Appendix B. Perls of Wisdom

Aspirat primo Fortuna labori.

No. Page  
1 7 Know the documentation. Be able to find anything in it.
2 10 To get started with the Perl documentation, type perldoc perl.
3 18 First know yourself, then your programs will be easier to know.
4 20 Motivate yourself by what you want to move toward, not what you want to get away from.
5 28 If you can't say it in natural language, you won't be able to say it in Perl.
6 30 Use a consistent style for each project.
7 39 Comment the hard parts. Use POD.
8 44 Declare as many of your variables as possible to be lexical.
9 46 Use -w and use strict in all your programs.
10 46 Use use diagnostics to explain error messages.
11 49 Create variables in the innermost scope possible.
12 55 If you have many explicit references to the same instance of $_, use a named variable instead.
13 57 When using a while loop that sets $_, localize $_ first if it might be called from elsewhere.
14 61 Put empty parentheses after a function that could take arguments but doesn't.
15 66 Use parentheses when in doubt about precedence; they won't hurt.
16 69 Before testing the existence of a lower-level hash key, test the existence of the higher-level keys if there's a chance they may be absent.
17 70 Eliminate all causes of warning messages in a program before proceeding with further development.
18 73 Declare subroutines early, avoid collisions with the Perl built-in functions, or call them with &.
19 76 Don't pass arrays to built-in functions which normally expect a scalar.
20 76 Don't rely on loop variables retaining their values after the loop; save them explicitly if you need them.
21 80 Use the Data::Dumper module to print out a formatted dump of any variable or hierarchical data structure.
22 84 Migrate option setting to the most convenient input interface possible.
23 95 Use one-liners for rapid prototyping of small code constructs.
24 112 Examine references to hashes instead of the hashes themselves in the debugger to get well-formatted output.
25 130 The actual syntax error in your program could occur not just on the line reported by Perl, but on any line preceding it.
26 136 Handle only the first warning or error message output by Perl; don't bother reading the others, just recompile.
27 148 Don't enter the same text in different places in a program and depend on having to keep them in sync.
28 150 Force as many errors as possible to occur at compile time rather than at run time.
29 153 Know your operating system.
30 157 Bullet-proof your program by trapping exceptions and handling them gracefully.
31 163 readdir() returns the list of filenames in the directory, but they are not qualified by the directory itself
32 166 The Deparse module can often explain how perl is parsing your code.
33 170 Never qualify a my statement with a condition.
34 174 Optimize your code for readability and maintainability first; make performance optimizations only after profiling of a working version demands it.
35 181 Use the Benchmark module to compare the relative speeds of different code strategies.
36 185 Use Devel::DProf to profile programs for bottlenecks.
37 185 Inside a loop, take every opportunity to get out of it as early as possible.
38 187 Memoize function calls with common arguments.
39 189 Do everything possible in Perl rather than calling external programs.
40 191 Don't form unnecessary lists.
41 193 Avoid unnecessary copying.
42 194 Avoid temporary files.
43 201 Put common sets of constants in their own modules using the Exporter, and use the modules where needed.
44 212 If at all possible, get an interactive login on the Web server for which you are developing. If you can't, consider using a different service.
45 217 Create CGI programs with taint checking from the beginning. Retrofitting -T onto existing programs is tedious and frustrating.
46 218 Run your CGI program from the command line to check that it produces the right output in the right order.

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