Chapter 11. FileMaker Error Codes

Error Codes in FileMaker

FileMaker can generate quite a number of possible errors in the course of a script. FileMaker generates errors at various times, such as during normal use of the application—but in general these errors are reported directly to the user, via a dialog box. It’s only during scripting, or during certain interactions with the Web Publishing Engine, that developers are in a position to trap and examine the error codes FileMaker generates. To do so requires that Error Capture be set to On during the script, and that the script developer use the Get(LastError) function to inspect any possible errors.

The error list in the tables that follow is broken into two groups: those that can arise during normal operation of FileMaker or during ODBC access, which have numbers up to 1408, and those that are generated by the Web Publishing Engine, which have codes of 10000 or above.

Remember that the FileMaker error results that occur during scripts are transient. You must check for an error immediately after a script step. If script step A produces an error, and a subsequent script step B executes with no error, the error from script step A will be “forgotten” after script step B executes. Hence the name of the Get(LastError) function: It reports only the last error code, even if that error code is 0 (no error). (Note, though, that the error code from the last script step will be retained even after the script has stopped executing, until replaced by another script. Further, the script steps Exit Script and Halt Script do not clear the previous error code.)

FileMaker Error Codes

The following error codes may be encountered in the normal operation of the FileMaker Pro or Pro Advanced clients. These errors appear and are reported strictly within the client. FileMaker Server has its own error codes, which are not accessible from within a FileMaker database. Also note that error codes 951 through 958 are returned only by databases that are being accessed via the Web.

Table 11.1. FileMaker Error Codes







Web Publishing Engine Error Codes

These errors are reported by FileMaker Server Advanced’s Web Publishing Engine (WPE), and will only appear in XML data generated by the WPE.

Table 11.2. Publishing Engine Error Codes



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