Problems with EJB QL

EJB QL is a powerful new tool that promises to improve performance, flexibility, and portability of entity beans in container-managed persistence, but it has some design flaws and omissions.

The OBJECT( ) Operator

The use of the OBJECT() operator is unnecessary and cumbersome and provides little or no value to the bean developer. It’s trivial for EJB vendors to determine when an abstract schema type is the return value, so the OBJECT() operator provides little real value during query translation. In addition, the OBJECT() operator is applied haphazardly. It’s required when the return type is an abstract schema identifier, but not when a path expression of the SELECT clause ends in a CMR field. Both return an EJB object reference, so the use of OBJECT() in one scenario and not the other is illogical and confusing.

When questioned about this, Sun replied that several vendors had requested the use of the OBJECT() operator because it will be included in the next major release of the SQL programming language. EJB QL was designed to be similar to SQL because SQL is the query language that is most familiar to developers, but this doesn’t mean it should include functions and operations that have no real meaning in Enterprise JavaBeans.

The Missing ORDER BY Clause

Soon after you begin using EJB QL, you will probably realize that it’s missing a major component, the ORDER BY clause. Requesting ordered lists is extremely important in any query language, and most major query languages, including SQL and object query languages, support this function. The ORDER BY clause has a couple of big advantages:

  • It provides a clear mechanism for the bean developer to communicate her intentions to the EJB QL interpreter. The ORDER BY clause is unambiguous; it states exactly how a collection should be ordered (by which attributes, ascending or descending, etc.). Given that EJB QL’s purpose is to clearly describe the behavior of the find and select operations in a portable fashion, ORDER BY is clearly a significant omission.

  • In most cases, it would allow EJB QL interpreters used by EJB vendors to choose an ordering mechanism that is optimized for a particular database. Allowing the resource to perform the ordering is more efficient than having the container do it after the data is retrieved.[34] However, even if the application server vendor chooses to have the container do the ordering, the ORDER BY clause still provides the EJB vendor with a clear indication of how to order the collection. It’s up to the vendor to choose how to support the ORDER BY clause. For databases and other resources that support it, ordering can be delegated to the resource. For those resources that don’t support ordering, it can be performed by container. Without an ORDER BY clause, the deployer has to manipulate collections manually or force the container’s collection implementations to do the ordering. These two options are untenable in real-world applications in which performance is critical.

According to Sun, the ORDER BY clause was not included in this version of the specification because of problems dealing with the mismatch in ordering behavior between the Java language and databases. The example they gave had to do with string values. The semantics of ordering strings in a database may be different than those of the Java language. For example, Java orders String types according to character sequence and case (uppercase vs. lowercase). Different databases may or may not consider case while ordering, or they may not consider leading or trailing whitespace. In light of these possible differences, it seems as though Sun has a reasonable argument, but only for limiting the portability of ORDER BY, not for eliminating its use all together. EJB developers can live with less than perfect portability of the ORDER BY clause, but they cannot live without the ORDER BY clause altogether.

Another argument against using the ORDER BY clause is that it necessitates the use of java.util.List as a return type. Although the List type is supposed to be used for ordered lists, it also allows developers to place items in a specific location in the list, which in EJB would mean a specific location in the database. This is nearly impossible to support, and so appears to be a reasonable argument against using the ORDER BY clause. However, this reasoning is flawed, because there is nothing preventing EJB from using the simple Collection type for ordered queries. The understanding would be that the items are ordered, but only as long as the collection is not modified (i.e., elements are not added or removed after it is obtained). Another option is to require that EJB QL statements that use the ORDER BY clause return a java.util.Enumeration type. This seems perfectly reasonable, since the Collection received by a select or find operation shouldn’t be manipulated anyway.

While Sun has not defined EJB QL as supporting the ORDER BY clause, some EJB servers (such as BEA’s WebLogic) are expected to support it anyway using nonstandard extensions. This support is both welcome and problematic, because nonstandard extensions to EJB QL can result in nonportable enterprise beans.

Lack of Support for Date

EJB QL doesn’t provide native support for the java.util.Date class. This is not acceptable. The java.util.Date class should be supported as a natural type in EJB QL. It should be possible, for example, to do comparisons with Date CMP fields and literal and input parameters using comparison operators (=, >, >=, <, <=, <>). It should also be possible to introduce common date functions so that comparisons can be done at different levels, such as comparing the day of the week (DOW()) or month (MONTH()), etc. Of course, including the Date as a supported type in EJB QL is not trivial and problems with interpretation of dates and locales would need to be considered, but the failure to address Date as a supported type is a significant omission.

Limited Functional Expressions

While the functional expressions provided by EJB QL will be valuable to developers, many other functions should also have been included. For example, COUNT() is used often in real-world applications, but it is not currently supported in EJB QL. Other functions that would be useful include (but are not limited to) CAST() (useful for comparing different types), MAX() and MIN(), SUM(), and UPPER(). In addition, if support for java.util.Date was included in EJB QL, other date functions, such as DOW(), MONTH(), etc., could be added.

[34] It was suggested that EJB vendors could provide ordering mechanically, by having the collection sorted after it’s obtained. This is a rather ridiculous expectation, since it would require collections to be fully manifested after the query completes, eliminating the advantages of lazy loading.

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