Chapter 8

Management of Dyspnea and Central Airway Obstruction in Patients With Malignancy

R.L. Wei1 and L.E. Leard2,    1University of California, Orange, CA, United States,    2University of California, San Francisco, CA, United States


Dyspnea is a subjective sensation of breathlessness which can be exacerbated by psychological distress. Dyspnea arises from complex multisystem processes, making it challenging to diagnose and control effectively. However, immediate evaluation and maintenance of airway is required in order to allow for more time to identify potentially reversible causes. When central airway obstruction (CAO) is identified, interventional procedures to manage CAO are palliative, but these interventions can significantly reduce dyspnea, improve functional status, reduce postobstructive infections, enhance quality of life, and enable better radiographic evaluation for staging. Because interventions are palliative, one should carefully assess the risk of any procedure with the potential for palliative benefit.


Dyspnea; breathlessness; central airway obstruction


Dyspnea is a subjective sensation of breathlessness. The American Thoracic Society defines dyspnea as a “subjective experience of breathing discomfort that consists of qualitatively distinct sensations that vary in intensity. The experience derives from interaction among multiple physiologic, psychological, social, and environmental factors, and may induce secondary physiologic and behavioral responses” [1].

Dyspnea is experienced by 29–74% of patients with terminal cancer [2]. It is the most common severe symptom in the dying patient and more common in patients with poor functional capacity (KPS < 60). Dyspnea can arise from complex multisystem processes, making it challenging to control effectively. Most patients with cancer experience dyspnea in conjunction with other symptoms including psychosocial distress and pain. Therefore identifying and addressing these issues may help to more effectively improve dyspnea.

Pathophysiology of Dyspnea

• Complex and poorly understood.

• Combination of central, neural, chemical, and mechanical feedback.

• Related to a patient’s perceived sensation of breathlessness and their reaction to this sensation. Normal breathing is an autonomic function. The respiratory control centers in the brainstem control inspiratory muscles while expiration occurs passively. Respiration also plays a crucial role in acid–base homeostasis.

ent Chemoreceptors in the carotid bodies and ventral surface of the medulla monitor pH.

ent Chemoreceptors in the carotid and aortic bodies monitor oxygen and carbon dioxide levels and provide feedback to the respiratory control center.

ent A higher level of control involving the motor cortex and cerebellum can temporarily override the autonomic regulation of respiration such as in the case of emotional feelings or protective reflexes like a cough.

ent Dysregulation or abnormalities in any of these pathways may contribute to dyspnea.

Evaluation of Dyspnea

• Since dyspnea is a subjective experience, using objective data, such as respiratory rate, arterial blood gases, and pulmonary functional tests, alone may underestimate a patient’s symptom.

• Oxygen saturation has been shown not to have a correlation with a patient’s intensity of dyspnea [3].

• Dyspnea scales have been developed to better elicit a patient reported level of dyspnea. Patients should be encouraged to rate the intensity of their dyspnea to enable providers to better manage their symptoms

ent Borg 0–10 scale (0 = nothing at all, 5 = strong, 10 = extremely strong) [4].

ent Modified Medical Research Council Cancer Dyspnea Scale (Grade 1=not troubled by breathlessness except on strenuous exercise, 5=too breathless to leave the house, or breathless when undressing) [5,6].

Visual Analog Scale

• A multidimensional approach should be utilized in evaluating the etiology of dyspnea, as the cause is often multifactorial.

ent Whenever possible, identify and treat any potentially reversible etiologies.

ent History includes inquiring onset of dyspnea.

ent Elicit whether symptoms are present at rest or positional and determine the acuity and severity of symptoms.

• Perform a focused cardiopulmonary history and physical examination.

ent Tachypnea may or may not be present in patients with dyspnea, and not all patients with tachypnea will experience dyspnea.

ent Cyanosis, if present, may suggest hypoxia, and pulse oximetry at rest and with exertion should be performed to assess for oxygen desaturation.

ent Lung examination should include evaluation for adventitial lung sounds and for findings suggestive of pleural effusions.

ent Cardiac examination should include assessment of jugular venous pressure and assessment for other findings to suggest heart failure or cardiac tamponade.

• Diagnostic testing can be useful to assess for potentially reversible etiologies.

ent Imaging often includes chest X-ray and chest computed tomography (CT).

ent A CT angiogram may be necessary to assess for pulmonary emboli.

ent Echocardiogram can be useful if cardiac etiology (such as pericardial effusion) is suspected.

ent In some instances, bronchoscopy may provide diagnostic information about airway lumen patency or yield specimens for microbiologic or pathologic analysis.

Management of Potentially Reversible Etiologies of Dyspnea

• Management should be initially directed at all potentially reversible etiologies.

• Sometimes, a sole underlying cause cannot be pinpointed, in which case several interventions may be considered in parallel.

• In a palliative care setting, the risks and benefits of an intervention must be weighed against the patient’s prognosis, the general health of the patient, and the patient’s wishes.

• Treatment options are usually based upon the underlying pathophysiology (see Table 8.1).

• In some patients with malignancy, worsening dyspnea, hemoptysis, and stridor may suggest central airway obstruction (CAO). Urgent evaluation with direct examination of upper and lower airways may be required. Please refer to the section below on management of CAO.

Table 8.1

Potentially Reversible Etiologies of Dyspnea and Management Strategies

Pathophysiology Possible Etiology Possible Intervention
Airflow obstruction Central Airway Obstruction (CAO) by tumor (intrinsic or extrinsic) Radiation/chemotherapy/bronchoscopy with laser therapy, brachytherapy, cryotherapy, or stent
 Radiation stricture Balloon dilation or stenting
 Secretions/mucus impaction Suction, nebulizer therapy, expectorant
Vascular obstruction Pulmonary emboli Anticoagulation
 Tumor thrombus Interventional radiology
 Superior vena cava syndrome Radiation/chemotherapy
 Cardiac tamponade Pericardiocentesis
 Heart failure Diuretics/medical therapy
 Anemia Red blood cell transfusion, or if indicated iron and vitamin C, folate, B12 or erythropoietin
Decreased lung volume Pleural effusion Thoracentesis/Indwelling pleural catheter/pleurodesis
 Ascites Paracentesis
 Pneumothorax Chest tube
Altered ventilation Anxiety Psychotherapy, breathing techniques, benzodiazepines
 Depression Antidepressant therapy
 Panic attack Anxiolytic therapy
Infiltrative lung disease Pulmonary fibrosis/drug induced pneumonitis Corticosteroids/stop offending agent
 Radiation pneumonitis Corticosteroids
 Pulmonary edema Diuretics/management of underlying etiology
 Lymphangitic carcinomatosis Corticosteroid, palliative chemotherapy
 Infection (pneumonia, TB, opportunistic) Antimicrobial therapy
Neuromuscular disorder Phrenic nerve injury Plication of the diaphragm, nocturnal noninvasive ventilation
 Paraneoplastic syndrome Possibly treatment of cancer
Oxygen carrying capacity Methemoglobinemia Supplemental O2, methylene blue, exchange transfusion
 Anemia Red blood cell transfusion, or if indicated iron and vitamin C, folate, B12 or erythropoietin
Pain Chest wall infiltration by cancer Opioid, radiation
 Rib fracture Opioid, radiation

Symptom Management for Dyspnea


• Opioids have remained the primary tool in the management of dyspnea in advanced cancer patients.

• In addition to providing analgesia, opioids provide an additional antidyspneic effect.

ent When healthy opioid-naïve volunteers were given naloxone to counteract endogenous opioids in their bodies, they experienced sensation of dyspnea suggesting that opioids have a specific effect on dyspnea [7].

ent A metaanalysis of 18 double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trials on opioids for dyspnea from any disease showed a statistically significant positive effect of opioids in the treatment of dyspnea. Subgroup analysis showed a greater effect for oral or parenteral opioids when compared to nebulized routes [8].

• Morphine provides palliation of dyspnea for approximately 4 hours (See Table 8.2).

ent The average oral bioavailability of morphine is 30–40%, the onset of action is 15–30 minutes, the peak plasma concentration occurs within 30 and 90 minutes, and the half-life is 1.4–3.4 hours [9].

• Once an effective 24 hour opioid dose for dyspnea is determined, it can be converted to long-acting forms to provide baseline symptomatic relief of dyspnea [10].

ent Short-acting opioids may be titrated for breakthrough dyspnea and taken on an as needed basis.

• Patients with prior opioid exposure often require approximately 25% higher doses of opioids than opioid-naïve patients to effectively reduce dyspnea and tachypnea for as long as 4 hours [11].

• Multiple routes of opioid delivery are available.

ent Opioids for dyspnea may be effective when administered orally, sublingually, rectally, or intravenously.

ent Many of the randomized controlled trials (RCT) exploring opioids for dyspnea have used a subcutaneous route [12,13].

ent Opioid receptors have been found in bronchial mucosa and nebulized options have therefore been explored for dyspnea. However, RCTs do not support the use of nebulized morphine in improving dyspnea [14].

Table 8.2

Initial Opioid Management of Pain

 Morphine Breakthrough Weight Based
Opioid-Naive 2.5 mg q 4 h PO + breakthrough 0.02 mg/kg q 4 h PO
Opioid-Exposed 5–10 mg q 4 h PO + breakthrough 0.04 mg/kg q 4 h PO



• Benzodiazepines are effective in controlling anxiety and panic, which may contribute to the sensation of dyspnea. Cancer patients with dyspnea often have some level of anxiety, fear, and sensation of impending death.

• There is no evidence that benzodiazepines alone are effective in relieving dyspnea in advanced cancer [15].

• However, benzodiazepines have been shown to act synergistically when utilized in combination with opioids.

ent In the inpatient setting, an RCT investigated the efficacy of scheduled morphine 2.5 mg every 4 hours with midazolam 5 mg every 4 hours versus patients with either scheduled morphine and breakthrough midazolam or scheduled midazolam and breakthrough morphine [16].

– Ninety-two percent of patients with scheduled morphine and midazolam had dyspneic relief compared to those who had scheduled morphine and breakthrough midazolam (69%) or scheduled midazolam and breakthrough morphine (46%).

• No reported increase in drowsiness with the addition of scheduled midazolam.

• In an ambulatory setting, Navigante et al. studied the use of midazolam in combination with morphine.

ent Starting doses were 2 mg for midazolam and 3 mg for morphine, with incremental increases of 25% of the preceding dosing every 30 minutes. If the dyspnea intensity was not reduced by at least 50%, the patient received the next step dose.

ent The dose that reduced the intensity of dyspnea by at least 50% was considered the “effective dose” [17].

• Lorazepam has also been used.

ent Suggested doses are 25–50 mcg/kg (maximum 1 mg) as the starting dose.

Oxygen Therapy

• Although oxygen therapy is effective in the treatment of hypoxic respiratory failure, there has not been evidence to support the use of oxygen for palliation of dyspnea.

ent While some patients may feel reassured to have an oxygen supply as a “lifeline” when they become breathless, others may become more secluded and solitary as a result of a negative stigma associated with the oxygen delivery system.

ent There is growing evidence suggesting that the use of oxygen in these patients is of no benefit and may be detrimental [3,18,19]. It may cause discomfort, lead to deterioration in health status in certain conditions, and contribute to the financial burden on the health care system.

– Unless there is documented hypoxemia, oxygen should not be prescribed for palliation of dyspnea in patients.

• Helium/oxygen gas mixtures have been used to treat patients with severe upper-airway obstruction associated with tumor, COPD, and asthma.

ent Heliox is a helium–oxygen gas mixture that reduces work of breathing by decreasing turbulent flow and thereby decreasing airway resistance.

ent The lower density and higher viscosity of the helium/oxygen gas mixture promote a more laminar flow in terminal airways and reduce resistance to flow thereby reducing work of breathing and improving alveolar ventilation [20].

ent In a double-blind, randomized, controlled Phase II trial of 12 lung cancer patients comparing Heliox 28 (72% helium and 28% oxygen) versus oxygen-enriched air, there was a significant improvement in exercise capability, oxygen saturation, and dyspnea scores for those who breathed Heliox 28 [21].

ent Use of helium/oxygen gas mixtures is a short-term bridge to definitive therapy due to the high cost of this specialty gas.

Nonpharmacologic Therapies

• Dyspneic patients will often benefit from therapies focused on increasing patient comfort.

ent Patients can use a handheld or fixed fan to blow cool air over the face. A randomized control trial demonstrated a significant reduction in breathlessness when a fan was blowing on the face compared to the leg, and this reduction was irrespective of the order of use of fan directed to the face or leg [22].

ent Placing the head of the bed at an elevation between 60 degrees and 90 degrees may help by optimizing diaphragm position.

ent Avoidance of irritants, like cigarette smoke and allergens, and good oral hygiene may also decrease the perception of dyspnea.

• The psychosocial component to dyspnea can be addressed with cognitive behavioral therapy.

ent Studies have shown that patients may benefit from weekly counseling sessions that help with breathing retraining, relaxation, and coping and adaptation strategies.

ent One multicenter, randomized controlled study of effects of nurse-run dyspnea clinic for lung cancer patients demonstrated improvement in dyspnea and performance scores compared with patients treated with standard of care with no specific interventions.

ent The intervention included teaching the patients breathing and relaxation techniques and providing psychosocial support [23].

ent Strategies such as these have been shown to reduce distress from dyspnea by more than 50% [24].

• Ultimately, the best management strategy most likely employs a combination of pharmacological and nonpharmacological methods to optimally palliate dyspnea.


• Dyspnea is a disabling symptom experienced by many patients with advanced stages of cancer.

• Although the causes of dyspnea can be difficult to identify, physicians should employ a systematic approach to identify any potentially reversible causes.

• A combination of pharmacological and nonpharmacological management strategies should be utilized to optimally relieve dyspnea.

Palliative Management of Malignant Central Airway Obstruction (CAO)

Significance of CAO

In a patient with malignancy, CAO is often a slow and insidious process. It may occur either by direct tumor invasion into an airway or by extrinsic compression from a tumor leading to collapse of the airway. Most procedures to manage the CAO are palliative, but these interventions significantly reduce dyspnea, improve functional status, reduce postobstructive infections, enhance quality of life, and enable better radiographic evaluation for staging. Because these interventions are palliative, one should carefully assess the risk of any procedure with the potential for palliative benefit. The overall goals and likely outcomes should be clearly explained to the patient.


• Patients with CAO frequently present with pneumonia and shortness of breath.

• Less severe CAOs are often asymptomatic but may be misdiagnosed as asthma or COPD.

• A focused history and physical exam are paramount for narrowing the differential diagnosis.

• Specific diagnostic tests may be useful in the diagnosis of CAO.

ent A chest X-ray is rarely diagnostic due to lack of soft tissue contrast, but may be useful as a screening tool to identify tracheal deviations suggestive of mass effect or radiopaque foreign body.

ent A CT scan of the chest often can provide greater level of detail

– May identify the cause of the CAO, determine the location of the obstruction in the airway, and determine the length and dimension of the lesion, which can help determine treatment interventions.

• Advanced three-dimensional reconstruction of CT images can create internal and external renderings of the bronchial airways to help physicians better visualize and pinpoint the location of obstruction. Direct bronchoscopic visualization with rigid or flexible bronchoscopy is usually required to evaluate the CAO.

ent Can help to determine whether the CAO is due to endobronchial invasion or extrinsic compression.

ent Bronchoscopy allows for direct tissue sampling, so that a pathologic and molecular diagnosis can be established in order to better guide the therapeutic approach.


Initial Stabilization

• In cases with severe CAO, endotracheal intubation may be required to secure the patient’s airway and to provide positive pressure ventilation.

• Flexible bronchoscopy can then be performed after patient is intubated.

• If patient has an obstructive pneumonia, empiric antibiotic therapy should be initiated.


• Bronchoscopy is an important diagnostic tool and can be used to evaluate and possibly treat the cause of obstruction.

• Bronchoscopic management of airway obstruction is palliative.

• A single institutional study revealed 42% of patients required more than one procedure to maintain airway patency [25].

• There are two types of bronchoscopy

ent The flexible fiber optic bronchoscopy is used widely in evaluating and diagnosing diseases of the airway due to its relative ease of use, and lack of a need for general anesthesia.

ent The rigid bronchoscope is often preferred by interventional pulmonologists given its superior control when managing difficult airway conditions.

– In a severely obstructed airway, the beveled edge of the rigid bronchoscope can be used to shear large pieces of the endobronchial tumor and ventilation through the bronchoscope can be used to ventilate the distal airway.

– Additionally, the large bore of the rigid bronchoscope can accommodate larger caliber suction catheters and larger biopsy forceps.

ent The rigid bronchoscope is more unwieldy than the flexible bronchoscope and requires greater training [26].

Bronchoplasty or Balloon Dilation

• Bronchoplasty or balloon dilation can be utilized to dilate a stenotic airway.

• Rigid dilators or sequential balloons may be passed through a stenotic segment of a central airway to dilate the stenosis.

• For balloon dilation, a series of dilations are performed with increasing balloon diameter to reduce risk of tracheobronchial rupture.

• Irrespective of the method of dilation, bronchoplasty provides immediate relief of extrinsic and intrinsic lesions, but the results are temporary.

ent Granulation tissue may form after bronchoscopy and cause recurrent stenosis due to mucosal tears from the procedure.

ent Often airway stents are placed for more durable results.

Airway Stents

• Airway stents may be used to maintain patency of the airway, and may be placed via flexible or rigid bronchoscopy.

• Metal and silicone stents may both be used.

ent Covered metal stents are most often used for malignant obstructions

– Prevent tumor ingrowth and provide a larger internal: external diameter ratio compared to silicone stents.

– Difficult to remove.

ent Silicone stents

– More easily removed if the obstructing mass responds to chemotherapy and/or radiation therapy.

– Smaller diameter, which leads to a higher rate of migration.

– Require a rigid bronchoscopy for placement.

Argon Plasma Coagulation

• Argon Plasma Coagulation (APC) is a noncontact electrocoagulation therapy applied via rigid bronchoscopy.

• A 5000–6000 V spark formed at the tip of a tungsten electrode ionizes argon gas, which then coagulates adjacent tissues causing them to undergo coagulative necrosis.

• Coagulation occurs 2–3 mm deep and there is very little risk of airway perforation [27].

• Can treat lesions lateral to probe or areas inaccessible by laser therapy making this therapy useful for hemorrhages.

• Does not vaporize tumor and some authors recommend repeat bronchoscopy 1–3 days after APC procedure to debulk the necrotic tissue.

Laser Therapy

• Lasers have been used for debulking since 1975.

• The Nd:YAG laser is most commonly used today. It can be used via a flexible bronchoscope and can achieve a tissue penetration of up to 10 mm [28].

• Laser photoresection has been used extensively for both benign and malignant airway lesions.

ent Malignant lesions have the best ablation rates with laser therapy alone;

ent Benign lesions were best managed by laser therapy and mechanical rigid dilation [29].

• Success can depend on location.

ent Tumors located in the trachea, right mainstem bronchus, and bronchus intermedius were treated successfully 97%, 94%, and 90% of the time;

ent Tumors in the left mainstem bronchus and left upper lobe were more difficult, but treated successfully in 86% and 58% of the time, respectively [30].

• Laser resection has a greater than 90% success in reestablishing patency in endobronchial masses that are central, intrinsic, and less than 4 cm in length [30,31].

• The most common reported complications from laser resection are bleeding (2.5%), and hypoxia (1.8%) [32].


• Endobronchial cryotherapy destroys tumors with cytotoxic effects of rapid freezing (–100°C/minute) and slow thawing of tissue.

ent The freezing creates intracellular ice crystals that expand in the cell causing cell membrane and organelle damage resulting in direct cell death.

ent Additionally, the freezing causes thrombosis of the microvasculature to the tumor [33].

• Using a flexible cryoprobe, adjacent tissue is frozen to extremely low temperatures (below −20°C to −40°C) [34].

• The role of cryotherapy for management of CAO is limited due to its delayed effect and the need to undergo multiple bronchoscopies to remove debris [35].

Palliative Surgery

• For patients with a localized tumor encasing a major bronchus, and who cannot tolerate a pneumonectomy, a tracheobronchial sleeve resection may be considered for both curative and palliative intent.

ent Helps preserve native lung function.

ent Associated with lower mortality rates than pneumonectomy [36].

• Tracheostomy can be performed to bypass a large obstructive neoplastic lesion proximal to the larynx and prevent respiratory compromise.

ent Patients can function with a temporary or permanent tracheostomy.

ent The side effects from tracheostomy are increased risk of infections, and perceived social stigma.

Palliative Chemotherapy

• The primary goal of palliative chemotherapy is to prolong survival and ease the symptoms by reducing the burden of disease.

• Each patient must be carefully evaluated and his or her goals of care must be known before deciding on pursuing palliative chemotherapy.

ent The American Society for Clinical Oncology guidelines recommend palliative chemotherapy only for solid tumor patients with good Eastern Cooperative Oncology group (ECOG) performance status (ECOG <3) [37].

ent Prigerson et al. showed that chemotherapy-refractory metastatic cancer patients with good ECOG performance status who received additional palliative chemotherapy will have significantly worse quality of life at the end of life than those who did not receive chemotherapy [38].

• If the patient has not received chemotherapy before, or their cancer has had previous response to the chemotherapy, palliative chemotherapy may be an option.

ent Standard doublet therapy with cisplatin or carboplatin and a second agent such as a taxane is superior to single-agent therapy [39].

ent In a Phase III RCT, cisplatin and pemetrexed was found to be more active in patients with nonsquamous histology, while cisplatin and gemcitabine were more active in squamous histology [40].

Palliative Radiation

• Palliative radiotherapy has a role in treatment of symptoms including cough, shortness of breath, hemoptysis, bronchial or tracheal obstruction, or superior vena cava obstruction.

• Many randomized trials have assessed palliative dose fractionation for locally advanced lung cancer, though many of these studies were completed before wide use of modern CT simulation and computerized treatment planning [4143].

ent The studied regimens have ranged from as short as a single 10 Gy fraction to as lengthy as 50–60 Gy in 25–30 fractions.

ent Though there is not a single defined optimal dosing schedule, shorter fractionation schedules (10 Gy in 1 fraction, 17 Gy in 2 fractions over 2 week, and 20 Gy in 5 fractions) are equally efficacious in providing palliative relief with fewer side effects (1991; 1992) (See Table 8.3).

ent Palliative improvement with either short- or longer-course radiation has been shown to improve dyspnea (40–97%), hemoptysis (77–92%), cough (60–91%), superior vena cave syndrome (51–96%), and pain (70–78%).

ent When deciding on the most appropriate fractionation scheme, a patient’s age, performance status, pulmonary function, presence of pleural effusion, and metastatic disease burden should be taken into account [42].

• Radiation for collapsed lung

ent 71% of patients who received 30–60 Gy to the obstructive tumor in the mainstem bronchus within 2 weeks after radiological evidence of atelectasis had complete reexpansion of their lungs, whereas only 23% of patients who received radiation greater than 2 weeks had reexpansion [49].

ent If there are plans for definitive radiation, then large dose per fraction (3–4 Gy/fraction) should not be pursued since it will limit the radiation dose for future treatment. If the lesion is amenable to endobronchial management (debridement, stent, or even brachytherapy), this should be considered first. Some patients have collapsed lobe on imaging but are asymptomatic (especially if both ventilation and perfusion are affected, i.e., a “matched defect”).

ent If patient is neutropenic, consider prophylactic antibiotic due to risk of sepsis after reexpansion of lung.

• Radiation for intubated patient

ent Intubated patient with near complete consolidation due to either intrinsic or extrinsic airway obstruction (i.e., endobronchial disease, or hilar LN or mass that is central enough to compress on the airway) should be managed endobronchially first if there is endobronchial disease, since patient is already intubated. Debridement would have more immediate benefit than stent. If stent is placed, palliative dose would be the same even if no stent is present.

ent The addition of concurrent chemotherapy with external beam radiotherapy does not improve symptom improvement and may add unwanted toxicity [42].

• The use of highly conformal therapy such as stereotactic body radiotherapy (SBRT) for locally advanced lung cancer holds promise, but has not yet been extensively studied [42].

ent Single institution trials of SBRT showed no benefit in overall survival.

ent Approximately 25% of patients have partial or complete bronchial strictures resulting in secondary loss of normal lung volume [50].

• Side effects associated with palliative radiation therapy

ent Worsened fatigue, dysphagia, and esophagitis resulting in weight loss.

ent Increase shortness of breath with radiotherapy to the lung in patients with preexisting chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

ent Patients should be counseled regarding the potential acute effects of radiation against benefits.

• Supportive care for intubated patient

ent In an intubated patient in the ICU, all options could be considered to determine what might be most effective to alleviate obstruction. Possibilities might include trial of bronchoscopy with cryotherapy or laser therapy, possible stent placement, or XRT. Decision about whether or not to proceed would depend on location of obstruction, acuity, and patient’s overall prognosis and goals of care.

Table 8.3

Common Dose and Fractionation Scheme for Palliative Radiotherapy

Common Dose Fractionation Benefit >2 Weeks References
10 Gy × 1 fraction Dyspnea 45% MRC [44], Erridge [45]
Cough 51%
Hemoptysis 88%
8.5 Gy × 2 fraction q week Dyspnea 49% Sundstrom [46]
Cough 44%
Hemoptysis 70%
4 Gy × 5 fraction Dyspnea 54% Bezjak [47]
Cough 46%
Hemoptysis 80%
3 Gy × 10 fraction Cough 56% MRC [48]
Hemoptysis 86%


Brachytherapy (Intraluminal)

• High dose rate (HDR) endobronchial radiation can be used as an adjuvant therapy following stenting procedures to delay regrowth of the obstructive mass.

ent Polyethylene afterloading catheters are positioned in place with flexible or rigid bronchoscopy.

ent Intraluminal brachytherapy is limited to smaller tumors [51].

– The effective dose distance of endochronichial HDR brachytherapy is 0.5–2 cm from the source.

ent Typical doses prescribed are 20–30 Gy total dose at 2 cm.

• Intraluminal brachytherapy is considered for symptomatic recurrence of intraluminal disease that has previously been treated with EBRT [42].

• The addition of endobronchial brachytherapy to external beam radiotherapy has not been shown to significantly add to symptom control.

Helium/Oxygen Therapy

• Heliox is a helium–oxygen gas mixture that reduces work of breathing by decreasing airway resistance by decreasing turbulent flow and thereby decreasing airway resistance.

• Has been used in multiple medical situations including postextubation laryngeal edema, tracheal stenosis, and angioedema [52].

• Two case studies demonstrated the use of the helium/oxygen mixture to manage severe upper-airway obstruction associated with tumor [53].

• Improvement in breathing and dyspnea is only temporary (CAO is still present).


• Management of malignant central airway obstruction requires direct visualization with flexible or rigid bronchoscope to determine the extent and location of the obstruction.

• Although rigid bronchoscopy is difficult to perform without advanced training and requires general anesthesia, it does allow for greater debulking of the obstructive mass and provide greater choices of interventions for the pulmonologist as compared to flexible bronchoscopy.

• Multiple strategies to alleviate the obstruction are now available, including bronchial stent, cryotherapy, palliative external beam radiotherapy, and intraluminal brachytherapy.

• Decision about which strategy to employ should be based upon the patients overall condition and the therapies available.


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