Connecting to the Internet

Several key design issues should be considered when connecting to the Internet. These issues impact the reliability, performance and cost of Internet connectivity. I will examine several design alternatives in the following sections, then look at a case study.

Design Alternatives

There are three alternatives regarding physical connectivity between the client and the ISP(s):


A single circuit may be adequate for a small organization generating a trickle of traffic. The client organization must choose an ISP and decide on the speed of the access circuit. However, if that single circuit breaks, the entire organization will be without Internet service. Hence, if the organization’s access to the Internet is critical, multi-homing is warranted (even when the traffic volume is small).

Multi-homed to the same ISP

An organization may decide to implement multiple circuits between itself and its ISP for reliability. An organization that decides to multi-home has a more complex task at hand. Should the links be of the same speed? What should the link speeds be? How should inbound traffic be distributed over the links? How should outbound traffic be distributed over the links?

Multi-homed to different ISPs

A multi-homed organization may consider using more than one ISP for additional reliability. This will guard against failures in a single ISP network.

There are several options regarding the routing of traffic between the client organization and the Internet. Note that these options apply only to multi-homed clients; singly-homed clients have only one path for inbound and outbound traffic.

In the following discussion, I will distinguish between inbound and outbound traffic. The traffic flow from the client’s network to the Internet is referred to as outbound. The reverse flow from the Internet to the client’s network is referred to as inbound. Inbound and outbound flows need not be symmetrical.

There are several options regarding outbound traffic:

Default route

The simplest method of defining routes to external destinations is by configuring a default route ( The default route will match any destination for which a more specific route is not known via the client’s IGP. The configuration for the singly-homed client using a default route is identical to TraderMary’s configuration in Section 7.2. The single default route works well in a singly-homed scenario.

Partial routing table along with default routes

When a client is multi-homed -- say, to two different ISPs -- the two outbound paths are not equal. Some networks in the Internet will be closer via one path while others will be closer via the second path. A single default route cannot address this asymmetry. The client has two options here. The first option is for the client routers to import a partial set of routes from each ISP and use a default route for the remaining routes. The second option is to import the full routing table.

Full routing table

The full routing table may be useful in multi-homed environments to allow the most informed decision to be made. However, at the time that this book is being written, there are around 75,000 prefixes in the Internet. This places high demands on router memory and CPU resources. You should have a very good reason to import the full routing table.

Inbound routing decisions are made in the routing tables in other, external ASs. The client may set one or more BGP attributes in an attempt to influence the flow of inbound traffic. However, ISPs have their own routing policies and may disregard or override these attributes. Hence, the inbound routing policies should be implemented in conjunction with the ISP. The methods described here use the AS-PATH attribute.

Identical AS-PATH length

The option here is for the client organization to advertise all its routes on all paths with identical AS-PATH information.

AS-PATH prepend

The client organization may consider the AS-PATH prepend option to influence the path that inbound traffic will take.

The following case study implements the AS-PATH prepend option to load-balance traffic over two links.

A Case Study

BollywoodFilms has offices in Bombay and Madras in India. The corporation desires Internet connectivity. Given the notoriously poor telecommunications infrastructure in the South Asian subcontinent, they decide to establish two connections to the local ISP, ISP-SouthAsia. One connection is out of router Bombay and the other is out of router Madras. BollywoodFilms thus multi-homes to the same ISP. Figure 7-13 shows a topology of BollywoodFilms’s external network.

Internet connectivity for BollywoodFilms

Figure 7-13. Internet connectivity for BollywoodFilms

BollywoodFilms owns networks and connects to Bombay (line 51) and connects to Madras (line 61). The configurations on the routers are as follows:

    hostname Bombay
51  interface Ethernet0                            
     ip address
52  interface Serial0                              
     ip address
53  interface Serial1                        
     ip address
    router bgp 209
54   network 
55   network 
56   neighbor remote-as 209
57   neighbor remote-as 109  
58   neighbor route-map metric-adj2 out 
    access-list 1 permit
    access-list 2 permit
59  route-map metric-adj2 permit 10  
     match ip address 1
     set as-path prepend 209 209
60  route-map metric-adj2 permit 20     
     match ip address 2

    hostname Madras
61  interface Ethernet0                               
     ip address
62  interface Serial0                                 
     ip address
63    interface Serial1                                 
     ip address
    router bgp 209
     no synchronization
64   network  
65   network  
66   neighbor remote-as 209 
67   neighbor remote-as 109 
68   neighbor route-map metric-adj out    
    access-list 1 permit
    access-list 2 permit
69  route-map metric-adj permit 10                     
     match ip address 1
     set as-path prepend 209 209
70  route-map metric-adj permit 20 
     match ip address 2

Note that both routers advertise and to the ISP (lines 54, 55, 64, and 65). This ensures that inbound traffic has an alternate path if one link fails. So, if Bombay’s link to the ISP fails, external users on will receive inbound traffic via Madras, since Madras advertises to the ISP. This configuration works because Bombay and Madras have a link between each other (lines 53 and 63) over which they have an I-BGP session (lines 56 and 66).

If you look a little deeper into the above configurations (lines 58, 59, 68, and 69), you’ll see that Bombay and Madras do not advertise and equally. Bombay makes the AS-PATH attribute for look unattractive to routers in the Internet by lengthening its AS-PATH attribute using the as-path prepend command. Madras uses the same technique to make look unattractive to Internet routers. This ensures that when both ISP links are up, inbound traffic for prefers to come directly into Bombay and inbound traffic for prefers to come directly into Madras. Thus, a router in the ISP’s network would have BGP table entries with two paths for each prefix:

    ISP-SAsia#sh ip bgp
    Network          Next Hop          Metric LocPrf Weight Path
71  *                          0 209 209 209 I
    *>                0             0 209 i
72  *>            0             0 209 i       
    *                 1             0 209 209 209 i

However, the ISP router would prefer the shorter AS-PATH:

    ISP-SAsia#sh ip route
73  B [20/0] via, 00:05:58
74  B [20/0] via, 00:01:44

ISP-SouthAsia thus sees a shorter path for via Bombay (line 71) and a shorter path for via Madras (line 72). If one of these lines goes down, all inbound traffic will reroute to the other link, since the BGP tables store both paths.

However, this completes only half the screenplay. The organization decides that outbound traffic from Bombay should exit via Bombay and outbound traffic from Madras should exit via Madras. To implement this policy, ISP-SouthAsia sends a default route to Bombay and Madras, respectively. So Bombay installs a default route that points out of its serial interface to ISP-SouthAsia (line 75) and Madras installs a default route that points out of its serial interface to ISP-SouthAsia (line 76):

    Bombay#sh ip route
    Gateway of last resort is to network
75  B* [20/0] via, 00:07:21

    Madras#sh ip route
    Gateway of last resort is to network
76  B* [20/0] via, 00:04:47                 

If Bombay loses its link to ISP-SouthAsia, it will use the default route it receives from Madras via the I-BGP peering relationship:

    Bombay#sh ip bgp
    BGP table version is 72, local router ID is
    Status codes: s suppressed, d damped, h history, * valid, > best, i - internal
    Origin codes: i - IGP, e - EGP, ? - incomplete

       Network          Next Hop          Metric LocPrf Weight Path
77  *>        0             0 109 ?     
    * i                   0    100      0 109 ?

And, likewise, Madras will use the default route it receives from Bombay:

    Madras#sh ip bgp
    BGP table version is 80, local router ID is
    Status codes: s suppressed, d damped, h history, * valid, > best, i - internal
    Origin codes: i - IGP, e - EGP, ? - incomplete

       Network          Next Hop          Metric LocPrf Weight Path
78  >            0             0 109 ?      
    * i               0    100      0 109 ?
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