Chapter 5. Hashes

In this chapter, we will see one of Perl’s features that makes Perl one of the world’s truly great programming languages—hashes. [1] Although hashes are a powerful and useful feature, you may have used other powerful languages for years without ever hearing of hashes. But you’ll use hashes in nearly every Perl program you’ll write from now on; they’re that important.

What Is a Hash?

A hash is a data structure, not unlike an array in that it can hold any number of values and retrieve them at will. But instead of indexing the values by number, as we did with arrays, we’ll look up the values by name. That is, the indices (here, we’ll call them keys ) aren’t numbers, but instead they are arbitrary unique strings (see Figure 5-1).

Hash keys and values
Figure 5-1. Hash keys and values

The keys are strings, first of all, so instead of getting element number 3 from an array, we’ll be accessing the hash element named wilma.

These keys are arbitrary strings—you can use any string expression for a hash key. And they are unique strings—just as there’s only one array element numbered 3, there’s only one hash element named wilma.

Another way to think of a hash is that it’s like a barrel of data, where each piece of data has a tag attached. You can reach into the barrel and pull out any tag and see what piece of data is attached. But there’s no “first” item in the barrel; it’s just a jumble. In an array, we’d start with element 0, then element 1, then element 2, and so on. But in a hash, there’s no fixed order, no first element. It’s just a collection of key-value pairs.

The keys and values are both arbitrary scalars, but the keys are always converted to strings. So, if you used the numeric expression 50/20 as the key,[2] it would be turned into the three-character string "2.5", which is one of the keys shown in the diagram above.

As usual, Perl’s no-unnecessary-limits philosophy applies: a hash may be of any size, from an empty hash with zero key-value pairs, up to whatever fills up your memory.

Some implementations of hashes (such as in the original awk language, from where Larry borrowed the idea) slow down as the hashes get larger and larger. This is not the case in Perl—it has a good, efficient, scalable algorithm.[3] So, if a hash has only three key-value pairs, it’s very quick to “reach into the barrel” and pull out any one of those. If the hash has three million key-value pairs, it should be just about as quick to pull out any one of those. A big hash is nothing to fear.

It’s worth mentioning again that the keys are always unique, although the values may be duplicated. The values of a hash may be all numbers, all strings, undef values, or a mixture.[4] But the keys are all arbitrary, unique strings.

Why Use a Hash?

When you first hear about hashes, especially if you’ve lived a long and productive life as a programmer using other languages that don’t have hashes, you may wonder why anyone would want one of these strange beasts. Well, the general idea is that you’ll have one set of data “related to” another set of data. For example, here are some hashes you might find in typical applications of Perl:

Given name, family name

The given name (first name) is the key, and the family name is the value. This requires unique given names, of course; if there were two people named randal, this wouldn’t work. With this hash, you can look up anyone’s given name, and find the corresponding family name. If you use the key tom, you get the value phoenix.

Host name, IP address

You may know that each computer on the Internet has both a host name (like and an IP address number (like That’s because machines like working with the numbers, but we humans have an easier time remembering the names. The host names are unique strings, so they can be used to make this hash. With this hash, you could look up a host name and find the corresponding IP address number.

IP address, host name

Or you could go in the opposite direction. We generally think of the IP address as a number, but it can also be a unique string, so it’s suitable for use as a hash key. In this hash, we can look up the IP address number to determine the corresponding host name. Note that this is not the same hash as the previous example: hashes are a one-way street, running from key to value; there’s no way to look up a value in a hash and find the corresponding key! So these two are a pair of hashes, one for storing IP addresses, one for host names. It’s easy enough to create one of these given the other, though, as we’ll see below.

Word, count of number of times that word appears[5]

The idea here is that you want to know how often each word appears in a given document. Perhaps you’re building an index to a number of documents, so that when a user searches for fred, you’ll know that a certain document mentions fred five times, another mentions fred seven times, and yet another doesn’t mention fred at all—so you’ll know which documents the user is likely to want. As the index-making program reads through a given document, each time it sees a mention of fred, it adds one to the value filed under the key of fred. That is, if we had seen fred twice already in this document, the value would be 2, but now we’ll increment it to 3. If we had never seen fred before, we’d change the value from undef (the implicit, default value) to 1.

Username, number of disk blocks they are using [wasting]

System administrators like this one: the usernames on a given system are all unique strings, so they can be used as keys in a hash to look up information about that user.

Driver’s license number, name

There may be many, many people named John Smith, but we hope that each one has a different driver’s license number. That number makes for a unique key, and the person’s name is the value.

So, yet another way to think of a hash is as a very simple database, in which just one piece of data may be filed under each key. In fact, if your task description includes phrases like “finding duplicates,” “unique,” “cross-reference,” or “lookup table,” it’s likely that a hash will be useful in the implementation.

Hash Element Access

To access an element of a hash, use syntax that looks like this:


This is similar to what we used for array access, but here we use curly braces instead of square brackets around the subscript (key).[6] And that key expression is now a string, rather than a number:

$family_name{"fred"} = "flintstone";
$family_name{"barney"} = "rubble";

Figure 5-2 shows how the resulting hash keys are assigned.

Assigned hash keys
Figure 5-2. Assigned hash keys

This lets us use code like this:

foreach $person (qw< barney fred >) {
  print "I've heard of $person $family_name{$person}.

The name of the hash is like any other Perl identifier (letters, digits, and underscores, but can’t start with a digit). And it’s from a separate namespace; that is, there’s no connection between the hash element $family_name{"fred"} and a subroutine &family_name, for example. Of course, there’s no reason to confuse everyone by giving everything the same name. But Perl won’t mind if you also have a scalar called $family_name and array elements like $family_name[5]. We humans will have to do as Perl does; that is, we’ll have to look to see what punctuation appears before and after the identifier to see what it means. When there is a dollar sign in front of the name and curly braces afterwards, it’s a hash element that’s being accessed.

When choosing the name of a hash, it’s often nice to think of the word “of” between the name of the hash and the key. As in, “the family_name of fred is flintstone “. So the hash is named family_name. Then it becomes clear what the relationship is between the keys and their values.

Of course, the hash key may be any expression, not just the literal strings and simple scalar variables that we’re showing here:

$foo = "bar";
print $family_name{ $foo . "ney" };  # prints "rubble"

When you store something into an existing hash element, that overwrites the previous value:

$family_name{"fred"} = "astaire";  # gives new value to existing element
$bedrock = $family_name{"fred"};   # gets "astaire"; old value is lost

That’s analogous to what happens with arrays and scalars; if you store something new into $pebbles[17] or $dino, the old value is replaced. If you store something new into $family_name{"fred"}, the old value is replaced as well.

Hash elements will spring into existence by assignment:

$family_name{"wilma"} = "flintstone";             # adds a new key (and value)
$family_name{"betty"} .= $family_name{"barney"};  # creates the element if needed

That’s also just like what happens with arrays and scalars; if you didn’t have $pebbles[17] or $dino before, you will have it after you assign to it. If you didn’t have $family_name{"betty"} before, you do now.

And accessing outside the hash gives undef:

$granite = $family_name{"larry"};  # No larry here: undef

Once again, this is just like what happens with arrays and scalars; if there’s nothing yet stored in $pebbles[17] or $dino, accessing them will yield undef. If there’s nothing yet stored in $family_name{"larry"}, accessing it will yield undef.

The Hash as a Whole

To refer to the entire hash, use the percent sign (”%“) as a prefix. So, the hash we’ve been using for the last few pages is actually called %family_name.

For convenience, a hash may be converted into a list, and back again. Assigning to a hash (in this case, the one from Figure 5-1) is a list-context assignment, where the list is made of key-value pairs:[7]

%some_hash = ("foo", 35, "bar", 12.4, 2.5, "hello",
      "wilma", 1.72e30, "betty", "bye

The value of the hash (in a list context) is a simple list of key-value pairs:

@any_array = %some_hash;

We call this unwinding the hash; turning it back into a list of key-value pairs. Of course, the pairs won’t necessarily be in the same order as the original list:

print "@any_array
  # might give something like this:
  #  betty bye (and a newline) wilma 1.72e+30 foo 35 2.5 hello bar 12.4

The order is jumbled because Perl keeps the key-value pairs in an order that’s convenient for Perl, so that it can look up any item quickly. So you’d normally use a hash either when you don’t care what order the items are in, or when you have an easy way to put them into the order you want.

Of course, even though the order of the key-value pairs is jumbled, each key “sticks” with its corresponding value in the resulting list. So, even though we don’t know where the key foo will appear in the list, we know that its value, 35, will be right after it.

Hash Assignment

It’s rare to do so, but a hash may be copied using the obvious syntax:

%new_hash = %old_hash;

This is actually more work for Perl than meets the eye. Unlike what happens in languages like Pascal or C, where such an operation would be a simple matter of copying a block of memory, Perl’s data structures are more complex. So, that line of code tells Perl to unwind the %old_hash into a list of key-value pairs, then assign those to %new_hash, building it up one key-value pair at a time.

It’s more common to transform the hash in some way, though. For example, we could make an inverse hash:

%inverse_hash = reverse %any_hash;

This takes %any_hash and unwinds it into a list of key-value pairs, making a list like ( key, value, key, value, key, value, ...). Then reverse turns that list end-for-end, making a list like ( value, key, value, key, value, key, ...). Now the keys are where the values used to be, and the values are where the keys used to be. When that’s stored into %inverse_hash, we’ll be able to look up a string that was a value in %any_hash—it’s now a key of %inverse_hash. And the value we’ll find is one that was one of the keys from %any_hash. So, we have a way to look up a “value” (now a key), and find a “key” (now a value).

Of course, you might guess (or determine from scientific principles, if you’re clever) that this will work properly only if the values in the original hash were unique—otherwise we’d have duplicate keys in the new hash, and keys are always unique. Here’s the rule that Perl uses: the last one in wins. That is, the later items in the list overwrite any earlier ones. Of course, we don’t know what order the key-value pairs will have in this list, so there’s no telling which ones would win. You’d use this technique only if you know there are no duplicates among the original values.[8] But that’s the case for the IP address and host name examples given earlier:

%ip_address = reverse %host_name;

Now we can look up a host name or IP address with equal ease, to find the corresponding IP address or host name.

The Big Arrow

When assigning a list to a hash, sometimes it’s not obvious which elements are keys and which are values. For example, in this assignment (which we saw earlier), we humans have to count through the list, saying, “key, value, key, value...”, in order to determine whether 2.5 is a key or a value:

%some_hash = ("foo", 35, "bar", 12.4, 2.5, "hello",
      "wilma", 1.72e30, "betty", "bye

Wouldn’t it be nice if Perl gave us a way to pair up keys and values in that kind of a list, so that it would be easy to see which ones were which? Larry thought so, too, which is why he invented the big arrow, (=>).[9] To Perl, it’s just a different way to “spell” a comma. That is, in the Perl grammar, any time that you need a comma ( , ), you can use the big arrow instead; it’s all the same to Perl.[10] So here’s another way to set up the hash of last names:

my %last_name = (  # a hash may be a lexical variable
  "fred" => "flintstone",
  "dino" => undef,
  "barney" => "rubble",
  "betty" => "rubble",

Here, it’s easy (or perhaps at least easier) to see whose name pairs with which value, even if we end up putting many pairs on one line. And notice that there’s an extra comma at the end of the list. As we saw earlier, this is harmless, but convenient; if we need to add additional people to this hash, we’ll simply make sure that each line has a key-value pair and a trailing comma. Perl will see that there is a comma between each item and the next, and one extra (harmless) comma at the end of the list.

Hash Functions

Naturally, there are some useful functions that can work on an entire hash at once.

The keys and values Functions

The keys function yields a list of all the current keys in a hash, while the values function gives the corresponding values. If there are no elements to the hash, then either function returns an empty list:

my %hash = ("a" => 1, "b" => 2, "c" => 3);
my @k = keys %hash;
my @v = values %hash;

So, @k will contain "a", "b", and "c", and @v will contain 1, 2, and 3—in some order. Remember, Perl doesn’t maintain the order of elements in a hash. But, whatever order the keys are in, the values will be in the corresponding order: If "b" is last in the keys, 2 will be last in the values; if "c" is the first key, 3 will be the first value. That’s true as long as you don’t modify the hash between the request for the keys and the one for the values. If you add elements to the hash, Perl reserves the right to rearrange it as needed, to keep the access quick.[11]

In a scalar context, these functions give the number of elements (key-value pairs) in the hash. They do this quite efficiently, without having to visit each element of the hash:

my $count = keys %hash;  # gets 3, meaning three key-value pairs

Once in a long while, you’ll see that someone has used a hash as a Boolean (true/false) expression, something like this:

if (%hash) {
  print "That was a true value!

That will be true if (and only if) the hash has at least one key-value pair.[12] So, it’s just saying, “if the hash is not empty...”. But this is a pretty rare construct, as such things go.

The each Function

If you wish to iterate over (that is, examine every element of) an entire hash, one of the usual ways is to use the each function, which returns a key-value pair as a two-element list.[13] On each evaluation of this function for the same array, the next successive key-value pair is returned, until all the elements have been accessed. When there are no more pairs, each returns an empty list.

In practice, the only way to use each is in a while loop, something like this:

while ( ($key, $value) = each %hash ) {
  print "$key => $value

There’s a lot going on here. First, each %hash returns a key-value pair from the hash, as a two-element list; let’s say that the key is "c" and the value is 3, so the list is ("c", 3). That list is assigned to the list ($key, $value), so $key becomes "c", and $value becomes 3.

But that list assignment is happening in the conditional expression of the while loop, which is a scalar context. (Specifically, it’s a Boolean context, looking for a true/false value; and a Boolean context is a particular kind of scalar context.) The value of a list assignment in a scalar context is the number of elements in the source list—2, in this case. Since 2 is a true value, we enter the body of the loop and print the message c => 3.

The next time through the loop, each %hash gives a new key-value pair; let’s say it’s ("a", 1) this time. (It knows to return a different pair than previously because it keeps track of where it is; in technical jargon, there’s an iterator stored in with each hash.[14]) Those two items are stored into ($key, $value). Since the number of elements in the source list was again 2, a true value, the while condition is true, and the loop body runs again, telling us a => 1.

We go one more time through the loop, and by now we know what to expect, so it’s no surprise to see b => 2 appear in the output.

But we knew it couldn’t go on forever. Now, when Perl evaluates each %hash, there are no more key-value pairs available. So, each has to return an empty list.[15] The empty list is assigned to ($key, $value), so $key gets undef, and $value also gets undef.

But that hardly matters, because the whole thing is being evaluated in the conditional expression of the while loop. The value of a list assignment in a scalar context is the number of elements in the source list—in this case, that’s 0. Since 0 is a false value, the while loop is done, and execution continues with the rest of the program.

Of course, each returns the key-value pairs in a jumbled order. (It’s the same order as keys and values would give, incidentally; the “natural” order of the hash.) If you need to go through the hash in order, simply sort the keys, perhaps something like this:

foreach $key (sort keys %hash) {
  $value = $hash{$key};
  print "$key => $value
  # Or, we could have avoided the extra $value variable:
  #  print "$key => $hash{$key}

We’ll see more about sorting hashes in Chapter 15.

Typical Use of a Hash

At this point, you may find it helpful to see a more concrete example.

The Bedrock library uses a Perl program in which a hash keeps track of how many books each person has checked out, among other information:

$books{"fred"} = 3;
$books{"wilma"} = 1;

It’s easy to see whether an element of the hash is true or false; do this:

if ($books{$someone}) {
  print "$someone has at least one book checked out.

But there are some elements of the hash that aren’t true:

$books{"barney"} = 0;       # no books currently checked out
$books{"pebbles"} = undef;  # no books EVER checked out - a new library card

Since Pebbles has never checked out any books, her entry has the value of undef, rather than 0.

There’s a key in the hash for everyone who has a library card. For each key (that is, for each library patron), there’s a value that is either a number of books checked out, or undef if that person’s library card has never been used.

The exists Function

To see whether a key exists in the hash, (that is, whether someone has a library card or not), use the exists function, which returns a true value if the given key exists in the hash, whether the corresponding value is true or not:

if (exists $books{"dino"}) {
  print "Hey, there's a library card for dino!

That is to say, exists $books{"dino"} will return a true value if (and only if) dino is found in the list of keys from keys %books.

The delete Function

The delete function removes the given key (and its corresponding value) from the hash. (If there’s no such key, its work is done; there’s no warning or error in that case.)

my $person = "betty";
delete $books{$person};  # Revoke the library card for $person

Note that this is not the same as storing undef into that hash element—in fact, it’s precisely the opposite! Checking exists($books{"betty"}) will give opposite results in these two cases; after a delete, the key can’t exist in the hash, but after storing undef, the key must exist.

Hash Element Interpolation

You can interpolate a single hash element into a double-quoted string just as you’d expect:

foreach $person (sort keys %books) {            # for each library patron,in order
  if ($books{$person}) {
    print "$person has $books{$person} items
";# fred has 3 items

But there’s no support for entire hash interpolation; "%books" is just the six chararcters of (literally) %books.[16] So we’ve seen all of the magical characters that need backslashing in double quotes: $ and @, because they introduce a variable to be interpolated; ", since that’s the quoting character that would otherwise end the double-quoted string; and , the backslash itself. Any other characters in a double-quoted string are non-magical and should simply stand for themselves.[17]


See Section A.4 for answers to the following exercises:

  1. [7] Write a program that will ask the user for a given name and report the corresponding family name. Use the names of people you know, or (if you spend so much time on the computer that you don’t know any actual people) use the following table:









  2. [15] Write a program that reads a series of words (with one word per line[18]) until end-of-input, then prints a summary of how many times each word was seen. (Hint: remember that when an undefined value is used as if it were a number, Perl automatically converts it to 0. It may help to look back at the earlier exercise that kept a running total.) So, if the input words were fred, barney, fred, dino, wilma, fred (all on separate lines), the output should tell us that fred was seen 3 times. For extra credit, sort the summary words in ASCII order in the output.

[1] In the olden days, we called these "associative arrays.” But the Perl community decided in about 1995 this was too many letters to type and too many syllables to say, so we changed the name to “hashes.”

[2] That’s a numeric expression, not the five-character string "50/20". If we used that five-character string as a hash key, it would stay the same five-character string, of course.

[3] Technically, Perl rebuilds the hash table as needed for larger hashes. In fact, the term “hashes” comes from the fact that a hash table is used for implementing them.

[4] Or, in fact, any scalar values, including other scalar types than the ones we’ll see in this book.

[5] This is a very common use of a hash. It’s so common, in fact, that it just might turn up in the exercises at the end of the chapter!

[6] Here’s a peek into the mind of Larry Wall: Larry says that we use curly braces instead of square brackets because we’re doing something fancier than ordinary array access, so we should use fancier punctuation.

[7] Although any list expression may be used, it must have an even number of elements, because the hash is made of key-value pairs. An odd element will likely do something unreliable, although it’s a warnable offense.

[8] Or if you don’t care that there are duplicates. For example, we could invert the %family_name hash (in which the keys are people’s given names and values are their family names) to make it easy to determine whether there is or is not anyone with a given family name in the group. Thus, in the inverted hash, if there’s no key of slate, we’d know that there’s no one with that name in the original hash.

[9] Yes, there’s also a little arrow, (->). It’s used with references, which are an advanced topic; see the perlreftutand perlrefmanpage when you’re ready for that.

[10] Well, there’s one technical difference: any bareword (a sequence of nothing but letters, digits, and underscores not starting with a digit) to the left of the big arrow is implicitly quoted. So you can leave off the quote marks on a bareword to the left of the big arrow. You may also omit the quote marks if there’s nothing but a bareword as a key inside the curly braces of a hash.

[11] Of course, if you started adding elements to the hash between keys and values, your list of values (or keys, whichever you did second) would have additional items, which would be tough to match up with the first list. So no normal programmer would do that.

[12] The actual result is an internal debugging string useful to the people who maintain Perl. It looks something like “4/16”, but the value is guaranteed to be true when the hash is non-empty, and false when it’s empty, so the rest of us can still use it for that.

[13] The other usual way to iterate over an entire hash is to use foreach on a list of keys from the hash; we’ll see that by the end of this section.

[14] Since each hash has its own private iterator, loops using each may be nested, as long as they are iterating over different hashes. And, as long as we’re already in a footnote, we may as well tell you: it’s unlikely you’ll ever need to do so, but you may reset the iterator of a hash by using the keys or values function on the hash. The iterator is also automatically reset if a new list is stored into the entire hash, or if each has iterated through all of the items to the “end” of the hash. On the other hand, adding new key-value pairs to the hash while iterating over it is generally a bad idea, since that won’t necessarily reset the iterator. That’s likely to confuse you, your maintenance programmer, and each as well.

[15] It’s being used in list context, so it can’t return undef to signal failure; that would be the one-element list (undef)instead of the empty (zero-element) list ( ).

[16] Well, it couldn’t really be anything else; if we tried to print out the entire hash, as a series of key-value pairs, that would be nearly useless. And, as we’ll see in Chapter 6, the percent sign is frequently used in printf format strings; giving it another meaning here would be terribly inconvenient.

[17] But do beware of the apostrophe ('), left square bracket ([), left curly brace ({), the small arrow (->), or double-colon (::) following a variable name in a double-quoted string, as they could perhaps mean something you didn’t intend.

[18] It has to be one word per line, because we still haven’t shown you how to extract individual words from a line of input.

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