Declaring Features

Your camera implementation works great now. One more task remains: Tell potential users about it. When your app uses a feature like the camera – or near-field communication, or any other feature that may vary from device to device – it is strongly recommended that you tell Android about it. This allows other apps (like the Google Play Store) to refuse to install your app if it uses a feature the device does not support.

To declare that you use the camera, add a <uses-feature> tag to your AndroidManifest.xml.

Listing 16.13  Adding uses-feature tag (AndroidManifest.xml)

<manifest xmlns:android=""
    package="" >

    <uses-feature android:name=""

You include the optional attribute android:required here. Why? By default, declaring that you use a feature means that your app will not work correctly without that feature. This is not the case for CriminalIntent. You call resolveActivity(…) to check for a working camera app, then gracefully disable the camera button if you do not find one.

Passing in android:required="false" handles this situation correctly. You tell Android that your app can work fine without the camera, but that some parts will be disabled as a result.

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