Chapter 6. The MBean Server

So far, we have talked only about the instrumentation level of the JMX architecture. In this chapter, we will take a close look at the core of the JMX architecture, the agent level. This chapter is for those developers who want a deeper understanding of the JMX agent level, are responsible for developing protocol adaptors and connectors, or need to interact with a local MBeanServer instance.

First, we will take a quick look at the MBean server’s role in the JMX agent level, how it is implemented in the RI, how to get a reference to it, and what you can do with that reference once you have it. Next, we will take a closer look at the MBeanServerFactory class and its various methods for obtaining references to the MBean server. Then we will look at the MBeanServer interface, which is how MBeans, JMX agents, and management applications interact with the MBean server. In this section, we will also explore how to register and unregister MBeans, how to use the MBean server to interact with an MBean through its ObjectName, how to register interest in notifications, and how to query the MBean server to return a subset of registered MBeans. This section will be followed by a discussion of the MBeanRegistration interface, which gives the instrumentation developer a means of control over an MBean’s ObjectName, as well as exit points for additional processing before and after the MBean is registered and deregistered. The chapter will conclude with a look at MBeanServerDelegate, a class required by all JMX-compliant implementations to provide metadata about that particular JMX implementation.

What Is the MBean Server?

The MBean server is at the heart of the agent level of the JMX architecture. The primary function of the MBean server is to act as a registry for MBeans. It is through the MBean server that MBeans, other parts of the JMX agent, and management applications gain access to the MBeans that are registered with the MBean server. Every MBean must be registered with the MBean server in order to be managed. This is achieved by first obtaining a reference to the MBean server (we’ll see how to do that later in this chapter) and then invoking the appropriate method of the MBeanServer interface. We will discuss the MBeanServer interface in more detail later in this chapter.

A secondary function of the MBean server is to act as an intermediary to allow other JMX agents, management applications, and MBeans to monitor and manage MBeans without having a reference to the MBean object. As long as the object name of the MBean is known and the MBean is registered, an MBean can be indirectly manipulated through the MBean server in which the MBean is registered.

In the RI provided with the final release of the JMX 1.0 specification, the MBeanServer interface is fully implemented in a class called MBeanServerImpl , located in the package. If you are using the RI and are curious about the internals of the MBean server implementation, I encourage you to look at the source code for this class.

As mentioned earlier, before an MBean can be registered with the MBean server, a reference to the MBean server must be obtained. This is achieved through MBeanServerFactory , a class located in the package that must be shipped with every compliant JMX implementation. This class contains static methods that allow you to create an instance of an MBean server and find an instance of an MBean server that has already been created. Each of the methods of the MBeanServerFactory class will be discussed later in this chapter.


The MBean server implementation class (MBeanServerImpl, in the JMX 1.0 RI) should never be instantiated directly! You should always use the static methods of MBeanServerFactory to obtain a reference to an MBean server. In addition, once you obtain a reference to an MBean server, you should never cast it to an MBeanServerImpl, even though this would work when using the RI. You should always work with the MBean server through the MBeanServer interface.

We will look at the MBeanServer interface in more detail later in this chapter. Once you have a reference to an MBean server, you can:

  • Register and deregister MBeans.

  • Register interest in MBean and MBean server notifications.

  • Manipulate MBeans by getting and setting their attribute values and invoking their management operations.

  • Query the MBean server to return subsets of the MBeans that are registered within it.

We will look at each of these actions in detail in the sections that follow.


Unless otherwise noted, we will assume that we are going to work with only a single MBean server within any given JVM.

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