

accountability, 166168

activity measures, 81

adaptive leadership, 54, 189209

adaptive mindset in, 192194

boldness in, 202204

for customer value, 1116

inspiration in, 207208

leading change, 194195

managing anxiety, 195196

overcoming culture of fear, 196198

paradoxes in, 205207

sustainability, 1618

thin-slice change strategy, 198201

what not to change, 201202

adaptive mindset

encouraging, 192194

examples, 211212

agile product backlogs

creating, 113

Minimum Viable Product (MVP), 113114

thin slicing, 115119

defined, 111

agility, scaling, 78

antibodies, 201

anxiety, managing, 195196

asset ecosystems, 4244

autonomous teams, 5556, 158162, 214. See also collaborative decision making

accountability, 166168

characteristics of, 159

delegation, 160

empowerment, 160161

environment for fostering, 169

outcomes and boundaries, 161162

self-sufficiency, 162164

trust relationships, 165166


backlogs. See Business As Usual (BAU); strategic backlog management

BAU. See Business As Usual (BAU)

bet teams, 173174


adding new, 6970

defined, 6364

products and, 104106

strategic portfolio ownership and, 6668

boldness in leadership, 202204

Brand, Stewart, 4243


technology and, 2326

technology strategy development

investment decisions for core enterprise systems, 38

people for, 4547

seismic shifts and trends, 3032

steps in, 2629

tech radar creation, 3335

technical debt reduction, 3537

Business As Usual (BAU)

combining with strategic portfolio

component strategies, 135

escalation processes, 141142

imperfect prioritization, 142143

prioritization, 131, 133134

reducing unnecessary work, 136137

relative versus absolute value, 135

reserved capacity, 130131

team prioritization, 137138

traditional solutions, 132133

value and effort scoring, 139141

work-in-progress (WIP), 138139

in Lean Value Tree (LVT), 124125

types of work, 125127

business benefits, 81

business capabilities

example, 128

organizational alignment to, 183186

portfolios for, 128129

business platforms, defined, 3840



assessing, 213

business capabilities, 128129, 183186

technical capabilities, 129130

types of, 128

Chambers, John, 21

change leadership. See adaptive leadership

CoD (Cost of Delay), 8890, 141

collaborative decision making, 57, 175183

in autonomous teams, 165166

diverse perspectives, 179

facilitators for, 181

openness to ideas, 180181

self-sufficient knowledge, 177178

slow decision making, 181182

trust and respect, 179180

willingness to participate, 182183

Collins, Jim, 49

competitive advantage, 110

compliance, 165166

core enterprise systems, investment decisions for, 38

Cost of Delay (CoD), 8890, 141

cross-functional teams, transitioning to self-sufficient teams, 162164

culture of fear, overcoming, 196198

customer adoption plans, 110

customer goals, 108109

customer journeys, 109

customer type categorization, 73

customer value, 1116, 8081


dashboards for PVR (Periodic Value Reviews), 155

decision making, collaboration in, 57, 175183

in autonomous teams, 165166

diverse perspectives, 179

facilitators for, 181

openness to ideas, 180181

self-sufficient knowledge, 177178

slow decision making, 181182

trust and respect, 179180

willingness to participate, 182183

defect repairs, 126, 134

defining product, 106107

delaying detail, 137

delegation, 160

delivery teams, 174

demand shaping, 136137

digital enterprises, defined, 2

digital technology platforms

asset ecosystems, 4244

defined, 3840

experimentation, 4445

friction reduction, 4042

direct priority assignment, 140

direct value assignment, 140

discovery workshops, 104

diverse perspectives, 179



defined, 3

operating model, 4, 57

principles of, 4957

adaptive leadership, 54

autonomous teams, 5556

collaborative decision making, 57

lightweight planning and governance, 53

outcome-based strategy, 5152

value-based prioritization, 5253

teams in, 169170

edge of chaos, 3, 162, 215

elevator pitches, 107

empowerment, 160161

Envision-Explore mindset, 19, 192194, 212213

escalation processes, 141142

executive teams, 173174


boldness in, 202204

requirements for, 4445


facilitators, 181

fitness function, 1116, 28

fractals, 200

friction reduction, 4042

funding allocation in Lean Value Tree (LVT), 7172


geographic/market area categorization, 76

goal teams, 173174


adding new, 69

defined, 63

strategic portfolio ownership and, 6668


lightweight, 53, 145155

establishing, 146151

Periodic Value Reviews (PVR), 149152, 155

rebalancing portfolio, 152154

objectives of, 145146

grit, 208


history of Tech@Core, 2326

hypotheses, 108


imperfect prioritization, 142143

initiative teams, 173174


adding new, 6970

defined, 64

products and, 103

strategic portfolio ownership and, 6668

inspiration in leadership, 207208

integrated backlogs

components of, 123124

prioritization, 122123

investment decisions for core enterprise systems, 38. See also Lean Value Tree (LVT)


key measures of success, 108


lagging measures, 8283


adaptive, 54, 189209

adaptive mindset in, 192194

boldness in, 202204

for customer value, 1116

inspiration in, 207208

leading change, 194195

managing anxiety, 195196

overcoming culture of fear, 196198

paradoxes in, 205207

sustainability, 1618

thin-slice change strategy, 198201

what not to change, 201202

trust in, 4950

leading measures, 8283

Lean Value Tree (LVT), 5977, 213


adding new, 6970

defined, 6364

Business As Usual (BAU) in, 124125

funding allocation, 7172


adding new, 69

defined, 63

growing/pruning, 68


adding new, 6970

defined, 64

portfolio categorization, 7276

portfolio descriptions, 65

product mindset and, 102106

bets and products, 104106

initiatives and products, 103

strategic portfolio ownership, 6668

strategy and, 6162

terminology, 62

legacy systems. See also Business As Usual (BAU)

defect repairs, 126

investment decisions for, 38

small enhancements, 125126

technical debt from, 3537, 127

lightweight planning and governance, 53, 145155

establishing, 146151

Periodic Value Reviews (PVR), 149152, 155

rebalancing portfolio, 152154

LVT. See Lean Value Tree (LVT)


Measures of Success (MoS), 7985, 141

activity measures, 81

for Business as Usual (BAU), 127

business benefits, 81

customer value, 8081

importance of, 7980

leading and lagging measures, 8283

number of, 8384

portfolio differentiation, 8485

Minimum Viable Product (MVP), 113114

Moore, Geoffrey, 21


next-generation operating models, building, 5


openness to ideas, 180181

organizational alignment to business capabilities, 183186

organizational responsiveness, 910

outcome-based strategy, 5152


paradoxes in leadership, 205207

Periodic Value Reviews (PVR), 149152, 155

Plan-Do mindset, 19, 192194, 212213


defined, 38

types of, 3940

portfolio teams, 172174

portfolios. See value-driven portfolios


of EDGE, 4957

adaptive leadership, 54

autonomous teams, 5556

collaborative decision making, 57

lightweight planning and governance, 53

outcome-based strategy, 5152

value-based prioritization, 5253

importance of, 4950

prioritization. See value-based prioritization

product blueprints, 214

defining product, 106107

elements of, 107110

visualizing and communicating, 112113

what it is and is not, 110112

product life cycle categorization, 7475

product mindset, 95120

agile product backlog creation, 113

Minimum Viable Product (MVP), 113114

thin slicing, 115119

collaboration with value-driven portfolio team, 101102

Lean Value Tree (LVT) and, 102106

bets and products, 104106

initiatives and products, 103

organizational role, 99

product blueprints

defining product, 106107

elements of, 107110

visualizing and communicating, 112113

what it is and is not, 110112

shift from project mindset, 9698

skills required, 99101

project mindset, shift to product mindset, 9698

prototypes, 109

PVR (Periodic Value Reviews), 149152, 155


quality, speed versus, 4142

quick quartiling, 137


rebalancing portfolio, 152154

relative value scoring, 8688, 135

reserved capacity, 130131

respect within teams, 179180

responsiveness of organization, 910


safety, as cultural trait, 50

scaling agility, 78

Schwab, Klaus, 12

self-sufficient knowledge, 177178

self-sufficient teams, 162164, 214

skills for product mindset, 99101

slow decision making, 181182

small enhancements, 125126

speed, quality versus, 4142

stories, 123

strategic backlog management, 90

combining with Business As Usual (BAU) portfolio

component strategies, 135

escalation processes, 141142

imperfect prioritization, 142143

prioritization, 131, 133134

reducing unnecessary work, 136137

relative versus absolute value, 135

reserved capacity, 130131

team prioritization, 137138

traditional solutions, 132133

value and effort scoring, 139141

work-in-progress (WIP), 138139

integrated backlogs

components of, 123124

prioritization, 122123

stories, 123

strategic portfolio ownership, 6668

strategy, Lean Value Tree (LVT) and, 6162

sustainability, 1618


target customers, 108


autonomous, 5556, 158162, 214. See also collaborative decision making

accountability, 166168

characteristics of, 159

delegation, 160

empowerment, 160161

environment for fostering, 169

outcomes and boundaries, 161162

self-sufficiency, 162164

trust relationships, 165166

collaboration between product and portfolio teams, 101102

in EDGE, 169170

portfolio, 172174

prioritization, 137138

Value Realization Team (VRT), 170171

tech radar creation, 3335

tech safety, 50

Tech@Core, 2147, 214

defined, 22

digital technology platforms

asset ecosystems, 4244

defined, 3840

experimentation, 4445

friction reduction, 4042

history of, 2326

technology strategy development

investment decisions for core enterprise systems, 38

people for, 4547

seismic shifts and trends, 3032

steps in, 2629

tech radar creation, 3335

technical debt reduction, 3537

technical capabilities

example, 128

portfolios for, 129130

technical debt chart, 29, 37

technical debt reduction, 3537, 127, 134


business and, 2326

strategy development

investment decisions for core enterprise systems, 38

people for, 4547

seismic shifts and trends, 3032

steps in, 2629

tech radar creation, 3335

technical debt reduction, 3537

thin slicing

agile product backlog creation, 115119

change strategy, 198201

three-horizons model categorization, 7374

time horizons, 29, 3233


in leadership, 4950

respect and, 179180

within teams, 165166


urgency horizons, 3233


Value Realization Team (VRT), 170171

value-based prioritization, 5253, 8593

challenges, 91

combining strategic and BAU portfolios, 131, 133134

Cost of Delay (CoD), 8890, 141

direct priority assignment, 140

direct value assignment, 140

escalation processes, 141142

imperfect prioritization, 142143

integrated backlogs, 122123

Measures of Success (MoS), 141

relative value scoring, 8688, 135

strategic backlog management, 90

team prioritization, 137138

value and effort scoring, 139141

work-in-progress (WIP), 138139

value-driven portfolios

business capabilities, 128129

collaboration with product teams, 101102

Lean Value Tree (LVT), 5977

bets, 6364, 6970

funding allocation, 7172

goals, 63, 69

growing/pruning, 68

initiatives, 64, 6970

portfolio categorization, 7276

portfolio descriptions, 65

strategic portfolio ownership, 6668

strategy and, 6162

terminology, 62

Measures of Success (MoS), 7985

activity measures, 81

business benefits, 81

customer value, 8081

importance of, 7980

leading and lagging measures, 8283

number of, 8384

portfolio differentiation, 8485

organizational responsiveness to, 910

rebalancing, 152154

technical capabilities, 129130

value-based prioritization, 8593

challenges, 91

Cost of Delay (CoD), 8890

relative value scoring, 8688

strategic backlog management, 90

VRT (Value Realization Team), 170171


waterfall projects, speed versus quality, 4142

Westerman, George, 22

willingness to participate, 182183

work-in-progress (WIP), 138139

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