Introduction: The 2020 Workplace

Who could have guessed that one of the big differences between life now and ten years ago would be our growing dependence on a mathematician who died nearly 250 years ago? If you’ve ever used Google, then you have relied on the work of Thomas Bayes, whose theorem is the basis of everything from running Google’s search engine to predicting which door to choose on Let’s Make a Deal. Although the complex theorem largely belongs in the provenance of mathematicians, engineers, and scientists, for the rest of us, it can be simply stated: the likelihood that something will happen can be plausibly estimated by how often it occurred in the past.1 From this simple premise comes the revolution we have all experienced in the last ten years.

Think back to ten years ago: in the year 2000, a presidential election was determined by malfunctioning paper voting cards; millions if not billions of dollars had just been invested in averting the software code ambiguity threat known as Y2K; joint ventures with China were just getting started for most global companies; and the dot-com boom was on its way to becoming the dot-com bust. Google had just moved out of its garage office in Menlo Park, California; Apple was considered to be on the skids; YouTube was still five years away from being invented; and Facebook’s creator was still in high school. What a difference a decade makes, not only in the tools we use to remain productive but in how we live our day-to-day lives. Who could have imagined the profound changes of the last ten years? Is there any reason to believe the changes during the next ten years will not be just as profound?

Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, a leader of modern architecture, once said, “Architecture is the will of an epoch translated into space.” One of his crowning achievements was the Toronto Dominion Tower, where the executive floor and boardroom remain gloriously pristine and painstakingly maintained to his original, Austin Powers–like vision of the late 1960s. The boardroom table seats eighty-eight people. Made from one solid piece of wood, it is so large it had to be lifted in while the skyscraper was under construction, and it has never been moved since. When needed, replacement carpet is loomed on the same mills, according to the original specifications. Yet even an absolute commitment to historical authenticity faces the need for progress. In 1967, no one envisioned the need for people to sit around a table to collaborate together on the executive floor. After all, the hierarchy was clearly defined as the chairman, the board of directors, and the CEO; there was no need for collaborative space. Times have changed, though, and one of the few concessions to the original architectural vision for the floor has been to bring a round table into the former chairman’s office, to allow dining and collaboration in a more egalitarian environment.

Likewise, organizations translate the will of the epoch not only into the physical spaces they create but also into the decisions about the talent they select and the structure they create within the firm. These decisions are crucial because although employees no longer stay at one company for life, the decisions that are made about who is hired, developed, and promoted endure for years. As such, we argue that a forward-thinking mind-set is a mandate for business executives, and too little is done to ground the discussion of the future in the needs and requirements of today. Our goal with this book is to stimulate that conversation.


For years, the much-feared and overly publicized war for talent has been predicated on the assumption that the Baby Boomers (those people born between 1946 and 1964) would follow the same retirement schedule as the prior generation, the Traditionalists (those born prior to 1946), and begin retiring in large numbers in 2007.2 However, with a decade’s worth of wealth obliterated in the financial crisis of 2008–2009, that assumption is no longer valid. Men and women who are healthy at 60, according to the World Health Organization, will on average be physically capable of working until they are 74 and 77, respectively.3 If Baby Boomers now work as long as possible, that means that the leading edge of the Boomers may not begin retiring until 2020, when the quest for top talent will assuredly be in full swing.

All the major factors that will define this 2020 workplace are already in play. The future new employees, whom we call Generation 2020, are now in their middle school years. The technologies that will define the 2020 workplace are in design stages today. Emerging large-scale economies are rapidly entering as major forces. The workplace of tomorrow is being shaped today, driven primarily by globalization, the introduction of new ways of working, the usage of emerging technologies, and the shifting demographics of the workforce.

The best companies are already preparing their strategies to win the quest for top talent. The 2020 workplace will be defined by this acute vision—20/20 vision—with regard to recruiting strategies, customizable employee development and benefits, agile leadership, and the power of social networks.

The 2020 workplace: An organizational environment that provides an intensely personalized, social experience to attract, develop, and engage employees across all generations and geographies.

In this book, “the 2020 workplace” means one that provides an intensely personalized, social experience to attract, develop, and engage employees across all generations and geographies. The organizations that create a competitive advantage in the 2020 workplace will do so by instituting innovative human resource practices—by first defining an authentic core set of organizational values and then augmenting these by leveraging the latest tools of the social Web to reimagine learning and development, talent management, and leadership practices.

This book pays special attention to the use of social media to attract, motivate, connect with, engage, develop, retain, and listen to employees. The marketing profession has realized the potential of social media to connect with prospective and current customers, as popularized in books such as Groundswell.4 We believe that as more and more of the workforce is made up of “digital natives,” the need for business executives to speak the language of their employees in the form of social media will become a requirement.5 Yet at its core, the social media revolution is not about technology—it’s a social movement that is all about creating a community. This makes it even more imperative for business executives to be in the game.

The landscape is exciting and dynamic, and it promises to redefine much of the conventional wisdom about work, organizational success, personal accomplishment, and so much more. As we scan the workplace of the future, we see that everything we know about work—where we work, how we work, what skills we need to stay employable, what technologies we use to connect with colleagues—is changing. And these changes will only continue to accelerate as we move toward 2020 because the Millennial Generation, which refers to the 88 million people born between the years 1977 to 1997, will make up nearly half of the workforce by 2014. Employers must prepare now for this multigenerational workforce, and if organizations are to be ready, it will take the foresight and actions of those who are most responsible for preparing the leadership and employee implications of the organizational strategy.


The 2020 Workplace revolves around the premise that the increased focus on talent is making the human resources function within organizations more integral to an organization’s success. Do the top leaders of an organization realize this? Are human resources and learning professionals ready to deliver? Are you ready to embrace this future and create a workplace that the employees of the future will choose?

Possibly. Yet many organizations continue to view the future as a linear progression from the past years. The business literature covering strategies for people, culture, and talent is filled with the same stories of a few companies that seem to be featured again and again, from decade to decade, indicating little change. We beg to differ for many reasons:

  • Never in the history of the modern world have there been four generations—much less five—in the workplace that bring such vastly different sets of values, beliefs, and expectations.
  • Never has a generation entered the workplace using technologies so far ahead of those adopted by its employer.
  • Never has it been possible to acquire, use, and seamlessly integrate talent from around the world.
  • Never has technology made it so possible to connect anyone anywhere asynchronously as a collaborator.
  • Never before has society put as much pressure on organizations to be socially responsible.

The list goes on, but we hope you can see that the world of work is changing faster than ever.

Still, we needed validation of these beliefs, and we got it from the companies and working professionals from several generations we surveyed. Forward-thinking organizations are using innovative practices to address the changing marketplace, and we provide examples, such as Millennials coaching executives at Burson-Marsteller, corporate social networks at Cerner, new ways to engage employees of all ages in the Deloitte Film Festival, performance support on demand at IBM, power shifts from the top of the hierarchy to networked, connected decision makers at Cisco, and dozens of other case studies to demonstrate that the principles of The 2020 Workplace are in action now.

The 2020 Workplace takes a bold step into the future and serves as a practical guide for companies of all sizes to transform their workplace so they can compete more effectively in a global marketplace—one defined by an economic climate in flux and by powerful demographic, technological, and generational forces. Even though we feature companies of all types as examples throughout the book, by the nature of their business, technology and professional services firms provide many of the examples we use since they are at the leading edge of what will come next. Technology firms tend to “eat their own dog food,” meaning they experiment with the newest technologies inside their own companies. Professional services firms rely heavily on fresh college graduates and thus have had to adapt to the needs of the Millennial Generation before those organizations that have a more age-diverse employee base. However, even though these changes are originating in technology and professional firms, their experiences are relevant to businesses of all shapes and sizes.

We believe that in the rapidly changing world of business, a best practice may be short-lived. The practice reflects an activity that delivers results in the context of the market conditions of the time. Our strategy in this book has been to focus on the next practice, not on sweeping generalizations of the company, while also researching the sustainability of the company’s culture and values. We hope the companies featured in this book provide some helpful insights in preparing for the future workplace.


As coauthors, we each bring a set of unique experiences that shape our view of the future and what is needed now to prepare for it. Jeanne has consulted with organizations on how to build effective learning organizations for more than twenty years, both through her own consulting firm as well as with Accenture. As the author of two books on the design and management of corporate universities and a widely read blog, she has consulted with hundreds of organizations on how they reinvent their learning functions and reimagine their talent management capabilities. Karie has been both a chief learning officer and a chief talent officer for global Fortune 200 organizations in Silicon Valley, as well as head of executive development and organization development in the defense and food industries. She has developed and implemented practical approaches to building talent around the globe for the future and has led her organizations in winning more than thirty awards for functional excellence. Finally and most important, as mothers of both Millennial and Generation X daughters, we have experienced firsthand the shift needed to communicate effectively across the generations.

Our combined experience has left us with the belief that it is time to make a transformational leap in organizational practices if we are to be relevant to a world that is changing so rapidly around us. The glimpses we have into the expectations of the next generations of workers and some of the practices of leading-edge companies motivated us to open the dialogue for the 2020 workplace. We purposefully use the word “dialogue,” because when this book is released, there will already be new developments in technology, changes in companies, and emerging new best practices. We invite you to join that continued dialogue to ensure that what might be static instead becomes dynamic as we collaborate together to prepare for the future.


The 2020 Workplace combines exclusive research with practical tools and resources. Some of the features include:

  • Key findings from two global surveys. The first surveyed 2,200 working professionals from around the world on what they seek from employers, both now and in their anticipated future. The second survey queried 300 employers from around the world on the practices they have in play now and those they expect to use in the future. We look at where there is alignment, as well as gaps, in expectations. These findings will help organizations make strategic choices about where to invest their resources now to best prepare for the future of the workplace. The results of these surveys guided our search for relevant, leading-edge case studies.
  • More than 50 case studies developed through more than 100 personal interviews with companies that are leading the way in the use of innovative practices for attracting, developing, and retaining talent for the future, including Deloitte, IBM, Cisco, Bell Canada, JetBlue, Nokia, and NASA.
  • Real examples of how companies are using social media today to recruit, engage, develop, and connect employees.
  • Practical tips and advice on how to prepare for 2020 both organizationally and personally.
  • Twenty predictions for the 2020 workplace.
  • The 2020 glossary, making it easy to read through the book with a ready reference at hand, for those who have never texted or posted a message on a Facebook wall, or don’t know the difference between sending a tweet on Twitter and using Delicious to store and share bookmarks.
  • A summary at the end of each chapter to help those of you who are inundated, as we are, with books and magazines stacked up at your bedside or on your Kindle.

Entire books could have been written about topics we cover in a single chapter, so we realize that we can only begin to touch the practices that people have spent their entire lives putting into place. Our intent is to weave a story of how the world is changing as we all interact with coworkers, friends, and family in new ways. In our notes, we have recommended other sources for more in-depth understanding of each area.

Part I, “The Changing Workplace,” describes what is happening now and how organizations are responding to the changing workplace, starting with chapter 1, “Ten Forces Shaping the Future Workplace Now.” In chapter 2, “Multiple Generations @ Work,” we discuss our research findings around the several generations in the workplace, including some counterintuitive findings about what each generation prefers.

In part II, “Practices in Action Today,” we bring to life real-world examples of what companies are doing now to incorporate social media across a range of practices that directly affect employees, and we offer a set of unifying principles for the 2020 workplace. Chapter 3, “Principles of 2020 Engagement,” covers the core fundamentals of how an organization can make the move to the workplace of the future. We introduce a model called Workplace Engagement 2020 that provides a guide for how to adopt workplace practices and processes to attract and retain top talent. In chapter 4, “Social Recruiting Emerges,” we address innovative practices in reaching, recruiting, and nurturing the best talent in the global marketplace and offer examples of these practices in action. Chapter 5, “Über-connect Your Organization,” examines how progressive organizations are using various types of social media and virtual collaboration, effectively creating an individualized yet social employee experience. In chapter 6, “The Social Learning Ecosystem,” we start with the observation that although classrooms will be around for a long time, they are already becoming too expensive for all but the most strategic of training needs. We then explore ways organizations can move beyond classrooms and build learning within the context of any job, rather than as a separate and formal process. In chapter 7, “Accelerated Leadership,” we focus on the qualities needed to build an agile leadership pipeline and argue that both management and leadership will need to fundamentally change to address the needs of the future organization.

Finally, part III, “Envisioning the 2020 Workplace,” looks to the future and how to prepare for it now. Chapter 8 profiles our “Twenty Predictions for the 2020 Workplace.” We proceed here warily and with full awareness of the difficulties inherent in any attempts at forecasting the future. To prepare, we relied on dozens of interviews with experts, queried thousands of working professionals in a diverse mix of organizations for their thoughts, established a Web 2.0 collaboration space to open a dialogue, leveraged our memberships in futurist societies, and became some of the online book retailers’ favorite customers as we ordered books from far-reaching fields to understand what others are saying about the future. Our predictions are based on glimpses into a future we can already see in play at some of the most leading-edge companies. We hope they provide an imagination-expanding view of what life will be like in organizations in 2020.

Organizations at their simplest are societies, made up of individuals with a common set of goals. In our final chapter, “Get Ready for the Future Workplace,” we help unify individuals in an organization through providing guidance on how to do just that. We offer advice to individuals on how to develop the necessary skills, as well as thoughts on how to prepare organizations to face the future. Throughout the book we include practices ranging from creating a strong employer brand to launching a corporate social network, all geared to attracting, developing, and engaging the best talent possible for the future.

Since many of the terms we use throughout the book may be new for some readers, we have provided a glossary of social media terms, along with a timeline and a list of key Web sites and online tools.


In the end, our essential goal is this: to get you and your workplace ready for 2020. You will benefit most from this book if you are in a position to influence the design of the workplace. Leaders at the tops of organizations will want to read the best practices revealed here and plot a strategy for preparing for the 2020 workplace. In addition, every business leader who manages a team will want to read this book to understand how to best attract, develop, and retain talent, as will practitioners in the field of organization and talent development who lead from within.


Alone no longer. The crest of Pixar University bears this Latin motto.6 The research and best-practice examples that make up the core of this book are here for you to translate into appropriate actions for your organization—whether your business is a Fortune 500 multinational or an Inc. 500 firm. Thanks to the power of social media, we can all help one another as we transform for the future.

We welcome your thoughts and stories, and we invite you to join us in an adventure to create the future. Share with us at

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