
3DBB shared memory system, Craft Dispatch System archaeology project, 367

4-TEL, archaeology projects

BOSS, 355356

C language, 353355

DLU/DRU, 358360

overview of, 343348

pCCU, 356358

SAC (service area computer), 348353

VRS, 361363

8085 computer, archaeological projects

4-TEL, 345

BOSS, 355

C language and, 353355

DLU/DRU, 360

8086 Intel microcomputer, SAC archaeology project, 351352


Abstract classes

conclusion, 132

Dependency Inversion Principle and, 87

leftover in Zone of Uselessness, 129130

placing high-level policy, 126128

services in Java as set of, 246

Abstract components, 125126

Abstract Factories, 8990


principle of stable. See SAP (Stable Abstractions Principle)

source code dependencies and, 87

stable, 8889

Access modifiers, architectural packages, 316319

Accidental duplication, 154155

Actors, 6265

Address segments, relocatable binaries, 99100

ADP (Acyclic Dependencies Principle)

breaking cycle, 117118

component dependency graph effected by, 118

effect of cycle in component dependency graph, 115117

eliminating dependency cycles, 113115

jitters, 118

overview of, 112

weekly build, 112113

Aluminum die-cast monitoring, archaeology project, 342343

APIs, testing, 252253

App-titude test, 258261

Application-specific business rules, use cases, 192193, 204


goal to minimize human resources, 160

registry exam archaeology project, 370373

separate details from policy, 142


clean. See Clean architecture

clean embedded. See Clean embedded architecture

design vs., 4

in DLU/DRU archaeology project, 360

Eisenhower’s matrix of importance vs. urgency, 1617

getting software right, 2

immutability and, 52

independence. See Independence

ISP and, 86

LSP and, 80

plugin, 170171

in ROSE archaeology product, 372374

in SAC archaeology project, 349351

as senior to function, 18

as software value, 1415

stability, 122126

testing, 213

three big concerns in, 24

value of function vs., 1516

in VRS archaeology project, 362363

Architecture archaeology projects

4-TEL, 343348

aluminum die-cast monitoring, 342343

architects registry exam, 374377

by author since 1970, 329330

Basic Operating System and Scheduler, 355356

C language, 353355

conclusion, 377

Craft Dispatch System, 365371

DLU/DRU, 358360

Electronic Receptionist, 363365

Laser Trim, 338342

pCCU, 356358

ROSE product, 372374

service area computer, 348353

Union Accounting system, 330338

VRS, 361363

Architecture, defining

conclusion, 146

deployment, 138

development, 137138

device independence, 142143

junk mail example, 144145

keeping options open, 140142

maintenance, 139140

operation, 138139

physical addressing example, 145146

understanding, 135137

Architecture, screaming

about the web, 197198

conclusion, 199

frameworks as tools, not ways of life, 198

overview of, 195196

purpose of, 197

testable architectures, 198

theme, 196197

Archives, as aggregation of components, 96

Artifacts, OCP, 70

ASC Tabulating, Union Accounting archaeology project, 330338

Assignment, and functional programming, 23

Asymmetric marriage, to framework authors, 292293

Authors, framework, 292293

Automated systems, business rules, 191192


Base classes, frameworks, 293

BCE system architecture, 202

Beck, Kent, 258261

Behavior (function)

architecture supports system, 137, 148

Eisenhower’s matrix of importance vs. urgency, 1617

fighting for seniority of architecture over function, 18

keeping options open, 140142

as software value, 14

value of function vs. architecture, 1516

Binaries, relocatability, 99100

Booch, Grady

introduction to, 370

working for, 371

working on ROSE product, 372373

BOSS (Basic Operating System and Scheduler)

archaeology project, 355356

in DLU/DRU archaeology project, 360


in 4-TEL archaeology project, 344345

conclusion, 173

dividing services into components, 246

in Electronic Receptionist archaeology project, 365

FitNesse program, 163165

input and output, 169170

in Laser Trim archaeology project, 342

layers and. See Layers and boundaries

overview of, 159160

partial, 218220

plugin architecture, 170171

plugin argument, 172173

sad stories of architectural failures, 160163

services as function calls across, 240

test, 249253

Union Accounting system archaeology project, 337338

which lines to draw, and when, 165169

Boundary anatomy

boundary crossing, 176

conclusion, 181

deployment components, 178179

dreaded monolith, 176178

local processes, 179180

services, 180181

threads, 179

Boundary crossing

in clean architecture, 206

clean architecture scenario, 207208

creating appropriate, 176

Dependency Rule for data in, 207

Breaking cycle, Acyclic Dependencies Principle, 117118

Business managers

Eisenhower’s matrix of importance vs. urgency, 17

preference for function vs. architecture, 1516

Business rules

boundaries between GUI and, 169170

clean architecture for, 202203

conclusion, 194

creating Entities, 190191

decoupling from UI, 287289

decoupling layers, 152153

decoupling use cases, 153

designing for testability, 251

in Hunt the Wumpus adventure game, 222223

independent developability, 47

keeping close to data, 67

plugging into, 170173

policy statements calculating, 184

request/response models and, 193194

in SAC archaeology project, 350351

separating components with boundary lines, 165169

understanding, 189190

use cases for, 191193, 204


C++ language

inheritance in, 40

learning, 370

marrying STL framework in, 293

polymorphism in, 42

ROSE application, 373374

weakening encapsulation, 3637

C language

BOSS archaeology project using, 355356

DLU/DRU archaeology project using, 360

encapsulation in, 3436

inheritance in, 3840

polymorphism in, 4042

redesigning SAC in, 351352

C language, archaeology project, 353355

C# programming language

abstract components in, 125

dependency inversion, 45

using statements for dependencies, 184

weakening encapsulation, 3637

C Programming Language (Kernighan & Ritchie), 355

C4 software architecture model, 314315

Carew, Mike, 360

CASE (Computer Aided Software Engineering) tool, 372

Case study. See Video sales case study

Cathode ray tube (CRT) terminals, Union Accounting archaeology project, 332333

CCP (Common Closure Principle)

decoupling layers, 152

grouping policies into components, 186187

keeping changes localized, 118

overview of, 105107

Stable Dependencies Principle and, 120

tension diagram, 108110

CCU/CMU (COLT control unit/COLT measurement unit), pCCU archaeology project, 357358

CDS (Craft Dispatch System), archaeology project

overview of, 365367

Central office line testers. See COLTs (central office line testers)

Central offices (COs), 4-TEL archaeology project, 343344

Change, ease of software, 1415

Church, Alonzo, 2223, 50

CICS-COBOL program, aluminum die-cast archaeology project, 343


abstract. See Abstract classes

Common Reuse Principle, 107108

DIP and, 89

LSP use in guiding inheritance, 78

partitioning processes into, 7172

Reuse/Release Equivalence Principle, 105

SRP examples, 67

Clean architecture

characteristics of, 201203

conclusion, 209

Dependency Rule, 203207

frameworks tend to violate, 293

typical scenario, 208

using layers and boundaries, 223226

Clean embedded architecture

app-titude test, 258261

conclusion, 273

don’t reveal hardware details to user of HAL, 265269

DRY conditional compilation directives, 272

hardware is detail, 263264

is testable embedded architecture, 262

layers, 262263

operating system is detail, 269271

overview of, 255258

programming to interfaces and substitutability, 271272

target-hardware bottleneck, 261, 297

Clear Communications, 368371

phone call, 371

setup, 370

Uncle Bob, 371

Clojure, 5051, 5354

Codd, Edgar, 278


in aluminum die-cast archaeology project, 342343

decreasing productivity/increased cost of, 57

foolishness of overconfidence, 912

rising costs of development payroll, 89

in SAC archaeology project, 349

signature of messy, 78

source code dependencies. See Source code dependencies

Code organization

conclusion, 321

devil is in the details, 315316

other decoupling modes, 319320

overview of, 303304

package by component, 310315

package by feature, 306307

package by layer, 304306

ports and adapters, 308310

vs. encapsulation, 316319

Cohesion, Single Responsibility Principle, 63

COLTs (central office line testers)

in 4-TEL archaeology project, 344348

pCCU archaeology project, 356358

in service area computer archaeology project, 348353

Common Closure Principle. See CCP (Common Closure Principle)

Common Reuse Principle. See CRP (Common Reuse Principle)


across deployment component boundaries, 179

across local process boundaries, 180

across service boundaries, 180181

across source-level decoupled boundaries, 178

Conway’s law, 149

as function calls between components in monoliths, 178

in types of decoupling modes, 155157

Compare and swap algorithm, 54

Compiled languages, 96


enforce architectural principles with, 319

location of source code, 9798

relocatable binaries, 99100

Component architecture, video sales case study, 300302

Component-based systems

building scalable, 241

designing services using SOLID, 245246

function calls, 240

OO approach for cross-cutting concerns, 244245

Component cohesion

Common Closure Principle, 105107

Common Reuse Principle, 107108

conclusion, 110

overview of, 104

Reuse/Release Equivalence Principle, 104105

tension diagram, 108110

Component coupling

ADP. See ADP (Acyclic Dependencies Principle)

conclusion, 132

Fragile Tests Problem, 251

overview of, 111

Stable Abstractions Principle. See SAP (Stable Abstractions Principle)

Stable Dependencies Principle, 120126

top-down design, 118119

Component dependency graph

break cycle of components/reinstate as DAG, 117118

effect of cycle in, 115117

Component-per-team architecture, 137138


concrete, 91

deployment of, 178179

history of, 9699

linkers, 100102

overview of, 96

package by, 313315

partitioning processes into classes/separating classes into, 7172

principles, 93

relocatability, 99100

tests as system, 250

Computer Aided Software Engineering (CASE) tool, 368

Concrete components, Dependency Inversion Principle, 91

Concurrent tasks, BOSS archaeology project, 355356

Concurrent updates, 5253

Constantine, Larry, 29

Control, flow of. See Flow of control

Control structures, program, 2728

Control, transfer of, 22


in clean architecture, 203, 205

clean architecture scenario, 207208

crossing circle boundaries, 206

Conway’s law, 149

Copper wires, pCCU archaeology project, 356358

Core code, avoid frameworks in, 293

COs (central offices), 4-TEL archaeology project, 343344

Coupling. See also Component coupling

avoid allowing framework, 293

to premature decisions, 160

Craft Dispatch System. See CDS (Craft Dispatch System), archaeology project

Critical Business Data, 190191

Critical Business Rules, 190193

Cross-cutting concerns

designing services to deal with, 247

object-oriented approach to, 244245

Crossing data streams, 226

CRP (Common Reuse Principle)

influencing composition of components, 118

overview of, 107108

tension diagram, 108110

CRT (cathode ray tube) terminals, Union Accounting archaeology project, 332333


breaking, 117118

effect of in dependency graph, 115117

eliminating dependency, 113115

weekly build issues, 112113


D metric, distance from Main Sequence, 130132

DAGs (directed acyclic graphs)

architectural framework for policy, 184

breaking cycle of components, 117118

defined, 114

Dahl, Ole Johan, 22


clean architecture scenario, 207208

Dependency Rule for crossing boundaries, 207

management concerns in architecture, 24

mappers, 214215

separating from functions, 66

Data model, database vs., 278

Data storage

in Laser Trim archaeology project, 339

prevalence of database systems due to disks, 279280

in Union Accounting archaeology project, 331332


clean architecture independent from, 202

clean architecture scenario, 207208

creating testable architecture without, 198

decoupling layers, 153

decoupling use cases, 153

Dependency Rule, 205

drawing boundary line between business rules and, 165

gateways, 214

in Hunt the Wumpus adventure game, 222223

independent developability, 47

leaving options open in development, 141, 197

plugin architecture, 171

relational, 278

schema in Zone of Pain, 129

separating components with boundary lines, 165169

Database is detail

anecdote, 281283

conclusion, 283

details, 281

if there were no disks, 280281

overview of, 277278

performance, 281

relational databases, 278

why database systems are so prevalent, 279280

DCI system architecture, 202

Deadlocks, from mutable variables, 52


as fallacy of services, 240241

independent deployment, 154, 241

independent development, 153154, 241

kitty problem example, 242243

layers, 151152

modes, 153, 155158

OO approach for cross-cutting concerns, 244245

purpose of testing API, 252253

source code dependencies, 323

use cases, 152

DeMarco, Tom, 29


ADP. See ADP (Acyclic Dependencies Principle)

architectural framework for policy, 184

calculating stability metrics, 123

case study. See Video sales case study

Common Reuse Principle and, 107108

DIP. See DIP (Dependency Inversion Principle)

in Laser Trim archaeology project, 338

managing undesirable, 8990

OCP example, 72

in package by layer, 304306, 310311

software destroyed by unmanaged, 256

stable. See SDP (Stable Dependencies Principle)

transitive, 75

understanding component, 121

in Union Accounting archaeology project, 337338

Dependency graph, 115118

Dependency Injection framework, Main component, 232

Dependency inversion, 4447

Dependency management

metrics. See ADP (Acyclic Dependencies Principle)

via full-fledged architectural boundaries, 218

via polymorphism in monolithic systems, 177

video sales case study, 302

Dependency Rule

clean architecture and, 203206

clean architecture scenario, 207208

crossing boundaries, 206

defined, 91

dependency management, 302

designing services to follow, 247

Entities, 204

frameworks and drivers, 205

frameworks tending to violate, 293

in Hunt the Wumpus adventure game, 223

interface adapters, 205

OO approach for cross-cutting concerns, 244245

services may follow, 240

tests following, 250

use cases, 204

which data crosses boundaries, 207


architecture determines ease of, 150

components, 178180

components as units of, 96

impact of architecture on, 138

tests use independent, 250

Deployment-level decoupling mode, 156157, 178179


approaches to. See Code organization

architecture vs., 4

decreasing productivity/increases cost of code, 57

getting it right, 2

goal of good, 45

reducing volatility of interfaces, 88

signature of a mess, 78

SOLID principles of, 5759

for testability, 251

Designing Object-Oriented C++ Applications Using the Booch Method, 373


database is. See Database is detail

don’t reveal hardware, to user of HAL, 265269

framework is, 291295

hardware is, 263264

separating from policy, 140142

story of architectural success, 163165

web is, 285289


decreasing productivity/increasing cost of code, 57

Eisenhower’s matrix of importance vs. urgency, 17

foolishness of overconfidence, 912

preference for function vs. architecture, 1516

scope vs. shape in determining cost of change, 15

signature of a mess, 89

as stakeholders, 18


impact of architecture on, 137138

independent. See Independent developability

role of architecture in supporting, 149150

role of test to support, 250

Device independence

defined, 142143

IO device of UI as, 288289

junk mail example, 144145

physical addressing example, 145146

in programming, 44

Digital revolution, and telephone companies, 356358

Dijkstra, Edsger Wybe

applying discipline of proof to programming, 27

discovery of structured programming, 22

history of, 26

proclamation on goto statements, 2829

on testing, 31

DIP (Dependency Inversion Principle)

breaking cycle of components, 117118

conclusion, 91

concrete components, 91

crossing circle boundaries, 206

defined, 59

drawing boundary lines, 173

Entities without knowledge of use cases as, 193

factories, 8990

in good software architecture, 71

not all components should be stable, 125

overview of, 8788

stable abstractions, 8889

Stable Abstractions Principle, 127

Directed acyclic graph. See DAGs (directed acyclic graphs)

Directional control, Open-Closed Principle, 74


if there were no, 280281

prevalence of database systems due to, 279280

in Union Accounting archaeology project, 330334

Dispatch code, service area computer project, 349

Display local unit/display remote unit (DLU/DRU) archaeology project, 358360

DLU/DRU (display local unit/display remote unit), archaeology project, 358360

Do/while/until statements, 22, 27

Don’t Repeat Yourself (DRY) principle, conditional compilation directives, 272

Drawing lines. See Boundaries

Drivers, Dependency Rule, 205

DRY (Don’t Repeat Yourself) principle, conditional compilation directives, 272

DSL (domain-specific data-driven language), Laser Trim archaeology project, 341


accidental, 6365

true vs. accidental, 154155

Dynamic polymorphism, 177178, 206

Dynamically linked libraries, as architectural boundaries, 178179

Dynamically typed languages

DIP and, 88

ISP and, 85


Editing, Laser Trim archaeology project, 340

Educational Testing Service (ETS), 374376

Eisenhower, matrix of importance vs. urgency, 1617

Embedded architecture. See Clean embedded architecture


in defining OOP, 3537

organization vs., 316319

overuse of public and, 316


business rules and, 190191

clean architecture scenario, 207208

creating testable architecture, 198

Dependency Rule for, 204

risks of frameworks, 293

use cases vs., 191193

Enumeration, Dijkstra’s proof for sequence/selection, 28

EPROM (Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory) chips, 4-TEL archaeology project, 345347

ER (Electronic Receptionist)

archaeology project, 363365

Craft Dispatch System was, 366368

ETS (Educational Testing Service), 374376

Europe, redesigning SAC for US and, 351352

Event sourcing, storing transactions, 5455


deployment of monoliths, 176178

linking components as, 96

External agency, clean architecture independence from, 202

External definition, compilers, 100

External reference, compilers, 100


Facade pattern, partial boundaries, 220

Fan-in/fan-out metrics, component stability, 122123

Feathers, Michael, 58

File systems, mitigating time delay, 279280

Firewalls, boundary crossings via, 176


in 4-TEL archaeology project, 347348

definitions of, 256257

eliminating target-hardware bottleneck, 262263

fuzzy line between software and, 263264

obsolete as hardware evolves, 256

stop writing so much, 257258

FitNesse program

overview of, 163165

partial boundary, 218219

FLD (Field Labeled Data), Craft Dispatch System archaeology project, 367

Flow of control

crossing circle boundaries, 206

dependency management, case study, 302

dynamic polymorphism, 177178

in Union Accounting archaeology project, 338

Fowler, Martin, 305306

Fragile Tests Problem, 251


avoid basing architecture on, 197

clean architecture independent from, 202

creating testable architecture without, 198

Dependency Rule for, 205

as option to be left open, 197

as tools, not a way of life, 198

Frameworks are details

asymmetric marriage and, 292293

conclusion, 295

framework authors, 292

frameworks you must simply marry, 295

popularity of, 292

risks, 293294

solution, 294

Function calls, services as, 240

Functional decomposition

programming best practice, 32

in structured programming, 29

Functional pointers, OOP, 22, 23

Functional programming

conclusion, 56

event sourcing, 5455

history of, 2223

immutability, 52

overview of, 50

segregation of mutability, 5254

squares of integers example, 5051


avoid overriding concrete, 89

breaking down into parts (functional decomposition), 29

one of three big concerns in architecture, 24

principle of doing one thing, 62

separating from data, 66

SRP examples, 67


Gateways, database, 214

GE Datanet 30 computer, Union Accounting archaeology project, 330334

Goto statements

Dijkstra replaces with iteration control structures, 27

Dijkstra’s proclamation on harmfulness of, 2829

history of structured programming, 22

removed in structured programming, 23

Growing Object Oriented Software with Tests (Freeman & Pryce), 202

GUI (graphical user interface). See also UI (user interface)

decoupling business rules from, 287289

designing for testability, 251

developing architects registry exam, 375376

input/output and boundary lines, 169170

plugin architecture, 170171

plugin argument, 172173

separating from business rules with boundaries, 165169

unit testing, 212

web is, 288


HAL (hardware abstraction layer)

avoid revealing hardware details to user of, 265269

as boundary line between software/firmware, 264

DRY conditional compilation directives, 272

operating system is detail and, 269271


eliminating target-hardware bottleneck with layers, 262263

firmware becomes obsolete through evolution of, 256

in SAC archaeology project, 350351

Header files, programming to interfaces with, 272

Hexagonal Architecture (Ports and Adapters), 202

High-level policy

decoupling from lower level input/output policies, 185186

separating details from, 140142

splitting data streams, 227228

where to place, 126

Human resources, goal of architect to minimize, 160

Humble Object pattern

data mappers, 214215

database getaways, 214

Presenters and Views, 212213

Presenters as form of, 212

testing and architecture, 213

understanding, 212

Hunt the Wumpus game

layers and boundaries. See Layers and boundaries

Main component from, 232237


IBM System/7, aluminum die-cast archaeology project, 342343

If/then/else statements, 22, 27

Immutability, 5254

Implementation strategy. See Code organization

Importance, urgency vs. Eisenhower’s matrix of, 1617

Incoming dependencies, stability metrics, 122123


conclusion, 158

decoupling layers, 151152

decoupling mode, 153

decoupling use cases, 152

deployment, 150

development, 149150

duplication, 154155

independent deployability, 154

independent developability, 153154

leaving options open, 150151

operation, 149

overview of, 147148

types of decoupling modes, 155158

use cases, 148

Independent components

calculating stability metrics, 123

understanding, 121

Independent deployability

in 4-TEL archaeology project, 348

as fallacy of services, 241

kitty problem example, 242243

in OO approach for cross-cutting concerns, 244245

overview of, 154

Independent developability

as fallacy of services, 241

kitty problem example, 242243

in OO approach for cross-cutting concerns, 244245

overview of, 153154

of UI and database, 47

Induction, Dijkstra’s proof related to iteration, 28

Information hiding, Open-Closed Principle, 7475

Inheritance relationships

crossing circle boundaries, 206

defining OOP, 3740

dependency inversion, 46

dependency management, 302

guiding use of, 78


business rules for use cases, 193194

decoupling higher-level policy from lower level, 185187

policy level defined as distance from, 184

separating components with boundary lines, 169170

Integers, functional programming example, 5051

Integration, weekly build issues, 112113

Interface adapters, Dependency Rule for, 205

Interface Segregation Principle. See ISP (Interface Segregation Principle)

IO device

UNIX functions, 4144

web is, 288289

Isolation, test, 250251

ISP (Interface Segregation Principle)

architecture and, 86

Common Reuse Principle compared with, 108

conclusion, 86

defined, 59

language type and, 85

overview of, 8485

Iteration, 2728


Jacobson, Ivar, 196, 202

Jar files

component architecture, 301

components as, 96

creating partial boundary, 219

defining function of components, 313

designing component-based services, 245246

Download and Go rule for, 163

in source-level decoupling mode, 176


abstract components in, 125

code organization approaches in. See Code organization

components as jar files in, 96

DIP and, 87

import statements for dependencies, 184

ISP example, 8485

marrying standard library framework in, 293

module frameworks in, 319

package by layer in, 304306

squares of integers example in, 5051

weakening encapsulation, 3637

Jitters, breaking cycle of components, 118

Junk mail example, 144145


Kitty problem example, 242245



clean architecture and, 223226

Hunt the Wumpus adventure game, 222223

Laser Trim, archaeology project

4-TEL project, 343

overview of, 338342

Layered architecture

package by layer code organization, 304306

relaxed, 311312

why it is considered bad, 310311


approach to code organization, 304306

clean architecture using, 202203

decoupling, 151152

duplication of, 155

eliminating target-hardware bottleneck, 262263

independent developability, 154

Layers and boundaries

clean architecture, 223226

conclusion, 228

crossing streams, 226

Hunt the Wumpus adventure game, 222223

overview of, 221222

splitting streams, 227228

Leiningen tool, module management, 104


hierarchy of protection and, 74

policy and, 184187


location of source code, 9798

relocatable binaries, 99100

Life cycle, architecture supports system, 137

Linkers, separating from loaders, 100102

Liskov, Barbara, 78

Liskov Substitution Principle (LSP). See LSP (Liskov Substitution Principle)

LISP langauge, functional programming, 23

Lisp language, squares of integers example, 5051


linking, 100102

relocatable binaries, 99100

Local process boundaries, 179180

LSP (Liskov Substitution Principle)

architecture and, 80

conclusion, 82

defined, 59

guiding use of inheritance, 78

overview of, 78

square/rectangle example problem, 79

violation of, 8082


M365 computer

4-TEL archaeology project, 344345

Laser Trim archaeology project, 339342

SAC archaeology project, 349351

Mailboxes, local processes communicate via, 180

Main component

conclusion, 237

as concrete component, 91

defined, 232

object-oriented programming, 40

polymorphism, 45

small impact of releasing, 115

as ultimate detail, 232237

Main Sequence

avoiding Zones of Exclusion via, 130

defining relationship between abstraction/stability, 127128

measuring distance from, 130132

Zone of Pain, 129

Zone of Uselessness, 129130

Maintenance, impact of architecture on, 139140

Marketing campaigns, database vendor, 283

Master Operating Program (MOP), Laser Trim archaeology project, 340


contrasting science with, 30

discipline of proof, 2728

Maven tool, module management, 104

McCarthy, John, 23


early layout of, 9899

local processes and, 179


Merges, SRP examples, 65

Message queues, local processes communicate via, 180


abstraction, 127

distance from Main Sequence, 130132

Meyer, Bertrand, 70

Micro-service architecture

in Craft Dispatch System archaeology project, 366367

decoupling mode, 153

deployment strategy, 138

popularity of, 239

Modems, SAC archaeology project, 350351


Common Reuse Principle, 107108

defined, 62

management tools, 104

public types vs. published types, 319

Reuse/Release Equivalence Principle, 105


building scalable systems, 241

deployment-level components vs., 179

deployment of, 176178

function calls, 240

local processes as statically linked, 180

threads, 179

Moore’s Law, 101

MOP (Master Operating Program), Laser Trim archaeology project, 340

Morning after syndrome

eliminating dependency cycles to solve, 113115

managing dependencies to prevent, 118

overview of, 112

weekly build issues, 112113

MPS (multiprocessing system), SAC archaeology project, 349350

Mutability, 5254

Mutable variables, 51, 5455


National Council of Architects Registry Board (NCARB), 374376

.NET, components as DLLs, 96

NetNews, presence of author on, 371373

Newkirk, Jim, 375376

Nygaard, Kristen, 22


Object-oriented databases, ROSE product, 372374

Object Oriented Design with Applications (Booch), 370, 372

Object-oriented programming

conclusion, 47

for cross-cutting concerns, 244245

dependency inversion, 4447

deployment of monoliths, 177

encapsulation, 3537

history of, 22

inheritance, 3740

overview of, 3435

polymorphism, 4043

power of polymorphism, 4344

Object Oriented Software Engineering (Jacobson), 196, 202

Object relational mappers (ORMs), 214215

Objects, invented in 4-TEL archaeology project, 348

OCP (Open-Closed Principle)

birth of, 142

Common Closure Principle compared with, 106

conclusion, 75

in Craft Dispatch System archaeology project, 367

defined, 59

dependency management, 302

designing component-based services, 246

directional control, 74

information hiding, 7475

overview of, 70

thought experiment, 7174

OMC (Outboard Marine Corporation), aluminum die-cast archaeology project, 342343

One-dimensional boundaries, 219

Open-Closed Principle. See OCP (Open-Closed Principle)

Operating system abstraction layer (OSAL), clean embedded architecture, 270271

Operating system (OS), is detail, 269271


architecture supports system, 138139, 149

decoupling use cases for, 153

use cases affected by changes in, 204

Options, keeping open

good architecture makes system easy to change, 150151

operational architecture, 149

purpose of architecture, 140142, 197

via decoupling mode, 153

Organization vs. encapsulation, 316319

ORMs (object relational mappers), 214215

OS (operating system), is detail, 269271

OSAL (operating system abstraction layer), clean embedded architecture, 270271

Oscillations, web as one of many, 285289

Outgoing dependencies, stability metrics, 122123

Overconfidence, foolishness of, 912


Package by component, 310315, 318

Package by feature, 306307, 317

Package by layer

access modifiers, 317318

horizontal layering of code, 304306

why it is considered bad, 310311

Packages, organization vs. encapsulation, 316319

Page-Jones, Meilir, 29

Partial boundaries

conclusion, 220

facades, 220

one-dimensional boundaries, 219

reasons to implement, 217218

skip last step, 218219

Patches, in 4-TEL archaeology project, 348

PCCU, archaeology project, 356358

PDP-11/60 computer, 353355

Performance, as low-level concern, 281

Périphérique anti-pattern of ports and adapters, 324325

Physical addressing example, 145146

Plugin architecture

in 4-TEL archaeology project, 348

for device independence, 44

drawing boundaries for axis of change, 173

of lower-level components into higher-level components, 187

Main component as, 237

start with presumption of, 170171


in creating polymorphic behavior, 43

functional, 2223


in clean architecture, 203

high-level. See High-level policy

overview of, 183184

software systems as statements of, 183

splitting data streams, 227228

Polymorphic dispatch, 4-TEL archaeology project, 348


crossing circle boundaries with dynamic, 206

dependency inversion, 4447

flow of control in dynamic, 177178

in object-oriented programming, 22, 4043

power of, 4344

Ports and adapters

access modifiers, 318

approach to code organization, 308310

decouple dependencies with source code trees, 319320

Périphérique anti-pattern of, 320321

Positional stability, component, 122123

Premature decisions, coupling to, 160163

“Presentation Domain Data Layering” (Fowler), 305306


in clean architecture, 203, 205

clean architecture scenario, 207208

component architecture, 301

crossing circle boundaries, 206

Presenters and humble objects

conclusion, 215

data mappers, 214215

database getaways, 214

Humble Object pattern, 212

overview of, 211212

Presenters and Views, 212213

service listeners, 215

testing and architecture, 213

Processes, partitioning into classes/separating classes, 7172


is detail, 265269

mutability and, 52

Product, video sales case study, 298


decreasing, increasing cost of code, 57

signature of a mess, 89

Programming languages

abstract components in, 125126

components, 96

dynamically typed, 88

ISP and, 85

statically typed, 87

variables in functional languages, 51

Programming paradigms

functional programming. See Functional programming

history of, 1920

object-oriented programming. See Object-oriented programming

overview of, 2124

structured programming. See Structured programming


discipline of, 2728

structured programming lacking, 3031

Proxies, using with frameworks, 293

Public types

misuse of, 315316

vs. types that are published in modules, 319


DIP and, 88

ISP and, 85


Race conditions

due to mutable variables, 52

protecting against concurrent updates and, 53


4-TEL archaeology project, 345, 347348

replacing disks, 280281

Rational (company), 371, 372

RDBMS (relational database management systems), 279283

Real-time operating system (RTOS) is detail, 269271

Relational database management systems (RDBMS), 279283

Relational databases, 278, 281283

Relaxed layered architecture, 311312


effect of cycle in component dependency graph, 115117

eliminating dependency cycles, 113115

numbering new component, 113

Reuse/Release Equivalence Principle for new, 104105

Remote terminals, DLU/DRU archaeology project, 358360

REP (Reuse/Release Equivalence Principle), 104105, 108110

Request models, business rules, 193194

ReSharper, plugin argument, 172173

Response models, business rules, 193194

REST, leave options open in development, 141

Reusability. See CRP (Common Reuse Principle)

Reuse/Release Equivalence Principle (REP), 104105, 108110


architecture should mitigate costs of, 139140

of frameworks, 293294

ROM boards, 4-TEL archaeology project, 345

ROSE product, archaeology project, 372374

RTOS (real-time operating system) is detail, 269271


components as gem files, 96

DIP and, 88

ISP and, 85

RVM tool, module management, 104


SAC (service area computer), archaeology project

4-TEL using, 344345

architecture, 349351

conclusion, 353

dispatch determination, 349

DLU/DRU archaeology project, 358360

Europe, 352353

grand redesign, 351352

overview of, 348

SAP (Stable Abstractions Principle)

avoiding zones of exclusion, 130

distance from main sequence, 130132

drawing boundary lines, 173

introduction to, 126127

main sequence, 127130

measuring abstraction, 127

where to put high-level policy, 126

SC (service center), 4-TEL archaeology project, 343344


kitty problem and services, 242243

services not only option for building, 241

Schmidt, Doug, 256258

Scientific methods, proving statements false, 3031

Scope, of changing architecture, 15

Screaming architecture. See Architecture, screaming

SDP (Stable Dependencies Principle)

abstract components, 125126

not all components should be, 124125

not all components should be stable, 123125

overview of, 120

stability, 120121

stability metrics, 122123

Stable Abstractions Principle, 127

Security, testing API, 253

Selection, as program control structure, 2728

Separation of components, as big concern in architecture, 24

Sequence, as program control structure, 2728

Serial communication bus, SAC archaeology project, 347

Service area computer. See SAC (service area computer), archaeology project

Service center (SC), 4-TEL archaeology project, 343344

Service-level decoupling mode, 153, 156157


component-based, 245246

conclusion, 247

cross-cutting concerns, 246247

decoupling fallacy, 240241

as function calls vs. architecture, 240

Humble Object boundaries for, 214215

independent development/deployment fallacy, 241

kitty problem, 242243

objects to the rescue, 244245

overview of, 239

as strongest boundary, 180181

Set program interrupt (SPI) instruction, aluminum die-cast archaeology project, 339

Shape, of change, 15

Single Responsibility Principle. See SRP (Single Responsibility Principle)

SOA (service-oriented architecture)

decoupling mode, 153

in Electronic Receptionist archaeology project, 364365

reasons for popularity of, 239

Sockets, local processes communicate via, 180


clean embedded architecture isolates OS from, 270

components. See Components

eliminating target-hardware bottleneck with layers, 262263

fuzzy line between firmware and, 263264

getting it right, 12

SOLID principles, 58

value of architecture vs. behavior, 1418

Software development

fighting for architecture over function, 18

like a science, 31

Software reuse

Common Reuse Principle, 107108

reusable components and, 104

Reuse/Release Equivalence Principle, 104105

SOLID principles

Dependency Inversion Principle. See DIP (Dependency Inversion Principle)

designing component-based services using, 245246

history of, 5759

Interface Segregation Principle. See ISP (Interface Segregation Principle)

Liskov Substitution Principle. See LSP (Liskov Substitution Principle)

OO approach for cross-cutting concerns, 244245

Open-Closed Principle. See OCP (Open-Closed Principle)

Single Responsibility Principle. See SRP (Single Responsibility Principle)

Source code, compiling, 9798

Source code dependencies

creating boundary crossing via, 176

crossing circle boundaries, 206

decoupling, 184185, 323

dependency inversion, 4447

local processes as, 180

OCP example, 72

referring only to abstractions, 8788

UI components reuse game rules via, 222223

Source code trees, decoupling dependencies, 319321

Source-level decoupling mode, 155157, 176178

Spelunking, architecture mitigates costs of, 139140

SPI (set program interrupt) instruction, aluminum die-cast archaeology project, 343

Splitting data streams, 227228

Square/rectangle problem, LSP, 79

Squares of integers, functional programming, 5051

SRP (Single Responsibility Principle)

accidental duplication example, 6365

Common Closure Principle vs., 106107

conclusion, 6667

decoupling layers, 152

defined, 59

dependency management, 302

in good software architecture, 71

grouping policies into components, 186187

keeping changes localized, 118

merges, 65

overview of, 6163

solutions, 6667

use case analysis, 299

where to draw boundaries, 172173

Stability, component

measuring, 122123

relationship between abstraction and, 127130

SAP. See SAP (Stable Abstractions Principle)

understanding, 120121

Stable Abstractions Principle. See SAP (Stable Abstractions Principle)

Stable components

abstract components as, 125126

as harmless in Zone of Pain, 129

not all components should be, 123125

placing high-level policies in, 126

Stable Abstractions Principle, 126127

Stable Dependencies Principle. See SDP (Stable Dependencies Principle)


scope vs. shape for cost of change, 15

seniority of architecture over function, 18

values provided by software systems, 14


concurrency issues from mutation, 53

storing transactions but not, 5455

Static analysis tools, architecture violations, 313

Static vs. dynamic polymorphism, 177

Strategy pattern

creating one-dimensional boundaries, 219

OO approach for cross-cutting concerns, 244245

Streams, data

clean architecture and, 224226

crossing, 226

splitting, 227228

Structural coupling, testing API, 252

Structure. See Architecture

Structured programming

Dijkstra’s proclamation on goto statements, 2829

discipline of proof, 2728

functional decomposition in, 29

history of, 22

lack of formal proofs, 30

overview of, 26

role of science in, 3031

role of tests in, 31

value of, 3132


LSP. See LSP (Liskov Substitution Principle)

programming to interfaces and, 271272

Subtypes, defining, 78


Target-hardware bottleneck, 261, 262272

TAS (Teradyne Applied Systems), 338342, 343348

Template Method pattern, OO approach for cross-cutting concerns, 244245

Test boundary

conclusion, 253

designing for testability, 251

Fragile Tests Problem, 251

overview of, 249250

testing API, 252253

tests as system components, 250

Testable architecture

clean architecture creating, 202

clean embedded architecture as, 262272

overview of, 198


and architecture, 213

Presenters and Views, 212213

in structured programming, 31

unit. See Unit testing

via Humble Object pattern, 212


mutability and, 52

schedule/order of execution, 179

Three-tiered “architecture” (as topology), 161

Top-down design, component structure, 118119

Transactional memory, 53

Transactions, storing, 5455

Transitive dependencies, violating software principles, 75

Trouble tickets, CDS archaeology project, 362364

True duplication, 154155

Turning, Alan, 23


UI (user interface). See also GUI (graphical user interface)

applying LSP to, 80

clean architecture independent from, 202

crossing circle boundaries, 206

decoupling business rules from, 287289

decoupling layers, 152153

decoupling use cases, 153

Hunt the Wumpus adventure game, 222223

independent developability, 47, 154

Interface Segregation Principle, 84

programming to, 271272

reducing volatility of, 88

SAC archaeology project, 346

UML class diagram

package by layer, 304305, 310

ports and adapters, 308310

relaxed layered architecture, 311312

Uncle Bob, 371, 373

UNIFY database system, VRS archaeology project, 362363

Union Accounting system, archaeology project, 330338

Unit testing

creating testable architecture, 198

effect of cycle in component dependency graph, 116117

via Humble Object pattern, 212

UNIX, IO device driver functions, 4144

Upgrades, risks of frameworks, 293

Urgency, Eisenhower’s matrix of importance vs., 1617

Use cases

architecture must support, 148

business rules for, 191194

clean architecture scenario, 207208

coupling to premature decisions with, 160

creating testable architecture, 198

crossing circle boundaries, 206

decoupling, 152

decoupling mode, 153

Dependency Rule for, 204

duplication of, 155

good architecture centered on, 196, 197

independent developability and, 154

video sales case study, 298300

User interface

GUI. See GUI (graphical user interface)

UI. See UI (user interface)

Utility library, Zone of Pain, 129

Uucp connection, 370


Values, software system

architecture (structure), 1415

behavior, 14

Eisenhower’s matrix of importance vs. urgency, 1617

fighting for seniority of architecture, 18

function vs. architecture, 1516

overview of, 14

Variables, functional language, 51

Varian 620/f minicomputer, Union Accounting archaeology project, 335339

Video sales case study

component architecture, 300302

conclusion, 302

dependency management, 302

on process/decisions of good architect, 297298

product, 298

use case analysis, 298300

View Model, Presenters and Views, 213


component architecture, 301

Presenters and, 212213

Vignette Grande, architects registry exam, 375376

Visual Studio, plugin argument, 172173

Voice technologies, archaeology projects

Electronic Receptionist, 363365

Voice Response System, 361363

Volatile components

dependency graph and, 118

design for testability, 251

placing in volatile software, 126

as problematic in Zone of Pain, 129

Stable Dependencies Principle and, 120

Von Neumann, 34

VRS (Voice Response System), archaeology projects, 361363, 366367



as delivery system for your application, 197198

Dependency Rule for, 205

is detail, 285289

Web servers

creating testable architecture without, 198

as option to be left open, 141, 197

writing own, 163165

Weekly build, 112113

Wiki text, architectural success story, 164


Yourdon, Ed, 29


Zones of exclusion

avoiding, 130

relationship between abstraction/stability, 128

Zone of Pain, 129

Zone of Uselessness, 129130

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