Precision On Paper

“If a leader can’t get a message across clearly and motivate others to act on it, then having a message doesn’t even matter.”

—Gilbert Amelio,
former CEO of National Semiconductor
and Apple Computer

As pervasive as electronic writing has become, more traditional forms of communication are still alive and well. No business manager can advance far without knowing how to write formal letters, reports, and other longer pieces of official correspondence. Internal memos still get circulated within the walls of companies. Letters that give thanks, praise, or critique should flow easily from your pen (or keyboard), since you will be called on often to produce them. In addition, you must learn to present cogent arguments in memos or lengthier business reports, which are still widely used.

All of these more “traditional” forms of writing package broad concepts into easily digestible pieces. They are not as immediate as electronic communication. In fact, they are designed to force readers to linger over the information, soaking up its details.

Being conversant with e-mail, with its lax rules and casual tone, will not help you in formal writing, where accuracy is paramount and poor language skills can torpedo the brightest business proposal. Your ability to deftly handle a range of writing tasks may spell the difference between advancing in your career or getting stuck in a rut.


“Did you get the memo?” Internal memorandums, or memos, are among the most common forms of business communication. Memos are brief documents used to impart information between a select group of people within (or associated with) the same company. Memos are typically short—sometimes they don’t exceed one page in length, although they often stretch to two or more pages if highly complex or technical information is being presented. As a manager, you may be called on to draft memos regarding any number of things—from announcing a direct report’s promotion, to reminding employees of important dates, to presenting items of more substantial import. For that reason, the ability to craft memos that both get attention and elicit the desired response is a vital managerial skill.

Create memos on a standard piece of paper (8½ inches by 11 inches). Leave 1-inch margins at the top and bottom of each page and 1 inch to 1¼ inches for both left and right margins. Memos consist of two main components: a heading and the body of information to be presented.

Heading. The heading lists the following information: the names of recipients, the name of the sender, the date the memo is being circulated, and a subject line briefly describing the contents. Use double spacing to separate the four components of the heading. Memos are instantly recognizable due to this format, an example of which is below:





Known as the vertical format, this is the structure commonly used by most companies.

Another option is a horizontal format, which organizes the elements in elongated fashion across a page. Note that each item is double-spaced.





Choice of structure is largely a matter of corporate preference. Regardless of which format you use, remember that every memo needs to contain the four elements in the heading, as listed above.

Use the “To” field to list the names of all the people to whom the memo is being sent. (Make sure to add a “cc” field to list the names of people who will receive a copy of the memo.) If the memo is to coworkers, it is probably not necessary to address each person by his or her job title. Simply including their full names in a basic distribution list will suffice.

However, if you are addressing superiors, include their titles and be sure to address the recipient formally. Always err on the side of formality in a memo, even if you know the person well. For example, never address a colleague by his or her nickname.

Always double-check the spelling of recipients’ names. If you are unsure of the spelling, consult a company directory. Few things offend people more than seeing their names misspelled, particularly by someone who ought to know how to spell them correctly.

In the “From” field, fully spell out your name and handwrite your initials next to it. If your memo is intended for employees with whom you are familiar or have an established working relationship, then your title won’t be necessary. Managers in large organizations, however, sometimes have to draft memos addressed to people of higher rank whom they have not met or know only slightly. In such instances, include your full name and official job title, separated by a comma or placed on the line below.

The BIG Picture


Managers who express themselves clearly in writing stand a better chance of succeeding and of helping their organizations thrive. Writing also enhances verbal communication skills. On the other hand, poor communication with employees results in:

  • Lost revenue opportunities
  • Drops in productivity
  • Decline in employee morale
  • Increased job stress
  • Dissatisfied customers
  • Inability to make informed decisions
  • High employee turnover

Dos & Don’ts


Effective memo writing is an acquired skill. Until you have mastered the form, it pays to double-check your finished product to make sure you haven’t overlooked basic elements. One simple omission can detract from an otherwise well-crafted message.

  • Do follow your company’s preferred memo format.
  • Don’t forget the four elements of the heading: To, From, Date, Subject.
  • Don’t forget to double-space subheadings.
  • Don’t address people by their nicknames in the heading.
  • Do include job titles for people of higher rank.
  • Do clearly state the purpose of your memo.
  • Do summarize previous discussions.
  • Do provide subheads to help readers scan relevant content.
  • Do use bullet points and headers to break up longer memos.

Spell out the specific date the memo is distributed. Finally, your subject line should complete the header by providing a synopsis of the detailed information contained in the memo. This tagline should serve as a preview of what people should expect to read.

To: John Cox, Mary Wilson, and Debby Branigan

Cc: Dan Howard, Chief Financial Officer

From: Steve McIntyre SM
Director of Accounts Payable

Date: June 6, 2003

Subject: Implementing software upgrades for accounts payable system

Content. Memos are not intended to be exhaustive. Their purpose is to sum up key information. The person reading it should know at a glance whether the information you are presenting is urgent or can be deferred for later action.

Don’t use ornate speech or load the memo with jargon. In fact, you should shun acronyms and abbreviations unless they are technical or scientific and will be easily recognized by your audience. Aim for clarity and simplicity.

Dos & Don’ts


How a memo is written is as important as the information it contains.

  • Do use a cordial tone.
  • Don’t use ornate language. Good memos convey key points at a glance.
  • Do present important information right away, in logical order.
  • Do outline the steps you plan to take or action you recommend.
  • Don’t forget to include attachments if you intend to use them.
  • Don’t present too much information at once.
  • Do guide readers to the most salient points.
  • Don’t fail to provide needed background or context.
  • Don’t overuse superfluous clauses (“In order to,” “Due to,” “Because of,” etc.).

Don’t let casual or careless language creep into memos, because they could be saved, circulated around the company, or even wind up in the hands of people outside your organization. Sound cordial and accessible without sacrificing professionalism.



The greatest business leaders have always known the power of communicating by writing. Jack Welch, former CEO of General Electric, was in the habit of sending handwritten notes to workers at all levels within the company. Some employees reportedly even framed the gregarious Welch’s letters as mementos of his appreciation. Likewise Berkshire Hathaway CEO Warren Buffett pens an annual corporate memo that is eagerly anticipated by analysts, shareholders, and the company’s employees.

SOURCE: “Making Yourself Understood” by Des Dearlove and Stuart Crainer, Across the Board (May/June 2004).

Begin your memo by stating its objective in a strong opening sentence. Writing experts sometimes call this a “purpose statement.” It should encapsulate your reason for writing the memo in the first place. Try to answer as many of the “five Ws” as possible: who, what, when, where, and why.

Supporting or clarifying information should follow the purpose statement in a succeeding paragraph. Provide enough information for people to make a decision or take specified action. Lay out the details of what is to happen next. If possible, specify the action you plan to take.

In the closing paragraph reemphasize the main subject of your memo and encourage readers to contact you. If you are sending other documents with your memo, be sure to mention them.

Below is an example of a typical memo:

To: Joe Smith, Carla Sanchez

From: Bonnie Smith BS
First Aid Training Team Leader

Date: June 6, 2003

Subject: First Aid Training Schedule

We have set a tentative schedule with the Red Cross to provide onsite training to all members serving on the first aid team.

The Red Cross staff will come to our office next Wednesday, June 3, and Thursday, June 4, to provide training in basic first aid and CPR. We would like to train daytime and nightshift employees together in sessions from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. All employees will receive overtime pay for attending these sessions. I will meet separately with the day and nightshift associates to ensure all employees are scheduled to attend one of these two sessions.

I am also attaching advance copies of the training materials. Thank you for volunteering to serve on our first aid team. This is a very important contribution to the safety and health of all our employees and will help us maintain compliance with OSHA and company regulations.

Note several things about this memo. First, the author assumes those reading it already know something about the subject: first aid. Second, it opens with information that will interest the readers: the schedule has been finalized. It then offers details about the schedule.

Method. Memos are generally written in two main formats: Deductive and inductive. Deductive memos present information in descending order of importance. This is useful for readers who share common knowledge about a subject. Deductive memos present information in logical order, as opposed to chronological order. Your most critical point should be stated first, followed by supporting information in successive paragraphs.

Inductive memos, on the other hand, place ideas in increasing order of importance. Induction is useful when managers need to break bad news. It enables you to logically state the reasons that have led to the conclusion that the reader is about to draw. Background is given first, followed by any supporting data. Presenting this data first enables you to build momentum toward the most salient issue.


Despite the prevalence of e-mail in the workplace, people continue to rely on formal business letters as an effective form of communication. The continued use of letters underscores how important it is for aspiring managers of the “wired generation” to master this form of writing. A good letter expresses ideas in as few words, and as clearly as possible.

Red Flags


Many business letters fail to achieve their goals because their authors use stilted, cliched, or meaningless phrases, terms, and jargon. Steer clear of these phrases, which are often the mark of bad business writing:

  • To be perfectly honest–This has an insincere ring and suggests that previous discussions were somehow dishonest.
  • Needless to say–So why bring it up?
  • Enclosed herewith–Unless you’re a lawyer, drop the officious tone of formality. A better alternative would be: “I’ve included a copy of the material with this letter.”
  • As you know/as you are aware–No need to state the obvious.
  • I am writing to inform you–Instead of telling someone you are about to give him information, just present the information.
  • Please be advised–You are about to provide advice anyway. So do it.
  • At your earliest convenience/as soon as possible–Always specify a desired date or deadline for action. Their “earliest” convenience may be never.

SOURCE: “Don’t Use These Phrases!” Winning Strategies for Corporate Communication (Communication Concepts, 1991).

Almost every letter is formal in nature, even when addressed to a business associate you may have known for years, since you never can be certain whose eyes may gaze upon your letter once it leaves the recipient’s hands.

Letters communicate problems, solutions, ideas, plans, and suggestions. Managers write letters to existing customers to persuade them to buy a new product. A manager may target letters at former customers in an attempt to win them back. Managers use letters to resolve complaints or request information. Sometimes they write letters of commendation to outstanding employees, while at other times letters of reprimand must be issued to employees not toeing the mark.

The purposes and uses of letters are too numerous to mention but generally fall into four broad categories: to notify, request, respond, and persuade.

Strive for Perfection

No writing medium demands as much discipline from managers as the business letter. Here, no room for error should be allowed. Recall the old adage: “You never get a second chance to make a first impression.” Concentrate on making your initial impression a favorable one.

Letter Structure

Business letters share several particular features. These include: the date, the sender’s address, the recipient’s name and address, a greeting, a body of text, and a respectful closing.

Always use your company’s official stationery or a standard 8½-by-11-inch paper. Set your right and left margins at 1 inch or 1¼ inches. Type the date, always spelling out the month(e.g., September 1, 2007). If you do not have company stationery, include your name and the company’s address at the top of the page.

Skip one space between the date or address and write the name of the recipient next. If you don’t know the recipient’s name, make an effort to find out. If you know the gender of the recipient, it is customary to include a courtesy title (Mr. Clark Johnson; Mrs. Joan Dole). Note that “Miss” is seldom used anymore. Most women in business today prefer “Ms.”



Sometimes it may not be obvious whether a letter is the best way to communicate. Before you write and mail a letter, ask yourself the following questions:

  • Does the reader know me?
  • Would a personal contact be more appropriate?
  • What do I want this letter to accomplish?
  • What questions do I need to ask?
  • What would I like the reader to do for me?
  • Have I suggested a course of action?
  • Have I given the person enough background?
  • How would I feel if this letter were addressed to me?

List the official address of the recipient using the format established by the U.S. Postal Service. Include the official company name beneath the recipient’s name (and if appropriate, his or her job title). Two other lines should immediately follow: one for the street address, and a separate line denoting locality, state, and zip code.

Greeting. Starting with “Dear” to open your letter is still the best approach (“Dear Mr. Clark”). If you do not know the gender of the recipient you can take the safe route and include the individual’s first and last name (“Dear Chris Smith”). Other options include starting with the person’s first name, but you’ll run the risk of coming across as too informal. Other neutral-sounding openings, such as “Greetings,” also may appear too flip or glib. If the letter is targeted to someone you have never met or know only as an acquaintance, keep it formal.

Formerly, people used the familiar “To whom it may concern” salutation when writing to a company rather than to a specific person within a company. This is no longer recommended. It sends the message that you weren’t interested enough to take the time to find out who would be the most appropriate recipient. If you are not able to find out the appropriate person’s name, opt for a generic greeting such as “Dear Customer Service Representative.” Follow the greeting with a comma or, to be more formal, a colon.

Although form letters—letters written from a template, rather than drafted for a particular recipient—enable you to reach larger numbers of people more efficiently, their effectiveness is questionable. Because they appear so generic, many recipients toss them aside as junk mail. Although time-consuming, it may pay to personalize each letter you send.

Body of letter. Commit to making your point crystal clear from the outset. The worst reaction your letter can receive from a reader is: “So what?” Start by declaring your reason for writing. Write in a friendly and conversational tone, making sure to align your interests and needs with those of the reader. For example, if your reader buys hand tools and hand tools are what you sell, you might point out that industry forecasts predict a shortage of hand tools on the market within five years. Regardless of the message, make your introductory paragraph a grabber that compels the person to keep reading.



Business letters aim to accomplish several key objectives:

  • Market, sell, or promote new products
  • Clarify or provide information
  • Reply to a person’s request
  • Give praise
  • Convey good or bad news

The remainder of your letter should buttress your main point. Follow your lead paragraph with details of the key points of your message. Use a minimum of words, but make sure they are well chosen. Make sentences brief but pack them with meaning. Sharpen and resharpen your sentences. Use as many paragraphs as needed, but keep each paragraph to about four or five lines. Be friendly without condescending to your reader. Use the pronouns “you” or “yours” and “I” to build a sense of familiarity. When writing to a coworker, adopt a collegial tone that lets the person know you consider her an equal.

“There’s so much riding on a business letter. A good friend might forgive misspelled words or poor grammar or even lapses in logic, but a business client probably won’t be that forgiving.”

—Dr. Melvin J. Luthy,
chief editor of WriteExpress

Your final paragraph should serve as a summary and might even request the reader to take some action—for example, buy your hand tools at special prices and avoid being hit by the looming shortage. Always thank the recipient for considering your letter.

The closing. “Sincerely” preceding the signature is still widely used. Avoid “Sincerely yours,” which readers may find stilted and insincere. Other acceptable closings include “Kind regards,” “Best wishes,” and “Respectfully” (though this last one is probably better suited for letters of complaint). The closing will be determined by the level of formality of the letter, how well you know your recipient, and the seriousness of your message.

Leave four spaces between the closing and your typed name. This space should be used for your handwritten signature. If you are enclosing materials with the letter, you should refer to them in the body of the letter and also include an “enclosure notation” at the end of the letter (e.g., “Encl: Spring catalog”).

Conscientious writers take one final precaution before depositing a letter in the mailbox: They double-check the spelling of names and addresses on the envelope. Don’t let elementary mistakes like a misspelled company name undermine a persuasive letter.



Letter writers can benefit from a three-word mantra:

  • Purpose
  • Personalize
  • Proofread

Formatting the Letter

Business letters are generally drafted in two common formats: Block text and modified block text. Most business letters embrace the block format, in which the entire letter is left-justified—meaning every line, including dates and closings, is set directly against the left margin—with a line space separating paragraphs. Many companies prefer to use the letter templates that are provided with computer software, such as Microsoft’s Letter Wizard. If you use these templates, make sure the typeface and text alignment work well with your company’s letterhead.

Choose a typeface, or font, that is visually appealing and in keeping with the degree of formality of your letter. The standard business font is Times Roman, using a point size of 11 or 12. Increasingly, though, other fonts are appearing in business writing, including Arial, Verdana, and Tahoma. Find out if your company has a preferred style.

Take a look at the sample letter below, which illustrates how to structure and format a strong business letter:

Jones Jordan Architects
5575 West 30 North Street
Salt Lake City, Utah 84101

September 1, 2007

Mr. James Adipietro
Ebersole Bauman Engineering, Inc.
1459 West Hudson Road, Suite B-100
Salt Lake City, Utah 84106

Dear Mr. Adipietro:

Mariel Bennett, a partner here at Jones Jordan, suggested I contact you. Our firm specializes in projects for educational institutions, including university research institutions and elementary and secondary schools. I am responsible for new-business initiatives.

Mariel mentioned that you met at the recent American Institute of Architects conference in Chicago. I understand you wanted more information about our firm and our project portfolio, which I am enclosing. After you have reviewed it, please let me know when would be a good time to meet to discuss a possible collaboration.

Thank you for your interest in our firm. Please do not hesitate to contact me at 801-669-7431 or [email protected].


James Jones

James Jones
Director of Marketing

Encl: Jones Jordan Architects portfolio

This letter aims to initiate a collaboration between two firms. Information is personalized, so that the letter does not seem like a form letter. An introduction and statement of purpose precede a brief paragraph of relevant information, followed by a closing paragraph that sums up the purpose of the letter and invites action. The tone is cordial and professional.

Pitch Letters

Pitch letters are the ultimate form of persuasive writing. The key to writing an effective pitch letter is to address not only your company’s strengths, but also the particular needs of the company or individual you are pitching. This is true whether you are selling products, vying to land a new contract, or arranging business proposals that require cooperation from multiple stakeholders.



To be truly effective, your pitch letter should:

  • Lead with your proposal or recommendation.
  • Spell out potential benefits if your recommendation is followed.
  • Provide a deadline for action.
  • Conclude by thanking the recipient for considering your proposal or recommendation.

Always make the item or idea you are pitching the focus of your lead sentence. After introducing your proposal, persuade readers with facts. Spell out any timetables for action, such as a deadline to either accept or reject your offer. Explain how the action you recommend will benefit the recipient.

You can’t persuade the entire world to respond positively to your pitch. However, polished prose improves your chances of swaying people. Simplify your approach. Avoid passive sentences, which take the steam out of a powerful message. For example, don’t talk about “service delivery”—write that you’ll take care of the customer. Don’t write that you are offering “solutions” if what you really sell is software.

Plan B


If your pitch letters don’t generate responses, follow up with a phone call or e-mail. You may find that the recipient of the letter values personal contact when considering a pitch. This doesn’t mean a well-written letter is wasted. If the individual’s interest is piqued by your call or e-mail, he or she is likely to refer back to your original letter.

Anticipate any questions or objections readers might have and try to answer them in the body of your letter. To the extent possible, short-circuit these objections by acknowledging they exist. Use candor to guide readers to the conclusion that any drawbacks are outweighed by the advantages of your product, service, or proposal.

Once you’ve finished writing the letter, read it aloud several times to yourself. Does the message flow? Have you repeated information? Ask someone you trust to read the letter as well and give you feedback. If they don’t understand your meaning or find your letter persuasive, there is a good chance others won’t either.

Cover Letter

An explanatory letter that accompanies a document is referred to as a “cover letter.” Cover letters should accompany any package of materials that you send to someone (brochures, business proposals, sample products, etc.).

Cover letters should be addressed to a specific person, never to the generic “To whom it may concern.” They should be short and sweet and should refer to the materials that they accompany. For example:

Dear Jeff,

It was nice seeing you at the trade show yesterday. Here is the information you wanted on our new solar-powered industrial drills, as well as results from our latest research on our newest model.

We are hoping to begin limited field testing of the drill sometime this fall, and several large industrial customers are on board already. I hope you find the research materials interesting.

I will be traveling during the next two weeks, but my assistant, Jason Wood, will be able to field questions in my absence. If you would like to discuss this further, Jason can schedule a time for us to meet. His direct line is 770-535-5767.


Perry Preston

Perry Preston

Encl: SP-100 Drill Research

Dos & Don’ts


If you sense your message isn’t getting through, you may be inadvertently throwing up barriers to communication.

  • Do use interesting language or examples to grab the reader’s attention.
  • Do respect others’ time—sharp letters make memorable points quickly.
  • Don’t use language that could be misconstrued as offensive.
  • Don’t needlessly repeat information.
  • Do thank the recipients of the letter for their time.

Thank-You Letter

Don’t forget to write the all-important thank-you note to people who have helped you. Saying thank you is best done in a brief note. Given the volume of e-mail people receive, a thank-you received in the mail will make your message stand out. Although some people prefer to send handwritten notes, it is best to stick with a typed letter on company letterhead when thanking people you know only slightly. Send handwritten note cards to thank those with whom you are more familiar.

When writing a thank-you letter, acknowledge in the opening sentence the service rendered. Informal greetings are best if you are writing to someone familiar. Otherwise, stick with courtesy titles (“Dear Mr. Cutler”). A thank-you letter should be sincere, as in the sample below:

Dear Rob,

On behalf of our management team, I want to thank you for all your hard work in arranging our company banquet. We were thrilled at how well it turned out.

Especially noteworthy was your team’s ability to arrange for John Foster to deliver the keynote address. John’s talk literally made the event. We could not have done it without your help.

Please convey our thanks to all the members of your team. I hope to call on you again for our next company gathering.


Jack Caudrette

Jack Caudrette

Manager of Special Events

Refusal Letter

The refusal letter politely declines something, be it a proposition from another company or a job that has been offered to you. Think of it as a “no, thank you” letter. Always be gracious. Thank the recipient for her time or for any special arrangements or considerations that were made on your behalf. Don’t waste time expressing your regrets. State the reason that you won’t be taking the recipient up on the offer. A long explanation isn’t necessary, but saying something about how you arrived at your decision is often a good idea. Close the letter congenially by reinforcing your gratitude and conveying your best wishes. A refusal letter should sound something like this:

Dear Ms. Jordan,

We appreciate your interest in the position of circulation manager at Zelda Publishing. Although your qualifications are excellent, we have hired a candidate who has stronger experience with Internet advertising, our current focus.

We gave careful consideration to this decision because of the strength of your overall experience. We will keep your credentials on file in the event a position opens in the future.

Please accept our best wishes for your job search.


Michelle Lowenstein

Michelle Lowenstein

Circulation Development Manager



Managers who write successfully adhere to principles that get proven business results:

  • Write a “grabber”—an opening sentence that compels people to keep reading.
  • Pinpoint specific benefits they can offer their audience.
  • Provide evidence of such benefits to bolster their claims.
  • Solicit feedback from their colleagues.

Refusal letters mark you as a true professional. The courteousness and honesty of your refusal letter—even when the news is disappointing—will leave the recipient with a favorable impression, which may stand you in good stead in the future.

Letters of Request

Letters that make a claim on another’s time or resources require some thought before they are written. Typically they should be short and include an introduction, the actual request, and information on how to reach you.

Sometimes letters of request serve a more thorny function, such as collecting on overdue invoices or communicating unwelcome news. These letters should be courteously formal, albeit imbued with a sense of the gravity of the situation. The objective is to state your meaning precisely. A reader should not be left to infer your intention, nor should your letter contain implied threats or sound confrontational. Here’s an example of an effective letter of request:

Dos & Don’ts


Request letters require extra measures of tact and courtesy.

  • Don’t sound cloying or insincere.
  • Do be candid about your reason for writing.
  • Do be brief.
  • Don’t give a hard sell.
  • Don’t sound too confident or optimistic.
  • Don’t make unrealistic requests.
  • Do relate the request to the person’s interests.
  • Don’t manipulate or flatter.
  • Do thank the recipients for their time and consideration.

Dear Mr. Green:

Our accounts show you have an outstanding balance of $155,372.56 covering the last six-month period. Please remit payment as soon as possible so we may continue providing uninterrupted service. If you have already sent us payment in full, please disregard this letter.

Kind regards,

Clara Smith

Clara Smith

Customer Service Manager

Note that the writer gives enough information to help Mr. Green grasp the situation and what is at stake. Without implying any threat, the letter explicitly requests that Mr. Green urgently respond by making payment. It underscores the urgency of the situation without issuing an ultimatum. Assuming Mr. Green values this writer’s business, the letter may prod him to settle the account.

Letters of Complaint

Complaint letters should be reserved for communicating grievances outside your company—that is, with vendors, suppliers, or anyone your firm depends on for services or products. Should you need to lodge a complaint by letter, approach the task with caution. Writing an inflammatory letter may only compound the problem.

In the opening paragraph emphasize the positive; for example, point out that you are a longtime customer who has always been satisfied with the company’s products or services. This provides a powerful fulcrum for the next paragraph, in which you introduce your complaint and include any information about the product or service, such as model number, warranty status, place of purchase, and how much you paid.

As a manager, use situations like this to build bridges rather than burn them. Not only are you solving practical business problems, but you are setting an example of leadership for others to follow.



Some people consider addressing a complaint letter directly to a company’s chief executive officer a break of protocol. Ellen Phillips, author of Shocked, Appalled and Dismayed, however, isn’t among them. She advises letter-writers to target decision-makers who have the authority to actually grant what you request. Another suggestion: Send copies of your complaint letter to any relevant consumer agencies.

Letters of Apology

Never be afraid to acknowledge mistakes. Circumstances behind apologies can vary—from missing a project deadline, to sending inferior merchandise, to overcharging customers. Whatever the circumstance, apologizing will engender stronger business relationships. People are apt to forgive honest mistakes and believe most people want to remedy their failings.

First, send your apology as soon as possible. Take responsibility for what happened. Apology letters should acknowledge failings and express sincere regret, though sometimes a personal phone call may be more efficient.

Responses should be phrased as simply and concisely as possible. Be humble. Let the reader know you recognize her disappointment and vow to do better. Ask what you can do to rebuild that person’s trust. Finally, outline the steps you will take to prevent the problem next time. The apology should aim to solve a complaint and put the matter to rest.



Managers may have to do damage control with customers who are dissatisfied. Here is how to start when communicating regret:

  • Acknowledge
  • Apologize
  • Ameliorate
  • Ask for feedback

The BIG Picture


Jargon and lingo are rapidly overtaking business writing. For example, companies refer to software products as “solutions”—without first describing the problem the software needs to solve. The profusion of new technologies has also introduced a spate of acronyms and unfamiliar terminology, most of which is not readily understood by all businesspeople. The immediacy of electronic communications is also changing the rules of what is acceptable grammar and spelling.

When writing letters, ferret out any unneeded or confusing terminology. Use words that people will understand. Rather than filling your letter with jargon, speak plainly, as if you were explaining something to someone who knows nothing about the subject. Eliminate buzzwords that obscure or confuse your meaning. You can’t get people interested if they don’t understand what you are saying.

Write your letter from the heart and close by thanking the reader for his patience and continued support as you institute these changes.

Writing about and to Employees

During your managerial career you will be called on to write letters of commendation, letters of recommendation, and letters of reprimand.

Letters of commendation. These letters praise individuals or groups who have made outstanding contributions. They are usually brief—no more than a few paragraphs—and often are presented as certificates of achievement or special awards. Letters of commendation are often taken into account when determining merit raises and promotions, so it’s critical that managers learn to write them well. Consider the following example of a commendation letter written by a manager at a large manufacturer praising the work of a smaller construction firm hired to complete a project:

Behind the Numbers


Longer sentences tend to make readers’ minds wander. According to the Kansas City Star, research shows that readers’ comprehension drops with longer sentences.

When reading sentences of 15 words or fewer, readers comprehend 90 percent. When reading sentences of 25 words or more, readers comprehend 62 percent. The lesson? Always use shorter, punchier sentences to help readers get your meaning—and get it quickly.

SOURCE: “When You Write, Do It Right” by Diane Stafford, Kansas City Star (June 20, 2004).

Dear Mr. White,

I want to thank you for the impeccable job your crew did on our new manufacturing plant.

We are thrilled with the quality of the construction and are especially grateful for your team’s diligence in keeping the project on budget and on time, despite this summer’s rainy weather. I also want to recognize your safety performance. Your crew completed the entire project, stretching over a year, with no injuries. This is to be highly commended.

It was a pleasure dealing with you. Please pass along our gratitude to Crew Supervisors Bob Balboa and Stan Rufus, and, of course, to your top-notch construction team.


Jeff Groundstone

Jeff Groundstone

Project Manager

Letters of recommendation. If you are sorry to be losing an employee, let that be reflected in the quality of the recommendation you write. Make sure you write not only about the person’s technical skills and competence, but also about his or her personal qualities (trustworthiness, ability to work well with others, etc.). If you are writing a letter for someone whose contributions won’t be missed, focus on the person’s strengths.

“A writer, writing away, can always fix himself up to make himself more presentable, but a man who has written a letter is stuck with it for all time.”

—E. B. White,
coauthor of The Elements of Style

If an employee asks for a letter of recommendation for a specific purpose, ask the employee for the name and title of the person to whom it should be addressed. Often, however, employees will request a letter of recommendation that they can present to prospective employers in the future. In this case, it is okay to use the impersonal “To whom it may concern” in the greeting. Below is an example of a solid recommendation:

To Whom It May Concern:

I highly recommend Doug Kearns as a candidate for employment. Doug was employed by American Pharmaceuticals Company from March 2002 to February 2006.

Doug was responsible for payment application and collections of approximately 350 accounts with balances in excess of $25 million. One of Doug’s largest accounts was the U.S. Department of Defense. His responsibilities included calculating and charging late fees, calculating interest on notes, and providing customer support. He was able to achieve outstanding success in collecting delinquent balances.

Doug is a good communicator who is organized, efficient, and reliable. He can work independently, is able to follow through, and is always flexible. Doug would be a tremendous asset for any company he joins and has my highest recommendation.


Burton Lawler

Burton Lawler

Regional Accounts Receivables Manager

Letters of reprimand. These difficult letters are used for disciplinary purposes related to policy violations or subpar performance. Reprimands lay out corrective actions that the employee must take, timetables for review, and the consequences if the employee doesn’t improve. When writing letters of reprimand, focus on specific actions or behaviors that need to change, rather than on a person’s attitude.


Reports are lengthy documents typically written to inform or apprise readers of a situation and recommend future steps. They often serve as sources for informed decision-making, so accuracy and clarity are paramount.

Reports can be produced collaboratively by a team or by a sole author. One person generally assumes the task of writing the report even if many people contribute to its creation.

A credible report is characterized by objectivity and reliance on facts. Unlike a pitch, reports make no direct attempt to sway people’s opinions. They provide an overview of a topic and lay out the pros and cons. Reports make frequent use of charts, tables, and other illustrations to buttress information in the text. Some include appendixes that list reference material or sources and glossaries that define unfamiliar terminology.

Purpose and Audience

The first step in writing a report is to identify a clear purpose: Is the report needed merely to inform people about new developments? Is it meant to be an educational tool for people unfamiliar with the subject? Or are you attempting to shed light on an especially thorny business problem?

If you are unsure, ask your superior or the person who requested the report to clarify their expectations. Find out what information they need and why they need it. Ask explicit questions and urge people to provide as much information as possible.

Once you clarify the purpose of the report, determine your audience’s expectations and knowledge base. If you are preparing a research report for people who are not experts in your field, simplify complex terms and translate technical language into layman’s language. Readers’ minds may wander if the report gets bogged down in minutiae.



A report may serve one primary purpose or several. Here are some of the most common goals of formal reports:

  • To educate on a topic
  • To recommend solutions to a business problem
  • To explore or examine new business initiatives or opportunities
  • To disseminate important information

“Say all you have to say in the fewest possible words, or your reader will be sure to skip them; and in the plainest possible words or he will certainly misunderstand them.”

—John Ruskin,
English art critic, author, and artist


Reports depend on facts and can entail painstaking research. You will need to familiarize yourself with previously published literature on your subject, analyze the information, and be prepared to explain it to readers. Your job is to juxtapose internal findings against existing research, giving readers perspective on how those findings fit into the “big picture.”

Research data used in reports often is found within the walls of your organization. Perhaps your company has been tracking industry trends on the impact of human resources outsourcing. If so, previous studies or other in-house research probably exists. Harness these resources and augment them with new information from surveys, interviews, and white papers.

Carefully document any sources you plan to use. These will be assembled later into an appendix that cites the references you consulted. Citing other people’s work on the subject lets people know you have done your homework—not to mention guards against charges you plagiarized someone else’s work.

Once you have finished your research, break down your notes into chunks of related information and analyze your findings. Organize a rough outline of your report based on these findings. An outline will give you a sense of how the document will look and help you assess its length.

Writing and Organizing the Report

Once you’ve completed your research, you are ready to begin writing. First establish the organizing principle you will build the report around. There may be several themes you wish to address. If that’s the case, you will have to decide which theme takes precedence and which ones have lower priority.

Introduction. Begin by describing the subject of the report, giving background information, and stating the purpose of your report. The introduction should be brief and succinct and should draw the reader into the report. The body of the report will flesh out the key points described in the introduction.



Countless business reports are generated each year. Companies use the information in these reports to monitor the competition and seek new opportunities. Common types of business reports include:

  • Sales forecasts
  • Marketing studies
  • Initiative proposals
  • Progress reports
  • Industry surveys
  • Technical reports
  • Feasibility studies
  • Financial reports

Body of the report. This is the part in which you turn information into knowledge. Whenever possible, organize the body of the report into several sections and, if appropriate, divide each section into subsections. Each section should be given a brief but informative heading, each subsection a subheading. The use of headings and subheadings lends coherence to the overall document and helps readers follow the structure of the report. Headings also serve as visual guides that help readers decide which information is relevant to them and which can be skipped. For instance, for a report on how to boost your company’s presence in the market, you might organize the body of the report in this way:

Dos & Don’ts


When writing reports, remember to pay special attention to style, language, tone, and form:

  • Do use precise language.
  • Don’t be condescending.
  • Do create a pithy executive summary.
  • Do write in a conversational tone.
  • Don’t barrage readers with highly technical terms.
  • Do include an appendix or glossary when appropriate.
  • Do attribute sources of research in a bibliography, footnotes, or endnotes.
  1. Obstacles to Market Penetration.
    1. The Market Is Saturated Explain the causes
    2. New Competitors Have Emerged Identify them and their products
    3. Customer Demands Are Evolving Consider if we are nimble enough to respond
  2. Strategies for Gaining Market Share
    1. Build on Customer Loyalty Offer special pricing and incentives
    2. Exploit Our Size and Entrepreneurial Nature Attract smaller companies
    3. Diversify Our Offerings Recommend other services we can offer

Keep the writing pithy yet conversational, but let objectivity be your guiding principle. Your goal is to equip readers with factual information, so do not include your personal feelings about the topic. If your views are important to the discussion, distinguish opinions from empirical data with separate headings or appropriate subheadings.

The conclusion. Although limited to a few hundred words, the conclusion packs a wallop: It summarizes the points and findings presented in the body of the report, assesses their implications, and determines if further research is warranted. The conclusion is not the place to introduce new information. It often includes recommendations or requests for action. List each recommendation separately, along with its potential benefits and drawbacks.

Dos & Don’ts


Amid the flood of information and research involved in preparing a report, don’t lose sight of a few basic principles:

  • Do sketch out an outline of the report before you write it.
  • Do use brief but informative headings and subheadings.
  • Don’t overwhelm readers with too many graphics.
  • Do write your executive summary last.
  • Don’t forget to cite sources for your material.
  • Do allot enough time to carefully edit and proofread your report.

Although it appears at the end, many people find it helpful to write the conclusion first. It can help you pinpoint any gaps in logic or points that need to be fleshed out in the body.

Executive summary. Having laid out your case for action in the conclusion, the last thing you should write is the most important element of the report: the executive summary. Also called an abstract, an executive summary actually appears at the beginning of the report. Typically no longer than 250 to 300 words, it is usually the most difficult part of the report to write. Unlike the introduction, the executive summary doesn’t merely outline the points covered in the report, but also includes analysis and foreshadows your conclusions or recommendations.

“Vigorous writing is concise. A sentence should contain no unnecessary words, a paragraph no unnecessary sentences, for the same reason that a drawing should have no unnecessary lines and a machine no unnecessary parts.”

—William Strunk, Jr.,
coauthor of The Elements of Style

Outside the Box


Reports are often confused with white papers. But white papers are actually slightly different from internal corporate reports. They are designed for consumption by industry analysts, prospective customers, professional associations, academics, journalists, and other people who might need the information. Companies don’t charge people to read their white papers; in fact, they often distribute them for free on the Internet or by other means.

White papers give managers a chance to share their expertise and strengthen their companies’ position in the market. A white paper usually is geared to a specific audience of like-minded people and can be used to both inform and persuade. Writing a white paper, either alone or as part of a group, is a way to polish your skills and expand your reputation.

The people reading your report may be extremely busy. Many of them, in fact, will read only the executive summary and the conclusion. So allot plenty of time to writing, revising, and editing these two sections, as they will get the most intensive attention.

Appendixes. An appendix is any supplementary material attached at the end of a document for reference. The two most common appendixes are bibliographies and glossaries.

“A scrupulous writer, in every sentence that he writes, will ask himself at least four questions, thus: 1. What am I trying to say? 2. What words will express it? 3. What image or idiom will make it clearer? 4. Is this image fresh enough to have an effect?”

—George Orwell,
English novelist and journalist

A bibliography lists the works that were consulted in preparing the report. Each entry includes the title of the source, name of its author, publisher, and publication date. The bibliography guides readers to further reading relevant to the subject of the report.



An appendix comprises supplemental information about primary sources cited in the report. Items typically include:

  • Photographs
  • Illustrations
  • Maps
  • Diagrams
  • Surveys
  • Statistical abstracts
  • Calculations/formulas

A glossary is a list of technical terms, abbreviations, acronyms, and their meaning. Glossaries are particularly important in reports on complex, technical topics that will be distributed to nontechnical readers.

Crediting sources. If your report includes verbatim quotes or paraphrased passages from other material, you must acknowledge your sources. Failing to do so is committing plagiarism—the act of passing off someone else’s ideas or words as your own. For instance, if you include a verbatim quote or paraphrased comment attributed to Microsoft founder Bill Gates, you must acknowledge Gates as the original source for this quote or comment either in the text or in a footnote or endnote.

Dos & Don’ts


  • Do use graphics to illustrate and clarify major points in the body of your report.
  • Don’t introduce new material or make a new point with a graphic.
  • Don’t use illustrations or images simply to fill up space.
  • Do use color selectively.
  • Don’t forget to acknowledge the source of the graphic or data illustrated.

Footnotes appear at the bottom of the page in which the source is cited. Endnotes list all the sources used in the report in a separate section at the end of a document. To find out how to cite sources correctly and consistently, check a standard style guide, such as The Chicago Manual of Style. Most word-processing programs have functions that allow you to insert and keep track of footnotes and endnotes.



To ensure your report is well received and promptly read by your audience, follow some of these tips:

  • Give it a compelling and catchy title.
  • Include an executive summary of your findings so readers can scan the highlights.
  • Use graphic elements such as charts and tables to illustrate key information and enliven your report.
  • Clarify how the findings in the report are relevant to your organization and make appropriate recommendations in the conclusion.
  • Make sure the report is properly formatted and that there aren’t any glaring typos or errors.

Appearance Is Everything

How you present information is often as important as the quality of information you provide. Readers are likely to discredit or dismiss your report if it looks carelessly done or sloppy.

Prepare your reports on 8½-by-11 paper. Set standard margins, and follow a block text format: flush your paragraphs left, don’t use indentations, and leave a line space between paragraphs. Consistency is key: Make sure all your headings and subheadings are formatted uniformly. If you are using bulleted or numbered lists, make sure these are done consistently as well.

Help readers grasp your data by sprinkling the report with informative graphics such as pie charts, illustrations, and tables. In addition to giving readers a breather from the text, graphics provide a lot of information at a glance.

If your report relies heavily on graphic elements, it may be best to present them in a separate appendix. However you choose to do it, clearly mark each illustration for easy reference (for example, “Figure 3: Year by Year Revenue of the Top Five HR Outsourcing Providers”).

The standard layout of a report is as follows:

  • Cover page
  • Executive summary
  • Table of contents
  • Introduction
  • Body of the report
  • Conclusion
  • Appendixes

Editing and Proofreading

Once you are through writing the report, rigorously proofread it. Look for ways to tighten up the writing or to inject life into “dead spots.” Give copies of the report to a few people you trust, preferably those with knowledge of the subject matter, and request their feedback on possible changes.

Ask them to point out inconsistencies and suggest ways of making the report clearer and more comprehensible. This also is the time to double-check the spelling of all proper names in the report: people, companies, organizations, institutions, and trademark names. You don’t want to mistake, say, Acme Co., which makes batteries, for Acme Corp., which sells women’s apparel. The number of mistakes and typos you catch will increase in direct proportion to the number of people who review it with a critical eye before it is distributed.


Occasionally, you may be asked to record formal and informal minutes of business meetings. Although this task is often viewed as mere clerical duty, the person taking and transcribing the notes functions, in essence, as a historian. You are capturing the proceedings of a meeting so people who did not attend can find out what took place in their absence. Unlike other business documents, minutes should be free of persuasion, opinion, or analysis.

When taking notes, don’t try to write down exactly what a person said, but rather take simple notes using your own shorthand. Substitute figures and letters for words, such as “$” to denote dollars or money. Whichever method you choose, place a premium on legibility, and type your handwritten notes immediately after the meeting.



If called on to take the minutes of a meeting, you’ll draw on two facets of communication: listening and writing.

  • Listen attentively.
  • Use shorthand to take notes.
  • Transcribe immediately.
  • Proofread and edit.
  • Distribute the minutes.

Organizing and Formatting Minutes

Minutes follow a straightforward format. Most meetings at which minutes are required use a formal agenda that identifies the topics to be discussed. The full title of the meeting—for example, “Weekly Marketing Meeting,” “Staff Meeting”—is followed by the date, time, and place of the meeting. Next, list in alphabetical order whoever is present at the meeting.

The body of the minutes should record the actual proceedings of the meeting. Summarize what was discussed: what the key points were, what seemed to be the consensus, and what issues sparked disagreements. Don’t record every word that was said or produce a “play by play” of who said what. Instead, capture the spirit of the conversation and record any resolutions or recommended actions. If several items or issues were discussed, organize the notes into several corresponding headings. Headings enable readers to quickly scan the finished document for items that most interest them. If the meeting closely followed the agenda provided in advance, use it as a guide to organize your notes.

Before distributing the minutes, proofread them carefully. As with all business writing, strive for accuracy, clarity, and simplicity.

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