Chapter 1
The iOS Software Development Kit (SDK)

Key Skills & Concepts

• Understanding the App Store

• Understanding how to obtain Xcode and the iOS SDK

• Deciding if this book is right for you

• Understanding Xcode’s help and Apple’s online documentation

So why do people pay over $100 a month for an iPhone? Or more than $500 for an iPad? Simple—they’re useful tools and fun toys. If you get lost, just start the Maps application, and within seconds, it has located your position and provided you with a map. You can check your e-mail anywhere, listen to music, and every once in a while even answer a phone call. The built-in functionality of the iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad is undeniably useful, but the real magic of these devices is the App Store. There you can find more than a quarter of a million applications that turn your iPhone from a useful general device to a tool specialized for exactly what you want to do.

Apple’s App Store has created a new phenomenon—millions of people think of buying cheap apps the same way they think about picking up a latte on the way to work; it’s an impulse buy they do several times a week. Unlike other smartphone users, iPhone users buy apps, lots of them! There may already be a staggering number of apps in the App Store, but the opportunities are still endless for turning your ideas into profitable apps.

Apple reviews every app before publication in the App Store, and you should read their current guidelines for acceptance before starting on your app. Obvious categories like gambling and pornography aren’t allowed, but even apps that show scantily clad models risk rejection from the App Store. But don’t worry too much; if your app is bug free and follows the guidelines, it will probably be approved within a week.

The App Store

The App Store is a unique concept. The App Store is an Apple application on the iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad. You use the App Store to browse and download applications from Apple’s iTunes Store. Some applications are free, while others have a (usually) nominal charge. Using your iTunes account, you can download applications directly to your iPhone, iPod Touch, or iPad (your device). What we like is that anyone can use an iTunes Gift Card that you buy at your local grocery store; no credit card needed.

Don’t know what to buy? You can go to one of the many web sites dedicated to reviewing applications on the App Store. For instance, (Figure 1-1) provides independent reviews of both free and paid applications. The App Store itself also includes customer ratings and reviews. Many applications are junk, but lots are quite amazing.

Downloading applications from the App Store is both easy and inexpensive. That makes it a lucrative market for independent developers wishing to take advantage of the iTunes Store’s large user base. Independent developers can develop applications for the App Store by downloading the iOS SDK, developing an application, and joining the iOS Developer Program. Apple then reviews your application, and once it passes the review process, it is added to the iTunes Store. Apple deals with the customers, distribution, and collecting payments, and you get 70 percent of the proceeds.


Figure 1-1 The web site reviews most App Store applications.

The Software Development Kit (SDK)

So you have decided to try your hand at developing applications for the App Store. The first thing you need to do if you want to become an iPhone/iPad developer is register as a member at the iPhone Dev Center at Membership is free and allows downloading the SDK and viewing all of the Apple documentation.

Once you’ve signed up, download and install Xcode and the iOS SDK from Apple’s Developer Connection. Step-by-step installation instructions are available on Apple’s web site. After installing the iOS SDK, the absolute next thing you should do is start Xcode and download the documentation—all the documentation (Figure 1-2). It will take a while, but it is well worth it.

You will find Apple’s documentation surprisingly complete and well written. We refer to their documentation often in this book, so it is best to download it before continuing.


Figure 1-2 The iOS Reference Library in Xcode

Paid Membership

You can install the SDK, write apps, and run them in the simulator with a free membership. However, testing applications on a device and selling applications on the App Store require that you register with the iPhone Developer Program. This membership is different from membership to the iPhone Dev Center. The iPhone Developer Program for individuals costs $99/year and entitles you to the tools needed to test on a device. It is also how you submit and distribute your application to the App Store, and Apple distributes any profit you might earn through your iPhone Developer Program membership.

Objective-C, Foundation Framework, Cocoa Touch, and UIKit

Apple describes the iPhone and iPad device’s technology as layers. The base layer is the Core OS layer. On top of that is the Core Services layer. On top of the Core Services is the Media layer. The topmost layer is Cocoa Touch (Figure 1-3).

You can simplify the iPhone operating system (iOS) even more; think of it as two layers—a C layer and a Cocoa layer (Figure 1-4). The C layer comprises the operating system’s layer. You use BSD UNIX–style C functions to manipulate this layer. This layer consists of things like low-level file I/O, network sockets, POSIX threads, and SQLite.


Figure 1-3 The iPhone and iPad device’s technology layers


Figure 1-4 The iPhone and iPad device’s programming layers

The Media layer is also rather low-level and contains C application programming interfaces (APIs) like OpenGL ES, Quartz, and Core Audio. The Cocoa layer overlays the C layer, and it simplifies iOS programming. For instance, rather than manipulating C strings, you use the Foundation framework string, NSString.

Cocoa Touch

On the iPhone and iPad, Cocoa is called Cocoa Touch, rather than simply Cocoa, because the iOS contains touch events. If you have ever tapped, flicked, swiped, or pinched your device’s display, you know what touch events are. Touch events allow you to program responses to a user’s touching the screen with his or her fingers.

Cocoa Touch also provides the primary class libraries needed for development. The two Cocoa Touch frameworks you will use in every application you write are the Foundation framework and the UIKit framework. A framework is collection of code devoted to a similar task. The Foundation framework is dedicated to standard programming topics, such as collections, strings, file I/O, and other basic tasks. The UIKit is dedicated to the iPhone and iPad device’s interface and contains classes such as the UIView. In this book, you spend most of your time learning the UIKit.

Foundation Framework

The Foundation framework contains Objective-C classes that wrap lower-level core functionality. For instance, rather than working with low-level C file I/O, you can work with the NSFileManager foundation class. The Foundation framework provides many useful classes that you really should learn if you want to program robust iOS applications. The Foundation framework makes programming using collections, dates and time, binary data, URLs, threads, sockets, and most other lower-level C functionality easier by wrapping the C functions with higherlevel Objective-C classes.

See Apple’s Foundation Framework Reference for a complete listing of the classes and protocols provided by the Foundation framework.

If you are a Java programmer, think of the iOS’s programming environment like this: Objective-C is equivalent to Java’s core syntax. The Foundation framework is equivalent to Java’s core classes, such as ArrayList, Exception, HashMap, String, Thread, and other Java Standard Edition classes, and the UIKit is the equivalent of SWING.

The iOS Frameworks

Table 1-1 lists the frameworks available to you as an iOS developer. Of these frameworks, this book dedicates itself to the UIKit rather than trying to cover a little bit of every framework. Once you’ve mastered UIKit, adding functionality to your app from the other frameworks is relatively straightforward.



Table 1-1 Frameworks in iOS

iPhone/iPad Limitations

If you have never programmed for a small device like an iPhone, there are some limitations you should be aware of before you begin programming. Memory and processor speed are constrained, and the screen is small. Security is also tight in iOS, and applications are limited in what they can do.

Memory and Processor Speed

An iPhone’s memory and processor speed are constrained compared to your desktop computer, and you’ll want to keep that in mind as you develop your application. You’ll want to think carefully about what information you need, whether it should be cached, the amount of memory needed, and freeing up memory when you no longer need it. iOS provides functionality to warn your application when memory is running low, so you can write your application to deal gracefully with the constraints of any iOS device it’s currently running on.

If your application uses too much memory, your device’s operating system may abruptly terminate your application to prevent a system crash.

Small Screen

The original iPhone screen and the iPod Touch’s screen measure only 480 × 320 pixels. That’s not much room to work with. Of course, controls such as buttons are smaller on an iPhone, but the layout space is still significantly constrained. If you are accustomed to programming user interfaces on a 1280 × 800 pixel display, you must adjust your thinking. Screen size is limited.

The iPad’s screen is 1024 × 768. Now, if you’re an older programmer, this isn’t problematic, as we remember the days when we programmed for 800 × 600 desktop displays, or even worse, 640 × 480. However, the interface is still small compared to a modern desktop’s display. If you pack too much information onto an iPad’s screen, it is going to be difficult for users to read and digest it all.

The resolution of the new iPhone 4 is double that of the original at 960 by 640 pixels, but most of the time you’ll still develop your apps for a 480 × 320 coordinate system and the system layers will just take care of mapping that to the higher-resolution screen for a sharper appearance.

The small screen size also results in only one window being visible at a time on an iPhone or iPod Touch. The iPad adds support for a single pop-up window, but you’ll still want to think in terms of having a single window and swapping views based on interaction from your user.


You can only read or write to directories that are part of your application’s bundle or your application’s documents directory. Areas accessible to your application are said to be in your application’s sandbox. You cannot read files created by other applications unless the application places the files in its documents folder and explicitly indicates to iOS that it wishes to share its documents directory. Other applications can only access the documents in a shared documents folder. Users can also access documents placed in a shared documents directory when they synchronize their device with their desktop using iTunes. You will see how to accomplish sharing using the documents directory in Chapter 15.

Short-Lived Applications

Until iOS4, applications could not be memory-resident. A memory-resident application can run in the background while a user runs other applications. As of iOS4, applications can perform some rudimentary background processing. However, you should note it is still very limited. You cannot run multiple applications “full-throttle” and then switch between them while they are still processing, as you can on a desktop, a Blackberry, or a device running Android.

iOS apps can request additional processing time from iOS when being moved to the background. However, this processing must be short and quick, or else iOS will terminate the app. After processing, iOS suspends the app. You learn more about Apple’s rudimentary multitasking in Chapter 6. In general, though, Apple prevents developers from writing applications that run in the background.

Manual Memory Management

Garbage collection is one of the nicest features of Java and one of the big improvements in Objective-C 2.0 running in Mac OS desktop apps. Garbage collection frees developers from having to worry about memory management; you simply create objects as needed and the system takes care of freeing them when they’re no longer needed. But iOS, with its limited resources, does not include Objective-C 2.0 garbage collection, and you must manage memory yourself. Although manual memory management can be a pain, it is not a huge limitation. Just be aware that forgetting to release an object is all too easy a mistake to make. As you will see in Chapter 5, there are tools to help you track down and fix these errors.

Relevant Documentation

Apple provides considerable online documentation. You have access to that documentation both through your Developer Connection membership and through Xcode’s help. You should refer to that documentation often. Most documentation is also available as PDF documents. The first three documents you should download and keep handy are the iOS Application Programming Guide, iOS Development Guide, and iPad Programming Guide. You might then consider downloading the Cocoa Fundamentals Guide. You will also find documents on Objective-C and various Cocoa classes. If you followed this chapter’s earlier recommendation and downloaded the documentation, you will find that all this information is at your fingertips using Xcode’s help. This book tries not to duplicate these online and desktop sources, but rather complement them by providing step-by-step examples illustrating how to do things. Once you understand how, the online documentation shows you more options to expand upon this book’s tutorial.

Try This: Getting a Quick Start on iOS Development

To whet your appetite, this chapter ends with a quick-start example. The next four chapters will cover prerequisites that you should have prior to learning the iOS’s UIKit and Cocoa Touch. But you probably want to get a feeling for what writing an app for the iPhone will be like, so we’ll end this chapter with a simple iOS application. This quick start will familiarize you with the main tools of iOS development by showing you how to connect a graphical interface created with drag-and-drop in the Interface Builder to your Objective-C classes written using Xcode.

1. Open Xcode. From the menu select File | New Project and the New Project dialog appears (Figure 1-5).


Figure 1-5 New Project dialog

2. Select View-based Application and ensure iPhone is selected in the Product drop-down. Click Next. In the Choose Options dialog, give the application the name QuickStart (Figure 1-6). In the Company Identifier field you’ll need to enter the company name that you used when creating a provisioning profile on the Apple Developer Connection site.

3. Xcode should create the project. In the Groups & Files pane, expand the Classes and Resources folders and click on MainWindow.xib. Select View | Utilities | Object Attributes from the main menu. Select View | Show Debugger Area from the main menu. You now have all of the main areas of the Xcode interface visible (Figure 1-7). Familiarize yourself with the layout of information and controls.


Figure 1-6 Save As dialog


Figure 1-7 The Xcode 4 IDE with all panes visible

4. Click QuickStartViewController.xib to open it in Interface Builder. Starting with Xcode 4, the Interface Builder is now built in, so you can edit your interface directly in the project window.

5. You should see a canvas like the one shown in Figure 1-8. Click the View button in the middle of the window (square with a dotted outline) and a view will appear on the canvas (Figure 1-9).


Figure 1-8 A view’s canvas in Interface Builder


Figure 1-9 Canvas with the view displayed


Figure 1-10 The object library

6. Make the object library visible by selecting View | Utilities | Object Library from Interface Builder’s main menu (Figure 1-10).

7. Scroll through the controls until you find a Round Rect Button. Drag and drop the button to the canvas (Figure 1-11).

8. Double-click the button on the canvas, and give the button a title.

9. Drag a label from the library to the canvas (Figure 1-12).


Figure 1-11 Adding a button

10. Select File | Save to save your interface changes. You can select View | Utilities | Hide Utilities from the main menu to hide the object library for now.

11. Select QuickStartViewController.m in the Classes folder in Groups & Files. Xcode should display the file in the editor pane (Figure 1-13).

12. Open QuickStartViewController.h and modify the file so that it matches Listing 1-1.


Figure 1-12 Adding a label

Listing 1-1 QuickStartViewController.h

#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
@interface QuickStartViewController : UIViewController {
IBOutlet UILabel * myLabel;
@property (nonatomic, retain) IBOutlet UILabel * myLabel;
-(IBAction) sayHello: (id) sender;


Figure 1-13 Xcode displaying QuickStartViewController.m

13. Change QuickStartViewController.m so that it matches Listing 1-2.

Listing 1-2 QuickStartViewController.m

#import "QuickStartViewController.h"
@implementation QuickStartViewController
@synthesize myLabel;
-(IBAction) sayHello: (id) sender {
self.myLabel.text = @"Hello";
-(void) dealloc {
[super dealloc];
[myLabel release];

14. Select Product | Build “QuickStart” from Xcode’s main menu to build the application.

15. Click QuickStartViewController.xib in the Resources folder to display the Interface Builder again.

16. Select the button on the canvas. Select View | Utilities | Connections from the main menu to show the object’s connections (Figure 1-14).


Figure 1-14 The Object Connection Inspector

17. Next to Touch Up Inside, click and hold on to the little circle. Move your cursor to File’s Owner in the document window and release. Select sayHello: from the pop-up window (Figure 1-15).

18. Click the label on the canvas, and the Inspector’s content should change to match the label. Click the circle next to New Referencing Outlet, and drag and drop on the File’s Owner (Figure 1-16). Select myLabel from the pop-up window. Be careful not to select View.


Figure 1-15 Connecting a button to an IBAction


Figure 1-16 Connecting the label to an IBOutlet

19. Select File | Save from the main menu to save your interface changes.

20. In Xcode, ensure the Active SDK shows the iPhone Simulator option selected (Figure 1-17).

21. From Xcode’s main menu, select Product | Run “QuickStart”. Xcode should start the simulator, install your application in it, and start your application (Figure 1-18).


Figure 1-17 Ensuring Active SDK shows the Simulator selected


Figure 1-18 The application running in the iPhone Simulator


Figure 1-19 The debugging console after clicking the button

22. Select View | Navigators | Log and then click the Debug QuickStart entry in the left column to show the Debugger Console.

23. Click the button, and the label’s text changes to Hello and the console displays the log (Figure 1-19).

You’ve just completed a lot of steps with no explanation. But what you did in this Try This will be second nature by this book’s end. Apart from just experiencing the whole process of creating a new iPhone app, the biggest concept you should take away from this simple example is using the IBAction and IBOutlet keywords.

IBAction and IBOutlet are covered several times later in this book. IBActions are how you connect methods in classes in Xcode to events fired by components created using Interface Builder. IBOutlets are how you connect properties in classes within Xcode to graphical components created using Interface Builder.

These graphical components reside in a nib file, so a more correct explanation would be that IBActions and IBOutlets connect code to components in a nib file. For instance, you connected the button’s Touch Up Inside event to the sayHello: action. The button lives in the nib, while the sayHello method lives in the compiled class. Making the sayHello method an IBAction connects the two. Like the button, the label also lives in the nib, while the myLabel property lives in the compiled class. Making the myLabel property an IBOutlet in the class file and then connecting the two in Interface Builder allows the class to manipulate the label via the myLabel property. Don’t worry if this is still somewhat confusing—it won’t be by the book’s end. If you must know more now, Chapter 7 has a more “official” explanation of IBOutlets and IBActions.


This chapter introduced you to this book’s content. Anyone with basic programming skills can write and release an application on Apple’s App Store. Moreover, he or she can make money selling the application. Although the obvious, easy applications may have all been released, there is room for high-quality applications on the App Store. All it takes is for Apple to feature your application on its web site, and you are looking at a few thousand dollars for your efforts.

We love iOS programming and find Objective-C to be a beautiful, elegant language. We’re certain that by the end of this book, you will too.

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