14.2. The End

We close by expanding on a theme from Chapter 2. When we asked ourselves why some people work on their skills, exercise their curiosity, and try new things whereas others don't, the bottom line has to do with love. The reason people work constantly on improving Perl, with no direct compensation, is simply that they love programming and they love Perl.

More than any other language, Perl inspires this dedication because of the way its design embodies the principles that programming should be fun and the language should do what you want. Perl is a fun language.[1] Fun to use, to learn, and to improve. As we said in Chapter 1, a relative amateur can use Perl to solve real-world problems. Perhaps this fact best demonstrates the language's elegance.

[1] See Damian Conway's CPAN modules Coy.pm and Lingua::Romana::Perligata for quintessential examples of Fun with Perl.

Some people don't feel this way about Perl or even programming, and that's just fine: We (the authors) aren't artists, for that matter, which is why we didn't try to do the drawings for this book. That wouldn't have been fun. Sometimes we see people in this business who aren't motivated to explore or keep up their skills, and it's clear that they don't share the same love for it that we do. Our wish for them is that they find this passion somewhere, whether it's in this field or another; there's no dishonor in admitting that you've been a square peg in a round hole.

Some of the ways that people who have a love for Perl express it are

  • Golf: Competing with others to see how few characters they can code a solution in.

  • Bowling: Competing with others to see how long and arcane they can make the solution to a simple problem.

  • Obfuscation: The archetypal track meet for this is the Perl Journal's annual contest at http://www.tpj.com/contest.html. The quintessential obfuscation vehicle is the JAPH, a piece of code which prints “Just another Perl hacker,” albeit by the most impenetrable means possible.

If you love Perl too and are wondering where other people like you hang out, here are some suggestions:

If you want to find out more about Perl from some less publicized angles, try:

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