Page numbers followed by f indicates a figure and t indicates a table.


Ach, Johann S., 264

Acid washing, 153

Activated carbons, 143–149. See also Granular activated carbon

adsorbent properties of, 231t

adsorption isotherms on, 228f

BTEX removal and, 72

chlorobenzene adsorption on, 201, 202f

equilibrium and mass-transfer parameters in, 229t

H2 adsorption on, 147–149

hydrogen storage with, 147–149

nongraphitizing v. graphitizing, 144–145, 145f

pores of, 146

precursors, 147

preparation of, 147

as sorbent, 179

structure of, 143–147

Adatoms, 115

Adsorbents, 56–57

carbon, 142–158

characterization of, 77–78

densities and, 140–141

polymeric, 32–33

ratio, 240–241

silica, 66

stability of, 89–92

surface functional groups, 78


batch, 76–77

of BTEX, 72, 75, 77

chlorobenzene, 201, 202f

Co, 204–205, 205f

CO2, 59–60, 59f, 67t

competitive, 28, 34–35

contact time and, 78–79, 78f

cyclic, of BTEX, 86–89

of dioxins, 201

effect of interstitial velocity on, 233–239

fundamentals of, 139–140

in gas-sensing mechanism, 102

of H2, 147–149, 151–152, 153–155, 157–158

of Hg2+, 27–28, 31f

isotherms, 64–65, 65f, 80–82, 203f, 207f, 228f

kinetics, 79–80

of N2, 59, 60f, 77–78

of organic compounds, 72–74, 73t–74t

of oxygen, on SnO2, 104f

of PAHs, 202–203

pH and, 204–205

pressure, 235–237, 236f

process, 200

rate, in PSA model, 225

ratio, 235–239, 236f, 238f

temperature and, 78–79, 78f, 234f

thermodynamics, 83–84

velocity, 234f

Adsorption capacity, 32t–33t, 58, 77

Adsorption-elution cycles, of Hg2+, 36f

Aerosols, nanoparticles in, 245

Agent Orange, 272

Agglomerates, 252–253

Air monitoring, 129–130

Alcohol detection, 100

Algae, 2–3

Alkoxide precursors, 124

Alumina, 109–110, 116, 127–128

Ammonia-based absorption, 56

Ammonia detection, 100

Analysis of variance (ANOVA), 186, 190t

Analytes, 199–200

Anodization, of titanium, 127

ANOVA. See Analysis of variance

Antimony trichloride, 40

APTS. See 3-aminopropyl-triethoxysilane

Arrhenius plots, of CoSb2O6, 49f

Artificial intelligence, 267, 271–272

Asphyxiation, 213


Barnier, Michel, 276

Barrett-Johner-Halenda (BJH) equation, 59, 78

Bayh-Doyle Act, 274–275

Bennett-Woods, Deb, 278

Bensaude-Vincent, Bernadette, 271

Benzene, 71, 77, 209. See also BTEX

BET equation. See Brunauer-Emmett-Teller equation

Binding affinity, 24

Bionanotechnology, 262, 265

BJH equation. See Barrett-Johner-Halenda equation

Boucher, Patrick M., 269

Bounce, 246–247

Breakthrough curves, 64, 64f, 230f

Brinkman modification, 252

Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET) equation, 59, 61

BTEX, 71–75

adsorption, 75, 78–79, 78f, 92–94, 93f

adsorption capacity of, 77

adsorption/desorption experiments, 77, 84–86

analytical methods, 77–78

cyclic adsorption of, 86–89

Freundlich isotherms of, 82f

model constants of, 81t

qe of, 88f

recoveries, 85–86, 85f, 86f, 89f

thermodynamic parameters, 83–84, 84t


C18 silica, 179, 199, 201, 202f

Calcination, 40, 51


curve, 192

external, 193f

of thick-film gas sensors, 126–127

Carbamate, 59

Carbon. See also Activated carbons; Detonation carbon

adsorbents, 142–158

particles, 251

phases, equilibrium conversion of, 168

for SPE, 199

vaporization of, 152

Carbon dioxide (CO2)

adsorption, 59–60, 59f, 67t

adsorption isotherms of, 64–65, 65f, 228f

adsorption ratio and, 235

asphyxiation from, 213

breakthrough curves, 64, 64f

detection, by CoSb2O6, 51

equilibrium and mass-transfer parameters of, 229t

feed concentration, 237–239

global warming, 39

as H2 impurity, 222

lasers, 106

separation, 138

sequestration, 138

simulated concentration breakthrough curves of, 230f

UDD formation and, 175

Carbon dioxide capture and storage (CCS), 55–56

Carbon monoxide (CO)

adsorption isotherms of, 228f

adsorption ratio and, 235

asphyxiation from, 213

catalytic decomposition of, 157

detection, 100

equilibrium and mass-transfer parameters of, 229t

gas sensing response, 113f

gas sensors, 39

as H2 impurity, 222

metal oxide gas sensors and, 99

microsensors for, 122–123

n-type semiconductors and, 101–102

sensitivity to, 113–114

simulated concentration breakthrough curves of, 230f

thick-film gas sensors and, 124–127

UDD formation and, 175

Carbon nanofibers (CNFs), 139

carbon adsorbents and, 142–143, 149–152

catalytically grown, 151f

H2 adsorption on, 151–152

herringbone, 149

platelet, 149

preparation of, 150

SEM of, 150f

structure of, 149–150

tubular, 149

Carbon nanotubes (CNTs), 56. See also Multiwalled carbon nanotubes; Single-walled carbon nanotubes

adsorption capacities of CO2 with, 58

adsorption isotherms of CO2 with, 64–65, 65f

APTS-modified, 57

breakthrough curves of CO2 with, 64, 64f

breakthrough volumes of, 204

BTEX recoveries of, 85, 85f, 89f

carbon adsorbents and, 142–143

carbon content in, 58–59

catalytic chemical vapor deposition of, 75

chlorobenzene adsorption on, 201, 202f

costs, 158

cyclic BTEX adsorption on, 86–89

dioxin adsorption on, 201

IR spectra of, 63–64, 63f, 92, 92f

length-to-diameter ratio of, 152

metal ion affinity of, 205–206

in microcolumns, 207–208

NaOCl-oxidized, 74–75, 94

organic compounds adsorption on, 72–74, 73t–74t

oxidization, 204

physical properties of, 59, 62t, 87f

predicted BTEX adsorption on, 92–94, 93f

PSDs of, 59–60, 61f, 90–92, 91f

qe of BTEX on, 88f

Raman spectra of, 61, 62f

raw v. modified, 60–64

regeneration, 75

replacement cost of, in wastewater treatment, 92–94

in SPE, 200

stability of, 89–92

surface charge of, 205

surface modification of, 74

TG analysis of, 62–63, 63f

treatment of, 56–57

weight loss ratios during regeneration of, 90f


chemical vapor deposition, 75

CNF formation and, 151f

effect of, in gas sensors, 104–105

selectivity and, 103

CB. See Conduction band

CC. See Complexant complexation

CCS. See Carbon dioxide capture and storage

Ceriodaphnia dubia, 2–6

SEM of, 7–8, 12f, 14f

toxicity tests on, 9f, 10t

Cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB), 181

Char, 143, 147, 215, 219

Chelation, 25, 200, 208

Chemical vapor deposition (CVD), 100

Chemisorption, 142

Chlorobenzenes, 201, 202f

Clausius-Clapeyron equation, 224–225

Clay, 216, 217f. See also Nanoclay

CMOS. See Complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor

CNFs. See Carbon nanofibers

CNTs. See Carbon nanotubes

CO. See Carbon monoxide

Co. See Cobalt

Coal gasification and reforming, 138

Cobalt (Co), 152, 204–205, 205f

Cokes, 144–145

Combustion, 214f. See also Fire

initiation of, 215

metal, 253

self-sustained, 215

Commercial interests, 274–276

Complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS), 120

Complexant complexation (CC), 186–188

CONAMA. See National Council of Environment

Conduction band (CB), 5

Conductivity. See Electrical conductivity; Thermal conductivity

Contact time, 78–79

Copper (Cu), 178

absorption spectra and, 185

adsorption isotherms of, 207f

determination, 180–184, 194t

determination validation, 195t

preconcentration, 184t

sorption, 187–188

CoSb2O6, 39–40

Arrhenius plots of, 49f

CO2 detection by, 51

conductivity of, 48

crystal structure evolution, 43f

current-voltage curves of, 52f

gas sensing response of, 48–49

grain growth of, 45–46

particle size distributions of, 47f

preparation of, 40

resistance of, 49–50, 50f

SEM of, 44f, 45f

single-phase, 41

TEM of, 45f

wire formation, 43–46

XRD pattern of, 42f, 45f


of CNTs, 158

integrated solid-state sensors and, 120

of wastewater treatment, 92–94

Coupling agents, 218f

Crib 5 test, 218–219

Crystallographic ordering, of activated carbons, 143

Crystallographic shear planes (CSP), 112

CTAB. See Cetyltrimethylammonium bromide

CuKα-radiation, 168

Current-voltage curves, of CoSb2O6, 52f

CVD. See Chemical vapor deposition


Darcy’s law, 252


DDT. See Dichlorodiphenyltrichlorethane

DDTC. See Diethyldithiocarbamate

Debye length, 100, 102, 110

Densities, 140–141. See also Gravimetric densities; Volumetric densities

Density functional theory (DFT), 142

Department of Energy (DOE), 138

Deposition. See also Chemical vapor deposition

electrochemical, 100

of platinum, 112–115

PLD and, 107

rates, 107–108

thin-film methods, 105–108


of BTEX, 77, 84–86

of Hg2+, 28–29

N2, 77–78

of N2 on CNTs, 60f

Detonation carbon, 165–166

diffraction micrographs of, 170f

in HCl, 172f

HRTEM of, 170, 173–174, 173f

pretreatment of, 171–172, 171f

SCW-treated, 174–175

treatment in SCW of, 172

XRD analysis of SCW-treated, 172–173

Device miniaturization, 120

DFT. See Density functional theory

Diamonds. See also Ultradispersed nanodiamonds

conversion, in SCW, 167–168

integral intensities of, 169f

Dicamba, 201, 203f

Dichlorodiphenyltrichlorethane (DDT), 273

Diethyhexyl sebacate, 250

Diethyldithiocarbamate (DDTC), 180–181, 185, 208

Diffraction micrographs, 170f, 171f

Diisocyanate, 217

Dioxins, 72, 201

Dislocations, 112

DOE. See Department of Energy

Doehlert designs, 184

ANOVA from, 190t

matrix, 188t

for optimization procedure, 185–191

surface responses from, 189f

Doping, 116–118, 155, 157

Doppler velocimetry, 246–247

Dose-response curves, 5–6

Drexler, Eric, 262

Dubinin pore-filling approach, 142

Dupuy, Jean-Pierre, 277

Dutch Embryo Act, 270

Dynamic light scattering, 7


Eigler, Don, 275

Electric arc discharge, 152, 156

Electrical conductivity

of CoSb2O6, 48

metal oxide grain size and, 103

n-type semiconductors and, 101–102

water vapor and, 120

Electrical resistivity

catalysts and, 105

gas concentration and, 102–103

metal oxide gas sensors and, 101–102

oxygen pressure and, 119, 119f

temperature and, 118

Eluent, 181

Elution, 35, 208

Energy demand, global, 137

Engines of Creation (Drexler), 262

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), 2, 72, 266

Equilibrium adsorption capacity (qe), 64–65

BTEX, 79, 88f

comparisons, 66, 67t, 82, 83t

RHs and, 66f

Ethics, 264. See also Nanoethics; Neuroethics

commercial interests and, 274–276

legal perspectives on, 268–271

medical, 265

research, 279

Ethylbenzene, 71, 77. See also BTEX

Ethylene glycol dimethacrylate, 25


FAAS. See Flame atomic absorption spectrometry

Faunce, Thomas, 277–278

FDA. See Food and Drug Administration

Federal Scientific and Production Center, 166

Feed composition, 237–239, 238f

Feed temperature, 233–239

Feynman, Richard, 261–262, 272

FIA. See Flow injection analysis

Fibrous filters, 245

collection efficiency of, 246

effect of liquids on, 249–250

FID. See Flame ionization detection

Films, 109–120, 123t. See also Thick-films; Thin-films

Filtration. See also Fibrous filters

design, 254

diffusion, 253

efficiency, 249–252

filed flow, 153

velocity, 249–250, 252

Fire, 213–216. See also Combustion

First-order rate law, 79–80, 94

Fisher’s exact test, 6

Flame atomic absorption spectrometry (FAAS), 28, 178–179

Flame ionization detection (FID), 77

Flow injection analysis (FIA), 178–179

Flow preconcentration system, 193–195, 194t

optimization procedure for, 185–191

solid-phase extraction and, 195–196

sorbent, 183–184, 183f

Foams, 217–219, 219f

Food and Drug Administration (FDA), 277

Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectra, 26–27, 30, 30f, 78

Fractional factorial, 185–191, 185t–186t, 187f

French Barnier law, 276

Freundlich model, 80, 81t, 82f

FTIR spectra. See Fourier transform infrared spectra

Fuel cells, 138. See also Proton-exchange membrane fuel cells

Fullerenes, 167, 200, 202–203


GAC. See Granular activated carbon

GARDX. See Glancing angle X-ray diffraction

Gas chromatography (GC), 58, 77, 203

Gas sensing response, 101–103

to CO, 113f, 114

of CoSb2O6, 48–49

errors, 125

film structure and, 109–120

to NO2, 114

of SnO2, 114f

water vapor and, 125–126

Gas sensors, 39. See also Microsensors; Multisensor arrays

calibration of, 126–127

catalysts in, 104–105

chemical, 99

integrated solid-state, 120–123

metal oxide, 39, 99, 101

thick-film, 100, 124–127, 125f

thin-film, 109f

GC. See Gas chromatography

GCB. See Graphitized carbon black

Genetically modified (GM) food, 260

Gibbs free energy equation, 167

Glancing angle X-ray diffraction (GARDX), 110, 111f

Global warming, 39, 137

GM food. See Genetically modified food

Gold, 104–105

gOPT-dynamic optimizer, 239–240

gPROMS software, 227, 239

Grain boundaries, 110–112, 112f

Grain diameter, 123

of CoSb2O6, 45–46

dependence on, 118f

oxygen pressure and, 119

in PLD, 116–120

in reactive RF sputtering, 110

reducing, 100

Granular activated carbon (GAC), 75

BTEX adsorption on, 86–89, 92–94, 93f

BTEX recoveries of, 89f

NaOCl-oxidized CNTs v., 94

physical properties of, 87f

qe of BTEX on, 88f

replacement cost of, in wastewater treatment, 92–94

stability of, 89–92

weight loss ratios during regeneration of, 90f

Graphene-sheet wrapping, 152, 152f

Graphite, 143

equilibrium conversion of, 168

integral intensities of, 169f

oxidization of, 168

structure of, 144f

thermodynamics of, 167–168

XRD of, 148

Graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry, 178

Graphitized carbon black (GCB), 200–202, 204

Gravimetric densities, 140–141

Greenhouse gas, 138

Grinham, Alexei, 277


H2. See Hydrogen

H2SO4. See Sulfuric acid

Hamaker constant, 247

Harm, 271–274


health, 260

of sunscreens, 277–278

HCl. See Hydrochloric acid

Headspace solid phase microextraction, 77

Heinlein, Robert A., 261


Henning, Jochen, 275–276

Henry constant, 228–230

HEPA filter. See High-efficiency particulate air filter

Herbicides, 72, 74t, 201, 203f

Hessian determinant, 190

Hexagonal unit cell, 144f

Hexane, 203–204


adsorption, 27–28, 31f

adsorption-elution cycles of, 36f

competitive adsorption of, 35t

concentration, 31–33

elution of, 35

pH and, 33–34, 34f

repeated use, 28–29

Hibbs, Al, 261–262

High-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter, 58

High-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM), 168, 170f, 173–175, 173f, 175f

HNO3. See Nitric acid

HRTEM. See High-resolution transmission electron microscopy

Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority, 270

Human Genome Project, 279

Humidity, 126. See also Relative humidities

Hybrid life forms, 270–271

Hydrocarbons. See also Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons

catalytic decomposition of, 156

CNF preparation and, 150

detection, 100, 122–123

Hydrochloric acid (HCl), 74

asphyxiation from, 213

detonation carbon pretreatment with, 171–172, 171f, 172f

Hydrogen (H2). See also Hydrogen storage

adsorption, 147–149, 151–152, 153–155, 157–158

adsorption isotherms of, 228f

as alternative fuel, 137–139

binding energy for, 142

CO2 feed concentration and, 237–239

combustion, 221

detection, 100

equilibrium and mass-transfer parameters of, 229t

impurities, 158, 221–222

liquefaction, 138–139

pressurized, 138–139

simulated concentration breakthrough curves of, 230f

spillover, 148

Hydrogen cyanide, 213

Hydrogen peroxide, 174–175

Hydrogen storage, 138

with activated carbons, 147–149

carbon adsorbents for, 143

CNFs for, 151–152

electrochemical, 154–155

micropores and, 143, 148–149

MWCNFs for, 158

SWCNTs for, 153–155

temperature and, 158

Hydrogen sulfide detection, 100

Hydroxyethyl methacrylate, 25


ICDD. See International centre for diffraction data

ICP-OES. See Inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrophotometry

Imidizole containing 3-(2-imidizoline-1-yl) propyl(triethoxysilane) (IMEO), 25, 27f, 30

Indium oxide, 124–125, 128–129, 128f

Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry, 178

Inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrophotometry (ICP-OES), 179

Institute for Soldier Nanotechnologies (ISN), 272

Interference, 126, 191–192

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), 56

International centre for diffraction data (ICDD), 41–42

International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC), 146, 192

Interstitial velocity, 224, 233–239


foreign, 191–192, 192t

impurity, 216–217

metal, 205–206, 206f

IPCC. See Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

IR spectra, of CNTs, 63–64, 63f, 92, 92f

Iron oxide, 248

ISN. See Institute for Soldier Nanotechnologies


adsorption, 64–65, 65f, 80–82, 203f, 207f, 228f

adsorption/desorption, 78

of BTEX, Langmuir model, 82f

N2, 90

IUPAC. See International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry


Jömann, Norbert, 264


KBr, 26–27

Kubas complexes, 155

Kyoto Protocol, 55


Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), 15

LaFeO3. See Lanthanum iron oxide

Lagergren’s first-order rate equation, 79

Lagrange’s criterion, 190

Lamellar-based molecules (LCMs), 145

Langmuir model, 80

constants of, 81t

physisorption and, 142

PSA model and, 223

Lanthanum iron oxide (LaFeO3), 124–125

Laser ablation, 100, 105–108. See also Pulsed laser ablation


CO2, 106

Doppler velocimetry, 246–247

KrF excimer, 116

Nd:YAG, 106

vaporization, of carbon, 152–153

Lattice plane contrast, 112f

LC50 values, 4–6

particle size and, 10f

photoperiod and, 11f

sedimentation rate constant and, 13f

toxicity and, 8, 10t

LCMs. See Lamellar-based molecules

LDF. See Linear driving force

Lead (Pb), 207f, 208

Leder, Philip, 269

Levy, David, 271–272

Lewenstein, Bruce, 274–275

Linear driving force (LDF), 223

Liquefaction, of hydrogen, 138–139

LiveScience, 272

LOEC values, 8, 10t

Low-pressure CVD (LPCVD), 122


Macropores, 143, 146, 146f

Magnesium oxide (MgO), 248–249

Magnetron sputtering, 100, 105–106

Malondialdehye (MDA), 15

Manhattan Project, 272

Mass-transfer coefficients, 229t, 230

MBE. See Molecular beam epitaxy

MDA. See Malondialdehye

MeHg. See Methylmercury

Mercury (Hg). See also Hg2+

forms, 24

preconcentration of, 208

toxicity, 24–25

Mercury Vapor Unit (MVU)-1A, 28

Mesopores, 146, 146f

Metal determination, 178–179

sample preparation for, 181–183

voltammetric stripping and, 209

Metal oxides

gas sensors, 39, 99–100

grain size, 103

in-situ doping of, 116–118

nanoarchitectures, 127–129

nanowires, 128–129

Methane (CH4)

adsorption isotherms of, 228f

adsorption ratio and, 235

catalytic decomposition of, 157

equilibrium and mass-transfer parameters of, 229t

as H2 impurity, 222

simulated concentration breakthrough curves of, 230f

thick-film gas sensors and, 126

Methylene diphenyl isocyanate, 217

Methylmercury (MeHg), 24–25

MgO. See Magnesium oxide

Microelectronic fabrication, 120

Micromachining. See Silicon micromachining

Microorganisms, 268

Micropores (MPs)

of activated carbons, 146–147, 146f

of CNTs, 75

hydrogen storage and, 143, 148–149

Microsensors, 120–123

Micro-SPE (μ-SPE), 203

Milburn, Colin, 261

Mody, Curys, 261

Molecular beam epitaxy (MBE), 106

Montmorillonite, 82, 216–217

Mortality data, 6

μ-SPE. See Micro-SPE

Multisensor arrays, 120, 121f, 129–130

Multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs), 139

carbon adsorbents and, 155–158

copper preconcentration onto, 184t

copper sorption on, 187–188

hydrogen adsorption on, 157–158

oxidized with HNO3, 182f

PAHs adsorption on, 202–203

preparation of, 156

protein expression and, 15

SEM of, 182f

as sorbent, 179

structure of, 155, 156f

MVU-1A. See Mercury Vapor Unit-1A

MWCNTs. See Multiwalled carbon nanotubes



adsorption, 59, 60f, 77–78

desorption on CNTs, 60f, 77–78

isotherms, 90, 91f

Nanoarchitectures, of metal oxide, 127–129

Nanobelts, 128, 128f

NanoBio-RAISE, 265

Nanocarbon phases, 167

Nanoceramics, 40

Nanoclay, 217

Nanoethics, 263–265

Nanomachines, 260, 271

Nanomedicine, 262, 265

Nanoparticles, 23–24, 245

aggregation of, 17

of CoSb2O6, 46

sedimentation of, 7

surface area of, 29

toxicity of, 2

Nanotechnology, 23

defining, 260–262

environment and, 268

fire control with, 215–216

investment in, 259

perception of, 267

Nanotechnology: Ethics and Society (Bennett-Woods), 278

Nanotechnology: Health and Environmental Risks (Shatkin), 278

Nanowires, 128–129

NaOCl, 74–75, 94

Naphthalene, 202

National Council of Environment (CONAMA), 195

National Health and Environmental Effects Research Laboratory (NHEERL), 6

National Nanotechnology Initiative (NNI), 274, 279

Natural organic matters, 80

Neuroethics, 264

NHEERL. See National Health and Environmental Effects Research Laboratory

Nickel (Ni), 152, 154–155

Nitric acid (HNO3)

BTEX recoveries of CNTs under, 85–86, 85f

CNT modification by, 74

CNT oxidation with, 204

detonation carbon purification and, 166

as elution agent, 35

MWCNTs oxidized with, 182f

Nitrogen dioxide (NO2)

gas sensing response to, 114

gas sensors, 39, 99

of metal oxide nanowires, 129

microsensors for, 122–123

n-type semiconductors and, 101–102

sensitivity, 123t

thick-film gas sensors and, 126

NNI. See National Nanotechnology Initiative

NO2. See Nitrogen dioxide

Noble metals, 103–104

NOEC values, 8, 10t

Nonaqueous coprecipitation, 40

Nondissociative enhancement, 155


Octadecyl-bonded silica, 200

OncoMouse, 269

Ono-Kondo approach, 142

Oral gavages, 14–15

Organic compounds

adsorption on CNTs, 72–74, 73t–74t

SPE of, 201–204


adsorption of, 102, 104f

detection, 100

electrical resistivity and, 119, 119f

gas-sensing mechanism and, 102

grain diameter and, 119

pressure, 117–119

Ozone (O3), 99, 126


PAHs. See Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons

Palladium (Pd), 100, 104, 151–152

doping, 155

MWCNTs and, 157–158

Pareto Chart, 186, 187f

Particle size distributions (PSDs), 47f, 59–60, 61f, 90–92, 91f

Particles. See also Nanoparticles

bounce of, 246–247

carbon, 251

critical sticking velocity of, 246

information, 4t

secondary, 9–11, 17

shape of, 248–251

size of, 3–6, 10f

Patents, 268–269

Pb2+, 35t

PCW. See PowderCell for Windows

Pd. See Palladium

PEMFC. See Proton-exchange membrane fuel cells

Pesticides, 201, 266, 273

PF. See Preconcentration factor


adsorption and, 204–205

CNT surface charge and, 205

copper sorption and, 187–188

Hg2+ adsorption and, 33–34, 34f

metal ion sorption and, 206f

PHEMA. See Poly(hydroxyethyl methacrylate)


characterization of, 25

FTIR spectra of, 30

pH and, 33–34

stretching vibration bands of, 31

Phenathrene, 202

Phenoxyalkanoic acids, 201

Phenyl-silica, 201

Photoactivity, 2

Photoluminescence, 129

Photoperiod, 5–6, 11f

Phthalate esters, 201

Physisorption, 142, 154

Pitt, Joseph, 275–276

Platelets, 149, 217

Platinum, 100, 104–105

deposition of, 112–115

doping with, 116–118

heaters, 109f

in PLD, 116–120

in reactive RF sputtering, 109–115

sensitivity and, 116f

PLD. See Pulsed laser ablation

Poly(hydroxyethyl methacrylate) (PHEMA), 25

FTIR spectra of, 30f

Hg2+ concentrations and, 31–33

IMEA reaction, 27f

nanoparticle synthesis, 25–26

pH and, 33–34

polydispersity index of, 29

silanization of, 26

stretching vibration bands of, 31

surface area of, 27, 29

TEM of, 29f

Poly aromatic hydrocarbons, 72

Polycrystalline materials, 101

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), 202–203

Polydispersity index, of PHEMA, 29

Polyether, 217–218

Polyethylene glycol, 40

Polymerization, 25–26, 39–40

Polystyrene latex (PSL), 246–247

Polytetrafluoroethylene, 154–155

Polyurethanes (PUs), 199, 217

Polyvinyl alcohol (PVA), 40

Polyvinyl pyrrolidone (PVP), 40–41, 43–44, 51

Pore size distributions (PSDs), 59, 90–92, 91f

Pore volume, 61, 75, 146–147

Porosimetry analyzer, 59

Potassium persulphate, 25

PowderCell for Windows (PCW), 169

Precautionary principle, 276–278

Precombustion, 214

Preconcentration, 196, 208. See also Flow preconcentration system

Preconcentration factor (PF), 178–179

Pressure-swing adsorption (PSA)

boundary conditions, 226t

layered-bed, 243

model, 222–227

non-cryogenic, 222

objective functions, 241t

optimization, 239–242, 241t, 242t

parametric studies of, 233–239

six-step, two-layered-bed, 222f

solution methodology, 227

Principle 15 Rio Declaration, 276

Privacy, 264–265

Protein expression, 15

Proton-exchange membrane fuel cells (PEMFC), 221

PSA. See Pressure-swing adsorption

PSDs. See Particle size distributions

PSL. See Polystyrene latex

Pulsed laser ablation (PLD), 106–108, 116–120, 117f

Purge time, 233–239

Purge-and-trap system, 204

PUs. See Polyurethanes

PVA. See Polyvinyl alcohol

PVP. See Polyvinyl pyrrolidone

p-Xylene, 71, 77. See also BTEX

Pyrene, 202

Pyrosol, 100


qe. See Equilibrium adsorption capacity

Quartz, 75–76


Raman spectra, of CNTs, 61, 62f

Ravetz, Jerome, 276

Reactive electron beam evaporation, 100

Reactive oxygen species (ROSs), 15

Reactive radio-frequency (RF) sputtering, 100–115

Reagents, for copper monitoring, 180–181

Regeneration time, 234f

Regis, Ed, 261

Relative humidities (RHs), 65, 66f

Resistivity. See Electrical resistivity

Resorcinol, 72

Response surface methodology (RSM), 180, 184

Rhombohedral unit cell, 144f

RHs. See Relative humidities

Rip, Arie, 267

ROSs. See Reactive oxygen species

RSM. See Response surface methodology

Rutile type structure, 102


Safety, 266

Sandler, Ronald, 266

SC. See Surfactant concentration

Scanning electron microscopy (SEM), 41

of Ceriodaphnia dubia, 7–8, 12f

of CNFs, 150f

of CoSb2O6, 44f, 45f

of MWCNTs, 182f

SCW experimental procedure and, 168

Scanning tunneling microscope (STM), 275–276

Scheufele, Dietram, 265

Schottky barrier, 105, 113

Schrader-Frechette, Kerstin, 266

Schummer, Joachim, 261, 267

SCW. See Super-critical water

Sedimentation, 7, 11–12, 13f

Selectivity, gas sensing, 103

catalysts and, 104–105

multisensor arrays and, 120

temperature and, 114–115

Selenastrum capricornutum, 3

SEM. See Scanning electron microscopy

Semiconductors, 2, 101, 102

Sensitivity, gas sensing, 103

catalysts and, 104–105

to CO, 113–114

cross, 126

film thickness and, 123t

in-situ doping and, 118

to NO2, 123t

platinum and, 116f

of SnO2, 115f, 116f

Sensor networks, 129–130

SFR. See Surfactant flow rate

Shatkin, Jo Anne, 278

Sherrer equation, 110

Sievert-type installation, 152

Silanization, 26

Silica adsorbents, 66, 94

Silicon micromachining, 120

Silicon nitride, 120

Silver, 100, 104, 252

Single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs), 82, 139

armchair, 152

carbon adsorbents and, 152–155

chiral, 152

electrochemical hydrogen storage and, 154–155

hydrogen adsorption on, 153–155

PAHs adsorption on, 202–203

palladium-doped, 155

physisorption on, 154

preparation, 152–153

as sorbent, 179

structure of, 152

zigzag, 152

Skarstrom cycle, 239

Smoke, 213

SMR. See Steam methane reforming

SnO2. See Tin dioxide

Sodium chloride, 249

Sol-gel process, 100, 124, 127, 130

Solid-phase extraction (SPE), 195–196, 199–204. See also Micro-SPE

Sorbents, 179

comparison of, 194t

flow preconcentration system, 183–184, 183f

packaging, 200

polymeric, 199

SPE. See Solid-phase extraction

Spectrophotometric determination, 195–196

Spillover, of hydrogen, 148

Sputtering, 100, 105–106. See also Reactive radio-frequency (RF) sputtering

SRQPD solver, 227

Statistica software, 184

Steam methane reforming (SMR), 222

Stem cell research, 270–271

Stewart, Timothy, 269

STM. See Scanning tunneling microscope

Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants, 273

Stretching vibration bands, 31

Styrene-divinylbenzene copolymers, 200

Submicropores, 146, 146f

Substrates, 107–110

Sulfhydryl groups, 25

Sulfonylurea herbicides, 201

Sulfur dioxide asphyxiation, 213

Sulfuric acid (H2SO4), 74, 166

Sunscreens, 277–278

Super-critical water (SCW), 166

experimental procedure, 168–169

with H2O2 decomposition products, 174–175

HRTEM analysis and, 173–174

treatment of detonation carbon, 172

XRD analysis and, 172–173

Supreme Court, 268

Surface functional groups, of adsorbents, 78

Surface modification, 24, 74

Surface morphology, 110

Surfactant binding, 24

Surfactant concentration (SC), 185–186

Surfactant flow rate (SFR), 185, 187–188

SWCNTs. See Single-walled carbon nanotubes

Swierstra, Tsjalling, 267


Taniguchi, Norio, 262

Tantalum, 124

TCD. See Thermal conductivity detector

TEM. See Transmission electron microscopy


adsorption and, 79–80, 234f

BTEX adsorption and, 78–79, 78f

CO2 adsorption isotherms and, 65

electrical resistivity and, 118

feed, 233–239

hydrogen storage and, 158

multisensor arrays and, 120

PSA and, 233–239

selectivity and, 103, 114–115

sensitivity and, 103

thin-film deposition and, 107

TG analysis. See Thermogravimetric analysis

Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA), 277

Thermal conductivity detector (TCD), 58

Thermal decomposition, 124, 128


adsorption, 83–84

parameters, of BTEX, 84t

of solid graphite and diamond conversion in SCW, 167–168

Thermogravimetric (TG) analysis, 59, 62–63, 63f

Thermospray flame furnace atomic absorption spectrometry, 179

Thick-films, 100, 124–127, 125f

Thin-films, 105–108, 109f, 127

Thomas, George J., 138

3-aminopropyl-triethoxysilane (APTS), 56, 57, 66

Tin dioxide (SnO2), 39

amorphous, 117

GARDX of, 111f

gas sensing response of, 114f

in gas sensors, 100

in integrated solid-state sensors, 121

microstructure of, 111f

nanocrystalline, 109f

nanowires, 128–129

oxygen adsorption on, 104f

semiconductor properties of, 102

sensitivities, 115f

structure, 108–120, 110f, 117f

thick-film, 124–127

TiO2. See Titanium dioxide

Titanium, 127

Titanium dioxide (TiO2), 39

detection, 100

dose-response curves of, 5

photoactive properties of, 2

secondary particle size, 9–11

in sunscreen, 277–278

toxicity, 17–18

Toluene, 71, 77. See also BTEX

Toluene diisocyanate, 217


LC50 values and, 8

mercury, 24–25

of nanoparticles, 2

tests, 9f, 10t

TiO2, 17–18

Toxicity Relationship Analysis Program (TRAP), 6

Transmission electron microscopy (TEM), 41. See also High-resolution transmission electron microscopy

of CoSb2O6, 46f

of microsensors, 122, 122f

of PHEMA, 29f


of SnO2 microstructure, 111f

TRAP. See Toxicity Relationship Analysis Program

Triazine compounds, 201

Trihalomethanes, 72, 80

Tungsten oxide, 128–129

Tungsten trioxide, 39, 100


Ultradispersed nanodiamonds (UDD), 165–167, 175

Ultrasound, 217

University and Small Business Patent Procedures Act. See Bayh-Doyle Act

USEPA. See Environmental Protection Agency

UV-vis molecular spectrophotometry, 7, 178–180


Valence band (VB), 5

Van der Waals bonds, 142, 152, 200

VB. See Valence band

Viral expansion, 142

Voltammetric stripping, 209

Volumetric densities, 140–141

Volumetric sorption analyzer, 77–78


Waldo (Heinlein), 261


BTEX, 72

organic compound adsorption from, 73t–74t

treatment, cost-effective analysis of, 92–94

Water. See also Super-critical water; Wastewater

for copper determination, 181–183

organic compound adsorption from, 73t

purification, 180

vapor, 120, 125–126

Watson, James, 279

Wettability, 24, 250

WHO. See World Health Organization

Woodrow Wilson Project on Emerging Nanotechnologies, 266

World Health Organization (WHO), 260, 273


X-ray diffraction (XRD), 41–42

analysis, 169–171

of CoSb2O6, 42f, 45f

of graphite, 148

H2O2 decomposition products and, 174

SCW experimental procedure and, 168

of SCW-treated detonation carbon, 172–173

Xylene, 72


Yeast, cerophyll and trout chow (YCT), 3


Zeolite, 82

adsorbent properties of, 231t

adsorption isotherms on, 228f

BTEX removal and, 72

equilibrium and mass-transfer

parameters in, 229t

for SPE, 199

Zinc oxide (ZnO), 39, 100, 128–129, 277–278

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