Chapter 13. Displaying Data with the DataGrid Control

The DataGrid control is the most feature-rich control in the ASP.NET Framework. In this chapter, you’ll learn how to use the DataGrid control to work with SQL Server database data. In particular, you’ll learn:

  • How to display data with the DataGrid control

  • How to customize the appearance of the DataGrid control

  • How to sort data with the DataGrid control

  • How to page through data with the DataGrid control

  • How to edit data with the DataGrid control

Automatically Displaying the Contents of a Database Table

Even though the DataGrid control is one of the most complicated controls in the ASP.NET Framework, it is also the easiest control to use for quickly displaying the contents of a database table. Unlike the Repeater or DataList control, the DataGrid control does not require you to create a template to display the contents of a database table.

For example, suppose that you need to quickly display the contents of the Northwind Products database table (see Figure 13.1).

Displaying the Products table in a DataGrid.

Figure 13.1. Displaying the Products table in a DataGrid.

First, you’ll need to create the necessary database objects:

  1. Add a Web Form Page named DisplayProductsGrid.aspx to your project.

  2. Drag and drop the Products database table from under the Northwind data connection in the Server Explorer window onto the Designer surface.

  3. Add an Untyped DataSet to the page.

Next, you need to add the DataGrid control to the page and bind the DataGrid to the Products DataSet:

  1. Drag and drop the DataGrid control from under the Web Forms tab in the Toolbox onto the Designer surface.

  2. Switch to the Code Editor by double-clicking the Designer surface.

  3. Enter the following code for the Page_Load method:


    private void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
      sqlDataAdapter1.Fill( dataSet1 );
      DataGrid1.DataSource = dataSet1;


    Private Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles
    VB.NET MyBase.Load
      DataGrid1.DataSource = DataSet1
    End Sub
  4. Right-click the DisplayProductsGrid.aspx page in the Solution Explorer window and select Build and Browse.

When the DisplayProductsGrid.aspx page opens, all the columns and all the rows are displayed from the Products database table.


If you prefer, you can display only certain columns from the Products table instead of all columns. To do this, don’t drag and drop the Products database table onto the Designer surface. Instead, expand the Products table in the Server Explorer window, select one or more columns while holding down the Ctrl key, and drag the selected columns onto the Designer surface.


If you are using a DataGrid simply to display database data, it’s a good idea to turn off View State for the DataGrid (you’re not using it and you are wasting bandwidth with View State enabled). Disable View State for the DataGrid by assigning the value False to the DataGrid control’s EnableViewState property. To learn more about View State see Chapter 17, “Maintaining Application State.”

Customizing the Appearance of the DataGrid Control

One problem with the page that we created in the previous section is that it is not very pretty. You wouldn’t want to use it in a production application. The column headings are named after the database table column names, and the content of the columns is not formatted. For example, the UnitPrice column is displayed as a decimal value (12.34) instead of a currency value ($12.34).

In this section, you’ll learn how to format a DataGrid by taking advantage of auto formatting and by explicitly defining the columns in a DataGrid.

Applying Auto Formatting to a DataGrid

We can immediately improve the appearance of the DataGrid by taking advantage of auto formatting. Right-click the DataGrid and select Auto Format. The Auto Format dialog box will appear (see Figure 13.2). Notice that you can select among a variety of pre-made format schemes, such as Professional, Colorful, or Classic.

The Auto Format dialog box.

Figure 13.2. The Auto Format dialog box.


Unfortunately, you cannot modify the list of format schemes displayed in the Auto Format dialog box. The list of format schemes is hard-coded into the System.Design.dll assembly within the AutoFormatDialog class.

If you don’t like any of the pre-made format schemes, you can modify the appearance of a DataGrid directly by working with the Style objects associated with the DataGrid control. The DataGrid control has the following Style objects that you can modify in the Properties window:

  • AlternatingItemStyleThese formatting properties are applied to every other row displayed in the DataGrid.

  • EditItemStyleThese formatting properties are applied to the row that is currently selected for editing.

  • FooterStyleThese formatting properties are applied to the content of the DataGrid footer.

  • HeaderStyleThese formatting properties are applied to the content of the DataGrid header.

  • ItemStyleThese formatting properties are applied to every row displayed in the DataGrid.

  • PagerStyleThese formatting properties are applied to the user interface for navigating through a DataGrid when paging is enabled.

  • SelectedItemStyleThese formatting properties are applied to the row that is currently selected.

For example, if you want every other row displayed by a DataGrid to have a yellow background color, you can expand the AlternatingItemStyle property and modify the value of the BackColor property.

Specifying Columns in a DataGrid

By default, the DataGrid control will display all the columns from the database table to which it is bound. Typically, this isn’t what you want because it provides you with little control over the formatting of each column.

You can control exactly which columns are displayed, and how the columns are formatted, by opening the Property Builder for a DataGrid. Right-click the DataGrid and select Property Builder, click the Columns tab, and you’ll see the dialog box shown in Figure 13.3.

Property Builder Columns tab.

Figure 13.3. Property Builder Columns tab.


It’s a bad idea to retrieve columns in your SELECT statement that you don’t plan to display. For example, if you retrieve all the columns from the Products table and only show the ProductName column in the DataGrid, you have pushed a lot of unnecessary data across the wire.

Notice that the Create Columns Automatically at Run Time check box is checked by default. The first thing that you should do, if you want to control the columns that appear in the DataGrid, is to uncheck this check box.

You can select columns to display by clicking Bound Column in the Available columns panel and clicking the arrow to move the Bound Column to the Selected columns panel. For each Bound Column, you can set the following properties:

  • Header text—The text that appears at the top of the column

  • Header image—An image that appears at the top of the column

  • Data Field—The name of the database column to display in the column

  • Data formatting expression—A format string used to format the values of this column

  • Footer text—The text that appears at the bottom of the column

  • Sort expression—Value passed to the SortCommand handler when sorting is enabled for the DataGrid

  • Read Only—Indicates that the column should not be editable when the row is selected for editing

  • Visible—Indicates whether the column is hidden or visible

For example, suppose that you want to modify the DisplayProductsGrid.aspx page that we created in the previous section so that it shows the ProductID, ProductName, and UnitPrice columns.

  1. Right-click the DataGrid in the DisplayProductsGrid.aspx page, select Property Builder and click the Columns tab.

  2. Uncheck the Create Columns Automatically at Run Time check box.

  3. Add a Bound Column to the Selected columns panel with the following properties:



    Header text


    Data Field


  4. Add a second Bound Column to the Selected columns panel with the following properties:



    Header text


    Data Field


  5. Add a third Bound Column to the Selected columns panel with the following properties:



    Header text


    Data Field


    Formatting expression


  6. Click OK to close the DataGrid1 Properties dialog box.

  7. Right-click the DisplayProductsGrid.aspx page in the Solution Explorer window and select Build and Browse.

After you complete these steps, the page shown in Figure 13.4 appears. Notice that the column headings are no longer the same as the database column names. Furthermore, the UnitPrice column is now formatted correctly.

Specifying DataGrid columns.

Figure 13.4. Specifying DataGrid columns.


The Property Builder dialog box has a different appearance when you work with a Typed DataSet than when you work with an Untyped DataSet. When working with a Typed DataSet, the actual column names are displayed in the Available columns dialog box.

Displaying HyperLink Columns in a DataGrid

You can use a DataGrid to display a list of hyperlinks. This is useful when you want to create a two-page Master/Detail form. You can create the master page by using a DataGrid to show a list of links. Each link can pass the ID of a record to a detail page.

For example, suppose that you want to create a master and detail page that enables you to look up detailed information on different authors. First, you need to create the master page by using the DataGrid control. We’ll start by creating the page and adding all the necessary database objects.

  1. Add a Web Form Page to your project named AuthorMaster.aspx.

  2. Drag and drop the Authors database table from the Server Explorer window onto the Designer surface.

  3. Add an Untyped DataSet to the page.

Next, we need to add a DataGrid control to the page and configure it to display a list of links to the AuthorDetail.aspx page:

  1. Add a DataGrid control to the page.

  2. Right-click the DataGrid, select Property Builder, and click the Columns tab.

  3. Uncheck the Create Columns Automatically at Run Time check box.

  4. Add a HyperLink Column to the Selected columns panel with the following properties:



    Header text


    Text field


    URL field


    URL format string


  5. Double-click the Designer surface and enter the following code for the Page_Load method:


    private void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
      sqlDataAdapter1.Fill( dataSet1 );
      DataGrid1.DataSource = dataSet1;


    Private Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles
    VB.NET MyBase.Load
      DataGrid1.DataSource = DataSet1
    End Sub
  6. Right-click the AuthorMaster.aspx page in the Solution Explorer window and select Build and Browse.

When the AuthorMaster.aspx page opens, the page should resemble the page in Figure 13.5. If you hover your mouse over the links, you can see that each link passes the author ID to the AuthorDetail.aspx page.

The AuthorMaster.aspx Page.

Figure 13.5. The AuthorMaster.aspx Page.

Next, we need to create the AuthorDetail.aspx page. On this page, we’ll use a DataReader to represent the detail information for an author and display the information in Label controls. We’ll start by creating the page and adding all the necessary database objects and controls:

  1. Add a Web Form Page to your project named AuthorDetail.aspx.

  2. In the Server Explorer window, drag the Pubs data connection from under the Data Connections tab onto the Designer surface.

  3. Add an SqlCommand object to the page.

  4. In the Properties window, select the sqlCommand1 object and assign the value sqlConnection1 to its Connection property.

  5. In the Properties window, select the sqlCommand1 object and assign the following value to the CommandText property (when the Regenerate Parameters dialog box appears, click Yes):

    Select * from Authors Where au_id=@authorID
  6. Add three Web Forms Labels to the page. Provide the first Label with an ID of lblFirstName, the second Label with an ID of lblLastName, and the third Label with an ID of lblPhone.

Next, we need to add the application logic to the page that will grab the necessary author record from the Authors database table.

  1. Double-click the Designer surface to switch to the Code Editor.

  2. Enter the following code for the Page_Load handler:


    private void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
      System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader dtrAuthor;
      string AuthorID = Request.QueryString[ "id" ];
      if (AuthorID == null)
        Response.Redirect( "AuthorMaster.aspx" );
      dtrAuthor = sqlCommand1.ExecuteReader();
      if (dtrAuthor.Read())
        lblFirstName.Text = (string)dtrAuthor["au_fname"];
        lblLastName.Text = (string)dtrAuthor["au_lname"];
        lblPhone.Text = (string)dtrAuthor["phone"];


    Private Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles
    VB.NET MyBase.Load
      Dim dtrAuthor As System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader
      Dim AuthorID As String
      AuthorID = Request.QueryString("id")
      If IsNothing(AuthorID) Then
      End If
      SqlCommand1.Parameters("@authorID").Value = AuthorID
      dtrAuthor = SqlCommand1.ExecuteReader()
      If dtrAuthor.Read() Then
         lblFirstName.Text = dtrAuthor("au_fname")
         lblLastName.Text = dtrAuthor("au_lname")
         lblPhone.Text = dtrAuthor("phone")
      End If
    End Sub
  3. Right-click the AuthorMaster.aspx page—not the AuthorDetail.aspx page—in the Solution Explorer window and select Build and Browse.

When you click a particular author’s last name in the AuthorMaster.aspx page, the author’s first name, last name, and phone number appears in the AuthorDetail.aspx page.

The Page_Load handler contains code that first checks whether an author ID has been passed to the page. If not, the user is automatically redirected to the AuthorMaster.aspx page. If an author ID can be retrieved, the author record is returned from the Authors database table and assigned to the Label controls.

Sorting Data in a DataGrid

You can use a DataGrid to sort records retrieved from a database table. When a DataGrid has sorting enabled, the DataGrid column headers appear as links. When you click a link, the rows in the DataGrid are sorted in order of that column.

For example, suppose that you want to display a DataGrid that enables you to sort the records in the Titles database table. First, you need to create the Web Form Page and add the necessary database objects:

  1. Add a Web Form Page to your project named SortGrid.aspx.

  2. Drag and drop the Titles database table from under the Pubs data connection in the Server Explorer window onto the Designer surface.

  3. Add an Untyped DataSet to the page.

  4. Add a DataView to the page.

Notice that we’ve added a DataView to the page. We need to add a DataView to create a sortable representation of the data in the DataSet.

Next, you need to add a DataGrid control to the page and enable sorting for the DataGrid:

  1. Add a DataGrid to the page.

  2. Right-click the DataGrid and select Property Builder. Check the Allow Sorting check box and click OK.

Next, you need to add the application logic to the page that retrieves the database data and binds the data to the DataGrid:

  1. Switch to the Code Editor by double-clicking the Designer surface.

  2. Enter the following code for the Page_Load handler:


    private void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
      if (!Page.IsPostBack)
        BindGrid( "Title" );


    Private Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles
    VB.NET MyBase.Load
      If Not Page.IsPostBack Then
      End If
    End Sub
  3. Enter the following BindGrid() method below the Page_Load handler:


    void BindGrid( string strSort )
      sqlDataAdapter1.Fill( dataSet1 );
      dataView1 = dataSet1.Tables[0].DefaultView;
      dataView1.Sort = strSort;
      DataGrid1.DataSource = dataView1;


    Sub BindGrid(ByVal strSort As String)
      DataView1 = DataSet1.Tables(0).DefaultView
      DataView1.Sort = strSort
      DataGrid1.DataSource = DataView1
    End Sub

If you build and browse the page at this point, the DataGrid will appear with the data from the Titles database table. However, if you click a column heading, nothing happens. The data isn’t sorted.

There’s one last step you must perform to get the DataGrid to sort the data. The DataGrid control raises the SortCommand event whenever you click a column heading. You must add a handler for this event to the page.

Procedure 13.1. C# Steps

  1. Switch back to the Designer by selecting Designer from the View menu.

  2. In the Properties window, select the DataGrid control and click the Events icon (the lightning bolt). Clicking the Events icon will display a list of all the events associated with the DataGrid.

  3. Double-click next to the SortCommand event. This will switch you to the Code Editor and add a SortCommand event handler.

  4. Enter the following code for the SortCommand handler:

    private void DataGrid1_SortCommand(object source, System.Web.UI.WebControls
    C# Steps.DataGridSortCommandEventArgs e)
      BindGrid( e.SortExpression );
  5. Right-click the SortGrid.aspx page in the Solution Explorer window and select Build and Browse.

Procedure 13.2. VB.NET Steps

  1. In the Class Name drop-down list that appears at the top-left of the Code Editor, select the DataGrid1 control.

  2. In the Method Name drop-down list that appears at the top-right of the Code Editor, select the SortCommand event. This will add a SortCommand event handler to the Code Editor.

  3. Enter the following code for the SortCommand handler:

    Private Sub DataGrid1_SortCommand(ByVal source As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI
    VB.NET Steps.WebControls.DataGridSortCommandEventArgs) Handles DataGrid1.SortCommand
    End Sub
  4. Right-click the SortGrid.aspx page in the Solution Explorer window and select Build and Browse.

After you complete these steps, the DataGrid will display the contents of the Titles table. If you click any of the column headings, that column will sort the rows displayed by the DataGrid.

Notice that you had to add the application logic yourself to the page to enable sorting. The contents of the DataGrid are sorted with the DataView object.

Using Caching with Sorting

One problem with the page that we created in the previous section is that it is not very efficient. Whenever you click a column to sort the DataGrid, all the data must be retrieved from the database again. Because accessing a database table is a slow operation, the page is not as efficient as it could be.

There’s an easy way to fix this. You can cache the records retrieved from the database in the Web server’s memory by taking advantage of the Cache object. Retrieving records from a database table is slow, but retrieving records from memory is lightning fast.

In the SortGrid.aspx page, make the following modifications to the BindGrid() method:


void BindGrid( string strSort )
  dataSet1 = (DataSet)Cache[ "Titles" ];

  if (dataSet1 == null )
     dataSet1 = new DataSet();
     sqlDataAdapter1.Fill( dataSet1 );
     Cache[ "Titles" ] = dataSet1;
  dataView1 = dataSet1.Tables[0].DefaultView;
  dataView1.Sort = strSort;
  DataGrid1.DataSource = dataView1;


Sub BindGrid(ByVal strSort As String)
  DataSet1 = Cache("Titles")

  If DataSet1 Is Nothing Then
     DataSet1 = New DataSet()
     Cache("Titles") = DataSet1
  End If
  DataView1 = DataSet1.Tables(0).DefaultView
  DataView1.Sort = strSort
  DataGrid1.DataSource = DataView1
End Sub

If you rebuild the page (by right-clicking the SortGrid.aspx page in the Solution Explorer window and selecting Build and Browse), the database will be accessed only once, when the page first opens. You can test this by temporarily stopping the Microsoft SQL Server service:

  1. Open the Microsoft SQL Server Service Manager by going to Start, Programs, Microsoft SQL Server, Service Manager.

  2. Click the Stop button.

Now that you’ve shut down Microsoft SQL Server, there’s no possibility that the SortGrid.aspx page can retrieve data from the Titles database table. However, if you refresh the page in the browser, the DataGrid will continue to display the database records. The records have been cached in memory.

Performing Ascending and Descending Sorts

If you click a column heading twice in the SortGrid.aspx page, the rows in the DataGrid will not be sorted in a different order. Clicking a column heading always sorts in ascending order. In other words, our SortGrid.aspx page does not support ascending and descending sorts.

We can fix this by adding some memory to the page. The page needs to remember the last order in which the records were sorted and reverse the order.

To enable both ascending and descending sorts, make the following modifications to the SortCommand event handler:


private void DataGrid1_SortCommand(object source, System.Web.UI.WebControls
C#.DataGridSortCommandEventArgs e)
string strSort = (string)ViewState[ "Sort" ];
string strDirection = (string)ViewState[ "Direction" ];

if (strSort != e.SortExpression)
     strSort = e.SortExpression;
     strDirection = "asc";
     if (strDirection == "asc")
       strDirection = "desc";
       strDirection = "asc";
ViewState[ "Sort" ] = strSort;
ViewState[ "Direction" ] = strDirection;

BindGrid( strSort + " " + strDirection );


Private Sub DataGrid1_SortCommand(ByVal source As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI
VB.NET.WebControls.DataGridSortCommandEventArgs) Handles DataGrid1.SortCommand
  Dim strSort As String
  Dim strDirection As String

  strSort = ViewState("Sort")
  strDirection = ViewState("Direction")

  If (strSort <> e.SortExpression) Then

     strSort = e.SortExpression
     strDirection = "asc"
     If (strDirection = "asc") Then
       strDirection = "desc"
       strDirection = "asc"
     End If
  End If
  ViewState("Sort") = strSort
  ViewState("Direction") = strDirection

  BindGrid(strSort + " " + strDirection)
End Sub

This code stores the previous sort order in the page’s ViewState. If you click a column heading and it matches the column name stored in ViewState, the sort direction is reversed.

Paging Through Records in a DataGrid

If you have a large number of records that you need to display, it makes sense to divide the records into multiple logical pages (see Figure 13.6). The DataGrid control has built-in support for paging. You can navigate from page to page by using page numbers or by using next and previous links.

DataGrid with paging enabled.

Figure 13.6. DataGrid with paging enabled.

For example, suppose that you want to display the contents of the Products database table by displaying five records per page. First, you need to create a new Web Form Page and add the necessary database objects:

  1. Add a Web Form Page to your project named PageGrid.aspx.

  2. Drag and drop the Products database table from the Server Explorer window onto the Designer surface.

  3. Add an Untyped DataSet to the page.

Next, you need to add a DataGrid and enable paging for the DataGrid:

  1. Add a DataGrid control to the page.

  2. Right-click the DataGrid control and select Property Builder. Click the Paging tab (you should see the dialog box shown in Figure 13.7).

    Property Builder paging tab.

    Figure 13.7. Property Builder paging tab.

  3. Select the Allow Paging check box.

  4. Enter the value 5 for the Page Size property.

  5. Change Mode to Page Numbers.

Next, you need to add the application logic necessary to bind the DataGrid to the DataSet:

  1. Double-click the Designer surface to switch to the Code Editor.

  2. Enter the following code for the Page_Load handler:


    private void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
    if (!Page.IsPostBack)


    Private Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles
    VB.NET MyBase.Load
      If Not Page.IsPostBack Then
      End If
    End Sub
  3. Below the Page_Load handler, enter the following BindGrid() method:


    void BindGrid()
      sqlDataAdapter1.Fill( dataSet1 );
      DataGrid1.DataSource = dataSet1;


    Sub BindGrid()
      DataGrid1.DataSource = DataSet1
    End Sub

If you build and browse the page at this point, you would see the records from the Products table displayed in the DataGrid. Furthermore, you would see a list of page numbers at the bottom of the DataGrid. If you click a page number, however, nothing would happen. The same set of records would be displayed.

Before paging will work in a DataGrid, you must add an event handler for the PageIndexChanged event. This event is raised whenever you click a page number:

Procedure 13.3. C# Steps

  1. Switch back to the Designer by selecting Designer from the View menu.

  2. In the Properties window, select the DataGrid control.

  3. Click the Events icon at the top of the Properties window (it looks like a lightning bolt).

  4. Double-click next to the PageIndexChanged event. This will switch you back to the Code Editor.

  5. Enter the following code for the PageIndexChanged handler:

    private void DataGrid1_PageIndexChanged(object source, System.Web.UI.WebControls
    C# Steps.DataGridPageChangedEventArgs e)
      DataGrid1.CurrentPageIndex = e.NewPageIndex;
  6. Right-click the PageGrid.aspx page in the Solution Explorer window and select Build and Browse.

Procedure 13.4. VB.NET Steps

  1. Select DataGrid1 in the Class Name drop-down list that appears at the top left of the Code Editor.

  2. Select the PageIndexChanged event from the Method Name drop-down list that appears at the top right of the Code Editor.

  3. Enter the following code for the PageIndexChanged subroutine:

    Private Sub DataGrid1_PageIndexChanged(ByVal source As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI
    VB.NET Steps.WebControls.DataGridPageChangedEventArgs) Handles DataGrid1.PageIndexChanged
      DataGrid1.CurrentPageIndex = e.NewPageIndex
    End Sub
  4. Right-click the PageGrid.aspx page in the Solution Explorer window and select Build and Browse.

When the page opens, you can click the different page numbers that appear at the bottom of the DataGrid to navigate to different pages.

Customizing the Paging User Interface

You can customize the appearance of the navigation links for paging in two places. First, you can modify the appearance of the paging user interface by modifying the DataGridPagerStyle object exposed by the DataGrid control’s PagerStyle property.

You can view all the formatting options made available by the DataGridPagerStyle object by selecting the DataGrid in the Properties window and expanding the PagerStyle property. For example, you can modify such properties as the background color, the font, the horizontal alignment, and the position of the paging user interface.

You can also modify the majority of these properties by taking advantage of the Property Builder. Right-click the DataGrid control on the Designer surface and select Property Builder. Select the Paging tab to view the list of properties that you can modify:

  • Allow Paging—Enables or disables paging for the DataGrid. This property corresponds to the DataGrid control’s AllowPaging property.

  • Page Size—The number of records to display on a page. This property corresponds to the DataGrid control’s PageSize property.

  • Show navigation buttons—Hides or displays the paging user interface. This property corresponds to the DataGrid control’s PagerStyle Visible property.

  • Position—Indicates whether the paging user interface appears at the bottom, top, or both top and bottom of the DataGrid. This property corresponds to the DataGrid control’s PagerStyle Position property.

  • Mode—Indicates whether page numbers or next and previous links are displayed (you can’t pick both). This property corresponds to the DataGrid control’s PagerStyle Mode property.

  • Next page button text—The text that appears for the previous page link. This property corresponds to the DataGrid control’s PagerStyle NextPageText property.

  • Previous page button text—The text that appears for the next page link. This property corresponds to the DataGrid control’s PagerStyle PrevPageText property.

  • Numeric Buttons—The number of page numbers to display before showing ellipsis points(useful when there are a lot of page numbers). This property corresponds to the DataGrid control’s PagerStyle PageButtonCount property.

Using Caching with Paging

There’s one big problem with our PageGrid.aspx page. Whenever you click a page number in the PageGrid.aspx page, the PageIndexChanged handler is executed. This handler retrieves all the records from the Products database table. It’s important to realize that this handler doesn’t only retrieve the records for the current page; it retrieves all records. If the Products database table contains three billion records, all three billion records would be retrieved just to show the five records for the currently selected page.

If you are working with a relatively small table, you might decide to live with this inefficiency. But, when it comes to large tables, the DataGrid control’s built-in paging mechanism won’t work.

For certain applications, you can get around this problem by taking advantage of the Cache object. You can cache all the records in the Web server’s memory and avoid accessing the database whenever someone navigates to a new page. The following code modifies the BindGrid() method to take advantage of the Cache object:


void BindGrid()
  dataSet1 = (DataSet)Cache[ "Products" ];
  if (dataSet1 == null)
    dataSet1 = new DataSet();
    sqlDataAdapter1.Fill( dataSet1 );
    Cache[ "Products" ] = dataSet1;
  DataGrid1.DataSource = dataSet1;


Sub BindGrid()
  DataSet1 = Cache("Products")
  If DataSet1 Is Nothing Then
    DataSet1 = New DataSet()
    Cache("Products") = DataSet1
  End If
  DataGrid1.DataSource = DataSet1
End Sub

This code will add the DataSet that represents the Products database table to the Cache the first time the page is accessed. Any time the page is accessed in the future, the database records will be retrieved from the server’s memory instead of the database.


Using the Cache object will not completely solve the problem. If you are working with a truly huge set of data, you might not want to cache the entire set of database records. In that case, you have no choice but to implement custom paging. The topic of custom paging is outside the scope of this book. To learn more about custom paging, see Chapter 11, “Using the DataList and DataGrid Controls,” in ASP.NET Unleashed.

Editing Database Records in a DataGrid

In this section, you’ll learn two ways of editing the database records displayed in a DataGrid.

First, you’ll learn how to implement editing by using Bound Columns. This is the fastest method of implementing editing, but it has some significant limitations. Next, we’ll take a look at how you can implement editing with Template Columns.

Editing with Bound Columns

Before walking through the steps necessary to enable editing with a DataGrid control, you need to be warned that you must write all the database logic to perform the editing yourself. Microsoft has provided you only with the user interface for editing. You must write the application logic to update the underlying database.

We’ll write all the necessary code for updating a database table in this section. We’ll create a DataGrid that enables us to update the Products database table.

Let’s start by creating the page and adding the necessary database objects:

  1. Add a Web Form Page to your project named EditGrid.aspx.

  2. Drag and drop the Products database table from the Server Explorer window onto the Designer surface.

  3. Add an Untyped DataSet to the page.

Next, we need to add a DataGrid control to the page and configure the DataGrid for editing:

  1. Add a DataGrid control to the page.

  2. Right-click the DataGrid, select Property Builder, and click the Columns tab.

  3. Uncheck the Create Columns Automatically at Run Time check box.

  4. In the Available columns panel, expand Button Column, and add the Edit, Update, Cancel Columns to the Selected columns panel.

  5. Enter the following three bound columns:

    Header Text

    Data Field

    Read Only










  6. Click OK to close the Property Builder dialog box.

Next, we need to bind the DataGrid control to the DataSet that represents the Products database table:

  1. Double-click the Designer surface to switch to the Code Editor.

  2. Enter the following code for the Page_Load handler:


    private void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
    if (!Page.IsPostBack)


    Private Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles
    VB.NET MyBase.Load
      If Not Page.IsPostBack Then
      End If
    End Sub
  3. Enter the following BindGrid() method below the Page_Load handler:


    void BindGrid()
      sqlDataAdapter1.Fill( dataSet1 );
      DataGrid1.DataSource = dataSet1;
      DataGrid1.DataKeyField = "ProductID";


    Sub BindGrid()
      DataGrid1.DataSource = DataSet1
      DataGrid1.DataKeyField = "ProductID"
    End Sub

If you build and browse the EditGrid.aspx page at this point, you would see the page in Figure 13.8. If you click the Edit link, however, nothing would happen. You must add a handler for the EditCommand event before the DataGrid will do anything.

DataGrid with editing user interface.

Figure 13.8. DataGrid with editing user interface.

Procedure 13.5. C# Steps

  1. Switch back to the Designer by selecting Designer from the View menu.

  2. In the Properties window, select the DataGrid and click the Events icon at the top of the Properties window (the icon that looks like a lightning bolt).

  3. Double-click the EditCommand event. This will switch you to the Code Editor.

  4. Enter the following code for the EditCommand handler:

    private void DataGrid1_EditCommand(object source, System.Web.UI.WebControls
    C# Steps.DataGridCommandEventArgs e)
      DataGrid1.EditItemIndex = e.Item.ItemIndex;

Procedure 13.6. VB.NET Steps

  1. In the Class Name drop-down list that appears at the top-left of the Code Editor, select DataGrid1.

  2. In the Method Name drop-down list that appears at the top-right of the Code Editor, select the EditCommand event. This will add a new EditCommand handler to the Code Editor.

  3. Enter the following code for the EditCommand handler:

    Private Sub DataGrid1_EditCommand(ByVal source As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI
    VB.NET Steps.WebControls.DataGridCommandEventArgs) Handles DataGrid1.EditCommand
      DataGrid1.EditItemIndex = e.Item.ItemIndex
    End Sub

The EditCommand event handler that we just added selects a row for editing and calls BindGrid() to display the updated DataGrid control. When you click the Edit link next to a row, any column that is not marked as read-only is automatically displayed as a single-line text box. Furthermore, the Edit link is replaced with an Update and Cancel link.

The next step is to create an event-handler for the CancelCommand—the event that is raised when you click the Cancel link.

Procedure 13.7. C# Steps

  1. Switch back to the Designer by selecting Designer from the View menu.

  2. In the Properties window, select the DataGrid and click the Events icon (the lightning bolt) that appears at the top of the Properties window.

  3. Double-click next to the CancelCommand event. This will switch you back to the Code Editor.

  4. Enter the following code for the CancelCommand event:

    private void DataGrid1_CancelCommand(object source, System.Web.UI.WebControls
    C# Steps.DataGridCommandEventArgs e)
      DataGrid1.EditItemIndex = -1;

Procedure 13.8. VB.NET Steps

  1. In the Class Name drop-down list, select the DataGrid control.

  2. In the Method Name drop-down list, select the CancelCommand event. This will add a CancelCommand handler to the Code Editor.

  3. Enter the following code for the CancelCommand handler:

    Private Sub DataGrid1_CancelCommand(ByVal source As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI
    VB.NET Steps.WebControls.DataGridCommandEventArgs) Handles DataGrid1.CancelCommand
      DataGrid1.EditItemIndex = -1
    End Sub

When you click the Cancel link, the value -1 is assigned to the EditItemIndex property. This value unselects all rows for editing.

Finally, we need to add the event handler for the UpdateCommand event. We’ll use this handler to execute an SqlCommand to update the underlying database. Let’s start by adding the SqlCommand object to the page:

  1. Switch back to the Designer by selecting Designer from the View menu.

  2. Add a SqlCommand object to the page.

  3. In the Properties window, select the SqlCommand object.

  4. In the Properties window, double-click next to Connection property to assign sqlConnection1 as the value of the Connection property.

  5. In the Properties window, enter the following code for the CommandText property:

    UPDATE Products
    SET ProductName = @ProductName, UnitPrice = @UnitPrice
    WHERE (ProductID = @ProductID)

Now, we can execute the SqlCommand within the UpdateCommand handler:

Procedure 13.9. C# Steps

  1. In the Properties window, select the DataGrid and click the Events icon (the lightning bolt).

  2. Double-click next to the UpdateCommand event. This will switch you back to the Code Editor.

  3. Enter the following code for the UpdateCommand handler:

    private void DataGrid1_UpdateCommand(object source, System.Web.UI.WebControls
    C# Steps.DataGridCommandEventArgs e)
      // Retrieve TextBox Controls from DataGrid
      TextBox txtProductName = (TextBox)e.Item.Cells[2].Controls[0];
      TextBox txtUnitPrice = (TextBox)e.Item.Cells[3].Controls[0];
      // Assign Parameters to SqlCommand
      sqlCommand1.Parameters["@ProductName"].Value= txtProductName.Text;
      sqlCommand1.Parameters["@UnitPrice"].Value = txtUnitPrice.Text;
      sqlCommand1.Parameters["@ProductID"].Value = DataGrid1.DataKeys[ e.Item.ItemIndex ];
      // Execute SqlCommand
      // Deselect Row for Editing
      DataGrid1.EditItemIndex = -1;
  4. Right-click the EditGrid.aspx page in Solution Explorer and select Build and Browse.

Procedure 13.10. VB.NET Steps

  1. Double-click the Designer surface to switch back to the Code Editor.

  2. Select DataGrid1 from the Class Name drop-down list that appears at the top left of the Code Editor.

  3. Select the UpdateCommand event from the Method Name drop-down list that appears at the top right of the Code Editor. This will add an UpdateCommand event handler.

  4. Enter the following code for the UpdateCommand handler:

    Private Sub DataGrid1_UpdateCommand(ByVal source As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI
    VB.NET Steps.WebControls.DataGridCommandEventArgs) Handles DataGrid1.UpdateCommand
      ' Retrieve TextBox Controls from DataGrid
      Dim txtProductName As TextBox
      Dim txtUnitPrice As TextBox
      txtProductName = CType(e.Item.Cells(2).Controls(0), TextBox)
      txtUnitPrice = CType(e.Item.Cells(3).Controls(0), TextBox)
      ' Assign Parameters to SqlCommand
      SqlCommand1.Parameters("@ProductName").Value = txtProductName.Text
      SqlCommand1.Parameters("@UnitPrice").Value = txtUnitPrice.Text
      SqlCommand1.Parameters("@ProductID").Value = DataGrid1.DataKeys(e.Item.ItemIndex)
      ' Execute SqlCommand
      ' Deselect Row for Editing
      DataGrid1.EditItemIndex = -1
    End Sub
  5. Right-click the EditGrid.aspx page in the Solution Explorer window and select Build and Browse.

When the EditGrid.aspx page opens, you can click next to any row to edit it. You can change the contents of both the ProductName and UnitPrice columns in the underlying database table.

The UpdateCommand event handler requires some explanation. The first lines in the handler are used to retrieve the ProductName and UnitPrice TextBox controls from the DataGrid. The Cells collection represents the columns in the DataGrid, so passing the index 2 to the Cells collection returns the ProductName text box, and passing the index 3 returns the UnitPrice text box. The first two cells contain the Edit, Update, Cancel, and ProductID columns.

Next, the UpdateCommand handler initializes the parameters for the SqlCommand object and executes the Update command. Finally, the current row is deselected for editing by assigning the value -1 to the DataGrid control’s EditItemIndex property, and the DataGrid is updated by calling BindGrid().

Adding a Delete Button to the DataGrid Control

The DataGrid control that we created in the previous section enables you to update rows in the Products database table. However, it does not allow you to delete a row. In this section, we’ll add an additional column to the DataGrid that contains a Delete link.

  1. Right-click the DataGrid control on the Designer surface, select Property Builder, and click the Columns tab.

  2. In the Available Columns panel, expand Button Columns, select the Delete column, and copy the Delete column over to the Selected columns panel.

  3. Move the Delete column to the top of the list in the Selected columns panel by clicking the up arrow.

  4. Click OK to close the Property Builder dialog box.

Next, you need to add a new SqlCommand object to the EditGrid.aspx page that represents an SQL Delete command.

  1. Add a new SqlCommand object to the page.

  2. In the Properties window, select the new SqlCommand.

  3. Double-click next to the SqlCommand’s Connection property. This will assign the value sqlConnection1 to the Connection property.

  4. Enter the following SQL Delete command for the CommandText property:

    DELETE FROM Products
    WHERE (ProductID = @ProductID)

Finally, we need to add an event handler for the Delete link that will execute the SqlCommand.

Procedure 13.11. C# Steps

  1. In the Properties window, select the DataGrid control and click the Events icon (the lightning bolt).

  2. Double-click next to the DeleteCommand event. This will switch you to the Code Editor.

  3. Enter the following code for the DeleteCommand handler:

    private void DataGrid1_DeleteCommand(object source, System.Web.UI.WebControls
    C# Steps.DataGridCommandEventArgs e)
      sqlCommand2.Parameters[ "@ProductID" ].Value
         = DataGrid1.DataKeys[ e.Item.ItemIndex ];
  4. Right-click the EditGrid.aspx page in the Solution Explorer window and select Build and Browse.

Procedure 13.12. VB.NET Steps

  1. Double-click the Designer surface to switch to the Code Editor.

  2. From the Class Name drop-down list that appears at the top left of the Code Editor, select DataGrid1.

  3. From the Method Name drop-down list that appears at the top right of the Code Editor, select DeleteCommand. This will add a DeleteCommand handler to the Code Editor.

  4. Enter the following code for the DeleteCommand handler:

    Private Sub DataGrid1_DeleteCommand(ByVal source As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI
    VB.NET Steps.WebControls.DataGridCommandEventArgs) Handles DataGrid1.DeleteCommand
      SqlCommand2.Parameters("@ProductID").Value = DataGrid1.DataKeys(e.Item.ItemIndex)
    End Sub
  5. Right-click the EditGrid.aspx page in the Solution Explorer and select Build and Browse.

After you complete these steps, you can delete any row displayed in the DataGrid control by clicking the Delete link. Clicking the Delete link causes the DeleteCommand handler to execute. This handler executes an SQL Delete command to delete the row from the underlying database table.

Using Smart Navigation with a DataGrid

When you click the Edit, Update, Cancel, or Delete link next to a row in the DataGrid control, the page containing the DataGrid is reloaded. Regardless of where you click in a DataGrid, the page reloads and you are brought back to the very top of the page.

This can be confusing. Fortunately, there is an easy fix for this problem. You can take advantage of something called smart navigation. Smart navigation automatically returns you to the same place in a DataGrid when the page containing the DataGrid is reloaded.

Perform the following steps to enable smart navigation for a page:

  1. In the Properties window, select Document.

  2. Assign the value True to the smartNavigation property.

You should be warned that smart navigation only works with Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0 or later. It does not work with any version of the Netscape browser (it’s ignored).


Smart navigation is implemented with a JScript library that you can find in the following directory:


Editing with Template Columns

There are two significant limitations involved with using a DataGrid to edit database records when using bound columns. First, you cannot perform any validation. If you attempt to enter the value apple for the Price column, a big, fat error is generated when the page is rendered.

Second, you have no control over the appearance of the editing user interface. Columns selected for editing appear in a single-line TextBox control. You can’t edit fields using other types of controls, such as RadioButtonList or DropDownList controls.

The solution to both of these problems is Template Columns. You can add validation controls to a Template Column. Furthermore, you can add any form controls, such as DropDownList and multi-line TextBox controls, to a Template Column that you want.

In this section, we’ll create another page for editing the records in the Products database table. This time, however, we’ll add a RequiredFieldValidator control to the ProductName column. We’ll also enable users to select the category for a product from a DropDownList control (see Figure 13.9).

DataGrid with Template Columns.

Figure 13.9. DataGrid with Template Columns.

First, let’s create the Web Form Page and add the necessary database objects:

  1. Add a Web Form Page to your project named EditTemplate.aspx.

  2. Drag and drop the Products database table from the Server Explorer window onto the Designer surface.

  3. Add an Untyped DataSet to the page.

  4. Drag and drop the Categories database table from the Server Explorer window onto the Designer surface.

  5. Add a second Untyped DataSet to the page.

After you complete these steps, you’ll have two DataSets on the page—one DataSet represents the Products table, and one DataSet represents the Categories table.

Next, you need to add the DataGrid control to the page and configure its Template Columns:

  1. Add a DataGrid control to the page.

  2. Right-click the DataGrid, select Property Builder, and click the Columns tab.

  3. Uncheck the Create Columns Automatically at Run Time check box.

  4. Add an Edit, Update, Cancel column by expanding Button Column in the Available columns panel, selecting the Edit, Update, Cancel column, and moving it to the Selected columns panel.

  5. Add the following two Template Columns to the Selected columns panel:

    • Header text

    • Name

    • Category

  6. Click OK to close the Property Builder dialog box.

  7. Right-click the DataGrid and select Auto Format. Select the Professional 1 scheme and click OK.

Next, we need to add templates to the two Template Columns that we created in the DataGrid. For both the Name and Category columns, we need to create an ItemTemplate and EditItemTemplate.

  1. Switch to HTML View by clicking the HTML tab at the bottom left of the Designer.

  2. Find the DataGrid tag in the HTML source.

  3. Inside the DataGrid tag, add the following code to the first TemplateColumn:

    <asp:TemplateColumn HeaderText="Name">
      <%# DataBinder.Eval( Container, "DataItem.ProductName" )%>
        Text='<%# DataBinder.Eval( Container, "DataItem.ProductName" )%>'
  4. Inside the DataGrid tag, add the following code to the second TemplateColumn:

    <asp:TemplateColumn HeaderText="Category">
      <%# ShowCategory( DataBinder.Eval( Container, "DataItem.CategoryID" ) )%>
        DataSource='<%# dataSet2 %>'
        SelectedIndex='<%# SelectCategory( DataBinder.Eval( Container, "DataItem.CategoryID" )
    DataGrid with Template Columns. )%>'
        Runat="server" />

The first Template Column contains an ItemTemplate for displaying the value of the ProductName column and an EditItemTemplate for editing the value of the ProductName column. Notice that the EditItemTemplate contains a RequiredFieldValidator control. This control prevents a user from attempting to submit a blank value for ProductName.

The second Template Column contains an ItemTemplate for displaying the current category associated with the product. It also contains an EditItemTemplate that contains a drop-down list that displays a list of all the categories from the Categories database table so that a user can pick a new category when editing the row.

The TemplateColumn used for displaying the product category takes advantage of two methods. The ItemTemplate uses a ShowCategory() method to display the current category. The EditItemTemplate uses a SelectCategory() method to make the current category the default category in the DropDownList control.

We’ll create those two methods by doing the following:

  1. Switch to the Code Editor by double-clicking the Designer surface.

  2. Type the following method (ShowCategory()) into the Code Editor:


    public string ShowCategory(object CategoryID )
      if (CategoryID==DBNull.Value)
        return String.Empty;
      DataRow[] drows =
        dataSet2.Tables[0].Select("CategoryID=" + CategoryID);
      return (string)drows[0]["CategoryName"];


    Function ShowCategory(ByVal CategoryID As Object) As String
      Dim drows() As DataRow
      If IsDBNull(CategoryID) Then
        Return String.Empty
      End If
      drows = DataSet2.Tables(0).Select("CategoryID=" & CategoryID)
      Return drows(0)("CategoryName")
    End Function
  3. Type the following method (SelectCategory()) into the Code Editor:


    public int SelectCategory(object CategoryID )
      DataTable dtblCategories = dataSet2.Tables[0];
      for (int i = 0;i < dtblCategories.Rows.Count;i++)
        if ((int)dtblCategories.Rows[i]["CategoryID"] == (int)CategoryID )
          return i;
      return 0;


    Function SelectCategory(ByVal CategoryID As Object) As Integer
      Dim i As Integer
      Dim dtblCategories = DataSet2.Tables(0)
      For i = 0 To dtblCategories.Rows.Count - 1
        If dtblCategories.Rows(i)("CategoryID") = CategoryID Then
          Return i
        End If
      Return 0
    End Function

Next, we need to fill the two DataSets and bind the Products DataSet to the DataGrid:

  1. Enter the following code for the Page_Load handler:


    private void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
      if (!Page.IsPostBack)


    Private Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles
    VB.NET MyBase.Load
      If Not Page.IsPostBack Then
      End If
    End Sub
  2. Enter the following BindGrid() method below the Page_Load handler:


    void BindGrid()
      sqlDataAdapter1.Fill( dataSet1 );
      sqlDataAdapter2.Fill( dataSet2 );
      DataGrid1.DataSource = dataSet1;
      DataGrid1.DataKeyField = "ProductID";


    Sub BindGrid()
      DataGrid1.DataSource = DataSet1
      DataGrid1.DataKeyField = "ProductID"
    End Sub

Now, we have to add the event handlers for the EditCommand and CancelCommand events.

Procedure 13.13. C# Steps

  1. Switch back to the Designer by selecting Designer from the View menu.

  2. In the Properties window, select the DataGrid control and click the Events icon (the lightning bolt).

  3. Double-click next to the EditCommand event. This will switch you back to the Code Editor.

  4. Enter the following code for the EditCommand handler:

    private void DataGrid1_EditCommand(object source, System.Web.UI.WebControls
    C# Steps.DataGridCommandEventArgs e)
      DataGrid1.EditItemIndex = e.Item.ItemIndex;
  5. Switch back to the Designer by selecting Designer from the View menu.

  6. In the Properties window, select the DataGrid control and click the Events icon.

  7. Double-click next to the CancelCommand event. This will switch you back to the Code Editor.

  8. Enter the following code for the CancelCommand handler:

    private void DataGrid1_CancelCommand(object source, System.Web.UI.WebControls
    C# Steps.DataGridCommandEventArgs e)
      DataGrid1.EditItemIndex = -1;

Procedure 13.14. VB.NET Steps

  1. Select DataGrid1 from the Class Name drop-down list that appears at the top left of the Code Editor.

  2. Select EditCommand from the Method Name drop-down list that appears at the top-right of the Code Editor. This will add an EditCommand handler to the Code Editor.

  3. Enter the following code for the EditCommand handler:

    Private Sub DataGrid1_EditCommand(ByVal source As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI
    VB.NET Steps.WebControls.DataGridCommandEventArgs) Handles DataGrid1.EditCommand
      DataGrid1.EditItemIndex = e.Item.ItemIndex
    End Sub
  4. Select DataGrid1 from the Class Name drop-down list that appears at the top-left of the Code Editor.

  5. Select CancelCommand from the Method Name drop-down list that appears at the top-right of the Code Editor. This will add a CancelCommand handler to the Code Editor.

  6. Enter the following code for the CancelCommand handler:

    Private Sub DataGrid1_CancelCommand(ByVal source As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI
    VB.NET Steps.WebControls.DataGridCommandEventArgs) Handles DataGrid1.CancelCommand
      DataGrid1.EditItemIndex = -1
    End Sub

The final step to get this DataGrid control to work is to add the logic for the UpdateCommand handler. First, we need to add an SqlCommand that represents the SQL Update command:

  1. Switch back to the Designer by selecting Designer from the View menu.

  2. Drag an SqlCommand object from under the Data tab in the Toolbox onto the Designer surface.

  3. In the Properties window, select the SqlCommand object.

  4. Double-click next to the Connection property. This will assign sqlConnection1 to the Connection property.

  5. Enter the following SQL Update command for the CommandText property:

    UPDATE Products
    SET ProductName = @ProductName, CategoryID = @CategoryID
    WHERE (ProductID = @ProductID)

The final, final step is to create the UpdateCommand event handler. This event handler executes the SQL Update command represented by the SqlCommand object.

Procedure 13.15. C# Steps

  1. In the Properties window, select the DataGrid1 control and click the Events icon (the lightning bolt).

  2. Double-click next to the UpdateCommand event. This will switch you to the Code Editor.

  3. Enter the following code for the UpdateCommand handler:

    private void DataGrid1_UpdateCommand(object source, System.Web.UI.WebControls
    C# Steps.DataGridCommandEventArgs e)
    // Retrieve the Template TextBox Controls
    TextBox txtProductName = (TextBox)e.Item.FindControl( "txtProductName" );
    DropDownList dropCategory = (DropDownList)e.Item.FindControl( "dropCategory" );
    // Initialize SqlCommand Parameters
    sqlCommand1.Parameters[ "@ProductName" ].Value = txtProductName.Text;
    sqlCommand1.Parameters["@CategoryID" ].Value = dropCategory.SelectedItem.Value;
    sqlCommand1.Parameters["@ProductID" ].Value = DataGrid1.DataKeys[ e.Item.ItemIndex ];
    // Execute SqlCommand
    // Deselect Current Row for Editing
    DataGrid1.EditItemIndex = -1;
  4. Right-click the EditTemplate.aspx page in the Solution Explorer window and select Build and Browse.

Procedure 13.16. VB.NET Steps

  1. Double-click the Designer surface to switch to the Code Editor.

  2. Select DataGrid1 from the Class Name drop-down list located at the top-left of the Code Editor.

  3. Select UpdateCommand from the Method Name drop-down list located at the top-right of the Code Editor. This will add the UpdateCommand event handler.

  4. Enter the following code for the UpdateCommand handler:

    Private Sub DataGrid1_UpdateCommand(ByVal source As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI
    VB.NET Steps.WebControls.DataGridCommandEventArgs) Handles DataGrid1.UpdateCommand
      ' Retrieve the Template TextBox Controls
      Dim txtProductName As TextBox
      Dim dropCategory As DropDownList
      txtProductName = CType(e.Item.FindControl("txtProductName"), TextBox)
      dropCategory = CType(e.Item.FindControl("dropCategory"), DropDownList)
      ' Initialize SqlCommand Parameters
      SqlCommand1.Parameters("@ProductName").Value = txtProductName.Text
      SqlCommand1.Parameters("@CategoryID").Value = dropCategory.SelectedItem.Value
      SqlCommand1.Parameters("@ProductID").Value = DataGrid1.DataKeys(e.Item.ItemIndex)
      ' Execute SqlCommand
      ' Deselect Current Row for Editing
      DataGrid1.EditItemIndex = -1
    End Sub
  5. Right-click the EditTemplate.aspx page in the Solution Explorer window and select Build and Browse.

After you complete these steps, you’ll be able to edit the records in the Products database table within the DataGrid control. Notice that if you attempt to update a product without entering a value for the Name text field, you are prevented from updating the record. A red asterisk appears next to the Name text box (see Figure 13.10).

Required field in DataGrid.

Figure 13.10. Required field in DataGrid.

Furthermore, notice that you can pick a product category from a drop-down list. The drop-down list displays all the product categories by retrieving them from the Categories database table.


In this chapter, you learned everything you need to know to take advantage of the DataGrid control in your applications. In the first section, you learned how to use the DataGrid control to automatically display the contents of a database table. You also learned how to create a two-page Master/Detail form with the DataGrid control by displaying records as links to a details page.

Next, you learned how to sort the data in a DataGrid control. You learned how to implement both simple sorting and ascending/descending sorting.

In the next section, you learned how to page through a database table displayed in a DataGrid. You learned how to enable paging and how to customize the appearance of the paging user interface.

Finally, you learned how to edit database data with the DataGrid control. You learned how to configure a DataGrid for editing by using both bound columns and template columns.

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