EJB 2.0: Package: javax.ejb.spi

This package is used by EJB vendors when implementing EJB container systems. It is not used by enterprise bean developers.


When you pass an EJBObject or EJBHome remote reference from one container system to another, the EJB container uses the HandleDelegate object to convert the EJBObject or EJBHome reference from a vendor-specific form to a vendor-neutral form that can be passed between different EJB vendors’ servers. HandleDelegate is an interoperability facility that is invisible to the bean developer and is for EJB vendors only. As a bean developer, you should not be concerned with it.

public interface HandleDelegate {
    public EJBHome readEJBHome(ObjectInputStream istream)
        throws throws java.io.IOException,java.lang.ClassNotFoundException;
    public EJBObject readEJBObject(ObjectInputStream istream) 
        throws throws java.io.IOException,java.lang.ClassNotFoundException;
    public void writeEJBHome(EJBHome ejbHome, ObjectOutputStream ostream) 
        throws throws java.io.IOException;
    public void writeEJBObject(EJBObject ejbObject, ObjectOutputStream ostream) 
        throws throws java.io.IOException;
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