The Basic Relation Service Classes

The relation service classes, which were briefly mentioned in the previous section, are the basic classes needed to describe relationships between MBeans. In this section, we will take a closer look at these classes. The material here will serve as a reference for the next section, in which we will see how to write code to use the relation service. Examples will be provided in this section to point out some of the features of the various classes. In this section, we assume that the relation service has been created and has been given the variable name relationService. In the next section, Section 11.3, we will look at more detailed examples.


The RoleInfo class is used to describe the role that one or more MBeans (of the same Java class) perform. RoleInfo contains the following read-only attributes:


The name of the role. Must be unique for any given RelationType object.


The Java class name of the MBean(s) that will act in the role described by this RoleInfo object.


Indicates whether or not information about the role can be accessed.


Indicates whether or not information about the role can be modified.


The lower bound on the multiplicity (size) of the number of MBeans that may perform the role. Must be less than or equal to the maximum degree.


The upper bound on the multiplicity (size) of the number of MBeans that may perform the role. Must be greater than or equal to the minimum degree.


A human-readable description of the role.

These attributes are set using one of the three constructors provided by RoleInfo:

public RoleInfo(String theName, String theRefMBeanClassName)
  throws IllegalArgumentException, ClassNotFoundException, NotCompliantException {
  // . . .
public RoleInfo(String theName, String theRefMBeanClassName,
                boolean theIsReadable, boolean theIsWritable)
  throws IllegalArgumentException, ClassNotFoundException, NotCompliantException {
  // . . .
public RoleInfo(String theName, String theRefMBeanClassName,
                boolean theIsReadable, boolean theIsWritable,
                int theMinDegree, int theMaxDegree, String theDescription)
  throws IllegalArgumentException, InvalidRoleInfoException,
         ClassNotFoundException, NotCompliantException {
  // . . .

The first constructor shows the minimum amount of information that the agent must provide about a role: the name of the role and the class names of the MBean instances that act in that role. When you use this constructor, the other values are set to default values. The current default values in the RI are listed in Table 11-1; however, these default values might change in future releases of the JMX specification, so check the Javadoc before using them.

Table 11-1. Default values for RoleInfo attributes


Default value











The second constructor allows the agent to set the Readable and Writable attributes of the role. MinimumDegree and MaximumDegree are set to their default values.

The third constructor allows the agent to set all of the attributes of RoleInfo.


The RelationType interface is used to describe a relationship between one or more roles in an n-ary association. In this section, we will assume that we are going to use the relation service to create the RelationType object (most likely an instance of RelationSupport) on behalf of the agent, resulting in an internal relation type. To describe a relation type to the relation service, the relation service needs to know two things:

  1. What is the name of the association represented by the relation type?

  2. What RoleInfo objects are involved in the association?

The name of the association (i.e., the relation type) is a String that must be unique for all relation types that the relation service knows about (otherwise, an exception will be thrown). The agent must also create and pass an array of RoleInfo objects that represent the roles played by MBean instances, which may or may not have been instantiated at this point. The RelationType interface is defined as:

public interface RelationType extends Serializable {
  public String getRelationTypeName(  );
  public List getRoleInfo(  );
  public RoleInfo getRoleInfo(String theRoleInfoName)
    throws IllegalArgumentException, RoleInfoNotFoundException;

Through the RelationType interface, we can get access to the name of the relation type, a java.util.List object containing all of the RoleInfo objects that have been defined for this relation type, and a single RoleInfo object that corresponds to a specific role name. As we mentioned earlier, when discussing RoleInfo, the name given to a RoleInfo object must be unique within any instance of RelationType.


A role is named collection of one or more MBean object names that corresponds to a RoleInfo object. The MBeans do not have to be registered, or even instantiated, to be added to a role. When creating a Role object, we must know the name of the RoleInfo object that describes the role the collection of MBeans will perform—otherwise, the relation service will not correctly map the Role object with its corresponding RoleInfo metadata object and will throw an exception when we attempt to create a relation. By the same token, the MBeans whose object names are part of the role must be instantiated and registered with the MBean server before we attempt to create a relation using the Role object that contains them.

A Role object is created using its lone constructor:

public Role(java.lang.String theRoleName, java.util.List theRoleValue)
     throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException {
  // . . .

The first argument is the name of the role. It must match the name of a RoleInfo object that has been used to create a relation type. The second argument is a List of MBean object names (i.e., ObjectName objects) that correspond to the MBean objects that will perform the role. If either of the theRoleName or the theRoleValue parameters are null, an IllegalArgumentException will be thrown.


The RoleList class extends java.util.ArrayList and is a list of Role objects. A RoleList object is used primarily to create a relation through the createRelation( ) method of the relation service. The RoleList class is defined as:

public class RoleList extends ArrayList {
  public RoleList(  ) {
  // . . .
  public RoleList(int theInitialCapacity) {
  // . . .
  public RoleList(List theList) throws IllegalArgumentException {
  // . . .
  public void add(Role theRole) throws IllegalArgumentException {
  // . . .
  public void add(int theIndex, Role theRole)
    throws IllegalArgumentException, IndexOutOfBoundsException {
  // . . .
  public void set(int theIndex, Role theRole)
    throws IllegalArgumentException, IndexOutOfBoundsException {
  // . . .
  public boolean addAll(RoleList theRoleList)
    throws IndexOutOfBoundsException {
  // . . .
  public boolean addAll(int theIndex, RoleList theRoleList)
    throws IllegalArgumentException, IndexOutOfBoundsException {
  // . . .
  public Object clone(  ) {
  // . . .

A few convenience methods are provided on RoleList that make using it more type-safe with respect to the relation service. For example, one version of the add( ) method takes a role parameter, instead of the object parameter for the corresponding version of add( ) found in ArrayList.


This class is at the heart of the relation service. The methods on this class allow agents to create and remove relation types and relations, find relationships between MBeans, and retrieve specific information about the relations that are maintained by the relation service. The relation service implementation class, RelationService, is too large to show a complete listing here. The methods that we will use most often are:

addRelation( )

Adds an external relation to the relation service

addRelationType( )

Adds an external relation type to the relation service

createRelation( )

Creates an internal relation

createRelationType( )

Creates an internal relation type

getRole( )

Retrieves the list of MBean object names for a specific role name within a specific internal relation

removeRelation( )

Removes a specific internal relation from the relation service

removeRelationType( )

Removes a specific internal relation type from the relation service

setRole( )

Sets a writable role for a specific internal relation

You probably noticed that most of the methods on the RelationService class deal with internal relations. As we mentioned earlier, for external relations the relation service provides a class called RelationSupport, which we will discuss later in this chapter. The above list of RelationService methods is not exhaustive—in the interests of space, I have omitted the less frequently used methods from this discussion. All of the methods are described in the Javadoc delivered with the JMX RI. The RelationService class provides a single constructor:

public RelationService(boolean theImmediatePurgeFlg) {
  // . . .

The boolean argument to this constructor indicates whether or not the relation service should search for and remove invalid relations from its internal implementation immediately after an MBean that is referenced in a relation is unregistered. If the value of this parameter is true, as soon as any referenced MBean is unregistered, the relation service will check to see if the unregistration of the MBean causes any relations to become invalid. Any invalid relations will then be removed from the relation service. If the value of this parameter is false, the agent must invoke the relation service’s purgeRelations( ) method in order for this check to be made and any necessary processing to be performed.

For all internal relations, it is the job of the relation service to ensure the consistency of relations.

The RelationService class implements an MBean interface, which allows it to be controlled by a management application. Before the relation service can be used, the RelationService instance created by the agent must be registered with the MBean server.


This class is provided by the relation service as a convenience to agent developers so that relation types can be created that are external to the relation service. Typically, we would subclass the RelationTypeSupport class, provide our own constructor, and override any methods we deem necessary. For each internal relation type defined using the createRelationType( ) method of the relation service implementation, an instance of this class is created and maintained by the relation service. However, internal relation types are not directly accessible once they are created. Creating external relation types gives us more flexibility in terms of how to create and maintain relation types. The RelationTypeSupport class implements the RelationType interface and adds a protected method called addRoleInfo( ) , which allows subclasses to add a RoleInfo object to the relation type. There are two constructors for RelationTypeSupport:

public RelationTypeSupport(String theRelTypeName, RoleInfo[] theRoleInfoArray)
  throws IllegalArgumentException, InvalidRelationTypeException {
  // . . .
protected RelationTypeSupport(String theRelTypeName) {
  // . . .

The RelationTypeSupport class does not have to be subclassed, and it provides a public constructor that allows us to specify the relation type name and an array of RoleInfo objects. We can use this constructor to create a relation type that is external to the relation service, without having to subclass RelationTypeSupport.

Should we choose to subclass RelationTypeSupport, however, there is a protected constructor that allows us to specify the name of the relation type. This constructor may be called only from a subclass. Typically we will subclass RelationTypeSupport, and in our subclass’s constructor we will do two things:

  1. Delegate the relation type name to the protected constructor of RelationTypeSupport.

  2. Create the necessary RoleInfo objects and add them to the parent class one at a time, via its protected addRoleInfo( ) method.

Subclasses are also free to override the implementation of the RelationType interface provided by RelationTypeSupport as necessary.


Like RelationTypeSupport, this class is provided by the relation service as a convenience to agent developers so that relations can be created that are external to the relation service. As with the RelationTypeSupport class, we subclass the RelationSupport class, provide our own constructor, and override any methods we deem necessary. For each internal relation defined using the createRelation( ) method of the relation service implementation, an instance of this class is created and maintained by the relation service. However, internal relations are not directly accessible once they are created. Creating external relations gives us more flexibility in terms of how to create and maintain the consistency of relations. The RelationSupport class implements an MBean interface—RelationSupportMBean—that allows external relations to be controlled by a management application. This gives external relations an advantage over internal relations when it is necessary to monitor or control MBean relationships through a management application.

RelationSupport provides two constructors, defined as:

public RelationSupport(String theRelId, ObjectName theRelServiceName,
                       String theRelTypeName, RoleList theRoleList)
  throws InvalidRoleValueException, IllegalArgumentException {
  // . . .
public RelationSupport(String theRelId, ObjectName theRelServiceName,
                       MBeanServer theRelServiceMBeanServer,
                       String theRelTypeName, RoleList theRoleList)
  throws InvalidRoleValueException, IllegalArgumentException {
  // . . .

In creating a RelationSupport instance, we must provide (at minimum) the following parameters:


A String that contains the name of the relation.


The object name of the relation service.


The name of the relation type that defines the relationship between the MBeans performing the roles that make up this relation. The relation type can be either external or internal.


A List of the Role objects that make up this relation.

As we mentioned earlier, the RelationService instance created by the agent must be registered with the MBean server in order to be used. As we can see from the second parameter to both RelationSupport constructors, the object name that is assigned by the agent to the relation service is required in order to create an internal relation. In fact, not only must the object name of the relation service be provided, but the RelationService object must have been instantiated and registered with the MBean server prior to creating an external relation. This is because of certain consistency checks that the relation service makes about the external relation that is created—it cannot make these checks unless the relation service is running (and registered). In addition, the RelationSupport object maintains a reference to the MBean server with which it is registered and uses this reference to indirectly invoke methods on the relation service MBean.

The second constructor is provided only as a convenience to those agents that have not registered the external relation MBean with the MBean server, but will do so before the relation is actually referenced. The third parameter is a reference to the MBean server with which the external relation will be registered. This constructor must be used with care. Under normal circumstances, the external relation is immediately registered with the MBean server when it is created. The RelationSupport class implements the MBeanRegistration interface, so it has access to a reference to the MBean server in which it is registered (this reference is passed to the preRegister( ) method). Because the specification does not dictate when the initial consistency checks are made, it is safer to immediately register any external relations with the MBean server once they are instantiated.

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