Chapter 4. Case Study: Firewall with a Perimeter Network

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In the preceding chapter, you saw the mandatory configuration commands used to configure the zone-based policy firewall feature of Cisco IOS. In this chapter, we use those commands to develop a complete configuration of a firewall with a perimeter network shown in Figure 4-1. The policy rules used by this firewall are documented in Table 2-3 (Restrictive Policy of a Firewall with a Perimeter Network) of Chapter 2 “Typical Zone-Based Firewall Designs.”,

Firewall with a perimeter network

Figure 4-1. Firewall with a perimeter network

To include the perimeter network in the existing firewall configuration (Listing 3-1) discussed in Chapter 3, “Configuring Zone-Based Policy Firewalls in Cisco IOS,” we need to do the following:

  • Configure a separate interface to which the public web server will be connected. If you’re limited by the router’s physical setup (for example, if it has only one Fast Ethernet interface), the best approach is to create a subinterface in a different virtual LAN (VLAN).

  • Configure the IP subnet on the perimeter interface. We’ll use subnet from the private IP address range.

  • Fix the network address translation configuration. We reduce the size of the IP address pool (to gain a public IP address for the web server) and establish a static inside-to-outside mapping for the web server.


Using VLANs to connect interfaces in public and private zones on the same physical interface of a firewall should be done only as a last resort. Any misconfiguration of the switch to which these devices are attached could cause a security breach.

Listing 4-1 shows the corresponding router configuration.

Example 4-1. Changes in IP Routing Configuration of the Firewall Router

interface FastEthernet0/0.100
 description public Web server
 encapsulation dot1Q 100
 ip address
 ip nat inside
ip nat pool Internet prefix-length 28
ip nat inside source static


You need to remove the previous NAT pool definition before redefining it.

Configuring the Firewall Policy

The first step in firewall policy configuration is defining traffic classes. We start by defining class maps matching the basic protocol sets (ping, web traffic, mail delivery, and network management) encountered in this firewall (Listing 4-2).


Within this case study, we optimize the class definitions by grouping similar protocols in the same traffic class. When deploying application-level packet inspection, each protocol has to be defined as a separate traffic class (see the next chapter for more details), increasing the complexity of the configuration. It’s therefore mandatory that you understand the final firewall requirements before you start configuring the router.

Example 4-2. Configuring Basic Protocol Sets

class-map type inspect match-any ping
 match access-group name IcmpEcho
ip access-list extended IcmpEcho
 permit icmp any any echo
 permit icmp any any echo-reply
! Note: Web traffic also includes ability to ping
class-map type inspect match-any WebTraffic
 match protocol http
 match protocol https
 match class-map ping
class-map type inspect FileTransfer
 match protocol ftp
class-map type inspect match-any PublicManagement
 match protocol ftp
 match protocol ssh
 match protocol snmp

class-map type inspect match-any SMTP
 match protocol smtp extended
class-map type inspect match-any DNS
 match protocol dns

Within the firewall policy, we also need refined traffic class definitions where a specific protocol (for example, SMTP) will be allowed on only a specific server (for example, the inside mail server). For convenience, we also define a broader traffic class covering all public services offered by the perimeter server: SMTP, HTTP, and DNS and ping for troubleshooting purposes. The perimeter server is the authoritative server for the organization’s domain and a caching DNS server for the internal clients.

Listing 4-3 shows the refined and extended traffic classes.

Example 4-3. Additional Traffic Class Definitions

class-map type inspect match-all MailDelivery
 match class-map SMTP
 match access-group name InternalServer
ip access-list extended InternalServer
 permit ip any host
class-map type inspect match-any PublicProtocols
 match class-map SMTP
 match class-map WebTraffic
 match class-map DNS
 match class-map ping

class-map type inspect match-all PublicTraffic
 match class-map PublicProtocols
 match access-group name PerimeterServer
ip access-list extended PerimeterServer
 permit ip any host


The configuration of service policies and zone pairs seems highly verbose. You will see where you can benefit from this modularity when configuring more-complex firewall policies later in this chapter.

Next, we configure the individual zones and the policies between pairs of zones. Finally, individual interfaces are assigned to the configured security zones (Listing 4-4).

Example 4-4. Firewall Policies and Zone Definitions

zone security Inside
zone security Perimeter
zone security Outside
policy-map type inspect InsideToOutside
 class type inspect WebTraffic
 class type inspect FileTransfer
policy-map type inspect InsideToPerimeter
 class type inspect PublicTraffic
 class type inspect PublicManagement
policy-map type inspect PerimeterToOutside
 class type inspect DNS
 class type inspect SMTP
 class type inspect ping
policy-map type inspect OutsideToPerimeter
 class type inspect PublicTraffic
policy-map type inspect PerimeterToInside
 class type inspect MailDelivery
zone-pair security InsideToOutside source Inside destination Outside
 service-policy type inspect InsideToOutside
zone-pair security InsideToPerimeter source Inside destination Perimeter
 service-policy type inspect InsideToPerimeter
zone-pair security PerimeterToInside source Perimeter destination Inside
 service-policy type inspect PerimeterToInside
zone-pair security PerimeterToOutside source Perimeter destination Outside
 service-policy type inspect PerimeterToOutside
zone-pair security OutsideToPerimeter source Outside destination Perimeter
 service-policy type inspect OutsideToPerimeter
interface FastEthernet0/0
 description Inside LAN
 zone-member security Inside

interface FastEthernet0/0.100
 description Perimeter network
 zone-member security Perimeter
interface Serial0/0/0.100 point-to-point
 description Link to the Internet
 zone-member security Outside

Protecting the Router

We complete the firewall configuration with the router-protection measures. Obviously, the only traffic allowed from the outside or the perimeter network to the router is ICMP echo (ping). The router itself can only perform DNS queries, ping, and traceroute to external networks. To monitor potential intrusion activities, the router should log all other connection-establishment attempts.


There might be additional public services the router itself needs to access (for example, the Network Time Protocol [NTP] service).

Because you cannot match any other protocol except TCP, UDP, and H323 in class maps used in conjunction with the self zone, we need to define a completely new set of traffic classes based exclusively on extended IP access lists.


Note that the same policy map is used twice to specify firewall policies between the router and the outside and perimeter zones.

Cisco IOS is using UDP packets to perform the traceroute function. The initial destination UDP port number is 33434 (unless modified with the extended traceroute command); the port number is increased in every probe to allow the router to match probes with ICMP replies. Therefore, the IP access list matching traceroute traffic defines a wide range of target UDP ports.

Furthermore, because the router cannot properly handle ICMP responses to the UDP packets sent with the traceroute command, we need to include special provisions for ICMP replies arriving from the public network.

The configuration commands used to define firewall policy for inbound traffic from perimeter and outside networks are shown in Listing 4-5. (Class map ping is defined in Listing 4-2.) Listing 4-6 contains commands defining the outbound firewall policy. (IP access list IcmpEcho is defined in Listing 4-2.)

Example 4-5. Firewall Policy for Inbound Traffic from Perimeter and Outside Zones

class-map type inspect match-all ICMPreply
 match access-group name ICMPreply
ip access-list extended ICMPreply
 permit icmp any any host-unreachable
 permit icmp any any port-unreachable
 permit icmp any any ttl-exceeded
 permit icmp any any packet-too-big
policy-map type inspect PublicToRouter
 class type inspect ping
 class type inspect ICMPreply
 class class-default
  drop log
zone-pair security PerimeterToRouter source Perimeter destination self
 service-policy type inspect PublicToRouter
zone-pair security OutsideToRouter source Outside destination self
 service-policy type inspect PublicToRouter

Example 4-6. Firewall Policy for Traffic from the Router Toward the Perimeter and Outside Zones

class-map type inspect match-any RouterPublicTraffic
 match access-group name traceroute
 match access-group name domainLookup
 match access-group name IcmpEcho
ip access-list extended domainLookup
 permit udp any any eq domain
ip access-list extended traceroute
 permit udp any range 32768 65535 any range 33434 33523
policy-map type inspect RouterToPublic
 class RouterPublicTraffic
zone-pair security RouterToPerimeter source self destination Perimeter
 service-policy type inspect RouterToPublic
zone-pair security RouterToOutside source self destination Outside
 service-policy type inspect RouterToPublic

The permitted traffic between the internal hosts and the firewall router shall obviously include ping and traceroute (as above) as well as network management access to the firewall.

Ideally, the internal hosts would be allowed to open Telnet and SSH sessions to the router and perform router management with SNMP while the router would send syslog, TFTP, and FTP traffic to the internal server. However, because Cisco IOS Release 12.4 does not perform in-depth inspection of router-generated traffic, FTP or TFTP to or from the router cannot be handled properly. (The router cannot identify the data sessions.) There are three ways to resolve this problem:

  • Full IP connectivity shall be allowed between the router and the internal server. This solution is not recommended because anyone getting access to the firewall router would have full access to the internal server.

  • Use SSH or SCP (SSH-based Secure Copy) to download router configurations to the management station. You can also use SCP to upgrade a router’s software.

  • Use HTTPS (preferred) or HTTP to download new software to the router and store router configurations to the internal server.

Listing 4-7 shows the configuration commands defining the firewall policy between the firewall router and the inside network.

Example 4-7. Securing Inside Access to the Router

! Define inside-to-router policy
class-map type inspect RouterManagement
 match access-group name RouterManagement
ip access-list extended RouterManagement
 permit tcp any any eq telnet
 permit tcp any any eq 22                        ! SSH
 permit udp host host eq snmp ! Network management

policy-map type inspect InsideToRouter
 class type inspect ping
 class type inspect RouterManagement
 class type inspect ICMPreply
 class class-default
  drop log
zone-pair security InsideToRouter source Inside destination self
 service-policy type inspect InsideToRouter
! Define router-to-inside policy
class-map type inspect RouterFileTransfer
 match access-group name RouterFileTransfer
ip access-list extended RouterDataTransfer
 permit tcp host host eq 22     ! SSH/SCP
 permit tcp host host eq www    ! Web (http)
 permit tcp host host eq 443    ! SSL (https)
 permit udp host host eq snmp   ! SNMP traps
 permit udp host host eq syslog ! SYSLOG messages
policy-map type inspect RouterToInside
 class type inspect RouterPublicTraffic
 class type inspect RouterDataTransfer

zone-pair security RouterToInside source self destination Inside
 service-policy type inspect RouterToInside


In this chapter, you’ve seen how you can use the basic configuration commands supported by the zone-based policy firewall feature of Cisco IOS to configure a firewall with public servers in a perimeter network. The configuration by itself is sufficient for smaller organizations where you would not expect heavy load on the public servers; otherwise, the router parameters have to be tuned to differentiate expected traffic load from denial-of-service attacks. In addition, this configuration does not detect applications that hide within the HTTP protocol (for example, instant messaging or peer-to-peer protocols). In the next chapter, you’ll see the advanced configuration commands that address these issues.

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