

+ (plus sign), 54

3DES, 111

3DS-CBC, 514


AAA (authentication, authorization, and accounting), 418

debug commands, 501

RADIUS-based AAA, authorization, 436

AAA accounting, FlexVPN server, 287

AAA authentication method, 278

AAA authorization, deriving virtual access configurations from (FlexVPN server), 293294

aaa authorization, 223, 225, 229, 233

aaa authorization group, 229, 237238

aaa authorization group override, 294

aaa authorization user, 285, 484

AAA infrastructure, 221223

configuring for FlexVPN, 222223

aaa new-model command, 222

AAA-based pre-shared keys

FlexVPN, 381382

branch-1 router configuration, 382383

branch-2 router configuration, 383

hub router configuration, 383384

RADIUS server configuration, 384386

FlexVPN server, 283284

configuring, 284

examples, 285287

RADIUS attributes, 285

acceptable algorithms, 111

access, remote access (migration strategies), 565566

access control, 4

accounting, 418

FlexVPN server, 287290

advanced features, FlexVPN client, 336

AES CBC mode, 112

AES GCM mode, 112

AES-CBC, 514

AES-CBC-128, 111, 513

AES-CBC-192, 111

AES-CBC-256, 111

AES-CCM, 513514

AES-CMAC-96, 515

AES-CTR, 514

AES-GCM, 513514

AES-GCM-128, 111

AES-GCM-256, 111

AES-GMAC1, 514

AES-GMAC2, 513

AES-XCBC-MAC-96, 515

Aggregate authentication, 315

Aggregate XML, 315

Aggregation Services Routers (ASR), 87

Aggressive Mode, 70

AH (Authentication Header), 23

anti-replay services, 1617

overhead, 509510


combined algorithm overhead, 512513

hash algorithms, for signatures, 163

IKEv2 encryption, Cisco IOS, 111

IKEv2 integrity, in Cisco IOS, 113

integrity algorithms, 511512

PRF (pseudorandom function), 41

pseudorandom function, IKEv2, 115

AMx, 70

anti-denial of service, 72

anti-replay services, 4, 1617

ESP (Encapsulating Security Payload), 18

IPsec, 491494


EKU (Extended Key Usage), 469

FlexVPN server

auto-reconnect configuration attributes, 310311

IKEv2, 309310

name verification, 468

XML configurations, 282283

AnyConnect-EAP, 146, 315, 315316

configuring dual-factor authentication, 324325

dual-factor authentication, 320324

user authentication, 316318

configuring, 318319

AnyConnect-EAP XML messages, dual-factor authentication, 322324


ASR (Aggregation Services Routers), 87

asymmetric cryptography, 8, 1112

Diffie-Hellman exchange, 811

asymmetric keys, 132

asymmetric routing, considerations when moving to IKEv2, 547548

attacks, MITM (man-in-the-middle) attack, 13



backup-gateway attributes, configuring, 347

certificate attributes, 469

Cisco private use configuration attributes, 257258

configuration attributes

FlexVPN, 253258

IKEv2 auto-reconnect, 310311

configuration payload, 59

default-domain attributes, configuring, 344

FlexVPN, 253

interface-config AAA attribute, 293294

interface-config attribute, 296









IPv4 DNS server attributes, configuring, 340

IPv4 WINS attribute, 343

IPv6 DNS server attributes, configuring, 341

RADIUS attributes

AAA-based pre-shared keys, 285

CoA (change-of-authorization), 303304

FlexVPN server, 325329

Split-DNS, configuring, 341

audit-session-id, 299, 303304

AUTH payload, 13

authentication, 14, 7374, 418

certificate-based authentication, 147149

considerations when moving to IKEv2, 546547

data origin authentication, 4

debugging, with PKI, 470

dual-factor authentication, AnyConnect-EAP, 320324

EAP (Extensible Authentication Protocol), 434436

EAP authentication. See EAP authentication, FlexVPN server

ECDSA (Elliptic-Curve Digital Signature Algorithm) authentication, 194200

troubleshooting, 465468

ESP (Encapsulating Security Payload), 1718

IKE_AUTH, 4243

IKEv2, 45

EAP (Extensible Authentication Protocol), 4850

pre-shared-key-based authentication, 47

signature-based authentication, 46

IP Authentication Header, 15

PKI (Public Key Infrastructure), 431434

pre-shared key authentication, 147

pre-shared keys, 478479

pre-shared-key-based authentication, 47

PSK, 429

RSA authentication, troubleshooting, 465468

RSA authentication using HTTP URL lookup, 200207

signature-based authentication, 46

user authentication, AnyConnect-EAP, 315

authentication command, 147

Authentication Header (AH), 23, 15

authentication header overhead, 509510

authentication methods, IKEv2 profiles, 145149

authentication pre-shared keys, 429431

authentication remote anyconnect-eap, 323

authorization, 418, 485487

FlexVPN, 231233

configuring, 233

group authorization, 237241

implicit authorization, 242245

user authorization, 235237

RADIUS-based AAA, 436

authorization policy

default IKEv2 authorization policy, 229231

IKEv2, 228229

authorization types, FlexVPN, 245250

auto detection of tunnel transport and encapsulation, 297298

auto tunnel mode, 99

auto-detection of tunnel encapsulation and transport, FlexVPN, 219221

automatic mode, tunnel initiation, FlexVPN client, 350

AutoReconnect, 311

auto-reconnect, FlexVPN server, 309310

configuration attributes, 310311

configuring, 313315

smart DPD, 311313

AutoReconnectBehavior, 311

avoid, 111


backup gateway lists, FlexVPN client, 347

backup gateways, FlexVPN client, 346

backup group command, 353

backup groups, FlexVPN client, 353354

Backup Peers, 544

backup peers, FlexVPN hub resiliency, 411

backup-gateway attributes, configuring, 347

boolean expressions, tracking, lists of objects, 350352

branch 1 configuration

FlexVPN, spoke configuration, 392394

FlexVPN client, group and user authorization, 386

FlexVPN spoke, verification, 397399

branch 2 configuration

FlexVPN, spoke configuration, 394395

FlexVPN client, user authorization, 387

FlexVPN spoke, verification, 399400

branch-1 router configuration, AAA-based pre-shared keys (FlexVPN), 382383

branch-2 router configuration, AAA-based pre-shared keys (FlexVPN), 383

buffers, capture buffers, 457

building blocks of


Cisco IOS AAA infrastructure, 221223

IKEv2, 213214

point-to-point tunnel interfaces, 214221

FlexVPN client

FlexVPN client profiles, 334

IKEv2 configuration exchange, 334

NAT (Network Address Translation), 335

object tracking, 334

static P2P tunnel interfaces, 334

IPsec, 2

access control, 4

anti-replay services, 4

confidentiality, 4

connectionless integrity, 4

data origin authentication, 4

key management protocol, 3

SAs (Security Associations), 3

security protocols, 23

security services, 3

TFC (Traffic Flow Confidentiality), 45


CA (certificate authority), 12

PKI (Public Key Infrastructure), 160162

CAC (Call Admission Control), IKEv2, 157

Cookie Challenge and Call Admission Control, 207210

cached keyword, 234

capacity, considerations when moving to IKEv2, 542543

capture buffers, 457

capture points, 458

CBC (cipher block chaining), 510

CDP (Cisco Discovery Protocol), 86

CDP (CRL Distribution Point), 475

CEF (Cisco Express Forwarding), 94

CERT, 148

certificate attributes, 469

certificate authority. See CA (certificate authority)

certificate authority (CA), PKI (Public Key Infrastructure), 160162

certificate expiry, 470472

session deletion, IKEv2, 184

certificate maps, matching, peers, 472473

certificate requests, 148

IKEv2, 3839


certificate revocation, 473476

Certificate Revocation Lists (CRLs), 163

certificate revocation method, 163

session deletion, 182

certificate-based authentication, 147149


certificate expiry, 470472

digital certificates, 12

HTTP URL-based certificate lookup, 156

matching peers, 140141

certification revocation list (CRL), 181


CertReq, 26

CERTREQ payload, 476

CFG_ACK, 252



CFG_SET, 252

change-of-authorization (CoA), 303304

Child SAs, 24

childless initiation, 66

cipher block chaining (CBC), 510

Cisco AV pair, 325

Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP), 86

Cisco Express Forwarding (CEF), 94

Cisco IKEv2 AnyConnect clients, 330

Cisco IOS


IKEv2 encryption, 111

IKEv2 integrity, 113

Diffie-Hellman group, 114

IP sec configuration, 166167

IPsec configuration

examples, 168

smart defaults, 168169

IPsec profiles, 167

PKI (Public Key Infrastructure), 159160

CA (certificate authority), 160162

pseudorandom function algorithms, IKEv2, 115

Cisco IOS AAA infrastructure, 221223

configuring for FlexVPN, 222223

Cisco IPsec flow monitor MIB, 425

Cisco meta data (CMD), 179

Cisco private use configuration attributes, 257258

Cisco unity attributes, 253

clamping, MSS (Maximum Segment Size), 526527

clear crypto ikev2 diagnose error, 461

clear crypto ikev2 sa, 186

clear crypto ikev2 sa remote, 360

clear crypto session, 186

clearing, IKEv2 FlexVPN client sessions, 360

client awareness, considerations when moving to IKEv2, 545

client connect tunnel interface-number, 348

client connect Tunnelo, 408, 412

client debugging, IKEv2, 450

client inside, 338

clients, remote access clients. See remote access clients

cloning, virtual access cloning, 295297

cluster debugging, IKEv2, 450

cluster loads, FlexVPN load balancer, 369372

CMD (Cisco meta data), 179

CoA (change-of-authorization), 303304

co-existence, FlexVPN, authorization types, 245

collect command, 441

combined algorithm overhead, 512513

combined mode ciphers, 77, 112

combined-mode ciphers, IKEv2 proposals, 110


aaa authorization, 223, 225, 229, 233

aaa authorization group, 229, 237238

aaa authorization group override, 294

aaa authorization user, 285, 484

aaa new-model command, 222

authenticate remote anyconnect-eap, 323

authentication, 147

backup group, 353

CFG_ACK, 252



CFG_SET, 252

clear crypto ikev2 diagnose error, 461

clear crypto ikev2 sa, 186

clear crypto ikev2 sa remote, 360

clear crypto session, 186

client connect tunnel interface-number, 348

client connect Tunnelo, 408, 412

client inside, 338

collect, 441

config-exchange request, 251

config-exchange set accept, 251

config-exchange set send, 251

config-set, 497

copy run start, 346

crypto eap credential profile1, 337

crypto ikev2 authorization policy, 222, 228

crypto ikev2 cluster, 368

crypto ikev2 cookie-challenge number, 37

crypto ikev2 diagnose error, 159

crypto ikev2 disconnect-revoked-peers, 182

crypto ikev2 keyring, 129

crypto ikev2 name-mangler, 224

crypto ikev2 profile, 138

crypto ikev2 redirect client, 374

crypto ikev2 redirect gateway init, 377

crypto ipsec df-bit {clear | set | copy}, 528

crypto ipsec fragmentation, 532

crypto ipsec fragmentation {before-encryption | after-encryption}, 528

crypto ipsec profile, 348

crypto ipsec security-association replay window-size disable, 494

crypto key generate, 162

crypto mib ipsec flow history tunnel size, 427

crypto pki authenticate, 164

crypto pki profile enrollment, 163

debug aaa authorization, 436

debug aaa proto {local | radius}, 486487

debug commands

AAA (authentication, authorization, and accounting), 501

EAP (Extensible Authentication Protocol), 501

IKEv2, 501

IPsec, 501

PKI (Public Key Infrastructure), 502


debug crypto condition unmatched, 456

debug crypto ikev2, 187, 360, 436, 466, 473

debug crypto ikev2 client flexvpn, 353

debug crypto ikev2 cluster detail, 369

debug crypto ikev2 packet, 126, 450

debug crypto ikev2 packet debugging, 491

debug crypto ikev2 packet hexdump, 451

debug crypto ipsec, 453

debug crypto ipsec metadata sgt, 181

debug crypto kmi, 455

debug crypto pki, 473

debug ip dns name-list, 341

debug ip tcp, 474

debug vtemplate, 487

debug vtemplate cloning, 487

default crypto ikev2 authorization policy, 230

dn all, 227

dn common-name, 226

dn country, 227

dn domain, 226

dn locality, 227

dn organization, 227

dn organization-unit, 226

dn state, 227

eap all, 227

eap dn common-name, 227

eap dn country, 227

eap dn domain, 227

eap dn locality, 227

eap dn organization, 227

eap dn organization-unit, 227

eap prefix delimiter., 227

eap prefix delimiter @, 227

eap prefix delimiter (backslash), 227

eckeypair, 163

email all, 226

email domain, 226

email username, 226

enrollment url, 163

fqdn all, 226

fqdn domain, 226

fqdn hostname, 225

import all, 343

ip | ipv6 unnumbered, 102

ip address, 215

ip address negotiated, 334, 348

ip http server, 161

ip mtu, 499, 531

ip nat inside, 405

ip nat outside, 355, 405

ip tcp adjust-mss, 527

ip unnumbered, 218

ip unreachables, 520

ip vrf, 100

ip vrf forwarding, 100, 296

IPsec commands, considerations when moving to IKEv2, 543544

ipv6 address, 215

ipv6 mtu, 531

ipv6 tcp adjust-mss, 527

ipv6 unnumbered, 218

ipv6 unreachables, 522

ivrf, 152

keyring aaa, 223, 225

match, 441

match certificate, 472

method-est, 163

monitor event-trace, 449

mtu, 518, 533

no crypto ipsec nat-transparency udp-encapsulation, 64

no lifetime, 184

no logging event link-status, 424

no route accept, 267

no shutdown, 161

peer reactivate, 346

pki trustpoint, 470

reconnect, 310

responder-only, 167

revocation-check method command, 164

route accept, 266, 498

route accept any, 230

route set interface, 230, 496

route set local, 267, 498

service-policy, 296

set ikev2-profile, 167

set mixed-mode, 99, 167

set peer hostname dynamic, 130

set pfs, 167

set reverse-route, 167

set security-association, 167

set security-association replay window-size disable, 494

set transform-set, 167

show aaa attribute protocol radius, 228

show cef interface, 531

show commands

IKEv2, 500

IPsec, 500

PKI (Public Key Infrastructure), 501

troubleshooting, 447

show crypto ikev2 authorization policy, 229

show crypto ikev2 client flexvpn, 348, 358

show crypto ikev2 client flexvpn flex1 detail, 342

show crypto ikev2 client flexvpn name, 358

show crypto ikev2 cluster, 369, 374

show crypto ikev2 diagnose error, 460

show crypto ikev2 proposal, 34, 109, 463

show crypto ikev2 sa detail, 282

show crypto ikev2 sa detailed, 144, 177, 313, 343, 359, 397, 399

show crypto ikev2 session detailed, 144

show crypto ipsec sa, 530, 560

show crypto ipsec transform-set, 488

show crypto pki certificate verbose, 480

show crypto pki certificates, 467

show crypto pki counters, 475

show crypto pki trustpoints, 467

show crypto session, 220, 559

show crypto session brief, 560

show crypto session detail, 186, 313

show crypto sessions, 95

show crypto sockets, 95

show derived-config, 91

show ip dhcp import, 343

show ip dns name-list, 341, 343

show ip interfaces, 518

show ip nat statistics, 406

show ip nat translations, 406

show ip route, 266267

show ip route vrf, 460

show ip traffic, 522

show ipv6 interfaces, 518

show ipv6 traffic, 523

show ntp associations, 471

show platform hardware qfp active feature ipfrag global, 522523

show run all, 184

show running-config, 91

show running-configuration, 478

show standby, 375

show track, 359

SNMP IKE trap commands, 427

SNMP IPsec trap commands, 438439

snmp-server enable traps ike tunnel start, 425

snmp-server enable traps ike tunnel stop, 426

snmp-server enable traps ipsec tunnel start, 438

snmp-server enable traps ipsec tunnel stop, 439

snmp-server enable traps snmp linkdown linkup, 439440

snmp-server enable traps snmp linkup linkdown, 424425

test aaa, 481

tunnel destination, 215, 218

tunnel destination dynamic, 349, 412

tunnel destination peer-address, 90

tunnel mode, 215, 218

tunnel mode gre ip, 94

tunnel path-mtu-discovery, 499, 534535

tunnel protection, 139, 167168, 216, 218

tunnel protection ipsec, 123

tunnel source, 218

tunnel source dynamic, 348, 408

tunnel vrf name, 102

virtual-template 1 mode auto, 396

vrf definition, 100

vrf forwarding, 100, 216, 218, 486

vrf forwarding name, 102

components of

FlexVPN load balancer, 363

HSRP (hot standby routing protocol), 366367

IKEv2 redirect, 363366

IPsec, 5

PAD (Peer Authorization Database), 6

SAD (Security Association Database), 6

SPD (Security Policy Database), 56

SPI (Security Parameter Index), 5

Split-DNS, FlexVPN client, 340343

conditional debugging, 456457

confidentiality, 4

Config Payload, 58

config-exchange request, 251

config-exchange set accept, 251

config-exchange set send, 251

config-set command, 497

configuration attributes

auto-reconnect, FlexVPN server, 310311

FlexVPN, 253258

configuration constructs, IKEv2, 106

configuration examples

EAP (Extensible Authentication Protocol), FlexVPN server, 278283

keyring, IKEv2, 134135

configuration exchange, FlexVPN, 250

enabling, 250251

examples, 259264

configuration payload, 75

attributes, 59

FlexVPN, 251253, 258

configuration payload exchange, 5859

configurations, IKEv2, 106


AAA infrastructure, FlexVPN, 222223

AAA-based pre-shared keys, FlexVPN server, 284

authorization, FlexVPN, 233

auto-reconnect, FlexVPN server, 313315

backup-gateway attributes, 347

default-domain attributes, 344

Diffie-Hellman group, IKEv2, 113114

dual-factor authentication, AnyConnect-EAP, 324325

EAP (Extensible Authentication Protocol), FlexVPN server, 277278

configuration examples, 278283

FlexVPN, RADIUS servers, 388390

FlexVPN client, dual-homed branch routers, 411412

FlexVPN server, 387388

IKEv2, encryption, 111112

IKEv2 proposals, 108111

under IKEv2 policies, 119120

integrity, IKEv2, 113

IPsec configuration, 166167

IPv4 DNS server attributes, 340

IPv4 WINS attribute, 343

IPv6 DNS server attributes, 341

keyring, IKEv2, 129132

keys, in peer blocks, 132

match statements

under IKEv2 policies, 120121

IKEv2 profiles, 139142

name mangler, IKEv2, 224227

peer blocks, in keyring, 130

peers, in peer blocks, 130131

policies, IKEv2, 118119

profiles, IKEv2, 138139

pseudorandom function, IKEv2, 115

RADIUS change-of-authorization (CoA), 304

RADIUS Packet-of-Disconnect, FlexVPN server, 300

Split-DNS attributes, 341

static P2P tunnel interfaces, 214216

trustpoints (TP), 476

user authentication, AnyConnect-EAP, 318319

virtual-template interfaces, 216219

connect auto mode, 408

connectionless integrity, 4

context-specific configuration, IKEv2, 106

continuous channel mode, 77

Cookie Challenge, IKEv2, 156

IKEv2 Cookie Challenge and Call Admission Control, 207210

cookie notification, IKEv2, 3638

copy run start, 346

Counter (CTR) mode, 510

CREATE_CHILD_SA, 24, 53, 5354

CRL (certification revocation list), 181

CRL Distribution Point (CDP), 475

CRLs (Certificate Revocation Lists), 163

crypto eap credential profile1, 337

crypto ikev2 authorization policy, 222, 228

crypto ikev2 cluster, 368

crypto ikev2 cookie-challenge number, 37

crypto ikev2 diagnose error, 159

crypto ikev2 direct gateway init, 377

crypto ikev2 disconnect-revoked-peers, 182

crypto ikev2 error, 448

crypto ikev2 keyring, 129

crypto ikev2 name-mangler, 224

crypto ikev2 profile, 138

crypto ikev2 redirect client, 374

crypto ipsec df-bit {clear | set | copy}, 528

crypto ipsec error, 448

crypto ipsec fragmentation, 532

crypto ipsec fragmentation {before-encryption | after-encryption}, 528

crypto ipsec profile, 348

crypto ipsec security-association replay window-size disable, 494

crypto key generate, 162

crypto maps, 79

demise of, 8687

versus tunnel protection, 8081

crypto mib ipsec flow history tunnel size, 427

crypto pki authenticate, 164

crypto pki profile enrollment, 163

crypto pki server, 160

crypto sockets, 9495

cryptographic exchange bloat, 77

cryptographic strength, 111112

pre-shared keys, 135


asymmetric cryptography, 1112

IPsec VPNs, 7

asymmetric cryptography, 8

Diffie-Hellman exchange, 811

symmetric cryptography, 78

CTR (Counter) mode, 510


data encapsulation, GRE (generic routing encapsulation), 495

data encryption, 488

SNMP with IPsec, 437439

data origin authentication, 4

data usage, monitoring, 440443

datagram format, ESP (Encapsulating Security Payload), 1819

dead peer detection, 5961

Dead Peer Detection (DPD), IKEv2, 149151, 158159

debug aaa authorization, 436

debug aaa proto {local | radius}, 486487

debug commands

AAA (authentication, authorization, and accounting), 501

EAP (Extensible Authentication Protocol), 501

IKEv2, 501

IPsec, 501

PKI (Public Key Infrastructure), 502


debug crypto condition unmatched, 456

debug crypto ikev2, 123, 187, 360, 436, 466, 473

debug crypto ikev2 client flexvpn, 353, 450

debug crypto ikev2 cluster detail, 369, 375

debug crypto ikev2 packet, 126, 450

debug crypto ikev2 packet debugging, 491

debug crypto ikev2 packet hexdump, 451

debug crypto ipsec, 453

debug crypto ipsec metadata sgt, 181

debug crypto kmi, 123, 455

debug crypto pki, 473

debug ip dns name-list, 341

debug ip packet, 406

debug ip tcp, 474

debug vtemplate, 487

debug vtemplate cloning, 487

debugging, 449

authentication, with PKI, 470

conditional debugging, 456457

FlexVPN client, 360

IKEv2, 449453

IPsec, 488491

IPsec debugging, 453

KMI (Key Management Interface), 453455

PKI (Public Key Infrastructure), 456

verbose debugging, 181

default crypto ikev2 authorization policy, 230

default IKEv2 authorization policy, 229231

default IKEv2 policies, 121122

default proposals, IKEv2, 115117

default-domain attributes, configuring, 344

defaults, smart defaults, 168169

deleting, SAs (Security Associations), 5758


IKEv1, 551552


Cookie Challenge and Call Admission Control, 207210

pre-shared-key authentication with smart defaults, 189194

RSA authentication using HTTP URL lookup, 200207

depo, IKEv2, ECDSA (Elliptic-Curve Digital Signature Algorithm) authentication, 194200

DER (Distinguished Encoding Rules), 44, 201

DES, 111

detail keyword, 559

detection, NAT-D (Network Address Translation-Detection), 64

DF (Don’t Fragment), 172

diagnose error, IKEv2, 460461

diagnostics, IKEv2, 159

dial backups, FlexVPN client, 352353

Differentiated Services Code Point (DSCP), 74

Diffie, Whitfield, 9

Diffie-Hellman exchange, 811, 24, 2629

initiators, 28

MITM (man-in-the-middle) attack, 45


Diffie-Hellman group, 30

IKEv2, configuring, 113114

Diffie-Hellman tests, IKEv2, 65

digital certificates, 12

digital signatures, 12

IKEv2, 1213


anti-replay, 494

default IKEv2 policies, 122

default IKEv2 proposals, 116

profiles, IKEv2, 153

disconnecting revoked peers, 182

DisconnectOnSuspend, 311

displaying, profiles, IKEv2, 153154

Distinguished Encoding Rules (DER), 44, 201

distinguished name (DN), 224

DN (distinguished name), 224

extracting names from, 226227

dn all, 227

dn common-name, 226

dn country, 227

dn domain, 226

dn locality, 227

dn organization, 227

dn organization-unit, 226

dn state, 227

domain names, FlexVPN client, 344345

Don’t Fragment (DF), 172

DPD (Dead Peer Detection), IKEv2, 149151, 158159

DSCP (Differentiated Services Code Point), 74

dual stack

FlexVPN, 391392

FlexVPN client, 335

GRE (generic routing encapsulation), 96

dual-factor authentication

AnyConnect-EAP, 320324

AnyConnect-EAP XML messages, 322324

configuring with AnyConnect-EAP, 324325

dual-homed branch routers, FlexVPN client configuration, 408409, 411412

dummy packets, ESP (Encapsulating Security Payload) version 3, 20

dVTI (dynamic VTI), 92, 153

dynamic keyword, 346

dynamic routing, FlexVPN client, 335

dynamic routing protocols, 498499

dynamic tunnel interfaces, 9192

dynamic tunnel source, FlexVPN WAN resiliency, 407408

dynamic VTI (dVTI), 92


EAP (Extensible Authentication Protocol), 4850, 146, 480485

authentication, 434436

debug commands, 501

FlexVPN server, configuring, 277278

examples, 278283

eap all, 227

EAP authentication

FlexVPN client, 335, 337338

FlexVPN server, 271272

EAP methods, 272

steps for, 275277

eap dn common-name, 227

eap dn country, 227

eap dn domain, 227

eap dn locality, 227

eap dn organization, 227

eap dn organization-unit, 227

eap dn state, 227

EAP identity, 224

extracting names, 227

FlexVPN server, 273275

EAP message flow, FlexVPN server, 273

EAP methods

FlexVPN server, 272

TLS (transport layer security), 272

eap prefix delimiter., 227

eap prefix delimiter @, 227

eap prefix delimiter , 227

EAP timeout, FlexVPN server, 275

EAP tunneled methods, 272

ECDH (Elliptic Curve Diffie Hellman), 10

ECDSA (Elliptic-Curve Digital Signature Algorithm), 73

ECDSA (Elliptic-Curve Digital Signature Algorithm) authentication

IKEv2, 194200

troubleshooting, 465468

ECDSA (Elliptic-Curve Digital Signature Algorithm) signatures, 12

eckeypair, 163

EEM (embedded event manager), 356358

EIGRP (enhanced interior gateway routing protocol), 191

EKU (Extended Key Usage), 469, 480

AnyConnect, 469

Elliptic Curve Diffie Hellman (ECDH), 10


extracting names from, 226

IKE identity types, 224

email all, 226

email domain, 226

email username, 226

embedded event manager (EEM), 356358

enabling, configuration exchange, FlexVPN, 250251

encapsulating security payload overhead, 507509

Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP). See ESP (Encapsulating Security Payload), 23

encapsulation, modes of encapsulation, 82

GRE encapsulation, 8283

GRE over IPsec, 83

encipherment, 7

ENCR (Encryption algorithm), 30

encrypted payload structures, 4344

encryption, 7, 14

ESP (Encapsulating Security Payload), 1718

IKE_AUTH, 4243


algorithms in Cisco IOS, 111

configuring, 111112

IP Authentication Header, 1516

Encryption Algorithm (ENCR), 30

encryption overhead, 510511

enhanced interior gateway routing protocol (EIGRP), 191

Enrollment over Secure Transport (EST), 163

enrollment url, 163

error debugging, IKEv2, 450

ESN (Extended Sequence Numbers), 30

ESP (Encapsulating Security Payload), 23, 17, 504

anti-replay services, 18

authentication, 18

confidentiality, 4

datagram format, 1819

encryption, 18

ESP (Encapsulating Security Payload) version 3, 19

dummy packets, 20

extended sequence numbers, 19

TFC (Traffic Flow Confidentiality), 20


EST (Enrollment over Secure Transport), 163

event-trace monitoring, 447449


AAA-based pre-shared keys, FlexVPN server, 285287

configuration exchange, FlexVPN, 259264

EAP (Extensible Authentication Protocol), FlexVPN server, 278283

FlexVPN, implicit authorization, 243245

IKEv2 load balancing, FlexVPN load balancer, 376378

IPsec configuration, 168

overhead, 516517

RADIUS change-of-authorization (CoA), FlexVPN server, 305309

RADIUS Packet-of-Disconnect, FlexVPN server, 301303

soft migration, transitioning from IKEv1 to IKEv2, 551552

virtual access cloning, 295297

exchange modes

IKEv1, 7071

IKEv2, 7172

Exchange Type, 55

explicit padding, 510

Extended Authentication within IKE (XAUTH), 69

Extended Authentication within ISAKMP/Oakley, 69

Extended Key Usage (EKU), 469

extended sequence numbers, ESP (Encapsulating Security Payload) version 3, 19

Extensible Authentication Protocol. See EAP (Extensible Authentication Protocol)

extensions, for EAP-only authentication, 65

external AAA servers, FlexVPN, group authorization, 239241

extra overhead, 516517

extracting names

from DN identity, 226227

from EAP identity, 227

from email identity, 226

from FQDN identity, 225226

EzVPN, 333, 540

FlexVPN client, 336


familiarization, considerations when moving to IKEv2, 545

FIB (Forwarding Information BAse), 94

flapping tunnel interface, 499

Flexible NetFlow, 418

FlexVPN, 540

AAA-based pre-shared keys, 381382

branch-1 router configuration, 382383

branch-2 router configuration, 383

hub router configuration, 383384

RADIUS server configuration, 384386

attributes, 253

authorization, 231233

configuring, 233

group authorization, 237241

implicit authorization, 242245

user authorization, 235237

authorization types, 245250

precedence, 247250

auto-detection of tunnel encapsulation and transport, 219221

building blocks of

Cisco IOS AAA infrastructure, 221223

IKEv2, 213214

point-to-point tunnel interfaces, 214221

Cisco private use configuration attributes, 257258

configuration attributes, 258

and authorization, 253258

configuration exchange, 250

enabling, 250251

examples, 259264

configuration payload, 251253, 258


AAA infrastructure, 222223

RADIUS servers, 388390

default IKEv2 authorization policy, 229231

group and user authorization, 386

IKEv2, authorization policy, 228229

migration strategies, 544

overview, 211213

remote subnets, 264

learning from peer, 266267

learning locally, 265266

routing, 264265

routing, dual stack, and tunnel mode auto, 391392

spoke configuration

branch 1 configuration, 392394

branch 2 configuration, 394395

hub configuration, 395397

verification at branch 1, 397399

verification at branch 2, 399400

verification on hub, 401404

value proposition, 213

virtual access cloning examples, 295297

FlexVPN backup tunnels, track-based tunnel activation, 414415

FlexVPN client

advanced features, 336

backup gateway lists, 347

backup gateways, 346

backup groups, 353354

building blocks of

FlexVPN client profiles, 334

IKEv2 configuration exchange, 334

NAT (Network Address Translation), 335

object tracking, 334

static P2P tunnel interfaces, 334

clearing IKEv2 FlexVPN client sessions, 360

configuring on dual-homed branch routers, 411412

debugging, 360

dial backups, 352353

domain names, 344345

dual stack, 335

dual-homed branch routers, configuring, 408409

dynamic routing, 335

EAP authentication, 335, 337338

EzVPN, 336

FlexVPN load balancer, 374

group and user authorization

branch 1 configuration, 386

branch 2 configuration, 387

logs, 390391

NAT (Network Address Translation), 354355, 404405

verification, 405407

network extension modes, 336

overview, 332333

PKI (Public Key Infrastructure), 356

pre-shared keys, 356

profiles, 345346

reactivating peers, 346

resolution of FQDN (fully qualified domain names), 346

setting up FlexVPN servers, 336337

Split-DNS, 338340

components of, 340343

tracking, 356

EEM (embedded event manager), 356358

tracking lists of objects, with boolean expressions, 350352


debugging, 360

show commands, 358359

tunnel destination, 349

tunnel initiation, 350

automatic mode, 350

manual mode, 350

track mode, 350

tunnel interface, 347348

tunnel source, 348349

verification, 409410, 412413

WINS (Windows Internet Naming Service), 343344

FlexVPN client profiles, 334

FlexVPN feature, 90

FlexVPN hub resiliency, backup peers, 411

FlexVPN IKEv2 Load Balancer, 367369

FlexVPN load balancer

cluster loads, 369372

components of, 363

HSRP (hot standby routing protocol), 366367

IKEv2 redirect, 363366

FlexVPN client, 374

FlexVPN IKEv2 Load Balancer, 367369

IKEv2 load balancing, examples, 376378

IKEv2 redirect, 372373

redirect loops, 373374

troubleshooting, IKEv2 load balancing, 374375

FlexVPN server

AAA-based pre-shared keys, 283284

configuring, 284

examples, 285287

RADIUS attributes, 285

accounting, 287290

AnyConnect-EAP, 315316

configuring dual-factor authentication, 324325

configuring user authentication, 318319

dual-factor authentication, 320324

user authentication, 316318

auto detection of tunnel transport and encapsulation, 297298

configuring, 387388

EAP (Extensible Authentication Protocol)

configuration examples, 278283

configuring, 277278

EAP authentication, 271272

EAP methods, 272

steps for, 275277

EAP identity, 273275

EAP message flow, 273

EAP timeout, 275

IKEv2 auto-reconnect, 309310

configuration attributes, 310311

configuring, 313315

smart DPD, 311313

per-session interface, 290291

query-identity, 277

RADIUS attributes, 325329

RADIUS change-of-authorization (CoA), 303304

configuring, 304

examples, 305309

RADIUS Packet-of-Disconnect, 299300

configuring, 300

examples, 301303

remote access clients, 329

Cisco IKEv2 AnyConnect clients, 330

Microsoft Windows 7 IKEv2 clients, 329330

sequence of events, 270271

setting up, 336337

timeout option, 278

virtual access configurations

AAA authorization, 293294

incoming sessions, 294

virtual templates, 291293

FlexVPN WAN resiliency

dual-homed branch routers, FlexVPN client configuration, 408409

dynamic tunnel source, 407408

FlexVPN client, verification, 409410

flow monitors, 441

flow records, 441

Forwarding Information Base (FIB), 94

FQDN (fully qualified domain name), 224

extracting names from, 225226

resolution of FQDN (fully qualified domain names), FlexVPN client, 346

fqdn all, 226

fqdn domain, 226

fqdn hostname, 225


IKEv2, 171172, 173178

session authentication, 181182

session deletion on certificate expiry, 184

session deletion on certificate revocation, 182184

session lifetime, 185187

IP fragmentation, 172173


impact of, 535536

IPv4, 519522

IPv6, 522523

MTU (maximum transmission unit), 518519

PMTUD (path MTU discovery), 523525, 527531

TCP MSS clamping, 525

tunnels, 531

GRE (generic routing encapsulation), 532533

GRE over IPsec, 534

IPsec only (VTI), 531532

PMTUD (path MTU discovery), 534535

Front-door VRF (VFRF), 118


generic routing encapsulation. See GRE (generic routing encapsulation)

GET VPN, 212213

global configuration, IKEv2, 106, 155

HTTP URL-based certificate lookup, 156

global IKE, considerations when moving to IKEv2, 543544

GRE (generic routing encapsulation), 80, 495

fragmentation, tunnels, 532533

implementation modes

auto tunnel mode, 99

dual stack, 96

mixed mode, 9699

mGRE (multipoint GRE), 9294

overhead, 505507

traffic, non-IP protocols, 86

traffic selectors, 5152

tunnel configuration, 8889

VRF aware, 101102

GRE encapsulation, 8283

GRE over IPsec, 83

fragmentation, tunnels, 534

IPsec transport mode, 8384

IPsec tunnel mode, 8485

VRF aware, 102103

GRE tunnel keys, mismatching, 495

GRE/IP encapsulation, 82

GRE/IPsec, 8788

group authorization

FlexVPN, 237241

precedence, 249250

FlexVPN client, 386

branch 1 configuration, 386

branch 2 configuration, 387

guiding principles, IKEv2, 106


half connections, 36

hard migration, transitioning from IKEv1 to IKEv2, 548549

hardware limitations, considerations when moving to IKEv2, 540

Hardware Security Modules (HSM), 545

hash algorithms, signatures, 163

Hashed Message Authentication Code (HMAC), 4

HDR, 26, 76

Hellman, Martin, 9

high availability, 74

considerations when moving to IKEv2, 547

history of, IKEv1, 6769

HMAC (Hashed Message Authentication Code), 4, 18, 40

integrity overhead, 511512

HMAC-MD5–96, 515

HMAC-SHA-1–96, 513, 515

HMAC-SHA-256–128, 515

HMAC-SHA-384–192, 515

HMAC-SHA-512–256, 515

hot standby routing protocol (HSRP), FlexVPN load balancer, 366367

HSM (Hardware Security Modules), 545

HSRP (hot standby routing protocol), FlexVPN load balancer, 366367

HTTP URL lookup, RSA authentication using HTTP URL lookup, 200207

HTTP URL-based certificate lookup, 156


hub configuration, FlexVPN, spoke configuration, 395397

hub router configuration, AAA-based pre-shared keys, FlexVPN, 383384

hub-and-spoke topology

hard migration, 549

migration strategies, 562564


ICV (Integrity Check Value), 4, 15






ID_RFC 822_ADDR, 45

identities, 4445

EAP identity, FlexVPN server, 273275

IKEv2, 74

local IKE identities, defining local IKE identities, 143145

matching peers, 141142

identity local, 143144

identity services engine (ISE), 178

identity times, IKE identity types, 224

IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force), 23

IKE (Internet Key Exchange), 2

IKE identity types, 224

IKE trap commands, SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol), 427

IKE_AUTH, 13, 24, 42, 174, 175176

authentication, 4243

encryption, 4243

identity, 45

parameters, 43

traffic selectors, 5052

troubleshooting, 464

ECDSA (Elliptic-Curve Digital Signature Algorithm) authentication, 465468

RSA authentication, 465468

IKE_SA_INIT, 2526, 124


anti-denial of service, 72

authentication, 7374

combined mode ciphers, 77

configuration payload, 75

continuous channel mode, 77

cryptographic ciphers, 77

deployments, 551552

exchange modes, 7071

high availability, 74

history of, 6769

lifetime, 7273

matching on identity, 7576

NAT (Network Address Translation), 7475

traffic selectors, 74

IKEv2 (Internet Key Exchange protocol version 2), 1

anti-denial of service, 72

authentication, 14, 45, 7374

EAP (Extensible Authentication Protocol), 4850

pre-shared-key-based authentication, 47

signature-based authentication, 46

authorization policy, 228229


FlexVPN server, 309310

FlexVPN server, configuration attributes, 310311

FlexVPN server, configuring, 313315

FlexVPN server, smart DPD, 311313

CAC (Call Admission Control), 157

certificate requests, 3839


clearing IKEv2 FlexVPN client sessions, 360

client debugging, 450

cluster debugging, 450

combined mode ciphers, 77

configuration constructs, 106

configuration exchange, FlexVPN client, 334

configuration payload, 75

considerations when moving to IKEv2

asymmetric routing, 547548

authentication, 546547

client awareness, 545

current capacity, 542543

current VPN technology, 540541

familiarization, 545

FlexVPN, 544

global IKE, 543544

hardware limitations, 540

high availability, 547

IP addresses, 543

IPsec commands, 543544

IPv6, 546

PKI (Public Key Infrastructure), 545546

restrictions when running IKEv1 and IKEv2 simultaneously, 541542

routing protocols, 541

software, 543

VPN gateways, 543

context-specific configuration, 106

continuous channel mode, 77

Cookie Challenge, 156

cryptographic exchange bloat, 77

debug commands, 501

debugging, 449453


Cookie Challenge and Call Admission Control, 207210

ECDSA (Elliptic-Curve Digital Signature Algorithm) authentication, 194200

pre-shared-key authentication with smart defaults, 189194

RSA authentication using HTTP URL lookup, 200207

diagnose error, 460461

diagnostics, 159

Diffie-Hellman group, configuring, 113114

digital signatures, 1213

DPD (Dead Peer Detection), 149151, 158159

dual-factor authentication, 320321

encrypted payload structures, 4344

encryption, 14

algorithms in Cisco IOS, 111

configuring, 111112

error debugging, 450

exchange modes, 7172

FlexVPN, 213214

fragmentation, 171172, 173178

global configuration, 106, 155

HTTP URL-based certificate lookup, 156

guiding principles, 106

high availability, 74

identities, 4445, 74

initial contact, 52, 151

integrity, configuring, 113

internal debugging, 450

key material generation, 3942

keyring, 106, 128129

configuration examples, 134135

configuring, 129132

key lookup on initiators, 132133

key lookup on responders, 133134

overview, 136

pre-shared-key authentication with smart defaults, 190

lifetime, 7273

load balancing, 374375

examples, 376378

matching on identity, 7576


name mangler, 223224

configuring, 224227

NAT (Network Address Translation), 6164, 7475

NAT keepalives, 152, 159

overview, 2324

packet debugging, 450

packet structure, 5556

PKI (Public Key Infrastructure)

examples, 164166

trustpoints (TP), 163164

policies, 106, 117118

configuring, 118119

configuring match statements, 120121

configuring proposals under, 119120

default IKEv2 policies, 121122

policy configuration examples

multiple proposals, 126127

per-peer IKEv2 policies, 125126

policy selection

initiators, 122124

responders, 124125

pre-shared key lookup parameters, 134

profiles, 106, 136137

configuring, 138139

configuring match statements, 139142

defining local and remote authentication methods, 145149

defining local IKE identities, 143145

defining scope, 143

disabling, 153

displaying, 153154

initial contact, 151

initiators and responders, 154

IVRF (inside VRF), 152

lifetime, 151

matching peer identity, 142143

matching peers by identity, 141142

NAT keepalives, 152

overview, 154155

peer authorization database, 137138

pre-shared-key authentication with smart defaults, 190

virtual template interface, 153

proposals, 106, 107108

configuring, 108111

configuring under IKEv2 policies, 119120

default proposals, 115117

protected tunnel interface, 558

pseudorandom function, configuring, 115

public-private key pair, 162

redirect, FlexVPN load balancer, 363366, 372373

reliability, 77

request-response, 61

routing, 496498

SAs (Security Associations)

lifetime, 151

rekey, 5455

session authentication, 181182

session deletion on certificate expiry, 184

session deletion on certificate revocation, 182184

session lifetime, 185187

SGT (security group tags), 178181

shared secrets, 13

show commands, 500

smart defaults, 168169

SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol), 425427

standard attributes, 253

syslog messages, 428429

traffic selectors, 74

window size, 158

IKEv2 exchange, 2425

cookie notification, 3638

Diffie-Hellman exchange, 2629


nonce, 3536

SPI (Security Parameter Index), 3435

IKEv2 SA, 555556

IKEv2-password-local, 285

IKEv2-password-remote, 285

impact of, fragmentation, 535536

implementation modes, GRE (generic routing encapsulation)

auto tunnel mode, 99

dual stack, 96

mixed mode, 9699

implicit authorization, 269, 285

FlexVPN, 242245

import all, 343

inacl, 304

incoming sessions, deriving virtual access configurations, FlexVPN server, 294

INFORMATIONAL exchange, 56

deleting SAs (Security Associations), 5758

initial contact, IKEv2, 52, 151

initial exchange, 24

initial handshake, 24


initialization vector (IV), 18


Diffie-Hellman exchange, 28

key lookup, 132133

policy selection, IKEv2, 122124

profiles, IKEv2, 154

inside VRF (IVRF), 118

INTEG (Integrity algorithm), 30

integrity, 15

connectionless integrity, 4

IKEv2, configuring, 113

Integrity Algorithm, 30

integrity algorithms, 511512

Integrity Check Value (ICV), 4, 15

integrity overhead, 511512

interface Tunnel number, 91

interface-config AAA attribute, 293294

interface-config attribute, 296, 303


dynamic tunnel interfaces, 9192

flapping tunnel interface, 499

P2P (point-to-point) tunnel interfaces, 214221

per-peer P2P tunnel interfaces, 221

static P2P tunnel interfaces, 214216

static tunnel interfaces, 90

traffic selection by routing, 8890

virtual access interfaces, 217

virtual interfaces, 8788

virtual template interface, 291293

configuring, 216219

virtual-access interface, 290291

internal debugging, IKEv2, 450









Internet Engineering Task Force. See IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force)

Internet Key Exchange (IKE), 2

Internet Key Exchange protocol version 2. See IKEv2

ip | ipv6 unnumbered, 102

ip address, 215

ip address negotiated, 334, 348

IP addresses, considerations when moving to IKEv2, 543

IP Authentication Header, 1516

IP connectivity, 423424

troubleshooting, 457460

IP fragmentation, overview, 172173

ip http server, 161

ip mtu command, 499, 531

ip nat inside, 405

ip nat outside command, 355, 405

IP protocol numbers, 50

ip tcp adjust-mss, 527

ip unnumbered, 218

ip unreachables, 520

ip vrf, 100

ip vrf forwarding, 100, 296



anti-replay services, 491494

building blocks of, 2

access control, 4

anti-replay services, 4

confidentiality, 4

connectionless integrity, 4

data origin authentication, 4

key management protocol, 3

SAs (Security Associations), 3

security protocols, 23

security services, 3

TFC (Traffic Flow Confidentiality), 45

components of, 5

PAD (Peer Authorization Database), 6

SAD (Security Association Database), 6

SPD (Security Policy Database), 56

SPI (Security Parameter Index), 5

debug commands, 501

debugging, 488491


impact of, 535536

IPv4, 519522

IPv6, 522523

MTU (maximum transmission unit), 518519

PMTUD (path MTU discovery), 523525, 527531

TCP MSS clamping, 525

GRE over IPsec, 83

modes of, 20

transport mode, 2021

tunnel mode, 21

overlay routing, 495

show commands, 500

VRF (Virtual Routing and Forwarding), 99101

VRF aware, 101102

IPsec commands, considerations when moving to IKEv2, 543544

IPsec configuration, 166167

examples, 168

smart defaults, 168169

IPsec debugging, 453

IPsec dVTI, 153

IPsec mode overhead (without GRE), 505

IPsec overhead, 504505

encapsulating security payload overhead, 507509

examples, 516517

GRE overhead, 505507

IPsec mode overhead (without GRE), 505

plaintext MTU, 513514

IPsec profiles, 167

IPsec Remote Access Client (IRAC), 58

IPsec Remote Access Server (IRAS), 58

IPsec SA

creating, 5354

rekey, 54

traffic selectors, 51

IPsec security services, 3

IPsec SNMP trap, 437

IPsec transport mode, GRE over IPsec, 8384

IPsec tunnel encapsulation, 92

IPsec tunnel mode

GRE over IPsec, 8485

GRE/IPsec, 8788

VTI (Virtual Tunnel Interface), 8788

IPsec VPN methodology, troubleshooting, 446

IPsec VPNs, 2

cryptography, 7

asymmetric cryptography, 8

Diffie-Hellman exchange, 811

symmetric cryptography, 78

IPsec-v3 standards, 504


IPsec, fragmentation, 519522

tunnels, mixed mode, 96

IPv4 DNS server attributes, configuring, 340

IPv4 WINS attribute, 343

ipv4-pool, 250


considerations when moving to IKEv2, 546

IPsec, fragmentation, 522523

pre-shared-key authentication with smart defaults, 191

ipv6 address, 215

IPv6 DNS server attributes, configuring, 341

ipv6 mtu, 531

ipv6 tcp adjust-mss, 527

ipv6 unnumbered, 218

ipv6 unreachables, 522

IRAC (IPsec Remote Access Client), 58

IRAS (IPsec Remote Access Server), 58

irvf command, 152


ISE (identity services engine), 178

IV (initialization vector), 18

IVRF (inside VRF), 118

profiles, IKEv2, 152


KE (Key Exchange) payload, 2728

keepalives, 24, 5961

NAT keepalives, 152, 159

KEi, 26

KEr, 26

Key Exchange payload. See KE (Key Exchange) payload

key lookup

initiators, 132133

responders, 133134

Key Management Interface. See KMI (Key Management Interface)

key management protocol, 3

key material generation, IKEv2, 3942

key pairs, public-private key pair, 162

Key Usage, 469










keyring, IKEv2, 106, 128129

configuration examples, 134135

configuring, 129132

configuring peer blocks, 130

key lookup on initiators, 132133

key lookup on responders, 133134

overview, 136

pre-shared-key authentication with smart defaults, 190

keyring aaa, 223, 225


AAA-based pre-shared keys

FlexVPN, 381382

FlexVPN server, 284

RADIUS attributes, 285

asymmetric keys, 132

authentication pre-shared keys, 429431

configuring, in peer blocks, 132

GRE tunnel keys, mismatching, 495

pre-shared keys, 478479

cryptographic strength, 135

FlexVPN client, 356

symmetric keys, 132

KeyUsage extension, 469


cached, 234

detail, 559

dynamic keyword, 346

max-redirects, 374

sign, 476

timeout, 484

KMI (Key Management Interface), debugging, 453455


legacy algorithms, 111

lifetime, 7273

IKEv2, SAs (Security Associations), 151

SAs (Security Associations), 7

session lifetime, 185187

lifetime certificate, 184

liveness checking, 24

load balancers, FlexVPN load balancer. See FlexVPN load balancer

load balancing

high availability, 547

troubleshooting, IKEv2 load balancing, 374375

local AAA database, FlexVPN, group authorization, 238239

local authentication methods, IKEv2 profiles, 145149

local IKE identities, defining, 143145

logs, FlexVPN client, 390391


Main mode, 70

Management Information Base (MIB), 419

man-in-the-middle (MITM) attack, 13

manual mode, tunnel initiation (FlexVPN client), 350

maps, crypto maps, 8687

master session key (MSK), 272

match address local, 142143

match certificate command, 472

match certificates, 139, 140141

match command, 441

match fvrf, 142143

match fvrf any statement, 122

match identity, 139, 141142

match identity remote any, 142

match statements, configuring

under IKEv2 policies, 120121

in IKEv2 profiles, 139142


peer identity, 142143


with certificate maps, 472473

by certificates, 140141

by identity, 141142

matching on identity, 7576

maximum authentication header overhead, 516

maximum ESP overhead, 515

maximum ICV padding, 514

maximum input padding, 514

maximum output overhead, 514

maximum overhead, 514515

Maximum Segment Size (MSS), 525527

maximum transmission unit (MTU), 172

IPsec, fragmentation, 518519

max-redirects, 374

MD5, 115

Md5, 113

messages, Proposal Incomplete message, 108

method-est, 163

methodologies, monitoring methodology, 422423

mGRE, 83

mGRE (multipoint GRE), 9294

MIB (Management Information Base), 419

Microsoft Windows 7 IKEv2 clients, FlexVPN server, 329330

migration strategies, 539, 548

considerations when moving to IKEv2

asymmetric routing, 547548

authentication, 546547

client awareness, 545

current capacity, 542543

current VPN technology, 540541

familiarization, 545

FlexVPN, 544

global IKE, 543544

hardware limitations, 540

high availability, 547

IP addresses, 543

IPsec commands, 543544

IPv6, 546

PKI (Public Key Infrastructure), 545546

restrictions when running IKEv1 and IKEv2 simultaneously, 541542

routing protocols, 541

software, 543

VPN gateways, 543

remote access, 565566

topologies, 561

hub-and-spoke topology, 562564

site-to-site, 561562

transitioning from IKEv1 to IKEv2, 548

hard migration, 548549

soft migration, 549559

verification, 559561

migration verification, 559561

mismatching, GRE tunnel keys, 495

MITM (man-in-the-middle) attack, 13

Diffie-Hellman exchange, 45

mixed mode, GRE (generic routing encapsulation), 9699

MMx, 70


Mobility and Multihoming protocol, 75

modes, 79

continuous channel mode, 77

modes of encapsulation, 82

GRE encapsulation, 8283

GRE over IPsec, 83

modes of IPsec, 20

transport mode, 2021

tunnel mode, 21


default IKEv2 policies, 122

default IKEv2 proposals, 116117

monitor even-trace crypto ipsec, 448

monitor event-trace, 449

monitor event-trace crypto ikev2, 448


AAA (authentication, authorization, and accounting), 418

authentication EAP, 434436

authentication PKI, 431434

authentication pre-shared keys, 429431

authorization, RADIUS-based AAA, 436

data encryption, SNMP with IPsec, 437439

data usage, 440443

IP connectivity, 423424

NetFlow, 418419

overlay routing, 439440

SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol), 419420

syslog, 421

VPN tunnel establishment, 425

Cisco IPsec flow monitor MIB, 425

SNMP with IKEv2, 425427

monitoring methodology, 422423

MPLS (Multiprotocol Label Switching), 2

MSK (master session key), 272

MSS (Maximum Segment Size), 525526

adjustments, 526527

MSS clamping, 525

MTU (maximum transmission unit), 172

IPsec, fragmentation, 518519

plaintext MTU, 513514

mtu command, 518, 533

multicast traffic, 8586

multiple proposals, IKEv2 policy configuration examples, 126127

multipoint GRE (mGRE), 9294

Multiprotocol Label Switching. See MPLS (Multiprotocol Label Switching

multi-SA dVTI, 92


name mangler, IKEv2, 223224

configuring, 224227

name verification, AnyConnect, 468

names, extracting

from DN identity, 226227

from EAP identity, 227

from email identity, 226

from FQDN identity, 225226

NAPT (network address port translation), 221

NAT (Network Address Translation), 7475

FlexVPN client, 335, 354355, 404405

verification, 405407

IKEv2, 6164

keepalives, 5961

NAT keepalives, 5961, 152, 159

NAT-D (Network Address Translation-Detection), 64

negotiations, SGT (security group tags), IKEv2, 178181

NetFlow, 418419, 440441

network address port translation (NAPT), 221

network extension modes, FlexVPN client, 336

Network Time Protocol (NTP), 471

Next Hop Resolution Protocol (NHRP), 86, 93

next-generation encryption (NGE), 112

NGE (next-generation encryption), IKEv2, 125

NHRP (Next Hop Resolution Protocol), 86, 93

Ni, 26

no crypto ipsec nat-transparency udp-encapsulation, 64

no lifetime, 184

no logging event link-status, 424

no route accept, 267

no shutdown command, 161

non-broadcast, 93

nonce, IKEv2 exchange, 3536

non-IP protocols, 86

Notification payload, 56

notifications, REDIRECT notification, 363366

Nr, 26

NTP (Network Time Protocol), 471

null encryption, 16



object tracking, FlexVPN client, 334

EEM (embedded event manager), 356358

OCSP (online certificate status protocol), 181

on-demand mode, DPD (Dead Peer Detection), 150

online certificate status protocol (OCSP), 181

outacl, 304

outbound IPsec SA parameters, 215


authentication header overhead, 509510

combined algorithm overhead, 512513

encryption overhead, 510511

extra overhead, 516517

GRE (generic routing encapsulation), 505507

integrity overhead, 511512

IPsec. See IPsec overhead

maximum authentication header overhead, 516

maximum ESP overhead, 515

maximum overhead, 514515

plaintext MTU, 513514

overlay routing, 439440, 495

overload limit, 372


P2P (point-to-point) tunnel interfaces, 214221

packet debugging, IKEv2, 450

packet structure, IKEv2, 5556

Packet-of-Disconnect (PoD), 299

PAD (Peer Authorization Database), 6

IKEv2, profiles, 137138


global configuration, IKEv2, 155


outbound IPsec SA parameters, 215

pre-shared key lookup parameters, IKEv2, 134

profiles, IKEv2, 136137

path MTU discovery (PMTUD), 172173

IPsec, fragmentation, 523525

Peer Authorization Database. See PAD (Peer Authorization Database)

peer blocks, configuring

in keyring, 130

keys, 132

peers, 130131

peer identity, matching, IKEv2, 142143

peer reactivate, 346

peers, 2

backup peers, FlexVPN hub resiliency, 411

configuring, in peer blocks, 130131


with certificate maps, 472473

by certificates, 140141

by identity, 141142

reactivating, FlexVPN client, 346

remote subnets, FlexVPN, 266267

revoked peers, disconnecting, 182

PEM (Privacy Enhanced Mail), 201

periodic mode, DPD (Dead Peer Detection), 150

per-peer IKEv2 policies, 125126

per-peer P2P tunnel interfaces, 221

per-session interface, FlexVPN server, 290291

PKI (Public Key Infrastructure), 11, 159160, 456

authentication, 431434

CA (certificate authority), 12, 160162

certificate-based authentication, 147148

considerations when moving to IKEv2, 545546

debug commands, 502

debugging, 456

authentication, 470

digital certificates, 12

examples, 164166

FlexVPN client, 356

public-key cryptography, 1112

public-private key pair, 162

show commands, 501

trustpoints (TP), 163164

PKI trustpoints, 148149, 470

plaintext MTU, 513514

PMTUD (path MTU discovery), 172173

fragmentation, tunnels, 534535

IPsec, fragmentation, 523525, 527531

PoD (Packet-of-Disconnect), FlexVPN server, 299

point-to-point tunnel interfaces. See P2P (point-to-point) tunnel interfaces

policies, IKEv2, 106, 117118

authorization policy, 228229

configuring, 118119

configuring match statements, 120121

configuring proposals under, 119120

default IKEv2 policies, 121122

policy configuration examples, IKEv2

multiple proposals, 126127

per-peer IKEv2 policies, 125126

policy selection, IKEv2

initiators, 122124

responders, 124125

precedence, FlexVPN

group authorization, 249250

user authorization, 247249

pre-shared key authentication, 147

pre-shared key lookup parameters, IKEv2, 134

pre-shared keys, 13, 478479

cryptographic strength, 135

FlexVPN client, 356

pre-shared-key authentication with smart defaults, 189194

pre-shared-key-based authentication, 47

PRF (pseudorandom function), 7, 30, 31, 4041

algorithms, 41

IKEv2, configuring, 115

Privacy Enhanced Mail (PEM), 201


FlexVPN client, 345346

IKEv2, 106, 136137

configuring, 138139

configuring match statements, 139142

defining local and remote authentication methods, 145149

defining local IKE identities, 143145

defining scope, 143

disabling, 153

displaying, 153154

initial contact, 151

initiators and responders, 154

IVRF (inside VRF), 152

lifetime, 151

matching peer identity, 142143

matching peers by identity, 141142

NAT keepalives, 152

overview, 154155

peer authorization database, 137138

pre-shared-key authentication with smart defaults, 190

virtual template interface, 153

IPsec, 167

Proposal Incomplete message, 108


IKEv2, 106, 107108

configuring, 108111

configuring under IKEv2 policies, 119120

default proposals, 115117

multiple proposals, IKEv2 policy configuration examples, 126127

Security Association Proposals, 2934

protected tunnel interface, IKEv2, 558

proto id, 491


AAA (authentication, authorization, and accounting), 418

AH (Authentication Header), 23

Authentication Header (AH), 15

CDP (Cisco Discovery Protocol), 86

dynamic routing protocols, 498499

EAP (Extensible Authentication Protocol). See EAP (Extensible Authentication Protocol), 4850

ESP (Encapsulating Security Payload), 23, 17

HSRP (hot standby routing protocol), FlexVPN load balancer, 366367


NetFlow, 418419

NHRP (Next Hop Resolution Protocol), 86, 93

non-IP protocols, 86


OCSP (online certificate status protocol), 181

RFC 4301, 3

routing protocols, considerations when moving to IKEv2, 541


SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol), 419420

SXP (Security group tag exchange), 179

syslog, 421

UDP (User Datagram Protocol), 25

pseudorandom function. See PRF (pseudorandom function)

PSK, authentication, 429

Public Key Infrastructure. See PKI (Public Key Infrastructure)

public-key cryptography, 8

PKI (Public Key Infrastructure), 1112

public-private key pair, 162


QCR (quantum computer resistant), 112

query, 337

query-identity, 274, 482

FlexVPN server, 277

Quick Mode, 70



debug commands, 501

PSK configuration, 478

RADIUS accounting, 287

authentication pre-shared keys, 429

RADIUS attributes

AAA-based pre-shared keys, 285

CoA (change-of-authorization), 303304

FlexVPN server, 325329

RADIUS change-of-authorization (CoA)

configuring, 304

FlexVPN server, 303304

examples, 305309


session ACL, 307309

session QoS policies, 305307

RADIUS Packet-of-Disconnect, FlexVPN server, 299300

configuring, 300

examples, 301303

RADIUS servers


AAA-based pre-shared keys, 384386

FlexVPN, 388390

EAP (Extensible Authentication Protocol), configuration examples, 278, 280281

reactivating peers, FlexVPN client, 346

reconnect, 310

Reconnect capable active session count, 315

Reconnect capable inactive session count, 315

ReconnectAfterResume, 311

reconnect-cleanup-interval, 311

reconnect-dpd-interval, 311

reconnect-session-id, 310

reconnect-timeout, 313

reconnect-token-id, 310

redirect, IKEv2, FlexVPN load balancer, 363366, 372373

redirect loops, FlexVPN load balancer, 373374

redirect mechanisms, 65

REDIRECT notification, 363366

REDIRECT payload, 65


default IKEv2 policies, 122

default IKEv2 proposals, 116

rekey, 7

IPsec SA, 54

SAs (Security Associations), IKEv2, 5455

reliability, 77

remote access, migration strategies, 565566

remote access clients, FlexVPN server, 329

Cisco IKEv2 AnyConnect clients, 330

Microsoft Windows 7 IKEv2 clients, 329330

remote authentication methods, IKEv2 profiles, 145149

remote subnets, FlexVPN, 264

learning from peer, 266267

learning locally, 265266

request-response, IKEv2, 61

resolution of FQDN (fully qualified domain names), FlexVPN client, 346

responder-only, 167


key lookup, 133134

policy selection, IKEv2, 124125

profiles, IKEv2, 154

restoring modified default IKEv2 proposals, 117

restrictions when running IKEv1 and IKEv2 simultaneously, 541542

revocation, certificate revocation, 473476

revocation-check method command, 164

revoked peers, disconnecting, 182

RFC (Request for Comments), 23

RFC 791, 520

RFC 2401, 68

RFC 2402, 68

RFC 2403, 68

RFC 2404, 68

RFC 2405, 68

RFC 2406, 68

RFC 2407, 68

RFC 2408, 68

RFC 2409, 68, 73

RFC 2410, 68

RFC 2411, 68

RFC 2412, 68

RFC 2459, 469

RFC 3164, 421

RFC 3526, 11

RFC 3706, 69

RFC 3715, 69

RFC 3748, 48, 73

RFC 3947, 69

RFC 3948, 69

RFC 4301, 3, 137

RFC 4302, 15

RFC 4304, 69

RFC 4478, 182

RFC 4555, 75

RFC 4739, 321

RFC 4754, 69, 73

RFC 4821, 525

RFC 4945, 469

RFC 5114, 11

RFC 5685, 65

RFC 5716, 299

RFC 5998, 65

RFC 6023, 66

RFC 6989, 65

RFC 7296, 44, 65

RFC 7383, 174

RIB (Routing Information Base), 440, 495

Rivest-Shamir-Adleman (RSA) key pair, 160

Rivest-Shamir-Adleman Signature, 12

route accept, 266, 498

route accept any, 230

route set interface, 230, 496

route set interface statement, 497

route set local, 267, 498


asymmetric routing, considerations when moving to IKEv2, 547548

FlexVPN, 264265, 391392

IKEv2, 496498

overlay routing, 439440, 495

static routing, 496

traffic selection, 8890

routing adjacency, 498

Routing Information Base (RIB), 440, 495

routing protocols, considerations when moving to IKEv2, 541

RSA (Rivest-Shamir-Adleman) key pair, 160

RSA authentication, troubleshooting, 465468

RSA authentication using HTTP URL lookup, 200207


SA_INIT, 24, 174175

Diffie-Hellman exchange, 29

parameters, 26

SA_INIT exchange, troubleshooting, 461464

SAD (Security Association Database), 6

SAil, 26

SArl, 26

SAs (Security Associations), 23

creating, 5354

deleting, 5758


lifetime, 151

rekey, 5455

lifetime, 7

rekey, 54

scope, IKEv2, profiles, 143

Security Association Database. See SAD (Security Association Database)

Security Association Proposals, 2934

Security Association (SA), creating, 5354

Security Associations. See SAs (Security Associations)

Security Associations (SA), deleting, 5758

Security group tag exchange (SXP), 179

security group tags. See SGT (security group tags)

Security Information Event Management. See SIEM (Security Information Event Management)

security levels

IKEv2 syslog messages, 428429

syslog, 421

Security Parameter Index (SPI), 3, 5

security payload overhead, encapsulating, 507509

Security Policy Database. See SPD (Security Policy Database)

security protocols, 23

security services, IPsec, 3

selecting, trustpoints (TP), 476477

sequence of events, FlexVPN server, 270271

service-policy, 296

service-policy input, 304

session ACL, updating, with RADIUS CoA, 307309

session authentication, IKEv2, 181182

session deletion on certificate expiry, 184

session deletion on certificate revocation, IKEv2, 182184

session lifetime, IKEv2, 185187

session QoS policies, updating, with RADIUS CoA, 305307

set ikev2-profile, 167

set mixed-mode, 99, 167

set peer hostname dynamic, 130

set pfs, 167

set reverse-route, 167

set security-association, 167

set security-association replay window-size disable, 494

set transform-set, 167

SET_WINDOW_SIZE notification payload, 158

SGT (security group tags), 171

IKEv2, 178181

SHA1, 115

Sha1, 113

SHA256, 115

SHA384, 115

Sha384, 113

SHA521, 115

Sha521, 113

shared secrets, 13

shared-key-based authentication, 47

show aaa attribute protocol radius, 228

show cef interface, 531

show commands

IKEv2, 500

IPsec, 500

PKI (Public Key Infrastructure), 501

troubleshooting, 447

FlexVPN client, 358359

show crypto ikev2 authorization policy, 229

show crypto ikev2 client flexvpn, 358

show crypto ikev2 client flexvpn flex1 detail, 342

show crypto ikev2 client flexvpn name, 358

show crypto ikev2 cluster, 369, 374

show crypto ikev2 diagnose error, 460

show crypto ikev2 flexvpn, 348

show crypto ikev2 proposal, 34, 109, 463

show crypto ikev2 sa detail, 282

show crypto ikev2 sa detailed, 144, 177, 313, 343, 359, 397, 399

show crypto ikev2 session detailed, 144

show crypto ikev2 stats reconnect, 315

show crypto ipsec sa, 530, 560

show crypto ipsec transform-set, 488

show crypto pki certificate verbose, 480

show crypto pki certificates, 467

show crypto pki counters, 475

show crypto pki trustpoints, 467

show crypto session, 220, 559

show crypto session brief, 560

show crypto session detail, 186, 313

show crypto sessions, 95

show crypto sockets, 95

show derived-config, 91

show ip dhcp import, 343

show ip dns name-list, 341, 343

show ip interfaces, 518

show ip nat statistics, 406

show ip nat translations, 406

show ip route, 266, 267

show ip route vrf, 460

show ip traffic, 522

show ipv6 interfaces, 518

show ipv6 traffic, 523

show ntp associations, 471

show platform hardware qfp active feature ipfrag global, 522523

show run all, 184

show running-config, 91

show running-configuration command, 478

show standby, 375

show track, 359

SIA (subject information access), 202

SIEM (Security Information Event Management), 417

sign keyword, 476

signature-based authentication, 46


digital signatures, IKEv2, 1213

hash algorithms, 163

Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP), 419420

site-to-site, migration strategies, 561562


SKEY, 76


SKEYSEED, 40, 54, 75

slave priority, 370

smart defaults, 106, 168169

pre-shared-key authentication with smart defaults, 189194

smart DPD, auto-reconnect, FlexVPN server, 311313

SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol), 419420

IKE trap commands, 427

with IKEv2, VPN tunnel establishment, 425427

with IPsec, data encryption, 437439

trap commands, 438439

versions, 419420

VRF-aware SNMP, 420

SNMP agent, 419

SNMP manager, 419

snmp-server enable traps, 425

snmp-server enable traps ike tunnel start, 425

snmp-server enable traps ike tunnel stop, 426

snmp-server enable traps ipsec tunnel start, 437, 438

snmp-server enable traps ipsec tunnel stop, 439

snmp-server enable traps snmp linkdown linkup, 439440

snmp-server enable traps snmp linkup linkdown, 424

soft migration, transitioning from IKEv1 to IKEv2, 549559

software, considerations when moving to IKEv2, 543

SPD (Security Policy Database), 56

SPI (Security Parameter Index), 3, 5

IKEv2 exchange, 3435


attributes, configuring, 341

FlexVPN client, 338340

components of, 340343

spoke configuration, FlexVPN

branch 1 configuration, 392394

branch 2 configuration, 394395

hub configuration, 395397

verification at branch 1, 397399

verification at branch 2, 399400

verification on hub, 401404

static P2P tunnel interfaces, 214216

FlexVPN client, 334

static routing, 496

static tunnel interfaces, 90

static VTI (sVTI), 92

subject information access (SIA), 202


IKEv2 policies, 119

IKEv2 proposals, 108

subnets, remote subnets, FlexVPN, 264, 265266

sub-policy-in, 304

sub-policy-out, 304

sub-qos-policy-in, 304

sub-qos-policy-out, 304

sVTI (static VTI), 92

SXP (Security group tag exchange), 179

symmetric cryptography, IPsec VPNs, 78

symmetric keys, 132

syslog, 421

IKEv2, 428429

syslog messages, troubleshooting, 447


TCAM (ternary content-addressable memory), 87

test aaa command, 481

TFC (Traffic Flow Confidentiality), 45, 504

ESP (Encapsulating Security Payload) version 3, 20

timeout keyword, 484

timeout option, FlexVPN server, 275, 278

TLS (transport layer security), EAP methods, 272

tools for troubleshooting, 446447

event-trace monitoring, 447449

show commands, 447

syslog messages, 447

topologies, migration strategies, 561

hub-and-spoke topology, 562564

site-to-site, 561562

TP (trustpoints), 148, 163164, 195

configuring, 476

selecting, 476477

track mode, tunnel, FlexVPN client, 350

track-based tunnel activation, FlexVPN backup tunnels, 414415


FlexVPN client, 356

EEM (embedded event manager), 356358

lists of objects, with boolean expressions, 350352


multicast traffic, 8586

non-IP protocols, 86

routing, 8890

Traffic Flow Confidentiality. See TFC (Traffic Flow Confidentiality), 504

traffic selectors, 4, 5052, 74

GRE, 5152

IPsec SA, 51

Transforms, 2930

transitioning from IKEv1 to IKEv2, 548

hard migration, 548549

soft migration, 549559

transport mode

FlexVPN, 219221

GRE over IPsec, 8384

IPsec, 2021


IPsec SNMP trap, 437

SNMP IPsec trap commands, 438439


debugging, 449

conditional debugging, 456457

IKEv2, 449453

IPsec, 488491

IPsec debugging, 453

KMI (Key Management Interface), 453455

PKI (Public Key Infrastructure), 456

FlexVPN client

debugging, 360

show commands, 358359


ECDSA (Elliptic-Curve Digital Signature Algorithm) authentication, 465468

RSA authentication, 465468

IKEv2, diagnose error, 460461

IKEv2 load balancing, 374375

IP connectivity, 457460

IPsec VPN methodology, 446

SA_INIT exchange, 461464

tools, 446447

event-trace monitoring, 447449

show commands, 447

syslog messages, 447

VPN tunnel establishment, 460

trustpoints (TP), 148, 163164, 195

configuring, 476

selecting, 476477

tunnel destination, 88, 215, 218

FlexVPN client, 349

tunnel destination dynamic, 349, 412

tunnel destination peer-address, 90

tunnel encapsulation modes, 215

auto detection, FlexVPN server, 297298

FlexVPN, 219221

tunnel endpoints, 88

tunnel initiation, FlexVPN client, 350

automatic mode, 350

manual mode, 350

track mode, 350

tunnel interface, 79, 229

FlexVPN client, 347348

tunnel mode, 8788, 215, 218

AH (Authentication Header), 3

ESP (Encapsulating Security Payload), 3

GRE over IPsec, 8485

IPsec, 21

tunnel mode auto, FlexVPN, 391392

tunnel mode gre, 214215, 217

tunnel mode gre ip, 94, 214, 216

tunnel mode IPSEC, 298

tunnel mode ipsec, 214215, 217

tunnel mode ipsec ipv4, 96

tunnel mode ipsec ipv4 v6-overlay, 97

tunnel mode ipsec ipv6, 96

tunnel mode ipsec ipv6 v4-overlay, 9798

tunnel path-mtu-discovery, 499, 534535

Tunnel Pivot, 544

tunnel protection, 80, 9495, 139, 216, 218

versus crypto maps, 8081

IPsec parameters, 167

tunnel protection command, 167168

tunnel protection ipsec, 123

tunnel source, 88, 218

FlexVPN client, 348349

tunnel source dynamic, 348, 408

tunnel vrf name, 102

Tunnel-Password, 285


FlexVPN backup tunnels, track-based tunnel activation, 414415

fragmentation, 531

GRE (generic routing encapsulation), 532533

GRE over IPsec, 534

IPsec only (VTI), 531532

PMTUD (path MTU discovery), 534535

type tunnel, 91


UDP (User Datagram Protocol), 25

uniform resource identifier (URI), 202


session ACL with RADIUS CoA, 307309

session QoS policies, RADIUS change-of-authorization (CoA), 305307

URI (uniform resource identifier), 202

user authentication, AnyConnect-EAP, 315, 316318

user authorization

FlexVPN, 235237

precedence, 247249

FlexVPN client, 386

branch 1 configuration, 386

branch 2 configuration, 387

User Datagram Protocol (UDP), 25


value proposition, FlexVPN, 213

verbose debugging, 181


FlexVPN client, 409410, 412413

NAT (Network Address Translation), 405407

FlexVPN spoke

branch 1, 397399

branch 2 configuration, 399400

hub configuration, 401404

migration, 559561

VersionIDofSecret, 3637

VFRF (Front-door VRF), 118

virtual access cloning, examples, 295297

virtual access configurations, FlexVPN server

deriving from AAA authorization, 293294

deriving from incoming sessions, 294

deriving from virtual templates, 291293

virtual access interfaces, 217

virtual IPsec interfaces, 8586

Virtual Routing and Forwarding. See VRF (Virtual Routing and Forwarding)

virtual template interface

configuring, 216219

FlexVPN server, virtual access configurations, 291293

IKEv2 profiles, 153

Virtual Tunnel Interface (VTI), 8788

virtual-access interface, 290291

virtual-template 1 mode auto, 396

virtual-template interfaces, FlexVPN feature, 91

VPN gateways, considerations when moving to IKEv2, 543

VPN peers, 2

VPN technology, considerations when moving to IKEv2, 540541

VPN tunnel establishment, 425, 460

Cisco IPsec flow monitor MIB, 425

SNMP with IKEv2, 425427

VRF (Virtual Routing and Forwarding), 81, 118

IPsec, 99101

VRF aware, 101

GRE (generic routing encapsulation), 101102

GRE over IPsec, 102103

IPsec, 101102

vrf definition, 100

vrf forwarding, 100, 216, 218, 486

vrf forwarding name, 102

VRF-aware SNMP, 420

VTI (Virtual Tunnel Interface), 8788

fragmentation, 531532


wildcard keys, 130

window size, IKEv2, 158

WINS (Windows Internet Naming Service), FlexVPN client, 343344

worst case maximum overhead, 514515


XAUTH (Extended Authentication within IKE), 69


Aggregate XML, 315

AnyConnect-EAP XML messages, 322324

XML configurations, AnyConnect, 282283

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