
This book could not exist were it not for the hard work and support of our colleagues and friends. Writing it would have been impossible otherwise and we’d like to share our gratitude with those who have toiled with us.

First off, Stephanie McComb at Que Publishing gave us an impossible task some months ago: She asked that we update Special Edition Using FileMaker 7 for the upcoming release of FileMaker 8—and that we cut its length by 10%. Full of pluck, we suggested an alternative: Allow us to add 50% and create two books instead. Her vision and championship of the idea has led to the book you now have in your hands. We believe this to be the reference we want on our own desks as we work and we’re deeply grateful to Stephanie for making what started as a longshot into reality.

The rest of the team at Que Publishing is no less deserving of thanks. It’s our deep pleasure to work with development editor Laura Norman again; her good humor and steady wisdom provides a strength of support that cannot be overstated. Matt Purcell, our project editor, and Jessica McCarty, our proofreader, have worked through our dense material diligently, and contributed countless improvements to our work. It’s a relief that they’ve been by our side through this whole process.

Taking a page from our own work in software development, Mickey Burns joined our team as a project manager who found a perfect blend between bullying and babying as he helped us through (and at times past) each deadline. Liz Kinsella put in tireless hours pulling together demo files, screenshots, facts, and figures. Jan Jung lent her tremendous design skills. Carlos Ramirez, Thomas Andrews, Brent Durland, and David Simerly made significant contributions of code and examples.

No acknowledgement would be complete without mentioning all the work our friends at FileMaker, Inc. do to make everything in our careers possible. FileMaker 8 is a remarkable suite of products and we’re terrifically excited by the future promise the FileMaker platform shows.

Last, we’d like to thank Jay Welshofer, our technical editor, for his dedication and friendship: The impact your work has on our lives, in all its facets, is inexpressible.

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