTP programs for the Mac and PC at the following Web addresses:

  • A popular FTP program for the PC, WS_FTP, can be downloaded here.

  • A popular Windows program, CuteFTP, can be downloaded from here.

  • and If you use a Macintosh computer, popular options are Fetch, available for download at the former, and Transmit, available for download at the latter.

Putting your Web site online

Now that your site is set up, upload pages on your server and retrieve them by using the built-in FTP capabilities of Dreamweaver.

To transfer files between your hard drive and a remote server, follow these steps:

  1. Make sure you've defined your site (as I describe in the beginning of Chapter 2), opened and displayed the site you want to upload in the Files panel, and used all the FTP settings described in the previous section.

  2. Putting your Web site online

    If you're not already connected to the Internet, the Connects to Remote Host icon starts your dialup connection. If you have trouble connecting this way, try establishing your Internet connection as you usually do to check e-mail or surf the Web, and then return to Dreamweaver and click the Connects to Remote Host icon after establishing your Internet connection. When your computer is online, Dreamweaver should have no trouble automatically establishing an FTP connection with your host server.


    If you still have trouble establishing a connection to your Web server, refer to the preceding section, "Setting up Web server access for FTP," and make sure that you specified the server information correctly. If you still have trouble, contact your service provider or site administrator to ensure that you have all the correct information for connecting to your server. Getting all this information set up correctly the first time can be tricky, and each service provider is different. (The good news is that after you get the connection working, you save it in Dreamweaver, which makes it super easy to reconnect in the future.)

    After you establish the connection, you can move between views in this panel by choosing from the drop-down list at the top right, (visible in Figure 4-10). The main options are Local View, which displays files on your local hard drive, and Remote View, which displays files on the server.

    The row of icons across the top control FTP functions.

    Figure 4-10. The row of icons across the top control FTP functions.

  3. To upload a file (transfer a file from your hard drive to your Web server), select the file from the Local View panel (which displays the files on your hard drive) and click the Put Files icon (the up arrow) in the Files panel.

    The files are copied automatically to your server when you transfer them. You can select multiple files or folders to be transferred simultaneously.


    After you upload files to you server, test your work by using a Web browser to view them online. Sometimes things that look and work fine on your computer (such as links) won't work on the server.

  4. To download files or folders (transfer files or folders from your Web server to your hard drive), select the files or folders from the Remote View panel (which displays the files on your server) and click the Get Files button (the down arrow) in the Files panel.

    The files are copied automatically to your hard drive when you transfer them.


    Be aware that when you copy files to or from your server, the files you're transferring overwrite the files already at the destination. Dreamweaver notifies you about the overwriting if it notices you're replacing a newer file with an older one, but it can't always correctly assess the proper time differences. Take note of these warnings, but keep in mind that you can get warnings that aren't always accurate when they're based on the age of a file.

    When the transfer is complete, you can open the files on your hard drive.


You can see both the remote and local views simultaneously by clicking the Expand/Collapse icon on the far right side of the Files panel (labeled in Figure 4-10). To collapse this Site dialog box and return the Files panel to the side of the screen again, click the Expand/Collapse icon again.


The arrows with the check mark and the little lock at the top of the Files panel are for the Check In/Out feature, which enables you to keep track of who is working on a site and prevent more than one person making changes to the same page. These features are covered in the "Using Check In and Check Out" section, later in this chapter. The circle with the double arrows is for the Synchronize option covered in the section that follows.

Synchronizing local and remote sites

One of the most valuable features in Dreamweaver's FTP options is the capability to automatically synchronize the files on your hard drive with the files on your server. This is cool because it helps you keep track of which pages you've edited and ensures that they've been updated on the server. This may not matter much to you the first time you upload your site, or if you have only a few pages in your site. But if you have a large site and make frequent updates, this feature is a wonderful way to make sure all the changes you make get to your server. Dreamweaver also confirms which files are updated after you complete the synchronization.

Follow these steps to synchronize your Web site:

  1. Make sure the site you want to work on is selected and displayed in the Files panel.

  2. Downloading an existing Web site
  3. Click the Expand/Collapse icon (labeled in Figure 4-10) to expand the dialog box and view the remote and local sites simultaneously.

    The Site dialog box displays both the remote and local views of the site. (To collapse this dialog box, click the Expand/Collapse iconagain.)

  4. Choose Site

    Downloading an existing Web site

    The Synchronize Files dialog box appears.

  5. In the Synchronize drop-down list, choose whether to synchronize the Entire Site or Selected Files Only.

  6. In the Direction drop-down list, choose which option you want to use to copy the files:

    • Put Newer Files to Remote: This option copies the most recently modified files from your local site to the remote site. Click the Delete Remote Files Not on Local Drive box if you want those files removed from your Web site.

    • Get Newer Files from Remote: This option copies the most recently modified files from your remote site to the local site. Click the Delete Local Files Not on Remote Server box if you want to remove those files from your local copy.

    • Get and Put Newer Files: This option updates both the local and remote sites with the most recent versions of all the files.


    Make sure the Delete Remote Files Not on Local Drive box is not selected.

    Be careful of this feature when using Get or Put. As a general rule, I recommend you leave it deselected because you may have folders and files on the server, such as log files, that don't exist on your hard drive, and you don't want to delete them inadvertently.

  7. Click the Preview button.

    The Site FTP dialog box displays the files that are about to be changed.


    Now you have the option to verify the files you want to delete, put, and get. If you don't want Dreamweaver to alter a file, deselect it from the Site FTP dialog box now or forever live with the consequences.

  8. Click OK.

    All approved changes are automatically made, and Dreamweaver updates the Site FTP dialog box with the status.

  9. When the synchronization finishes, you can choose to save or not save the verification information to a local file.

    I recommend that you save the verification information because it can be handy if you want to review your changes after synchronization is complete.

Setting Cloaking Options

The Dreamweaver Cloaking option enables you to exclude folders or files from all site operations, meaning they won't be uploaded to the live site when you're synchronizing or batching files back and forth. This feature is handy if you have sections of a site that you want to save but don't want visible to your viewers. For example, if you have a special holiday folder that you don't want visible during the rest of the year, you can use the Cloaking feature to save it locally, with the assurance that no one can accidentally publish the files with Dreamweaver until you uncloak them and publish them in December.

To use the Cloaking feature, follow these steps:

  1. Choose Site

    Setting Cloaking Options
  2. Select the site you want to work on and then click Edit.

    The Site Definition dialog box appears.

  3. If it's not already selected, click the Advanced tab at the top of the dialog box and choose the Cloaking category from the Category list on the left.

  4. Select the Enable Cloaking box.

  5. (Optional) To cloak files of a certain type, select the Cloak Files Ending With box and enter the extension(s) in the text field, as shown in Figure 4-11.

    For example, if you want to cloak any original Photoshop files that may be saved in your local root folder so they don't upload and take up space on your server, enter the .psd extension. If you want to cloak more than one file type, separate each file extension with a space. Do not use a comma or other delimiter.

  6. Click OK to close the Site Definition dialog box and then click the Done button in the Define Sites dialog box to close it.

    Files matching the extensions specified, if any, are now cloaked.

  7. (Optional) To manually cloak specific folders or files, select the folders or files in the Files tab of the Files panel.

  8. Right-click (Windows) or Control+click (Mac) and choose Cloaking

    Setting Cloaking Options

To uncloak files or folders, repeat Steps 7–8 and select Uncloak from the shortcut menu in Step 8. You can also use these steps to uncloak all the files in your current site, disable cloaking in the site, and change the cloaking settings.


If you disable cloaking for all files, any manual cloaking choices you've made are lost, even if you enable cloaking again later.

The Cloaking feature enables you to specify files or folders that you don't want transferred to your server.

Figure 4-11. The Cloaking feature enables you to specify files or folders that you don't want transferred to your server.

Making the Most of Dreamweaver's Site Management Features

In the following sections, you find descriptions and instructions for using more of the options available from the Site Definition dialog box, including Design Notes, Check In/Out, and integrated e-mail. If you're the only person working on a Web site, you probably don't need the features described in this section because they're intended for use on sites developed by a team of people who need to communicate with each other and make sure they don't overwrite each other's work.

Using a testing server

The Testing Server option enables you to specify a development server, a necessary step if you're creating a Web site using the Dreamweaver dynamic page-creation features for developing sites using PHP, ASP, or ColdFusion. You find more information about using these options in Chapters 14 and 15.

Enabling Check In and Check Out

The Check In/Out feature is designed to keep people from overwriting each other's work when more than one person is working on the same Web site (a valuable feature if you want to keep peace among all the members of your Web design team). When a person working on the Web site checks out a file, other developers working on the site can't make changes to that file. When you check out a file, a green check mark appears next to the filename in the Files panel. If someone else checks out a file, you see a red check mark next to the filename.

To enable the Check In/Out feature, follow these steps:


These steps assume you've already set up the remote info for your site, using FTP or one of the other remote options. If you haven't yet done so, first complete the steps in the "Publishing Your Site to a Web Server," section earlier in this chapter.

  1. Choose Site

    Enabling Check In and Check Out
  2. In the Site Definition dialog box that appears, make sure the Advanced tab is selected and then select the Remote Info category on the left.

    If you have not already selected a Remote Access option and filled in the fields, you will need to do so before you can set up Check In/Check Out.

  3. Select the Enable File Check In and Check Out option at the bottom of the Remote Info dialog box.

    The dialog box expands to expose other options.

  4. (Optional) If you want files checked out whenever they're opened, select the Check Out Files When Opening option.

  5. In the Check Out Name field, fill in the name you want associated with the files (presumably your name or nickname so other people working on the site know it's you).

  6. In the Email Address field, fill in your e-mail address.

  7. Click OK to save your changes and close the Site Definition dialog box.

    With this Check Out feature, you can track which files a particular person is working on. The Email Address field is needed for Dreamweaver's integration with e-mail, which facilitates communication among developers on a site. See the next section for more information about integrated e-mail.

Using Design Notes

If you sometimes forget the details of your work or neglect to tell your colleagues important things about the Web site you're all working on, the Dreamweaver Design Notes feature may save you some grief.

Design Notes is ideal if you want to hide sensitive information from visitors, such as pricing structures or creative strategies, but make it available to members of your development team. Information saved as a Design Note in Dreamweaver can travel with any HTML file or image, even if the file transfers from one Web site to another or from Fireworks to Dreamweaver.

Essentially, Design Notes enable you to record information (such as a message to another designer on your team) and associate it with a file or a folder. Design Notes work a lot like the comment tag (HTML code that enables you to embed in a page text that won't appear in a browser) but with a bit more privacy. Unlike the comment tag, which is embedded directly in the HTML code of a page (and can be seen if someone views the source code behind a page on the Web), Design Notes are never visible to your visitors. The only way for a visitor to view Design Notes is to deliberately type the path to your notes subdirectory and view the notes files directly. You can even explicitly block this from being allowed, but only if you have administrative access to your server. To be even more secure, you can keep the notes on your hard drive and prevent them from ever being uploaded to your server — though, of course, your team members won't see your witty remarks.


When you create graphics in Adobe Fireworks, you can save a Design Note for each image file that's also available in Dreamweaver. To use this integrated feature, create a Design Note in Fireworks and associate it with the image. Then when you save the Fireworks image to your local Web site folder, the Design Note goes with it. When you open the file in Dreamweaver, the Design Note appears when you right-click the image (Control-click on the Mac). This feature is a great way for graphic designers to communicate with other members of the Web development team.

Setting up Design Notes

To activate the Design Notes feature, follow these steps:

  1. Choose Site

    Setting up Design Notes

    The Manage Sites dialog box opens.

  2. Select the site you want to work on and then click the Edit button.

    The Site Definition dialog box opens.

  3. Select the Advanced tab.

  4. In the Category list at the left, choose Design Notes.

    The Design Notes page appears.

  5. Select the Maintain Design Notes option.

    With this option selected, whenever you copy, move, rename, or delete a file, the associated Design Notes file is also copied, moved, renamed, or deleted with it.

  6. (Optional) If you want your Design Notes to be sent with your files when they're uploaded to your server, select the Upload Design Notes for Sharing option.

    If you're making notes only to yourself and don't want them to be associated with the page when you upload it to the server, deselect this option and the Design Notes will be maintained locally but not uploaded with your file.

  7. Click OK in the Site Definition dialog box and then click the Done button in the Manage Sites dialog box.

    The Manage Sites dialog box closes.

The Clean Up button is useful after you've used Design Notes for a while. Click this button to delete any Design Notes that aren't associated with a file in the site. (This is useful for cleaning up Design Notes that correspond to pages, images, or other files that have been deleted from the site.)

Adding a note with Design Notes

To add Design Notes to a document, follow these steps:

  1. Open the file you want to add a Design Note to and then choose File

    Adding a note with Design Notes

    The Design Notes dialog box opens (see Figure 4-12). You need to have a file checked out to add or modify a Design Note, but not to read a note.

    Design Notes make it easy to add messages to documents, images, and even entire folders.

    Figure 4-12. Design Notes make it easy to add messages to documents, images, and even entire folders.

  2. In the Status drop-down list, choose the status of the document.

    Your options are Draft, Revision 1, Revision 2, Revision 3, Alpha, Beta, Final, and Needs Attention. You can choose any status, and you should set a policy with your design team about what each status means and how you use these options to manage your development.

  3. In the Notes text box, type your comments.

  4. Design Notes make it easy to add messages to documents, images, and even entire folders.

    The current date is inserted automatically.

    You can also select the Show When File Is Open check box. If this box is selected, the Design Notes appear whenever the file is opened so that they can't be missed.

  5. Click the All Info tab.

    You can add other information that may be useful to developers of your site. For example, you can name a key designer (in the Name field) and define the value as the name of that person or the priority of the project (in the Value field). You may also define a field for a client or the type of file that you commonly use.

  6. Click the plus (+) button to add a new information item; click the minus (-) button to remove a selected item.

  7. Click OK to save the notes.

    The notes you entered are saved to a notes subfolder in the same location as the current file. The filename is the document's filename plus the extension .mno. For example, if the filename is art.htm, the associated Design Notes file is art.htm.mno. Design Notes are indicated in Site View by a small yellow icon that looks like a cartoon bubble.

Enabling Contribute features

Adobe Contribute is a program that was created so that people who don't know much about Web design can easily contribute to a Web site. Think of Contribute as sort of a Dreamweaver Light, except it doesn't work very well as a standalone program. Contribute was designed to work on sites designed in Dreamweaver, and a number of features have been carefully integrated to make that collaboration work smoothly. If you're working with other developers of a site who use Contribute, make sure you select the Enable Contribute Compatibility box in the Contribute category of the Site Definition dialog box.

Remembering Your History

You can keep track of what you're doing and even replay your steps with the History panel. The History panel also lets you undo one or more steps and create commands to automate repetitive tasks.

To open the History panel, as shown in Figure 4-13, choose Window

Remembering Your History
In the History panel, track what you do and undo or repeat steps easily.

Figure 4-13. In the History panel, track what you do and undo or repeat steps easily.

Here's a rundown of how you can put the History panel to use:

  • To copy steps you already executed: Use the Copy Steps option in the lower right as a quick way to automate steps you want to repeat. You can even select steps individually, in case you want to replay some (but not all) actions exactly as you did them.

  • To replay any or all steps displayed in the History panel: Highlight the steps you want to replay and click the Replay button at the bottom of the History panel.

  • To undo the results of the replayed steps: Choose Edit

    In the History panel, track what you do and undo or repeat steps easily.
  • To apply steps to a specific element on a page: Highlight that element in the Document window before selecting and replaying the steps. For example, if you want to apply bold and italic formatting to just a few words on a page, you can replay the steps that applied bold and italics to selected text.

You can also set the number of steps displayed in the History panel by choosing Edit

Repeating your steps with Recorded Commands

Using the Quick Tag Editor

If you're one of those developers who likes to work in the Dreamweaver Design area, sometimes referred to as the WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) editing environment, but still wants to look at the HTML tags once in a while, you'll love the Quick Tag Editor.

The Quick Tag Editor, as the name implies, lets you quickly access HTML tags and enables you to modify, add, or remove an HTML tag without opening the HTML Source window. That means that while you're in the middle of working on a page in design view, you can view the HTML tag you're working on without switching over to code view. You can use the Quick Tag Editor to insert HTML, edit an existing tag, or wrap new tags around a selected text block or other element.

The Quick Tag Editor opens in one of three modes — Edit, Insert, or Wrap — depending on what you selected on the page before you launched the editor. Use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+T (Windows) or

Using the Quick Tag Editor

You can enter or edit tags in the Quick Tag Editor just as you would in code view, without having to switch back and forth between code view and design view. To enter or edit tags in the Quick Tag Editor, follow these steps:

  1. With the document you want to edit open, select an image, text block, or other element.

    If you want to add new code, simply click anywhere in the file without selecting text or an element.

  2. Choose Modify

    Using the Quick Tag Editor


    You can also press Ctrl+T (Windows) or

    Using the Quick Tag Editor

    The Quick Tag Editor opens in the mode that is most appropriate for your selection, as shown in Figure 4-14. For example, if you click an image or formatted text, it displays the current tag so that you can edit it. If you don't select anything or if you select unformatted text, the Quick Tag Editor opens with nothing in it, and you can enter the code you want to add. Press Ctrl+T (

    Using the Quick Tag Editor
    You can view and edit HTML tags in the Quick Tag Editor without switching to code view.

    Figure 4-14. You can view and edit HTML tags in the Quick Tag Editor without switching to code view.

  3. To add a new tag or attribute, simply type the code into the Quick Tag Editor.

    If you aren't sure about a tag or attribute, press the spacebar, and the Hints drop-down list appears automatically, offering you a list of all the tags or attributes available for the element you're editing. If this Hints drop-down list doesn't appear, choose Edit

    You can view and edit HTML tags in the Quick Tag Editor without switching to code view.
  4. To close the Quick Tag Editor and apply all your changes, press Enter (Windows) or Return (Mac).

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