Reading Lines with Continuation Characters

Credit: Alex Martelli


You have a file that includes long logical lines split over two or more physical lines, with backslashes to indicate that a continuation line follows. You want to process a sequence of logical lines, rejoining those split lines.


As usual, a class is the right way to wrap this functionality in Python 2.1:

class LogicalLines:

    def _ _init_ _(self, fileobj):

        # Ensure that we get a line-reading sequence in the best way possible:
        import xreadlines
            # Check if the file-like object has an xreadlines method
            self.seq = fileobj.xreadlines(  )
        except AttributeError:
            # No, so fall back to the xreadlines module's implementation
            self.seq = xreadlines.xreadlines(fileobj)

        self.phys_num = 0  # current index into self.seq (physical line number)
        self.logi_num = 0  # current index into self (logical line number)

    def _ _getitem_ _(self, index):
        if index != self.logi_num:
            raise TypeError, "Only sequential access supported"
        self.logi_num += 1
        result = []
        while 1:
            # Intercept IndexError, since we may have a last line to return
                # Let's see if there's at least one more line in self.seq
                line = self.seq[self.phys_num]
            except IndexError:
                # self.seq is finished, so break the loop if we have any
                # more data to return; else, reraise the exception, because
                # if we have no further data to return, we're finished too
                if result: break
                else: raise
            self.phys_num += 1
            if line.endswith('\
        return ''.join(result)

# Here's an example function, showing off usage:
def show_logicals(fileob, numlines=5):
    ll = LogicalLines(fileob)
    for l in ll:
        print "Log#%d, phys# %d: %s" % (
            ll.logi_num, ll.phys_num, repr(l))
        if ll.logi_num>numlines: break

if _ _name_ _=='_ _main_ _':
    from cStringIO import StringIO
    ff = StringIO(
    show_logicals( ff )


This is another sequence-bunching problem, like Recipe 4.9. In Python 2.1, a class wrapper is the most natural approach to getting reusable code for sequence-bunching tasks. We need to support the sequence protocol ourselves and handle the sequence protocol in the sequence we wrap. In Python 2.1 and earlier, the sequence protocol is as follows: a sequence must be indexable by successively larger integers (0, 1, 2, ...), and it must raise an IndexError as soon as an integer that is too large is used as its index. So, if we need to work with Python 2.1 and earlier, we must behave this way ourselves and be prepared for just such behavior from the sequence we are wrapping.

In Python 2.2, thanks to iterators, the sequence protocol is much simpler. A call to the next method of an iterator yields its next item, and the iterator raises a StopIteration when it’s done. Combined with a simple generator function that returns an iterator, this makes sequence bunching and similar tasks far easier:

from _ _future_ _ import generators

def logical_lines(fileobj):
    logical_line = []
    for physical_line in fileobj:
        if physical_line.ends_with('\
            yield ''.join(logical_line)+physical_line
            logical_line = []
    if logical_line: yield ''.join(logical_line)

See Also

Recipe 4.9; Perl Cookbook Recipe 8.1.

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