
Thomas S. (Tom) Tullis is Vice President of User Experience Research at Fidelity Investments and Adjunct Professor in Human Factors in Information Design at Bentley University. He joined Fidelity in 1993 and was instrumental in the development of the company’s User Research department, whose facilities include state-of-the-art Usability Labs. Prior to joining Fidelity, he held positions at Canon Information Systems, McDonnell Douglas, Unisys Corporation, and Bell Laboratories. He and Fidelity’s usability team have been featured in a number of publications, including Newsweek, Business 2.0, Money, The Boston Globe, The Wall Street Journal, and The New York Times. Tullis received his B.A. from Rice University, M.A. in Experimental Psychology from New Mexico State University, and Ph.D. in Engineering Psychology from Rice University. With more than 35 years of experience in human–computer interface studies, Tullis has published over 50 papers in numerous technical journals and has been an invited speaker at national and international conferences. He also holds eight United States patents. He coauthored (with Bill Albert and Donna Tedesco) “Beyond the Usability Lab: Conducting Large-Scale Online User Experience Studies,” published by Elsevier/Morgan Kauffman in 2010. Tullis was the 2011 recipient of the Lifetime Achievement Award from the User Experience Professionals Association (UXPA) and in 2013 was inducted into the CHI Academy by the ACM Special Interest Group on Computer–Human Interaction (SIGCHI). Follow Tom as @TomTullis.

William (Bill) Albert is currently Executive Director of the Design and Usability Center at Bentley University and Adjunct Professor in Human Factors in Information Design at Bentley University. Prior to joining Bentley University, he was Director of User Experience at Fidelity Investments, Senior User Interface Researcher at Lycos, and Post-Doctoral Researcher at Nissan Cambridge Basic Research. Albert has published and presented his research at more than 30 national and international conferences. In 2010 he coauthored (with Tom Tullis and Donna Tedesco), “Beyond the Usability Lab: Conducting Large-Scale Online User Experience Studies,” published by Elsevier/Morgan Kauffman. He is co-Editor in Chief of the Journal of Usability Studies. Bill has been awarded prestigious fellowships through the University of California Santa Barbara and the Japanese government for his research in human factors and spatial cognition. He received his B.A. and M.A. degrees from the University of Washington (Geographic Information Systems) and his Ph.D. from Boston University (Geography-Spatial Cognition). He completed a Post-Doc at Nissan Cambridge Basic Research. Follow Bill as @UXMetrics.

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