Chapter 9

Malignant Bleeding

C.A. Johnstone,    Medical College of Wisconsin; Froedtert & The Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, United States


Cancer patients experience bleeding related to local tumor effects and abnormal tumor angiogenesis and to systemic effects of the malignancies themselves and anticancer therapies. Bleeding episodes can be categorized as acute catastrophic bleeding, episodic major bleeding and low-volume oozing. Bleeding can be exacerbated by medications commonly used by cancer patients, such as bevacizumab, nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), and anticoagulants. Much of this bleeding manifests as visible bleeding resulting from bruising, petechiae, epistaxis, hemoptysis, hematemesis, hematochezia, hematuria, vaginal bleeding, and melena.

Goals of care, life expectancy, and quality of life considerations should guide therapeutic intervention. Therapies include reversal of anticoagulation and discontinuation of contributing medications, administration of systemic agents and blood products, as well as local therapies. Local therapies include noninvasive approaches, such as applied pressure, a variety of dressings or packing, and radiotherapy. Invasive local therapies include percutaneous embolization, endoscopic procedures, and surgical ligation or resection of tumors.


Epistaxis; hemoptysis; hematochezia; hematuria; hematemesis; epistaxis; vaginal hemorrhage; melena; cancer-related bleeding; radiotherapy

Scope of the Problem

Approximately 10% of patients with advanced cancer will have at least one bleeding episode. For those patients with hematologic malignancies, that number rises to almost 30% [1]. These events vary in severity from low-grade oozing to major episodic bleeding to catastrophic bleeds. Bleeding events can be caused by local tumor invasion or abnormal tumor vasculature and can be categorized as epistaxis, hemoptysis, hematemesis, hematochezia, melena, hematuria, and vaginal bleeding. Immunotherapies, such as bevacizumab, nonsteroidal antiinflammatory agents, and anticoagulants, can exacerbate bleeding. These agents are routinely used in cancer patients due to their high-propensity to have painful bone metastasis and cancer-induced coagulopathies. Chemotherapy-induced thrombocytopenia also predisposes patients to bleeding. Tumor regression or prior radiation therapy can also cause bleeding.

There are no randomized therapeutic trials of palliative interventions to provide hemostasis in the context of advanced malignancy and a lack of consistent outcome measures, time points, and methods of assessment in the literature that does exist. The literature discussed in this chapter includes reports of single modality interventions without consistent definitions of bleeding or response to therapy. There are very few good overviews of multimodality treatment of bleeding at all body sites due to advanced cancer. This is likely due to the heterogeneity of the patient population, the various sites affected by bleeding, and the fact that the modalities utilized to treat bleeding spans multiple medical specialties which make randomized trials difficult. Much of the literature is retrospective which makes prospective endpoint definition and evaluation nearly impossible. Some of this is inherent in the heterogeneity of the problem, the terminal nature of advanced cancer, and the availability of institutional resources and expertise.

Goals of Care, Communication, and Assessment

In patients at high risk for bleeding or who are suffering from the effects of bleeding, goals of care should be explored as therapies are considered. The extent to which the bleeding is visible or disturbing to patients and the adverse effects on quality of life should be examined. The quantity of a patient’s remaining life should be estimated and used to determine the most appropriate therapies. Prognostic models can be used to estimate life expectancy [28]. Radiation therapy can control bleeding within 24–48 hours in most cases; however, patients have to be comfortable lying on the table for the radiation planning and treatment process. Surgery can be helpful in the management of bleeding tumors; the expected difficulty and duration of the recovery should be considered in the context of a person’s remaining life and goals of care.

For those patients at risk for catastrophic bleeding events, it is important to prepare the patient and their family for the visually and mentally disturbing effects of such a bleed. Encourage the use of dark sheets, towels, blankets, and clothing to dampen the visual shock of seeing massive bleeding from a loved one. Fast-acting sedatives, such as intravenous or subcutaneous midazolam, should be readily available; families should be instructed on their use if the patient is at home. Terminal or palliative sedation may be appropriate for bleeding at the end of life. Often, however, death occurs rapidly in this setting; unless intravenous access is already in place, there may be very little time.

For those patients not at the end of life who suffer a major but noncatastrophic episode of bleeding, establishment of intravenous access, stabilization with fluids, and hemodynamic monitoring can allow further investigation into the cause of bleeding and treatment, if appropriate. Laboratory analysis should include a complete blood count, a coagulation profile, a complete metabolic panel with assessment of liver enzymes and function. Further investigation may include computed tomography of the area suspected of bleeding, angiography, and/or endoscopy. Comorbidities, current medications, and recent therapeutic interventions may also be contributing factors. The risks of further bleeding in the setting of anticoagulation should be balanced against the risks of further clotting.

Local Therapies

Dressings, Packing, and Topical Agents

• Nonadherent dressings can be applied to bleeding lesions of the skin.

• Packing can be utilized for bleeding involving the nose, vagina, and rectum.

• Various topical agents, such as absorbable gelatin or collagen, utilized to control surgical bleeding can be utilized for accessible skin or mucosal surfaces.

• Vaginal packing can be soaked with paraformaldehyde. Moh’s paste and Monsel’s solution can be applied topically to areas of vaginal bleeding [9].

Radiation Therapy

• Radiation therapy has been demonstrated to decrease hemoptysis [1020], hematuria [2123], vaginal bleeding [24], and bleeding from the GI tract (melena, hematemesis, and hematochezia) (Table 9.1) [25].

• Radiation therapy to palliate bleeding can be effective within 24–48 hours of the delivery of the first dose. Patients must be hemodynamically stable to safely be transported to radiotherapy departments for treatment.

• Various fractionation schemes have been described in the palliative setting. These include short courses of 8–10 Gy in a single fraction, intermediate courses of 4–8 Gy in 3–5 fractions, or longer courses of 3 Gy in 10–15 fractions.

ent No scheme has been determined to be better than any other in the palliation of hemorrhage. At least one randomized trial of radiation fractionation suggests fewer side effects with shorter courses of treatment [26].

ent Some of these hypofractionated regimens have been used in patients that are medically frail with otherwise curable cancers. In these situations, the highest dose per fraction schemes may be less appropriate given that the longer life expectancy of these patients puts them at higher risk for the development of potential late complications of radiation therapy.

ent For patients with advanced and metastatic cancers, shorter courses of radiation offer equal or better palliation with increased convenience and decreased cost [27].

• Delivery of additional radiation therapy may be difficult if the patient previously received radiation therapy to the same site. Re-irradiation can be considered if the benefits of retreatment outweigh the risks. Care must be taken to respect normal tissues constraints in most circumstances, especially of the spinal cord.

Table 9.1

Palliative Radiotherapy Fractionation for Bleeding From Various Sites

 Palliative Intent Curative Intent***
Skin lesions 8 Gy/1 fraction or Per NCCN guidelines
20 Gy/5 fractions
Hemoptysis 17 Gy in 2 fractions, 1 week apart 2–3 fractions at 3–4 Gy followed by definitive radiation to the equivalent of ~60 Gy at 2 Gy/fraction
GI, GU or GYN bleeding 20 Gy in 5 fractions or If curable but medically frail, limit fraction size, or total dose
7 Gy×1 repeated weekly up to 3 times (total 21 Gy)


***For curative intent patients with bleeding, a few fractions (2–3) can be delivered at 3–4 Gy per fraction followed by definitive radiation to the appropriate curative dose.

Endoscopic Procedures

• Bronchoscopy, esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD), cystoscopy, and colonoscopy have been utilized to identify and treat bleeding tumors in the organs visualized through each procedure.

• Cautery, argon plasma coagulation (APC), deployment of clips, injection of epinephrine or other sclerosing agents, laser, and other adjunctive therapies have been described. Varying rates of success and rebleeding occur.

• Endoscopic interventions are most successful in the treatment of less advanced and nondiffusely bleeding tumors. The existing literature describing the utility of these procedures are not limited to patients with advanced cancer.

• Two small series describe the application of a hemostatic powder to a bleeding tumor. Hemostasis was reported in 100% of patients but rebleeding remains a problem [28,29].

• APC is a noncontact thermal cautery with a depth of penetration of 2–3 mm.

ent Argon is a nonflammable gas that is ionized by a high-voltage spark.

ent Immediate hemostasis has been reported to be 100% but rebleeding occurs in 30% of patients [30].

Transcutaneous Embolization

• Transcutaneous embolization of vessels has been described to embolize bleeding vessels in many organ sites and malignant processes. Various mechanical devices and materials are utilized to achieve vascular embolization [31].

ent Mechanical devices, such as coils, are defined by the size of their core, diameter, and length.

ent Various biodegradable or permanent sclerosing agents can be injected depending on the indication for embolization.

ent Permanent agents, such as polyvinyl alcohol or microspheres, are used for embolization of malignant bleeding [32].

• Patients must be able to lie flat for the duration of the procedure.

• Limitations of vascular embolization include the ability to identify and catheterize the bleeding vessel and to selectively embolize the blood supply of the tumor and protect vessels supplying normal tissues.

ent Arterial access is accomplished through one of the major arteries, e.g., the femoral, popliteal, brachial, and radial arteries.

ent Care must be taken to ensure that preexisting coagulopathies are corrected and that the patient is hydrated as contrast agents are utilized to visualize the vasculature.

• Successful hemostasis occurs in 70–99% of patients [33].

• Rebleeding can occur early, usually due to incomplete embolization, or late, due to recanalization of the vessels.

• Complications include local site bruising or hematoma, bleeding, coil migration, vessel occlusion, and postembolization syndrome.

• Tumor necrosis induces pain, flu-like symptoms, nausea and vomiting which can last for several days [32,33].


• Various surgical procedures can provide relief of bleeding when the level of bleeding, the patient’s expected remaining life and lack of other good options warrant it.

• Surgical options range from ligation of vessels to resection of the tumor and/or bleeding organ.

• Laparoscopic procedures may result in less acute morbidity than open ones but may be associated with a higher cost.

• Additional considerations include the risks of anesthesia.

Treatment Options by Site of Hemorrhage

Skin Lesions

• Skin lesions are very visible manifestations of metastatic disease that can ooze, bleed, have a foul odor, or be painful.

• Nonadherent dressings can be applied to manage bleeding.

• Local therapies include surgical excision, radiation therapy, and other ablative therapies.

• For superficial lesions, laser or cryotherapy may be sufficient.

• Electrochemotherapy combines a cytotoxic agent with electrical impulses that increase the permeability of the cell membrane, which enhances uptake of the cytotoxic drug.

ent Response rates of 77–87% have been reported with bleomycin. Local or general anesthesia is generally required to alleviate the painful muscle contractions caused by the electrical impulses [34].

• Intratumoral injection of interleukin-2 (IL-2) has been associated with response rates of 70–80%. It is delivered in doses of 3–18 MIU per session at 2–3 sessions per week. Isolated limb perfusion is usually reserved for melanoma and sarcoma [34].

• Palliative radiation can be very helpful in the management of pain and bleeding from skin metastases.

ent Given that the goal of radiation is to palliate symptoms rather than completely eradicate the tumor, hypofractionated regimens such as 8–10 Gy in a single fraction or 20 Gy delivered in 5 fractions should be considered.


• Depending on the amount of hemoptysis and the wishes of the patient, it may be necessary to protect the airway by intubation.

• Single lumen tubes allow passage of a standard flexible bronchoscope, but do not permit reliable lung isolation.

• Rigid bronchoscopy is useful for large volume bleeding to airway control and rapid suctioning, but requires expertise and is challenging to perform outside the operating room.

ent Temporary control of bleeding can be affected with balloon catheters via the scope.

ent Blood clots can be suctioned and visualization of the airways can help determine the source of the bleeding.

ent Various therapeutic interventions can be performed including balloon tamponade, iced saline lavage, Nd-YAG laser coagulation, electrocautery, or APC.

ent Reported hemostasis ranges from 60% for Nd-YAG laser to 100% for APC [35].

• For lesions not amenable to bronchoscopic intervention, bronchial artery angiography with embolization may be appropriate.

ent Angiographic signs of hemoptysis include tumor blush and active extravasation.

ent Many studies of bronchial artery embolization are not limited to those with cancer, thus accurate response rates are difficult to determine.

ent Care must be taken to visualize and avoid the spinal artery as spinal cord injury can result from bronchial artery embolization [36].

• Radiation therapy is very successful at palliating hemoptysis, with rates of hemostasis in 80–97% of patients [10,16].

ent Various fractionation regimens have been employed ranging from 17 Gy in two weekly fractions of 8.5 Gy, 20 Gy in 5 fractions of 4 Gy and 30–39 Gy in 10–13 fractions of 3 Gy.

ent No consistent significant differences in rates of palliation have been reported.

ent Several studies, which were not powered to detect a survival benefit, and include otherwise curable patients, demonstrate conflicting results regarding survival.

– Both longer fraction courses of 30–39 Gy in 10–13 fractions of 3 Gy [14,15] and shorter course of 17 Gy in 2 fractions of 8.5 Gy [17,19] have been shown to result in improved survival.

– The increased convenience and decreased costs of the shorter courses and lack of data supporting longer courses of radiation favor their use [10,17,19].

– Radiation myelitis has been reported rarely in patients who survive for at least 9 months; [37] three-dimensional conformal radiation therapy techniques can be used to decrease the dose to the spinal cord and mitigate this small risk.

Vaginal Bleeding

• Vaginal bleeding occurs commonly in advanced cervical and endometrial cancer and accounts for 6% of deaths from cervical cancer.

• Treatments should be tailored to the available resources and the wishes of the patient.

• Topical therapies include vaginal packing that can be soaked with paraformaldehyde or application of Moh’s paste or Monsel’s solution to areas of vaginal bleeding.

• If interventional radiology services are available, uterine or iliac artery embolization can be performed.

ent As with embolization in other settings, mechanical devices, such as coils, or sclerosing agents help achieve embolization.

• When interventional radiology is not available, surgical ligation of vessels is a more invasive treatment option [9].

• When radiotherapy is available, palliative radiation therapy can be directed to the uterus and/or cervix.

ent An early RTOG phase I/II investigated large (10 Gy) fraction radiation therapy for palliation of advanced pelvic malignancies, repeated at monthly intervals with misonidazole.

– Though there was approximately 40% complete or partial response rate seen, there was an unacceptably high level of gastrointestinal complications seen [38].

ent Many other fractionation schemes are effective for the palliation of bleeding, including 3.7 Gy BID in 4 fractions, 20 Gy in 5 fractions, and 21 Gy in 3 fractions given over 3 weeks.

ent Care must be taken when using large fraction sizes in frail patients with curable disease who may live long enough to be at risk for late complications of radiation therapy.

Gastrointestinal Bleeding

• Though palliative radiation therapy has been utilized to treat bleeding from various gastrointestinal tumors, there is relatively sparse data reporting outcomes.

• Hemostasis from locally advanced gastric cancer has been reported in 50–73% of patients treated with radiotherapy.

ent A variety of palliative radiotherapy regimens have been employed [39].

ent The wide reported range of hemostasis may stem in part from the varying definitions of success which include no further bleeding, to decreased transfusion requirements, to an increase in hemoglobin levels.

• In rectal cancer, a recent systematic review reported the combined results of 23 retrospective and four prospective series. Hemostasis was achieved in 81% of patients [40].


• Tumor invasion of the bladder often causes hematuria.

• Initial therapies may include bladder irrigation and discontinuation of any medications that may increase the bleeding risk, such as NSAIDs or anticoagulants.

• Transurethral resection of the bladder with coagulation may control the bleeding. Other surgical options include cystectomy with urinary diversion.

• Nonsurgical options include radiation therapy.

ent Various palliative fractionation schemes ranging from 3 to 8 Gy per fraction have been utilized and report 50–92% hemostasis [41].

• Renal artery embolization [32] can palliate flank plan or hematuria caused by malignant kidney tumors.

• Embolization of branches of the anterior trunk of the iliac artery can provide hemostasis of bladder tumors [42].

• Intravesicular formalin instillation is no longer routinely used for the treatment of hematuria due to discomfort, the risk of renal failure, and requirement for general or spinal anesthesia [43].

• Intravesicular instillation of alum or prostaglandins have varying rates of hemostasis.

ent Like formalin, it causes protein precipitation that occludes bleeding vessels.

ent Bladder spasms can be induced that can generally be controlled with the use of antispasmodics [43].

ent Prostaglandin treatment is generally reserved for the case of alum failure due to issues of cost, availability, and storage [42].

Systemic Therapies and Considerations

• Blood and blood products can be given to resuscitate hemodynamically unstable patients and treat patients who are actively bleeding.

• The AABB (formerly the American Association of Blood Banks) provides evidence-based guidance on the transfusion of red blood cells, platelets, and plasma [4446].

• The role of transfusions in the palliative care of patients with advanced malignancy is less clear. Symptomatic improvement in patients with advanced cancer has been described [42].

• Vitamin K can be used to correct bleeding in a patient on warfarin or with deficiencies in the vitamin K dependent clotting factors, which include factors II, VII, IX, and X. Vitamin K can be administered orally, subcutaneously, or intravenously.

Antifibrinolytics: Tranexamic Acid to Minimize the Risk of Bleeding

• Tranexamic acid has not been formally studied in advanced cancer.

ent In trauma patients, it reduces mortality due to bleeding by approximately one-third.

ent There have been minimal side effects associated with its administration.

ent There is no dose response for its therapeutic effect, but there is an increase in neurologic complications with increasing doses of tranexamic acid.

ent In elective surgery, metaanalyses have demonstrated a reduction in blood loss and transfusion requirements by approximately one-third [47,48].

ent Current studies are evaluating its use in gastrointestinal bleeding.

ent None of the studies to date have demonstrated an increased thrombotic risk with the use of tranexamic acid.

ent Recommended dosing is 10 mg/kg per dose, with no benefit to doses above 1 g, administered intravenously every 6–8 hours [49].

Discontinuation of Causative or Exacerbating Agents

• A thorough assessment of potential causative or exacerbating agents is a critical component of the assessment of patients who are bleeding. Full discourse on all of the medications that fall into this category are beyond the scope of this chapter.

• NSAIDs are often utilized in the care of patients with advanced malignancy to treat pain. These have definite antiplatelet and anticoagulant properties.

• Patients with advanced cancer are at increased risk of coagulopathies and are often anticoagulated with warfarin or enoxaparin.

• The risk of further bleeding must be weighed against the risks of additional deep venous or pulmonary thromboembolism.

• Patients with cancer who are anticoagulated suffer bleeding complications at a higher rate than those anticoagulated without malignancy [50].

• Chemotherapeutic agents and radiation therapy may add to the risk of bleeding by causing thrombocytopenia. These treatments can be held to let the bone marrow recover.


Bleeding due to advanced cancer is common. The approach to the bleeding cancer patient depends on the type of bleeding and the site of bleeding. It includes hemodynamic stabilization and care consistent with the patient’s goals of care. Agents that exacerbate bleeding, e.g., anticoagulants, should be discontinued and blood products given as indicated.

Accessible sites, e.g., the nose, skin, and vagina, can be packed and treated with topical agents. More invasive therapeutic interventions include endoscopic treatment, percutaneous embolization, surgery, and radiation therapy. There are limitations of the available literature on the topic of bleeding in advanced cancer which include few prospective studies solely focused on the treatment of bleeding in advanced cancer, the lack of consistent endpoints, and no randomized trials of the various therapeutic interventions. Treatment should be individualized based on the patient’s preferences and resource availability.


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