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Getting Started, AA-EV63D-TE

Quick Reference, AA-LD80C-TE

Installation Guide, AA-N686H-TE

Introduction, AA-LD79C-TE

Concepts and Design Guidelines, AA-PFVCA-TE

Writing Server Procedures, AA-N691F-TE

Managing Applications, AA-N689F-TE

Writing Applications, AA-LC14C-TE

Application Definition Utility, AA-U715F-TE

Systems Interface Programming, AA-EA12E-TE

TP System Case Study: Database and Application Development, AA-NF67A-TE

AVERTZ Application Overview, AA-PHG1A-TE

Master Index, AA-PFVDA-TE

Littleton, MA: Digital Equipment Corporation.

DEC-Rdb. (1991). DEC Rdb/VMS

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Guide to using SQL, AA-JM33E-TE

SQL Reference Manual, AA-JM32E-TE

Guide to Distributed Transactions, AA-PCU6B-TE

Guide to Database Design and Definition, AA-N034F-TE

Guide to Database Maintenance, AA-N035F-TE

Guide to Databse Performance and Tuning, AA-PJC7A-TE

Guide to Using SQL/Services, AA-ND79C-TE

SQL Reference Manual, AA-JM32E-TE

RMU (utilities) Reference Manual, AA-PJC5A-TE

Installation Guide, AA-N032K-TE

Nashua, NH: Digital Equipment Corporation.

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IBM-CICS. (1991). Customer Information Control System /Enterprise Systems Architecture (CICS/ESA)

General Information, GC33-0155

Processing Overview, SC33-0673

Installation, SC33-0663

System Definition, SC33-0664

Customization, SC33-0665

Resource Definition, SC33-0666

Operations, SC33-0668

CICS-Supplied Transactions, SC33-0669

System Programming Reference, SC33-0670

Application Programming Guide, SC33-0675

Application Programming Reference, SC33-0676

Application Programming Primer (COBOL), SC33-0674

Sample Applications Guide, SC33-0731

Distributed Transaction Programming, SC33-0783

Intercommunication Guide, SC33-0657

Recovery and Restart Guide, SC33-0658

Performance Guide, SC33-0659

XRF Guide, SC33-0661

RACF Security Guide, SC33-0749

Communicating with CICS OS/2, SC33-0736

Hursley Park, Hampshire, England: IBM.

IBM-IMS. (1991). Information Management System (IMS)

General Information, GC26-4275

Installation, SC26-4276

System Definition, SC26-4278

System Administration, SC26-4282

Operations Guide, SC26-4287

Operations Reference, SC26-4288

Application Programming, SC26-4279

Data Communication Administration, SC26-4286

Database Administrator’s Guide, SC26-4288

Database Recovery Control: Guide, SC26-4287

Database Recovery Control: Logic, SC26-4293

Programming Guide for Remote SNA Systems, SC26-4186

Program Logic Manual, SC26-4294

Utilities Reference, SC26-4629

Master Index and Glossary, SH20-9085

San Jose, CA: IBM.

IBM-IMS-XRF. (1991). IMS Extended Recovery Facility (XRF)

Planning, GC24-3151

Implementation, GG24-3152

Technical Reference, GG24-3153

Operation and Recovery, GG24-3154

San Jose, CA: IBM.

IBM-LU6.2. (1991). System Network Architecture (SNA) Logical Unit 6.2 (LU6.2)

SNA Concepts and Products, GC30-3072

SNA Technical Overview, GC30-3073

Transaction Programmer’s Reference Manual for LU6.2, GC30-3084

Formats and Protocol Reference Manual for LU6.2, SC30-3269

Formats and Protocol Reference Manual: Architectural Logic, SC30-3112

Reference: Peer-Protocols, SC31-6808

Research Triangle Park, NC: IBM.

IBM-MVS-APPC. (1991). MVS Application Program-to-Program Communications (APPC/MVS)

Application Development, Writing Transaction Programs for APPC/MVS, GC28-1112

Planning, APPC Management, GC28-1110

APPC/MVS Handbook for the OS/2 System Administrator, GCGC28-1133

San Jose, CA: IBM.

IBM-SAA. (1991). System Application Architecture (SAA)

An Overview, GC26-4341

Common Programming Inteface: Summary, GC26-4625

Common Communications Support: Summary, GC31-6810

Communications Reference (CPI-C), SC26-4399

Database Reference (SQL), SC26-4348

Repository Reference, SC26-4684

Resource Recovery Reference, SC31-6821

Concepts of Distributed Data, SC26-4417

Writing Applications: A Design Guide, SC26-4362

(see Overview for C, COBOL, FORTRAN, presentation, dialog, …)

San Jose, CA: IBM.

Ioannidis, Y. E., Wong, E., Query Optimization by Simulated Annealing. Proc. ACM SIGMOD. San Francisco:, 1987:9–22

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Transactional-C Programmers Guide and Reference, TP-00-D347

Using the Transarc Toolkit: Guide to Transaction Processing System Development, TP-00-137

Toolkit Executive, Reference Manual, TP-00-D539

Toolkit Server Core, Reference Manual, TP-00-D540

Structured File Server, Programmer’s Guide, TP-00-D170

Structured File Server, Programmer’s Reference, TP-00-D223

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Product Overview

Application Development Guide

Transaction Manager Administrator’s Guide

Transaction Manager Programmer’s Guide

Transaction Manager Reference Manual

Transaction Manager Master Index

System/D order no: 308-363.1

Product Overview

Application Development Guide

Database Manager Administrator’s Guide

Database Manager Programmer’s Guide

SQL User’s Guide/Reference Reference Manual

ESQL User’s Guide/Reference Reference Manual

Database Manager Reference Manual

Report Writer User’s Guide

Database Manager Master Index

Summit, NJ: UNIX System Laboratories or Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.

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