

Abietic acid data, 430

Absorbers, 521-526, 526-528


chemical, 385

co-current absorbers, 526-528

column diameter calculation, 396-397

column failure, 345

computer simulations, 421-423

concentrated, 406-409

cross-flow, 416

definition, 385

dilute multisolute, 403-406

equilibria, 387-389

graphical analysis, 392-394

irreversible, 410-411

Kremser equation, 397-403

matrix solution, 406-409

McCabe-Thiele diagrams, 389-392

operating lines, 389-392

physical, 385

Absorption factor, 400

Acetic acid data, 430, 461, 484, 499, 619, 700

Acetonaphthalene data, 619, 704, 705

Acetone data, 148, 241, 414, 418, 462, 469, 701

Acetylene data, 618

Activated alumina, 615

data, 614, 619, 628, 656

Activated carbon, 613

data, 614, 616, 618-619, 621, 700-702

Adsorption. See also Sorption processes.

definition, 609

example, 620-621, 622

materials. See Sorbents.

processes. See Pressure swing adsorption, Simulated moving bed, Temperature swing adsorption.

Alanine, 627

Alcohol. See Ethanol.

Alcohol dehydrogenase data, 440

Almost-ideal separations, 370-375

Ammonia data, 389, 417, 471

Aniline data, 494

Anthracene data, 619, 628, 656

Aspartic acid, 627

Aspen Chromatography, 708-712

Aspen Plus. See also Computer simulations.

absorption, 421-423

azeotropic distillation, 270-275

decanters, 272

drawing flowcharts, 59-60

error messages, 61-62

extractive distillation, 273-275

flash drum setup, 63-64

multicomponent distillation, 200-204

simulating input data, 60-61, 62

simulations for binary distillation, 157-160

start-up, 59

stripping, 421-423

troubleshooting guide, 713-714

two-pressure distillation, 270-273

VLE data analysis, 61-62

Argon data, 417

Azeotrope, 19-20, 227, 230

Azeotropic distillation, 245, 251-254


Balances. See specific balances.

Batch distillation


Rayleigh equations, 277-278

simple, 279-283

constant reflux ratio, 286-290

constant-level, 283-284

versus continuous operation, 278-279

energy requirements, 291


multistage distillation, 286-290

Rayleigh equations binary distillation, 281-283

simple binary distillation, 281-283

history of, 276-278

inverted, 278, 294

multistage, 285-290

operating time, 291-292

schematic, 277

solvent-switching, 283

steam, 284-285

variable reflux ratio, 290

Batch extraction, 444-445

Benzene data, 157, 209, 221, 232, 241-242, 245, 265, 430-431

Bibliography, 8-9

Binary batch distillation

Rayleigh equations, 277-278

simple, 279-283

Binary co-current permeation, 592-593, 605-606

Binary countercurrent flow, 594-595, 606-608

Binary cross-flow permeation, 590-592, 603-605

Binary distillation. See also Column distillation.

computer simulation, 157-160

equilibrium relationships, 90-97

McCabe-Thiele method, 97-101

profiles, 112-114

solution methods, 90-97

stage-by-stage methods, 90-97

Binary flash distillation. See Flash distillation, binary.

Binary heterogeneous azeotropes, 227-230

Binary VLE. See Vapor-liquid equilibrium (VLE), binary.

Boiling point. See Bubble-point temperature.


column distillation, 67-70

definition, 67

versus recycling, 69

superheated, 138-140

Bolles-Fair correlation, 513-515

Books of reference. See Publications.

Bovine serum albumin data, 619

Breaking azeotropes, 225-234

Bubble regime, 72

Bubble-cap trays, 303

Bubble-caps, illustration, 303

Bubble-point procedure, 177-178

Bubble-point temperature, 181-184

Bulk density, 612

Butadiene-butylene separation process, 251-252

Butane data, 30-32, 56

Butanol data, 227, 262, 374, 430


Capital costs

design variables, 363

estimating, 354-359

Carbon dioxide data, 388, 417, 454-455, 545-546

Carbon molecular sieves (CMS), 613

Carbon monoxide data, 388, 545-546

Carbon tetrachloride data, 388, 499

Cascading flash separators, 65-70

Cation-exchange resins, 664-665

Checklist for sorption system design, 692-93

Chemical absorption, 385

Chemical reaction distillation, 254-258

Chemical plants, typical layout, 2

Chemical potential equilibrium, 3

Chimney trays, 307

Chlorinated compound data, 388

Chlorobenzene data, 496

Chloroform data, 242, 388, 461-462, 469

Chromatography. See also Solute movement analysis.

computer simulation, 708-712

definition, 609


costs, 630

displacement chromatography, 631

example, 628-630

flow programming, 630-631

Gaussian solution, 683-687

purge cycles, 626-628

resolution, 685-686

simulated moving bed (SMB) systems, 649-654

solute movement, 626-628

solvent gradients, 630-631

temperature gradient method, 630-631

temperature programming, 630-631


elution chromatography, 628-630

linear chromatography, 686-687

solute movement analysis, 628-630

CMO (constant molal overflow). See Constant molal overflow (CMO).

CMS (carbon molecular sieves), 613

Co-current absorbers, 526-528

Column distillation. See also Binary distillation.

boilup, 67-70

bubble regime, 72

cascading flash separators, 65-70

concurrent cascades, 66-67

countercurrent cascade, 66

debottlenecking, 136-138

design problems, 74

diameter too large, 137-138

enriching section

balance envelope schematic, 87

definition, 69-70

entrainment, 72

equipment, 62-74

example, external balances, 79-81

external balances, 76-81

feed lines, 101-109


distillation with multiple feeds, 120-125

internal stage-by-stage balances, 101-109

phase and temperature effects, 92-94

subcooled reflux, 138-140

superheated boilup, 138-140

flow regime, 72

flowcharts, 141-142

foam regime, 72

froth regime, 72

increasing capacity, 136-138

isothermal distillation, 66-67

liquid carry-over between stages, 72

optimum feed stage, 74-76, 100-101

passing streams, 67-70

photograph, 71

purity levels, 137

rectifying section, 69-70

recycling versus reflux and boilup, 69

reflux, 67-70

reflux ratio, 74

reusing columns, 136-138

schematics, 68-69

sieve trays, photograph, 73

simulation problems, 74-76

specifications, 74-76

spray regime, 72

stages, calculating number of

Lewis method, 90-97

McCabe-Thiele method, 97-101, 117-118

stripping section, 69-70

variable pressure distillation, 66-67

variables, 74-76

Column distillation, internal stage-by-stage balances

analytical methods versus graphical, 140-142

binary distillation profiles, 112-114

binary solution methods, 90-97

column sections, 118-119

composition profiles, 112-114


intermediate, 128-129

partial, 125-126

constant flow rates, 91

constant molal overflow (CMO), 91, 140-142

efficiencies, 133-134

enriching columns, 129-130

equilibrium relationships, 86-90


distillation with multiple feeds, 120-125

feed line calculations, 106-109

Lewis method, 94-97

McCabe-Thiele method, 109-112, 114-118, 120-125

open steam heating, 114-118

feed, phase and temperature effects, 92-94

feed lines, 101-109

flow rate profiles, 112-114

Lewis method

constant molal overflow (CMO), 91-92

example, 94-97

versus McCabe-Thiele method, 140-142

stage-by-stage calculations, 140-142

limiting conditions, 130-132

McCabe-Thiele method

description, 97-101

Column distillation, internal stage-by-stage balances (continued)

McCabe-Thiele method (continued)

distillation with multiple feeds, 120-125

examples, 109-112, 114-118, 120-125

general analysis procedure, 118-125

versus Lewis method, 140-142

open steam heating, 114-118

problem algorithm, 119

minimum reflux, 130-132

Murphree efficiency, 133-134

open steam heating, 114-118

operating equation, 92

pinch points, 131


intermediate, 128-129

total, 126

sidestreams, 126-128

simulation problems, 135-136

Sorel’s method, 91

stripping columns, 129-130

subcooled reflux, 138-140

superheated boilup, 138-140

temperature profiles, 112-114

total reflux, 130-132

withdrawal lines, 126-128

Column mass balances, sorption processes, 674-675


coupling, 370-375

diameter calculation

absorption, 396-397

description, 314-318, 333-338

examples, 318-320, 338-341

packed column flooding, 333-338

sieve trays, 314-318

stripping, 396-397

valve trays, 328-329

packed. See Packed columns.

pressure, cost effects, 362

sections, 118-119

staged. See Staged columns.

Complex distillation processes

azeotropic distillation, 245, 251-254

binary heterogeneous azeotropes, 227-230

breaking azeotropes, 225-234

chemical distillation, 254-258

computer simulation, 270-275

distillation boundary curves, 242

distillation curves, 240-243

drying organic compounds, 230-234


drying organic compounds, 232-234

steam distillation, 235-238

extractive distillation, 246-251, 273-275

polarities of compounds, 250-251

residue curves, 243-246

schematic, 226


adding, 251-254

selecting, 250-251

steam distillation, 234-238

ternary distillation, 240-246

two-pressure distillation, 238-239, 270-273

Component mass balance, 34-40

Composition profiles

column distillation, 112-114

multicomponent distillation, 167-172

Computer simulations. See also Aspen Plus.

absorption, 421-423

azeotropic distillation, 270-275

binary distillation, 157-160

chromatography, 708-712

error messages, 62

extraction, 488-489, 499-500

extraction, partially miscible, 488-489, 499-500

flash drum setup, 63-64

flowsheets, drawing, 59-60

input data, 60-61, 62

multicomponent distillation, 200-204

multicomponent distillation, matrix method, 200-204

multicomponent flash distillation, 59-63

stripping, 421-423

VLE data analysis, 61-62

Concentrated absorption, 406-409

Concentration polarization, 560-564, 566-573, 576-578, 602

Concentration profile, 169-172

Concurrent cascades, 66-67


intermediate, 128-129

partial, 125-126

Conjugate lines, 470

Constant flow rates, 91

Constant molal overflow (CMO)

column distillation, 91, 140-142

definition, 91

validity, 118, 140-142

Constant pattern waves, 654-655, 663

Constant reflux ratio, 286-290

Constant-level batch distillation, 283-284

Continuous column distillation. See Column distillation.

Convergence, 176-178, 184-191

Costs of distillation

almost-ideal separations, 370-375

capital costs

design variables, 363

estimating, 354-359

coupling columns, 370-375

elution chromatography, 630

equipment costs. See Capital costs.

estimating, example, 364-366

factors effecting

column pressure, 362

energy costs, 366-370

feed rate, 366

operating effects, 359-366

reflux ratio, 359, 362, 364, 367

state of the economy, 355

heat exchange, 367-370

heat exchangers, 355-361

heuristics, 373-375

long-term trends, 366-367

Marshall and Stevens equipment cost index, 355-359

nonideal separations, 376-380

packed columns, 341-345

packings, 358

synthesizing column sequences

almost-ideal separations, 370-375

nonideal separations, 376-380

Countercurrent extraction

difference points, 479-483

dilute systems, 428-435

equilibrium stages, 477-479, 482-483

external mass balances, 477-479

Kremser method, 434-435

McCabe-Thiele diagrams, 428-434

stage-by-stage calculation, 479-483

Counterflow, 626-628

Coupling columns, 370-375

Cresol data, 149

Cross-flow extraction, 439-442, 474-477

Cross-flow pattern, 304

Cumene data, 209, 241

Cyclohexane data, 656

Cymene data, 299


Debottlenecking, 136-138

Decane data, 30-32, 236-237

Decanters, 272

DePriester charts, 29-33

Dew point temperature, 196

Dextran data, 440, 702

Diagrams. See Enthalpy-composition diagrams; Temperature-composition diagrams; Y-x diagrams.

Dialysis, 536-537

Diameter calculation, columns. See Columns, diameter calculation.

Dichloroethane data, 221

Diethyl ether data, 496

Difference points, 479-483

Diffuse waves, 655-658

Diisopropyl ether data, 263

Dilute fractional extraction, 435-439

Dilute multisolute absorption, 403-406

Dilute multisolute stripping, 403-406

Dinitronaphthalene data, 619, 704-705

Displacement chromatography, 631

Dispersion coefficient, 676, 679

Distillation. See also specific types of distillation.

boundary curves, 242

costs. See Costs of distillation.

curves, 240-243

equilibrium stages, 1-2

stage-by-stage methods, 2

unit operation, 2

Distillation columns. See also Column distillation.

as chemical reactors, 254-258

configurations. See Complex distillation processes; Extractive distillation; Two-pressure distillation.

sequencing. See Synthesizing column sequences.

Divalent-monovalent ion exchange, 668-672

Documentation. See Publications.

Double-pass trays, 304

Downcomers, 304-306

Driving force, 542

Dry tray pressure, 302-303

Drying organic compounds, 230-234


Economics of distillation. See Costs of distillation.


column distillation, 133-134

Murphree, 133-134


determining, 311

estimating, example, 312-314

Murphree, 309-310

O’Connell correlation for distillation, 311-312

O’Connell correlation for absorption, 395-396

scaling up, 312

valve trays, 329

and vapor velocity, 310-311

Electrodialysis (ED), 536-537

Elution chromatography. See Chromatography, elution.

Energy balances

binary flash distillation

sequential solution, 21-27

simultaneous solution, 27-29

column distillation. See Column distillation, external balances; Column distillation, internal stage-by-stage balances.

multicomponent distillation, 191-194

multicomponent flash distillation, 34-40

pervaporation, 585-588

prerequisite skills, 7

sequential solutions, 21-27

sign convention, 78

sorption processes, 677

Energy costs, 366-370

Enriching columns, 129-130

Enriching section, 69-70, 87

Enthalpy equations, 21-27

Enthalpy-composition diagrams

graphing binary VLE, 16-20

isotherms, 19-20


bubble-cap trays, 303

definition, 72

inlet ports, 306-309

outlet ports, 308-309

sieve trays

column diameter, 314-320

example, 324-327

hydraulics, 320-327

tray layout, 320-327

vapor velocity, 310-311


adsorption, 615-619

chemical potential, 3

description, 2-4

distillation stages, 1-2

K values. See K values.

ion exchange, 666-667

mechanical, 3

phase, 3

plotting, 23-24, 468-471

relationships, column distillation, 86-90

stages, applicability, 1-2

thermal, 3

Equilibrium equations

binary flash distillation

sequential solution, 21-27

simultaneous solution, 27-29

sequential solutions, 21-27

Error function, 680

Error messages, Aspen Plus, 61-62

Esterification in distillation column, 254-258

Ethane data, 30-32, 57, 616

Ethanol data, 14-19, 55, 222, 245, 247, 265, 374, 431, 517-518, 583-584

Ethanol-water separation processes, 109-112, 245-247, 252-255

Ethyl acetate production, 254-258

Ethyl benzene data, 430

Ethylene data, 30-32, 616

Ethylene dichloride data, 150, 221

Ethylene glycol data, 247

Evaporation. See Batch distillation.

External mass balances

binary distillation, 76-81

column distillation, 76-81

Extract, 428


solid-liquid. See Leaching; Washing.

solutes, separating. See Dilute fractional extraction.

Extraction, immiscible. See also Extraction, partially miscible.

batch, 444-445

concentrated solutions, 443-444

countercurrent, 428-435

cross-flow, 439-442

definition, 424

diffusion coefficients, 430

dilute fractional, 435-439

equilibrium data, 430-431

equipment used, 425-427


countercurrent immiscible extraction, 432-434

cross-flow extraction, 440-442

single-stage extraction, 440-442

extract, 428

food industry, 454-547

Kremser analysis

countercurrent extraction, 434-435

dilute systems, 434-435

McCabe-Thiele diagrams

concentrated immiscible extraction, 443-444

countercurrent extraction, 428-434

cross-flow extraction, 439-442

fractional extraction, 437-439

nomenclature, 429

pharmaceutical industry, 454-547

raffinate, 428

single-stage, 439-442

solvent selection, 431

supercritical fluids (SCFs), 454-457

Extraction, partially miscible. See also Extraction, immiscible.

computer simulation, 488-489, 499-500

conjugate lines, 470


difference points, 479-483

equilibrium stages, 477-479, 482-483

external mass balances, 477-479

stage-by-stage calculation, 479-483

cross-flow, 474-477

equilibria, plotting, 468-471


countercurrent extraction, 483-485

cross-flow extraction, 474-477

single-stage extraction, 474-477

minimum solvent rate, 486-488

mixing point, 473

plait points, 469

saturated extract, 471

saturated raffinate, 470-471

single-stage, 474-477

solubility envelope, 469

Extractive distillation, 246-251, 273-275


Fair method for column diameter calculation, 314-318

Feed lines

calculating line slope, 106-109

column distillation, 101-109

distillation with multiple feeds, 120-125

effect on flow rates, 92-97

internal stage-by-stage balances, 101-109

intersection of operating lines, 102-106

multiple, 120-125

optimum location, 74-76

phase and temperature effects, 92-94

plotting, 101-109

q value (feed quality), 103-109

subcooled reflux, 138-140

superheated boilup, 138-140

Feed plate, optimum location, 216-219

Feed rate, cost effects, 366

Feed stage, optimum, 100-101

Fenske equations, 205-210

Finite reflux ratios, 215-219

Fire prevention, packed columns, 343-345

Fish liver oil data, 498

Flash distillation. See also Flash drums.

basic processes, 12-13

degrees of freedom, 12-13

equipment required, 12-13


flash drums, sizing, 47-49

multicomponent flash distillation, 37-40

simultaneous multicomponent convergence, 40-45


component mass balance, 34-40

description, 34-40

energy balance, 34-40

example, 37-40

Newtonian convergence, 36-37, 41-43

overall mass balance, 34-40

Rachford Rice equations, 36-37, 37-40

simultaneous convergence, 40-45

simultaneous solutions, 34-40

wide-boiling feeds, 40-41

simulating. See Computer simulations.

Flash distillation, binary

energy balance

sequential solution, 21-27

simultaneous solution, 27-29

Flash distillation, binary (continued)

equilibrium equations

sequential solution, 21-27

simultaneous solution, 27-29

mass balance

sequential solution, 21-27

simultaneous solution, 27-29

sequential solution

energy balance, 21-27

enthalpy equations, 21-27

equilibrium data, plotting, 23-24

equilibrium equations, 21-27

examples, 24-27

fraction vaporized (V/F), 22

mass balance, 21-27

operating equations, 22

relative volatility, 26-27

simultaneous solution, 27-29

Flash drums. See also Flash distillation.

example, 47-49

requirements, 12

reusing, 49-50

setup, computer simulation, 63-64

sizing, 45-49

Flood regime, 72


packed columns, 333-338

sieve trays, 314-320, 322-323

valve trays, 328-329

Flow patterns

membrane separation

binary co-current permeation, 592-593, 605-606

binary countercurrent flow, 594-595, 606-608

binary cross-flow permeation, 590-592, 603-605

example, 589-590

overview, 588-589

spreadsheet calculations, 603-608

trays, 304

Flow profiles

column distillation, 112-114

multicomponent distillation, 167-172

Flow programming in chromatography, 630-631

Flow rates

multicomponent distillation

correcting, 191-194

initial guess, 181

theta (τ) method convergence, 184-191


column distillation, 141-142

drawing, 59-60

Foam regime, 72

Fouling, 574

Fraction vaporized (V/F), 22

Froth regime, 72

Fructose data, 619, 702, 704

Furfural data, 430


Gas permeation

binary mixtures, 544-547

concentration polarization, 602

examples, 549-550, 550-555, 556-557

membrane types, 546

overview, 544

perfectly mixed systems, binary permeation, 547-555

perfectly mixed systems, multicomponent permeation, 555-557

permanence, 544

rate-transfer (RT) equation, 547-548

Gas treatment plants, 386

Gaussian solution for linear elution chromatography, 683-687

Gel formation, 575-579

Gilliland correlation, 215-219

Glucose data, 619


Heat exchange, 367-370

Heat exchangers, 355-361

Heat transfer coefficients, 361

Heat transfer, sorption processes, 677

Heavy key (HK) components, 162

Heavy non-key (HNK) components, 162

Height of packings, 331-333

Helium data, 545-546

Hemodialysis, 537

Henry’s law, 387-389

Heptane data, 30-32, 313-314, 338, 350, 384, 430, 494, 635, 699

Heptane-toluene separation process, 246-250

Heptanol data, 461

Hexane data, 30-32, 44, 48, 56, 84, 313-314, 319, 338, 430

HETP measurement, 332-333

Heuristics for distillation, 373-376

Hollow-fiber system, 539

HTU-NTU (mass transfer analysis). See Mass transfer analysis (HTU-NTU).

HTUs, 502

Human serum albumin data, 619

Hydraulics, sieve trays

description, 320-324

example, 324-327

Hydrochloric acid data, 416

Hydrogen data, 545-546, 616

Hydrogen sulfide data, 388, 414

Hydrophilic membranes, 581

Hydrophobic membranes, 581


Immiscible extraction. See Extraction, immiscible.

Inlet ports, 306-309

Intermediate components, multicomponent distillation, 171

Intermediate condensers, 128-129

Intermediate reboilers, 128-129

Internal stage-by-stage balances. See Column distillation, internal stage-by-stage balances.

Interstitial velocity in sorption columns, 611-612

Inverted batch distillation, 278, 294

Inverting tridiagonal matrices, 180

Ion exchange

calcium-form resin, 619, 652

cation-exchange resins, 664-665

definition, 609

divalent-monovalent, 668-672

equilibrium, 666-667

example, 668-672

ion movement, 667-672

monovalent, 666-668

overview, 663-664

resin data, 665, 667

strong resins, 664

Ion movement, 667-672

Irreversible absorption, 410-411

Isobutane data, 30-32

Isopentane data, 30-32

Isopropanol data, 262, 374

Isopropyl ether data, 484

Isothermal distillation, 66-67

Isotherms, 19-20, 615-619


K values

activity coefficient, 32-33

constants, 32

DePriester charts, 29-33

equilibrium equation, 29

mole fractions in liquid, 30

multicomponent VLE, 29-33

Raoult’s law, 31

selection guide, 33

vapor phases, 30

Knudsen diffusion, 674

Kremser analysis

absorption, 397-403, 434-435

extraction, 434-435

generalized process, 445-447

stripping, 402-403

summary of applications, 447

washing, 451-452


Labs. See Computer simulations.

Lang factor, 354

Langmuir isotherms, 616-617

Lapidus and Amundson solution, 679-681

Leaching, 452-454, 489-492

Length of Unused Bed (LUB) approach, 687-691

Lever-arm rule, 27-29, 471-474

Lewis method

calculating number of stages, 90-97

constant molal overflow (CMO), 91-92

example, 94-97

versus McCabe-Thiele method, 140-142

stage-by-stage calculations, 140-142

Light key (LK) components, 162

Light non-key (LNK) components, 162

Linear chromatography, 683-687

Linear isotherms, 625-626

Linoleic acid data, 430

Liquid carry-over between stages, 72

Liquid membranes, 536-537

Liquid-liquid extraction (LLE). See Extraction, immiscible; Extraction, partially miscible.

LUB. See Length of Unused Bed (LUB).

Lumped parameter mass transfer, 675-676


Marshall and Stevens equipment cost index, 355-359

Mass balances

binary flash distillation

sequential solution, 21-27

simultaneous solution, 27-29

column distillation. See Column distillation, external balances; Column distillation, internal stage-by-stage balances.

multicomponent distillation, 178-180

prerequisite skills, 7

sequential solutions, 21-27

Mass transfer, 4-5

correlations, 567, 676

Mass transfer analysis (HTU-NTU)

absorbers, 521-526, 526-528

basic equation, 501-502

Bolles-Fair correlation, 513-515

co-current absorbers, 526-528

coefficients, 502


absorbers, 525-526

HG estimation, 515-520

HL estimation, 515-520

packed column distillation, 508-511

stage efficiency, 530-531

HTUs, 502

McCabe-Thiele diagrams, 506-507

overview, 501-504

packed columns, 504-511

packed tower correlation, 513-521

random packings correlation, 513-515

strippers, 521-526

sum-of-resistances model, 503-504

tray efficiency, 528-531

Matrix solution, 176-180, 191-194, 406-409, 488-489

McCabe-Thiele diagrams

absorption, 389-392

bottom operating lines, 99

calculating number of stages, 97-101, 117-118

CMO validity, 118

column distillation, 97-101

concentrated immiscible extraction, 443-444

countercurrent extraction, 428-434

cross-flow extraction, 439-442

description, 97-101

dilute multisolute absorbers, 405

dilute systems, 397-403, 428-434

distillation with multiple feeds, 120-125

equilibrium relationships, plotting, 23-24, 97-101

examples, 109-112, 114-118, 120-125

fractional extraction, 437-439

general distillation analysis procedure, 118-125

generalized extraction process, 445-447

internal stage-by-stage balances, 97-101

leaching, 452-454

versus Lewis method, 140-142

mass transfer analysis (HTU-NTU), 506-507

open steam heating, 114-118

operating lines, 97

optimum feed stage, 100-101

problem algorithm, 119

stepping off stages, 98-101

stripping, 395

summary of applications, 447

top operating lines, 98

triangular diagram relationship, 485-486

washing, 450-452

Mechanical equilibrium, 3

Membrane separation

concentration polarization. See Concentration polarization.

dialysis, 536-537

driving force, 542

electrodialysis (ED), 536-537

energy balances, 585-587

equipment, 537-541


pervaporation, 586-588

ultrafiltration (UF) with gel formation, 577-579

flow patterns

binary co-current permeation, 592-593, 605-606

binary countercurrent flow, 594-595, 606-608

binary cross-flow permeation, 590-592, 603-605

example, 589-590

overview, 588-589

spreadsheet calculations, 603-608

fouling, 574

gas permeation

binary mixtures, 544-547

examples, 549-550, 550-555, 556-557

membrane types, 546

overview, 544

perfectly mixed systems, binary permeation, 547-555

perfectly mixed systems, multicomponent permeation, 555-557

permanence, 544

rate-transfer (RT) equation, 547-548

gel formation, 575-579

hemodialysis, 537

hollow-fiber system, 539

liquid membranes, 536-537

microfiltration, 536-537

nanofiltration, 536-537

osmosis, 558-564

overview, 535-537

passed fluid, 537

performance prediction, 569-573

permeability, 541-543

permeance, 542

permeate, 537

permeate-in-series system, 539

pervaporation, 579-588

plate-and-frame system, 537-538

polymer membranes, 541

purifying liquids. See Ultrafiltration (UF).

retained fluid, 537

retentate, 537

retentate-in-series system, 539

retentate-recycle mode, 539-540

reverse osmosis (RO)

with concentrated solutions, 573

concentration polarization, 566-573

examples, 562-564, 564-566, 567-569, 569-573

membrane properties, determining, 564-566

versus osmosis, 558-564

overview, 558

spiral-wound system, 539

system properties, 536

thickness, 542

tube-in-shell system, 537-538

ultrafiltration (UF), 573-579

vapor permeation, 537


definition, 537

for gas permeation, 546

hydrophilic, 581

hydrophobic, 581

liquid, 536-537

material, 541

polymer, 541

properties, determining, 564-566

semipermeable, 559

strength, 543

Methane data, 30-32, 44, 417, 545-546, 616, 618, 621, 701

Methanol data, 54, 84-85, 114

Methylcellosolve data, 430

Methylcyclohexane data, 471, 494

Methylisobutyl ketone data, 430

Microfiltration, 536-537

Minimum reflux

definition, 131

limiting condition, 130-132

Minimum reflux ratio, 210-215

Minimum solvent rate, 486-488

Mixing calculations, 471-474

Mixing point, 473

Monovalent ion exchange, 666-668

Multicomponent distillation

calculational difficulties, 161-167

complex methods. See Complex distillation processes.

composition profile, 167-172

computer simulation, 200-204

concentration profile, 169-172


bubble-point calculation, 183-184

external mass balances, 164-167

matrix method, 186-191

theta (τ) method convergence, 186-191

external balance equations, 162-167

flow profile, 167-172

heavy key (HK) components, 162

heavy non-key (HNK) components, 162

intermediate components, 171

key components, 162

light key (LK) components, 162

light non-key (LNK) components, 162

non-key (NK) components, 162

profiles, 167-172

sandwich components, 171

schematic, 162

temperature profile, 167-172

Multicomponent distillation (continued)

total flow rates, 167-172

trial-and-error, 163

vapor-liquid equilibrium (VLE), 171-172

Multicomponent distillation, approximate methods


Fenske equations, 209-210

Gilliland correlation, 217-219

minimum reflux, 214-215

number of stages, 217-219

optimum feed plate location, 217-219

total reflux, 209-210

Underwood equations, 214-215

feed plate, optimum location, 216-217

Fenske equations, 205-210

finite reflux rations, 215-219

Gilliland correlation, 215-219

minimum reflux ratio, 210-215

stages, determining number of, 215-219

total reflux, 205-210

Underwood equations, 210-215

Multicomponent distillation, matrix method

boiling point. See Bubble-point; Temperature.

bubble-point procedure, 177-178

bubble-point temperature, 181-184. See also Temperature.

computer simulation, 200-204

convergence, 176-178, 184-191

energy balances, 191-194


matrix solution, 186-191

theta (τ) method convergence, 186-191

flow rates

correcting, 191-194

initial guess, 181

inverting tridiagonal matrices, 180

mass balances, 178-180

narrow-boiling procedure, 177-178

temperature calculations, 177-178. See also Bubble-point.

temperature estimation, 181-184

theta (τ) method convergence, 184-191

Thomas algorithm, 180

Multicomponent flash distillation

example, 37-40

Rachford Rice equations, 36-37, 37-40

sequential solutions, 34-40

Multicomponent VLE. See Vapor-liquid equilibrium (VLE), multicomponent.

Multiple-pass trays, 304

Multistage batch distillation, 285-290

Murphree efficiencies, 133-134, 309-310


Nanofiltration, 536-537

Naphthalene data, 455, 628

Narrow-boiling procedure, 177-178

Newtonian convergence

determining V/F, 22

multicomponent flash distillation, 36-37, 41-43

Nitrobenzene data, 415

Nitrogen data, 545-546, 618

Nitromethane data, 267

Nonane data, 30-32

Nonideal separations, 376-380

Non-key (NK) components, 162

Nonlinear isotherms, 654-658


O’Connell correlation, 311-312, 395-396

Octane data, 30-32, 48

Octanol data, 264

Oldershaw design, 305, 312-314

Oleic acid data, 430

Open steam heating, 114-118

Operating cost effects, 359-366

Operating equations, 22

Optimum feed location, 74-76

Osmotic pressure, 559-560, 563

Outlet concentration profiles

chromatography, 628-630, 683-685

linear systems, 635-638, 644-649

nonlinear systems, 656-664, 687-690

Outlet ports, 308-309

Oxygen data, 545-546


Packed columns

diameter calculation

absorption, 396-397

description, 333-338

example, 338-341

stripping, 396-397

economic trade-offs, 341-345

fire prevention, 343-345

flooding, 333-338

internal parts, 329-331

mass transfer analysis (HTU-NTU), 504-511

overview, 329


costs, 358

data, 332, 336-338, 514, 516

description, 329-331

height of, 331-333

HETP measurement, 332-333

illustration, 329-331

random, 329-331, 334, 344

structured, 329-331, 334, 344

pressure drop per foot, 342

reflux ratio, 342

safety, 343-345

turndown capabilities, 330-331

Packed tower correlation, 513-521

Packed-bed column, 610-611


costs, 358

data, 332, 336-338, 514, 516

description, 329-331

height of, 331-333

HETP measurement, 332-333

illustration, 329-331

mass transfer analysis (HTU-NTU), 513-515

random, 329-331, 334, 344

structured, 329-331, 334, 344

Partial condensers, 125-126

Partially miscible extraction. See Extraction, partially miscible.

Particle pellet density, 612

Passing streams, 67-70

Pentane data, 30-32, 44, 57, 84

Perforated plates, 303-304

Permeability, 541-543

Permeance, 542, 544

Permeate, 537

Permeate-in-series system, 539

Pervaporation, 579-588

selectivity data, 583-584

Phase, effect on feeds, 92-94

Phase equilibrium, definition, 3

Phenol data, 149

Phenylalanine data, 626, 703

Physical absorption, 385

Pinch points

definition, 131

minimum reflux ratio, 210-215

Plait points, 469

Plate-and-frame system, 537-538

Polarities of compounds, 250-251

Poly(ethylene glycol) data, 440

Polymer membranes, 541

Polystyrene resins, 664-665

Ponchon-Savarit diagrams. See Enthalpy-composition diagrams.

Pressure drop per foot, 342

Pressure swing adsorption (PSA), 641-649


checking answers, 5-6

defining the problem, 5

exploring the problem, 5

generalizing to other problems, 6

heuristics, 6

How to Model It: Problem Solving for the Computer Age, 6

motivation, 5

planning an attack, 5

prerequisite skills, 5-6

reaching an answer, 5

rules of thumb, 6

steps involved, 5-6

Profiles. See Composition profiles; Flow profiles; Temperature profiles.

Propane data, 30-32, 454, 616

Propanol data, 57, 222, 374

Proportional pattern waves, 654-655

Propylene data, 30-32


annotated bibliography, 8-9

batch distillation, 276

Chemical Engineering magazine, 355

Das New gross Distiller Buch, 276

How to Model It: Problem Solving for the Computer Age, 6

Index of Learning Styles, 8

Liber de arte distillandi, 276

VLE data sources, 15

Punched hole pattern, sieve trays, 320

Purge cycles, 626-628

Purity levels, 137

Pyridine data, 496


q (feed quality), 103-105

examples, 106-109

q-line. See feed lines.


Rachford Rice equations, 36-37, 37-40

RADFRAC, 200-204

Raffinate, 428, 470-471

Random packings, 329-331, 334, 344

Raoult’s law, 31

Rate-transfer (RT) equation, 547-548

Rayleigh equations, 277-278


intermediate, 128-129

total, 126

Rectifying section, 69-70

Recycling versus reflux and boilup, 69

Reference books. See Publications.


class distillation, 67-70

definition, 67

minimum, 130-132

versus recycling, 69

subcooled, 138-140

total, 130-132

Reflux ratio

batch distillation, 286-290

constant, 286-290

cost effects, 359, 362, 364, 367

determining, 74

finite, 215-219

packed columns, 342

Underwood equations, 210-215

variable, 290

Regeneration steps, 623

Relative volatility, 26-27, 182, 207

Residue curves, 243-246

example, 376-380

Resins, 664-665

Resources. See Publications.

Retentate, 537

Retentate-in-series system, 539

Retentate-recycle mode, 539-540

Reusing distillation columns, 136-138

Reverse osmosis (RO)

with concentrated solutions, 573

concentration polarization, 566-573

examples, 562-564, 564-566, 567-569, 569-573

membrane properties, determining, 564-566

versus osmosis, 558-564

overview, 558

RO (reverse osmosis). See Reverse osmosis (RO).

RT (rate-transfer) equation, 547-548, 561-562, 575, 583


Safety hazards

absorption column failure, 345

activated carbon solvent recovery, 639

bed fires, 693

fire prevention, packed columns, 343-345

respirators in adsorbers, 693

total reflux distillation, 131

Salt data. See sodium chloride data.

Sandwich components, 171

Saturated extract, 471

Saturated raffinate, 470-471

Scaling up tray efficiencies, 312

SCFs (supercritical fluids), 454-547

Selectivity, membrane

gas permeation, 546-547

pervaporation, 583-584

RO, 561, 564

Self-sharpening waves, 659-663

Semipermeable membranes, 559

Separation methods. See Absorption, Adsorption, Chromatography, Distillation, Extraction, Ion exchange, Membrane separations, Stripping, and Washing.

Sephadex, 619

Sequencing distillation columns. See Synthesizing column sequences.

Sequential solutions

flash distillation, binary

energy balance, 21-27

enthalpy equations, 21-27

equilibrium data, plotting, 23-24

equilibrium equations, 21-27

examples, 24-27

fraction vaporized (V/F), 22

mass balance, 21-27

operating equations, 22

relative volatility, 26-27

flash distillation, multicomponent, 34-40

Shock waves, 654-655, 658-663

Sidestreams, 126-128

Sieve trays. See Trays, sieve.

Silica gel, 615

data, 614, 619, 635, 699-700, 702, 704

Simpson’s rule, 279-283, 289, 508-511

Simulated moving bed (SMB) systems, 649-654

Simulations. See Aspen Plus; Computer simulations.

Simultaneous convergence, 40-45

Simultaneous solutions

flash distillation, binary, 27-29

multicomponent flash distillation, 34-40

Single-stage extraction, 439-442, 474-477

Skarstrom cycle, 641

Sodium chloride data, 498, 563, 599

Solid-liquid extraction (SLE). See Leaching.

Solubility envelope, 469

Solute movement analysis. See also Mass energy transfers, linear systems.

basic chromatography

analysis of, 628-630

in a column, 623-625

counterflow, 626-628

elution chromatography, 626-630

for linear isotherms, 625-626

overview, 621, 623

purge cycles, 626-628

regeneration steps, 623

derivation (mathematical) of solute movement theory, 677-678

derivation (physical) of solute movement theory, 623-625, 633-634


diffuse waves, 655-658

pressure swing adsorption (PSA), 644-649

self-sharpening waves, 659-663

shock waves, 659-663

simulated moving bed (SMB) systems, 652-654

temperature swing adsorption (TSA), 635-638

thermal regeneration with linear isotherm, 635-638

linear systems

concentrated systems, 640

pressure swing adsorption (PSA), 641-649

safety hazards, 639

simulated moving bed (SMB) systems, 649-654

Skarstrom cycle, 641

temperature swing adsorption (TSA), 631-640

true moving bed (TMB) systems, 650-652

nonlinear systems

constant pattern waves, 654-655, 663

diffuse waves, 655-658

nonlinear isotherms, 654-658

overview, 654-655

proportional pattern waves, 654-655

self-sharpening waves, 659-663

shock waves, 654-655, 658-662

Solvent gradients, 630-631


adding, 251-254

selecting, 250-251, 431

Solvent-switching, batch distillation, 283-284

batch extraction, 444-445

Sorbents. See also Sorption processes.

activated alumina, 615

activated carbon, 613

bulk density, 612

carbon molecular sieves (CMS), 613

definition, 610

equilibrium behavior, 615-619

equilibrium constants, 618-619

equipment, 610-611

example, 620-621

interstitial velocity, 611-612

isotherms, 615-619

Langmuir isotherms, 616-617

packed-bed column, 610-611

particle pellet density, 612

properties of, 614

silica gel, 615

structural density, 612

superficial velocity, 611

tortuosity. See tortuosity.

types of, 612-615

zeolite molecular sieves, 613

Sorel’s method, 91

Sorption processes. See also Adsorption; Chromatography; Ion exchange; Sorbents.

column mass balances, 674-675

Sorption processes (continued)

design checklist, 692-693

energy balances, heat transfer, 677

equipment, 630

Knudsen diffusion, 674

mass transfer

detailed simulators, 678

and diffusion, 672-674

lumped parameter, 675-676

surface diffusion, 674

thermal regeneration with linear isotherm, 635-638

Soybean oil data, 467

Spacing trays, 303, 315-316

Spiral-wound system, 539

Spray regime, 72

Stage-by-stage balances. See Column distillation, internal stage-by-stage balances.

Stage-by-stage distillation, 2

Staged columns. See also Trays.

bubble-caps, illustration, 303

diameter calculation

absorption, 396-397

stripping, 396-397

downcomers, 304-306


bubble-cap trays, 303

inlet ports, 306-309

outlet ports, 308-309

vapor velocity, 310-311

equipment description, 301-309

inlets, 306-309

outlets, 306-309

perforated plates, 303-304

performance issues, 301-303

turndown, 301-303

valve assemblies, illustration, 302


inlet ports, 306-309

valve trays, 303

weirs, 306

weirs, 304-306

Stages, calculating number of for distillation

Gilliland correlation, 215-219

Lewis method, 90-97

McCabe-Thiele method, 97-101, 117-118

Steam batch distillation, 284-285

Steam distillation, 234-238

Steam heating, 114-118

Strippers, mass transfer analysis (HTU-NTU), 521-526


analysis, 394-396

column diameter calculation, 396-397

computer simulations, 421-423

concentrated, 406-409

definition, 385

dilute multisolute, 403-406

equilibria, 387-389

matrix solution, 406-409

McCabe-Thiele diagrams, 395

O’Connell correlation, 395

Stripping distillation columns, 129-130

Stripping section in distillation, 69-70

Strong resins, 664

Structural density, 612

Structured packings, 329-331, 334, 344

Subcooled reflux, 138-140

Sucrose data, 600

Sugar data, 466

Sulfur dioxide data, 525

Sum-of-resistances model, 503-504

Supercritical fluids (SCFs), 454-457

Superficial velocity, 611

Superheated boilup, 138-140

Superposition, 680-681

Surface diffusion, 674

Synthesizing column sequences

almost-ideal separations, 370-375

nonideal separations, 376-380



calculating, 177-178

effect on distillation feeds, 92-94

estimating, 181-184

Temperature gradient method, 630-631

Temperature profiles

column distillation, 112-114

multicomponent distillation, 167-172

Temperature programming in chromatography, 630-631

Temperature swing adsorption (TSA), 631-640

Temperature-composition diagrams, 19-20

Ternary distillation, 240-246

Thermal equilibrium, 3

Thermal regeneration with linear isotherm, 635-638

Theta (τ) method convergence, 184-191

Thiodipropionitrile data, 430

Thomas algorithm, 180

TMB (true moving bed) systems, 650-652

Toluene data, 157, 209, 241, 471, 699, 702

Tortuosity, 612

typical values, 614

Total flow rates, 167-172

Total reboilers, 126

Total reflux, 130-132, 205-210

Trays. See also Staged columns.

bubble-cap, 303

chimney, 307

column diameter calculation

description, 314-318

example, 318-320

cross-flow pattern, 304

double-pass, 304


determining, 311

estimating, example, 312-314

mass transfer, 528-531

Murphree, 309-310

O’Connell correlation, 311-312, 395-396

scaling up, 312

and vapor velocity, 310-311

flow patterns, 304


description, 320-324

example, 324-327

mass transfer analysis (HTU-NTU), 528-531

multiple-pass, 304

selecting, 304-306

spacing, 303, 315-316


column diameter calculation, 328-329

costs, 358

description, 302-303

design, 327-329

dry tray pressure drop, 302-303

efficiencies, 329

flooding, 328-329

turndown properties, 302-303

Trays, sieve

column diameter calculation, 314-320

costs, 358

description, 301-302


column diameter, 314-320

example, 324-327

hydraulics, 320-327

tray layout, 320-327


entrainment, 324-327

hydraulics, 324-327

layout, 324-327

flooding, 314-320, 322-323


description, 320-324

example, 324-327

illustration, 73, 307


description, 320-324

example, 324-327

mechanical supports, 307

operational limits, 324

punched hole pattern, 320

weeping, 324

Triangular diagrams

conjugate lines, 470

lever-arm rule, 471-474

McCabe-Thiele diagram relationship to, 485-486

mixing calculations, 471-474

mixing point, 473

plotting extraction equilibria, 468-471

saturated extract, 471

saturated raffinate, 470-471

Tributyl phosphate in kerosene data, 464

Trichloroethane data, 150, 221

Triethylamine data, 499

True moving bed (TMB) systems, 650-652

TSA (temperature swing adsorption), 631-640

Tube-in-shell membrane systems, 537-538


packed columns, 330-331

staged columns, 301-303

valve trays, 302-303

Two-pressure distillation, 238-239, 270-273


Ultrafiltration (UF), 573-579

gel formation, 575-579

retention data, 574

Underwood equations, 210-215

Unit operation, 2

UOP (Universal Oil Products), 649-650


Valve assemblies, illustration, 302

Valve trays. See Trays, valve.

van’t Hoff equation, 560

Vapor permeation, 536-537

Vapor velocity

entrainment, 310-311

tray efficiencies, 310-311

Vapor-liquid equilibrium (VLE)

absorption and stripping, 387-389

analysis simulation, 61-62


enthalpy-composition diagrams, 18-19

graphical representations, 16-20

heterogeneous azeotrope, 227

maximum boiling azeotropes, 19-20

minimum boiling azeotropes, 19-20

saturated liquid curves, 17-18

saturated vapor lines, 17-18

temperature diagrams, 17-18

y-x diagrams, 17

data, forms and sources, 14-16

description, 14-16

extensive variables, 16

Gibbs phase rule, 16

Henry’s law, 387-389

intensive variables, 16


basic equipment, 29-30

DePriester charts, 29-33

K values, 29-33

Raoult’s law, 31-33

multicomponent distillation, 171-172

resource bibliography, 15

Variable pressure distillation, 66-67

Variable reflux ratio, batch distillation, 290

V/F (fraction vaporized), 22


Washing, 448-452, 497-498

Water data, 14-19, 54-55, 84-85, 114, 148, 151, 227, 232, 239, 245, 247, 262-264, 267, 299, 388-389, 414-418, 430-431, 454, 461-462, 469, 484, 496, 498, 517-518, 563, 583-584, 599, 619

Water desalination, 558

Water softening, 663-664, 672


inlet ports, 306-309

sieve trays, 324

valve trays, 303

weirs, 306

Weirs, 304-306

Wide-boiling feeds, 40-41, 406-407

Withdrawal lines, 126-128


Xylene data, 430, 635, 700


y-x diagrams

equilibrium data, plotting, 23-24

isotherms, 19-20


Zeolite molecular sieves, 613

data, 614, 616, 618

Zirconium nitrate data, 464

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