Chapter 16. Buffer Objects: It's Your Video Memory; You Manage It!

by Benjamin Lipchak


How To

Functions You'll Use

Create, bind to, and delete buffer objects


Send data into a buffer object indirectly


Write data into a buffer object directly


Graphics cards today have nearly as much memory as the rest of the system they're plugged into. The amount of graphics card memory tends to at least be within an order of magnitude, say 25%, of the amount of system memory. That's quite a resource to exploit—or to waste by not making the best use of it.

Video memory has traditionally been used for storing the following:

  • Front buffers (what you see on the screen)

  • Back buffers (what you don't see when double-buffering)

  • Depth buffers (for hidden surface removal)

  • Other per-pixel storage, such as stencil planes, overlay planes, and so on

Even at high resolutions and color depths, such as 1920×1280 and 32 bits per pixel, graphics consume only in the ballpark of 25 to 40MB. Depending on your available video memory, that can leave hundreds of megabytes at your disposal.

This extra space is most often used to cache texture maps so they don't have to be continually transmitted from system memory to the graphics card every time a new texture is used. Instead, they are kept locally in video memory so they're ready when needed. When the texture cache becomes full, old textures that haven't been used recently are evicted to make room for new textures.

Some OpenGL implementations also attempt to cache geometry data in video memory, such as that present in display lists or vertex arrays. Unfortunately, the driver doesn't know how often the geometry is going to change or how much total geometry there's going to be. For vertex arrays, it doesn't know when the data in the arrays has actually been changed by the application. Only the application knows all this information, so if the driver bothers to try at all, the best it can do is guess, and that's not enough to guarantee optimal performance.

Extensions such as GL_EXT_compiled_vertex_array, GL_EXT_draw_range_elements, GL_NV_vertex_array_range, and GL_ATI_vertex_array_object have been introduced over the years to attempt to supply the driver with some of this information. This progress has culminated in a single extension, GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object, which hands over full control to the application when it comes to storing its geometry in local video memory for optimal rendering performance. This extension was promoted into OpenGL 1.5 as a core feature.

Figure 16.1 illustrates the different types of data that share, and in fact compete for, local video memory on the graphics card.

A variety of data is stored in local video memory for quick access by the Graphics Processing Unit (GPU), saving a trip to system memory.

Figure 16.1. A variety of data is stored in local video memory for quick access by the Graphics Processing Unit (GPU), saving a trip to system memory.

First, You Need Vertex Arrays

Buffer objects are repositories for storing data in local video memory. You can store anything you want in there and read it back later. If you want to store your grocery list in there, you're free to do that. But the only useful things to store in there are vertex arrays and array indices. You can clue OpenGL in on the fact that your vertex arrays live in a buffer object, at which point they become blazingly fast vertex arrays.

First, though, you need your vertex arrays. If your application uses immediate mode (glBegin/glEnd pairs), you can't take advantage of buffer objects without first switching over to the vertex array paradigm, discussed in Chapter 11, “It's All About the Pipeline: Faster Geometry Throughput.” When you have vertex arrays working, putting them into buffer objects is relatively easy. It also makes before and after performance comparisons straightforward and gratifying!

For our sample program, we'll construct vertex arrays with the geometry for some sphere-shaped particle clouds. The more of a geometry burden we can introduce, the more improvement we'll see when we get around to accelerating them. So let's lay on the vertices!

The number of particles per sphere is configurable. If your OpenGL implementation cannot handle the number of spheres defined here, or if it eats them for breakfast and wants more, just change this constant:

GLint numSphereVertices = 30000;

Generating the Spherical Particle Clouds

We need some geometry for this program, but we don't want to waste space in our code to load anything fancy, nor do we want to waste time explaining it. So we'll settle for something simple to generate, but moderately interesting: particle cloud spheres.

We've already decided how many vertices we want, set by the constant shown in the preceding section. We'll just scatter these points randomly across the surface of a sphere. Sounds complicated, right? Not really. All we have to do is generate a random point in space. We take the vector between this random point and the origin (0,0,0) and normalize it to a unit vector. It now represents a point 1 unit away from the origin in some random direction. Figure 16.2 illustrates the normalization of the random vectors. Repeat 30,000 times, and we have a sphere-shaped cloud of particles.

Random vectors are normalized onto the surface of a unit sphere.

Figure 16.2. Random vectors are normalized onto the surface of a unit sphere.

Here's the code:

for (i = 0; i < numSphereVertices; i++)
    GLfloat r1, r2, r3, scaleFactor;

    // pick a random vector
    r1 = (GLfloat)(rand() - (RAND_MAX/2));
    r2 = (GLfloat)(rand() - (RAND_MAX/2));
    r3 = (GLfloat)(rand() - (RAND_MAX/2));

    // determine normalizing scale factor
    scaleFactor = 1.0f / sqrt(r1*r1 + r2*r2 + r3*r3);

    sphereVertexArray[(i*3)+0] = r1 * scaleFactor;
    sphereVertexArray[(i*3)+1] = r2 * scaleFactor;
    sphereVertexArray[(i*3)+2] = r3 * scaleFactor;

Enabling the Vertex Arrays

We have the data prepared. Now we must enable the arrays and set the array pointers so that OpenGL will know where to find the geometry when rendering:

glNormalPointer(GL_FLOAT, 0, sphereVertexArray);
glVertexPointer(3, GL_FLOAT, 0, sphereVertexArray);

Notice that we're enabling two arrays: one for the vertex position, but also one for the vertex normal. Normals make lighting possible, and it just so happens that for a unit sphere (where radius is 1) at the origin, the position is the same as the normal! So we can reuse the same data for both arrays.

Figure 16.3 visually depicts data in our vertex array.

Our vertex array data includes random positions that will also serve as surface normals.

Figure 16.3. Our vertex array data includes random positions that will also serve as surface normals.

More Spheres, Please!

Thirty thousand vertices might sound like a lot, but to bring our OpenGL implementation to its knees, we're going to have to throw it a bit more geometry still. So let's draw a 3×3×3 cube of spheres and set a different color for each cube. As demonstrated in Listing 16.1, we can reuse the same vertex arrays, just changing the modelview matrix to individually resize and locate each sphere in between calls to glDrawArrays.

Example 16.1. Sphere Vertex Array Drawn 27 Times

// Called to draw scene
void RenderScene(void)
    static GLTStopwatch stopWatch;
    static int frameCounter = 0;

    // Get initial time
    if (frameCounter == 0)

    if (frameCounter == 100)
        frameCounter = 0;
        fprintf(stdout, "FPS: %f
", 100.0f / gltStopwatchRead(&stopWatch));

    // Track camera angle
    gluPerspective(45.0f, 1.0f, 10.0f, 10000.0f);
    gluLookAt(cameraPos[0], cameraPos[1], cameraPos[2],
              0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);

    // Clear the window with current clearing color

    if (animating)

    // Draw objects in the scene

    // Flush drawing commands


    if (frameCounter == 100)
        long thisTime;

        frameCounter = 0;
        thisTime = (timeBuffer.time * 1000) + timeBuffer.millitm;
        fprintf(stdout, "FPS: %f
", 100.0f * 1000.0f / (thisTime - lastTime));
        lastTime = thisTime;

    // Track camera angle
    gluPerspective(45.0f, 1.0f, 10.0f, 10000.0f);
    gluLookAt(cameraPos[0], cameraPos[1], cameraPos[2],
              0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);

    // Clear the window with current clearing color

    if (animating)

    // Draw objects in the scene

    // Flush drawing commands


Two things to notice from this listing are the performance measurement code and the animation code. We need a way to test dynamically changing geometry, so when the animation toggle is on, we regenerate a new sphere vertex array for every frame. The random animated points sort of look like static.

Because this chapter is all about squeezing more performance out of geometry processing, we would be remiss not to measure that performance in some way. For every 100 frames we render, we look at the time that has elapsed since we started those 100 frames. Divide the 100 frames across the elapsed time, and we have a rough count of frames per second. This number lets us compare vertex array performance against buffer object performance. It is printed to stdout, so look for it in the console window, not in the sample program's graphics window.

Migration to Buffer Objects

Believe it or not, we've done the hard part. Generating or loading vertex array data still remains the same burden it always was. All we're going to do differently now is tell OpenGL to store the vertex array data inside a buffer object. Same stuff, different wrapper.

Before getting our hands dirty, we need to take care of one minor detail. Buffer objects are relatively new to OpenGL. The feature was first introduced as the GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object extension and was promoted as a core feature quickly thereafter when OpenGL 1.5 was ratified. Some new features, such as depth textures and shadows, are easily integrated into applications because all they need are some new token definitions from a header file. Unfortunately, buffer objects need a bit more to make them start working. They introduce new API entrypoints that you need to latch onto before you can start using them.

As you do with any feature, you must make sure the appropriate extension or version of OpenGL is available before trying to use it. Here, we're checking for either OpenGL 1.5, which includes buffer objects, or for the extension that also provides the equivalent functionality:

// Make sure required functionality is available!
version = glGetString(GL_VERSION);
if ((version[0] == '1') && (version[1] == '.') &&
    (version[2] >= '5') && (version[2] <= '9'))
    glVersion15 = GL_TRUE;

if (!glVersion15 && !gltIsExtSupported("GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object"))
    fprintf(stderr, "Neither OpenGL 1.5 nor GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object"
                    " extension is available!

Now that we know the feature is supported, we need the function pointers for its entrypoints. On Windows platforms, the function wglGetProcAddress queries for the function pointers based on a string containing the entrypoint name. Other platforms have other means of providing these pointers, so we've abstracted them into a tool library function, gltGetExtensionPointer. Note that if only the extension is available, the function names have the ARB suffix. If OpenGL 1.5 is available, we don't need the suffix:

// Load the function pointers
if (glVersion15)
    glBindBuffer = gltGetExtensionPointer("glBindBuffer");
    glBufferData = gltGetExtensionPointer("glBufferData");
    glBufferSubData = gltGetExtensionPointer("glBufferSubData");
    glDeleteBuffers = gltGetExtensionPointer("glDeleteBuffers");
    glGenBuffers = gltGetExtensionPointer("glGenBuffers");
    glMapBuffer = gltGetExtensionPointer("glMapBuffer");
    glUnmapBuffer = gltGetExtensionPointer("glUnmapBuffer");
    glBindBuffer = gltGetExtensionPointer("glBindBufferARB");
    glBufferData = gltGetExtensionPointer("glBufferDataARB");
    glBufferSubData = gltGetExtensionPointer("glBufferSubDataARB");
    glDeleteBuffers = gltGetExtensionPointer("glDeleteBuffersARB");
    glGenBuffers = gltGetExtensionPointer("glGenBuffersARB");
    glMapBuffer = gltGetExtensionPointer("glMapBufferARB");
    glUnmapBuffer = gltGetExtensionPointer("glUnmapBufferARB");

if (!glBindBuffer || !glBufferData || !glDeleteBuffers ||
    !glGenBuffers || !glMapBuffer || !glUnmapBuffer)
    fprintf(stderr, "Not all entrypoints were available!

Buffer Object Management

Buffer objects are treated similarly to other objects in OpenGL, such as texture objects. They are created and their state initialized when first bound with the glBindBuffer command. glGenBuffers can be called first to get a list of available names, but this command doesn't actually create the buffer objects. You still need to bind the object name before it's created.

When you're finished with your buffer objects, you delete them with glDeleteBuffers. If a deleted buffer is currently bound, that binding is undone, and the null buffer object (name zero) is implicitly bound, telling OpenGL to go back to using traditional (nonbuffer object) vertex arrays:

// Generate a buffer object
glGenBuffers(1, &bufferID);
glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, bufferID);
glDeleteBuffers(1, &bufferID);

Rendering with Buffer Objects

When you have a buffer object bound, it tells OpenGL to source its vertex array data from the buffer object's data store instead of the vertex array pointers set via commands like glVertexPointer. But those pointers still are used. Instead of being pointers to data in client memory, when a buffer object is bound, these pointers are interpreted as offsets within the buffer object's data store.

In our buffer object program, the data used for both the vertex position array and the normal array begins right at the beginning of the buffer object's data store, so an offset of zero is used. Our data is tightly packed without any padding or interlacing, so the stride parameter is also zero:

glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, bufferID);
// No stride, no offset
glNormalPointer(GL_FLOAT, 0, 0);
glVertexPointer(3, GL_FLOAT, 0, 0);
glDrawArrays(GL_POINTS, 0, numSphereVertices);

Loading Data into Buffer Objects

We've described how to create buffer objects and how to tell OpenGL to use them as the source for rendering geometry. But we're still missing one important piece of the puzzle: how to load data into the buffer object. A buffer object starts out its life with an empty data store, so we need to take care of that before doing anything useful with them. The next two sections describe your two choices for loading up your buffer object's data store.

Copying Data into the Buffer Object

The first option for loading your buffer object's data store is analogous to the one you use for loading texture image data into a texture object. You give glTexImage a pointer to your texel data, and OpenGL copies it into its internal texture storage. If you give it a null pointer, glTexImage still creates the texture with the size you want but leaves the texels uninitialized. If you want to respecify a portion of the texture, you can call glTexSubImage and tell it where and how much data to replace.

The procedure is the same with buffer objects. You can call glBufferData to establish the size of your data store and to supply a hint about how it will be accessed. Data is copied from the pointer you provide, unless the pointer is null, in which case the data remains uninitialized. glBufferSubData can be called to respecify a portion of the data store.

glTexImage and glTexSubImage entrypoints accept a target parameter to indicate which texture target is being specified, such as GL_TEXTURE_2D or GL_TEXTURE_3D. Similarly, glBufferData, glBufferSubData, and other buffer object entrypoints also accept a target parameter. This target reflects which type of buffer object is being operated on, and can either be GL_ARRAY_BUFFER or GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER. The former is used to store vertex array data, including colors, normals, texture coordinates, and positions. The latter is used to store array indices as used by glDrawElements.

In our sample program, if we're not animating, we simply create the data store by calling glBufferData, providing a usage hint that the data will be static. All buffer sizes are measured in terms of “basic machine units,” or bytes:

glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, sizeof(GLfloat) *
             numSphereVertices * 3, sphereVertexArray,

However, if we are animating, we don't want to incur the expense of re-creating the data store during every frame of animation, when in fact the size of the data remains the same. Instead, we'll create the data store once when entering animation mode, with a null pointer so no data is copied yet, and providing a usage hint that the data will be streaming (used only once). Then, for each frame, we update the data with glBufferSubData:

// Establish streaming buffer object
// Data will be loaded with subsequent calls to glBufferSubData
glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, sizeof(GLfloat) *
             numSphereVertices * 3, NULL, GL_STREAM_DRAW);
glBufferSubData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0, sizeof(GLfloat) *
                numSphereVertices * 3, sphereVertexArray);

The usage hints that we've been passing into glBufferData are really just that—hints. One OpenGL implementation may ignore them completely, whereas another implementation may be able to base crucial decisions on a hint that will greatly impact the performance of your buffer objects. If your data never changes, the driver may decide to put the data in local video memory. If you hint that your data is dynamic, the driver may place your data somewhere it is cheaper to constantly update it, such as AGP memory. Table 16.1 shows your three hint options.

Table 16.1. Buffer Object Usage Hints

Usage Hint



The data stored in the buffer object is likely to change frequently but is likely to be used as a source for drawing several times in between changes. This hint tells the implementation to put the data somewhere it won't be too painful to update once in a while.


The data stored in the buffer object is unlikely to change and will be used possibly many times as a source for drawing. This hint tells the implementation to put the data somewhere it's quick to draw from, but probably not quick to update.


The data store in the buffer object is likely to change frequently and will be used only once (or at least very few times) in between changes. This hint tells the implementation that you have time-sensitive data such as animated geometry that will be used once and then replaced. It is crucial that the data be placed somewhere quick to update, even at the expense of faster rendering.

Note that there are actually READ and COPY variants of these hints in addition to the DRAW variants, but they are just in place for future use by extensions that build on buffer object functionality. Drawing from buffer object data is currently the only usage model available.

Mapping the Buffer Object Directly

This indirect copy method for loading buffer objects works well and follows similar paradigms already used by texture objects. However, after we set up our data in client memory, this method requires OpenGL to perform a copy into the buffer object memory. What if we could cut out the middleman and generate our geometry data right into the buffer object memory?

We can. This procedure is called mapping your buffer object. By calling glMapBuffer, you can get a pointer to the buffer object's data store mapped into the client's address space. This means you can write to it, read from it, whatever you want. The only string attached is that you can't use this memory as a source or destination parameter for other OpenGL entrypoints, such as glTexImage, glLightfv, glDrawPixels, and glReadPixels. Here we map the buffer object:

glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, bufferID);

// Avoid pipeline flush during glMapBuffer by
// marking buffer object's data store as empty
glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, sizeof(GLfloat) *
             numSphereVertices * 3, NULL,
             animating ? GL_STREAM_DRAW : GL_STATIC_DRAW);

sphereVertexArray = (GLfloat *)glMapBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER,

Before calling glMapBuffer, we first call glBufferData with a null pointer. We do this even if we've already created the buffer object because it helps prevent a performance degradation during mapping. If there is any rendering still in the pipeline using old data in the buffer object, glMapBuffer has to wait for the pipeline to flush out before it can return the mapped buffer pointer to the application. (Otherwise, the application might alter data that still needs to be used by previous drawing commands, corrupting that rendering.) Emptying the buffer object's data store with the null pointer tells OpenGL that any data previously loaded into the buffer object is no longer needed. Mapping will then issue a new unused data store, avoiding the implicit pipeline synchronization that would otherwise occur.

When calling glMapBuffer, you must provide an access flag that tells OpenGL in which ways you'll be accessing the buffer object's data store while it's mapped. Table 16.2 describes the three access modes.

Table 16.2. Mapped Buffer Object Access Modes

Access Mode



If you don't need to change data but simply need to look at or copy data from the data store, you should use read-only mode. An implementation will attempt to map the data store in a way that is most efficient to read. Attempts to write to the mapped data store will likely be slow or cause your application to crash.


If you must both read and write from the data, this is the mode you want to use. This mapping may be the least efficient because the implementation may have to compromise between mapping the data store in a way that is efficient to read versus efficient to write.


If you don't need to read back your data, just change it, you should use write-only mode. An implementation will attempt to map the data store in a way that is most efficient to write. Attempts to read from the data store will likely be slow or cause your application to crash.

You can't start drawing from the buffer object until it has been unmapped again with the glUnmapBuffer command. This command lets OpenGL know that you've made your changes to the data, and you're ready to hand control of the data store back to OpenGL. But things can go wrong during the time you have the buffer object mapped. Various system events, such as video mode changes or power-saving suspend/hibernation, can put your buffer object into a state where its integrity is unknown. The memory could have been temporarily reclaimed or powered off, leaving its contents corrupted or otherwise unknown. In this rare case, glUnmapBuffer returns GL_FALSE, meaning that the application is responsible for resupplying all the data. This is an unavoidable burden if you want your application to be robust. In our program, all we have to do is call back into the generation routine to try again:

if (!glUnmapBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER))
    // Some window system event has trashed our data...
    // Try, try again!

Figure 16.4 shows the output from Listing 16.2. The output looks the same from both the traditional vertex array code and the buffer object code. But if you look at the frames per second output, that's where you'll see the difference. Roughly a 25% to 200% improvement or more may be observed in mapped buffer object mode, depending on your OpenGL implementation and the number of vertices you're throwing at it.

Example 16.2. Code for Regenerating and Loading Sphere Vertex Array Data

// Called to regenerate points on the sphere
void RegenerateSphere(void)
    GLint i;

    if (mapBufferObject && useBufferObject)
        // Delete old vertex array memory
        if (sphereVertexArray)

        glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, bufferID);

        // Avoid pipeline flush during glMapBuffer by
        // marking buffer object's data store as empty
        glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, sizeof(GLfloat) *
                     numSphereVertices * 3, NULL,
                     animating ? GL_STREAM_DRAW : GL_STATIC_DRAW);

        sphereVertexArray = (GLfloat *)glMapBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER,
    else if (!sphereVertexArray)
        // We need our old vertex array memory back
        sphereVertexArray = (GLfloat *)malloc(sizeof(GLfloat) *
                                              numSphereVertices * 3);
        if (!sphereVertexArray)
            fprintf(stderr, "Unable to allocate memory for vertex arrays!");

    for (i = 0; i < numSphereVertices; i++)
        GLfloat r1, r2, r3, scaleFactor;

        // pick a random vector
        r1 = (GLfloat)(rand() - (RAND_MAX/2));
        r2 = (GLfloat)(rand() - (RAND_MAX/2));
        r3 = (GLfloat)(rand() - (RAND_MAX/2));

        // determine normalizing scale factor
        scaleFactor = 1.0f / sqrt(r1*r1 + r2*r2 + r3*r3);

        sphereVertexArray[(i*3)+0] = r1 * scaleFactor;
        sphereVertexArray[(i*3)+1] = r2 * scaleFactor;
        sphereVertexArray[(i*3)+2] = r3 * scaleFactor;

    if (mapBufferObject && useBufferObject)
        if (!glUnmapBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER))
            // Some window system event has trashed our data...
            // Try, try again!
        sphereVertexArray = NULL;

// Switch between buffer objects and plain old vertex arrays
void SetRenderingMethod(void)
    if (useBufferObject)
        glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, bufferID);
        // No stride, no offset
        glNormalPointer(GL_FLOAT, 0, 0);
        glVertexPointer(3, GL_FLOAT, 0, 0);

        if (!mapBufferObject)
            if (animating)
                glBufferSubData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0, sizeof(GLfloat) *
                                numSphereVertices * 3, sphereVertexArray);
                // If not animating, this gets called once
                // to establish new static buffer object
                glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, sizeof(GLfloat) *
                             numSphereVertices * 3, sphereVertexArray,
        glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0);
        glNormalPointer(GL_FLOAT, 0, sphereVertexArray);
        glVertexPointer(3, GL_FLOAT, 0, sphereVertexArray);
The 3×3×3 array of particle cloud spheres is a mini color cube.

Figure 16.4. The 3×3×3 array of particle cloud spheres is a mini color cube.

A Few Loose Ends

The sample program did not touch upon a couple of things; thus, they have not been discussed yet. The first is state queries. As with all OpenGL state, the new state related to buffer objects can be queried. See the reference section for details, but here's a brief breakdown of the state-querying entrypoints introduced for buffer objects:

  • glGetBufferParameteriv—. Query a buffer object's usage hint, mapped access flag, mapped status, and size.

  • glGetBufferPointerv—. Query a buffer object's mapped address.

  • glGetBufferSubData—. Query data from a buffer object's data store.

  • glIsBuffer—. Query if a buffer object name corresponds to an existing buffer object.

Our sample also did not use array indices. The benefit of using glDrawElements is that it removes redundancy from a pool of vertices. If a particular vertex is used more than once (for example, on a corner shared by several triangles), the vertex need only be present and processed once in the vertex array, but can be referenced many times in the array indices. Our spheres were composed of thousands of individual points, each used only once per sphere. So there was no benefit to be gained from array indices. However, should you use them in your application, it's good to know that they can also be placed in buffer objects. You just need to use the GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER target instead of GL_ARRAY_BUFFER.


OpenGL implementations have traditionally been crippled in terms of their ability to efficiently take geometry from an application and render it. This has not been due to any technical obstacle. The application had no way of telling the driver how large a data set would be used or how often it would be updated—crucial information for the driver to know where it should store the data. The problem has just been a lack of communication, cleared up by the introduction of buffer objects.

Buffer objects are created and deleted just like texture objects. In fact, there's a way to copy data into buffer objects that is also similar to texture objects. But buffer objects also provide a powerful mechanism for mapping buffer object memory to the application's address space so the data store can be updated directly without an additional copy required.




Binds a buffer object.

Include File:



void glBindBuffer(GLenum target, GLuint buffer);


This function binds a buffer object to the vertex array or array index buffer target. If the buffer object has not been bound before, it's created. Subsequent changes to or queries of the target will affect or return state from the bound buffer object.



GLenumThe type of data that will be sourced from the buffer object. It can be one of the following constants:

GL_ARRAY_BUFFERThe buffer object will store vertex array data.

GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFERThe buffer object will store array indices.


GLuintThe name of the buffer object to bind.



See Also:

glGenBuffers, glDeleteBuffers, glIsBuffer



Creates and initializes a buffer object's data store.

Include File:



void glBufferData(GLenum target, GLsizeiptr size, 
GLuint:const GLvoid *data, GLenum usage);


This function creates and initializes a buffer object's data store based on the specified size and performance hint. Any pre-existing data is deleted. If the data pointer is non-null, data is copied into the data store. If the buffer object's data store is mapped, it becomes unmapped.



GLenumThe buffer object target whose data store is being created. It can be one of the following constants:

GL_ARRAY_BUFFERThe vertex array buffer object's data store is being created.

GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFERThe array index buffer object's data store is being created.


GLsizeiptrThe size of the buffer object's new data store, measured in basic machine units.


const GLvoid *The pointer to data that will be copied into the data store for initialization, or NULL if no data is to be copied.


GLenumA performance hint indicating how the data store will be accessed. It can be one of the following constants:

GL_DYNAMIC_COPYThe data will be changed often and will be used for both reading from and writing to OpenGL. (Currently, there is no mechanism for reading from OpenGL.)

GL_DYNAMIC_DRAWThe data will be changed often and will be used for writing to OpenGL.

GL_DYNAMIC_READThe data will be changed often and will be used for reading from OpenGL. (Currently, there is no mechanism for reading from OpenGL.)

GL_STATIC_COPYThe data will be changed rarely and will be used for both reading from and writing to OpenGL. (Currently, there is no mechanism for reading from OpenGL.)

GL_STATIC_DRAWThe data will be changed rarely and will be used for writing to OpenGL.

GL_STATIC_READThe data will be changed rarely and will be used for reading from OpenGL. (Currently, there is no mechanism for reading from OpenGL.)


GL_STREAM_COPYThe data will be accessed only once or a few times, and will be used for both reading from and writing to OpenGL. (Currently, there is no mechanism for reading from OpenGL.)

GL_STREAM_DRAWThe data will be accessed only once or a few times, and will be used for writing to OpenGL.


GL_STREAM_READThe data will be accessed only once or a few times, and will be used for reading from OpenGL. (Currently, there is no mechanism for reading from OpenGL.)




See Also:

glBindBuffer, glBufferSubData, glMapBuffer, glUnmapBuffer



Updates a subset of a buffer object's data store.

Include File:



void glBuffer SubData(GLenum target, GLintptr 
GL_STREAM_READ:offset, GLsizeiptr size, const GLvoid *data);


This function replaces a portion of a buffer object's data store based on the specified size and offset into the data store. Data store contents outside of this portion remain unchanged. An error is generated if the buffer object's data store is currently mapped, or if any part of the specified portion falls outside of the buffer object's data store.



GLenumThe buffer object target whose data store is being updated. It can be one of the following constants:

GL_ARRAY_BUFFERThe vertex array buffer object's data store is being updated.

GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFERThe array index buffer object's data store is being updated.


GLintptrThe offset into the buffer object's data store where data replacement begins, measured in basic machine units.


GLsizeiptrThe size of the data store region being replaced, measured in basic machine units.


const GLvoid *The pointer to data that will be copied into the data store for initialization, or NULL if no data is to be copied.



See Also:

glBindBuffer, glBufferData, glMapBuffer, glUnmapBuffer



Deletes one or more buffer objects.

Include File:



void glDeleteBuffers(GLsizei n, const GLuint 
const GLvoid *:*buffers);


This function deletes buffer objects. The contents are deleted, and the names are marked as unused. If such a buffer object is currently bound in the current context, all such bindings are reset to zero. If an unused buffer object name or name zero is specified for deletion, that name is silently ignored.



GLsizeiThe number of buffer objects to delete.


const GLuint *Pointer to an array containing the names of the buffer objects to delete.



See Also:

glGenBuffers, glBindBuffer, glIsBuffer



Returns unused buffer object names.

Include File:



void glGenBuffers(GLsizei n, GLuint *buffers);


This function returns unused buffer object names. The names can subsequently be bound and created with glBindBuffer.



GLsizeiThe number of buffer object names to return.


GLuint *Pointer to an array to fill with unused buffer object names.



See Also:

glBindBuffer, glDeleteBuffers, glIsBuffer



Queries properties of a buffer object.

Include File:



void glGetBufferParameteriv(GLenum target, GLenum 
GLuint *:value, GLint *data);


This function queries the state of a currently bound buffer object.



GLenumThe buffer object target whose state is being queried. It can be one of the following constants:

GL_ARRAY_BUFFERThe vertex array buffer object's state is being queried.

GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFERThe array index buffer object's state is being queried.


GLenumThe buffer object state being queried. It can be one of the following constants:

GL_BUFFER_ACCESSThe buffer object's access flag, which can be one of the following: GL_READ_ONLY, GL_WRITE_ONLY, or GL_READ_WRITE.

GL_BUFFER_MAPPED: The flag indicating whether the buffer object is currently mapped.

GL_BUFFER_SIZEThe size of the buffer object, measured in basic machine units.



GLint *A pointer to the location where the query results are to be written.



See Also:

glBindBuffer, glBufferData, glMapBuffer, glUnmapBuffer



Queries the pointer to a mapped buffer object's data store.

Include File:



void glGetBufferPointerv(GLenum target, GLenum 
GLint *:pname, GLvoid **params);


This function returns the pointer to which the buffer object's data store is mapped. If the buffer object is not currently mapped, NULL is returned. Depending on the implementation, NULL may also be returned if queried by a client that did not map the buffer object.



GLenumThe buffer object target whose data store pointer is being queried. It can be one of the following constants:


GL_ARRAY_BUFFERThe vertex array buffer object's pointer is being queried.

GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFERThe array index buffer object's pointer is being queried.



GLenumThe pointer being queried, which must be the constant BUFFER_MAP_POINTER.


GLvoid **A pointer to the location where the query result will be stored.



See Also:

glBindBuffer, glMapBuffer



Queries a subset of a buffer object's data store.

Include File:



void glGetBuffer SubData(GLenum target, GLintptr 
GLvoid **:offset, GLsizeiptr size, GLvoid *data);


This function returns data from the specified portion of the current buffer object's data store. An error is generated if the buffer object is currently mapped.



GLenumThe buffer object target whose data is being queried. It can be one of the following constants:

GL_ARRAY_BUFFERThe vertex array buffer object's data is being queried.

GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFERThe array index buffer object's data is being queried.


GLintptrThe offset into the buffer object's data store where data querying begins, measured in basic machine units.


GLsizeiptrThe size of the data store region being queried, measured in basic machine units.


GLvoid *A pointer to the location where queried data is returned.



See Also:

glBindBuffer, glBufferData, glBufferSubData, glMapBuffer, glUnmapBuffer



Queries whether a name is a buffer object name.

Include File:



GLboolean glIsBuffer(GLuint buffer);


This function queries whether the specified name is the name of a buffer object.



GLuintThe buffer object name to be queried.


GLbooleanGL_TRUE is returned if a buffer object with this name has previously been bound and not yet deleted. Otherwise, GL_FALSE is returned.

See Also:

glBindBuffer, glDeleteBuffers, glGenBuffers



Maps a buffer object's data store.

Include File:



GLvoid *glMapBuffer(GLenum target, GLenum access);


This function maps a buffer object's data store to the client's address space. The data can then be directly read and/or written relative to the returned pointer, depending on the specified buffer access flag. An error is generated if the buffer object's data store is already mapped. The parameter values passed to OpenGL commands may not be sourced from the returned pointer.



GLenumThe buffer object target whose data store is being mapped. It can be one of the following constants:

GL_ARRAY_BUFFERThe vertex array buffer object's data store is being mapped.

GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFERThe array index buffer object's data store is being mapped.


GLenumThe access flag dictating whether it is possible to read from, write to, or both read from and write to the mapped buffer object's data store. It can be one of the following constants:

GL_READ_ONLYRestricts access to the buffer object's data store such that writes to the data store may not be performed.


GL_READ_WRITEAllows reads from and writes to the buffer object's data store without restriction.

GL_WRITE_ONLYRestricts access to the buffer object's data store such that reads from the data store may not be performed.



GLvoid *A pointer to the buffer object's data store mapped to the client's address space.

See Also:

glBindBuffer, glBufferData, glBufferSubData, glUnmapBuffer



Unmaps a buffer object's data store.

Include File:



GLboolean glUnmapBuffer(GLenum target);


This function unmaps a buffer object's data store. A data store must be unmapped before it can once again be accessed by OpenGL. An error is generated if the buffer object's data store is not currently mapped.



GLenumThe buffer object target whose data store is being unmapped. It can be one of the following constants:

GL_ARRAY_BUFFERThe vertex array buffer object's data store is being unmapped.

GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFERThe array index buffer object's data store is being unmapped.


GLbooleanGL_TRUE is returned unless some platform-dependent event has occurred, such as a video mode or power-saving mode change. Such events may leave the buffer object's data store in an undefined state, in which case GL_FALSE is returned, and the client must repopulate the data store.

See Also:

glBindBuffer, glMapBuffer

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